David Wilkerson - The River is Rising | Full Sermon

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this service this morning thank you for your presence in this house Holy Spirit in this place we depend on you we can't depend on our own strength our own abilities we come to you Holy Spirit because we know of no other place to go for strength because you bring Christ in reality to our hearts you reveal Christ and his fullness to us will you now speak by your word Lord come upon me and deliver your heart and your message to these people for this day this morning and thank you for your blessing we thank you for your presence in Christ's name Amen in the 12th chapter of Ezekiel the Prophet is given a vision he sees a river flowing up from the throne past the altar and a little stream at first and it it begins to come up the outer gate and into out through the and these gate was closed so he had to go out through another gate and a man met him in man this name is not given in this account the man says follow me and he has a measuring line in his hand and he gets the eastern gate and water a river Rivlin is coming out from under the gate and as it goes it's increasing it's getting deeper and wider and swifter and it stretches now all the way on as far as he can see and the man says follow me and he leads him in the middle of the stream and he gets a thousand cubits which I think they say is about a third of a mile and the water was up to the ankles nobody is explaining anything to him he's just told follow me and he goes a thousand cubits and the water is up to his ankles and the men evidently Moses to him follow and he goes another thousand cubics another third mile and the water is up to his knee the river is flowing faster and increasing and deepening widening and he's told to follow further and he goes another thousand cubits and it's up to his loins and there's no explanation and then he goes another thousand cubits and now it's up to his neck and there's no explanation in fact Ezekiel never does explain this vision he never gives the the meaning of it and now he's up to his neck and ahead of him as a sea the Dead Sea and this is going to empty under the Dead Sea and at this point the man with the measuring rod the measuring line asked him to come out of the water and he's at the bank of the water and the man says to him what do you see in other words what do you understand if what is seeing and he was told to look back and he looked back now here this is coming through a dry land and he looks back and on both sides both banks of this river there are trees that have sprung up fruit green grasses everywhere and it was a fertile scene he was flabbergasted he said behold I see trees on both banks and that's all he was told do you understand now there was no way he could understand because this vision was not about his generation in fact Peter said that the prophets of old they searched and searched to find out what these things meant if the Spirit of Christ Peter said was in them foretelling about the suffering and the grace of Christ to come but the Spirit caused them to know that what they were seeing was not for them but Peter said for us now this river that we read about here in the 47th chapter of Ezekiel many interpretations have been giving by Bible scholars I've been I looked at some of them this past week and there's no proof of any one of these there's there's not much biblical proof for any of these concepts of this river that I could find some say it's for the Millennial age there's going to be a thousand year reign of Christ and that's when God's going to open the eyes of the Jews and that River is going to be a river of gospel going out to various nations and they will come to Jerusalem and the river is going to flow with gospel through converted Israel and others say that this has to do with the time the kingdom age that's coming after Armageddon and they put it off in the future you know I I don't see that and there there are some of the great old-time Puritan pastors of seeing what I've seen I am nobody I'm not asking I'm not suggesting that I have some great new revelation it's it's an old revelation and I believe with all my heart that what the Prophet is seeing is the time from Pentecost to this very day when God poured out his spirit because the Bible said the river that's springing up with you you is the Holy Spirit he said the Wellness in you and the water is the water of the Holy Spirit that quickens everything that it touches and that's what the Holy Spirit was trying to show now the but he couldn't unbe cuz the prophets didn't understand they just gave these words believing and rejoicing that the day would come that you and I would understand it we would see it and bring life to us I want you to try to understand with me and I believe this is all my heart I see it in Isaiah I see it in Ezekiel you see it in all the prophets that when God says I'm going to pour out my spirit upon all flesh he doesn't end it before Armageddon he doesn't end it because of the gross darkness that covers the earth in fact the river increases ever-increasing flow he said this water is going to to keep flowing I could I'm going to approve this hopefully before this is all over the last days began I believe in the upper room because Peter said when the Spirit came down this is that which the prophets all said would come and it's come this is the beginning of the last days and we are now at the last of the last days and if that River keeps increasing every thousand cubits or you can I don't care how you figure that as time and whatever it is but you see Zico's looking back now and he sees the results of the gospel