Dax Shepard on His Schwarzenegger Impression, Epic Halloween Hayride & Letterman Going to His House

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our first guest tonight is a podcasting Juggernaut he rules the mighty armchair expert Empire his newest audio Delight is called F1 with DRS please say hello to Dak [Applause] Shepard you look very handsome you look great except for what happened at the bottom there it's like you ran out of steam on dressing up with the shoes yeah with the shoes I phoned it in with the shoes here's what I told myself to lie I'm like similar fabric right I thought cuz the suit was kind of whatever fabric this is I could pull that off I like all the filth on the bottom of the shoe too that's that's a nice touch yes it's not a new pair of shoes look I'm going to tell you the truth about my whole suit wardrobe which is I've never purchased this suit in my life never bought one no I just get them when I work like I hosted a game show three years ago they bought me nine suits I've gained 25 PBS since then none of them fit I don't know where to get a suit they they shut down the Sears by my house like 13 years ago Target I don't know where would I even go this I'll show you I'll let you in on a little secret okay so this is my kids friendship bracelet rubber band that's the only way I can wear this shirt cuz my neck doesn't fit or the veins will pop because your I have to tell you something we had Arnold schwarzen here on the show Monday and I think you're still the most muscular guest of the week does he have any shirts he would like to loan I bet you he's got a ton of shirts he could give you he's got to that gu he's loaded you love him right I love him so much did you see the dock on him truly a beautiful doc I love him on all the levels he's you know I grew up watching him BL people to death in every movie yeah but as you know I got to ride motorcycles with him when he was still the governor I got invited on this motorcycle riding Sunday morning remember that you had like a time where you were like hanging out with the governor yes I don't know why that ended but we'll get there um so I go on this motorcycle riding thing it ends at a at a a breakfast spot and we're all eating breakfast and it's a group of like 10 guys and I go to the bathroom when I come back he goes um you know Dax I've seen the without a paddle and I've seen the punk you're hilarious and I'm like I'm so happy I've been on TV for 5 minutes and he seems to know everything I've done so we leave the restaurant and I say to Tom Arnold who's also there can you believe Schwarzenegger's like seen all my stuff he goes Buddy as soon as you went to the bathroom he's like who the hell is this guy so at this breakfast I had done arrogantly my impersonation of him as you should do the the first time you meet him oh or anyone really anyone yeah it's a great Icebreaker um so I get a call a week later and it's sincerely it's like will you please hold for the governor and I think someone's messing with me there's no way they insur up he's like hello Dax how are you doing I had such a good time having breakfast with you I really enjoyed you doing the impersonation of me you know I'm going to be doing some events and I'd love for you to bring me out on stage and do the impersonation and I go well Arnold you're a Republican and I'm a Libertarian at the time I was uhhuh not anymore anyways I go I'm a Libertarian he goes me too I swear to God and I go all right let's do it so then I started going to I guess Republican fundraisers and I would bring them on on stage and that was going really well and then at a certain point he called and he's like Doc I'm going to raise some money I'm going to do a roast of myself I want you to present and make fun of me it's going to be great and I'm like okay so I take his book which I had read uh education of a bodybuilder 1968 and I had read it and so my only roast of him was to get on stage and read verba what's written in this book cuz there is a chapter about he and his best friend Franco lifting weights in the woods in Germany naked he mentioned Franco yeah loves Frank that's another sweet part of him so I'm reading it out loud and I'm like we would go out in the woods for hours naked lifting weights and drinking red wine and eating raw meat like Gladiators from a bygone [Applause] era my take was it's not even metaphorical now you guys are banging in the woods like you're you're naked drinking red wine and eating raw meat Romans Greek we know what they did did he wonder why people were laughing at his autobiography this is the best part of him and it's his superpower he came up on stage and he goes oh that was great you know that really was a great way to get the pump sincerely everything's positive that's his gift everything positive so I got to spend all this time with them and then eventually I'd say maybe the Zenith of the experience was he invited me to his house to watch a movie in like his movie theater okay so I go up there it's incredible he opens the door he's in a robe like a terry cloth robe with his initials on it awesome Maria's there the children are there I'm there somehow going and watch this movie that's like still in the theaters I can't remember what it was he sat in the front row and about six minutes into the program he goes out called d uh and he sleep he sleeps through the whole movie wakes up with like six minutes left ah movie ends he's like what a film did you see that it's incredible he's positive he's just a dad he's like I was like oh my Hero's also a dad sleeping through the entire movie has he been on your podcast no although you really don't need him you could just do him the whole I might have him on that Shephard is with us he's my armchair expert we'll be right back we are back with