Day 4 - Morning Session (September 2, 2021) - Virtual INSET 2.0 2021

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[Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] greatness of all teachers and giver of love hope faith and wisdom look upon your children the teachers learners parents guardians and out of school youth and adults we humbly ask for your mercy and forgiveness guide us to the right path may our efforts be blessed with insights and understanding wisdom and respect for all bless us with patience for the path of learning is never easy bless our commitment to keep on learning new knowledge and experiences let your light shine upon us as we make our world a better place to live in amen hello everyone another great day ahead of us i'm sure you're also hyped for today's session hello mom jen how are you doing today i'm doing great sir dj thank you very much for asking and we hope you guys are also feeling the same excitement for today's session for we have so many i've seen so many interesting interesting 2.0 has been really informative and productive so far from day one to day three [Music] m is memorial national [Music] foreign [Applause] to give a big shout out to my friends in mbs easter senior high again good morning to our fellow educators all over the country i am your national teacher broadcaster sir dj santiago from sdo calhoun and i am your bataan ghana national teacher broadcaster mom jennifer awatin guess who's from sdo patanjals it gives us immense pleasure as we welcome everyone to vincent 2.0 day four brought to us by none other than the beautiful people of the department of education icts and tech unit let me emphasize that the beautiful people and all of this wouldn't be possible without the unwavering support of our dear deputy secretary leonardo dallas priyanes and the under secretary for curriculum and instruction you said san antonio are the under secretary for field operations attorney revzi and the loving support of our very hands-on and cool napoleon under secretary for administration elaine delby pascal supporter director society we would like to extend our gratitude for giving us the chance to be of service to our fellow teachers welcome to all especially to our dear participants and our superintendents from psdss asdss and regional directors and of course mom jen all of these are for the heroic teachers all around the country who are despite the pandemic continuously seeking professional growth and equipping themselves with skills necessary to progress along with the rapid changes in this challenging time i couldn't have said it better myself teachers genuinely continue to be an inspiration to all and speaking of inspiration we will be joined by someone to give her inspirational message and the latest updates in google workspace for education fundamentals our dear educators it is with great honor that i present to you the education need for google philippines let us all welcome miss mary manzano hi everybody good morning good morning and congratulations congratulations to uh early congratulations to everybody for the last three days that everybody has been here um let me just go ahead and share my screen can i just ask our backstage person to share my screen right now there so uh i'd like to just welcome everybody today uh today is our day four of the virtual in-service training and i'd like to congratulate the depad icts at tech unit for really organizing this very well and i'm happy to be here to speak with all of you and i know that it's been tough for the last year and a half for everybody but thank you for holding on at kapit paren so right now i'm here to uh kind of introduce you my programs nathan guyans google and also to just begin what is going to be a few hours of learning around our google tools so my name is mary manzano and i'm the founder of and i'm currently supporting google for education as the education lead for philippines now um let me just uh move on to just here i just want to just again congratulate everybody for uh making sure that even in this time of unforeseen complexity even when we know that we were not prepared for distance learning even though we did not really prepare for this and there's no allowance for developing a time frame that everybody was still able to um to move and to adjust and to adapt and overcome the challenges that are being thrown at us right now and although the experience of disruption has happened all over the world every school and every individual has different needs and everybody knows that no um all of us here every person in the organization in the education system from our students teachers our school leaders as well as our parents and guardians we are all learning on the go in real time and however uh schools around the world have been able to rise to the challenge and of course teachers you also rose to the challenge and in department of education google workspace for education is actually given for free not to all the teachers and staff since 2012 we've been partnering with the department of education to make sure that our teachers and staff are given that ability to collaborate across islands napa dominating islands very many schools around 47 000 schools all over the country and um we actually donated google for education for free in 2012 to make sure that you have tools that you can use to collaborate and to work with each other even across this distance and now this um 2020 we realize the value of this that we're actually able to communicate even when we're we're not able to see each other face to face my own a new development that's why it's in blue for 2021 learner accounts are also going to be created so this coming school year we encourage that you start using the learner accounts as well and giving this out to your students our division ito's have already been given the account so do watch out for a memo around how to distribute these accounts to the students or step by step process as well on how to guide you all on how to distribute these accounts to the students and why am i saying this because last school year millions of students here in the philippines actually created gmail accounts and these are consumer at gmail accounts to join their google classroom or to join their classes and we understand that this is needed to be done to ensure the continuity of their lessons however we would highly encourage that you our teachers our school ict coordinators along with our regional itos and division itos to really use the google accounts that are provided by deb ed for our students and this will ensure heightened security better collaboration and easier setup of your classes now let's talk about a little bit about technology you know let's be honest in our schools nobody wants to use technology for the sake of using technology i i think it's safe to say that it's not anyone's goal you know to use technology for just the sake of using it and of course technology doesn't really mean you're innovative just because you use technology doesn't mean that you're already uh doing innovation just having access to it doesn't mean that it's being used in meaningful or innovative ways to enhance education or the classroom environment and in google we believe and have seen that when technology is used in a meaningful and impactful way it can be used to empower the entire ecosystem and what that's what you want to do though you want technology to be able to improve the impact of the entire education ecosystem which of course encompasses our students our teachers our id managers administrators parents and the community at large but for today we'll focus on you let's focus on the teacher okay so why is that because you know in other words technology can be a powerful tool but alone it's never transformed transformative now these past few days you have learned many different technologies and tools to use for your work technology stay on but that alone is not enough remember it takes you it takes a teacher to make these learning experiences stick it takes a teacher to achieve learning outcomes with technology uh to make these technologies stick and to achieve the learning outcomes that we want to achieve for our students and logging out neglect and part of our goal is to really make sure that the educators all of you staff and the students feel comfortable enough with these technologies and be empowered to use it that's why when google designs tools is [Music] to impactful use of technology we've developed a framework of three steps to help the schools to think about their journey towards itu ayana hindipu etu impactful technology use that's itu and it's how we orient all that we do on the google for education team we believe three things need to happen in order for you to get the impact that you hope to see from technology so una access schools must have affordable and effective tools and devices so that the students and the teachers have access to technology secondly we know that the next step after access is to help the users build knowledge and comfort so that the students and teachers can adopt the technology and finally the ultimate goal talaga is to help schools drive systemic change and shift culture so that your schools can then transform your lesson plans transform your lessons transform the learning with technology so i'm gonna dive into it one by one firstly um i'd like to make sure that success affordable access to effective technology for learning and teaching is really foundational to preparing students to make a difference in a rapidly changing world we've seen this in so many countries in the world that have been adopting technology number one talaga especially in developing countries like ours is affordability as much as possible and that's also one of the reasons why um google has also developed some of these technologies that are affordable for you guys google workspace for education is provided for free uh with free licenses to all over the deaf ed users uh all teachers all employees and now patibang has to chanting that then so if we have uh last year we had around 22 million students so um we're hoping that it's gonna be the same or maybe even more this year and we'll be providing that same service to department of education now taking our minds back to 2006 when it all started the idea talaga was to bring what was then known as google apps for education is work space for education so the idea then was to see how it would impact teaching and learning and dendi to tie on my own many years later with our core values and our mission at heart bringing the best of google tools guy in on google workspace for education guide on google classroom and chromebooks that we recently piloted to 15 schools in the country and putting them into the hands of educators helping them to become more efficient and productive now when you take a look at chromebooks onobato a lot of people have been asking me miss mary and buy on chromebooks chromebooks are actually just laptop form factors it's a computer like any other a difference lanyan is it's running on something called the chrome operating system which you know gives you a faster experience so that means boot up time battery life so battery life would normally last anywhere between 8-10 hours depending on your the chrome education upgrade as well would ensure that there is control pakis now the good thing about this is when you take a look at chromebooks people would ask smeary if it's really running on the web simply then then there's a whole host of apps and even now even if you're not on a chromebook you can visit the chromebook app hub and i'm going to be giving uh the deb etu as well a copy of this presentation so that you can be able to access this later on from your learning management system and access it at your own time after the vin said i understand that right now many many people are trying to access the learning management system and there's like so many concurrencies and and so we're going to be uploading this uh material as well into uh your lms so that you can get a copy of this and find out a little bit more about it so chromebook hub you can find many different apps that would inspire our digital citizens our budding digital citizens our future scientists our future world explorers future engineers and doctors level that i'm teaching for the subject that i'm teaching so the applications that are in the app hub is actually um categorized based on uh subject and grade level as well as whether it is also only on the web or something that you can um download in your android tablets or android phones as you know and chromebook my own actually runs google play so that means for my android apps mobile randinyon on chromebooks now some of the schools that we have been working with have won is the one program but here in the philippines developing countries to one program so typically kappa nasa squalho we're encouraging people to use whatever device they they can use in order to access these materials and the good thing about our google products and our google applications itoma applications nato most of them actually have mobile applications not reading it download numbata and the kite offline silhouette my access so that's it you know so at home wi-fi access not everybody has wi-fi but i heard that um that that is actually giving support as well to the teachers by giving teachers uh good uh connectivity also and that's and that's really great now that's something that that has been supporting and i really applaud that effort now the next one is adapt and detail dwell a little bit because adoption is really close to my heart i really make sure that people are trained into using technology that they know how to use it well and that they're applying the right pedagogical practices i myself i'm also a google certified trainer and a certified innovator i'm going to talk about my programs in a while now so firstly the teacher center anubatom teacher center we don't have a lot of time today i'm only going to be speaking for the next 20 20 minutes um so