DaVinci Resolve Source Tape | Amazing Cut Page Feature

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so you may be wondering why davinci resolve has two pages that you can edit video in either the cup page or the edit page both edit video which one is better well i don't think it's a question of which one is better certainly they have different feature sets and they're designed for different things the cut page is primarily designed for speed that's its number one function be the fastest interface for editing video in possible and in this video i'm going to show you one of its awesome features called the source tape which is going to really help you when it comes to going through a bunch of footage really quickly and then getting on with your editing so let's take a look just before we dive into the excitement around the source tape mode in the cut page what i want to just do is take a second say thank you to everybody who currently subscribes to the channel you're amazing we are at the time of recording just about to hit two and a half thousand subscribers and we couldn't do that without each and every one of you thank you so much indeed means a lot and if you're returning welcome back also if you're new around here hi there are other people here on the channel too with you subscribing to the channel and enjoying the content regularly we talk about all sorts of things to do with video production but primarily davinci resolve so if you enjoy that sort of stuff think about subscribing would you that'd be great thanks very much let's jump into the main video today and very quickly just before we get started with the video whilst we have this lovely speed editor over here and i could use that for this particular video in fact i might do that in another video if you're interested we do already have a speed editor video up on the channel so do check that out if that's of interest but certainly we're going to be concentrating in this video on using the mouse and keyboard traditional style setup because i know that some of you won't have a speed editor or you maybe haven't received it yet and you just want to know how to do it with a mouse and a keyboard absolutely fine no problem at all all of this video from this point four will be non speed editor related equally the speed editor hasn't got a name yet so i would like to run a quick challenge on this channel if you want to name our speed editor pop your best ideas in the comments below and i will take all of those into account and we will name our speed editor at some point in the future okay that was a bit of fun let's get into the stuff okay so we've dived over to davinci resolve and i'm in the cut page as you can see so up here in the media pool which is one of the main areas in the cut page i have some bins or folders where i have some footage and if i click in i can see those particular clips which is great i've done a little bit of basic organization so this is a little bit further ahead so we've brought some clips in we've organized them we've got given them some bins and color coordination and we have a timeline and the timeline is waiting for us down in the timeline area and we actually have two timelines in the cup page this top timeline here and this bottom timeline here i'll go into those in a bit more detail in either another video or slightly later in this video but for now just remember that the top timeline is zoomed out all the way whereas the bottom timeline is a zoomed in view so basically it's just a full extent view on the top so it shows everything in your program from start to finish in that timeline and then the bottom part here is your essentially your zoomed in view okay and then we have some different viewers up in the top here so let me just draw your attention to those here so we have the source clip the source tape and the timeline viewers there's three different viewers and they also have slightly different functions the source clip shows you everything in the media pool the timeline shows you what's on your timeline and the source tape measures what we're talking about today is an amazing fast action tool that helps you look at everything in your media pool at once so let me just show you the old way of working normally you would find a bin you go to a clip and either you live preview it by scrubbing here like so and then scrubbing the next one and so on and so forth or you double click it to load it into the viewer and then you'll be able to play it back that way but that's always a bit cumbersome and it's not particularly handy when you've got lots and lots of clips to look through so let's show you another way of doing it so let's dive in let's get back to our master bin and let's show you the source tape when i dive into source tape mode watch what happens first of all let's have a little look at the viewer down here so this area here you can see just here underneath the main image is my play bar and you can see how it's got little broken up sections with white and the audio waveform now obviously each one of those white lines denotes a new clip so as i scrub through here you can see that i i'm changing clips like so which is really very handy and obviously the shorter sections mean they're shorter clips and the longer sections here mean that they are longer clips and what you'll see is also as i scrub through the playhead the media pull up here will change to make sure that i'm always seeing the current clip that i'm hovering over in the play bar so as i come through you'll notice how that's changing now very very handy indeed because now i can very quickly just play back all of my media and just cycle through it as my leisure and the great thing is i can always press the in and the out keyboard shortcut so that's the i and the o key so i and o to mark an in and out and once i've marked my in and out i can easily bring it down onto my timeline either by using these buttons here so we've either got the insert we've got the append overwrite close up place on top or source override so we've got all these functions here or up in the edit menu we also have all of these options showing here as well and then equally we can also just use our keyboard shortcuts so we could use the info again they're listed here so we've got the function keys f and f9 and f10 which will help us bring things on to the timeline so if we do that f9 bring that onto the timeline and you can see we now have a clip on our timeline which i can then scrub through notice here when i go down to my timeline i'm automatically switching over to my timeline view now what's great about this is if i want to go back i can go back to my source tape and i can carry on working and finding the next clip that i want to bring onto the timeline now this is all very well and good but what's also very cool about this particular source tape view is that we can change the way that it's sorted if we'd like to so for example let me just clear what i've just done there by backing up and then clearing my inner my app points by pressing the option button on a mac or the alt button on a keyboard and the x key and you'll see my ins and my apps have reset if i come up here to the sorting button just in the top right of the media pool and click it i can see that i can sort media by various different means and at the moment is sorted by time code but that's not particularly helpful to me so let's try sorting by bin instead so when i sort by the bin what you can actually see now is i've got my bin called master arriving actually it's just the arriving bin then i've got the interviews been which is the one i'm currently in my logo riding working so i've been able to sort out all my footage very quickly in order of bin and that's also been reflected down here on the play bar so you'll notice that that's actually shifted around let me do it again and so you can see everything shifts around to accommodate my new sort order which is again very very cool and actually you can do it by a whole load of things clip name being one you can do it by date and time and you notice you see how the date