David So on The Steebee Weebee Show [Ep 56]

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Make sure to watch the second half ! Starts out very slow but I had no idea how crazy a life David had. You could tell Steve was shocked.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dummy_Detector 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Laughter] [Music] welcome back to another episode of this DB we be show you have a special treat because it's over play the flute and the piano [Music] [Music] we have a very special guest tonight restaurant owner goddang great actor what else a lot of different things man this guy I'm so proud of this guy man I just saw he's one of the stars in the independent movie [ __ ] directed by justin chon you guys need to see this movie please welcome David Oh round of applause brother thanks for coming man you know what's so interesting Mendez you and your brother have so many parallels with Joe what are you talking about like I see like Bobby's craziness craziness in joe yeah joe also plays random instruments you and you and your brother are Joe yeah you know he's got a lot of goddamn guns Oh - the gun part my second part but we love you Joe shouts - Joe Joe the gun part I mentioned ojk news is I have forgot you hey man want to let you know thanks for coming dude and uh I just wanna let you know me and my girlfriend saw the movie [ __ ] a couple weeks ago the CEO Netflix yeah we saw it yeah we saw it on a computer on Netflix and dude I had it I got teared me up man made you cry dude you you did great thanks man dude that movie I related so much because it's like a lot of Korean families or a kid relate to the because my parents owned a store dude yeah clothing store but this was cool kiz' was a shoe it was a shoe store and I like the dynamic like the brothers yeah and this guy's uh your your R&B singer it in the mail my favorite part when you did the record I didn't want to ruin the pay yeah yeah yeah yes boiler alert but then with the yeah I mean I felt like you know with that film to I think a lot of like Asian American or even like specifically like Korean American kids could relate to it cuz that's my life growing up as a kid yeah yeah working at the store yeah I want you to be - yeah like I was just talking to my girl about like just that whole experience of like you know the person stealing from ya and then my mom losing her mind and chasing the person out the store yeah you know that's why I really it touched my heart dude yeah and so we kind of like if I know if anybody watched the film but like Justin's character in that film isn't so much he's like my older brother he's more like my father figure yeah I mean like he judging me and he's like has all this responsibility exactly and I'm the one that quote-unquote wants to [ __ ] around yeah yeah you know in his eyes he thinks is [ __ ] yeah did he wrote like I want to write I want to talk about the whole thing yeah I mean there was a lot of people had their hands in it but Justin obviously wrote a majority of it you know so a lot of just unjust in May I did a great job i holler at him did you see the flyer that I drew for you guys oh yeah you drew a flyer yeah I do a flyer for you didn't see it no oh yeah I do a flyer for the movie let me I'll show you real quick yeah Justin wrote and directed it and then he kind of like a lot of you know that's dope you know I should have recognized your artwork because one of the the young female actress posted that on for her thing yeah shoutout to uh her name is uh Simone yeah Baker yes mo Baker great Jude amazing man great actress dude what'd you guys find her Art Center out in like a South Central so she came in yeah you know that was the hard part too cuz we're trying to find like like Justin was trying to find a young actress that wasn't too Disney and so a lot of these like young girls apparently they they get taught how to do like Disney type of characters and so you do Chi was believed exactly no sure I thought she was like your homie like she is believable do she make me feel like a piece of [ __ ] I'm like damn she's really good and that scene the dancing scene how many scenes in there if you guys haven't seen this movie it do please check it out uh let's keep talking about it though cuz this is good for the film yeah I mean how long did it take just to write that thing the whole script I think it was about like a month or two I mean it's been in his mind for a minute and then he and I wanted to do a film awhile ago together you know when it was first to you know brought up to me I was like oh [ __ ] like why not you know at this point at this point for me to like I kind of wanted to show people like okay well I I could do this so it was so believable but keep going it was your character was so believable thanks man I mean it was just a huge chunk of my life and I feel like a lot of the times too like when you're on YouTube a lot of people don't know what you can do beyond that space so dude I have to admit it really impressed I had no idea you had that in you like I was like it's like cuz I know you're naturally funny like I'm because I've you know from J&K going up yeah I know you're naturally funny but the acting thing is a whole different thing thanks man I mean it was hard Justin really like he was he was always mad though yeah ass kicked throughout that whole film did I just literally got my pieces of [ __ ] you're so funny about [ __ ] George didn't like leave him the thing I remember about George the most George is that you oh but you were a Scott I didn't know what the [ __ ] a Scott was the only person I don't [ __ ] know is like a silk scarf that [ __ ] is hilarious I think the only person I saw where a Scott was my history book oh well I just fine you know what I wanna do some fun listen before we continue uh man since you're my Korean brother and all hell yeah my girl says I've been getting wrinkles so she you know I buy these first she's let's let's try 20 minutes with the of the interim you interview with these masks on I'm done I got the honey one what you put yours on first let me continue talking about GU so Google well another thing I liked about the movie Oh shot in black and white so that was a interesting choice and I like that you guys made it it was a shoe store but there's a particulars shoe that they revolved the whole movie around which was the Jew Air Jordans correct yeah it was the Jordans and so this was like the main one of the main focal points of the movie don't want to give away too many spoilers but the acting was good the writing was good I'm gonna put my nod to the writing was good I thought that the ending was beautiful you know I don't want to give too much away and it reminded me of because it took place during the 92 riots in LA right yeah so there's a lot of that in the movie and I just like the dialogue was good the writing will I keep I don't want to be repetitive but yeah it's one of those movies I was you cute you talk now and then just to give some commentary I'm gonna put mine on now about gooks just so we can look like a [ __ ] kabuki warrior and [ __ ] oh my god yeah but the film was black and white it was shot with like cinematic vintage anamorphic s-- anamorphic lenses which was [ __ ] dope which kind of gave it like that dope gritty feel I mean definitely that black and white thing was like a stylistic choice for Justin I mean I think for him he specifically didn't want people to judge the film just for what it is and if it's black and white you can only focus on the film and that's it so I mean it's kind of like a dangerous thing to do just because if you don't have like visual or special effects or you don't have like crazy color all you can focus on is the writing and the acting so I mean it was a big leap but I think it worked out for us you know I should hug is shocking his [ __ ] right dude I like how it fits your face though but this is struggling to reach my face I love such a [ __ ] wide place it's just like like it's like a shock I think it's interesting cuz my girlfriend always talks about my dry ass ugly face things to do like well you know what the fight I never hurts me dude I never knew how disgusting I was until my girlfriend mentioned it to me I don't look at my right I don't care that's what I'm saying yeah I want a girl uh three years and three and half years how'd you meet her I met her on set she was that she worked as a PA on [ __ ] no on a sketch that I did oh and then after that you know I just kind of arrest her that's cool you know let's take a walk down memory lane let's let's go back like where are you from let's let's do it let's get in there I was born in Korea no yeah in Seoul Seoul Korea yeah and then my parents my dad first moved to the state's to kind of like establish a life for us and then so my brother and I were both born there he and I came here when I was 2 to Sacramento California I lived there for most of my life to South town my cousin's out there Eddie yeah Kate let's keep going keep going yeah so Sacramento I grew up there most of my life and that goop the film was actually what a big chunk of it was a part of my life growing up in sac so and so yeah I grew up in Sacramento and then after that I moved to LA just to go to school came back because I [ __ ] you know did terrible in school it wasn't really for me you weren't a good student I wasn't a good student up to a certain point so for me like it was off and on right so only when I was really interested in it was I good at you know what are your favorite subjects I don't give a solid [ __ ] stuff I [ __ ] ate at school like I absolutely hate it hate it what do you hate most about just just somebody talked to me for [ __ ] god knows how long about [ __ ] even [ __ ] about but you must have accelerated in like drama like I didn't take any of that should do cuz you know you did I'm like cause you look trying like a trainer cuz you know like back in the day like this is this is not the term I use right but if you took drama in high school you are known as something called a [ __ ] and so absolutely would you know like all your friends back in that was a sling they used that's not what I would use but if I took drama yeah I would come out and then they would call me a [ __ ] drama stereotypical like restaurant Asian restaurant owner get that accent from my project and you're doing Hamlet it's like the most obvious choice just like it was literally it's just silence and I really wish I did take like drama in theatre is just you know at that time you care so much about your homies think about you yeah you know that's why I like my last year of high school I I joined choir because you could see this dude kid sing because I you know when you're 18 you're about to leave high school um I will [ __ ] with everybody else things to me I'm just gonna join choir [ __ ] yeah yeah so it was a dope experience you know I tried I mean it was it was hard like man you look like serial killers you can I think I can we're gonna have a bet okay let's keep going something so you didn't like school you go to college until you see our Towson with the Sac State yeah and then I dropped out why'd you drop off I [ __ ] hated it man like it's yeah it's interesting cuz like it's I can do something really well as long as there's a purpose to it you know and once I decided that I wanted to go into comedy yeah school didn't have a purpose anymore and you want to do specifically stand up or like someone's agenda you know what do you stand so I just stand up it sounds like 16 dude and so that's where I originally started off was doing stand-up over and over and over and then you know after a while I fell out I felt I've kind of fell out of love with it and your passion was in for that yeah you