David Wilkerson - The Lord Has Promised to Deliver You

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If you haven't watched the previous videos/days, I do recommend going to my profile and watching them. They will help you wherever you may be in your walk. If not directly than by giving you more tools to help others.

God bless you all and continue fighting the good fight with more determination each day.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nufrija 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
I want to speak to you this morning abut on a subject the Lord has promised to deliver you the Lord has promised to deliver you would you please go to Psalm 34 Psalm 34 of all the 150 Psalms and Bucca Psalms chapter 34 is my absolute favorite I've been in a habit of carrying it and around in my pocket and a card typed out and in every nation pulling that out and reading it Psalm 34 I want to read just a few verses there let's go to verse 4 Psalm 34 I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears verse 7 the angel of the lord encamps around about them to fear him and deliver them verse 17 the righteous cry and the Lord heareth and out of all trouble you didn't finish it verse 19 many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth out of them all I would say this chapters about deliverance would you hey only father we thank you for your presence in this house this morning we thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the goodness of God to this church and to those who have been faithful to you now Lord we need an anointing we need to hear clearly from you we come under the anointing and unction of the Holy Spirit because we have no strength of our own we come totally dependent on you to speak to our hearts minister to us and strengthen us for the battles ahead and we honor you we honor your word and give you glory in Christ's name I pray amen David had been anointed king of Israel in a secret confrontation or anointing by Samuel Samuel poured oil over his head and said you're now appointed by God as king of Israel but there was a long trip there were many battles before we'd ever come to the throne in the second 21st chapter Samuel find David running from Saul Saul had declared and vowed he is going to kill him and now you see David running hastily or at least walking hastily over the hills and dusty roads and through the valleys he said I have to get away from the jurisdiction of this man he's going to kill me and you see an anointed man a godly man a man after God's own heart and he's running for his life he said I have to get out of here he's moving of course in the flesh and the clearest he says I've got to get out of jurisdiction so the clearest border is in Phyllis philistia and the nearest city is Gath under King Akos he crosses the border or is in the border and evidently the guards lay hold of him border guards lay hold of David David is hoping he can get by not being recognized and maybe just as a tourist on his way to gather for a shopping spree or whatever it may be or to get a sword sharpened and he he listens to these men and they're conversing now they're looking at David and David overhears the conversation isn't this that famous David that they sing about on the streets in Jerusalem David is slain of ten thousands and weren't those are people are they not Philistines that he killed that looks like Goliath sword and David knew he was in trouble he knew that he heard something about them being him being taken to Gath the king to a Koosh king of Gath and David panics David knows that he's going to be accused as being a terrorist he knows that he's going to be beaten then he knows he'll be dragged all through is all through the Philistine cities and and and made a spectacle and he fears for his life suddenly David pretends to be a madman suddenly he goes into contortions his face is contorted spittle comes down his beard and he's spouting nonsense and senseless phrases and and wiggling and striking it the and in that particular climate and time they would not go near a mad person or someone of insanity because they believed demons would jump upon them and these men said we better take him to the king and they take him into the palace of King Ankush and Akos watches David what a scene it must be here's a man of God been anointed king and he's in panic and he's putting on his seat he's scratching on the doors making those scratching sound screaming probably wallowing on the floor and just babbling senselessly and he pulled back his why would you bring a madman in my presence I don't know if he was afraid of the demons too but he said get him out of here David is escorted to the border and he's told never again come back get out of here David escapes to the cave a deulim and it's in probably in the cave or not long after his freedom out of that terrible situation that he pens this chapter xxxiv chapter of Psalms he's talking about how God had delivered he's are calling the whole episode how God had set him free now I don't believe the Holy Spirit I don't think the Lord told him to act the fool because Bible says God's not given a spirit of fear but love and power in the cell mind that's not a sound mind and so David is actually moving in fear'd he's moving in the flesh but he pens this incredible chapter these words I sought the Lord he heard me he delivered me the aims of the Lord and camps are all about that fear but he said I cried to the Lord well when did he cry though because this is he's playing the fool