David Paulides Discusses a Series of Unusual Facts

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Reddit Comments

I enjoy this topic as much as anyone. I own all the books and I have watched countless hours of him retelling the stories in the books. But,...

More than anything, he needs some new profile points that connects the cases. This mystery is never going to be solved using the ones we all already know about.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/cryptid3875 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I came to post this Paulides has been posting a lot more videos lately.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Philligan123 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there I'm Dave Politis from the canvassing project this is my youtube channel and I welcome you this is I think my fourth video and we're going to talk about a multitude of things today clear up a lot of different thoughts and ideas that people have had out there a couple of things this is my only youtube channel I'm not associated with any others there's a lot of rumors going around that I am but I am NOT this is it sorry I go down a few lines and talk to you about some things that people have brought up in conversation just lately first of all us stats on missing people they're very very misinterpreted the FBI comes out with those stats here's an example every time somebody runs away from home and the parents call the police they come out and take a report as a missing person that person comes back the next day that's one missing person case person runs away 20 times in the air in a year comes back 20 times that's 20 missing person cases and that's how the stats kept the cases we're talking about are less than 1/2 of 1% of that an average and that number I know the numbers hundreds of thousands don't be bothered by it it's not true 99.99% of those people come back it's not part of that mysterious kind of case that we look at here another question that came up was some people stated that well Dave it's pretty obvious what's taking these small kids it's Big Bird's sweep sweep it down and grabbing them like a big bird with a small sheep one problem with that in every case we've ever looked at there's never been challenged on the shoulders anywhere on the body any type of injury related to a bird grabbing a child and remember those children are usually in very close proximity to the parents if a big bird swooped down and grabbed one of those kids the Talon marks going into them they would be screaming their head off it would be super painful and that's never hurt and there's never any big birds reported in the area that people go missing and then there are some real haters up there and they've claimed that oh I know what's going on and I'm holding back and I'm not telling the truth folks I'm not like that I ask that each of you who have read the books to be a critical thinker on this type of thing first of all there's nobody I've ever met that's read all the books it says oh this is what's happening it's always the people who have watched some videos listen to some YouTube channels and their thoughts have been manipulated to think a certain way because the people that have read the books have a full understanding of what's happening and I'm not pushing it you're going buy the books go to your library and read them but read them don't come to an opinion without a full knowledge of the topic that's all I'm asking the other thing is I am a person who despises rude people and I went through the comments section on a couple of past youtubes I can't believe what people write and if you're gonna be rude on my channel you're going I don't have any use for you and I value the people that are taking the time to write because I try to read everything and I care about that and you're not gonna get pushed away or bullied by people on my channel if you want to go be a bully go somewhere else I don't have time for I don't respect you and that's not a way to win friends and influence people so I'll say about that again a lot of people have asked me about the Dave lightest podcast I don't have a podcast that's a fraud don't listen to it you can go ahead and put your comments up there that it is a fraud I do have a Facebook page I have my big canine missing project logo on it I'm about 4700 friends there's a person out there that also claims to be Dave Politis and I found out that it's somebody who's posting from Vietnam and selling missing four one one t-shirts wrote to Facebook and I sent them our trademark I'm missing four one one and I asked him to take it down they said they wouldn't find a mystical but it's still there but don't don't be don't be challenged by that it's also a couple of others out there that are using missing for one one and stuff they're frauds as well sorry about that but I've noticed that a lot of people who have just become knowledgeable about myself in this topic they seem to migrate towards the east and Western books missing for one one East are missing form on one West my guess is they're going to Amazon and they're saying that those two books have the greatest number of reviews well that's deceiving because when I first started to publish my books I was on a space called create space Creed space was owned by Amazon every time he published a book and immediately went on Amazon and I immediately took it down well those books are the oldest books and at the beginning people were buying them before we understood you take them down and they got a lot of reviews most of my books don't even go on Amazon now so just because it has a lot of reviews doesn't mean anything all of the books that I've written have been four and a half five stars and I've been very fortunate and I thank you for helping me out and giving me good reviews so thank you but don't be deceived by that the books weren't written in any specific order they mainly came around as the research peel off but they can be read in any