David Vélez, Founder and CEO of Nubank

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[MUSIC] David, Bienvenido >> Gracias. >> Welcome back to Stanford, welcome back to the GSB. Ten years ago, you would have been sitting out in those seats contemplating your graduation just six weeks away. Today, you founded New Bank, the world's largest digital bank with over 50 million customers and valued at almost $30 billion. So, on behalf of all my classmates sitting here today, I really just have two questions for you, what and how? >> [LAUGH] >> We do have a lot to cover, so I want to get started. I want to start before the GSB. You grew up in Colombia, then moved to Costa Rica, you had a family of entrepreneurs, both your father and your uncles. How did that keep you? >> Well, first of all, I'm so honored about that. I mean, I don't even know what to say, I'm really speechless. It's an honor to be back here at Stanford as a GSB alum and undergrad this place is super special for me, I made some of the best friends for my entire life, and it's been incredibly influential so, thank you for having me and excited to be telling a little bit of our story. As you said, I come from a family of entrepreneurs. I grew up in Colombia, my dad has 12 siblings, my mom has five, they were all entrepreneurs, there were small businesses. And it was all about hustling all the time, every time. My dad had a small button company for jeans and I was working the button company doing quality control of buttons when I was four years old. And I grew up in that environment where it was always about problem solving, it was always about leading and about not necessarily following rules, but questioning when the rules didn't make any sense and trying to open space to solve those problems. And I remember one day, I don't know, had a conversation with my dad about, what are you going to be when you grow up? What are you going to study? I told him I'm going to be a manager thinking that was the best thing, or I'm going to start management and he said, no, what do you want to manage? You're going to be a founder, you're going to start a business, you're going to build your own space. And so, I think that was the DNA that I grew up in. I was very lucky to be here at Stanford undergrad. And I think kind of that radar that everybody has about trying to find what to start, what business to start was always on. To my own disappointment, the first year half pass and second pass and third year pass and I had no idea where to start. And to my own disappoint, I ended up going through more traditional financial services experience but I loved it. I learned a ton and worked with really, really amazing experienced people. And eventually, through a long story and I'm sure we're going to talk about it, I finally had the shot at starting building the company I was. It took me almost 15 years to figure out what to do. >> Yeah, I want to get to that in a second, but first, you mentioned after some time in investing with the Atlantic and some banks, you came back to Stanford, came to the GSB. What were you looking for from the GSB, from this place back then. Let me ask it in a different way, what mattered most to you and why back? >> [LAUGH] Yeah, so that essay, yeah, that's a tough one to write [LAUGH]. >> [LAUGH] >> So, I think for me, I wanted to start something to me going back to business school was, okay, fine, it's done, I really need to start to get ready to build something. And it was also about Latin America and I think related to the question was impact. At some point, I realized that two things were really drivers for me. One was learning, I had to always feel that I was learning something new, and I felt that my level of motivation quickly declined when I find myself that I had mastered, or I had learned, or I wasn't being challenged. So, but then beyond that it was almost about, what's the meaning of what I'm doing? What's ultimately what I'm doing every single day, what is it driving towards? What is that creating? And initially when I was in investment banking, I was learning a ton and getting out of the comfort zone, but what I'm ultimately driving to was harder for me to answer, move to GA when I was closer to the entrepreneurs, that was easier to answer. But ultimately I was not building it, I was sitting in front of the entrepreneur, and I thought that what the entrepreneur was doing, I wanted to be that person, I wanted to be the one that was making the hard decisions, not necessarily telling them what to do but actually doing it myself. And ultimately, what I wanted to do is, what I wrote in the essay was just create that impact, build something, but back in Latin America, where I always felt that there was so much to do and so much to build that it needed to be able to tie it back what I was doing to that overall impact in the region. >> Right. And yeah, and so while at the GSB, you're still investing, working for Sequoia, focused on Latin America. And after graduation, you stayed in investment, went back to Sao Paulo, but within a year, less than a year, you had found a new bank, what happened? >> Yeah. >> Where was that switch? >> So, I started full quarter at Stanford ready to start taking all the classes about entrepreneur, ready to enjoy my two years of partying and learning, and thinking. And then one afternoon, David George was around, tells me you gotta go meet Doug Leone at Sequoia right here at Vista Doug and he's they're thinking about investing in Latin America. And I, of course, went and met Doug at Sequoia. And a lot of things were very odd about the first encounter, generally because your first interview in any place generally is with the most junior associate, with the youngest person, here I was talking directly with the head of the firm and that was not usual. And then I sit in front of the Doug and we had just a great conversation for 60 minutes, lot of conversations about family, a lot of clarity about personal, very uncharacteristics of venture capital interview. I'd later realized that it was all a psychological profiling