know till this day I still write stand-up all the time you know it's just but it's not to write stand-up to perform it so I could put in other ideas cuz I like actually prefer writing film and doing other stuff is going up on stage and being a stand-up comedian so yeah yeah yeah yeah and I think I kind of figured that out when I like I had I just kind of went up on stage randomly and then I performed a set everybody laughed and I didn't feel good about it and I was like witnesses after high school this was like a year and a half ago and then I just went up and I was like you know people laughed I killed it it was dope it was a good set yeah walked off and I was like you know you felt that way I think I feel a better satisfaction from doing coke like writing the film and it kind of affects people in different ways you helped write it too though is a big chunk of it that's much you know like for example you know that store scene all that interaction that's like my life growing up so Jess tonight what the girls a funny scene yeah we put that in the film and then I'll produce it too so so that's it that's your passion you want to write more stuff yeah I just don't think that expressing yourself solely has to just be stand-up you know you make people laugh or feel any type of emotion through whatever medium and even like with food you know what I mean when people go into like a food establishment that I create or an idea that I work on they eat the food they walk out with a smile it feels great and it felt that even felt better than doing stand it so stand-ups not your favorite like Avenue I thought it would be but it's not it would be here it wasn't the thing so you love write it you love writing yeah like you know your stuff this it's a creative outlet yeah it's food right yeah like what what kind of feel like is it a specific type of food to be honest with you anything really like anything that I like so I don't really have like a set path you never say like I do a little bit of everything so as long as it keeps me creative and it keeps me happy I'll do it do you like Chinese food dude I love Chinese food but I spot we went to babe by the bowling alley have you been a little dude they got the best hot soup dog but what area is this where's it been okay if it's a hammer then it's yeah dude wore those noodles we had dan dan bro [ __ ] so shout out to Branstetter he just wrong retired shot to wayne branch there's my wrestling coach hey anyway going back yeah i don't know what that sold that's right yeah he just we just had like a reunion i didn't go though pictures i got the pictures from his uh event yeah yeah it was it was hard looking at him is it you and your brother wrestle then yeah my brother was good to dude do that sohe my brother was good you know when i moved from the bottom called they called it the egg right now they're all wrong of course and then he would clinch on to the guys um elbow and then just roll them over that's awesome yeah dude man like I've always wanted to wrestle like I've always wanted yeah but my parents wouldn't let me it wouldn't let me wrestle they wouldn't let me play football no supports they wanted me to play like ping-pong and tennis it's like dude if I if I can't join theater cuz I was afraid that people would call me a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] would happen if I became a part of the ping-pong scene you know I mean they wouldn't well there's some Korean stuff right I mean in your garage every Korean family has some same pong table so like for me like I when I you know so I play basketball and then I fractured my [ __ ] ankle and I tore my ACL when you're in high school I tore my ACL in high school yeah I think you're gonna beat me in this context Leatherface in it here I'm struggling so bad yeah let's go so you so you have some ping-pong skills or what's the deal I'm okay at it okay you know was really good Dan really Dan's really good you know dad's like half Korean half white right yeah I tripped I tripped out at the party when like he looks purebred white it looks like just all white he's half his mom's Korean his mom's green his mom's [ __ ] funny by the way because his loss give a shot to fish ball studios yeah my girl works for him you know I mean in like Dan you know Dan's her boss and yeah how'd she like I met Dan through his wife Clara and and his best friend Edie yeah I won't clear on here - yeah we're gonna try to get around here Eddie used to work for me and he also used to work for Dan and then Dan and him used to work together on video projects and when Dan and and we're first trying to move you to LA they let them crash in my place yeah and so we just had a friendship since then and that we used to share equipment all the time yeah yeah yes company really huge you know he's doing a great job dude like and he must be the coolest boss to work for home for sure just gotta get your work done like these people that I don't want to like put him on blast but it's real [Music] work done you know yeah it's weenie but it's a it's a very positive working environment they're doing good projects his mom is so [ __ ] funny because like she can't speak any English at all but but if if how speaker in Korean but she refuses to talk to me back in English so I don't know what the [ __ ] she's saying but you I understand I can speak Korean yeah so I speak to a Korean but she refuses to speak like in Korean to me because she only wants to speak English but I don't know what the [ __ ] she's saying there's like Oh cuz it's maybe your dialect dude there's different English sucks cuz she won't speak Korean she can't speak English but she won't speak Korean to me oh oh she's she's she's refused she refuses oh she should just be Korean that's what I'm saying it I guess like I'm literally speaking to her like you do in Korean that bad it's terrible it is it is horrendous so what's your history how did you meet Dan or everything yeah so we he you know I had him live with with me in my apartment and I went yeah he's moved in and then we kind of lived together after that we worked on a few videos together and then after that would you stay friends Wow yeah yeah sorry at the that party it's a good working environment and worked on the VFX yeah yeah as well so it all comes full circle we all work together Wow so let's talk about and so uh not only are you in a writing and comedy but you have three restaurants yeah so we have three like food businesses that I do with friends that this all desserts as a right now so just dessert spot yeah so there's the chichi dango there sip and there's also drips and swirls and those are the three businesses that I do like the title drips this world's a friend started it and then sip our partners did and they also thought about the Chi Chi dongle as well so it's uh it's it's it's it's pretty fun doing food man my eyes are you so you're doing this with Jojo I do it with Jo what two businesses and the other one is me and some other partners oh yeah yeah so was excited so what did you always have a passion for like oh yeah sure not so much desserts but I love food you know you know maybe like I like I love cooking this like one of my biggest hobbies oh yeah yeah what kinds of stuff do you make anything and everything but I probably cream food is the food that I cook the best yeah I think it's just because it's like food that you grew up with so you ate it almost every day so he came to chicken oh yeah it's easy bro you can make that like that wait go ahead explain it just explain it to me just go to the supermarket right now you get the fermented kimchi although all the heads out there this is he's yeah he's talking knowledge get the fermented kimchi fermented kimchi right all you do is take that chop it up put it in the pot with water and get something called pashia and Tashi that is basically no it's gonna be in a powder form so it's like mixed it's the soup base yes the anchovy powder yeah yeah so you mix that with the water with the kimchi juice and the fermented kimchi yeah and then you put whatever meat you want in there you're doing it then you're boiling it so you could put like pork I don't like putting pork I like spam you could put spam in there tofu whatever other like veggies man that's it and then salt and pepper and then whatever and you good oh and then assess me well you know make kimbap kimbap yeah easy you see all the other stuff dude I'm like a Korea not you my dude like I can make all that stuff I'll beat your kids make you lunch no no yeah I could make a name you on tooth I could make this you from scratch Wow yeah that's just hard dude where do you get all your supplies from man who hooks you up with the noodles baby yeah go to Kate oh yeah cuz you you didn't grow up around here right no I love going down there now I like go to the mall I eat at the balls dude they're good I think I can make sure yeah I love it because you grew up in like whitey town right yeah Poway dude I'm for my white power [Music] [Laughter] cowboys and evenings yeah cuz I didn't grow up around a lot of white people yeah either yes like the third white person I know and now number four yeah no i yeah there's like no when i went to college that [ __ ] was a [ __ ] crazy experience to me Oh cuz cuz I grew up around like Vietnamese Chinese black people yeah my Mexican folk so I didn't see anyone there were there are a lot of white people in Sacramento and they're usually like my teachers we're never you know saying yeah and so I mean there are pockets where there's a lot of white people exactly but I never went there I stayed in my small yeah yeah yeah and so like when I went to college and I saw all these white people should throw me the [ __ ] off like that trippy Ottawa yeah it was like [ __ ] like nature Channel to me I was just like Joe and watching them like through bushes a [ __ ] I see what makes them laugh yeah yeah why people humor got me though like I didn't understand like white humor George your humor too while to get dude you gotta defend yourself what are you stalking all this stuff it's like a different type of humor so it's different than ethnic humor yeah for sure just like the way Asian people clown people Mexican people is just different you know so I couldn't I didn't understand it so I would just literally have conversations with like a bunch of white folk I'm like man you [ __ ] are not funny yeah I mean but I wasn't they were funny George I didn't understand what the [ __ ] was going on so it was like learning a new language and it's pretty hilarious now I mean I just I just didn't have the supply of white people so now I do and it's a it's a nice culture just just give me an update how's your face feeling right now if you'll slimy a smoke man I'm like it's starting to kind of burnt like like alcohol if huh it's like if I it's like going in your retina and alright let's just keep going man yeah yeah and then with that like we're gonna have a take a commercial break okay we're back and we're back on the Stevie Wiebe show we got David snow the homie yes highly successful guide man your inspiration man like for all the all the Asian kids out there who will watch Guk they'll look at you just and be like wow dude that's a good depiction of Asians dude because let me tell you something man I grew up with long Duk dong I grew up with mr. Miyagi I grew up and or else it's like the funny goofy thing or Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan they have to know kung foo yeah you guys did you didn't do that you guys are just playing some regular dudes American Korean American guys that's the Asian people that grew up with you know I love the movie cuz it was a it was a good depiction on how Asian Americans really are especially in Koreatown or wherever