that means to delve deeper into each of these applications i would love to go ahead and train you on some of the tips and tricks that i've learned throughout the years but the good thing about it is a lot of these tips and tricks have already been um put into the teacher center so to begin the adoption journey the first resources that i'm going to really highlight are those that are designed specifically for teachers by teachers a lot of the resources that you will find in the teacher center were also written by teachers and shared to other teachers as well now anabaton teacher center nato it's a hub for professional development it's a great resource for you at every end of the level of technology uh that you are in so whether you're just starting out and using google or whether you've been using our tools for years and years there is content here for everybody and if you're a teacher just think of this as your starting point and one-stop shop for all that google can do to support you so it's no longer just training now this is trading written by teachers for teachers these are certifications that you can um check out there are programs here as well that you can be a part of there are resources that you can already download and use and there are communities that you can be a part of and the great thing about this is that everything is completely free now firstly would be the level one fundamentals training it's a free interactive online training curriculum that is created by educators designed by them who are new to google tools you know this course will teach you the best strategies for integrating google in your classroom so for teachers you can start here to begin supercharging your teaching practice to save time and support student learning so you can complete this online course paramount prepare for the level one certification that is valid for three years now for our leaders schools division superintendent and school leaders please encourage your educators to develop professionally and demonstrate proficiency of these google tools and why am i saying this it's because google is so easy to use that sometimes even when the school is not on google we find that a lot of their students a lot of their teachers are still using google tools so the next one is a level one naturally we advance to level two and level 2 advanced training is a free interactive online training curriculum um and this is going to give you cutting-edge strategies for integrating google into your classroom so [Applause] you can rethink your teaching practice and you can redefine it with new possibilities offered by google tools and um in the future and these google teacher champions are those teachers that are really able to integrate google tools into their lessons and are also able to create open educational resources that can be shared with other teachers paramaturin teachers integrate google tools into their own respective lessons paris among leaders nathan do encourage your educators again to continue their professional development tips and tricks pedicure sign up for the gmail getting started series 8 week series um getting started and this getting started series would allow you to get emails in your inbox ayan are being given to your inbox every um every week now here's the good part we have created a getting started curriculum that are three modules long itun getting started curriculum nato in cooperation with the debit icts edtech unit we are putting this inside the dep now the great thing about this is that we are putting a lot of our materials into the depth lms and one of these is the getting started program for google workspace for education so this is a three module program that we are launching on the first week of classes and um respective lms and completely to prepare you for a certification and two to become a google teacher champion in your own schools we've created a product guides that you can easily download if you like there's also a shorter baseline tutorial videos that are included in each of these products so we launched this online hub in the teacher center to house these tutorial videos and resources so that you can get started with our tools and also um and you can actually see that these tools are also um giving you videos on youtube that you can use to build digital fluency basic videos so for some of your students on digital fluency you can use these product training modules to prepare you as a teacher and to prepare your students so that they can get started immediately in using our tools um i think teacher training courses are not to best prepare our teachers to use all our tools or trainings that are available for different types of topics the first one is tools for diverse learners we need to make sure that our tools are accessible what if students that may be challenged right now in their hearing or eyesight maritime accessibility features a course title on tools for diverse learners so that you can learn a little bit more on accessibility features of our tools and our google applications how to turn them on and when you might want to use them with your students and to best prepare teachers and students to learn safely online we have created a digital citizenship and safety curriculum that you can easily use and you can also um it can also support you to bring the complex topic of digital safety into your own classroom now the good thing about this is at 9 30 today um my teammate via and also our partner qsr is also going to be doing a quick rundown of the be internet awesome program which is our digital citizenship and safety program inside google and i know that our teacher rowi as well of the dev at icts etu is also going to be there to give you more information about the be internet awesome program now uh we also have device trainings using um tablets phones chromebooks device trainings that are in there to for you to maximize uh the use of technology in your classroom now the curriculum on the teacher center can guide you on a path towards acquiring a google educator certification and these certifications are a great way to show your proficiency in using google tools in the classroom we have multiple levels of certification starting at level 1 and 2 of the certified educator program all the way to more advanced certifications encompassing the certified trainer the innovator program and the coach program and i encourage you to visit the teacher center website for these details once again screen no that for you to visit the teacher center just go to teacher center now people would ask me miss me mahal bayong certifications right now a level one is currently at ten dollars um every time you take the exam and the level two certification is twenty five dollars and of course my recent re-certification this is valid for three years so hapag nugging uh google certified level one or level two i o then you know that you're gonna be certified level one or level two for the next three years and then magritte certified after three years now here's the good news since last year since last year since 2020 google has been giving department of education free vouchers so that you can take the certification as well without having to pay the ten dollars and twenty five dollars nintendoman it can it can get you know it can get expensive no um but we still believe that it's very affordable for the teachers 500 pesos per 500 pesos and so google has been providing a lot of vouchers already to the department of education and this year we provided another round of another set of vouchers and i know that this is in cooperation with the icts etu as well as neap for them to start certifying again a lot of the teachers that are both qualified as well as interested i'd also like to make mention that accommodation was also issued recently to 1192 teachers that were certified in depth by the etu so congratulations section and please be proud of it because it is definitely an achievement so um well done and para putin on a goose you are very very welcome to actually take that certification just make sure that you uh go through the training first or um available in the trainings available up as well as the etu then you can definitely avail of these trainings to prepare you for the certification now kapok certified napohyo but that we are offering certified trainer program the certified trainers program is a community program that empowers instructional leaders to support educators so if you are a teacher teaching teachers then i think the certified trainer program may be the program for you know gcts we are passionate i have to say we because i'm also a google certified trainer we are passionate and we are driven education professionals who conduct top-notch teacher pd and change management so that we can help others transform classrooms with technology and i'd like for more depth and teachers to be part of this program so that we can help other teachers to be better at using technology in the classroom you can basically use the trainers in your schools to encourage the teachers and the coaches alumni to apply for the program and also uh making sure that our teachers have the necessary support they need in their respective divisions or school itapang next one would be uh some of our google educator groups you know um we have google educator groups and then the good thing about this is we have a really great representative mamaya uh miss ma and gusman is going to talk about the community of the google educator groups nato uh this is a community formed voluntary but the good thing about it is these are this is made of passionate educators that are willing to share their knowledge to other teachers and the google educator groups in the philippines has always been vibrant and you want to make it bigger we want to make sure that it's all inclusive passionate google tools and you want to be able to share your knowledge or even just to learn and connect with other teachers on how to use google tools be a part of the google educator groups so man is going to be talking later about that best way to find out more about this stay tuned uh nexus we've got some professional development partners as well and these professional development partners are also partnered with uh neya right now we have qsr that is partnered with naya that is working um to make sure that our teachers are also trained so this is a great network that we have and these are trusted google partner companies that work with schools to provide in-depth teacher professional development and training now anupang meron i'm looking at my time and uh eight minutes more to talk a little bit more about the other programs first is the applied digital skills applied digital skills so the applied digital skills is a free digital literacy curriculum that was designed to prepare learners and this is to prepare them for the growing number of jobs that require basic digital literacy this is actually perfect for our grade 11s and grade 12s the learners are able to practice practical life skills while building creative projects using the google's suite of applications now i would really highly encourage that if you're a senior high school teacher to encourage your senior high school students to take the applied digital skills courses there are many courses in here including how to organize events how to um create a good resume create a compelling resume right how to apply for a job how to pass your job interview like all of these skills um all of these uh things that we do in our life right now practical life skills normally need some digital literacy so this program brings together the digital skills and the practical life skills to help learners develop unique projects and each lesson would consist of a set of videos that students can watch to obtain step-by-step instruction on how to for example collaborate in a group to develop a creative presentation using google slides or how to create a household budget or an office budget using spreadsheets so apply digital skills has over 120 hours of content the units and the lessons here are designed to be flexible and will work with many different subject areas and we found this is really a great program to help students learn how to use technology in meaningful applicable ways but that it's also been very helpful to teachers as well so even for you for teachers for adult learners and especially my admin staff nathan um once they take the applied digital citizenship plus or apply digital skills course then they learn how to use google workspace in their respective roles rules next is cs first itunes cs first is a free computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn so youtube is an introductory computer science curriculum parasitic primary and secondary schools computational thinking so this curriculum was actually designed to be fluid so educators can integrate a unit into any subject matter that they may be teaching the part best part is no computer science experience is needed from the teacher or the student to begin using this curriculum cs first it's very basic computational thinking to teach computer science for kids take a look at it and try it out for yourself by visiting the website it's also in the teacher center but you can also go to g dot co slash cs first ayan po so anita natalia i final step in the ladder tamatama because i'm i have five minutes left and i know that uh i would like to spend a lot more time with you but here this is adding framework of steps and uh you instead of etu impactful technology use i know uh this is how we are yet what we do here that it put is a transform and in transformation let's take a look at some of the things that we can do around transformation is the google certified coach program in the philippines we currently have only one google for education certified coach so i highly encourage people who are currently coaching one is the one other teachers that you go after this program this would empower instructional coaches to drive impactful technology use or idu in their schools using our