that was happening at that point [LAUGH] and Doug told me, come back meet our people at Sequoia and let's see what happens. And between between me leaving Sequoia and getting into my car, I already had an email from Michael Moritz saying, come back I want to meet you. It took five minutes for Doug to talk to Mike and Mike had sent me back, and so in two weeks, I went and met everybody and they proposed me to help Sequoia look at Latin America and Brazil. And so, at that point I wanted to I wanted to start a business but this was just too good of an opportunity to say no to, I was going to be able to be closer to an entrepreneurship and venture capital investor, I was going to be able to be very close to some of the best entrepreneurs in the world that operated around this area, seeing that, being there as they pitched. I saw Sequoia, saw the opportunity was too good to pass, and decided to put once again, pause to the startup idea and spend effectively those two years working at Sequoia. >> How did you balance that? For the current students here, what was the day like? >> It was incredibly intense. There was an advantage that Brazil is five hours ahead. So, I had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning, so that Brazil was at 9:00 and 10:00. I was in the Sequoia office at 4:00, 4:30, calling entrepreneurs and talking and sourcing like crazy. And so, I was working at Sequoia from 5:00 to 8 AM, would come to GSB, would have all the classes done, then go back to Sequoia until, I don't know, 6:00, 7 PM. Then go back home and try to do some homework. I think the video said that somehow I was perhaps close to RJ Miller's color, no. >> [LAUGH]. >> Not even close. You had to sacrifice something. And I quickly sacrifice, this does not make any sense. I cannot do that. I'm not going to do 100% of the readings, impossible. I'll pick and I'll take the risk of the professor calling me on a class and not having the answer, because I didn't read everything. I'll embarrassed myself. But you have to give something up, you cannot do it all. And that's what I ended up giving up. And there were no Tuesday night party for me. Wednesdays were the day off. And they were some of the most kind of really surreal experiences of getting picked up at GSB, going to the airport, get into a plane with Doug, fly to Sao Paulo. Landing Wednesday 8:00 AM, having ten meetings, signing four term sheets, get back to Sao Paulo, and be back on Thursday for GSB. So, I would pinch myself being in a plane saying, what it's happening here? But anyway, it was super intense, but you had to be able to balance it somehow, to make everything work. >> Right, you talk about giving something up, you end up giving up investing, right and making that switch. What was that decision? What was going through your mind? >> So there was a really good advice I got from Doug at some point that made me thought a lot, and kind of conceptualize something that I had already been thinking for a long time. And I'll just give an example talk about that. I remember right before business school going to a conference in New York, a venture capital conference, Latin America venture capital conferences. And seeing one day eight private equity funds in Latin America pitching their fund. At the end of the day, it was like every single pitch is exactly the same. There was no differentiation, everybody was pitching the same strategy. And then there was an advice at some point that I heard from Doug is, and it was very also timely about what's going on in Silicon Valley in 2012 is. That you want to position yourself in the side of the scarcity of the market, not in the side of the oversupply. And where was a lot of oversupply? There was a lot of oversupply of investors at that point in Latin America trying to do. There was a lot of oversupply of people like me in the US. And so, me staying in the US was being positioned in the area where I was a commodity, I was a complete commodity in the US. My background what I knew was too many competent people in Latin America. That's not true, there is a scarcity of talent. And then where's even more scarcity, we went and made a lot of startups. There were few startups and the few startups that they were trying to do were almost like clones of US companies. They were not really solving the real Latin American problems. When we went there were 3,000 clones of Groupon in that time. That's not the biggest problem of Latin American, is figuring that out. That's not what people really care about when you don't have banking access, when there are no hospitals, when their education is horrible, when there is bad infrastructure. So there were all these gigantic problems and there were no intrapreneurs actually solving them or addressing them. So when you combine all of that it's, this is where their scarcity lies is these huge challenges in Latin America I can position my service strategically to be able to address those. And ultimately that meant also stopping investing and ultimately going as an entrepreneur to build something that was very different at that stage. >> Yeah, so you mentioned you wanted to solve difficult problems, you chose banking which is highly regulated. In particular, Latin America has a lot of entrenched players in particular in Brazil. Why banking and what were the VCs telling you about that when you were pitching that idea? >> Yeah, so, couple of reflections I think I had some time. Going back to what really were driving me. The big question was, what it impact? How can I optimize the amount of impact per unit of time? I'm going to start a business, its going to take decades, right. It's going to take as much energy to do something small than something big. And when I asked the question, what is the single hardest thing I can possibly imagine, what is the single most impactful thing I can possibly imagine? Banks was that answer. Because when you look at Latin America the biggest companies in Brazil are banks, the biggest companies in Mexico are banks, the biggest companies in Argentina are banks. There's nothing bigger, it