Davy Jones hosts Meet the Royals: Princess Margaret

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she was Queen Elizabeth's rebellious little sister Princess Margaret on meet the Royals hosted by Davy Jones next on A&E here they come walking down the street to get the funniest looks from everyone they meet [Music] [Applause] behold the bewitching Princess Margaret will be where behind the beauty looks a bit of a beast hey Davy Jones here scandals lovers reckless partying why oh why does this keep happening with the younger royal siblings welcome to meet the Royals where we take you inside the palace walls to see what it's really like to be a royal the perks the protocol and the party animals it's not in their blood it's in their upbringing strolling Margaret's Princess slippers for a bit you might understand why she was born to be wild princess margaret was a pretty child became a stunningly beautiful woman I think that Margaret's life was one of unfulfilled promise since all that was offered to her was wealth status and position there was not a very happy future [Music] Princess Margaret was a party animal she loved many people say that Princess Margaret had a talent for choosing the wrong lovers their eyes were terrible between them the shouting and the screaming he was 25 and she was 43 and she just fell for this young man instantly how did this brainy bombshell become such a princess with attitude just sit back on your gilded thrones and you'll see as we meet the Royals it's a summer night in 1930 at gloms Castle in Scotland a violent storm beats against the ancient stones it drowns out the cries of a woman in labor the product of that labor Princess Margaret is a grandchild of the king of England even as a toddler she charms the guys and she quickly becomes the apple of the Kings eye Georgia faith would tie around on his back like a bucking bronco through the calving the emperor of half the world in 1930 Britain rules the greatest empire the world has ever seen being of royal blood is a very posh deal for Margaret and big sister Elizabeth the finest clothes a big house in London Elizabeth is very well behaved Margaret's kind of a holy terror right incredibly mischievous love to jump out on footmen and shout boo and have they drop the tray or whatever the British press adores this sassy little girl when she's 5 her life changes dramatically her beloved grandpa King George the fifth dies now her uncle Edward is king but Eddie's in love with a divorced woman and the royal rule book says Royals can't marry divorcees so he quits his job suddenly Margaret's dad is on the throne long live King George the sixth their family has hit the jackpot and the princess is moved to Buckingham Palace [Music] mom and dad may be king and queen and there's a nanny a nursery maid and a governess but there's still hands on parents it was a woman that was different they always had access to that parents this makes great PR and the press gobbles it up tea times absolutely suck recite when they'd all sort of sit around the farm play games George the sixth is a great play mate because he's haunted by memories of his own nasty father he calls Elizabeth his pride but Margaret is his joy and he knows it'll be a bummer for her when Elizabeth becomes queen someday he said to his daughter I understand about being second-best he spoiled her utter day she could have anything she wanted in an empire the princesses even have their own kid sized castle the only thing Margaret's parents blow-off is her education she was intelligent and an intelligent royal is by and large a pretty rare occurrence these Royals worry that women who show they're smart will turn eligible men off so Margaret's tutors teach her only feminine subjects like music dancing and drawing she was one of the cleverest women I've known but with no sufficient outlet for that intelligence she was being trained to cut the ribbons at hospitals and schools and smile for the press when Margaret is nine World War two breaks out Nazi pilots bomb London night after night other parents ship their kids to the safety of Canada but the princesses stay put they'll show the world Brits are not afraid of bombs the press treats the royal family as heroes especially when Buckingham Palace is bombed to bolster British spirits 14-year old Elizabeth broadcasts an uplifting message and introduces her little sister good night and good night to you all princes married once said to me she was brought up the world of men because during the war they were surrounded by all these troops there they were in a way incarcerated in Windsor Castle one of the men is a pilot and war hero Group Captain Peter Townsend Hey keep your eyes on group captain Townsend Margaret certainly does Townsend's not only a hero he's a perfect gentleman tall handsome even modest when Peter Kansa went to his first meeting with the king the two princesses were determined to see him because he was a very glamorous vicar today I was peeped at him I'm very taken with him finally the war ends the good news for Princess Margaret is that she gets to leave the palace and celebrate with ordinary people we don't dress down and everybody was in uniform anybody wasn't in uniform of that place the bad