Dak Shepard his podcast is the armchair expert most Americans have maybe one maybe two podcasts you've got how many now I'm on four a week four a week yeah let's go through them real quick TI the is the is the quality suffering sure was it better when I did one you bet the new ones about Formula 1 racing Formula 1 I did that thing I bet happens to a lot of people which is like I love talking about Formula 1 I should have a podcast about it and here we are and we talk about Formula 1 about 10 of the hour that it goes on we rarely get to Formula 1 so there's oh so most of it's not about Formula 1 no no this week we talked about prostate health really I heard a disturbing thing on the way in to record it yeah and that's it you you're supposed to be having a lot of evacuations no that's not the right word you know what you need to have a lot of in a month to protect your prostate I'm not having enough of those I got very scared that I'm vulnerable oh wow what's the number 20 20 20 a month really 20 a month that's too much you hear that g yeah I do yeah yeah I think it's too much I would I thought you were going to say that's not enough that was going to be my guess given the story I heard he doesn't even know what we're talking about right so the podcast can be about whatever it's you and a few friends good friends and we talk about you had a great great interview with David Letterman I was on your podcast and we were talking about this a couple weeks ago yeah um you were incredible on it by the way well we I had a lot of fun it was always fun with you but um David Letterman and one things about your podcast is you do it at your house that's right which means David Letterman comes to your house yes he came to my house and you know I was very nervous uh he's my and your hero we like worship him and so I was sit in the house kind of just patiently awaiting Dave Letterman to come by and the car pulled into the driveway and we're having a garage built um and there were maybe eight workers in the garage that were taking their lunch break and I see the car pull up and then Dave you know he gets out of the car in that very Dave way and he just kind of like looks around and then he just walks to the garage he goes straight into the garage where the guys are eating and he goes gang you've done a great job let's all knock off early for the day and and then he turned around and strolled out of there and I was like this and did the guys take that seriously and go home fortunately there was a language barrier okay great okay great I think they were just like they knew that bearded man was Dave Letterman he just said something to them so everyone was tickled this is your time of year in the neighborhood because you do something very um generous and very unusual in your neighborhood every Halloween yeah I'm not going to pretend we don't live in a nice neighborhood we live in a very nice neighborhood with very proper people and we're straight Hillbillies from Michigan so big thing in Michigan is you got to go on a hay ride for Halloween so I have been hosting this will be the fourth year a hay ride through the neighborhood uh during Halloween during trick-or-treating and everyone's so Charmed by this because they they don't know anyone that can tow a trailer much less do a hay ride so you get a trailer full of hay I got music blasting there's lights you know the neighborhood's tight the everyone's back there I'm doing u-turns they are blown away the whole thing has resulted in they're so tolerant of me and my daughters riding dirt bikes through this very nice neighborhood because they appreciate we're in Doom buggies we're we're on dirt bikes uh we're breaking all the HOA laws we have a bus parked in front of the house you're not allowed to have that you're not but it's this hay ride has totally gotten us cart blanch there and you just drive around pick people up they jump on and they ride around the neighborhood that's right and in fact the people obviously they're in costume and so there's other fancy people that live I've interviewed people and they've said hey I had a great time on your hay ride I'm like you were on my hay ride well yeah I was dressed as a ghoul but like Kristen Stewart it was her she was I've had celebrities on the hay ride not not known Natalie Portman was on the ha ride is right yes they just jump on you drive them around you drop them off they think they've teleported to a different state or something yeah it does sound like that it's really of the ordinary for that neighbor and you don't you don't race other hay rides or anything like that do you I would love to if there's another neighbor who thinks they can duel me in the what if somebody were to set up a competing hayride in your neighborhood I can only think of one person blood the streets yeah yeah who would do that well you know I would you yeah yeah in fact I might start prowling your neighborhood good take people around there's nobody out there well it's great to have you here um pleas congratulations on all the success of the podcast I know it is available on all platforms anywhere you would listen to a podcast you can listen anything the armchair Universe uh F1 it's all there give my best to Kristen and Monica and everyone in your life I will please tell Molly I miss well she's right there you can tell her Jack Shephard everybody uh we'll be back with the co [Applause] Aon
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 318,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Dax Shepard, Podcaster, Armchair Expert, F1 with DRS, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Motorcycles, Impersonations, Hay Ride, Podcasts, Cars, Michigan
Id: jLyA0zOXPWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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