was the hardest thing I could imagine. It was the single most impactful thing I could imagine because it's an oligopoly structure is, you have five banks that dominate 80, 90% of all these countries. When you have an oligopoly, you have no competition. That translates into some of the highest interest rates and fees in the world, really horrible experience. And significant percent of the population not having access to anybody, not being able to get into bank account, not being able to serve them. So if I managed to figure out how to bring more competition to that industry make it 5, 10% better by competing with these five giants, then the impact of that was going to spread around to entire region, right, going to be really, really impactful. So I arrived to that from a very high end thinking about that impacting question, no idea really how to do it. It seemed impossible. I think I had 30 meetings, coffees in Sao Paulo with the former CEO of this bank, the former CEO of that bank. The overwhelming consensus is, no, you cannot compete with these banks, it's impossible. These are the banks that are the most powerful corporations in Latin America. They are controlled by the wealthiest families in Latin America. They will never let you compete. They will go after your kids. They will go after your family. Lot of people had done it, but then a lot of arguments that just didn't make any sense and I would listen very carefully trying to filter out the noes. Because there was real reality behind the noes and the noes that were just ultimately a symptom of consensus and fear. And there were things like, well, iTau tried to do an online bank in 99 and they failed, that's where you're going to fail. And I was, we're in 2012, 60 million people have a smartphone, 99, you have 5% Internet penetration, and that was the argument that the experts were using to dominate that people were not use. Our internet in Brazil is very slow and then you had 100 million people already use being Brazil, top five in the world in Instagram and Facebook and YouTube. So a lot of arguments that the experts were proposing against that idea. But when you think a little bit deeply about them, they would be very weak underneath. And ultimately, my conclusion at the end of maybe two months of talking to people was, wow, there's so much fear. There's, so much fear about competing with that, that's all what is driving. And obviously technology was switching the opportunity, if we had been 20 Tend to compete with those banks. I needed a billion dollars to put branches in every corner and buy IBM mainframes the right time called the why now question. Smartphone removed all those barriers and allowed us to use technology to reach 100% of population. So it was a confluence of technology at getting to the right time, but then also kind of as an outsider, and I saw myself as an outsider, I'm not Brazilian, I never worked for a bank in Brazil, I was not consumed. They did not grew up in that environment where people were fearful of these big companies, I didn't even know a lot of these controlling families that my Brazilian friends knew and feared. Having been an outsider looking in ended up being a huge advantage because allowed me to disentangle a lot of the arguments and ultimately realized that there could be an opportunity there. Yeah. >> But from that idea to traction is a long road, right? When did you know that you are getting traction with the consumers? The ones making the decisions every day? >> Yeah, so at every stage. Yeah, we got the first million from Sequoia. It was a huge bet in the region on the Reggie bar we dug. That helped with Casa could put the R million, but there were so many open questions that I couldn't even answer, and there were so many points of perhaps complete failures. So for example, there were two issues of credit cards. One of them, when we went to them, and said, hey, we're starting this FinTech Neo bank said, you crazy, no way, we're not going to work with you. One left and when we went to them they said yes, so if they had said no, we're done. There were changes in regulation that came in and at every single step there were points of failure but somehow with a small team we were creative. I remember there was a new law that appeared in Brazil, a new regulation that effectively forced us to launch three months before in April 2014. We were going to launch first card in June and the regulation change that said if you're not operating April 2013 you will need a banking license which means it will take you three years to get it, which means you'll be dead. So we grabbed the entire team and said forget the timeline, survival mode, April we have to be live and we have a timeline. And it was so crazy that to be able to match the timeline perfectly, we had to get an approval from MasterCard the right time, and there was only approving in Holland. FedEx was going to take two more days than me flying in an airplane to Holland and giving that sheet in the headquarters of MasterCard there. So we would get in a plane in flight to Holland to give one pitch to somebody MasterCard, because that will save us today from FedEx. So that was the level of urgency of trying to figure it out how we survive so we could launch those products at time. So we launched in time. We had the 12 cards up and running, we had 12 employees, went to the corner shop paid some coffee obviously as always didn't work the first product. Everybody's disappointed, everybody be sad when at home what's happening, eventually we iterated worked out. And then we raised the serious A and then that was going to be the coming out kind of announcement we're going to have do a lot of PR. And we're going to open the company for external consumers. And the day we announced, as we were saying, and we opened the website, we had an internal bet about how many customers are going to sign up. And somebody said 1,500, 1,000, somebody else said 10,000. The average of the employees was 1,000. We announced we worked really hard to get ourselves or named there in the big magazine. We