news well this 15-year old now has no purpose in life the Royals have no role for a kid sister who won't ever be queen with princesses with sons in the royal family they going to the army most of them are they go to they've they go to the forces they have some kind of a career no one knew what to do in those days with a princess she'll be a little lost princess for the next half century making obligatory royal appearances and looking for fun of course when you're bored there's always travel in this case an endless tour of South Africa [Music] the beautiful princess is schooled in charm but sometimes she forgets her manners there was a story about one African chief who'd made a tremendously long speech who had armed and on and on and then I think he'd either lost his place with some interruptions and he started all over again from the beginning and she gave this tremendous grown teach maybe shouldn't have done Margaret's favorite souvenir of South Africa is Peter Townsend remember him he's still on the palace staff group captain Townsend and the princess take long rides through the gorgeous South African countryside romance is in the air oh by the way Peters a married man so there's trouble ahead meet the Royals brought to you in part by the Principal Financial Group whining on VHS for only twenty four ninety five plus shipping and handling to order call 1-800 for two three one two one two or visit a II tv.com hey welcome back to meet the Royals here on A&E Princess Margaret's father was King George the sixth before he was King George he was Prince Albert then suddenly upon being crowned his name changed now how does that sort of thing happened well here's the story he was crowned king in 1937 when the narces were becoming a menace and albert apparently sounded a bit too German bad shell at all his full name was albert arthur frederick george so they stuck the george in front and the rest is royal history [Music] Princess Margaret was a party animal she glowed by the time Margaret turns twenty she's got a rep as a major-league partying princess nothing like her staid parents or her straight-arrow sister she drinks she smokes dawn would be breaking in the rearview mirror before she got back home she becomes the nightclub queen of England she would make whoever had been selected that evening to be her escort he would pay Margaret never spent a penny of her own money but why should a princess pay she's beautiful she's bewitching and she's single unlike big sister Elizabeth who's gone and married the very unhip Prince Phillip Margaret becomes a perfect lure for paparazzi they swarm like honeybees around her and her suitors had enormous charisma she had this indescribable thing known as star quality [Applause] she also still has her eye on Peter Townsend her pursuance of Townsend developed into a very what was considered a almost sexual harassment she would demand that he go riding with her no matter that he was in the middle of doing something with his wife she would deliberately run at her horse alongside he said that her neck could touch his in 1952 the inevitable happens Peter Townsend divorces his wife that same year Margaret's father dies his death delivers a terrible blow to Margaret she'd loved him deeply she fills the vacuum by turning more and more to Townsend she went to her sister the new queen and said that she and Peter Townsend were very much in love and they'd like to marry this is not just a sisterly chat Royals like Margaret need the Queen's permission to Wed but Elizabeth is in no hurry to give it because remember Royals shouldn't marry divorcees till now the affairs been hush-hush but then comes Elizabeth's coronation [Music] Princess Margaret looking absolutely stunningly beautiful and radiant sort of rushed up to Townsend and there's a tiniest sort of speck of fluff on his uniform she just flicked it off like that and it was not a wifely gesture and the body language was so obvious that something had been terribly private suddenly became frightfully public it's a headline writers dream the palace swings into action while Margaret's on a tour of Rhodesia Townsend is sent packing to a minor diplomatic post in Belgium he was gone I think a little under two weeks to pack up and get himself ready to go to Brussels he was banished the grim news reaches Margaret in Africa [Applause] there was this tremendous scene at Princess Margaret refused to go on but any of her duties she was really very very upset really angry about the fact that he'd been sent off without her prior knowledge so does she give up no way she's the royal black sheep [Music] princess Milan all her life has wanted something that's a little bit racy and risque and I think the group captain supplied that aspect which her more ordinary well-bred friends could never achieve [Music] but her illicit love strains her family bonds her big sister buries herself in queenly duties [Music] [Applause] [Music] and her mother the Queen Mother simply avoids the subject the Queen Mother has this wonderful serenity because if things go wrong she tends to look the other way to turn her back and win this whole business of Townsend blew up the Queen Mother simply couldn't bring herself to talk about it [Applause] in 