order so hope that's clear as I've been reading in the comments on these YouTube pages it's obvious that 90% of them didn't evolve from reading my books they evolved from probably listening to other people's podcasts who were pushing an agenda namely probably a cryptid podcast and I bring this up because it seems like cryptids are pushed point and if you read the books you'd understand that really isn't what this is about now there are small percentage of cases small percentage of cases I can understand but not the general mass it's almost as though some people are trying to take control of the page with these thoughts if you're listening as somebody else's podcast be that critical thinker if they say oh there was this campsite and it was all torn to shreds and it was in this state blah blah blah if they're not saying I look in exact location a date a law enforcement report don't believe it if they have somebody coming on their show and they're claiming they saw did observe something and they're not giving you a name I'm not gonna believe it I'm sorry now people say well you know people who see strange things don't want to say who they are I've never had that problem in fact if you read my first two books everything that people saw was in an affidavit and they swore to it and I took a picture of him in it was in the books I've never had a problem getting people's names now if you're trying to get people to come to your site then you want the most outlandish strangest oddest story and that'll pull people in and that's usually hard to come to if you're using real names and dates and things so what they tend to do is they put these without names locations dates law enforcement reports they just either don't want to do the work or it never really happened so again be a critical thinker now big response from the mailbag thank you and let's go there I want to read you a few of the really really good ones that came in this week I've been sitting on an article that was in an old 14 magazine fo our tean and it's called dizzy day at March Hare Lake says one day in 2004 I was walking out in Algonquin Park Ontario Canada with my partner it was for the sake of her privacy I should call her Lisa we were walking the mitzi Lake Trail a seven mile walk to the forests and wetlands which is designed to bring you in proximity to some of the local wildlife these shorter trails in Algonquin are easy to follow every few meters there's a blue disc nailed to a tree that shows you the way and you can keep on the path about halfway along we had a bit of a disagreement basically there called her whippy because she was moaning about having to walk across pieces of wood in order to get to a boggy ground area and her balance wasn't good so we ended up walking separately with me in front every now and then I stopped to make sure she was close behind me as we approached the section at the northeast corner of one of the small lakes on the trail March care HAART Lake I stopped to check behind me again there she was about 30 to 50 feet behind me on the path I turned around and carried on stopping after a few more steps to wait for her suddenly I heard a weird noise like a creaky groan from the direction I had last seen her when she didn't appear in the path that he retraced my steps thinking that perhaps the noise was some animal coming through the trees that she'd stopped to look at but she wasn't there she should have been easy to spot wearing a bright white t-shirt and light-colored trousers but I couldn't see her anywhere oh yeah Lisa where are you there was no reply I tried again louder this time thing she was probably hiding to teach me a lesson for going in front I started to get a bit agitated Lisa I shattered if you're hiding you can come out now still no response nothing but the sound of a few birds and the creaking of a tree in a light breeze I started to panic and began yelling your name at the top of my voice so loudly that I could hear the echo across the lake but there was still no answer I was upset what if she'd been attacked by a bear or worse and not adapt she had a chance to scream for help pinnacle panicking I frantically ran backwards and forwards for a couple of minutes along the path literally screaming her name and yelling for help but all was completely in vain I was resigned to having to call 9-1-1 and look for a body it was a horrible horrible feeling just then the cell phone I had my backpack gave up the ghost leaving me with no option but to run to the highway three miles away and call for a pay phone or a car park so off I ran falling over tree roots and through streams after about a mile I started shouting their name again and for some reason way in the distance I heard a response not sure not whether it was her I carried on running and shouting until I could ascertain that it was I shouted to stay put and when I turned the corner and she was standing there in front of me I fell on her and with tears of my eyes where have you been she asked and this is where it gets weird you know as a little it seems like a little weird so far she had stuck to the path as well but hadn't passed me in fact she was convinced that I was still way ahead and was an you were angry with me for not waiting for she had not heard me shouting till I had always caught up with her despite my screaming at the top of my lungs how had she got so far ahead of me in such a short space of time we discussed the routes we had walked and they were identified identical basically along the edge of the lake there were no shortcuts and I had to run to catch up with her if she had passed me where I'd stood waiting for her at the bed even given the time I was shouting to her I would have caught her up sooner she didn't want particularly fast and giving my panic State I was moving pretty quickly so what had happened it was very freaky we've discussed a lot of these possibilities Lisa was initially convinced that she must have passed me and we just didn't see each