got 200. Completely surprised everybody went home sigh, my god what's going to happen, people don't want that is everything is wrong. And then a couple three months happen we were getting 100, 50 people there. As the year passed, and then there was one one day, unexpected one very niche publication. That was not the main newspaper, one niche publication that went after the design community and engineer community, talked about the card. And suddenly the following day we got 3,000 people, and the following day we got 6,000, and the following day is 10,000. And suddenly growth just started going out of control to the point where we were completely unprepared and we created this concept of waiting list, which then created even more scarcity, which meant more people wanted the car, which created more. So that's when we started to think that when that publication came in and all these people started I was, whoa, okay? There's something here. Yeah. >> Well, so it's incredible to hear this journey and there's a lot of budding entrepreneurs in the audience like let's check who here is working on a business or thinks they're going to work in a business after graduation. Forget us even more than I thought. What's one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you were sitting out there? >> So, a lot of different things. I think we did when we looked at that industry and when all these experts told us no or approach was forget experience, we don't want experienced people. We want complete outsiders. We want to reinvent everything for first principles. Everything, from the way the product works, collections, we did not want hire somebody from the collection agencies of the big banks. We reinvented collection from scratch. We did not want these core banking systems of the [INAUDIBLE]. We built a core banking system from scratch. So it was all about reinventing the entire industry from scratch. And that meant hiring people that are completely outsiders. That worked well. But that did not scale and that became our significant bottleneck as we started scaling. And that also ultimately meant reinventing the wheel in a number of different things that frankly, we just didn't need to reinvent. There was a lot of good people in collection that could bring they won and saved us a year of reinventing collection from scratch. So that complete dismissal of experience was too extreme. Ultimately, I think what we learned was you needed to figure out how to find the right balance between the outsiders and the insiders. How to find the insiders that we're still able to think as a beginner. We always say that we like to hire people that have more questions than answers. And we continue to look for those people that have more questions and answers than the person that comes in and has all answers that has three years of experience. We don't want that person even know. But even the insiders that can ask little questions, they're very valuable because they know the enemy within. They saw all the vulnerabilities, they saw the things that could be better, but they can still have the kind of the beginner's mind of reinventing a lot of products from scratch. And so where we've increasingly dawn and as we scaled organization we've been actively more looking for those insiders that can help us reinvent. And especially as you start really tackling scale problems, how do you build engineering systems at scale, how do you build customer service at scale the data science, machine learning systems at scale, then you need to rely much more inexperienced, doesn't make a lot of sense to be trying to reinvent. So it's all a balance. But I would say having been able to find the right balance earlier would have saved us a lot of pain, right? So you mentioned people and I want to talk about something related to that, which I know you talk a lot about which is culture. You talk about having kind of the founding team and expanding. How do you maintain the NewBank culture that the company is so famous for? >> So I mentioned earlier how impressed at Buzz, I was with Sequoia and how a lot of the things at Sequoia were so different. And one of the things that I reflected while I was doing the internship is, I had never felt myself so much weight in my entire life with any work. And in previous jobs, I felt that I was always at maybe 80% of my capacity, 90% my capacity at the beginning of being pushed and learning. At Sequoia in the first few months, I was 100, it was clear to me there was nothing more, and so it made me think, what is driving this? What's different about this place that is driving somebody like me to want to go at this pace and working for Doug, what's driving me to go at this speed? And [LAUGH] exactly, it was the resolute. >> [LAUGH] >> And it wasn't that, that's amazing, it's not the whip. >> [LAUGH] >> First, it was this sense of ownership, I was an intern from business school, and the head of the firm in investment committee asking me what I thought about a deal. Nobody in my previous experience that had asked me what I thought, I was just an analyst. In the first investment committee at Sequoia as an intern, I sat next to Doug and he asked me what I thought, and I didn't have an opinion ready. And that meant that for the next one, I better be prepared, I better knew how to give a good answer. And so that level of autonomy with ownership was a really strong commendation that how flat the organization was. It was not all these layers where the CEO was over there, it was like everybody had the same room. Remember Mike Moritz, he didn't even have an office, he got us a chair in the hall and you're talking with him. So that to me, that was culture and culture was driving that motivation. And the other thing I heard a lot about Sequoia that I was able to learn when I was sitting in front of this entrepreneur was hearing a lot of saying that the culture of a company was built in the first six months by the first 10 to 15 people. So when I started NewBank, the first thing I did was the pitch deck for the sale but the second thing I did was the culture