you know that he's not praying audibly he has to be screaming inside there has to be a silent prayer going on David said I cried to the Lord I made my petition known and you read this you hear he said this poor man cried the Lord heard him and saved him out of this trouble folks sometimes the loudest cry is inaudible I've known what it's like and many of you know what it's like to be so overwhelmed in situations and circumstances you're so overwhelmed you can't pray you can't speak out I've known what it is to be in circumstances that I didn't understand so far beyond me such pain I would just sit in my study and sit in a chair and say god I don't know what to say I don't know what to do I I don't even feel like praying but oh god help just help have you ever been there have you been there where you say God I I don't know how to answer I don't know what this is all about I I can't explain it but I'm in pain I'm overwhelmed and and and here is David having to acknowledge though what's going on with me I'm playing a fool he knows he's conscious of what he's doing why am I doing this once happening to me and he's crying out in in audibly his mild voice I honestly believe some of the loudest prayers I pray the most important prayers I prayed the most heart reaching to God's heart have been in total silence where it's just been a word help and I'm telling you now whatever you're in no matter what you're going through and you don't feel like praying you see the problem is often we just clam up we just closed in on ourselves and say God doesn't care that God would not have allowed this in my life if I were right there's something going wrong and I don't understand so we clam up or we go eat or we watch television and try to just try to ease our conscience and try to break through you human efforts but God sometimes comes in so and I know he comes in he hears the most quiet the most you see we think it's not feeling we think if we're not crying out if we're not screaming at God he doesn't hear God hears every whimper God has hears every inch every inaudible voice that cries out and that's what David said my heart cried out to him there is a heart cry I sought the Lord and I cried this poor man cried in 1958 as a skinny I was a hundred and seventeen pounds when I first came to New York somebody said when he turns around you think he's raptured one man said if he drinks kool-aid he looks like a thermometer I was mocked and ridiculed I was naive and I came to New York City because I felt the Holy Spirit spoke to me to come I'd seen a picture of seven boys indicted for murder and I came here weeping and brokenhearted and just a country preacher and I went to the trial and this story has been told many many times but there's a point I'm trying to make and I I felt I went to a Friday session and I knew at the end of the session they would be dismissed those boys would go into a side cell and a wait to be taken back to prison and once that happened I would never be seen the Lord spoke aloha try to talk to them about Christ you see if they they need help they need Christ I went to the considering the court and suddenly something came on me I took my Bible and I heard there was an impulse of Spirit of the Lord at least that's what I believed and I still believe and I get up and I approached the judges bench his name was Davidson I said judge Davidson would you give me a moment with these boys please the police jumped up and I was unceremoniously escorted and dragged out of that courtroom and I'm thinking oh god what happened God everything spinning out of control and I'm taken out in front of in the lobby of the courtroom and flash bulbs flashing and so my dad's going to see that my dad's isn't superintendant sums of God in the state and and my people are going to think I'm crazy and I'm crying as I god what was happening to me what's going wrong I I thought you told me I have someone sent me a picture of wife mag ever was from the Daily News and I don't know why I had a tie bow tie line and Anna Silius looking country coat salt-and-pepper almost wiped it and I'm looking at that and I said I was most stupid naive person to get a look at that bow tie I never wore a bow tie but at that courtroom I wore a bow tie as if I going to some function this poor man cried and the Lord heard him I remember that cry I remember that I couldn't pray out loud and for the people he thought it's crazy anyhow can you imagine what they thought if I'm suddenly on my knees praying or crying out oh god help me deliver I don't know what happened there was something inside and God heard that cry and he honored it to this very day David said he comes out of it and he's writing this story he said I will boast unto the love of my lord first the first verse I will bless the Lord at all times and pray so be continually be in my mouth second verse my soul shall make her boast in the Lord the humble so here there often be glad and he's saying to you and he's saying to me I'm going to boast on how God delivered me even though I was in foolishness even though I made a foolish move he this this was not it this was not truly how see God could have delivered him in any way God could have blinded those guides and David could have escaped he could have stricken Akos there any ways that he could have done it David said I took it my own hands I walked into flesh and still I'm going to boast on the Lord because I cried out I prayed I took it to the Lord God heard me and God delivered me the lesson is God hears and responds to the