other but there was no way this could be the path was too narrow neither of us could have stayed off of it we were both wearing clothes that would have made us noticeable to one another and I was shouting at the top of my voice even if we had somehow missed one another she couldn't have gotten as far ahead as she did in the time involved I mentioned to her the sound I heard and she said too that she heard a weird noise but it just carried on walking thinking nothing of it it seems to me that the noise may have been linked somehow maybe a correspondent to the point she overtook me I scoured the internet for any other weird events connected with the area but nothing has turned up one thing I have noticed though is the name of a couple of small lakes in the vicinity March Hare Lake where the initial event occurred and dizzy Lake interesting to know where they were named least stanfield Alliston Ontario Canada 2004 now I read that as I think it's part first of all sixteen years ago so was before I had got into this world studying missing people but there's a time and space issue there obviously Lisa was walking much slower than her friend so the idea that she passed him is impossible how did she get that far in front of him that's a good question and it's something you have to think about because it's relevant to the general discussion of Michigan for one one I know a lot of people say oh it's got to be this it's got to be that well that's time and space time and space is a lot different than say a some kind of animal or some kind of cryptid so I want you to keep that in the back your mind while you're thinking about this now to the mail so those dear Dave I hope you are well my name is Diane and I wanted to share my experience if I'm going to be able to tell someone about who it was and what actually happened if you listened in 2012 my sister and I lived in a trailer in a small trailer park with our father at Summit Grove Indiana it's a tiny town next door next to a river surrounded by woods stop right here next to a river many many of these cases happen next to a body of water and if you pay attention to that I think you'll be surprised many times and a lot of camping and fishing goes on an S era in this area my father cited family lives in close proximity to one another in our Native American and heritage they loved nature and they live close to it and we've camped and fished a lot when I was a child I remember one camping trip where I heard something moving around my moving around my tent in the middle of the night something big and breathing heavily that slid against the fabric of the tenant was so scary and from that moment on I didn't get much especially not into montezuma my sister and Mary and I were 19 at the time of this story I wish to tell that took place in 2012 one day Mary spotted something strange outside our bedroom window she described something transparent moving in the side yard something very much like the creature from the movie predator I didn't pay much mind of her claim and though she was adamant she had seen something I figure she just saw a reflection off the glass you know it's a typical response to something that's unusual that you really can't reconcile so you try to figure a logical response so your mind can just move on but then the very next day as I was putting on makeup next to the window something caught my eye I stopped to look and notice the transparent figure about four feet tall standing in the yard and only about six feet from me for a moment I felt our eyes met although there were no visible eyes it was just like from the movie predator and was see-through yet I could feel that we were both aware of each other recognized recognizing the other it put its hands to its head area if that's what they were anyway small blobs of some sort and six active across the vacant lots and yards in less than a second to disappear behind a faraway trailer near a yet near an alley and I mean less than a second and traveled that length of three houses it was as if it was a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth to get away from me it was so bizarre and frightening at the same time I'm 28 now not off wondering why it was there and why it came back a second day to do the same thing in the same window maybe it never did leave and we just couldn't see it maybe it's still there no I don't know we moved not long ago after the sighting and I've never wanted to go back I hope the story helps in some way or at least adds on to similar cases I remember hearing an interview with you describing a similar sighting a few years back it was the first time I ever felt like my sister and I weren't the ones or the only ones who had seen something like that thanks so much for your time and I know you will not dismiss me as a nutcase it means a lot I appreciate all you do and simply wanted to share this was she best of luck you know her words about I wanted to dismiss it and I wouldn't make fun of her I think that's sad you're right I won't make fun of her and I won't dismiss this because I've heard it dozens and dozens of times and nobody else really wants to talk about these things now I don't know if it's related directly to missing people but time and space proximity to what others have been doing in the wild and people sing these things that's consistent now one thing I've said in in past interviews is whatever's happening here is a hundred percent effective because the people never come back saying that something specific did this to them so yeah it's very odd so another story is from a piece of delivery man at a job delivering pizza when I was younger I was Joey delivering to a nice lady and then she was a regular on my Rob that I've got to know after delivering frequently she was a respectable mid-50s lady that worked at a local hospital as a registered nurse as a turned on to her Road that one night which only has four houses and is about a half mile long I noticed someone's standing in the road I