deck. And this culture deck was like the constitution, what are the values of this company we're about to begin to do? And had a lot of elements that I had learned at Sequoia, the level of ownership, this autonomy, this flat organization, the view that I personally thought drove a lot of motivation. And since the first 10, 15 employees were so important, as we hired them with my co-founder, we were very actively looking for people that had brought that DNA, and we co-designed this culture deck with everybody of them. From the designer to the first engineer, they all participated in the construction of the deck. And this was very powerful because in a way, sometimes I think about it as the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States is over 200 years, it's very short, it represents what the US as a country stands for, and here we are, and people still go drawn to that. And for us that deck was the constitution of NewBank. And today those values are as latent as important for us as they were when we were ten employees. So that has scaled a lot, that gave us a lot of clarity around the people we wanted to hire, about the way we did performance management, the way we let go people. That drove all decisions, that drove product decisions, that drove the type of language we should use in an email with the consumer. Our focus number one is this obsession about consumers that meant hours of debate about the words that we could not use with a consumer, because they were too complex. About the level of simplicity, this ownership of everybody flagged that meant customers' calls would go initially to my co-founder Christina's phone and my phone, I would get customers. The first caller was not a customer service person, I was getting them in my phone. So I think ultimately that kind of became a bit of the realization where culture is the driving force. There's nothing more important because culture allows you to hire people, people build products, products bring you customers. And so ultimately, consumers don't come to you because of your products, consumers come to you because of the culture. They are consumers of culture, they're not consumers of products. And really authentic companies are companies that are able to really ultimately represent and show what they stand for. And obviously, more importantly, they have integrity, they do what they say they do, there's perfect alignment. And this is perhaps as you scale the product would be much more mindful about, the expanding culture has meant we have a number of the routine. For example, this culture deck that I mentioned, I still present the culture every month to everybody that starts at NewBank. Since the beginning till now, it's me, I don't delegate that to anybody. Every month I present this culture deck with the values to every single person, from the customer service, the receptionist, to the engineer. They all go through this onboarding session with me, where I present them the deck. And I think that shows the level set, the lack of hierarchy, the transparency. That shows how important culture is, the values. But then every single time thinking about the decisions you make, you have to bring back those values in. So I'll give one last example just to exemplify this. About a year ago, one team came back and said, wow, something is happening, we're making more money per customer. Suddenly the cohorts, the economics start increasing, you see a bleep of revenue per customer. We went and looked and tried to figure out what had happened. And it turns out that through a bug in a system, an engineer had removed an email that reminded the customer to pay on time. And obviously customers were being late more and we were charging more late fees. It was very simple for everybody to know what to do, because we had a framework of values that provided context around that decision. The right thing to do was, not only go back and put that email, but also go back to customers that have overpaid and tell them, sorry, we made a mistake, we removed this email that you should have received. We're not going to charge you this fee, and here's your money back. And that to me was a really powerful example because first, 99% of companies would have done the exact opposite. They actually would have said, let's see what our email we'll remove, right? >> [LAUGH] >> This is great, let's take this email out, let's take this email out to make more money. Even companies that say they're consumer obsessed would probably have had a lot of really tough conversation of somebody saying [SOUND], the customer should have known, it was his responsibility. For us it was both clarity, we want customer obsession, put that money back, put that email back. And then the answer, ultimately is a teaching moment for everybody, is like, why does it make sense and why is it consistent with the business? Because when you're a consumer and your bank is telling you this, you say, I will never go anywhere else for the next decade, you got me forever, nobody else will do that for me. And that exemplifies very well I think, what we think, which is ultimately this culture is aligned with business objectives. We get to retain that customer for a decade now. Because we reimbursed a dollar in a late fee. So ultimately, that is a very powerful example internally, and shows the integrity of the culture, which is actions speak louder than words. And this example ultimately exemplify that very well. >> Yeah, want to switch gears a second and talk about Latin America, a region that's close to both of our hearts. As you mentioned, Sequoia pulled the plug in Latin America in 2012 because of the lack of tech and entrepreneurial talent. And last year, they came back into Latin America. 