structured year-long curriculum and a research-based five-step coaching model now google for education certified coaches work one is to one with teachers to identify and adopt technology-based solutions to solve classroom challenges the next one for transformation is the certified innovator program so the google for education certified innovator program recognizes and supports top educators around the world who are using technology to solve meaningful challenges in education so become a certified educator or sorry certified innovator and join a community of more than 2 200 passionate educators in over 50 countries and google certified innovators all over the world in over 50 countries were excited to grow professionally advocate for innovative technologies and drive school transformation here's the good news or certified level 2 predicament as a google certified innovator and uncertified innovator um application punaten applications are now open until september 17. so hong kong september 17th on closed application so if you're interested and you feel that you're an innovative teacher go ahead and apply to become a google for education certified innovator so just make sure you're on the path certified level requirement not in for the certified innovator program now um let me just uh skip this one uh taking a look at the google for education transformation reports as well paramount snap nathan this is a free tool designed to help quantify a school's google for education implementation across products and programs and there are recommendations here and trends to help our leadership team so um finally we've got the google reference school program kappa puma schools kame that are already using chromebooks at subra young pagambi tiller on google workspace for education gamit nagamet we recognize these schools and make them into google reference schools so this is actually by invitation only because we do have some strict product usage requirements of the program to get an invitation to join peru and that's it for now for today itu or impactful technology use it on three stepladder of access adopt and transform any tuple nothing s do we have any time for questions questions uh i would like to just uh tell everybody that you know i'm very again once again i'm very happy to be here and uh uh make sure now another day of learning uh another day of uh learning many many tools ayan wallander q a so i am paul so thank you everybody i really really appreciate uh the invite as well thank you so much to the the icts at tech unit for inviting me over and for giving us this opportunity to talk about our google for education programs in-depth end thank you very much paul thank you very much mario manzano for these updates and a very uplifting welcome message to all of us it takes a teacher for technology to be effective we cannot be replaced yes your active participation is important throughout the session so please feel free to share and comment if ever you have questions or clarifications answer dj just a reminder to everyone before we continue our attendance attendance attendance please do not forget to register or log in to your respective regional dlns using your debit email accounts for this will serve as your attendance and will reach you to having your digital certificates answer dj just to remind everyone that we do not have um any separate links for the attendance so please refrain from answering and providing your personal information to any links yes by the way you can use your sim and your connectivity load button the same goes with our evaluation form later please feel free to read how well the sessions learning objectives are fulfilled and how effectively the seminar or conference sessions met our needs as educators and what may be improved in the future just click on the link that you can see on your lms account yes and one more thing for dj we would like to reiterate that this being set 2.0 is not mandatory we are giving you the full discretion to attend and watch the five-day training and learn with us answer dj this is biker news so if ever you miss the live broadcast you can still watch the replays on david philippines fb page and youtube channel that tech unit fb page and youtube channel and also independent tv youtube channel and our heroes teachers please please do not pressure yourselves too much in completing and answering all the activities at once cassette our lms pro will stay open until january 31 2022 wow that's four months from now so just chill at home and enjoy the moment and what else can we look for this is learning at our convenience since there will be an amazing day ahead of us and what better way to start the day with a cup of coffee we invite you to grab your grab your coffee mugs and take a picture with us dj holding our cough mugs and smiles ready one two three [Music] [Applause] and three two one thank you very much post that on your timeline or in the comment section of that tech units fb page write the best caption that you have and do not forget to use the hashtag now let us feast our eyes with these educated videos that will surely enlighten us with ways on how teaching and learning can be easy and effective [Music] personnel mobile app store or google play and key in depth at mobile's to search box click install kapag installed na click open then the app display maid sign in at signed in with debit commons a click and sign in with debit comments para samas mobile snap access at account confirmation dot ph and click authorize to proceed name middle name last name and mobile number tick the i belong to a school box continue to select school by entering your school id and password just tap select region and choose the appropriate option division personnel continue to select a division assigned in and click agree is a home page go to surveys or trackers by clicking view now pin arrows are right corner in a page paren and self reporting tracker vaccination status fully vaccinated man or my first dose of self-reporting tracker una lag or non-teaching personnel registration for covet 19 vaccination take no and you will be instructed to proceed to question number nine tick yes and proceed to the next question vaccination and click on submit lili screen and review answers a click and proceed must submit and form tournaments screen unable to submit form message this field is required pocatapus i'm a blockbacks app at the update and self reporting for covit 19 vaccination tracker kung mairo omaha pagbabagos a user's cover 19 vaccination status guyana indication of registration schedule of doses adverse reactions experienced or any other related updates malagama download and depend mobile app dail system updates magagamit narinati free connectivity you download [Music] [Music] today we are officially closing the second virtual in-service training or vincent after five days of learning and enhancing your skills in preparation for the opening of the new school year on september 13th next week the first day of the virtual incent coincided with the celebration of the national heroes day of the philippines or maybe i can say this day was indeed providential celebration as the world becomes integrated and increasingly interconnected so do the hazards we pace our country together with other countries is still affected by covet 19 pandemic regardless of who we are our nationality level of education gender economic capacity we are all affected by this pandemic and education is no exception from until now you someone browsing and learning to use the internet is yes one of the easiest and funnest things to do today a click here another click there and we can be anywhere you can meet people from around the world hi breathe amazing stories and histories of the past [Music] and even have a glance of what may be seen in the future [Music] but remember using the internet without proper guidance and enough knowledge can also be one of the scariest we can ever imagine [Music] imagine going on an online trip seeing the beauty of the place when suddenly potential scums pop up and run your way hmm scams these are dishonest tricks used to deceive people and we don't want that to happen to any of us so be your own hero online be internet alert if it's too good to be true then it's most likely fake [Music] fair exchanges shouldn't ask for your personal information always think twice or ask for the assistance of your parents and gardens before accessing a new site be on guard for possible fishing that will ask you to log in and give your important personal details that was close good thing i am internet alert remember any effort to steal your information may be a form of scam so always trust your intuition and distinguish what's real and what's fake online this has been your online hero mom jennifer reminding you too beware by being aware keep your learning safe and don't fall for fake [Music] wow it is truly amazing to know that the department of education always comes up with ways to make teaching and learning much easier both for teachers and students and we should always be open we should always be open for changes and have new tricks up our sleeves because as it is said old keys can open brand new doors and in times like these when we have to keep our doors close amidst the outbreak that we are experiencing right now comes a more functional flurry the dawn of the information outbreak through the internet yes remember the internet has been and will continue to be our playground for learning we must learn to make the best out of it let's say this opportunity it's not internet out tomorrow national high school sd or my labor and the same goes with diana james santiago from dump integrated school same sdo and also their sds sdod jessica and their asd asses shout out also my colleagues and friends and principals yes [Music] we will be joined by three of the most awesome speakers of their generation well are there's teachers if you are excited to meet these internet savvy speakers let me introduce them to you sir dj our first speaker is a product marketing manager at google philippines whoa where she looks after consumer apps like search and youtube as well as brand and reputation she graduated from the ateneo de manila university with a bachelor's degree in business management in 2013. she is currently the leading google's digital responsibility efforts in the philippines with the internet awesome program as it's crowning google and our next speaker is an edtech coach google educator group philippines america's google certified trainer and innovator he aims to lead schools and educational institutions towards digital transformation through adoption of google for education products and other recommended programs to increase awareness and productivity he uses his experiences in digital learning programs knowledge and effective traditional teaching practices and exposure in different educational institutions to empower educators to build engaging connections with their students and achieve maximum learning potential earlier this year he was chosen to be part of youtube educators along with other 14 content creators in the philippines through his channel look beyond the classroom he aims to inspire and elevate educators innovative skills create sustainable programs and drive to create their own local content for teaching last august 2021 he became qsr's final project trainer and lead teachers training on be internet awesome pilot project in the philippines wow and our third speaker sir is a head teacher three at macaque science high school and the department head of technology and livelihood education information and communications technology she is currently detailed at david central office as an edtech specialist of the information and communications technology service educational technology union her expertise in information in communications technology is maximized when she became part of the open educational resources deputy commons debit learning management system dapa tv and debit online the debit etholite which is a free online tutorial again ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome our three speakers for this morning miss vladimir puyat mr adrian cruz and miss roberta reagan thank you so much for that warm introduction um and an awesome morning to everyone in the room um good morning okay i think before we start the segment on the internet awesome i'd like to ask for the help of a kind administrator to show a short introduction video into what the internet awesome is okay [Music] i couldn't imagine what the world would be like without internet today it'd be nothing but chaos i'd try to prepare him for the real world i'm not with him 24 7. so i can't protect him all the time kids are inherently curious and on the internet there's so much knowledge and information that i need to make sure that as an educator that i'm teaching them the skills that they need to start to look out for themselves the be internet austin program is designed to teach students in a fun way how to be safe online you're on a web page and you see a button that says click here and you could win a million dollars what do you think would happen yeah matthew get scammed maybe you'd get scammed ethan whatever you're on could get a virus what do you do if someone you don't know tries to follow you i block them because i have a private account excellent we are about to journey into a place that's called interland to learn how to be internet awesome 100 points good job zaire all right you got it what they do online now is something that's going to follow them for the rest of their lives the lessons we're doing in the activities that we're doing in the classroom are making an impact they are developing the skills that they need in order to be able to keep themselves safe online almost like it would be real it's fake it's like how internet is spelled then i would have got fish on it nowadays the internet is the way people see you anybody can post anything on the internet and sometimes those things that they post are not okay be respectful to