faintest cry of his people let me give you another scene that has to do with deliverance of God's people you don't need to turn there but in a second in 2nd Peter we read of the flood and we read of the fire falling on Sodom and Gomorrah and picture the scene what do you see when you think of the flood it do you have you ever ever tried to vividly picture that seeing the water rising in 40 days and 40 nights of rain and it's rising and it rises in the people's homes and those who know how to swim are people getting a piece of furniture a piece of wood anything to hold on to climbing trees until it's over their heads and finally a scene of bodies floating everywhere when you think of sodom and gomorrah what is the picture you see is it just vengeance you you see this sulfur ik fumes suffocating people by the thousands and they're screaming and suffocating and falling and fire and brimstone yes you see the bible does said that these things happen the scripture said he spared not the old world he brought down the flood on the world he turned the cities of Sodom Gomorrah into ashes making them examples unto them that afterwards should live ungodly but you see this scene has nothing to do with God's people it has nothing to do with me at all it has nothing to do with overcoming Christians that's the sign that that that is an example God says I want you to know that I deal with violence I deal with with rampant sin there is a wrath of God upon the wicked who refuse a hundred and twenty years of preaching upon those who have turned themselves over to sin there will be a Judgment Day but folks what do you see what are you supposed to see because that whole episode begins with the greatest if in the Bible let me just do you want to go there if you will please second Peter and let me show it to you because it has everything to do with God's people if you get to Hebrews you're getting close second Peter verse four for if God now I want you to focus on if please we're talking about deliverance if God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world and a godliness and in other words if and if he turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overflow making them an example unto those who afterward to live in godly and delivered just lot vexed with the filthy of a conversation of the world for that goodness man dwelling among them and seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul all right listen to me full read the next verse here's what God is saying to his people if I in the midst of a flood when the whole world is being known earth at the time is being destroyed and I'm taking vengeance on violence yet I focus on one man and his family it's right there it says and he spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness then he goes on he said if I'm condition if in the wrath of God everything around you is coming down in fire and brimstone come back - if if that happens then you go down to verse 9 then the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation and to reserve the unjust of the day of judgement to be punished the Lord knoweth how to deliver God says I've just given you two of the greatest examples mankind could ever know if I have compassion on one righteous man and his family and I save Noah if I can save Noah when the world is falling apart if I can save lot and his daughters and send an angel and drag them out do I not know how to deliver you do I know not how to come and save you what he's saying if the whole city around you begins to crumble if everything goes wrong if you will trust me yeah I will and the lesson is this God will go to any extreme God will do whatever it takes to do to deliver his people from their battles and from their temptations God will do what it takes do you see it how about in a man that just didn't what a wonderful thought that he would care for me you see it took the opening of the Red Sea deliverer God's people it took water out of a rock these are miracles when you look at how God all through the Bible it took a miracle to save them from hunger water their bread falls from the skies and it took an ark for the saving of Noah so don't doubt that God doesn't know away God knows he knoweth how and you see God what that really means God knows how to deliver he that it simply means he already has plans God never sits on his plans God never has the planet says well one day at one time I haven't said this in order because God has to play he know I don't care what you're going through and I don't care what I'm going through before I ever go into it he had a plan he had a plan he has a way and he's not going to do it the way you figured it out last night in bed he's not going to figure it out in all the options that you've offered him he'll not accept one of your offers with any flesh in it he said no no no no that's not my way that's your way my ways are above your ways my thoughts are above your thoughts you can't conceive it God knoweth how to deliver and let me take you to Jeremiah 29 you don't have to turn there but Jeremiah at the 29th verse this is ferm by jeremiah he said before you cry before you call I will answer do you believe that God has the foreknowledge that he can anticipate every foolish move you and I Moke make he can he can foresee all of our doubts in our fears but you see he said David said I cried out to the Lord I went to the Lord I prayed I sought the Lord what are you doing in your crisis are you pouting or are you just saying well I'm not going to question God but I sure do