DAVID: The Unexpected Choice

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Oh Oh Oh [Music] welcome to the empowering word I want to thank you for joining me this week I'm pastor Ken Brown today we are beginning a new series on the heart of David you know we've been talking for months and months now about the Word of God and digging deep and recognizing that the Word of God is something that empowers our daily life as so much today I want us to get a little bit more involved with some of the Old Testament teachings with some of the Old Testament stories and so today we're beginning a series if you will on the life of David and and you know there's there's we there's so many stories regarding his life it fills the pages of 1st and 2nd Samuel and also you know David is also a all missed he he wrote much of what is attributed to the Psalms and and so we're going to be kind of delving into some of that as we as we go through this series over the next several weeks but without further ado let's let's jump into our text today we're going to be reading out of first samuel chapter 16 starting in verse 1 now the Lord said to Samuel how long will you mourn for Saul since I have rejected him as king over Israel fill your horn with oil and be on your way I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem I have chosen one of his sons to be king but Samuel said how can I go if Saul hears about it he will kill me the Lord said take a heifer with you and say I have come to sacrifice to the Lord invite Jesse to sacrifice and I will show you what to do you are to anoint for me the one I indicate Samuel did with the Lord said when he arrived at Bethlehem the elders of the town trembled when they met him they asked do you come in peace Sammy replied yes in peace I've come to sacrifice to the Lord consecrate yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice so we're beginning this story and and and there's a little bit of a backdrop here obviously there is a statement here regarding Saul now Saul as you know through the through the reading here Saul is the king that was first anointed king in Israel and it was Samuel the Prophet who anointed Saul now Saul basically disobeyed God his heart was not in tune with the with the will of God he he he basically had gone into battle he had he had fought an enemy that God had told him to go in any and God had clearly instructed Saul that when he went in that he was to take nothing he was to kill all of the animals all of the women all of the children all of them and everyone and and instead his men took for themselves the best of the cattle the best of the sheet the best and they kept them and and ultimately he he claimed and his whole point was that he was going to sacrifice these animals to the Lord now Samuel basically came and said what are you doing and and insulted well I prepared these I brought them out I'm going to sacrifice and this is what Samuel says he says don't you know that obedience is better than sacrifice Saul was disobedient he was rebellious at his heart he disobeyed God and his heart was was not in tune with the Lord and the Lord rejected him as king and withdrew his spirit from him and now he turns here in the first verse of chapter 16 of First Samuel and he tells Samuel he says he says okay no more mourning over Saul I know I know that your heart is heavy regarding Saul but no more instead now I'm going to send you to Bethlehem to Jesse I have chosen one of his sons one of his sons has stood out to me and I want you to go and anoint him to be king so Samuel in obedience to God sets out but he says he says first the Lord listen Saul's going to hear about this and he's going to be angry and so God basically speaks to Samuel and says listen go and bring a sacrifice go and and make this the excuse as to why you're going so that Saul will not realize what's happening when you arrive you will meet with Jesse and Bethlehem and while there I will show you what to do who you are to anoint I will instruct you and so this is where our story picks up when they arrive Samuel saw le AB and thought surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him the Lord does not look at the things people look at people look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart see the first son of Jesse the eldest son of Jesse is brought before Samuel and instantly he sees this young man and he says surely surely this is the Lord's anointed this is the one this is a man that God is going to use his name even means God is father le AB and so Samuel instantly is attracted and God speaks to his heart and says no I have rejected Elia he's not the one it continues then Jesse called a benebabe and had him passed in front of Samuel but Samuel said the Lord has not chosen this one either abinadab the second son passes in front of Samuel his name means my father is noble and yet God has not chosen a beneden Jesse then had Shema passed by but Samuel said nor has the Lord chosen this one his name's Shema astonishment astonishment passed in front of Samuel and and and even again he he says no this is not the one now Jesse had seven of his sons passed before Samuel but Samuel said to him the Lord has not chosen these so he asked Jesse are these all the sons you have there is still the youngest Jesse answered he is tending the Sheep timuel said send for him we will not sit down until he arrives so he sent for him and had him brought in he was glowing with health and had fine appearance and handsome features then the Lord said rise and anoint him this is the one so Samuel took the Horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David Samuel then went to Rhema so we see this story and and and and we we watch Samuel as he's basically has come to Jesse he went to where he was supposed to go he is he has been called to anoint the King to anoint and call out the new king of Israel the seven sons pass before Samuel and he still says no that's not the one no that's not the one that's not the one the Lord has chosen do you have any more sons and Jesse declares to Samuel he says I have one he's out tending sheep he's the youngest and I'll send for him now when he arrives it's it is if the Spirit of God in Samuel speaks and says that's the one that's the one anoint kin King anoint him now and so David in front of his brothers is anointed king so what does this mean for us today what is this what does this look like what is the the importance here that that we're looking at David's name dahveed beloved he's the youngest son he's released in his household and yet in in in the Word of God God actually calls David he said here is a man after my own heart so you think there's something about David that reveals the heart of God that that David was the youngest he was the least he was he was not the expected candidate if you will he was not necessarily what what others would say from the outside would say oh that's the one that's the one to anoint see friends i'ma tell you today that God's call is not about your outward appearance but about your heart friends God is raising up a generation and he's doing it from the youngest he's doing it from the least he's doing it from those that have served their father among the sheep that have a humility about themselves that are literally he was worshiping as he was as he was leading sheep along green pastures samuel saw him and he anointed him in the presence of his brothers i want to tell you that God is anointing David he anointed David in the presence of those that that could have been or should have been but Warren friend today I don't want you to discount yourself God wants to raise up a new generation that is unlike the brothers before there is a religious system that that calls itself anointed and yet God has not put his hand of blessing upon it God is calling out those that are worshippers those that will tend his sheep those that have the heart of the father he's raising them up to lead friends today I want to encourage you I want to encourage you you may not be the greatest in your household you may be the youngest you may be the least stuff but God still has a call for you you've heard his voice you know what it is and I want to encourage you to step out in the anointing that God has provided for you his authority that he wants to place upon your life friends I want to pray with you today Heavenly Father I asked today for those watching right now I ask Lord that you would pour out your spirit upon them lord I ask that you would reveal your call to them today though they may have discounted themselves they may have seen themselves as being less than Lord sent out in the in the wilderness though but I know that you are calling them back you are calling them back home even today to set them apart to place your anointing upon them and to release them into leadership in your kingdom but I just declare right now your peace to them and your and your your your your presence to come alive in them Holy Spirit move mightily in their hearts and in their daily lives move them in the direction of your color in the name of Jesus friends I want to thank you again for joining me we're continuing this message we're continuing this series over the next few weeks but I want you to prayerfully consider this story to prayerfully consider the heart of David to prayerfully consider what it is that God is calling you to do what God is calling you to be and I want to encourage you to be empowered to live empowered by the word [Music] you you
Channel: EmpoweringWordTV
Views: 4,757
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: god chooses david to be king, the david anointing, samuel chooses david as king, david anointed king, anointing of king david, iSpiritLife, King David, how the anointing of david took place?, anointed with leadership, unqualified success, Empowering Word, King Saul, Man After God's Own Heart, Anointing, Leadership, Heart of David, Pastor Ken Brown, unqualified, unqualified steven furtick, 1 Samuel 16
Id: wgCkSvkeTKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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