others if somebody gets hurt try to help them if you come across something that's either inappropriate or like bullying or just anything that makes you feel uncomfortable you should tell somebody the internet awesome [Music] ayan thank you so much um so to begin i i just want to recognize all of the teachers um everywhere for being able to pull off the amazing pivot the distance learning in such a short span of time i know that as a consequence of that um you are all spending more time online as well as students right um and as we as we shift into heavier online or digital usage we do want to come in with a program like the internet awesome which is essentially a full program designed to teach kids aged 8 to 12 years old about online safety and digital citizenship i just want to also caveat that even though the program is designed for 8 to 12 year olds even i myself having gone through sort of the materials have learned a thing or two and we've received similar feedback from the teachers who have joined us during our pilot session so i highly encourage everyone to check it out bia for short comes with a full suite of materials that are ready for use for teachers for parents and for students including things like slides lesson plans a family guide so on and so forth it is also sorry can we ask for help to show the slides um from our okay as well thank you sorry the next slide please it's again next slide thank you here we go okay so the internet awesome is also accredited by the international society for technology education a global non-profit organization that serves educators interested in the use of technology which i assume is everyone on this call because of all the prefixes that we've had earlier today um and google has actually deployed the internet awesome in nine languages if we go back to the previous slide um where the philippians will actually be the 10th market to go to launch with this um the philippines will actually be one of the first markets to attempt a the internet awesome launch that makes the program available at scale and by this i do mean making it available nationally for teachers not just in metro manila but across the philippines which is why we're very happy and grateful to work with the department of education on both the pilot that has been recently concluded last week with select schools as well as on launching um the training that will soon be available to all teachers on the dep ed lms starting this september to share as well we will be launching um the filipino version of the be internet awesome site this october so for teachers who prefer to teach the program in the filipino language do watch out for that as well so as i've mentioned with the increasing time the kids spend online due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic coupled with increasing risks around security privacy scams as you've seen in the previous sort of video execution thank you so much miss jennifer for that um we do believe that this is the most critical time to get this knowledge out to our young impressionable learners as they deepen connections online for the foreseeable future um so just to sort of close out the introduction i just want to delve a little bit more into how we are approaching um the scaling of the program so we do teach bia in a holistic manner where there are materials uh primarily for educate educator use in a virtual classroom but there are also materials for students and parents to use at home such as the family pledge where which parents can use to reinforce the commitments that students make in the classroom regarding healthy use of the internet and make sure that those practices translate to personal time as well but of course having said that we recognize that teachers are actually the most critical component of the ecosystem in which we wish to land the message on digital safety and online and online safety so with that i just wanted to thank all the teachers for listening for considering the program and wishing everyone the best of luck as we start to roll this out on that note i'd like to turn you over to sir adrian cruz who will be discussing the five pillars of the internet awesome thank you very much thank you miss via now i'd like to greet everybody an awesome morning an so with the growing amount of internet or our online activity that everyone's engaged in uh teaching digital citizenship and online safety is essential is the key word here in addressing the development of our students 21st century skills teaching digital citizenship and online safety 21st century skills reiterate at the emphasize students especially now that we are doing everything remotely almost everything remotely so using different platforms to communicate uh engage this is actually the best time actually about time to you know really emphasize and integrate the internet awesome in our respective subjects because this program is actually we all navigate into the digital space so we have to make sure that we know you know we know ourselves how to deal um that will always have um you know a positive experience but we have to teach kids also how to manage difficult situations now on the internet awesome program um screen we have be internet smart the internet alert the internet strong the internet kind and also the internet brave now next slide please i'd like to discuss first know just quickly the different pillars awesome um the first one would be be internet smart or what we call share with care so our first pillar with all about protecting yourself your information and digital footprint and responsible communication how do we use the internet no do we um do we check what we post online do we think first no before we make sure uh to post something no consider nothing so that's definitely the first pillar no how to be smart when it comes to um using the internet internet so we have to make sure and we also have to be mindful of our digital footprint or what we call our online activities now the second pillar next slide please would be don't fall for fake or what we call the internet alert so with this one steering clear of scammers fakers info that doesn't help and other internet stuff that tries to trick your brain and learning how to find the good stuff so detoxify would be all about learning fishing you know learning scams and knowing how to find credible sources so these are programming segments alert there are vocabulary words for um each lesson that will know and be introduced in so [Music] that we have to be aware of and then later on that we have to teach to our students now the third pillar would be be internet strong so i getting real about privacy and security so it's all about securing your secrets now i have a question for everybody here um do you consider your passwords um a strong password social media accounts and other profiles online do you think that currently you have a strong password now how can we consider a password a strong password no in the coming days as we deep dive to the curriculum so that's the internet strong now the fourth one would be be internet kind so it's cool to be kind now in this challenging time though the least that we can do is to be kind to ourselves and to everybody online so with this one um it will teach us how to combat negative online behavior how to deal with that so learning and practicing the power of online kindness for pillar now the fifth pillar would be be internet brave or when in doubt talk it out so um we will be discussing or learning about um defining and encouraging internet brave behavior our emails and other uh platforms no we have to teach our students how to discern things no so that's the fifth one pillars now the internet awesome now after learning all the five um pillars next like this you also have an option to introduce this to your students this is what we call interland so this is a game that you can also introduce your students so um via web browser so we can consider this as a culmination of all the pillars that we've learned um kumbhaka gina so this is interland that we can use and introduce our students after teaching the five pillars now other than that we also have different resources that are available to everybody so you can all access be internet awesome dot with link and all the other details no so it's be internet awesome dot with just to reiterate this program is also um in alignment with the iste or uh international society for technology and education and then they all the other one also um malibundito this is also you can also download a new curriculum lesson plans available and other activities that you can use for teaching for the teachers to be able to equip them to equip you to equip us in teaching this to our students so when you go to the different pages of the website next slide please that you can already use no so the first one here is ready to teach google slides now for each pillar no maritime lessons i think there will be maybe less than maybe five to eight lessons per pillar now for that one for each lesson meronson slide presentation that you may already use now what we have to do is when we check all the materials you can localize them no with nothing because we know our students well um the other one also we can customize it depends up reference he can do that so that's one benefit of accessing the website of the internet awesome the other one is media literacy packet i think this is one of the um updated material in the be internet awesome programme and the internet awesome so you can also check this out and then it's also download the ball via pdf the other one is printable classroom activity so um this program was actually created prior to the pandemic you also have an option to download activities not face to face and hopefully when we do that we can also use this or maybe customize this and put that in some of your presentations for your students in the future now the other benefit that we can also um get from this website would be next slide please ayan there are also available um b internet awesome lesson posters so options no to really make your your your lessons or be the internet awesome lessons um more engaging for your students other than that um pay-per-click activity template so you can download that to also you know get the interest of your students more on this one you also have their internet awesome tips no so there's also interland for google classroom so if you want your students to be you know in one place such as google classroom you can do that and also enter land for school chromebooks among schools now my chromebooks know my integration and enter land you'll gain the benefit and also the chromebooks um not devices i think next slide ayan and then also if you are interested you can also apply know for other certification programs it's also visible in the be internet awesome website you also have here um internet awesome lesson poster internet edition and then lastly you have your internet awesome certificate in badges so you can download this and give this to your students when they finish each pillar so that there's also a sense of accomplishment for the students as well so yeah readily made materials for the teachers know it's all up to us already you know to to use it you know to implement it with our respective online classes so i i hope you can check it out so it's called be internet awesome so you can check the website at the internet awesome dot with definitely you might enjoy it students and actually my enjoy your tutor i am with that thank you very much so thank you so much thank you so much sir adrianne and uh miss via for for the information teachers uh this curriculum is standard for us teacher to integrate so the bus sometimes it's very hard to get the less on tapos and for our students the concept sometimes style think about it we want to post it we want to brag so i think social media but the thing is at the end of the day we need to reflect is this pose is so in this uh be a program we wanted to teach our students in proper using in online okay pandemic they are very much engaged with the use of technology of course and face to face so dear teacher i um i encourage that before we start the class a party nothing integrated in session uh or attend parent together with the the parents so for the teacher this curriculum is speeded for us is to read this curriculum how to integrate in your class because they have a motivation they have art crafts but wedding mug playing and games is not the typical game this scheme will teach you how to prevent the kids in phishing scamming how to protect their password so marketing manager uh with the partnership of google the b internet usam so in acknowledge curriculum so the biocurriculum is a holistic curriculum that was built around the uh foundational lesson module like share with care so imagine you share with care protecting yourself and your reputation online so it all not only for the kids for the parents but for us teachers so we always so we always remind ourselves to be uh we need to protect ourselves our reputation using online so good and then we need to teach this in our students and don't fall for fake staying away from fishing and scum to sometimes zimbabwe appealing that they so look for the side if this site is reliable so don't fall for fakes another thing is secure your secret so securing circuit in terms of uh social media we need to secure ourselves not just ourselves but we need to protect the security the password and also their teacher uh sometimes training password and sometimes so remember secure our secret by getting the uh good password because of the internet connection the internet connection is problematic but how to be kind so we're going to teach our students to be kind in uh using online attitude it takes a lot dub talk it out so uh defining the encouragement internet braves the behavior of students couple there's someone or someone uh online so encourage the student now parang my annoying sometimes talk to the parents and also teach them namak open dance a teacher so it don't be