didn't think anything of it at first as I came closer him to a full stop I realized it was my customer wearing her nightgown I got out of the car now she approached her with the delivery I said how are you doing mrs. so-and-so she didn't respond she didn't flinch not anything I then looked to the sky to see why she was looking up and there was an orange glowing ball of light I still didn't think much of it and then said again miss so-and-so I have your pizza still no response she seemed glued to this orange glow in the sky I touched her on the arm to get her attention and she literally shook when I touched her she then looked with me with a terrified appearance and asked what is that as she pointed to the glowing round object I then directed all of my attention to the ball of light I listened and heard nothing it was not moving it appeared to pulse slightly dimmer and brighter I observed it for roughly fifteen seconds and then told her I have no idea what it is she then told me she was sitting in her house and yet notice the light outside and figured it was me pulling up so she went to the door when she opened the door she noticed no car but that same ball of light was in the cleared lot across the street she said she went outside to observe it and as she was walking down her driveway to get a closer look it shot up in the sky about a hundred yards extremely fast after hearing that I then focused my attention back on I I was mesmerised I then got my 60 magnet maglite flashlight I used to find addresses at night and shined it on it hopefully illuminate something as soon as I turned it on pointing it in the direction it shot off like a bullet higher and higher and was out of sight in roughly two seconds that terrified me knowing that no drone or plane or helicopter would be able to do that in that amount of time the day changed my life and beliefs and beliefs after I came home and started doing research to see what could have done this the next time I delivered it to her it was awkward I asked if she had ever figured out what the light was and the only thing she said was let's not talk about that day I've been trying to forget what happened she was clearly upset I told her I'm sorry she said it's okay I understand your curiosity but as for me and my older age I would rather not change things I believe she didn't need to elaborate I understood exactly what she was saying thanks for listening so something caused this lady to come out of her house in her nightgown and she was focused on this I'll call it an orb so focused that she didn't move as a car was approaching her a man comes in puts a flashlight on it and it takes off at an unbelievable speed right away when I read that story I was thinking about the tick-tack UFO that the Navy probably pilots found off the coast of Mexico in Colonel David Faber was the one who I've talked about it now this is a little different orbs of light have been seen in the forest hundreds and hundreds of times I've read hundreds of reports about it now what have been interesting is to know that ladies last name and I and I always them interested to know if somebody is of German descent but I've written a lot of stories about people that were inside their homes and suddenly friends came over and they were gone and there was no rational explanation about how they left the house or where they went I wrote a story about a young boy that was with his aunt in a house doors was locked alarm was on dog was with him inside they took a nap on the floor aunt was laying on the couch she woke up in 15 minutes when her phone rang and the boy and the dog were gone never have been found but there's many stories like this where people have disappeared inside their home inside of a car even so keep an open mind don't discount these things just because they make you uncomfortable I realized that I'm speaking about things that many of you have never heard of and many of the haters out there don't want me to discuss this which makes me suspect are they uncomfortable with the topic or they may be protecting something that they don't want us to know about keep that money okay one more hi David I hope all is well with you down with the flu for a few days thought I'd share this with you it's my story not sure if it's of interest to you but wanted to type it out for the first time here still amazed with your body of work of analysis keep it up my father's a pharmacist he opened in a small pharmacy in Pickett County Tennessee when we move to a small area called birch town he purchased a 120 acre farm off highway 25 to 95 about five miles out of town he created a large circular gravel driveway and placed a new mobile home on top of the hill she'd be overlooking a farm I came home from a friend's house my mother begins telling me about singing headlights in the field she was sure someone had entered our property and was probably spotlighting deer I took our truck and drove out into the rolling topography but saw nothing she described two beams of white yellowish light directed up into the air if you're on the side of one of these rolling here hills you can indeed shine spotlights at the sky as she described few weeks later I'm at home and she sees them again this time instead of driving down to confront them I grabbed a pair of binoculars and walked over the first hill the lights weren't far and I really wanted to sneak up on them figured they would hear my vehicle tires on the gravel and I was a teenage ninja in my own mind with it all figured out the only reason I think she didn't call the police was due to her not being sure what was actually happening and there's there's a mistake if you're not sure what's happening call the police and as I was one for 20 years if I'm gonna call like that I think it was great I'd be all over it don't think the police are gonna embarrass you or make a fool of you I think there's a lot of them out there that think just like me back to the letter again it was constant beams not living