you know I think that's what I really like about like the independent run you get to tell your story you don't have to wait for somebody to tell you what your story is right that's right like in Hollywood like I found it so fascinating when there was a lot of controversy about like oh we need like these people to make more Asian move they're not Asian so how the [ __ ] would they know they wouldn't even be able to make it if they wanted to yeah dude I'm saying so like it's kind of cool like what Justin did when he like wrote that and then it was sick like he had a he had multiple hats on man he was director he was the writer he had acting it full-time I mean could you imagine yeah then how did you guys like okay so you guys pitched it to festivals Kansas yeah we got into like Sundance mm-hmm that was pretty awesome I mean getting into Sundance alone was amazing for me what we do yeah what not when I found out we got started ball demise Hannie Amanda the movie made me cry dawg it really did it you do you cry a lot no it takes a certain amount it takes a certain moment it has to affect you it's gotta touch my heart dude like what you got what I saw was I I could really it just you should yeah the story really touch me man like it was believable dude you know yeah I think it was mostly dude cuz it made me think of my mom and dad yeah and the struggles they went through oh yeah in America dude like yeah cuz they had they start with fashion gals you know they're like retail female hajima yellow thing you know what I mean and then just you know every every so a couple MA couple months that go to the fashion district I remember as a kid going with my mom and then like you know she's talking to the like the the the people selling the clothes and my mom would go you you pick one like you could pick because you know like with fashion like yeah they're willing they're oh they didn't really know yeah so they're like looking at me like what do you think son yeah what do you think we'll sell and then I remember just walking through that warehouse in downtown you know and like going oh what about this and then yeah yeah yeah then just dealing with all the heartache of of that like shoplifting was big you know a lot of people aren't gonna know what that feels like you know it's hurt it's hurtful it's painful to watch yeah especially when you it's in your own folks store yeah yeah it hits you more deep and I don't yeah when I was younger I realized how hard it was until I got older I know you know yeah because I would try to avoid this or I don't want to work there and now that I look back at him I didn't want to either did and they're working like 80 plus hours a week and I'm over here sitting like complaining it's like oh [ __ ] like I didn't I didn't really you know hear some [ __ ] too I didn't know I was poor until I went to college yeah me too yeah [ __ ] white people I went to Arizona State no ASU yeah and it was during a break winter break and uh and so I went back to Gilbert to help my folks you know I didn't live I was living at the dorm but then I went back to Gilbert but I remember I was still partying cuz I had like homies that lived in Tempe yeah and I remember one night I did acid like with them yeah and I took my mom's car to Tempe and I remember no no I I drove to Tempe to the homeys yeah and then we we we tripped on LSD and I remember I was there the whole night yeah and then I remember it was like the next day and I was like oh [ __ ] I got back so I remember I drove back in the morning to their house yeah and do my mom was waiting on the couch like right when I do I do Korean hi like such resilient you know my dad would wait on the couch she was smoking him some have a cigar in his mouth so she was maybe she goes yeah yeah you know like you know all that [ __ ] then I was like oh you know just you know hey you know you know my dad would wait on the couch he's like practicing no no I'm gonna get you out in a second and I remember I finally went upstairs then I went to my room and I'm like okay I'm free I'm gonna clear but then I heard like you know my dad came in what that stick and he's like yeah you know get up you know we're going to the caca yeah yeah you know and I was like and I remember I like he made me go to the store yeah and I had a like take the broom yeah but I was still tripping on acid trying to broom the store and I was like seeing kaleidoscope in prisms to know that it was bad but you know it's the creepy were sweeping the floor I was like this is bad but they can't relate to what I was on dawg I was on like a heavy duty like people out too huh yep yeah speed a lot when you were younger we were just talking about that my dad beat the crap outta me too and like I said cuz we have it there we were you know we're doing a oh like we did want therapy session awesome is good and the guy we're talking to I was trying to tell him about my experience like did my dad did this yeah it seemed like it just breezed past him you know he was a white guy you know no offense to the here's a white but he he couldn't relate the korean-american with a dad like that that's us that's a different ya week of nature you know I don't know that's like a different experience man you know yeah it's kind of hard like he's dead no he used to beat us oh yeah for sure like it'd be pretty bad too like I remember when I was a kid - my dad beat me so bad like I couldn't go to school cuz I'm all the bruises oh yeah yeah and like stuff like that but that should I mean you know the funny thing is they're like well what it was like well he beat you while you saw me I was like we deserved it but still you know like oh yeah other pretty bad [ __ ] kid and you know at the time - like I always want to explain to people like when you're poor and all you're worried about is where your next check is coming from yeah the last thing you want to worry about is a kid [ __ ] up you know what it means so like financially things are [ __ ] up you're about to lose your [ __ ] house you're worried about getting food on the table so you have this person and you know - they don't barely speak any English they can't even navigate their way through America yes yeah and so they're super stressed out so a lot of like immigrant parents they tend to just they want to correct the problem as fast as possible and the only way they know how to do it is to hit your kids so obviously like if I have a kid later on I probably won't hit them yeah I don't think I would either hope not you know woody that we've talked about I don't think I would because I donít izing dude dude he only not only I learned this later he'd not only beat us me and my brother he knocked my mom's tooth out oh [ __ ] yes I didn't find that out till later she straight up what did your mom say she got a fake tooth because I found out later later later later like in my thirties was argument about I don't know but another time he was you can't raged out he was like The Shining like trying to get through the door like The Shining like Jack Nicholson through the door my mom had to put the whole dresser yeah the block cuz he was like come dude the door man I just remember like my parents fights - they were so [ __ ] intense and then I kind of you know what the funny thing is like I know my mom - she's [ __ ] intense and I look back at it I was like my dad shouldn't have been that crazy but I was like you said some [ __ ] mom I know you said some crazy [ __ ] was used to know my dad didn't drink with my mom enabled my mom would like enable and like get that full beer and he'd drink with tomato juice she would have it nice and frozen in the freezer put like four or five nice and chilled out in the freezer you know yeah you cream people just had like the smoking drinking problem my father's a pastor so what yeah so I was I was originally to work for Christian Church yeah Christian she started a couple churches in Sacramento yeah and I was a I was an interim youth pastor at his church for a couple years your past yeah that's it yeah praise the Lord [ __ ] I was sick because I used 24 yep young the Christian route - yeah student ventures oh yeah do go to Mexico school say for Christ's on them you know that to do did you go to Mexico missions no I just want to humilate you know like just the summer camp are you still a believer yeah for sure 100% Wow yeah so your dad that's crazy cuz you said he had this temper right yeah but then he was also a man of God and that's like it's like religion and culture mixing though you know I didn't mean so like I feel like it's it's hard because even within like Korean churches yeah there is the Christ thing but still the culture part is really strong yeah I know so like it's like you know Korean people like other parents would beat your ass like how the [ __ ] does that happen you know yeah yeah and they would think the parents for beating your ass it's like what the [ __ ] is going on like I see my ass whupped all over the place you haven't fought back did you ever fight back to your dad uh no I never did I actually you know one time I did and that's like when I was older and it was near that story I mean I mean long story short it was kind of like when I decided that I wanted to so my father and I til this day our relationship it's good but we it's still a little shaky just because of how he treated me when I was younger and clearly I wasn't the favorite kid like it was my brothers one older brother and he was like yeah he was the angel kid you know so he lost story short basically my mom told me I remember this conversation she goes you know like you and your dad do not get along I understand that but just try talking to him calmly and just apologize and get through it and then I guarantee he'll he'll calm down and so what happened was we had the shed in the back that I used to stay at you know so there's like a air conditioning system in it whatever oh yeah that's your spot yes so those that my smart mattress there yeah everything is so we separated out oh so you didn't have to be in the house with them exactly you know yeah I used to do music back there what and I had to do and so one time like it was super hot in Sacramento the woman wore his Hana and I couldn't get out of the shed I couldn't get out of it physically I couldn't get out because the wood warped it was so [ __ ] hot it or wouldn't open yeah so I literally just kind of like I kept pushing on the door and I finally busted out and then I went to like this church small group meeting and then I came back and then my dad left this message on my phone saying calling me and um at whatever just getting pissed off that I broke the damn thing and I literally told him okay I remember what my mom said to me and I was like I'm sorry I'm sorry whatever what not when I come home we'll talk about it it was where were you I was I went to like the Christian small group yeah you know yeah and I was like I only left it was riding around the corner it wasn't that far and he was like well you're so stupid Bob why don't you call me for help I was like okay you you're like an hour out like what would I have done am I gonna slight there cocky yeah he was that bit and then he was just calling me dumb and I looked at him and this is like during the time where our relationship was so bad I told him like never to call you could call me whatever you want just don't call me stupid and my mom told that to you cannot call your son stupid how old were you I was 22 23 so I was like you can't call me stupid and I literally and it was and after he called me stupid I was like don't call me stupid remember not say whatever you want don't call me stupid he was like get out he goes like from now on he goes don't even call me your father don't even like to announce me as a son I