internet awesome a goal nathan is to protect our student using online so we never know the ba so to protect them so each lens on module outlining lesson overview so the bad dear teacher so everything though the everything ninja zanda all you have to do is read this focus on the discussion the subject matter we have the goal for students competencies that learner will possess safer taking uh the module so after taking the module minimum assessment that then then standard address contain international society for technology education and the vocabularies contain the definition and short discussion of the technical terms uh that learner will encounter as they uh participate in each lesson so everything is there so and this was approved by our curriculum so that in april this one the the curriculum inclusion in the great one to six age seven to twelve so the nasa that the students not just in good and search uh searching for the lesson but still mugging b internet or samsela with the use of this curriculum and also another inclusion is education it's cool to be kind so we go uh it integrates the esp so soon okay then or the epp for the elementary and tle technology and livelihood education for the uh junior high school so puerto rico for the opening of classes why not the integrate this lesson the parameter students that and how to protect yourself online and also but then another inclusion is aralympalipunan and also in the english class so i am their teacher so anupang in so grab this opportunity promise hindi you may hit up and all you have to do read and study how to apply hindi nakayama indiana learning objective and that's all because everything is there especially to the elementary meronshang art and also you can include the interland game for the grade one two four by the end okay so teacher preparation is in the sabbath the teacher you need to take online via pretest online be a pretest is uh for your teacher to prepare nothing okay another thing is study online via learning materials i know young teacher hindi s is there now but if we're going to integrate this be a materials on your lesson super talaga so engaged even you might engage again so review be a pilot material so dear teacher so all you have to do is to review the materials and also after that i suggest teacher to take the online post test for the teacher preparation of course teachers instruction the when it comes in students preparation dapatpo assists students in securing their uh learner's number learns account number uh that ph so name account okay so in the government now i think my personal gmail use the learner's account which is ph then help them take the online bia pre-test in the lms solar bus via lessons i think lms so uh gagawi preparation based on the teacher instruction then include the learning session in the class they must have been at in canada so all you have to do is uh review the materials go online topic then integrate in the session of your class either your homeroom so help them take the online bia postas in lms so their teacher encourages students to take the pretest and the process parama assassinating bata in protecting their self in online power at the end of this free test and process making tayo baden at the end of the day students okay so ayan if you have any questions anytime anywhere as long as they have internet connection everything is there all you have to do remember read the instructions review the materials and integrate it in your class promise indicate you might hear it happen and even your teacher might encourage you to read and apply that in your class be internet awesome always i am okay so again miss b answer adrian at least it's cool to be kind right thank you so much for saying um uh thank you for giving us a time to share the content of the internet awesome with all the teachers all over the country we hope that everyone finds this program useful and is able to apply it not just in class but as you've mentioned um in your daily lives as well so we look forward to any feedback questions and support that you might need feel free to reach us and we're happy to reach out as well and also sir adrian for the the internal awesome pilot program lit yeah um thank you for actually um papa to teach our students to be discerning confident and to maintain positive engagements with the various um digital technologies yeah so thank you so much dear teacher be internet awesome grab the opportunity and apply it in your class see you wow what a talk it's always a very fresh air there is something from these three speakers right sir dj thank you so much again via google philippines sir adrian our google certified trainer and mom roberta and i remember the line from one of the videos beware by being aware keep your learning safe and don't fall for faith which is a great reminder from from well i mean for all of us to be vigilant even in all right so this time if you want to know and practice how to be internet kind let's all watch this share [Music] hello there almost all of us are citizens of the online world and the internet is the system that runs this world the internet is so powerful indeed anything can go viral in a blink of an eye whatever we say post or share whether positive or negative can immediately spread all over the online world before we even know it but it is us who run the system so we also are the ones who are fully in control of it it's like [Music] hi dear what is it today hmm planning to update status i just want to remind you use the power of the internet to spread positivity you can also start to spread a form full and aren't your messages actually find that passing them on to others while that's easy and respect each other's differences that's r-e-s-p-e-c-t [Music] respect well well well what do we have here thinking of something to post remember that one who called you loser fat and ugly you can't let him get away with it go ahead and bring him on social media dear ask yourself first what will be the consequences will it resolve to something good nah uh i don't think so however if you get mean and bullying comments unfollow or block them and also those with inappropriate behaviors make an effort to provide support to those being bullied to live their morale and confidence and kids don't ever hesitate to speak up against and report online bullying now to whom you listen to aha i think i know what to post [Music] treat others as you would like to be treated hashtag the internet kind hashtag it's cool to be kind share [Music] how would you like to be treated simple as the golden rule says treat others as you would like to be treated respect and expect to be respected after all what we give is what we get so let's choose to be kind the internet kind it's cool to be kind [Music] foreign hey us with yet another exciting in a surefire interesting program for us noble educators i will present to you our next speaker she started teaching as a college instructor in 1999 at the university of the philippines dilemma after a two-year stint in publishing she found herself back in education in 2001 but this time to teach high school currently she is a school administration she is a school administration and has handled students from kindergarten to senior high school grammy she is an apple teacher a google certified educator level one and level two in the google for education certified trainer as well she is also part of the google for education google present video series a series that aims to help teachers around the world leverage google classroom to deliver distance and hybrid learning as part of their as part of our personal advocacy man volunteers to train and organize professional development sessions for teachers in the philippines and in the asia pacific region through our google educator groups ladies and gentlemen miss maria andreas santos de guzman grade school principal of breedly international school hello thank you i hope you can hear me clearly thank you for that wonderful introduction sir dj sobranco so i want to say good morning to everyone that's listening to us or watching us either in youtube or in facebook and i'm trying to monitor the broadcast now so i can tie up together at the very least what it is that we're talking about so let's begin so for me in this particular session or this particular segment of your inset i want to talk about gags and you what are gegs and what is it that it can what can these communities help you with i am currently i am a geg or adidas leader so i originally come from gig ortigas but now i'm also serving as the learn captain of geg philippines and really our hope is to be able to provide as many free professional development webinars to teachers in the country i'll talk about later on what i do for the asia pacific so as i said earlier so my goal for this particular morning for the 30 minutes that have been allotted to me is to introduce google educator groups to you so that's what we call gegs and then what can it do to help you in your professional development i think uh the best way for me to be able to do that is to ask you actually so i'm just looking at the i know the chat box now especially on youtube and everyone's just saying good morning and telling me where it is that they are it never fails to amaze me how wide the platform can go because there are some places that you've mentioned that i have not even been to or are not aware that there are places like that in those provinces and i've lived in the philippines all my life i've traveled some and i'm ashamed a little to know that you know there are some places that i haven't been to so let's use the chat box for something more interactive i'd like to ask you give me an emoji that this represents how you felt when you learned that you were be doing distance learning so i'll give you a few moments to do that like what emoji would you be like at the beginning of it how did you feel right so a lot of you might be in a panic some of you might have been uh might have been a little sad a lot of us were a little you know we were stressed out actually by the idea that we would have to translate everything that we were doing face to face to an online platform right i can see that a lot of them are like kind of writers so you were wondering there was some panic a lot of hello and then there are hearts and everything some of you are actually crying so thank you for there's a mind blown emoji right there thank you so much for sending me all these emojis and how you felt with that particular transition and that's really true a lot of us were in a panic we didn't know what to do and for a lot of us who have been in education for a long time edtech was really never in our plate like because we would we're so used to let's say going into the classroom and just delivering lessons face to face and so it was to really a new normal for us and to think that we've already been here in one or two years but we've pulled through so the same was for me no the same was for me that particular because i'm a school administrator i was also worried for my teachers what is it that my teachers can do and you know what save to a degree is for me reaching out to other teachers and that was made possible really by being part of google educator groups google educator groups are actually you know local educators that actually help one another it's such an empowering group and we support one another in the use of technology in impactful ways for our students there are many gegs already it might be new to some of you but the truth of the matter is gegs have been around since 2014. and the first geg was actually in the philippines g.e.g baguio so hello the charis go of geg baggy right there so gags are also global there are organizations around the world okay there are google educator groups around the world and in fact my first introduction to geg was through global geg because at the time of the start of the pandemic they were the force to offer resources on how to navigate distance learning so i had that question in mind for me how do i navigate distance learning and more importantly as a school administrator how do i help my teachers it was global geg and the other gegs that i discovered along the way through this pandemic that helped me answer that question so locally it was actually gary garcia you know the geg mentor innovator and trainer that actually helped me through this particular journey as well but gegs are that if you want to learn more about gegs this is the website for the communities i'll put the link in the chat box in um youtube let's see if i can do that so there so it's there right now so you can take a look at it but what i would encourage you to do is to take a look at the map at the bottom of that particular screen and tell me and look for your ige g next to you or very close to you because really working with the google educator groups have a lot of benefits so i think for the rest of the talk that's what i'm going to tell you how has being part of a geg benefited me personally as an educator so there so one of the things that one of the things that i believe in very very very very close to my principle is that i never allow anyone else to dictate my professional development and when i say that professional development that means i take charge of my own learning and how it is or what it is that i need to learn so geg's actually helped me to be able to find the right professional development for me and really is a wonderful source of information and where it is that i can find the answers to my questions one of the first things that i did being part of a geg was that i found a community that actually introduced me to the idea of certifications so certifications we have our macro certifications as teachers we are all lifelong learners as well and so by macro certifications that's the term that i use for example for your master's degree maybe even have a doctorate maybe even have more than one master's degree and that's the usual course that most educators take we work for a master's degree because we need it