has been preached from Pentecost to this very to this time he's seeing our time and he looks at all of the wonderful things that had God has done he seemed that nothing could stop that River ten Roman emperors tried to stop that River from blowing those Emperor's persecuted and stoned and boiled in oil Christians they cut them asunder according to Hebrews 11 chapter they persecuted them chased them out of homes and nations and they hidden caves and many of them were hungry and thirsty and they tried to kill a theist have tried to kill the River and stop it from blowing the Communists tried to stop it from blowing they tried it in China and that rivers still flowing and it's wider and deeper than it's ever been now Russia tried to stop it closing churches all evangelical churches were closed Bibles were banned and what happened that river kept flowing and now the river is wide open in Russia you can preach the gospel in schools you can preach it in the Armed Forces you can preach it anywhere because nothing can stop the river once God pours out his spirit and now the Islamic say they have the power they claim that they're going to do what no other earthly power has done in the history of mankind they're going to stop this river because when that river hits an Islamic country they turn to Jesus in numbers so what did they do what is their plan their their plan is to nuke Israel that won't get to the source of the river that's where the river started in the upper room and that's where it's spread all over the world by Paul the Apostle and all that the Apostles and all the Christians that were scattered abroad and now they say we're going to stop it and their plan is to build nuclear weapons in Iran and when they get them and they're there they will try if they could now that's all in God's hand and I don't believe God's ever going to allow it but their plan is that they were going to have a limited nuclear strike over Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and now in Iran are in it Orient's in North Korea why do you think the devil is its planning nuclear activity in North because I'll Korea is sending out missionaries all over Islamic Far East Korean missionaries where are the largest evangelical churches in the world in Korea and you could see the plan unfold in it to the American economy cutting off oil and and all of these things that they believe that they can do once they get the power they have the oil and so America they hope would be powerless to interfere and to defend democratic nations that allow religious freedom because wherever there's religious freedom and there are Lama 'kz they're the Holy Ghost stops the work of the enemy the Holy Ghost will not allow it and that that is only part of the plan that's unfolding but my God says that when he decides this time first they said he laughs at the foolishness of man and God said they won't even be planetís I'll blow them away those are the very words of the gospel very words of God well Ezekiel has looked back and he's seen all of the glorious results of the gospel of Christ in this river the work of the Holy Spirit down the ages the multitudes have been saved and the churches that have sprung up in all the glories and the victories of the cross and now he's turned to look there other directs he's told to look forward in other words and he sees that River moving into the desert first now I want you to follow me on this he's being shown what the church is gonna be like in the last days he's showing us what lies ahead for the Church of Jesus Christ because it's Spirit of Christ was speaking in them and through him and in verse 8 then said he unto me the waters issue out toward these country and they go down into the desert now let me stop right there what what is the desert that's that's the present spiritual condition in religion today that that's the desert the dryness the deadness now folks in the past few months I've had a few Sundays where I could go and just visit churches and so I've gone to these churches with an open heart no judgment no no animosity just hungry thirsty lord I can't get the time skirt searched this week but I want to I want to be fed I just I just want to go and worship and I go I've been about four churches in the past six months and folks I look around in such death such dryness there's no moving of the Holy Spirit there's nothing of repentance if it's a 20-minute little sermon add on how to cope with problems on the job that's fine and in these these are moral instructions but there's nothing about sin but repentance about about suffering or pain none of these things and and I see people you know eleven thirty they're looking at their watches trying to to last till noon and you sit there and you you you feel the death and you hear people folks there's never been a time when people are more drier and more hungry and thirsty they are now especially young people they're thirsty we have a whole generation that have been bombed out and bummed out on on what if you'll call it on drugs and and meth and their their ears are ringing with iPods and I'm not putting it down but they've got this some of that move that pounding music constantly and and and sitting watching games that blowing up people limbs flowing all over the but I have seen and I've heard about it folks that that creates an emptiness that creates a hunger because they get tired of it they get bored of it and now we have a whole generation wanting reality wanting truth want to be moved by the Spirit of the Living God and I want to tell you this jesus said he he's not coming back for a crippled church he's not coming back for a devastated weak Church he's not coming back