and the sort of the header of that section that it's showing me updates in the media pool very very handy indeed let's go to by bin for the time being so let's say that okay this first bin here this arriving bin is really nice there's some nice shots that we want to look through but the problem is it takes up a very small area here over on the play bus it's not easy to navigate through that and really get fine control so here's where another benefit of the source tape mode comes in let's say i just want to dive in a bit further into this bin particularly and have just these clips laid out on the play bar underneath the viewer well if i come and hit the source tape button again watch what happens i've now just jumped into this bin you can see how i've dived a little bit deeper into this bin and i'm only seeing these four clips now equally these four clips are the only ones that are laid out in the play bar so now when i go through i've got much more fine-tuned control of each of those clips and i can quickly go through those clips in that bin mark ins and outs and drop them onto the timeline and then move on the great thing is here to get back to the bin level or the top bin level i just simply press escape on the keyboard and you'll notice how all my clips have come back and my source tape has updated to be able to show me all of my clips so let me just show you that again very quickly and i'll show you a very quick working example so let's say that we are on this first clip and you can see here if i zoom in slightly that yeah it's very very tight there's very hard to be able to market in and out on that particular shop very easily in this view so let's dive in a bit deeper by pressing the source tape again and i'm diving in a tiny bit deeper and now i can make some shot choices and decisions on where my input wants to be so let me just go through maybe just here's the camera settles just as he comes through marking it in gonna zip through just to there marking out i'm gonna throw onto the timeline by pressing shortcut for f9 which drops onto the timeline let me press my arrow keys my up and down keys to jump forward to the next shot and play forward so again a little bit further away he's a bit further away so i'm just going to run through just to the point where he's coming down press i for the in point scrub through to the point where he stops over the out point throw it down to the timeline and i'm going to go forward a bit further and here we go he's by locking up his bike let me just mark it in and out there add it on to the timeline and again i'm just pressing smart insert at this point to get it down to the timeline i could also append as well if i wanted to so here's a shot here where he's coming forward okay i'm just going to mark it in there drag forward he pulls up and he gets out there i'm going to mark my outs and i'm going to put that onto the timeline i'm also going to go back to this first shot and i'm going to get the point where he walks across from there i'm going to mark it in and out very good onto the timeline bang very very quickly have i got an edit put together are you still here awesome if you're still here and watching then you are a superstar thank you so much indeed for watching all the way through the video i really really appreciate it and just to say thank you i'm going to give you a secret code word and that's going to pop up on the screen here now that codeword is important keep it safe and all will become clear at a later stage if you'd like to you can drop it in the comments below don't say anything else though just pop it in the comments below and we'll see if anyone else cottons onto it but the point is keep it safe there'll be something coming up where you'll need to use that to be able to redeem something in the future okay that's all i'm going to say if i jump over to the timeline view you can then scrub through okay so what we're going to need to do is do a bit of sorting in my clips again this is where the cut page makes that very very easy to do because i can use this top timeline here to simply drag and drop the order of my clip so now we have the chat coming down the hill and we just want to get him par as he comes past the window so i'm going to just trim this clip in again i can do it either in the bottom timeline or the top timeline so i'm going to drag it across there so he comes across he goes past the window as he goes past the window we're going to cut from that shot and we're going to bring in so that's not in the right place so let's go forward we're going to bring this shot in i'm just going to move that up you'll see how when i bring it up and then hover it over the gap it makes way there we go and in fact there's too much so i'm just going to go from there i'm going to trim it back a little bit very easy just using the mouse and the keyboard at the minute to do that there are keyboard shortcuts that can help you do that but for the time being we're just going to move it through and then again we're going to cut here i'm going to bring it back a bit i'm actually going to go back to my source tape because i want to find another specific bit just a bit where he lets the dog out i'm going to cut the wide shot again there we go maybe this from here i'm going to just bring that in there okay great so let me just now drop that in and i want to insert that so looking at where my smart indicator is positioned here will help me work out where i'm going to insert this shot so i'm going to insert it right here by pressing f9 so i inserted that lovely so i'm going to go from there he's going to let the dog out going to go across and then he's going to bike up his bike and actually we can just delete this one because we don't need it anymore perfect there we go that's a very very quick edit and you can see how i moved for through the source clip or the source tape to be able to do that now because i've jumped from the timeline and back it's actually taken me out again but if i wanted to very easily all i need to do is press source tape and i'm back into that bin if i'm done with the bin i can simply press escape come back let me go down to my other bin so maybe there's a shot later on okay let me look at this shot where he's working so i want to dive into this bin so i click on the clip that i want press source tape again and i'm now in that bin and i've got all these clips laid out and i can just look through this if i want to and continue adding them to my timeline so there you go that is the source tape mode in the cut page it's built for speed i hope it helps you speed up your editing process particularly the bit that is pretty monotonous where you're just sorting through footage getting it onto the timeline trying to flesh out that edit and getting a rough edit in place if it was useful to you then please take a second and hit the thumbs up button for me it would mean the world and it also just lets youtube know that this was a good video and people were enjoying it and hopefully it will also recommend that other people watch it as well so hopefully you're helping other people out by doing that for me so do do that if you have any questions leave those in the comments and i will try and get back to you as best as i can otherwise have a wonderful wonderful week guys i'm gonna be back next week hopefully with another video for you as well so until then stay tuned stay well and i'll see you soon bye for [Music] now [Music] you
Channel: Alex Cameron - Depiqd
Views: 950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cut page source tape, source tape davinci resolve, source tape resolve 17, resolve cut page, davinci resolve cut page, davinci resolve tutorial, how to use resolve cut page, cut page resolve 17, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 17, cut page davinci resolve 17, cut page vs edit page, cut page speed editor, resolve cut tab, edit faster in davinci resolve, davinci resolve trainer, How to use davinci resolve 17
Id: P0QZZijJScs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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