now along the side of the circular driveway was a small parcel of land that someone had recently purchased and also moved in a modular home the corner the parcel would come very close to the same portion of our driveway and there was an opening of a hedge or a fence as this used to be a gap to reach this parcel but was recently fenced as I'm approaching that area of the driveway I do indeed see two beams of light projecting into the sky I didn't think anything to add at this point except I still hadn't heard the sounds of their vehicle also the lights themselves struck me as if they have been reached further back into the black night distance-wise but I quickly told myself I'm not a scientist and a paid no more attention they never moved all of a sudden the lights go out I'm thinking dang it they see me somehow I stood still as a rock for maybe three minutes not making a sound but they never made a sound either I'm still a few hundred yards away while trying not to creep myself out in the standoff i all of a sudden hear activity from the neighbors back porch area actually I'm kind of thankful I hear someone else in the darkness at this point it had one single bulb illuminating their wooden deck I decided to go and investigate the noises perhaps they were involved however once I reached the gap it was still fenced no possible ingress from here here's where I learned to sprint in complete darkness gold-medal style as I begin to focus on the activity it's clear it's a very benign scene a woman was scraping a skillet off her back porch and calling for her dog upset I may have lost the real trespassers I started to turn around and head back in the direction of the lights there's still no sound or movement from that direction then all of a sudden this woman begins screaming to the top of her lungs and pointing approximately 45 degrees to my right in a more thickly wooded area I immediately jumped into some kind of crouching position like a cat began vigorously scanning the scene the woman is now screening at the top of her lungs what is that what is that she's pointing in the direction of wait for me not towards the lights over and over over screaming continued by map thing would be about 150 yards from me she's 200 yards just north of me and the lights would have been southwest of me 250 yards and my home is East to be 150 yards you copy all that as this evolves I think to take out binoculars let's see what I can see I'm frantically painting back and forth between her fingers direction in the wooded area plain to me I see nothing now two very important points rushed through my mind I'm thinking what the hell scares a person that much and where in the hell is it now literally I'm beginning to be consumed with fear in this mess the husband has come out and looked at it for a nanosecond he quickly retreats into the home and emerges with a firearm I see him pointing the rifle at something but he never fires I stay very I stayed just long enough to make sure he's not seeing me somehow and then I took off and ran through the pitch-black home no defensive line could have slowed me down I was that scared and it even gave me cold chills writing about it right now so the last part of the story some point the next day the husband comes flying up our driveway in a very hatefully demanding attitude to see our bird dogs my mother comes to the back door to intercept such an a-hole entrance he is now looking all over for both my daughter's mother was asking what is the all about and threatening to call the police yeah good idea here it comes and more cold chills he proceeds to tell us that something white had ripped his dog to shreds he couldn't overstate this and repeat it enough something ripped and tore my dog to pieces I kept waiting for him to describe the attack in normal terms I mean if he thought it was a dog why didn't he say it Claude or bet it was unnatural he would not move away from that description he was almost in tears he said it ran off in the direction of our home he was looking for signs in our German Shorthairs but found none for the record our dogs didn't ramble at night he apologized and told us about the scene in trouble and left I seriously thought he had seen me and was coming to complain to my parents but he never did I told my mom what I saw out there that night but I don't think it's sank in and this guy never showed up with his vision or version of events there were a few other worded sisters on this one but this one I'll never forget Thanks they didn't do a follow up email with this man and I asked him said just for clarity you didn't see anything that you could identify correct he writes that's correct believe me I was looking the demand described it as being white in color and believing a dog may have attacked his dogs but what he saw must have been short in stature the woman Ian actually had the best visual I mean she must have screamed for several seconds she had to get a good look at it but I don't know what that look was I should also say it was completely silent in the woods when I was there there was never any sound of any dogs yelping nothing dead silence okay so we have an attack we have lights in the woods and nothing can be adequately described now I know a lot of you make some assumptions but since I live in this world of facts I'm pretty careful about what I really to say about what may be causing this who knows I don't know but I think it's weird it's one of those things that happens in the woods nobody wants to talk about now along these lines I want to talk about a few cases and then people have asked me in the emails and in the notes on the videos Davis there anytime that there's a double disappearance and that's a good question because what do you mean by a double disappearance I mean two people in the same family give me two people at the same time do you mean two people from the same location we interpreted a lot of different ways I'm going to tell you about a case that I wrote about and