Church that is allowing the enemy to roll over there young people and destroy a whole generation I can't believe God's going to let the most populated most educated generation in all of history and allow them to go to hell without a moving of the Holy Spirit without a river coming to change and bring life I can't accept that God cities coming back for an overcoming Church the victorious church and folks in the days ahead things are going to change I believe with all of my heart when God said I'm pouring out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters are going to prophesy I believe that you can't show me one place in the scripture where that stopped it didn't stop just because the enemy comes in like a flood revelation the 12th chapter said the earth helped the woman which is the church and swallowed up the flood and that's what God's going to do he's going to swallow up the flood by awakening of postures I believe that the greatest awakening the church has ever seen he's yet to come I read this as all of my heart that God supernaturally yes by the breathing of his own spirit because of his own glory his own name just because he's not going to let the devil have the final say the devil is on a last-ditch stand he knows his time is short but the Holy Ghost says no this far and no further you can't have my church you can't have my generation I'm going to pour out my spirit and there will be men that fall on their face and run through the secret closet again God is going to revive a spirit of prayer in the house of God starting in the pulpit God can do that supernaturally go through the Old Testament Eastern up siren he start up there as he start up this one and this one that's the work of the Holy Spirit stirring people and God by his Spirit is gonna waken all the dormant gifts of the Spirit they've been lying dead in the Church of Jesus Christ because of unbelief there's been a drawing back from prayer but God is changing all of that folks there's there's a try rising up in the church no more borrowed preaching no more borrowed sermons they're going to come to the house of God and I know to be a fact right now that there are people who writing me said that in love they got together prayer groups and they've gone to their pastors and in love and in tears that said please please give something from the throne give us something from heaven tell us what's happening we're hungry were thirsty there's been a dryness a terrible dryness and God not just an answer to prayer did with four years we've quoted those scriptures my people caught bow on their knees confess their sins you call the Lord I'll hear from heaven meet their need but folks the prayers have not gone up so I believe the Holy Spirit's gonna take it in his own hand and he's gonna do it in this in two ways I believe he's got it first of all pastors who know anything of their Bibles and look at the events that are happening and falling they're going to see the handwriting on the wall meenie minie tickle you Farson they're gonna see the handwriting look and they're gonna know it folks there are things that are coming in the near future that are gonna be so incredibly fearful so overwhelming to the whole world they're going to say on the news reports everywhere this is supernatural this is the hand of God this is the handwriting on the earth they're already saying that secular journalists in their writings and wherever you go what is happening the world is spinning out of control and folks one of these days and it's happening now there's going to come a cry in the house of God just as it was after 9/11 but in this city when the churches were filled and pastors got up and didn't say anything about it and people were getting up right here in New York and I've told you about this it was in the New York Times they were demanding to know why they wanted to know what's the Bible say about it there was no word there was here there was other places where the word was here we're praying pastors who knew the times were able to tell the people what God was doing he was sending a message wake up we missed the message but God's not gonna let it be missed much longer hallelujah he's going to stir up by showing his handwriting on the wall and by Super Nancy snoring restoring those dormant gifts of the Holy Spirit faith evangelism all of the outreaches that have been laying dormant and those that have just been gimmicks and and folks I haven't we had enough merchandising of Jesus have we had enough of this Jesus balloons Jesus shirts Jesus watches I don't know who's making all this money but folks what a far cry from what God's talking about here in his book what a far cry from what God's plan is for his church and it's not going to come out of a conference not mine or anybody else's it's going to come out of a super announcer work of the Holy Spirit in his last times he said the river went into the desert and everywhere it went life began to spring up then it went to the Dead Sea he saw that empty into the Dead Sea now I don't have to stretch very far to explain to you what that represents what do you think the Dead Sea represents it's this convoluted confused wicked society and time in which we live where there's death philia perversions of all kinds false doctrines and false prophets saying that Jesus wants you to be rich when one of those false prophets said publicly and it was said on television Jesus can't come till you have your new house in your new car you know we live in this this our society today is the dead seat there was nothing that lived in the Dead Sea everything was dead there were no fish this represents a here IRA's the prophet looking at this he