1955 Peter returns to England for a short visit and there's a hailstorm of press coverage might they reunite no way says the establishment [Music] politicians church leaders palace and fighters and the royal family all got together to decide what should happen and all of them it was unanimous fund none of them wanted her to marry Townsend I would like to believe that the Queen was tortured by being required to do this I can't imagine she wasn't margaret is warned if she marries she'll have to leave England permanent exile she won't be a royal highness anymore she'll be plain mrs. Peter Townsend and live on his modest income Margaret's response forget about it she enjoyed being a princess she once said to someone so I can't think of anything more wonderful than being what I am this is a princess with every dress was paid for every car or chauffeured she had whatever she wanted Margaret's savvy she knows who butters her crumpet she and Peter draft a formal renunciation of their love of course it ends up as front page news mindful of the Church's teachings that Christian marriage is indissoluble and conscious of my duty to the Commonwealth I have resolved to put these considerations before others or in other words luxury before love to Peter he zips off on an 18-month journey around the world she's left alone in her royal flat a sad sad moment especially you must remember this the Princess Margaret lived to see many other Royals divorce and remarry and how could she not think to herself why was i disallowed this the British public takes her side and they say it with flowers you could hardly get into the house though the amount of flowers masses and masses of little bunches bring people like taxi drivers just saying we're with you Margaret or good luck [Music] things may look bleak but you know Margaret before those bouquets even wilt the marry princess is off and running once again she rules the nightclubs drinking and smoking and driving her friends to exhaustion I've attended many dinners and banquets at which one of the waiters tasks their only task of the evenings to make sure that her whisky flask is permanently topped up [Music] by protocol no one can leave these soirees before margaret and she parties till 3:00 in the morning but at age 25 this hard-charging beauty is beginning to scare off potential mates Marvin had these piercing fabulous blue eyes and people got to recognize the Margaret I want something look whenever she started to look in that particular way towards them they were terrified fast forward to a February night in 1958 at a dinner party Margaret meets a talented photographer Antony armstrong-jones they both had a great deal in common they had a love of theater the mothers the ballet I loved many many things unlike Margaret's last major fling Tony's not married not divorced he's really truly single and he's really truly cool with a flat in an artsy part of London and a secret love nest by the Thames even their closest friends did not know that they were seeing one another soon she's eating Tony's homemade meals and drinking his cheap wine she would go there sometimes on the back of his motorcycle wearing a headscarf and a jumper not looking at all like HRH princess father you go girl [Music] for the path of raw romance to run smoothly you have to be a master of disguise whether you're a prince or a princess when Prince Andrew was dating the American actress KU Stark he often used to dress as a milkman as a traffic warden and during her romance with the heart surgeon has no comp Princess Diaries to wear on the wig so they could queue outside his favorite jazz club and no one had a clue who she was made a bit of a change from her courtship with Prince Charles during their romance she called him Sir Tony's love for Margaret was not disguised at all we're Antony armstrong-jones was concerned they were head-over-heels in love with one another their relationship is passionate one friend says it's about sex sex sex but will they tie the knot would you believe it's old flame Peter Townsend who decides their fate he sends Margaret a letter saying he's about to marry a gorgeous 19-year old Belgian well two can play that game the royal family thinks Tony's a strange choice for a mate an artist what about a real man who wears tweeds and kills foxes but she was also reaching the sort of age where everybody actually wanted her to marry and if he/she happened to choose somebody like Toni armstrong-jones I think they thought well that's preferable to not getting married at all [Music] she'll get married and she'll get revenge revenge against the establishment by marrying an artsy photographer it allowed her to kind of caucus Nuka the establishment she was in a sense getting her own back from the way they had treated her over peach Townsend for armstrong-jones Margaret's quite a catch beautiful spunky rich but Tony's mates are worried they knew he was quite the wrong such personality for court life or that restricted life that you have to lead in court obviously her role was always going to be superior to Tony in that hierarchical set up of the royal world in the end Tony's friends bury their doubts and dress up for the wedding which is spectacular so spectacular that