David Whyte: On Belonging & Coming Home

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to feel as if you belong is one of the great triumphs of human existence and especially to sustain life of belonging and to invite others into that has always been acknowledged as one of the great achievements of human existence but it's interesting to think that our vulnerabilities you know our sense of slight woundedness around not belonging is actually one of our core competencies that though the crow is just itself and the stone is just itself and the mountain is just itself in the cloud and the sky is just itself we are the one part of creation that knows what it's like to live in exile and that the ability to turn your face towards home is one of the great human endeavors and the great human stories it's interesting to think that term no matter how far you are away from yourself no matter how exiled you feel from your from your contribution to the rest of the world or to our to society that is a human being all you have to do is enumerator exactly the way you don't feel at home in the world to say exactly how you don't belong and the moment you've uttered the exact dimensionality of your exile you're already taking the path back to the way back to the place you should be you're already on your way home you
Channel: Scott Garen
Views: 84,212
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: David, Whyte, david, whyte, poetry, poet, davidwhyte, white, scott, garen, ''scott, garen'', Wordsworth, Dante, Camus, ''poetry, talks'', poem, ''Start, Close, In'', ''Everything, is, Waiting, For, You'', ''Live, to, the, Point, of, Tears'', '''The, Lightest, Touch'', ''The, Journey'', ''Kingfishers, Catch, Fire'', Oxford, Irish, British, philosophy, ''philosophy, life'', courage, ''courageous, conversation'', ''seven, arrows'', ''time'', ''life, cycle'', welsh, midlife, ''personal, transformation'', ''inner, ''many, rivers'', ''david, white''
Id: P92kymp1fxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 2sec (122 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2009
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