was like are you sure about that over this small thing right and he goes away.we you question him like are you sure you want to die is that what you want is this what you want I was like if you say that then you'll never speak to me ever again an income you know he called me an idiot and so I literally walked in the back and we had our screen door I [ __ ] kicked this I kicked the glass door down went to the back took took I took like my guitar and like a shirt on my back and then literally and we were like kind of fighting and then he was like you know punching me whatever and at this point like I got so [ __ ] fed up because don't you yeah cuz I I did what my mom told me to do and it didn't work and so I felt like I had no cards left and so I'm trying to leave and then he comes up he starts punching me and then I literally grabbed him I throw him to the floor and I wait you did like a wrestling like a greco-roman toss okay and underhooks I just wanted I just went read you know oh you know and then I don't and then my mom's crying she's like don't leave don't lay a and I was like I can't stay here and so I walked all the way but you slammed him yeah and then I I walked out and then I walked to the men's warehouse that's where I was working it because I had the master key to the place I was only place I wanted to go and that place was like I don't know like eight miles or some [ __ ] I just walk eight miles and Chuck's all the way over there yeah I remember because that [ __ ] felt like five seconds and then it but it was a long [ __ ] walk and then when I got there like I took off my chucks and then my feet were bleeding just from like stopping like these old-ass chucks for a yeah yeah and then my best friend picks me up in the morning I come in the morning my mom's like just sleep in the backyard like we'll figure this out in the morning and then I come into the house my dad's still screaming to the door he's still he's still screaming through this is hours hours later like I don't even know how you scream for seven hours like how is that possible he's a superhero I mean and so like I remember this conversation cuz I it was through the door and I looked at him I was like I didn't look at him and as he's screaming I say if you tell me right now that you didn't do anything wrong I can't stay here and he goes I didn't do anything wrong cool grab my [ __ ] I didn't talk to him for I didn't see him for a whole year year and a half almost yea and then my mom like was crying in tears and she was just like bawling her eyes out and I was like I told her like I hate this guy like I can't be around him from a guy that calls me dumb says he's I'm not his son in from from something so arbitrary and so I knew is because he didn't agree with like what I was doing what I wanted to do and in his mind he always thought that he would he was pushing me to the right place and he would do it only in his way so for example he brought it up to me later on he goes I told you that I was gonna support you in whatever you're gonna do blah blah blah know you were gonna support me in the way you wanted to you know for example he was like you can go it's weird too so like he says like oh I'll take you to like whatever College that works on comedy I said there's no such thing as comedy College not dad [ __ ] its comedy College and he showed me he goes see this is comedy College but it was a theatre program at like [ __ ] Princeton I was like I have to get into the Ivy League college first comedy College oh yeah what are you talking about you know and so what is about Koreans that want you to go to Ivy League I don't know like it was so weird he just he just always wanted to be right and I told them and then we had a fight way later on that we actually hashed it all out and I told him I literally said to him I think you were the reason why I I could I could have been way further in my career in life if it wasn't for you like you just never supported he brought up like I told you I would not say no you don't understand what supporting somebody is you only want to support them if they do what you tell them to do and that's not supporting them let me figure out what I wanted to do and the reason why I started doing stand-up comedy so [ __ ] hardcore going to these [ __ ] clubs doing you to making these videos what's the same like I told you if you let me do what I want I can do it and so when it happen yeah I mean it's kind of sad because like I look back on it a lot of it was to do it in spite of him you know there's so maybe that was like a driving force or something like maybe I mean I don't know I mean if everything happens for a reason and we're good now and I'm only talking about this you must be proud of oh yeah he's very proud you know like I gotta say like you know you know I only speak about this from an emotional point because it's from something to happen to past it's not what's represented now yeah yeah but that's like somebody I never told anybody the source for you right now yeah there's like even like these stories right now that you hear like I want to turn this into a film like there's there's so much like yeah there's a lot of content there yeah yeah for sure yeah and so we we definitely had a hard time and you know we moved past it now yeah yeah I supported my mom super supportive and now it's like me apologizing to him a lot because the way that I speak to him now is based on how he used to be because you know 20 odd years of that it kind of sticks with you right so you every time he says something you think it's an insult and you want to snap back immediately yeah but it's not even that sometimes sometimes it's just like your old feelings you know what you won the contest my face feels [ __ ] moisturized um oh you're shiny you look great oh my god damn how do I look you little you're 13 do so a little backstory I know my dad now he did he was a really abusive when I was younger you know but now I've gotten to a point cuz he's had several strokes and he has Parkinson's oh so uh when that stuff started happening I was like you know I can't hold on to you know I don't know how much longer this old man's God did he said he smoked well mr. back-in-the-day Marlboros yeah but that was you know yeah but it was it's still kind of looming there but it's he's using a wheelchair now oh wow so like the last stroke it was really gnarly that I had to like go back to Arizona and help my mom yeah it's so yeah he's basically he's got like a tooth he's got the tube and yeah you know so it's like I got into a point where I can't get you know he's so it's like going back to he's like a baby again almost like you know what really helped me like figure out like my relationship with my father was when he actually broke down he started crying at 4:00 I've never seen him cry like I only see him cry in front of my brother because I was his favorite yeah whatever my brother did I hurt his feelings he would cry but I've literally seen him kicked me out the door and I would open the door not a [ __ ] tear [ __ ] tear I'm like yeah do my brother like drop one of your [ __ ] records and you started crying what do you see me it's like well time for you to go but I actually did see him cries when we had that huge fight and he said something to me that was very poignant he was like you know I did the best that I could and that's it so I'm ever bad it was and not that you can't not the fact that he did the best that he could in his own weird way you know and that's like what kind of helped me heal a lot yeah Koreans I mean Koreans from there they are are that their generator yeah they need I understand that cuz are my parents the same you know yeah anything soccer hockey whatever you know I'll send you tennis whatever you you know they did the best that they could financially even educationally whatever yeah but they need uh some kind of coping mechanism to help you know deal to get their frustrations out because I'm sure all humans feel that just don't know how to yeah I'm gonna Kate that effectively you know what I mean and even with my dad he wasn't very emotional with his own parents you know and so he had it must have been horrible he had a really fucked-up childhood to Korea yeah like it's a long so I can't get into that that's another [ __ ] four hours but it's his Tyler was really [ __ ] up so you actually did a really good job compared to what he had to go through yeah my mom knows it too so for him like my mom says like your dad is like the saddest person to me because he wants to be so close to his family but he doesn't want to talk to you yeah yeah so have you bend it back to Korea when I was 14 so I want to go back again dude it's changed man yeah I'm pretty sure yeah but you should dude I'm telling you you'd probably pout oh for sure you know I didn't mean like do you still remember but it was like it was a different like they literally lived in back of the like this crappy store and like in this alleyway then you walk up these shady steps and it was like clearly this one room you're all of them like congregated in there yeah Korea well no I went back recently with Bob but this is when I was younger younger but I remember my brother got mugged in Korea in Korea did when we were kids cuz he had up back then yeah we're with what what did they love you with their son as you know he got mugged as his Bobby in Korea okay so we're kids and he had a calculator watch oh the Casio yeah I [ __ ] love it you go you know I don't know my Creator but oh you know let me take a look at your watch and I was like yeah and then he just kicked over and then just ran yeah but they knew but the funny thing about Korea but they knew cuz oh you know we had like the blonde yeah yeah yeah like how naive is he why would he ever take off his well no no I mean I mean I mean it's just he just partly got punked you got Paul Young a job was mad paired well because I kind of grew up in a neighborhood in Sactown LA or in Sacramento but I didn't like a really like poorer I was like mad paranoid back in the day so I just ever since I was a kid like some people would get jacked robbed beat jumped so it's like it's not going so yeah a lot of gangs out the second most like second but it was like violence is pretty high right now it's kind of sad yeah like I love Sacramento yeah but yeah like people get job robbing all the time and so like for me like at that age like somebody said let me see a watch I'm like no yeah yeah probably do it now I'm a idiot now but yeah so did you ever like did they ever try to like just growing up in that area right did they ever try to recruit you or there's like some kind of agency where they're like hey man you know the funny thing the thing about me is like it's like I talk about a lot of these stories where like I got into these fights and whatever whatnot but that's not to say I was a thug I was never a thought I was just a really goofy funny guy so everybody just wanted me in their group as a funny guy you know the tough guys did yeah because I'm just a funny dude yeah but then I also have loyalty so if they got into a fight I would jump in not to say I was good yeah you know I would like to tell these stories on JK news right Oh David thinks he's a thug he beat ups I never said I'd beat up anybody I simply said I was involved in the fight I just never said I beat them up they don't know I got beat up yeah it was just there so for them in their head they would connect Oh David beat up 20 people no I said I got into 20 fights I never told you how much i won yeah the potential was low even like when I was a kid in elementary school I got and I've told the story before but I got removed from my elementary school because I got into too many fights cuz kids would like to bully me my job