Parliament has a snit about the $60,000 it costs the government the press gushes perhaps we had never known how beautiful she is but after they sweep the rice from the floor of Westminster Abbey will art see Tony be able to hack it with the Tony Royals why do we work why do we get up every day and go to work [Music] because we make things fix things send our kids off to learn things at the Principal Financial Group we know you don't just work to retire you work to live that's why we give people the financial tools to help them keep more the money they make and do more with the money base now available today on Pallas P's and Q's dining with the Queen now let's get some advice from our own etiquette Queen Victoria Mader always when in doubt watch your hostess they do some strange things actually quite often at the Royal tables quite often husbands wives sit next to each other which i think is ghastly but why would you want to sit next to a husband your wife is seeing the whole time let's be supportive ghastly indeed now seriously why is the worst gaffe that I could commit at the Queen's dinner table there probably being sick into your plate do you think of falling asleep in the soup or getting blind drunk but the glasses are quite small I mean the alcohol is sort of quite rigidly controlled do you have any other advice you know like for me well don't drink out the finger bowls well then there was an instance when Queen and with Queen Victoria someone drank out of Vicki's finger bowl what on earth did she do Queen Victoria took a look and thought and then did the ultimate polite thing she took her finger bow and she drank from it as well so I think the Queen can outmaneuver she's been brought up to outmaneuver anybody on manners all part of a day's work I guess when it comes to being a queen it's now the 60s and London rocks Princess Margaret and Tony armstrong-jones fit right in as Brittany's smartest couple she was the diner of her day she was bigger than Diana I'm so wherever she went that big crowds they hobnob with celebs from showbiz and the arts like these four blokes from Liverpool John Lennon calls her priceless margarine if you love to invite everybody that was currently in the flow of things to the to the Kensington Palace and she used to have a wonderful parties there when your royal you can keep partying you don't have to change dirty diapers so their kids David by count Lindley and Lady Sarah don't slow their pace a bit how did the children get titles when their dads just mr. Armstrong Jones well he isn't anymore the cleric princess has lobbied for a title and Tony's now Earl of Snowdon to begin with I think he rather enjoyed it but I think eventually he got rather bored with the royal protocol he did not want and did not fit in to the role of mr. Princess Margaret as for fitting into the royal family Prince Philip did not like Armstrong James referred to him always at that bloody man didn't think he was a manly enough man mr. Margaret buries himself in his work his photography his TV documentaries even his design for this aviary but after work he still must toddle home to the boss he couldn't take her arrogance and having to be right all the time and her time keeping everything happened to her time he could be down for lunch an hour before her but he wasn't served and so she came down as she expected him to do as he was told Royals just can't hack the give-and-take of normal relationships and why should they they've been brought up in this all and adulation everything they say is take a notice of a crack a joke people fall about laughing it's a very very fast life behind the elegant walls of Kensington Palace it's a nightmare the two of them will get drunk with a tree with each other in front of their friends some people started refused invitations to their home because they couldn't estándar the reviving atmosphere Taney was very good at being spiteful being unkind so what does Margaret do to get back at Tony what royal ladies have traditionally done other men like the brilliant comedian Peter Sellers who says he's quite in love with Margaret sellers will do anything to impress her including casting her in this fancy home movie which costs him six thousand pounds [Music] [Applause] later sellers will brag they've had an affair he even tells his son about one special night they had dinner and then the will the service cleared everything up and beat her retreat and left them to it mmm I think he said he said he thought to himself my god he said I could end up in the tower [Music] but didn't put him up with everything cheeky mr. Seles when the going gets too rough Margaret escapes from Tony to a Caribbean island but she doesn't escape her royal ways for a picnic on the beach Princess Margaret expected the guests to wear gloves I mean there's none of this alum Margaret or Maggie I mean absolutely she would slap you down immediately and it was good evening your Royal Highness and it would be a bow from the men and a curtsy from the ladies behind closed doors of Buckingham Palace formality reigns supreme amongst members of the royal family when Prince Charles greets the Queen Her Majesty he will formally bow to her and formally kiss her hand when the Royals meet