it's always in the back of my mind start off with June 4th 1999 in Wasilla Alaska and Michael Palmer was 15 years old his dad was a commercial fisherman his brother was 10 years older than he was and they lived in the home with the mom the mom worked in a hospital well on that night in June she said that Michael was a really really good kid and he was trustworthy and he asked to go to a graduation party a friend gave him a ride about nine miles away to the party and he called his mom and said he was going to be late she said that was fine and the friends decided that they were gonna write bikes home the nine miles at 3 in the morning so Michael was last in line on the bikes and he was kind of going slow they said well they got to a 7-eleven they turned around he wasn't there well they thought maybe he wrote by and went home so everyone went home 11 o'clock the next day mom wakes up Michaels around she starts calling her the friends nobody had seen him never lasted money let me stop the story there for a minute a guy who wrote a story in The Huffington Post titled last in line it was about my work and what it was was essentially don't be last in line pay attention so mom starts calling the police please get involved they start searching they call in divers divers start looking in the little Sistina river which is next to where they were riding their bikes in a portion of the river they find Michaels bike so they start searching everywhere both sides so on the other side of the river from where they were riding the bikes there's a small airport and on the other side of the airport in route to hundreds of miles of nothing but wilderness our Michael's to shoes right next to each other like they were placed there and one of the shoes the shoelaces wasn't tied in one of the shoes the shoelaces were not tight our knot untied massive search Michael Palmer was never found where did he go what happened to him oh good questions it bothered the family a lot now let's fast forward 11 years his brother Charles the dates April 10th 2010 and it was 11 years after the brother disappeared and Charles is out with family and friends were riding snowmobiles and then go into a cabin and as the group of four on snowmobiles arriving to the cabin starts snowing real hard well Charles was last in line and the people remember turning around I'm seeing Charles taking abrupt turn and he takes off going someplace else but there's tracks in the snow he knows exactly where to go everyone has their lights on and he was an experienced guy he knew the outdoors real well nobody really thought much about it later that night he didn't show up people were not looking couldn't find him Laska state troopers were called so those troopers come out and they end up finding a snow meal snowmobile 11 miles away abandoned with no tracks around it remember that and this started a massive search and the search was organized by the state troopers but also the local was Silla Fire Department took a big role and Ken Farina was the fire chief and he was interviewed multiple times about the progress Earl active on the search and they said what's your best theory about what happened to travels and with a dead straight face he said alien abduction and they said no come on really yes that's the only thing that fits said there's no tracks nothing that would cause him to turn like that we brought canines in we brought everything in we've waited for the snow to melt it's now summertime we brought in cadaver dogs nothing that's two brothers in 11 years from the same family disappeared under highly unusual circumstances very strange so why did I tell you about Charles case because fire officers and police officers they don't kid around and very rarely do you get that moment of complete honesty from a fire police officer when a fire chief says something like that I was stunned when I read it but now with that same thing my latest book missing for one one Canada wrote a story about a man named Leo Gaspar July 31st 1951 he was 60 years old Leo was a prospector and he was looking for gold in an upper Pitt River Lake and he was very very organized and a friend an acquaintance that he had paid to fly him in there with several several pounds of supplies to last him through the summer the guy said yeah Leo was one of the most you know stress squared away people he had never met that was the reason he was willing to fly him into this area now this area of big river lake had a history of 20 prospectors in the previous 50 years that have vanished in there never been found and vo disappear so the pilot gets wealthy RCMP and they said to RCMP officers in there for two weeks searched never found him none of those 20 prospectors have ever been found now what's interesting is I did some research February 21st 1943 in the Milwaukee Sentinel there was a story about Pitt Lake and that upper region of Pitt Lake and it stated that people have reported seeing lights in the sky in the area where these people have disappeared and they described him as strange lights so think about this 1943 there's an article about this in the Milwaukee Sentinel about an area of british columbia free bazaar now I follow the facts not assumptions and I think that's odd now some of you have talked about portals there's a story that was in the special I made called vanished in in vanished it was Dale stealing disappeared June 9th 2013 4 p.m. Mesa Verde National Park he was good shape healthy him and his wife and his parents had stopped there and Mesa Verde to get their vehicle fixed because it wasn't working correctly so he as they're waiting he says hey I'm gonna take a walk in the petroglyph trail and go over to the cliff dwellings everyone said ok about four o'clock he took off 4 o'clock the optimum time for anyone they disappear according to our research so you can come back everyone notifies search-and-rescue and the park sends people out well about 60% of the way down that trail at about the time you go up this small