for let's say for a career project but micro or micro certifications which is what i call actually a lot of the badges from google is what updates you to what is current right if you work for your gce level 1 gce level 2 and for me for example i decided to take the google certified trainer program too that means that i am updated with what is latest in education and education technology so it allows me to update myself in that life the traditional school has difficulty updating itself because obviously in traditional school a lot of the information we have are from books let's say or from textbooks that are published or at most journals that are published and those take time to study and publish so to a degree most of the journals that you would have read about the latest in your field would have been at least maybe six months or three months or maybe at most five years old if you want to be very current but micro certifications like uh google gce level one or level two give you tools and give you a community that actually tells you what is the latest that's happening in terms of educational technology it's really for me the best way uh to have updated myself for the pandemic because it also allowed me preview to a community that answers my questions in my trainer community for example it's not uncommon for someone to post a question and you will get answers from all over the world so it's really an empowering and a really sharing community so for example if i want to know how do you use google documents let's say for student advocacy for student for student advocacy and there will be several active even lesson plans that they will share with you because of the ability to collaborate so one of the things that being certified in google allowed me to do is to change my mindset on collaboration it was so easy it also did not limit me to anyone in the philippines i can reach out to anyone around the world because i'm part of that community it's changed also the way i look at technology and the way that it is used by my teachers and in the classes that i teach so i no longer look at technology when i look at technology i don't look at it as if if it's going to be cool in my class i look at it in terms of how it will help me achieve the learning objective for the lesson and so it changed my mind in that way and jegs introduced me to that world so having part of that thrive of that community allows you into that conversation at the beginning of course i was just a passive listener i was listening to all the things that they were talking about in the chat groups or maybe in the meetings and eventually when you had more to share i started asking questions and then i started giving answers also and so it was really that exchange that dynamic that really empowers me to be part of chili cheese more than anything else the second i think that uh thing that you would get from gegs is that it increases your personal learning network and by personal learning network i'm telling you the increase was exponential i joined gegs formerly only november last year which i believe only november last year but it increased my professional learning network to global i have teacher friends now in the other side of the world answering questions or exchanging ideas with me on how to use the tools in my classes or in school or how even to even in administration questions i have principal friends now from across the globe answering questions on how best to let's say when we go back to face to face what are you doing so i'm learning from them in so many ways and that was made possible by gegs it actually permitted me to be more globally competent because it allowed me to interact with all the cultures all the cultures in in the group this particular picture i'm showing you is the launch of g.e.g kolkota in india and uh sudipta the geg leader in that particular place invited me to talk about certifications too and you can see that it's a myriad of people two of the people there are actually from their version of department of education and they were there to help launch geg in that particular region then there were so many things that i really learned so that's the second it really increased my professional learning network the third is it developed a global mindset in me the series of pictures that you will see in the slides are actually some of the activities that i have done at the time that i joined geg gegs you know what gegs have done for me to remove my ignorance it really became i really became just more globally competent navigating the different cultures and showing the world what filipinas can actually offer there are many nuances for example that i learned for example in india you say sangeeta mam and not mamsangita that we have common words in bahasa i learned that from mima and that my name in nepalese which i learned from sagon actually means from the deepest regions of my heart so he always smiles when he says my name because that's what's in his mind and so just those new ones as actually allowing me to help allowing me to learn all of that from different educators is just wonderful so what started out for me as a journey or a question on how to help myself become a better teacher or better educator during the pandemic actually became a journey for me of helping others i've been active in gigi's as i said since november last year but that year was an amazing year of learning and joy the reason why i keep becoming active is because it energizes me to see how many teachers we can help not just in the philippines but across the world it also became a platform for a lot of the teachers here in the philippines to an international audience i can name a few michelle pallano for example presented in a gega pac that's the geg asia pacific region when we do because we do weekend conferences twice a year uh javelin flores for example presented also at the english cohort so that means her audience was even more international so this platform actually opened a lot of venues for filipino educators and it energizes me to a degree that i'm able to leverage those platforms for them even if i'm behind the scenes or i'm just doing organizing work it allows me to learn from them that's one because i listen in to their thoughts but at the same time i'm amazed that they can now a lot of people can now use this platform youtube fb live to actually share their learning and that's really the spirit of what changes can do okay so when i think you know i think that as teachers were often just lost in the routine of doing things and we forget the reason why we became pictures and for the first place a lot of us became teachers because we are we enjoy learning and gegs will offer a place for you where in learning is that it's in gegs for example that is they discovered a lot of the smaller add-ons that i can use in the classroom for example for google docs did you know that you can actually now comment by audio you can actually use mode which is an add-on in the google workspace for education and by using mo you can record yourself talking to your student about a particular part of the work that you want to improve that has so many possibilities and i discovered that not by studying or just sitting at my desk or going to other classes i discovered that because in gegs we have what we call demos lamps and people talk about i discovered this this week this is what it can do and it opens so many other possibilities for you so i really think that joining gegs is a plus for you now there are many local gegs and i encourage you to reach out to the local geg in your area so and try to be active involve yourself in the involve yourself in the process and enjoy the learning that you will get from all of that one of the things that we always encourage our gag members to do is to not be afraid to ask and not be afraid to share because sometimes you know we're shy when we have questions because if we may think i might look dumb but the truth is if you don't ask that question you will never find the answer but i also encourage that once you find the answer you share the answer to everyone and that just builds on the spirit of collaboration and the spirit of being able to tell to increase learning which is what we are as educators at heart okay so i encourage everyone to take charge of their professional development and a lot of the things that you will need in order to navigate this pandemic and even further as you go into the google workspace for education is really joining your local gegs so i really encourage you to do that one of the best ways i think to introduce gigi's to you is to invite you to this event that we are organizing so geg philippines so that's everyone else across the country is organizing what we call balik escuela 2021 and what we have done is we've chosen looked at the google workspace for education tools and really helped to help you guys plan do your lessons and check your assessments just using the google for education tools so we will be launching we will be uh streaming that in the geg philippines youtube channel on september 7 that's next week on a tuesday and we will start at eight o'clock so we hope that you can join us there similarly we will be able to be giving you also uh certificates of participation uh when you join us and we might be raffling off some prizes but i hope that you come and join us for the learning and not uh not just for the prizes itself because in itself the learning that you will get on how to use the tools in your classroom will be just wonderful and i'm saying this also as a school administrator i'm saying this because i have seen how empowering the tools can be for my teachers um getting them certified for example was a step on giving them that boost of energy of knowing that they know the the platform enough for them to be able to use it in learning enough that you know all my teachers are gce level one and about 30 or 40 percent of them are gce level 2 so i really want them to be able to go to that journey because me for example because i'm part of a trainer community i get to learn about the tools and the add-ons ahead of everyone else so it allows me to prepare and look at the potential of what that can do in the classroom and that's something that's really just wonderful right it's ahead of everyone and not just of uh not just or not just something that you will discover in passing so being part of those communities gives you access to those kinds of works right so i hope that that gives you a good picture of what ghgs can be i know that everyone else in that bed is being encouraged to join their local gegs trust me when i tell you it's such an energizing group one of my favorite times of the month is when i actually work with chi-pak and we plan for our webinars for our weekends which is in july that's usually july one week and in july and one weekend in december where we feature everyone else who would want to who have and how they've used the tools and it's been a wonderful experience a learning experience and a wonderful experience of sharing collaborating and empowering teachers all right so that's it for my talk for gegs i hope that you do take advantage of it there's no loss in joining changes you will only gain it you know i always say i've always believed in the power of education in nation building building it's really important and that really echoes to a lot of our personal experiences personally my father is an auto mechanic he didn't he doesn't even understand what a master's degree is perro because he worked hard to giving us that education we've improved our life of the quality of our life so significantly that i say that my father was an auto mechanic because he we forced him to retire he's no longer working so it's really important to me to empower educators as well because that's me thanking all the teachers who have helped me also in my journey to being here so i hope that also encourage you to be part of gegs in that we continue to learn and help one another and collaborate with each other have a good one everyone good morning if you have questions maybe you can take a write it in the chat box i'll still love to answer questions if you have anything to ask [Music] thank you very much ma'am for that wonderful thought this just goes to show sir how innovative we can be to earn our professional growth and development well that is something a very common assa advent as teachers we never stop learning and growing even when change happens amazing all right afraid to ask questions and after you got the answer is to not be afraid to share them with people and speaking of s [Music] is um among teachers from san gabriel elementary school quezon city district five from mount gazelle and paschalta pennsylvania t-shirts embellishment national school bellisson antiques from mount janet barbulas one of the biggest questions that boggle our minds during these challenging times how do i keep my sanity when everything seems to be going out of hand a question that sounds so easy to answer but very difficult to resolve exactly how can we educators as figures that our students often look up to be strong enough to shake it off smile in front of our webcams and being a model of resiliency ooh bit more resilient well that sounds like a challenging task but set your worries aside dear teachers because this part of our program we will have our eyes open on how we should take care of our mental health amidst the pandemic we have with us yes we have with us one of the most handsome teacher broadcasters that i know allah going back to our first speaker our first speaker facilitator for today is a graduate of bachelor of science in industrial education majoring in computer education from the technological university of the philippines at present he is a master teacher one from las pinas national high school and currently detailed as an educational technology specialist in the central office of the department of education he is a national teacher broadcaster and the assistant project lead of depa tv and a national