each other privately they bound curtsy depending on their position in the Royal pecking order and it's where the vagaries of royal protocol for the newest arrival into the royal family that's Prince Edward's wife the Countess of Wessex well she's now the most senior female royal after the Queen and ironically means that the Queen's own daughter Princess Anne has to curtsy to the daughter of a used tire salesman margarit the swinging mother of two never forgets she's the daughter of a king just get that sort of frosted look in her eye that sort of absolutely opinions you to the floor and it can be quite devastating the princess herself doesn't have to play by commoners rules even with a guest who's married it was literally ruffling her hand through his that and then I heard a woman next to me sobbing and I said who she this was that man's wife and of course she was distraught because again with the formality of it all you can't jump in and say leave my man alone but even a princess can't ignore one thing the royal code if you have any trouble at home any kind of a domestic friction you keep this quiet and this is what she and Snowden would do they would try and present a facade to the public whereby there was nothing wrong when Margaret comes home from her solo tropical trips Tony darn well better be there with a smile for the paparazzi to the outside world at least nothing seems in this but time marches on and even princesses shows signs of wear if they're over 40 and their only purpose in life is pleasure it can spell trouble [Music] [Applause] meet the rules is the only place you can get the lowdown on M versus F monkeys versus monarchy are you quite ready okay - methought were ahead in public and so does Queen Elizabeth is hit god save the queen monkeys biggest hit a song that mentions data that at the homecoming queen I sung those words a few times I'll tell you finally the monkeys lasted two years on network television the British royal family as an unbroken line going back 937 years and it's probably because they never had a deal with the network executives in 1973 unhappily married Margaret meets a young gadabout named Roddy Llewellyn at a party in Scotland it was at a time when she needed somebody to say hey you're pretty okay she looked at this young adonus with the very good features very handsome boy tall rangy everything she would possibly dreamed of in a toy boy Roddy's about to turn 26 let's see 43 minus 26 makes 17 there's a 17-year difference between them the affair transforms Margaret she's been drinking like a fish that much whiskey that much water she smokes too much 60 cigarettes a day she's put on weight people don't like me when I'm fat do they she said cuz I thought was rather poignant with a handsome young lover that won't do roadie brought back the life the spark the youth the fun everything that she valued and I mean you only had to look at her during that time to see how much better she was [Music] the lovers get-away-from-it-all on Margaret's Caribbean island this is paradise there was private island I think she felt pretty safe there some of my colleagues attempted to get pictures and stories there and they were singularly unsuccessful but then a photographer posing as a tourist fires the shot seen round the world it's tabloid heaven the paparazzi run wild Rowdy tries his best to be discreet even polite I'm sorry [Music] I don't want to sound released [ __ ] boo but I'd rather leave it that way do my meanwhile Margaret's husband has been having his own affairs but there's a difference he hasn't been caught which gives him a perfect way to finally shuck the princess and still come off the good guy [Music] naturally desperately sad in every way this had to happen Marlys comment in london was that it was the best bit of acting she had seen in her whole life was Tony's tearful performance of television yeah yeah that's a Tony winner for sure desperately sad airing such dirty royal linen in public ticks off Margaret's sister and her mom but they're helpless to stop it they thought it was undignified for and smaller to go off with somebody much younger than herself the Queen was heard to say well despairingly she was worried by my sister's guttersnipe life the affair continues so does the bad press in Parliament the princess is described as a parasite one of her sins taking 14 thousand pounds from the government when she'd fulfilled only eight public engagements Princess Margaret who was doing nested nothing in there she was receiving considerable amounts of public money and I was representing a lot of constituents who that time were living on on the bread line you know they couldn't afford a holiday at all and there they saw this person swatting off to the Caribbean not just once a year but several times in the year [Music] adding fuel to the fire rowdy starts exploiting the publicity he tries to launch a career as a pop singer he croons on French television with Petula Clark I think they were really very deeply fond of each other they both have the same kind of sense of humor and enjoyed music and probably other things as well what do you suppose she's thinking in 1978 the Snowden's finally call it quits which throws more raw meat to the newshounds