question myself because in questioning yourself you're still questioning God what do you do in Jeremiah Israel's in captivity in Babylon and it's the greatest trial they've ever been through and God had told me said after 70 years I'm going to visit you and I'm going to deliver you for my thoughts that I think toward you saith the Lord our thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end and in Hebrew the expected in I'm going to give you that what you longed for God said my thoughts are not evil towards you but I am thinking good thoughts towards you I'm going to tell you something I believe this on my heart you can never be delivered from your temptation you cannot be delivered from any crisis that you're in you cannot be delivered until you fully are convinced that God means what he says I am thinking good thoughts about you I'm not mad at you I'm thinking good thoughts and not evil thoughts and if he's thinking good thoughts his thoughts actually are creating something his thoughts are creative and if he's thinking it he's in the process of doing it and as I've told you a hundred times the hardest part of faith is the last half hour and then you say oh I wish I had believed I wish and that you doubt because you doubted he says then you shall call upon me this is still in Jeremiah 29 chapter then you shall call upon me and you shall go and pray to me and I will hearken to you I'll listen to you he said making you the promise I'm telling you that I'm not mad at you I'm thinking good thoughts about you and I want you to believe that and I want that to promote you I want that to provoke you to go into the prayer room and pray in faith then you'll call upon me then you'll pray then I'll hearken to you I've got good thoughts about you I have a plan now go and pray about it and the reason he wants you to prays to get ready to get ready to receive the glory of those thoughts that he's been thinking you know what I was studying this matter of deliverance the Holy Spirit spoke clear to me go to Hezekiah and study his life and so this past week I've been studying the life of Hezekiah let me tell you what God says I've got the Bible says about him he's a godly godly king of Judah the Bible says he did that was right in the sight of God he pulled down idols he outlawed idol worship the Bible said he clave to the Lord he never departed from the Lord the Lord was with him wherever he went and in all that he did the Bible says he called a backslidden nation to God he was a man of Prayer a man of worship he preached holiness and separation from the world he greatly feared the Lord he was blessed and favored by God he was prospered in all of his ways and to capital off the scripture says Hezekiah walked or worked out which was good and right and truthful before the Lord is God and every work that he began in the service of the Lord and in the law in his commandments to seek his God he did it with all his heart and he's brought prospering do you understand what God is saying here's a man the Bible in fact the Bible calls him the greatest King said there was no one like him before no one like him and one who had so set his heart on God do the righteous suffer does the devil aim his greatest weapons and most powerful intense weapons against those such as I've described to you now those who pray those who worship those who are called the scripture says the very next chapter after I just read you these words no one saw him more with all his heart and soul and mind he saw God with everything is in the next verse it says then after all these things it says after all these things and the establishment thereof in other words everything that he's done is now established he's established ministry after ministry after ministry he's done these great things for God and after all these things the scriptures then came Sennacherib who represents the devil himself and his Assyrian army which represents all the principalities and powers of darkness after these things and the establishment thereof Sennacherib king of Assyria came entered into Judas encamped against the fence cities and thought to take it all for himself that's the devil's whole plan he comes to the rites as he comes and many of you don't know that that's why the enemies come against you because the devil is trying to do just as he did to Hezekiah throw these terrible lie into your head throw them over the wall at you that protective wall throwing them over the wall your God is not with you God has failed you you're going down I've taken down greater men than you Hezekiah was told by Sennacherib he said and you're going down next God sent me the devil said God sent me God told me to tell you this and then all these little voices begin to pop in your head you're a failure there's something wrong or you wouldn't be suffering you wouldn't be sick you wouldn't be going through what you are there's something wrong with you there's something wrong you're under discipline this man was not under discipline this man was righteous this man was holy this man sought God with all of his heart then came Sennacherib then came sin acted to take it to himself and Sennacherib has to sit and listen to reports as 46 of his cities are destroyed and taken down and sanaka begins to lay siege on Jerusalem word comes from the 209,000 of the judi i'ts had been captured he finds out that many of his troops are are deserting to Sennacherib he finds that those he trusted most who thought they were righteous and that he had built such a revival and now he discovers