as a DBS looking kid broke like I glasses coke bottle glasses the bulk cut but you know like my dad - he understood that I didn't really fit in and he says yeah you know if a kid poster puts their hand on you [ __ ] them up like he would literally tell me to me that yeah he's also cool I would do it so if they put their hands on me I will start swinging and that would just not what happened so we just got to you transfer to different schools yeah cuz I stabbed the kid when I was like eight and then when I was eight this kid like you know he great is a third grade so third grade this kid like really pushed me you know I was a really sweet kid but this kid like literally pushed me off my chair I grabbed a pencil and I chucked it and I stabbed the pencil through his cheek through his mouth in yeah and then hearing this stuff and I got removed and then I went to another elementary school and I got into constant fights faragonda constant fights in junior high and then in high school I got a little smarter and I just starting fights outside of school you know so I was like yo you want to go let's do it outside yeah let's take it out to school yeah and then do you ever do you go through the thing you like hung out the arcades and stuff like that yeah we had like this pool hall called Sharkies in Sacramento they just allotted like dogs there and it's like a lot of legal [ __ ] man like a lot of people got [ __ ] up there stabbed shot whatever you know and I mean I just grew up with them so it wasn't like I was initiated into a gang we were friends as little kids and so whatever they did I just followed I was stupid you know and I wanted to I really wanted to be a thug I just don't have it in me oh yeah you're funny yeah the creative God like I'm a big [ __ ] like the only reason why I would even win a fight is because I was so huge right back then yeah I was six feet when I was 14 so you know among Asian people that's like eight feet oh hell yeah yeah so a tower over I like picking a little game aside you know what I mean not to say to get my ass beat a lot I did but you know like at that time like you know if your homies want you to do something you're gonna [ __ ] do it you're gonna get down whether I won or not you know it's just it is what it is how did you eventually separate yourself from these groups of people there was a huge point in my life long story short house my house got shot up and then like I felt like it was the day before I left to go to Riverside the night before and I made a lot I made a couple of mistakes kind of [ __ ] with my own people and they shot up my house they didn't shoot my house actually they shot up my neighbor's house because I thought it was my house I got lucky shot up that house and they missed my home nobody got killed there thank God so nobody got killed there they missed my house and then yeah so but I wasn't in the cat was just there but what was but who was the gang that there was it like it was the people that I can't do was Asian gang it so like I I was affiliated with them because I used to kick it with it I'm not allowed guy yeah yeah yeah yeah so you know like in the Korean films where there's a gang right yeah this is loud loser in the back house me yeah that should do nothing though to go [ __ ] with me this is the hand behind a bunch of so that gets you in trouble too you know and you would throw down a few times and people will [ __ ] kill you that that's that's just is what it is yeah it shook me up because my parents could have died my brother could have died you know and so I decided like yo change up your [ __ ] life what are you doing and so when I went off the college I try to change who I was and kind of but even then in college animals got kicked out of Riverside cuz I got into a fight like a huge fight in college yeah busted some dudes nose I threw this other dude through a patio door and then it was just whole ordeal it was because there's this dude named let's just call him Pete right so Pete he basically roomed with these two girls what they were two like lesbians one of them was a bisexual and then so for her she made out with him while they were living together even though she was with the other girl okay and then that girl got these two dweebs to jump him at a birthday party who like one of my friends birthday parties and I you know this dude was a good really nice dude yeah you know saying thank God um I don't know what the [ __ ] he was Middle Eastern or Mexican you know and so you know that's a really sweet dude and basically this guy comes up his name is Karl huh [ __ ] that guy so I'm gonna [ __ ] about him but he comes up to him and gets in his face and then at this time you know however nice I was trying to be I always carried a butterfly knife with me but I didn't have mine on me at the time but then my friend had a his butterfly knife gave it to me pull the guy to the wall pulled a knife on his throat told him get the [ __ ] out cuz they were they were trying to jump a dude you know I mean and then at that moment I snap I was like you know what the [ __ ] am i doing you know I mean like I'm supposed to be a better person that whole [ __ ] went down and so I had to leave Riverside so I had to leave the school it wasn't a good thing for me and I wasn't happy yeah so you know you pull a knife on somebody broke like that's that's like you have not changed you haven't grown up you're still a piece of [ __ ] and so who's in your 20s now yeah this was in my 20s was I was like 19 or 20 at this point yeah yeah and then threw away the knife whatever calm down remember because one of my friends held me and she her name was Sylvia and she was like yo David privacy you're not gonna do anything calm down and there's this other girl who ran out screaming cuz her ex-boyfriend just got like stabbed to death or something so it brought out bad memories and so like I remember I just sat there I was like cool I'm calm and this dude comes up the guy that I just like put a knife to his throat and his homeboy - I [ __ ] busted him up like I just smashed his face in and so like you snapped on a mom I snapped you know and so like I think I snapped because the dude was claiming that he was in a gang yeah I'm not in a gang but I know when somebody's not in a gang you didn't [ __ ] bang and he would say like y'all imma [ __ ] shoot you up and saying like murder threats alright well let's see what's gonna happen cuz I'm not a [ __ ] thug but I'll [ __ ] your ass up and so they weren't even like [ __ ] big they're probably two inches taller than you look guys yeah they're like five eight five nine you know what I mean I'm like a six-foot dude yeah you know what I mean but they were saying they're we're gonna [ __ ] kill me so you know at this point I snapped and I called them on their [ __ ] I broke one of the dudes nose I threw the other dude through a [ __ ] patio door because so V aggressors you're not gonna do anything right and then as I'm saying this guy calls me a [ __ ] [ __ ] and so I literally push our side I grabbed him and I [ __ ] throw him through the patio door and then like a Liz it was all sound like this is a shock and to put it in perspective nowadays like everybody can beat me up I am the biggest person because I don't know your history like I'm learning now yeah I didn't know that about you yeah I mean you maybe came from just like like improv how he broke into comedy or ya know Brady I feel like that's like my butterfly man you grew up in such a violent environment and it's so weird because like a lot of people rely oh you think you're [ __ ] I keep on something I was not a [ __ ] thug but the neighborhood that I grew in everybody had these experience it wasn't just me it's not unique to my experience no it's just the way that your environment exactly so if you grew up in South Sacramento almost everybody threw down it's not a crazy story yeah you know what I mean yeah so it's like you talk to anybody who grew up in South Sacramento like like like in the Oak Park area like Mack Road like sac people know what's up you know what I mean Modesto is not but Modesto is a piece of [ __ ] it is get home okay yeah you know Stockton Stockton is even more ghetto my stock didn't make Sacramento look beautiful shout out to the Diaz brothers I'm a big oh yes there you go the Diaz brothers know I love to be a brother Steve yeah I would never say you watch you I loved UFC bro oh so you you you want you've watched the you watch the last one dude the Rose whoa okay no it was great too and everything right but did you watch pouria get his leg eat no no I didn't see that event yo that was miss that one cuz you know like gates he imported their their bangers yeah I mean well gates in right poor he's been around for a minute new nesting because I last match that I remember that I him fighting was when he fought Conner yeah and then I thought Conner I thought he was gonna tag up Conner a little bit but Conner [ __ ] work his ass what are your thoughts on what Connor did you know you don't like AI before the compete fight like he threw a dolly he'd really flew from Ireland to New York with a bunch of thugs and they you know what they did they threw they attacked the UFC but yeah you know what's interesting like I tried to just like judge these fighters as fighters for example like you know like artists like let's first like Michael Jackson yeah yeah I love Michael for his music I don't know about his personal life but he's a great artist so fighters I try to just judge them based on their fighting but for somebody who was a fan of him I get mad because I'm like yo like I want to see you fight what the [ __ ] are you doing you know I mean so like he probably won't fight for the next like four or five years now and you won't be able to see that he's one of the greatest fighters of mine now dude it's a shame yeah same thing with John Jones it's like I would like yeah I would I would love to see him fight for the best like the best we have lost talents be able to fight well you know what I think is gonna happen I think khabib think it's gonna be a rush of verse Ireland thing I think maybe I think Beebe and Connor are gonna have this massive thing in the future I love I love khabib to like just the way that he talks yeah he doesn't give two [ __ ] he's like not even human the way he ragdoll suits in the Arctica people don't really I mean I used to wrestle but what he does is a different kind of it's like some Russian wrestling with shoots for a single Lake I can't even get it's so fast he doesn't even shoot he just kind of he just kind of like the guy he just like under hooks a guy and just the guys like just defenseless doesn't know how to get up yeah and he just controls him I don't know how he doesn't is that lower single - like I kind of want to know how to do that it's pretty amazing because it seems like he's going for the ink right yeah he look he pushes in his hips and he lowers them down like I don't know yeah no see I used to wrestle and then I cuz I would tell you like oh that's just a sweeping see no but like my homie erich koch fights you know yeah yeah yeah and I learned just through him cuz he's a real fighter that collegiate wrestling this wrestling I know about and UFC wrestling are two completely different things cuz when we wrestled you can't throw knees you can't throw elbows there's no you know nothing like that so it's a different and they're you know the Octagon plays you're not worried about a guillotine there's you know it's a it's a different thing yeah but no I it's it's something derivative from that yeah a sweeping single but it's it's different than a normal collegiate like single angel like people don't realize how important wrestling is in MMA like it's almost one of the most important