doesn't understand but he said there's waters to swim in that word and that Hebrew is swarm and it has to do with fish and the Bible says Ezekiel said he saw the river well let me read it to you and it went down into the desert and it goes to the sea which being brought forth into the sea the waters shall be healed the water shall be healed if our Bible is what we believe it to be the inerrant Word of God and if God said I'm going to pour out my spirit in the last days surely in the last of the last days we're going to get the greatest flow that has ever come out of the throne of God we are destined for that I believe everything in the Bible prophesized that and then everything that ever where the river goes the Bible said everything comes to life now let me tell you why this vision has to be for our time and and not for a kingdom age timer for the Millennium because the Bible says the banks are going to be filled with fishermen and they're going to stretch out their nets well when we get past Armageddon when we get into the kingdom nobody gonna be fishing nobody gonna eat fish this this represents a harvest the greatest harvest in the history of the church let me read it to you and it shall come to pass that everything that lives and moves wherever the river comes it shall live there should be a very great multitude of fish because these waters have come thither for they shall be healed and everything shall live whether the river comes it so come to pass that fishers will stand upon it or on the banks it shall be a place to spread forth their nets their fish shall be according to their kind as the fish of the great sea exceedingly many folks fish what did Jesus I'm will make you fishers of men these are men these are women these are farmer home asepsis former drug addicts alcoholics businessmen people of all life and folks when the river comes all the limits are taking off no one is now unreasonable not the homosexual community now folks the time is coming when I'll not be able to tell you what I'm about to tell you because I would probably be bled to jail yes right the United States distances in Europe right now in some countries we are saying I'm saying to the homosexual community right now simply this the Bible does condemn the sin but it also condemns adultery fornication and in all of these others that I am saying now the Church of Jesus Christ has given up on whole segments of society they've given up the homosexuals as incurable and rather than sending out hope to a generation of young people who given themselves to that lifestyle who believed lonely lives it eventuates into loneliness and sometimes to alcoholism and the emptiness not just in the homosexual community but in in all these communities that are going into something looking for peace looking for rest for their soul and we've backed away from that and just given up and I'm saying to homosexual community I don't know how far this gets outside of this church tapes or whatever or videos we're still saying to those who are restless and those who are tired and those who discouraged and empty in these communities Jesus is still the cure this river has the power to heal you and set you free nothing is impossible with God sitting in front of me now our former drug addicts many of you were on drugs some alcoholism he were bound by sexual problems you were bound by all kinds of sins and the river came and you went into the river and the river went into you and you've been changed by the power of God testimony to just the beginning of what God wants to do in these troubled times when men's hearts are failing them for fear of seeing those things come on the world the river folks it's been flowing in this church for 20 years and it's getting deeper it's getting wider and more and more Souls are coming to Jesus where we may have to baptize every Sunday now in the future to handle what we see coming we are not trying to build up numbers in this church we don't know how many attend disturbs because we don't have a membership the only thing to hold you here is the Holy Spirit and we are not trying to build some mega super Church thank God for them we don't care where you go to church when you come here as long as you get a Bible Church but folks we're going this new moving of the Holy Spirit not a new moving but an intensified moving of the Holy Spirit he's going to happen slowly but surely the closer we get to the coming of the Lord I see the Holy Spirit standing up against Satan saying I'm taking charge now Oh God my prayer is forgive us for our small thinking we're not thinking about greatness or huge buildings but having to do with the fish my Bible says in Ezekiel says it and I believe this standing here I believe it with everything in my body mind soul and spirit that this is a prophecy for this time this day right now y'all have said that rivers going to flow into the Dead Sea and it's going to bring healing now a lot of hard-hearted stuff is going to flow over into the marshes and turn to salt but the Lord said there's going to be a great work happening right in the middle Dead Sea fishes are going to start growing and expanding and increasing and they're going to be a multitude and what does the Bible say on that day when we stand before the throne of Christ multitude which no man could number hallelujah and where did they come from they came from the most populated societies in history never have been a greater population than right now I'm gonna close in a minute but I'm going to talk to my Christian brothers and sisters here who say well you talk about a river pastor day but I feel very dry I don't feel like much of anything coming out of me have benefit to