that they're turning running out of the city gates turning themselves over and beginning even to fight in synagogues army and those reports are all still available in the annals sir Akram Sinatra possession of historians today his whole story how he came with battering rams how he set up all kinds of tricks and dug under walls and sucked the water flows and all the attacks coming against Israel and he and can you imagine Hezekiah going through this and for a while he wavered in his faith he wavered sanaka demand and huge amounts of gold and silver asked for his daughters to go into his harem according to snackers report and demanded all of these things and at first a letter was sent to lakish where the king had set up a temporary ivory ivory throne and he sends him a letter and says all that you ask I will do because he felt helpless there was nothing to do instead I'm going to take the easy way Isaiah the prophet came to him said no there were two attacks by Sennacherib he backed away for a while but then he comes back and that's the trick of the enemy he'll attack you and if there is not a stand of faith if you do not stand up against him in faith and prayer and go into the house of God if you don't hear the prophets if you don't hear that word that comes the prophetic word to strengthen you and you begin to just ease off you just back up and said I don't want to fight this anymore and you get nervous you get afraid and you're scared and the enemy is winning the battle and when he sees that weakness when he you see the whole battles against our faith that's what it's all about he's gang after he doesn't want the gold he doesn't want the silver he doesn't really want those women in his harem he's got more women that he can handled in his harem he wants to be able to bring this man's faith because this is the only man the only King that stood against him and it was this faith in God and what the devil is after the tests are going through is a test of faith will you believe God in the hardest of times will you believe God no matter what's happening to your body know what has happened to your family know what's happening around you and you're going to take a stand and now through the advice and and prayers of Isaiah he goes into the temple of God he goes into the house of God and this time he gets another letter from Sennacherib and he lays it before the Lord and the Lord says to Isaiah tell Hezekiah to send him back another life and tell him all Kings a prett Cenac not this time I'm not the one going down you're the one that's going down my god said he's going to deliver me did you ever get a letter from the devil you see he goes to the Lord and he prays and this is the Prairie prayed this day is a day of trouble and if rebuke and blasphemy for the children are come to the birth and there's no strength to bring forth well how many times God's people how we come to that place which this is a day of trouble and shame and rebuke I don't have the strength and Hezekiah goes to the house of God and he said Lord this is beyond I have no strength left I don't know what to do and he turns it all into the hands of the Lord and Isaiah said to King Hezekiah the Lord has heard you he said God is going to move and deliver you you see folks we have better promises than Hezekiah had we have a cross where Jesus took all of our pain and he made a way and the Bible said the deliverer shall come out of Zion and that's what he has called all through the Old Testament he's called a deliverer and at the cross of Jesus Christ he made a way we have these these better promises who gave himself our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil word world according to the will of God and the Father and it's through the blood of Jesus Christ as a clot stand on the blood of Jesus Christ he stood simply on a promise we stand not only a promise but we stand on the blood of Jesus Christ that we have the victory over sin over temptation and that God in every battle he said many are the afflictions of the righteous and the Lord will deliver them out of them all he says and it came to pass that night and with this I'm going to close it came to pass that night the angel of the Lord went out and smoke in the camp of the Assyrians one hundred and eighty thousand one hundred eighty-five thousand soldiers and they arose in the morning and behold they were all dead now I read a theologian account of this and he said well really there was no angel of the Lord that night there was a fest a ssin of 185,000 mice who had bubonic plague and bidam well that's a bigger miracle that I'm talking about all I know that the enemy was dead the enemy was gone and of course in Accra goes home and he's killed by his son he's killed in his own temple all Folkston one day soon if you will seek his face and trust him you're going to wake up to a miracle you're going to wake up that night that night I honestly believe Lord said to tell you this many of you that are in the hardest place you've ever been you're on the brink of a miracle you are not going down you're going to wake up one morning and you're going to get one report after another God has done this God has done this God has done this and he's lifted the load will you sit down and give him an offering a praise stand and give him an offering a free Lord thank you you're going to deliver me from the temptation that's hounding me you're going to deliver me Lord from my financial fears you're going to deliver me O Lord from my marital problems you're going to deliver