it's the first divorce in the immediate royal family in more than 400 years since Henry the eighth dumped two of his wives hey Charlie the glad you were beheaded free at last Lord Snowdon takes a new bride this time he knows better than to Wed a royal at least Roddy and Margaret are still an item but how long will that last [Music] tomorrow Sebring are you back are you comfy good because meet the Rawls he's ready with law here soon after turning 50 Margaret notices Roddy's acting strange she confronts him mother took him on science hit though this is very uncharacteristic why on earth are you being so rude to everybody and so pleasant and he said because I've got saying I'm present to tell you I'm in love with another woman poor Talia and I'm going to marry her I think it hit her very hard I thought she was going to have a nervous breakdown of some kind but she's a classy dame when she recovers from her nearly suicidal depression she graciously invites rowdy and Tanya to lunch at Kensington Palace seeing her ex-lover again must make her wonder if all her dreams are made to be shattered [Applause] ever since she met Peter Townsend Cupid has ruled Margaret's life but after rowdy Llewellyn ditches her the god of love flies off for good various escorts had been friendly with various men I can't say exactly how close it is but has never really been another great love affair in her life Margaret still has her friends but she's often a royal pain in the around them most people consider Maori to be the weekend visitor from hell because she's very very difficult you've got to know what she wants to do what she wants to play how she wants to party what she wants to eat what she wants to drink and everything must be done to her shadow behave Margaret well if she likes you she's an absolute firm steadfast friend because she can't decide she's not a friend any more than its your out because I never changes our mind that family once they've made a decision speaking of that family after the boy-toy 86 is Margaret Elizabeth is delighted to see her back on the straight and narrow and Margaret shows she's a loyal kid sister I have never heard her utter a single word of criticism of her majesty and woe betide anyone who would dare to criticize the Queen in her presence [Music] the party animal also turns out to be a first-rate mom she hasn't raised Lord lynly and Lady Sarah to be snooty Royals she's giving them the support and encouragement for that artistic stream that she was never given as a child herself Lord lynly went off and became a carpenter I mean a master craftsman and makes furniture and she absolutely was right behind him I mean you can't imagine that happening for in the royal family Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones also follows her own muse she becomes a successful painter but with the kids grown up how does a middle-aged princess spend her time fulfilling her patronage as her presidencies her public life now she's earning her keep with tons of official engagements sometimes more than 300 a year some she loves but mostly there yawners she doesn't give it about I've often heard from people who have organized events which she had to come to be the guest of honor and they say that she's been very brusque with him that she's been a very unhelpful indeed that she simply carries out her job and off she goes now Margaret's excessive habits begin catching up with her surgeons remove part of one lung but mighty Margaret still keeps puffing away I've tried her about smoking that was the one thing that I did tried her about her that she did shouldn't smoke I don't think CEO took much notice in 1998 she has a stroke it's obvious that the party is almost over [Music] in February 2002 71 year-old Margaret suffers another stroke and dies peacefully in her sleep Princess Margaret wanted a low-key funeral which I have to tell you was very beautifully done I've heard it said that Princess Margaret's life was unfulfilled and I dispute that of course there were periods of great sadness great loneliness profound unhappiness but it was a fulfilled life it was colorful energetic action-packed on the one hand is a princess very conscious he's there to represent the monarchy on the other hand she wanted to be this freewheeling princess she wanted to be artists she wanted to be a party girl so she'd really never resolved these two parts of her nature you've got to give it to Margaret bust affairs bad press countless cigarettes and endless drinks and she didn't seem to regret a thing if you want to be a princess you've got it sick that's tabloids with the tiara it's not easy being purple I'm Davy Jones and you've been watching meet the Royals I don't mind being the center of attention and I know in this business no matter how good you are it always comes down to one thing your body Jill Hennessy is Medical Examiner Jordan Cavanaugh in crossing Jordan next on A&E [Music]
Channel: orangeneko
Views: 80,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davy Jones, Monkees, The Monkees, royal family
Id: aemTPIjwex0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 38sec (2798 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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