the kingdom of God I don't feel like I am there's there's no river flowing out of me you know it could be right now that you're going through your greatest problem the Bible was sitting on the Old Testament you had to draw the water out of the well the scripture says you'll draw water out of the will but the New Testament you don't draw the water it's an artesian well it's a well springing up an artesian is it well that has a subterranean pressure that causes it to flow constantly and creasing Li subterranean way down in the depths of the soul of Almighty God the pressure of the Holy Spirit now you may not believe it but that well I don't care if you see it I don't care if you feel it go back to Ezekiel watch him go through the water did his feelings have anything to do with the flow he walking down and and and and then suddenly the enemy comes and lies to him and says you're not in the water that doesn't affect the flow and I don't care how you feel I don't care what you're going through if you believe the Holy Spirit is the power of God and given to all who asked if you're walking with Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior the artesian is there there's a whale that's flowing and the only thing that can hinder that flow is unbelief nothing else unbelief the mother of all sins that's the only thing that can hinder this river so why you sit here now and you feel dry and you feel that there's nothing good coming out of you I want you to begin to just praise the Lord when you begin to praise the Lord and when you begin to worship Him in your problem in your trial the water begins to flow the river begins to flow why don't you lift your hands and say thank you Holy Spirit for the flow the Holy Spirit abides Desalle nut could be maybe he shall spring up as living water producing life in you in your family and those around you you may not see it I didn't see it when a young man received a letter just recently a young man in a bit of the country who have a gun in his hand sitting in his room tired of life and pain there's a gun a revolver to his head and his still small voice says wait go to the poet go to the mailbox he puts his gun down and this is what he wrote to me in letter he said someone sent me the cost of switchblade he said I got your book I started reading and halfway through the Spirit of God came on me I got saved and I laid my gun down and I'm seeking God folks this river is like the wind of God it goes where it pleases it goes where it pleases down at the Bible School they're praying for a great moving of the Holy Spirit this year beyond anything they've ever seen those young people are going to be fasting and praying and seeking God but folks this is the time for faith to believe it to see it in your eye this eye closed the man asked as he could what do you see do you understand he couldn't even though the Spirit of Christ is on but it is given to us this great hope the Church of Jesus Christ is going on in the praises of Almighty God carrying a multitude the nets fool everybody got a fishing pole everybody pulling in fish everybody is winning souls for Jesus I I am convinced of that this is not some pipe this is not trying to work you up into a shout though I feel like shouting you send hallelujah how great is your faith Heavenly Father we are people of your word we have not seen some new revelation it's just a grand old truth laying right here before our eyes Oh Holy Spirit you're going to come and make Christ real you're gonna make Jesus come alive is no one no other generations ever beheld Lord that brings an excitement we looked at the times and we see that fearful sights and sounds and we don't tremble because after all it's a good day for Christians to be alive it's a good day to be full of the Holy Spirit it's a good day to anticipate what God has promised and we stand on your promises now Lord we lay hold of your promise Lord do it again in New York City do it greater than it's ever been Lord do what has never been accomplished than any other revival God you're able to save hundreds of thousands in this city Lord Jesus on subways buses and on the streets and in the churches Oh God flow a river of life flow into us flow through us let it spring up Oh God let us begin to just praise you and worship you and stand on the promises of God no matter how we feel no matter what may be happening in our bodies and our spirits on no more lies of the devil will stand on the written word of God we will believe the Holy Spirit has filled us to do a mighty work in many lives now while you stand here in his presence okay I'm gonna give an invitation we do that in this church after every service he's every service we don't know who came we don't know why you're here but God he arranges things you know that don't you he arranged this thing you're sitting standing right where he wanted you this morning he brought a word to you that he wanted to give to you and I'll tell you if your heart is open he's going to come and he's going to minister to you and you walk out of this place satisfied and filled with his spirit if you're here and you say pastor David I'm one of those in that dryness I'm one of those who've been harassed in my mind by the enemy I'm not going to explain all that you know what harassment is you know what the lies of the enemy are all about we're here to pray this is a prank church and we pray for you don't sign anything and we don't count heads we just want the Holy Spirit to meet every need in the house if you need healing you don't have to have hands laid on you you can be healed right where you stand because the river is flowing right now in this house the river of the Holy Spirit