HOW TO: Become a DevOps Engineer - LEARN THESE SKILLS!

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foreign [Music] but let's cover the basic skills you're gonna need to get yourself a job as a junior devops engineer a lot of the people that are getting in touch with me the comments I've had it's mainly people just trying to get that foot in the door so now I'm gonna cover just the core skills you need to get yourself a junior position so starting with the number one and this is I believe a pillar if not it should be a pillar I'm the devops principles and I don't know who came up with that and whether it's actually a relevant thing but I've came across saying some some blogs online so I thought worth mentioning it number one is getting yourself familiar with a cloud platform whether that's AWS azure Alibaba cloud that's what it's called and gcp they're the main ones already and so depending on where you are in the world but mainly in the west it's Azure and AWS so yeah the number one pillar is being Cloud native so get familiar with the cloud platform and understand the core resources so these are going to be compute storage and networking these three I think once you've boxes off understand what they are and the offerings and the cloud arts for these services and resources and then you've yeah that's the main thing really you're wanting boxes off understand what there is what the cloud offers then you'll be ready to move on to the Nexus skills it's definitely worth setting some of the foundation exams it'll only take a couple weeks till a month or most and you've got AZ 900 AWS Cloud practitioner and I I'm not familiar with the the um with the foundation exams for the other two but yeah definitely worth solve at least studying for the exam you don't have to set it well if you study for it you'll understand a lot of the core resources anyways yeah but yeah so once you've got that boxed off and we'll move on to the second set of skills that I recommend picking up and we'll cover that once I'm back from the gym also I'm well overdue trim so I'm gonna snap back on with lock in and feeling a little bit scruffy but it is what it is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it has a mess at the moment Okay so tip number two tool set number two that you need to know the second set of tools that you need to know um to get yourself a job in devops as a devops engineer or in the cloud space this is going to be the infrastructure I was called config management and what I mean by this is now that you've been accustomed to the cloud you need to learn how to deploy resources to the cloud so generally if infrastructure is called the go to is terraform terraforms Cloud agnostic so you can use it for both AWS and azure it's not as simple um switching between the two there are some differences um so just spare that in mind but terraformers pretty much a solid option if you want to pick one and there's also cloud formation which is specifically just for AWS and for azure if you ever find a role that specifies on templates yeah just run run for the Hills right it's not worth it try and do anything with arm templates such a pain in the ass I suggest um bicep loan bicep biceps pretty much very similar to terraform and it's something that owes you are well the guys at Microsoft create and because they realize themselves I'm pretty sure they realize that um home templates were not very human friendly so but I mind um but you could um go on and suggest it if you do pick up a junior role you could easily go in and suggest using biceps instead of arm tablets that's why I don't um but yeah so that's a solid option another solid option is uh ansible ansible is generally used for config management so once you've deployed your resources you then connect to the servers um and install what you need install configure how configure the server so you want to configure them really um but I have previously used somebody watching me yeah so I've previously used ansible to deploy resources and I use it for Conflict Management as well so bear that I might not answerable is pretty friendly um for both AWS and Azure and I don't think the modules differ too much as well so it's easier to learn um and one other thing answerable is good for so this is a bonus one right now and they're just passing in scripts when it comes to config management um so just say you want to move a file around Etc you can just pass in a script whether it's bash Powershell um whatever really so unsupport's pretty handy um what I recommend out of them could be fair I recommend starting off with ansible and then picking up a terraform I think that that's a pretty good way to go about because with ansible you get the infrastructures called deployments and the config management so you get experience both ends and then with the terraform you can just specifically focus on infrastructures code and yeah I think I'll I'll give you a very good foundation to to go off anyways I'm gonna get some food um clean up a little bit foreign [Music] check this out put them Ramsay out here so numb bread salad even got some zucchini in there some rocking Turkish inspired chicken on the side and this airfryer is literally a game changer you can't go wrong with the nutritious and healthy go wrong with a nutritious and healthy meal keeps that brain ticking away and that's what we Engineers need but if you want to see some more recipes drop a comment calories are sitting at like 3 000 at the moment so I've got plenty of room to play with so I can so I can just about eat anything I want and I'm getting pretty creative in the kitchen so yeah drop a comment because this isn't just a tech Channel we're gonna do lifestyle as well full gym nutrition everything all in one so yeah yeah drop a comment what else you want to see and I'll try to get in the videos check this out this is looking good right I'm gonna enjoy this and I'll catch you in the next clip where we're going to talk about the Nexa tools [Music] back in the office got my ice coffee to hand yeah right let's get into this so I won't be covered Cloud platforms infrastructure is called config management right so the next set of tools I will probably focus on picking up is going to be Pipelines so your options here are gonna be well they're gonna be limited because it's not a huge amount and you've got Azure devops and Jenkins and AWS chord pipeline I believe I've not used AWS core pipeline um I've used Jenkins and Azure devops and to be honest azure devops I prefer it so much more than Jenkins I'm I'm not keen on the UI for Jenkins the UI ux for Jenkins yeah this is something that I don't really like to be honest and I like the way Azure devops integrates I just like the way I should have just to be honest the way it looks and I find it easier to use and just personal preference um but what you want to do now is to package up whatever you've been deploying um so your infrastructure scored any conflict management you've had so any server-side config you've been doing and you want to be able to deploy that via the click of the button really and so there's no manual steps involved and so when it comes to working with pipelines you'll sort of touch on some other tools like getting familiar with GitHub repositories