2017, Nubank opened an office in Berlin to attract tech talent, right? And now we have a classmate of mine out in this audience somewhere, who's gringo as gringo gets, and he's moving to Sao Paulo next year to join your team. There's a transformation happening, but how far do we still have to go? >> So it's early days, there is a lot of work ahead. I think, the future of every industry in every country is technology companies. There is no way back, and I think it was obvious in retail, initially with Amazon, and then companies like Netflix in media, and companies like Uber in transportation. Every single vertical of the economy will be owned 10, 20, 30 years from now by new digitally native companies. That means that every single industry you see today in any country in Latin America is going to be reinvented. And sometimes it'll be the incumbent that will be able to reinvent. That will probably be the exception on the rules, but there is a huge opportunity to reinvent all economies in all industries. Now, who does that reinvention? Entrepreneurs, and very much engineers at the end. We're starting to finally get entrepreneurs in Latin America. Hopefully, all of you, even the gringos, go Latin America and start businesses. Because 12 years ago that wasn't happening, people were going to the consulting firms, people were going to the big companies. And the few entrepreneurs were just, again, looking at the clones, looking at this stuff. But there was a lot of opportunity, reinvent banking, reinvent healthcare, reinvent telecom, reinvent transportation. Now engineers, that's a big, big, big problem, very unresolved, it's one of the reasons. If all the industries are going to be reinvented in Latin America, there are two options by tech companies, there are two options. Or they get reinvented by Latin American technology companies, or will be American and Chinese companies that will be global and will be in LatAm. If it's Latin American companies, you need engineers, and there are not engineers in Latin America, there are not. I remember with Doug in University of Sao Paulo, 42 computer science engineers graduating in 2013. Brazil graduates, I think something like 30,000. I was looking at the numbers in Colombia a couple of weeks ago. There are 10x more graduates today, there are 10x more people studying law in Colombia than computer science. Doesn't make any sense. And what's strange is you would think, initially you would say the lack of this bottleneck, you would think it's a supply issue. Nobody's teaching these people computer engineering. It's actually a demand issue. These students are graduating from high school today, and they're still choosing to do business administration or law, when there is about half a million gap of computer scientists in LatAm, which is more or less the bottleneck. So, unclear how to solve that, there is a big opportunity, there's a big challenge. If we don't solve it, there'll be Chinese and US companies owning all industries in LatAm, because somebody's going to do it. If we solve it, somehow we grab all these people. There's a huge opportunity to not only reinvent all the economies in all of these countries, but also to contribute to solve one of the biggest problems that we have, which is opportunity and income inequality. Because if it's just a few companies from abroad, then you have this extreme concentration of market cap in some of these companies, and you don't have the Latin Americans contributing to that. So you will end up with much, much higher income inequality. If you solve it, then you have all Latin Americans building their own programming and design and product, creating the next company that are going to be reinventing all these regions. So it's almost like an existential threat, for all countries right now, globally, same thing happens in Africa, same thing happens in Asia. The problem is that, I would say LatAm and perhaps Africa, we're just farther away. And even though I think here at Stanford for us, it's almost like it's clear now what's happening the next 10, 20 years. You talk to the students that are graduating in high school in Guadalajara or in Salvador Bahia or in Cali, they don't see it, they don't know what's coming, they haven't seen it yet. >> Speaking of inequality, your wife Maria is here today as well and together last year, as mentioned, you were only the second Latin American family to sign the giving pledge. Take us into the conversation you were having together. What motivated that decision? >> So, [COUGH] I think, we did Nubank as I said, because we wanted to build, we wanted to problem solve, we wanted to create impact. And it was the sheer kind of joy of creation and creating impact. And so money was never a motivation, it was never really something that we thought about, it was not an issue. Both Maria and I come from middle class families that gave us a lot of opportunity, and we feel very blessed about the opportunities that we had. But money per se was never really a driving factor. And then suddenly these companies is being worth $1 billion, and 5, and 10, and 30 billion. And the speed is huge, and then about 12 months ago we raised money at 25 billion valuation. And you start making the numbers, like wow, this is a lot of money >> [LAUGH] >> And we don't need it, we don't need this money. We don't need it, we don't live a luxury life. We don't need it, and it just feels like a big responsibility suddenly, because going back to impact, that's what drives us. And then it becomes a big responsibility. How do you use these money to provide the biggest impact possible individually? You go back to the same driving factor, the impact question. And I had read a book that I recommend everybody to reading, it's one of my impactful books called A Billionaire Who Wasn't, Chuck Feeney, the founder of Atlantic Philanthropies. It's a fascinating book where he goes for 20 years doing philanthropy in the world. He decides that he wants to spend it all while he lives, all the money. And he says that he wants his last check to bounce. And I just thought that was the most powerful analogy, and when we started thinking about it, we said, we want to be that person. Because if you start thinking about it, first, what a great opportunity, all society is going to change. And we're been benefiting significantly from the change of technology. But second is it's just going to drive significant