demonstration teacher he is also a member of the hapasanan not broadcaster he is a google certified educator for levels one and two and a microsoft certified educator and adobe certified educator devil one our beloved teachers let's give our warmest welcome to our first speaker facilitator mr john jefferson and now ambassador jeff is a licensed professional teacher in the registered psychometrist he is a teacher and guidance coordinator of louisia of yale senior high school district of eden and department of education schools division of laguna from june 13th to the president he's also an assistant professor one like laguna university and the career specialist of saint rita psychological resource center he is a doctor he is currently taking his doctor of educational management at polytechnic university of the philippines and he's a master of art he has a master of arts in education majored in guidance and counseling philippine normal university at the union college of lacuna he is house doctor of psychology in integrative human psychology theophany international university republic of haiti so april 2021 and there are so many other achievements that our next speaker has no so friends it is with honor that we present to you once again sir john jefferson sevilla and henaldo c all right so maganda magda speaker for today as we discuss about mental health now um why are we discussing this because as we all know we're going to prepare for the opening of classes now what we would like here to know is that are we capacity uh are we capable and are we ready to have the opening of classes now um most of the time we are having our insight we are talking about for the welfare of our students the benefits of our students but this time i would like to give focus on the teachers we are so hard working we have the whole year working about everything and most specially about the paperworks now um pandemic because of this pandemic aside from that another struggle that we have is the finances now aside from that is our mental health now this session will enable you to fully understand about mental health we are here to give you the idea on how you're going to take care more of yourself because as teachers we know that we cannot give what we don't have and we have to be fully equipped para regarding with achieving their dreams and as well as to reach their success okay so we have here sergio hello sergio hello hi and so while we are waiting for sergio as i've said we will be discussing about mental health this is all about our dear teachers regarding with um your mental health regarding with anub and lately pandemic how are we going to cope up with this and as well as the strategies that we can do hello sergio hello sir so first and foremost express my gratitude for having me this morning um allow me to to salute you the people behind this active activity one of the topics for this vinset i know but i mean this is a great yes sir opportunity for me to be able to share tell of my knowledge oh sir of course yes sir in behalf then of the whole department of education and the edtech unit we would like to say thank you for uh gracing us with this event as well as participating for parapo namahal napping teachers nationwide okay so what will happen is that we'll be giving you questions sir and of course you're the one who's going to answer okay sorry sergio yes sir yes sir okay sir okay so now the introduction about mental health and the discus importance on a physical effects having academic as well as with our finances now we will go directly with the mental health so can you explain to us sir my first question is mental health um sir jeff um it is really really very exciting now mental health i know every one of us has mental health okay so every one of us has mental health my mental health well an exemption detox mental health and i'll be defined from the world health organization mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential and then this is also about our copying mechanism to situational life that we can work productively and fruitfully and we have this contribution to our society to our community this is from the world health organization i just want to scrutinize on the definition this is the stadium is an individual so when we talk about mental health it is uh included to the definition of health kasama nagus health in general every one of [Music] image resiliency productivity increa a critical productivity and creativity and then our sense of purpose if we will this is about our resiliency though filipinos are known to be to be resilient and not from andoi from yolanda and many other disasters that we have encountered in our country filipinos and from the definition again this is about productivity and more creativity and this is our self sense of purpose so there are lots of literature that we can use in defining mental health but what we are just seeing here at this moment is from the world health organization ayan me about mental health rahel we are preparing our teachers as well as our learners in this crisis physical health crisis now we are encountering covet 19 and we are in the state of pandemic then after this crisis crisis mental health crisis which i wish and i pray nothing according to this survey from sus great stress rises from 62 to 69 percent of social weather station and an alarming detox survey nato is that great stress rises across sex and age group so hindi language group yes you yes sir i apologize for my internet connection you're encountering yes sir yeah i we are encountering yes sir yes sir and also as i am saying according to this to this survey from from sws and above so in the philippines depression because of covet 19 pandemic and it is affecting millions of filipinos according to world health organization pandemic so we have here actually according to national statistics office in identifying illa young mental illness as the third most prevalent moreover a form of more mobility in the country i know then we have 88 cases of mental health problems for every 100 000 filipinos according to the department of health 2005. so nonetheless expect nothing that we are facing this fandemic mental health problems encounter community that many of our kabbabayans professionally trained professionals during crisis situation like this in this pandemic we are in this pandemic that we are reacting like we are in panic or fear why are we afraid why are we in panic because basically why we are reacting to this with panic and fear we also experiencing we are reacting with anxiety no we are also confused because of conflict with information with conflict of information our teachers as well as our learners will learn how to validate information internet also negativeness with our security with our health and safety in our country and because of the this is due to the spread of the virus and of course if they are associated with covenant in virus and of course family violence if there are this is in general a personal threat and then of course even factor yes school even closer of school could could i know could have an implication to our stress level our work is included today and in our community now that we are now that we are facing closer closers of schools our freedom is limited i know sometimes there are violence this could this could not affect our well-being and of course finances we are uncertain of our future somehow economically we are challenged by this pandemic you may check other references i always encourage our teachers to read about and we have the behavioral signs of stress if there are changes with your energy levels in your activities that's one i know one behavioral science of stress increase drugs or whatever chemicals we are having trouble with and some of us are experiencing young frequent crying sometimes those are the behavioral sciences then we also have physical signs of stress um headaches stomach aches we also have other pains in the body then we sometimes lose our appetite and capability opposite poles again manifestation and then and stress we have trouble renewing retention at them trouble remembering things we are feeling confused we have trouble thinking clearly and concentrating and lastly we have difficulty making decision which is very important as teachers we also we we always need to set our minds cleared and if there are changes in your emotionality narada manaten maybe we need to consult and lastly we have emotional signs and stress we have this feeling of being anxious or fearful and then we this feeling depressed i know we think that will we we will fail the exam feeling depressed the man this is excessive sadness no sobrang then feeling guilty feeling angry feeling euphoric i don't know an epic sabine [Music] yes is good to know ourselves i know that we don't encourage our teachers our learners and everyone in the community to do self diagnosis in deep nation due to ethical reasons we have trained professionals psychological assessment parasite now if you are feeling that enough if you are feeling that you are under stress or under anxiety um you need to go to to consult mental health professionals don't hesitate to consult i know don't hesitate to consult we have trained professionals who can handle these mental health problems okay so important they suggest that our teachers know that clinical assessment is an essential thing that oh you have the size you have the same terms it is beyond our professional call to do psychological assessment and the treatment and that we are talking psych pharmacology pharmacological treatment i'm sorry we have pharmacological treatment i don't know but pharmacological treatment basically this is upon the the permission of the psychiatrist of course anti-depressants stimulants mood stabilizers and antipsychotics that in a tower so bhakti nagpuccinabinating pharmacological treatment this is something to do with taking medicines okay at yunkisa okay so under psychotherapy we sometimes employ cognitive behavioral therapy interpersonal therapy psychodynamic therapy psychoanalysis and many other many other strategies that our rgc's employees to their clients and uh so the levayon litenco we have pharmacological treatment that's how we have psychotherapy are you so definitely you because we have to take care of our mental health and we also would like to give emphasis [Laughter] when we refer to stress it is not always negative okay but it is not always negative and of course third jeff allow me to i know to have a parang this is actually this pandemic opens the door for the mental health profession if not if the department of education is not giving importance to mental health and now we are having it in the limelight my dear teachers my dear parents and learners there are lots of matters and concerns about mental health and this mental health is really affecting our life yes sir stress anxiety and depression okay so how can we protect our mental health and as simply as that it's [Music] my dear teachers i encourage nathan anglahat in our community mental health professionals talaga okay so with the passage of the mental health law in the philippines and of course with the passage of the professionalization of psychometricians psychologists and guidance counselors and i emphasize mental health professional study okay we are bombarded with many things around us work clothes etc but let us not forget to stop and be quiet and meditate backgrounds of philosophy how important meditation is [Music] how important support system is and this is this is what i always um the schools uh teleno nepal i always advise them as teachers you need to build a good support system support system if and when one of your group mates one of your faculty is experiencing um some mental health mental health problems support system and then how can we cope with this so no yes sir yes sir yes yes sir so um you're saying or since like for example and um mental health problem that got internet and if it is beyond our professional competencies my dear teachers it is very important that we address this concern to the mental health professionals trained to handle the cases yes sir so definitely um yes sir so yes sir i want to emphasize that i sorry i want to emphasize that counseling is different from advising i know hong kong as a layman's level advising you but most of the time my my dear teachers important is your presence will listen without making any judgments okay then second um i avoid nothing young confrontation my dear teachers avoid nothing in confrontation it confront panatan if there are issues personal issues or professional issues that your co-teacher is sharing with you hindi too long if you are i know doing confrontation so we need to avoid that and then as if there is someone they would like to contact emotion of course we pacify but if there is a chance if there's someone that is then we encourage them to seek for appropriate professional help we need to ask them encourage them to seek for professional help yes sir so definitely not important because that we have the national center for mental health actually some of the information that i am sharing with you right now is from the national center for mental health my dear teachers consultation tagalog consultation so you may search this in the web parameters there is a registration for this consultation national center for mental health is open mwf from 9 a.m to 3 p.m access to this free service national center for mental health private organization non-government organizations activities mental health if your community has has that committing attention opportunity paramaga access among mental health services like for example in the department of education mental health mental health and psychosocial support services programs school snap in our education system mental health programs itself among schools uh lagging priorities and special education then in our military service the employee silas among the hospitals military hospitals not them they have proposed to employ more mental health professionals