thing like just combined with everything else like for example like Ben Askren right dude I'm glad you brought him up cuz not a lot of people know about this guy this guy was uh this guy was an all-american wrestler you know he won you know you don't think you got hit once in his last three fights before he like kind of retired never got hit he used to have crazy hair yeah yeah yeah yeah finals he had and you look at his body Sacher he looks like he teaches math yeah I mean like he looks like doesn't wanna hurt him on Rogen's podcast into the whole thing to watch that one I just see the baby you know he's he's educated about those yeah you know I thing about him I think with him and do UFC specifically I don't think they meshed well I don't think Dana liked him like that he's a he's like a hardcore wrestler too and I watched him like fight that feels like the LFA yeah these are different organizations it's not very exciting so I could see why UFC doesn't want to pick him up because he smothers people yeah you know to death right yeah yeah exactly cuz like the cool thing about khabib is even though he smothers you but he'll [ __ ] he'll punch you he'll punch the [ __ ] [ __ ] out because you'll press you up against the cage lay you down and he'll smash your faces did you see the what he did to that poor guy oh so I'll know I saw the Barbossa like oh man I felt bad for Al dude al I was like move your [ __ ] head jab the [ __ ] even know where he was yeah dude cause Bart was actually one of my favorite fighters in the USC and when he spanked him did you see how scared barbosa's face was after that first round yeah he looked at his corner like what am I supposed to do I've never felt this yes is different and I think yeah I think he trains with Frankie Edgar too right was yeah I'm a fan of Frankie - yeah you were saying - like do barbosa's ground game is amazing and they stand but his stand up is a kicks are amazing he reminds me of another like Josie Alba yeah have you used too much pride I so Sakuraba was my favorite dude ok Kazushi Sakuraba yeah yeah but yeah him with the Gracie's those are huge like kicking fans so like my favorite all-time fighter till this day is still Mirko Cro Cop oh so that high kicked you up yeah that high kick any knock people out right leg hospital cop yeah yeah my favorite back then was Igor Vovchanchyn oh yeah yeah he was a nice dude you know that's like when they didn't well you know we have like you know like you don't know about those guys though yeah we have like you saw them now so our people aren't as business right so you know they're still unchecked till this day of this they'll find a pride I think they don't do any like steroid checks or anything so they're really I think as far as Demetrius Johnson do you know Mighty Mouse yeah you know what no one could beat him right like who wore like the top canoe or like white ink you know what TJ said he was gonna go down yeah and wait and take him on until the show because TJ so much to you so much bigger than him yeah TJ might be able take him I'm summarizing it even lose like an exact the weight though that's what I'm saying is that that's 125 what's a hundred what is 125 pounds he has to drop like ten pounds and he's already in but what weight is that that's a real light weight really like like 135 125 you see what that fool DJ I think it was his last fight he picked him up he suplexed him up yeah I saw that oh my god how did he even think of that [ __ ] he you know but he's too fast yeah that guy's - you can't catch that guy it's pretty awesome watching that do fight who Demetrius yeah yeah it's amazing you know he's a hardcore video he's a gamer comes out with the Xbox like trunks it's like you sponsor yeah you know about this yeah it's got a huge on twitch huge yeah and you know it's funny cuz like like I I started taking a weight I again so I took in two classes ago yeah and then I I did it for about like a couple years but whoever taught me back and they sucked ass and I didn't know any better would you ever take jiu-jitsu man yeah I'm doing right now so I have a personal coach so I'm doing muy Thai and Jiu Jitsu and then I want to take wrestling too soon yeah it's like I'm doing it because I don't want to fight anybody you know just want to learn but I love the sport yeah yeah yeah ever since I started doing this I could watch the sport better like you understand what's going I understand things ten times better yeah yeah you know especially I started respecting my ground game a lot ten times more yeah it's 10 times more exciting then mm-hmm so like even like rolling for like a minute I'm about to throw the [ __ ] up just rolling I don't think people realize how much cardio is Jake's house too cuz even in high school in like junior high high school college it's like I don't know about college but high schools to to to from what I remember yeah it's three two-minute rounds yeah and I remember at the end of the match I would literally feel like I just couldn't move my arms I could barely breathe and I was I was exhausted yeah but just think of what's the MMA championship it was five rounds five five-minute rounds every time I'm done with my session to like like will go like a three-minute round right and so we're hitting pads we're doing everything yeah I'm heaving and every time I say the same here how the [ __ ] do people do this like how do you do this five rail I don't I don't know you have to you have to run every day I don't even know all I know is that if I get to a fight now I got literally three punches that knock somebody out even I'm done oh your car do my cardio is done I got three punches that knock your ass out pass my three punches just [ __ ] me in the ass at that point I'm I'm it that's it so I mean but don't you think you'll build your cardio yeah I mean it's definitely a lot better but it's like jujitsu I definitely want to take I want to take everything dude like judo cuz do 2 also has do Jiu Jitsu you know yeah but you know learning JK people get some kind of deal or like cuz you guys are big I mean I can but only using that card you know yeah yeah I think it's not I'm just saying if you important you'll want to do it like is it group yes I mean March training right now too but he changed with somebody a little bit different than mine to tease oh yeah men like Bart's Bart's Muay Thai technique is way better than mine oh he knew this point because he used to train also at this place called the yard in LA yeah so they obviously trained him really well so he's like miles ahead of me and I'm just trying to play catch-up right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow that's a trip man so let's talk about I know we're skipping I like this I like cuz I have no format right yeah yeah just go yeah life yeah I want to know your history how you met the JK crew shouts to JK news JK films but how what's your history with them yeah so we we met each other at this thing called at this thing called said Daffy at the San Diego Asian Film Festival and so when I met them I actually didn't know really who they were but I have seen their videos because they did a couple of characters right for the oh geez Joe Joe and Bart Joe and Bart and geo are the oh geez and Casey was their videographer but he was yeah at the time when I met them Casey wasn't a videographer what year was this like 2006 years ago okay about orders like the San Diego Asian Film Festival so you just walked around there on your own so we were a part of a panel who's we it was bunch of you Asian youtubers when you were there we and I was there too and I showed up it like right now flip flops aside yeah yeah like a panda shirt and like a jacket and some basketball shorts right yeah and then I just heard like Bart and Joe saying to Gio because they had them dress up at the time what they thought was fancy was like a Dickey shirt and so I showed up like a scrub because I didn't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah and so like I'm walking up there and then like they're literally Gio wasn't there but he's like what the [ __ ] Gio see this guy is wearing whatever the [ __ ] he wants how can how come we can't oh they they use an exam and so we were like that's how we kind of connected you know at that time we thought everybody on YouTube were a bunch of [ __ ] losers and about the dweebs you know that's just us being ignorant yeah yeah and so but we connected really well and so afterwards we were talking about I was like yo I know this spot out in San Diego that I really like for tacos and they're LA natives so the like this will doesn't know what the [ __ ] you saw the moment cuz of tacos but yeah and this is please people don't know that San Diego's got some bomb-ass do tacos el gordo that's like the place I always go to San Diego sponsor great and I introduced them to - and it blew their mind and that we just connected after that and they've been like like some of my closest friends ever off of a taco spot off of a taco man food connects people it's so they just go hey why don't you come up and again we just started hanging out first before we even like did a video together so you're just hanging I didn't want to do a video with them because at the time I love their stuff right yeah but I was so particular about me building my own brand without somebody saying I got big off of somebody else yeah I I just waited until I got a half a million subscribers first yeah and then I collab with them and it wasn't because I didn't want to it was just a million yeah and so I was like let me fill my own subscribers oh yeah and then I then after that I was like yeah let's just start doing videos whenever so alright I want to is my next topic how cuz we're this is new I'm new to the whole yeah this whole YouTube like what uh what are some tips if there's youtubers that like well what are some tips you know I know it's different now [Music] [Applause] you know what it is it's like the space has changed so much now so even answering that question that was a little difficult because people get based off of like fake [ __ ] and you know what I mean like causing a lot of drama that's how people get popular do that and you don't have to so like for me even when I did this space I never really followed a [ __ ] format I literally did whatever the [ __ ] I wanted and so I'm kind of lucky enough to have done whatever I wanted yeah not looking at what other people were doing and be successful like it was kind of like a lucky thing for me and at this time two people were talking as much [ __ ] as me like I just literally talked [ __ ] about everything on your videos yeah like how would you suppose your family you were doing you were focusing on vlogs possibly I was just talking to a camera and talk about topics and it was just honestly what it was it was old stand-up bits that didn't really work on in the clubs when they worked very well in the vlog and the vlogs so I would never perform that [ __ ] in a stand-up Club because you're just sitting in front on your desk and just yeah and every day I would write a newsstand a bit every [ __ ] week and so people don't even know you were getting like shitty stand-up but it translates better on video so like how long like typically how long were these vlogs there were like three to five minutes so they're like five minutes sets every week and it was just new material constantly constantly constantly constantly I'm not saying it was good I told you a shitty stand-up yeah but there's a lot of content yeah it was just a lot of cons so how many videos were you dropping a week at that time it was one so it was only once a week but just writing something new every once a week was hard you know so uh I just sat in my room I had a computer of [ __ ] boxspring