income inequality. And so, philanthropy and social impact, giving back, plays a role, but why delay it? Why delay this to the end when you're 80 years old, when you're tired, when you don't have the energy, when you don't necessarily bring the clarity of mind to solve problems. Even worse, why dying and leaving all the money to a foundation of people that will do it? Or to your kids where a lot of the times that is just going to make more damage to them than good. So we decided we do not want to leave it to the kids, they will be loved. They will get a lot of opportunity but- >> [LAUGH] >> Leaving a lot of the stuff, we don't want to do that. So number one, not to the kids. They're young and they're not looking at this but maybe one day they'll be- >> [LAUGH] >> They'll be very resentful, I hope not. I hope they'll get to understand why we're doing this. So number one, number two, we're all dying at some point. There will be one day where we won't exist anymore. And I think it was Andrew Carnegie who said it who dies rich dies disgraced, because there is so much pain and so much problems to be solved in the world today. Why would you delay it? Why would you not use all that money now to solve those issues? Why would wait decades you if you can do a make a difference using your energy, your mind, and your money to do that? Why die and risk not you participating of the solving of those problems? So all of that, there was a big kind of brainstorming that led us to this decision that we want to give it all away. We want our last check to bounce, and we're going to be thoughtful about it. We're going to set it the right way. We're going to build a family foundation. We're going to go back and use a lot of the tools that Stanford and business gives us of think back on first principles, think about all these problems. What is driving this inequality? Where is the highest impacts per dollar spent in the region? And can we over the next four or five maybe six decades, use this money and this energy to create as much impact as possible? And so that's when in the very, very, very early days of journey, it's a very interesting question. I think philanthropy needs to be disrupted. There is a lot of lessons on, we see ourselves with Danielle here who is also largely as big is helping us, that we find ourselves in meetings using concepts of computer science in philanthropy. Talking about platformization, talking about open source, talking about crypto. And there is a lot that can be used to start addressing some of these big problems and ultimately, not let this technology become one more driver of inequality. But actually have it be an enabler of more equality of opportunity for everybody. >> Great, let's actually end on that note for now. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Incredibly inspiring and a motive for action. I want to go to some audience Q&A. I know we have a lot of questions. So first questions right over here from Ben. >> Thank you very much for being here. I'm Ben Goldwater, MBA class of 22. One of the reason I'm very excited is that I'm coaching someone who tells me he wants to be the next you in ten years. So financial products, there's kind of two sides to each coin, you can help people, but those products can be damaging. I'm thinking about consumer debt, you can give someone access to resources, but interest can be crippling. I'm curious how you think about, what products to launch and what guardrails you should put around them? >> Yeah, now, it's a really good question. I think going back to culture, knowing that we are consumer obsessed first and we're doing the right thing for the consumer allows us to move back and then define the product, versus what happen in a lot of the banks. Which is, how do I make more money by this product and just launch an hour fee or increase the interest rate or you end up, what you see in most banks where you have 110 different fees. If you look at one of the big banks in Brazil, their fee table is 110 different things, $0.02 here, $0.01 here, $0.10 here, just send me a text message, they'll charge you. We went and said zeros, our fee table is just a bunch of zeros. So we start with the simplicity and transparency of the business model and figure out how we can to create a sustainable business model that provides a lot of simplicity and transparency. And then specifically with credit, there is a lot about aligning incentives. We've been fully aligned incentives. We only win if we provide a line of credit that's going to work for a customer because we get to maintain that customer for a very long time. If we provide the wrong product at the wrong price for that customer, that customer will be in massive debt. But we also lose a very great customer that we could have in our base. So that just means that it's credit underwriting, it's fraud underwriting, it's using other sophistication around modeling. It's a lot of simplicity in the language about transparency in the communication with the customer, and always trying to be fully aligned with him or her. >> Great, next question, over there. >> With class 2002. I'm a founder of venture capital firm otter tech ventures. And so question to your cultural behavioral managerial style. So a lot of companies are struggling to transition from, let's call it flat organization with free flow of information and very egalitarian decision making, Into more structured businesses. Once you scale, you need to create business units, you need to create responsibility, and accountability, and the reporting verticals. What would be your advice? At what point you say, okay, I cannot be flat anymore, I have to verticalize? And do you have any recipes how to protect the culture and still maintain the culture of this open exchange as your organization scale? >> Yeah, it's a great question, I said about the culture deck and how little has changed through the years, a few things have changed. >> [LAUGH] >> And one of them was, again, going back to this mindset of trying to reinvent everything and think everything from a point of principle. We