psychometricians psychologists of course that is for the benefit of the community community young mental health and patina criminal justice system nathan and bj mp they also propose that the same program sponsoring mental health campaign you know and training for psychometricians so also as with social welfare and of course in the child welfare they are now conducting different activities in mental health so i don't want to be specific with that our government is doing something pandemic you know they are doing their action parama addressing mental health concerns filipinas like the philippine psychiatric march known 2020 association we have the psychological association of the philippines we have the philippine neurological association we have the philippine mental health association we have the world association of psychosocial rehabilitation philippines we have the alliance of filipino families for mental health we have this hashtag mental health ph and we have youth for mental health coalition this is from department of ed department of health okay sir so aside from those agencies foreign as well as the organizations and the bangit no is there a certain contact number so we have the the registered guidance counselors in the school though limited balance pero i'm pretty sure that they are willing to help to address your concerns not in some mental health with the numbers they can search for the website the national center for mental health have been available unlimited contact numbers and national mental health for that national center for mental health for smart users you may dial 0-9-4-9-5-6-8-2-9-1-0 for globe users you may dial zero nine six six three five one four five one eight again beginning number okay so you may use their headlines you know minimal headlines available young access definitely young consultants department of health and national center for mental so it is a manifestation that the mental health and well-being of our community is being affected by this yes sir yes sir thank you very much for no so that's for a broader perspective actually you know so if you think and [Music] we need also help from the guidance office okay sir so anyone a man can address the concert addressa but we really need to equip ourselves so we need to have professional training paradito the reason why kongapapan cinema teachers nathan um sir jeff uh training style the department of education about mental health and psychosocial support actually and the rmm disaster risk reduction management service programs on mental health and psychosocial support nayung year 2021 okay and centering on mental health for learners parents and personnel okay so for elementary we have ta'ala okay that is for the elementary then for secondary we have okay tambayan this is about online and we have for learners with disabilities okay then for the teaching and non-teaching personnel we have taiyo naman tulong allah webinar that aims to promote self-care during the time of this pandemic then online and self-guided um psychological first aid modules this is in collaboration [Music] to address the needs of our learners of course tapaslatika say in the times of yolanda ondoy and other disasters that we encountered in the philippines hindi nabago young fostering wellness solidarity and service downloadable materials and then most especially to our learners and to our parents but the last game it goes for jeff when whenever i conduct lectures with the parents how to handle their students in terms of their mental health and well-being as advised i know by the department of education this is under the drm okay i answer for sharing your expertise and as well as giving us an so of course we have the different agencies so you can just send him your invitation so san jacob vanilla surprising or putting a message if they would like to have you as their speaker and to have a more detailed discussion about the mental health okay sir they can contact me through my facebook page it is life and psychology uh geodexandal you can search me in facebook it's zeo kagayat daksindal for an easy access for communications so at least there's f de ba we have imparted even though it is we have limited time this morning but at least we have imparted a little of our knowledge on mental health i am not the best in this area but i hope with the best of my abilities this morning i was able to give you good information about mental health and paramount to that i think is that we encourage our teachers to be well this pandemic we cannot give what we don't have if that wellness is not enough for ourselves what can we give to our learners so i encourage you to do the practices that i have tried to to share with you this morning and be able to be well enough in this pandemic you know alamko this is a challenging challenging time for us but oh my dear teachers strength and resilience are expecting us to be strong so we really need to be strong and they are expecting us to be that way and that inspiration will have a good impact a huge impact to our learners hey answer it's actually the wholeness and as well as the welfare of our teachers mental health again thank you very much i am looking forward thank you very much to the to the department of depth of the philippi department of education sorry thank you very much to deb and for looking after the welfare of our teachers and learned learners important among programs and activities on mental health sir again thank you for this wonderful opportunity that the edtech unit has given me this morning maraming salamat it is a great opportunity and a privilege more than an honor hindi to paris to share the screen with you this is for the mental health advocacy in the philippines let us open our minds and hearts young mental health is here young pandemic as a son or a daughter hindi cayo puede palitanza position no one can ever replace you with that so you have to take care of yourself now if you think naman na para oh my god safinan says lagging cool very effective for my because god will always provide you what you need okay we focus on our needs not on our wants so this time if you think the man that you have more than enough there's nothing wrong in sharing it so sharing your time sharing your uh even finances because you consider your friend as a part of your family okay so look for someone professional that can help you of course um sana hopefully invite you sergio schools or sa divisions origins because he is more than willing teacher snapping okay so before we end i just would like to say happy anniversary for having principles of espionage national high school for our principal case principle and also i would like to say happy happy birthday to mom jeanette rugada uh former faculty club president as well as the math department head of las pinas national high school and of course i would like to greet my wife mamarisa sevilla and my daughter jean scion seville i'm so excited to see you baby okay so with that again this has been sir jeff i am sir john jefferson sevilla together with sergio daxindan and we are hoping about your mental health so dear teachers this is our expression of saying how we love each and every teacher across the philippines speakers or dj that was a very timely talk and i believe it is a must-have sharing at the moment especially for us teachers who have been facing and battling with the new normal the world that's entered to since 2019 right sir you and just imagine sir dj how novel these are all for us since we get used to doing our work on a face-to-face basis and usually just inside the four corners of our classroom but now unimaginable as it seems everything has changed you're right monsieur and i think one of the most special things that's in abundance are difficult is that sometimes when we are down you know we only need somebody to listen right or somebody who will listen to us as well if i get a message um and always remember the teachers regularly have to juggle many competing demands and as a result we easily put other people's mental health and well-being ahead of our own it's important that we also take time to prioritize ourselves sorry [Music] [Music] that's my way to keep my sanity and stay happy and stress-free we have different ways to handle stress and we want to know how you do it but don't tell us just yet okay instead we want you to show it to us by joining us in this online groovy using the hashtag vinset2 day four so ayanne ready i'll play let me get my book ready three two one one two three all right did you get your hands one two three [Applause] some of the most awesome ways to be according to stress-free internet surfing here are more videos to complete our be internet awesome experience hi there sir wilbur here and i will share something valuable to make sure that you will be internet awesome have you ever posted something in your social media account and later have regrets in posting it of course you can delete it but it is also possible that someone might have read it before you remove them do you share memes or funny videos for fun have you considered that someone might get offended the convenience of using the internet has become part of our daily lives which helps us communicate share photos and videos and post something about ourselves easily but in the online world we need to be extra careful we need to have the ability to control what information we will share about ourselves and whom we will allow to see and we share it and that refers to online privacy your name home address phone and mobile number social security number and email address are your personal information it's a good idea to make a rule for yourself not to share this kind of information online aside from keeping your personal information we must also take care of our reputation because these are the ideas opinions impressions or beliefs that other people think or have about you we must also consider what others will feel based on our posts different situations call for different responses online and offline it's always important to respect other people's privacy choices even if they aren't the choice you'd make yourself also be careful with the simple codes that you send like emojis because it represents a certain meaning or message which may uplift the reader's emotion or the other way around have you heard of the word over-sharing it refers to sharing personal information or just too much about yourself in a certain situation or conversation online what's the risk you might become so familiar in doing it that you are unaware that you are already sharing information about your private life this is harmful not just for you but also to your loved ones the internet can be a safe or a dangerous place for us it will really depend on how we will utilize it take time to think and read your post a couple of times before you share it in the world wide web and remember it's better if you will always think before you click but it's best if you will share with care [Music] [Laughter] yes we will be joined by special guest hosts yeah and another array of talented and scholarly speakers from jen and i will be with you in the session about photo editing and digital matter design using for instructional video development and digital illustrations using grita for book illustrations and for instructional video development yes and our guest host will be with you in a session about basic motion graphics using hitfilm express for instructional video development and music production using noteflight for instructional video development sir dj well apart from these mind enlightening topics from our well-known speakers uh for you will be surely glad to know them yes sir yes uh let's meet them then joining us this afternoon are the two of the most talented in the steam hosts of deaf end tv sergeant lester briones and juan pamela amore [Applause] [Music] is [Music] all right anyway if you were wondering why there are four of us all of a sudden it is because this afternoon we will have our concurrent or simultaneous sessions on separate links which you will see on your screen and in the comment section of this uh link right sir dj that's right both of them appear to be really interesting and will undoubtedly be of great assistance to us teachers as a result we are offering you the freedom to choose which session you'll see and attend of course you know yourself and your abilities better than we do so the decision is all yours so right after your lunch our dearest teachers go ahead and start making the links of your choice learn and don't forget to have fun [Music] like that it's time again for our shout outs she said happy birthday i'm cid chief nassi sir greg quinto of sdo bulacan greetings too also greetings to kuala lumpur south psces jennifer quito from sir marco powder gabriel elementary school quezon city district five from montiza oh memorial [Applause] national high school teaching and non-teaching staff and psds hello national high school that's patrick and rachel castillo of western bikota national high school and mom of the letter is national high school mala city headed by their principal good morning to all junior and senior high school teachers department heads and non-teaching personnel of ramon magsaysay cabal high school headed by their principal dr rubi de jesus nancy rose june neil and our super kind and understanding head teacher and benito and maria de la hoya teachers headed by their sds for jesse headed by mom segarina mdn show greeting spot from teacher dada hello teacher dada would be nothing shout out to for this session again from a shout out national high school sdo city of san jose del monte city the rising city with her principal rogelio g season junior sds marlena p cruz from maricon samina is [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Educational Technology Unit
Views: 93,175
Rating: 4.95362 out of 5
Id: BpfdWmgi_BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 37sec (13537 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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