and some damn sheets and there's yeah man you did put some work yes work I didn't have ass [ __ ] his [ __ ] social life yeah yeah see that's all you're doing you're just grinding writing right yeah yeah yeah yeah so how'd you know what camera to get and all that stuff or why did photography first so during this time Canon was very revolutionary because they were mixing a lot of ins like video capabilities into DSLRs and which was which blew my mind so you know right now we're shooting wasn't fs5 what is this it's an F s5 right this right here you know what camera that is yeah uh-huh yeah so the F is play he called it out you know yeah so the F s5 is [ __ ] amazing this is a [ __ ] thing this is a super 35 camera look how [ __ ] small it is that thing dude if you if you want have you seen the red one the original red one or even know okay so so the red one was like honestly like the first commercial like cinematic camera that you can get like Virginia for movie cameras right yeah that [ __ ] was the size of your [ __ ] fireplace like when it first came out you and now that [ __ ] is like this pause you can fit in my hand the rent I mean and so what Canon DSLR elite is that's a Canon no this is a sony sony okay yeah so Canon DSLRs really revolutionized independent films because it wrought yeah for the DSLR yeah that's how it all started again so like when my when my camera my photo camera had video capabilities yeah it opened up a whole new door for me so I started making like films so what are like what's like some of the top cameras a person get like on a budget what's the budget though it depends like for five hundred dollars or something that's rough you have to go to Craigslist I mean so go to Craigslist I say get like a regular like I mean I honestly think I don't know if you can get a ATD with with five four and five hundred bucks yeah so did you just accumulate you get one and then mess around with it and they go you know like honestly I just became like an equipment hoarder at a certain point but like I do use it so it doesn't really matter so like six or seven and you have still used all of them relatively like if I do like multicam setups I'll use them which is this camera where it's like 4 to 4500 oh it's like 45min of books about that dude you're gonna get a get a vlog soon brother you get it dude you know this is interesting to me because I have this is a new world to me you're making me realize like I know but that's not quite true I I could use a plate it is true but I want to do more make it more effective like maybe do see you know a lot of people yeah a lot of people focus on equipment and I you know my biggest thing is no [ __ ] equipment if you can't shoot on your [ __ ] phone [ __ ] your camera you know what I mean cuz like your phone in and of itself is already better than what I had six years ago right so if you can't shoot on this [ __ ] the camera like it's not gonna help you out you know what it means so a lot of people and especially a lot of young kids now you can roll with that on YouTube yeah this film on my iPhone and you know YouTube to like when you upload to YouTube it's so compressed anyways who the [ __ ] cares you know what I mean and so a lot of people don't even understand it's not your equipment it's it's you as a person so like I guarantee you like with most of these kids like I've no I knew a kid his name was Moses this [ __ ] had like a red at the time and he had a shot [ __ ] I was like yo what the [ __ ] why do you even have this camera dude he invested all that money I guess yeah there's no point it was pointless yeah so do you still got your YouTube channel now yeah I mean I haven't really posted regularly in a while just because I know we talked a little bit at their party you know and then I'm like yeah like I stopped posting on it so much because you know I was going through like this really like rough time like I know what's going on you know I worked on [ __ ] and I did what I wanted to do you know and that and that feeling was amazing yeah how long did that take to film again and we did it in like 20-some odd days 21 days and then after that like we know what he's doing he's resting his face on my dick it's tight it's nice and warm man I will say this though you must really like you I don't know I'll say this that my sister my assistant notices that dogs really [ __ ] like me they do I don't know why I had like six dogs back at home too so they live he really likes you yeah looks too though yeah yeah we keep going down like yeah yeah it took like 21 days to shoot and then afterwards like when I did that film it felt really good right so you accomplished what you've always wanted to accomplish and they have to go back to YouTube and it kind of didn't feel right so and not to say that I don't love you too it's just I got tired of doing the same format so I was like trying to find this inspiration again and to be honest with you I think that was the first time I ever felt depression I don't know what like depression was I was like so it did to press yeah and so I gained the shift on a weight I like I I stopped caring about everything and then I kind of just this is after gue yeah and it was like six months I wasn't on YouTube and then I just recently I'm probably gonna go back to YouTube in about a month and so I realized that number one like after guk I was trying to fill this void with too much [ __ ] so you know three food businesses trying to do you to trying to work on another film yeah you know doing all this other stuff and like I have a clothing company that I had that I have right now - what's the name like it's called secret society so that's what's up yo and so we're like working on all these different things and I was trying to fill a void that just couldn't be filled mm-hm and what I realized was I overworked myself to a point where I couldn't work anymore my brain was fried I was you know paralyzed yeah I was paralyzed I wanted to do too many things so in the past 3-4 months I haven't done anything so now I'm pretty [ __ ] broke however I'm a lot I'm a lot happier yes dude you have all these things already set up for you if you if you choose to to continue doing what you know yes just get back on the horse and do definitely what I did was I took everything I took everything away and I stopped doing all work I stopped I took everything that stressed me out and I worked on things that matter to me you know so for example my relationship with my parents my girlfriend my friends and my health so recently like in the past like month in three weeks I lost 20 pounds so like doing what just diet or exercise diet and I just walk 3 miles a day and so like I would go do like Ronnie eight or no I don't do any of that [ __ ] and I do Muay Thai like twice a week where would you walk just run the neighborhoods around the neighborhood just three months that's it you would just walk just what it was in your diet and then III definitely fixed my diet yeah you cut out carbs no I eat carbs and everything it's just I don't eat a lot of processed carbs because not because I whatever health reasons is bad for you it's just that [ __ ] adds up in calories right right take that out you just tend not to overeat yeah that's good for you dude yeah so like dude that's a trying to lose like another forty pounds and when I gain when I lose that extra thirty or forty pounds I'm gonna go back into doing videos so I'm willing to just knock out one goal at a time yeah yeah yeah you know get my health back and I'm also acting right now too so yeah just to my [ __ ] yeah are you are you writing it your next project with like I are you gonna collaborate with Justin again I would anything Justin wants me to do I'm gonna do it I'm he's a home person if we're friends you want me to do something for you I'll just do it so how'd you meet how did you guys meet up we did a sketch together on my youtube and I met him through Dan and Edie so it's all it's all connected you know connected you know so like Justin to I mean I think he's a genius in his own right and he's like the new voice for like Asian Americans he has a director a writer and a screen Wow yeah he's just amazing that's amazing this how we do not tell we do it okay do we at least make an hour I want to keep kind of keep going to we just talk as well do you want man so man so like where do you like as far as like other inspirations and stuff like where do you where do you get like inspired other than know if you've mentioned I kind of get inspired by people you know yeah one of the biggest catalysts for me losing weight actually was because I listened to this Joe Rogan podcast with this guy named David Goggins usually guys I talk about the carnivore dieters let me no no no that's that's mark Bell okay yes David Goggins is like the ultra marathon runner yeah and he runs like a hundred mile marathons you know any Beeman's yeah so for me like I didn't I just said I just need one percent of what he does you know I don't need the whole thing I just need one [ __ ] percent and apply his work ethic to my life and I that with just walking three miles a day and that's all it really took and then fixing up my diet and so I kind of used him as motivation to me and you're cooking your own stuff yeah I still go out to eat but I definitely cook most of my food yeah yeah yeah yeah I save a lot more money - oh yeah yeah you know what I mean I've been cooking stuff here - on that little on that little stove that's just all you cook on is that one little yeah okay right behind on right on the side of it I just I want to be you so bad what no you know literally pack up the next day move somewhere else and live the same life yeah I think we could yeah yeah yeah I mean here with the dog in and the girlfriend - yeah it's awesome that's simpler but that's like old are you I'm in my forty's dog damn you don't look like you're 40 that's why I love you hey let's beep that this is the only thing I want to edit it so when he says how old are you just go please that good I love you for that okay at least tell me you beeped out like the address here when like that whatever okay I didn't see that I just can't I can't stand the the sound of my voice and the way I look at my eyes I just don't you know wanna look at me when I have like the exact opposite problem like watching my videos but my self-esteem is looking high dude for not for no [ __ ] reason that's why you know what the hardest reason for me to lose weight was I would lose a pound and I'd be like I'm done like hood you know you got a scale at home now where you can like yeah I'll get a skill I lost my digital ski up I lost my first pound dude and I was like dude you look [ __ ] amazing and I stopped doesn't I'm good and my girlfriend's like no you piece of [ __ ] you're so fat and I'm like you're right so she's my reality check cuz what I see in the mirror is not what the rest of the world sees yeah me too I feel like yeah but like you know oh no but I do have a little self you're my goal weight you have to consider in high school I like rest lab 103 pounds polish yeah every six no my age it's like I went to the Korean sauna the other you know they have a scale in there yeah I was like after I eat Korean barbeque with my brother and um you know they're family I weighed 140 yeah so I'm like okay well that's me after like porking out on Korean barbecue side highway roughly 138 [Music] no but yeah because I'm like Fox I'm sure I'm a lot shorter you look like five four or five four five three five five five yeah you know you know why things like your person not people would like the best personalities always seem taller than they actually are I'm sure yeah yeah do you mind uh so how long you been with you girl we've been together three and a