came in and said, we're a flat organization, Deck said flat organization. And that was a really bad idea. >> [LAUGH] >> It turns out that if you're completely flat and everybody has an idea, it's complete chaos. And you become really slow, and you end up with these systems of consensus where everybody needs to be agree. Turns out consensus is actually a driver towards lower risk type of decisions, which means you'd end up with a lower risk type of organization. And you slowed down your product. So, after seeing all of this happening and you always go back and kind of question yourself about, does this make any sense? And kind of the realization was a bit is hierarchy is a good thing. There's fundamentally nothing wrong with hierarchy. Hierarchy has existed in human organizations for over 5,000 years. Almost every organization has a hierarchy, because hierarchy is very useful way to organize a larger group of people. What's not good is hierarchies that are created sometimes for other purposes, rather than doing the right thing for the organization or doing the right thing for the product. And what are some of those things? We remember going in Sao Paulo in our building when we were renting a new building, and I had gotten a question from the architect of our new building saying if we needed a special elevator for the directors. And if we needed to reserve the last floor of the building for the directors, and I had no idea what that meant, until I was invited for lunch at a big bank. And I saw myself going through a special elevator to the top floor that was for directors, and I had waiters with white gloves serving me lunch in a silver platter. Where everybody in the organization else where it's not eating food, and so that is the wrong reason to build hierarchies symbols of power and ego. And a lot of hierarchies end up being co-opted by the ego of the founder, by the ego of the directors, of symbolling powers, the big corner office of the CEO. When you have a little cubicle, or having a special parking lot for the CEO, I would love to go, and I've never done it, I will someday, go to a CEO, one of these big organizations. Explain to me why having that restaurant only for you and that officer, how can you tie that directly to better business performance? There isn't, there is no way to justify those divisions through better business performance, is ego, so think that's when your organization hierarchy ends up being a bit corrupted. Because it's just more ego and power, and titles that are driving a lot of layers rather than doing the right thing for the organization, so, we have a hierarchy, it's as flat as it becomes. We try to organize ourselves in autonomous units, but with a clear leader that has real accountability, we don't believe anymore on group decision-making, we want everybody's input. We want to hear everybody, but ultimately, we've got to make a decision and there's got to be an accountable person to make that decision, so we can move. We don't believe in consensus necessarily, if consensus arrives, excellent, it doesn't, we have to make a decision. And then you have a hurricane with as many layers with clear lines of accountability in the organization. And that allows you to drive fast, but ultimately it's all about business performance and driving to results, and it's as egoless, entitleless as possible, so you can remove that from the day to day. >> Great, we're almost out of time, I know there are more questions, but unfortunately we're almost out of time, but before we close, we want to do a traditional view from the top lightning round, are you ready? >> Ready. >> Colombia did not qualify for the FIFA World Cup, [LAUGH] who are you supporting? >> Brazil. >> [APPLAUSE] >> That's the wrong answer, let me try again. >> I got four Brazilian kids now, so >> All Brazil? >> Messi or Ronaldo? >> Ronaldo. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Okay, we should move on, favorite cast at the GSB? >> Touchy Feely. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Touchy Feely. >> Biggest learning from that class? >> It's a simple insight but really, really, really powerful which is, success is driven by people, if you are better at relating with our people, that's a huge advantage, because everything you do is with people. Your family is made of people, you relate personal relations is people, your companies are people, your teams are people. And ultimately, that and be able to create strong bonds with people through vulnerability and through knowing yourself well, it's a very, very, very powerful superpower. >> Yeah, worst piece of advice you've ever received? Bonus points if it's from Doug. >> [LAUGH] Yeah, exactly, don't launch a data bank in Brazil because, Unibanco failed in 1999. >> [LAUGH] >> Better parties, Stanford undergrad or Stanford GSB? >> I think, GSB. >> We can all relate to that, last one, favorite memory with the GSB? >> The GSB, there're just so many I think it was just been in our house, president house, appropriately named animal kingdom with [LAUGH] self sorting all of these animals right here. Animal kingdom, with the illusion of animal house and just spending time with friends, having a beer in the afternoon grilling a burger and having just a great blast with great people. >> Ladies and gentlemen, please help me thank Devie Venice. [APPLAUSE] >> Thank you, thank you. [MUSIC]
Channel: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Views: 13,058
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Keywords: stanford, stanford gsb, stanford graduate school of business, mba, informational series, gsb, business takeaways, stanford mba, business insights, higher education, grad school, business school, stanford business school, stanford university, stanford business, viewfromthetop, technology, access to technology, innovation, innovation technology, decision making, stanford vlog, stanford student, david velez nubank, nubank, impact, banking system
Id: 23ND-uMh-io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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