me Lord because you're faithful God and you have delivered all through the Bible and you're no respecter persons so I'm going to lay it out to you Jesus deliver me please raise your hands and give him thanks but we give you thanks for your faithfulness your goodness and your mercy your loving heavenly father you're thinking good thoughts for your people today you're thinking good thoughts not thoughts of evil not thoughts of judgment thank you Jesus thank you Jesus do you have the hope I said do you have the hope a man norbi to Jesus I'd like to make a simple invitation very quickly to those in the balcony here and even in the annex you may be a visitor or maybe becoming a number of times or you may become many times of this church we don't ask people to join this church we ask them to come and give themselves to the lordship of Jesus Christ if you're here this morning you walked in here and you're you have not really been walking tightly closely with Jesus and until you have that communion until you have that you don't know the power that's available to you and it leaves you lonely it leaves you sick it leaves you depressed and I'm inviting you to step out up in the balcony oh the stairs on either side and in the annex you can just turn around and go to the lobby the way you came in there'll be some ushers there to show you how to get down the stairs here and you can walk down the aisle and come here and here in the auditorium just come I want to pray for you that the Lord would know if I ask all those who had birds to come they almost area if you tell me you don't have any burdens well forget it I won't get into that I bid I'm concerned just for those this morning who surpassed David I I really have drifted from the Lord or I don't have the relationship with Jesus that I need them that I want I can't fight this alone anymore the Holy Spirit's here to help you to be your comforter and to if you don't understand Jesus the Holy Spirit come and help you to understand what it's all about but he want you to confess your need he said if you just come to me I won't cast you out while the orchestra requires singing something just step out of your sitting in the annex invite you just turn and go back bring your purse and your belongings with you and come and you'll be ministered to in prayer we're not ask you to do anything silly now I ask you to say anything not asking you to join anything we're asking to come in your need to Jesus who's your only strength and hope follow these that are coming god bless you come now you can come even while I'm talking just to quick word the devil is not a mind-reader he cannot read your mind but he can infusion and steal thoughts into your mind principles and powers of demons can whisper to the mind and plant these terrible seeds of fear with thoughts of hopelessness and thoughts of despair and discouragement and most of all the lies that come that everything bad in your life result because you're just a bad person for those who have a hungry heart for those who really want Jesus they really want change the Lord said take captive of those thoughts will you do that right now capture those thoughts say no say no to them right now and cast them out say no I will not believe this I will not believe these lives those that are sick and afflicted sometimes and are told they have this is the first thing Adele says you're dying it's all over and maybe you lie too about your future your past your present to try to bring up everything in your past all your failures I guess the reason Luiza with the church so likes the story loves the story of David is because in his failures and foolishness he had a repentant heart and always turned to the Lord and that relates to us so will you take those fears and doubts right now and say Jesus I can't we say right now Jesus I give you my fears I give you all the lies erase them it gives me strength not to accept them or believe them and when they come to take authority and push them aside now pray this with me Jesus the Bible says you have good thoughts healing thoughts saving thoughts toward me not evil thoughts but thoughts for good and I thank you for how you're thinking of me forgive me Jesus of my doubts my unbelief I give my sins my foolishness everything is unlike you I give it to you I repent of it and I trust you now that your goodness and your love for me is something that I believe that I can feel and I can take home with me now let me pray Heavenly Father these these prayers from the heart you've heard just as I preached even the silent prayer is heard the Holy Spirit come and heal so many that are hurting Lord even those who didn't step out as you know Jesus I'm hurting so bad Holy Spirit you're the comforter will you calm down it is Comfort that's what this church is about there is now therefore no condemnation to them to be in Christ Jesus none come Lord and lift every load that everybody in the sound of my voice walk out of here with hope and say yes Jesus you were good you're merciful ready to forgive wanting to heal if we would just open up our heart and receive it would you just lift up one hand at least the two hands and say Lord I receive right now I receive the goodness of God toward me I receive forgiveness I receive healing in Jesus name hallelu thank you Jesus
Channel: I Math
Views: 72,109
Rating: 4.8642297 out of 5
Id: QV2mfx2I0E8
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Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2013
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