half years now but she's my longest relationship yeah the longest relationship aside from my very first girlfriend Korea yeah she's Korean and I usually never date Korean girls I don't know I don't know how'd you meet her she worked as a PA on my set the first yeah for [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah but basically what we met on set and then she kind of came through for this other set for this other shoot that I was doing right and there was supposed to be another girl that was well that was gonna be for that shoot she didn't come through I was dating her at the time and after that she didn't come on set but she bailed on me a couple of times after that we were dating for like a couple weeks and I told her like yo don't come on set your problem not gonna come and by the way pretty much don't know don't worry about it so hung up on her whatever she moved somewhere else anyway [ __ ] him at her and then she kind of came through as a favor for my friend Edie and then I saw this girl is like she was super like fun and everything else I started hitting on her or whatever and I just pursued her ass and we eventually got together after like like three or four months I mean just going after that's what so you know your first date yeah I remember what to her she didn't consider our first date was a [ __ ] first date but it was cool was you guys - we went to a [ __ ] a vegan restaurant and then I remember i sat there the first thing I said was are you vegan and she was like no I'm good because I would have left if you were right because I eat I like food you know me yeah I don't eat a lot of media like I do enjoy barbecue I like to see who those likes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean so if I can I see food like we're over like gumbo I love I make them I make a mean ass [ __ ] gumbo gumbo go you know gumbo your mouth I'm not like southern or anything like that but I like I like that bro I'm underfoot so every time like the JK guys right he could make it mean chili well he's well they white it's like it is blood my people can make chili and casseroles that's like their thing right go back to the couple's one how do you how do you make gumbo I don't know idea I don't know well is it's kind of a lot yeah come on now so gumbo is so interesting because it's a lot of like love and Karen's like it all starts with the roux and the roux is a half flour half fat mixture so people do it with cooking oil they do it with butter but that that Roux is really gonna depend on how great your gumbo is right and then after that their stock there's the mirepoix which is celery which is there a Trinity which is peppers celery and onions that's what's up yeah I love that mix that then you mix whatever protein you want in a great stock and you got to make sure that Roux is it nice you put it for your protein my I do I do a mix I do shrimp andouille sausage and then chicken thighs yeah and then if I want I'll put in like Dungeness crab meat in there too oh oh yeah and then for the stock I'll use chicken stock and then I'll use uh just from the what do you mean by stock like the broth yeah so what if I really want to do it I'll use like a D shell and devein shrimps you like the shrimp heads and the shells for the stock for the soup and then I'll get I'll I won't do the rotisserie chicken myself how do you get the flavor out of that you just boil in it so you'll you'll basically do it with like you'll make a stock out of it right so whatever bay leaves carrots onions celery and you put like the chicken in there and you'll make chicken stock out of that too that's if I want to go all out if I'm lazy I'll just get chicken stock from a store and just do it myself why don't you do cooking videos I do on my channel oh you do yeah you made this before yes all my cooking all my on my channel I do whatever the [ __ ] I want so I did a full cooking series called that shit's bomb all right George you know I'm learning from there one day buddy you know just got 40k yeah that's a different kind of white guilt good don't we'll get there buddy yeah but like then you make like a dope bass gumball I love gumbo because it tastes better the second day is just like chili am i right George I love chili is always better the next day same thing with gumbo then I love and then chili just like chili you could eat that with rice hot sauce y'all bro you're gonna have that [ __ ] with like Louisiana haha man yeah yeah I've gone most like one of my favorite things to make oh yeah okay like this and you're like this is something fun I like to do top three things you like your favorite things to make top favorite things yeah definitely be gumbo gumbo Korean fried chicken wings Oh with gochujang yeah with gochujang soy sauce and then I'd say after that it would have to be just like a really good steak that's like my [ __ ] steak and eggs Oh what's the secret to cooking a good steak well I just use it I just have eat my [ __ ] Oh so I cook it in a water bath that brings it up to temperature and then I sear it off at the end and you can't [ __ ] up on that I know how do you marinate it oh it's just salt and pepper I don't [ __ ] with steak it's just salt and pepper always also sous-vide is basically explaining the French style cooking you'll see it a lot so you basically the water is the temperature that you want your steak to be cooked at so if you want it medium rare you have it like with 139 or 129 and then you have it cooked in that water bath in a plastic bag course or a sous-vide bag which you don't really don't need oiling in there kind of but is that the temperature that you need it to be for medium-rare okay and then you leave it in that water bath for X amount of time and it's the perfect doneness to cook them in and all you have to do is sear it off at the end and then you have a perfect medium-rare steak and you cook it off with like some salt and pepper and that's it and that's the end of it you know what you steak sauce like how do you know you steak sauce salt and pepper always the way to go and I just use a [ __ ] ton of butter in my scrambled eggs and then I use some of that like beef fat from the mistake and I think like crostinis with like like some with like some sourdough with a and then I just eat that [ __ ] up and it's [ __ ] - where do you buy your uh where do you buy your steak I just get my [ __ ] like Fonz dude okay yeah that's Mike oh yeah yeah and then or like Whole Foods or whatever but asada I think my carne asada the stuff but then I you know there's $1 trucks out here in Le why the [ __ ] would I make it yeah okay god you're making me hungry I have some meat in the fridge dude you just want me ask you I'm like I wonder how he does it yeah I just do salt and pepper on every yeah yeah you can't go wrong huh like would be maybe a little bit of garlic powder no yeah that's fine too cuz I love garlic powder you do that with like asada oh yeah yeah I'm garlic powder salt pepper you know onions hell yeah pretty good can't wait to cook tonight I'm just learning man that's why I'm asking yo man cooking's fun - yeah it's a pretty good chicken soup hell yeah yeah man it takes me a while to do it but I love doing it yeah man you know wasn't gonna cutting up the vegetables and everything I like cooking not for myself I like cooking for people so like when people expression yeah man yeah that's like true love I love it so hey man let's start thanks for coming down brother yeah man let's start let's promote I want to visit time to promote your social and when you're whenever you're next comedy show is your next whatever film or whatever you want to promote yeah yeah I mean you could check me out at David so comedy on youtube youtube.com David so comedy where is everything else check out businesses GIPSA swirls out in k-town we have sip out in Westwood and then we also have the chichi dongle which will be in Chinatown soon but we're at a Smorgasburg LA mm-hmm on the weekends no web sites for each of those spots I'll give that okay your Instagram Instagram David so comedy everything David some comedy yeah Facebook Facebook - I really don't use that much but Davis oh yeah yeah there's no comedy for Facebook that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] so I'm glad to finally I got you I wanted him on here just a mom what the [ __ ] cares dude stories great stories great so who's next on here from the JK squad did you have Bart or jion you know get both them on the same time hilarious oh we got chill coming dude Gio's great literally in my nothing your nut you've been sniffing your nuts all the time I wash my really clean what do you got in your nuts right I just showered before I came in so there's nothing that actually has had his face is in your neck it smell like mango and papaya down there I don't know what the [ __ ] you take him you want him alright so I gotta give a shout-out to the patreon so we got two new patreon so shout out to chose illa what the [ __ ] and a shout out to my man Darren Newton and shout out to the people who went on the band camping and got some music Carissa Walker Justin mentor Michael Perez Edward Nakata Brandon van kale Fink and Phillip Harris check out my band camp Stevie we be band camp calm little raised world vol 4 is out now so check that out check out the page become a patron patreon.com Stevie we be check out two bunnies we got some open up we got some open slots available so yeah just definitely yeah get them while they're available guys for supporting yeah thank you know that's real time real the patreon scape this thing going look out for the two bunnies Instagram that's my girls animation at the end right here no two bunnies with two number two and bunnies with the I easy bu and ni easy okay and then the band that I'm in Mancha we're doing grizzly Festival may 19th we're not on the main stage we're on the second to the stage I've found out and we're performing at 3:10 p.m. is gonna be the main stage alright go to grizzly festival calm where the very first to act please be there and did I miss anything - bunnies Bailey talk to uh talk about the - bunnies with that being said they thanks brother for sure yeah I'm proud of you man thank you so much stuff a little raised world [Music] [Music] welcome to the race world show all I gotta say is his mind super strong I got abducted by some aliens dropping snow whoa stuck in the world that do not go so join me in adventures now and I promise not to have a cow my name is little my name is [Music] [Music] beep beep what the hell do we got this week beep looks like the god dang Hamburger Helper mascot man what the hell are you a glove your name is LAN and used to ride in a rape van looking for little kids or something man [Music] you're a disgusting human being do you know that so what happened after that man you try to give them candy and they caught word of it and one of the girls brought a goddang axe and cut your hand off and you died didn't you well you deserved every minute of that man now you're a god dang hand that looks like the Hamburger Helper mascot me and beep wrote a song about you goes like this man this was called [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh join us next week for another episode of little Ray's world man love y'all
Channel: Steebee Weebee
Views: 110,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve lee, steebee weebee, steven lee, quangou, the steebee weebee show, steve lee mangchi, Stevie Weeby, podcast, talk show, late night, interview, david so, david so comedy, jknews, just kidding news, ufc, korean parents, gook film, standup
Id: VGL9V_ipHek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 5sec (5765 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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