you need a repository to store your code in in pipeline's gonna pull from the Repository you may you may have optional variables that you're going to pass in during different steps of the pipelines itself and but at this stage when you just get in and getting into it trying to pick up I would just focus on just yeah just one repository that has a couple of files really nothing more than that and I've just infrastructure scored and just get the pipeline and deploy that resource and once you've gone through that phase I was deploying the resource successfully in whatever Cloud platform you've picked then you can maybe kick up another Pipeline and this just run giancesible compact management code so if you want to make any changes to that server let's all do that and then you can sort of um get them to work hand in hand someone's one completes the next one will trigger so there's one click of a button you're on your infrastructure as code on your first pipeline and then once complete the second bypen will trigger that would be config management and look nice keep it simple it's a learning experience you're not trying to be an expert from day one but yeah that's what I'd focus on anyways I'm gonna fish my iced coffee online focus on some personal projects got the day off today so just do my own thing and work on my own projects in the background hopefully I can release these two soon and currently everything's on the wraps keeping real quiet about this and fingers crossed the blows up as well and but yeah I'll let you know how I get on and I'll catch up with you later this evening and actually so three tips I've gave you so for or three areas of four because I should say and that's probably the call that I would look at that'll give you a nice foundation and definitely be able to get you a job as a junior devops engineer the next day I was supposed to do a summary last night and add some some of the thoughts to the back end of the video that I had about what you should be learning in your Cloud journey to get your first position but uh as you can see I completely crashed out um it's currently what 12 P.M 12 in the afternoon so I'm gonna get some breakfast and then I'll I'll catch up with you guys [Music] 78.5 kilos still bulking hard game's still hanging about just getting very fluffy right now but once I'm looking lean I'll pay off I'll be a lean machine I couldn't help myself today that was awesome I'm gonna have some breakfast on lunch basically this is gonna cover both meals so you know the standard character omelette Masala beans and some Dal on the side two parathas as well bang it why doesn't somebody look at the whole whole like working of like those things that is like in the top of the range like maps and that like sim-free formula doesn't exist but it will it's crazy to me because it's delicious as easy as like telling a manufacture to do it like come on I'm gonna take this pre-worker down I'm going to sit around and just let it absorb into me I'm gonna let it take me on and um a little bit [Music] back in the office nice coffee on Deck lately I've been having it on the door chocolate as well just bangs together anyways what movie so yesterday we covered some of the basics or why I think on the fundamentals like you need to know to get yourself a job as a junior devops engineer Junior Cloud engineer so the first one was getting familiar with the cloud platform thank you whichever one you want to pick so the second skill set was something that would allow you to deploy your infrastructure to your trolls and Cloud platform as code and so that was either my suggestions were either terraform or ansible and announceables hit a Miss in some companies prefer to use it for conflict management and but it's pretty it's pretty handy when it comes when it comes to infrastructure deployment as well um and the third one was Pipelines yeah so the only other skill you really need is to be comfortable working with Linux or Windows servers and I'd recommend getting experience of both when you're spinning up your resources in these clouds you can choose what what kind of VM you want and always do instance if you're using AWS whether that's Linux or Windows but it's pretty easy to get familiar with just config around these servers to be honest and there and then just sort of understanding help them investigate any issues and a lot of this will come whilst you're on the job so you don't you're going there too much but it's just getting familiar okay get to know the basic Linux commands and Powershell commands um and then that'll put you Double Trouble secondary path to be honest um once you're familiar with some basic commands and from there to be fair once you've got the basic commands you can maybe play around with scripts um so if you want to use a bash scripts or Linux a partial scripts or Windows I would just recommend playing around moving files about creating files and moving lines of code from one file to another Etc just basic still maybe even changing permissions on files and and that's it you know you've got a basic understanding of scripting basic understanding of cloud platforms and basically understanding of deploying infrastructure as code some config Management in there as well and you've got a base well a good foundation of pipelines especially if you're able to deliver all this via biplines and just in your own projects [Music] I am currently going to continue editing this video about mugshot I'm going to edit this and then work on a personal project it's a website I'm working onto myself so I'm going to box that off and then trying to get ahead of deadlines on that um I'm always itching to do something more so I'm working on my personal stuff hopefully I'll be able to reveal that to you soon when it's currently Under Wraps I've been working on all those all sorts of designs Etc um and yeah I'm got a holiday Vlog coming soon as well so well I've got a holiday coming up soon so if you want to see a holiday Vlog give me a shout I'll show you me uh living that digital Nomad life traveling and working also if you want to see more training footage more videos of me in the kitchen proper recipes um some more nutritionals and stuff like doing a deeper diving in nutrition um yeah let me know drop in the comments obviously it is like attack Focus Channel don't get me wrong but I don't want to do it so although it's just full-on tutorials YouTube really isn't a platform for that and for tutorials more or less I'm just going to be touching on tips and just career advice really for when it comes to getting jobs in in the tech industry so yeah just drop a comment on what you want to see um whether it's Tech related lifestyle gym nutrition all day anything you want really drop a comment and I'll uh I'll see if I can get it done anyways like subscribe peace out and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Kav Turbo
Views: 3,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: careers, job, salary, DevOps, software engineer, fitness, gym, gymshark, myprotein, bulking, finance, skills, technology, azure, aws, foodie, nutrition, cookbook, cook, chef, IT, cloud computing
Id: 48ZD0VQ6wUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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