and everywhere the river went there was healing I want you to step out of your seat come I'll pray with you the church will pray with you in the Annex you can just go to the lobby and I'll show you the way here down and you could come and join us here well they ministered to us and music you step out of your seat you stay positive and some of you say I've drifted from the Lord or I don't know Christ you come with these you come you need a healing especially in not not just your body if we did that everybody would come I'm talking about a incredible struggle that you're going through you something that you can't handle in your own something that has to be done supernaturally prayer I have something holy spirit just laid on my heart to say some of you that love the Lord and walking with him have almost come to place where you've given up on your unsaved loved ones you know there's somebody in your family immediate family or your wider family that you've been praying about it they seem so hard and seems so impossible that you've given up folks don't do that because the spirits moving now is he's never moved before there's conviction and and and and as as the conditions of the world worsen and like Jesus said hearts fleeing from fear God can use that fear to create a thirst and a hunger to look for help so don't give up keep praying keep seeking God keep naming their name all day long just mention the name Paul said I mentioned you I bring your name up to the Lord and bring it their names up to the Lord before his throne and believe God now for you that have come forward to me this morning I don't have magic words I don't have some phrase there's something that just hit your heart and suddenly change you but I can tell you this the Holy Spirit said he's given to those who ask him and the Holy Spirit is not some distant thing where you wiggle I'm not I'm not mocking that you don't have to shake you don't have to fall he can do that and I've seen him do it many times I I've been smitten by the Holy Spirit but right now I want you to invite him to come because when he comes that your invitation he makes sin become exceedingly sinful to you you don't have to preach or tell you how sinful anything is he puts his hand on it and says that has to go and then he says it has to go but I'm going to come and give you help to overcome what I'm pointing out to you is exceedingly sinful do you understand that I want you to I want you to pray that in your own words I want you to spend just the next one minute the next 60 seconds asking the Holy Spirit to come right now and feel your heart point and everybody in the house Lord touched me by your Holy Spirit pray that now come on up in the balcony behind me Christians pray we've got to have an atmosphere where people are praying that everyone who came here will have the heart met come on everybody lift your voice to the Lord Holy Spirit now you show us things Lord in our life that have to go you show us things that hinder the Holy Spirit you show us things Lord that are evil and sinful only in Lord to give us power to remove it to deal with it Holy Spirit come right now touch our hearts take out the unbelief remove the unbelief from our hearts Oh God mister Jesus would you ask him to forgive your sins would you ask him right now in your own words Lord forgive me forgive me for those evil thoughts forgive me for those things that I've said that would hurt people forgive me Jesus for not trusting you in my trial forgive me Lord right now he said he's faithful just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness now father I pray for these that have come forward those who have not received you as Lord if they have just now asked for the Holy Spirit Lord you you it's your spirit that draws us it's the Spirit of God that causes us to step out of our seats and come publicly make a confession of need thank you for that dealing of the Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit now Lord can finish the work that you've begun in our hearts Lord brought out every transgression by bringing to us the knowledge of the cleansing blood of Jesus and we just trust you Lord nor I pray for all those they're going through harassment of their spirit and their minds Lord Jesus that is the flesh that is the flesh being manipulated by the powers of darkness and Lord we don't have to be afraid of that folks I'm gonna taste that don't be afraid of those thoughts that come against you you just say in Jesus name in Jesus name I reject these thoughts I reject them these are not for me these are from the enemy these are from my flesh I'm going to move into the spirit Holy Spirit right now we will walk in confidence with you we will walk in trusting you we will walk in the spirit now the Bible says if you believe that you have every right to praise Him you have every right to worship Him and give him thanks hallelujah this is the conclusion of the message
Channel: Ahava Jerusalem
Views: 6,394
Rating: 4.8238993 out of 5
Keywords: today, sermon, war, heaven, last days, powers, demonic, David Wilkerson, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, love, peace, heart, hope, grace, mercy, future, youtube, google, facebook, internet, soul, best, now, new york, time sqare, bible, truth, freedom, prophet, word, life, right, search, overcome, pure, holiness, joy, music, will, conscience, time, believe, faith, church, sin, amen, glory, flesh, pride, law, hatred, envy, idolatry, selfish, stars, hell, blood, sacrifice, revelation, gospel, victory, mercies, warfare, river, overflow
Id: VinT5Kp67dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2016
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