cliff and you reach this this bench where you walk back I've been on that trail many times somebody reports hearing something calling for help and this is after searchers have already been out there not seen or heard anything this person reports it to the park Parsons 20 searchers and dogs out to that area they don't find anything the next day is where story gets a little odd a woman reporter is coming to interview the park superintendent not nothing related to this disappearance she didn't even know a disappearance that occurred but she goes to the office and I superintendent says I'm super busy right now can you come back in like 2 or 3 hours so she says sure she goes out she starts walking the petroglyph trail where the search is going on st. she reaches the same place where this cliff ascent hits the bench and she hears somebody calling for help and she said she stopped her be clearly indistinctly it was a man's voice and she started looking in the area and couldn't find anything so she was shook she comes right back goes to the superintendent and tells the superintendent and chief Ranger she wrote a story about it and she said they both looked at each other said oh my gosh so he reported that yesterday - lets send more people out and they sent more people out and they searched some more and they never found anything now why isn't this part of the story in that segment we did with vanished it's a good question because I think it's a critical part of the story in fact I think it's the most important part of the story there's never any one reported missing in that area other than Dale the Park Service sent in total probably 50 people and searched that for over 24 hours with dogs and things never found anything do I think the Park Service did a good job absolutely they did everything they could but nobody was there now how how could this be how could that happen so in vanished I talked to a physicist about this exact kind of thing and vanished is owned by the History Channel and it's on Amazon right now and I'll get a dime from it but I'd encourage you to go watch it because the physicist tells an interesting story about how he and others in his same line of work believe that these portals are real now could it be that somehow a portal got involved here I have no idea but I do find it highly strange that Dale was never found yet two different people heard a male voice in the same trail calling for help now Reinhard kerchner in April of 6 of 2007 he was a physicist for giant corporation in Germany he liked coming to the States he flew into British Columbia he rented a camper truck and he drove down into the u.s. specifically to Arizona he was engaged to a woman and she was going to meet him in Las Vegas he parks his truck little next to the Little Colorado gorge in Coconino County Arizona he apparently left the truck well it's right next to this giant Gorge very beautiful area and in the gorge and in the river there were some us fish and wildlife biologists doing work they were laying a question they never saw anybody and the truck was parked there for an extended period of time until the woman Reinhardt's fiance calls the police who makes a missing person report Coconino County Sheriff's go out they get to the truck they look at it and they process it like a crime scene which was the right thing to do and as they're at this scene a couple of people that can meet on that route pulled up and stop-in told the lieutenant hey you know at about the time we first saw this truck here we saw some strange lights in the sky don't know what it means but we want to tell you so the highest commanding officer at the scene for that was a lieutenant near up a report and he put that in the report now why is that important because I don't think that person would have put that in unless he believed that the statement was credible so keep that thought right on Krishna physicist lights in the sky never found let's talk about another case May 8 1965 Antarctica Boulder labs placed kernel dish a 26 year old atmospheric physicist at the Antarctic bird station to do research and he'd been there about two months and he had to walk back and forth from his lab to the main housing area and there was a rope and everyone just held the rope during a bad storm and made it back point-to-point and on one of these trips during a storm Carl vanished nobody'd ever vanished there before Carl was German as it was Reinhard and they sent man out into the field to look and they searched for days they didn't find anything now since this first happened the ice in the area around the Bert station has rescinded greatly they never found a body but John keel a real famous author had written about this disappearance and he had interviewed people at the ice station and they said at about the time that Carl disappeared there were strange lights in the sky Akhil wrote about this they had also heard strange sounds in the area also just after Carl disappeared there was a dog that was part of the ice station friendly dog that everyone took care of Carl was closest to the dog and what's really odd is that days after Carl disappeared the dog disappeared now if you've read missing for 1/1 eastern us you know that a lot of people disappear with their dogs and sometimes neither one has ever found in this incident neither one was ever found let's think about this two physicists disappear two different times people report seeing strange lights in the sky in the location where these people vanished both of them have never been found there's many other physicists that have never been found but I just focused on these two because I want you to be like me I want you to be a mile wide and about an inch deep don't focus on one thing be a critical thinker on many things this is one of the reasons I joined MUFON the mutual UFO network about ten years ago became an investigator for them they come out with a monthly newsletter every month fascinating stuff it has important details that keep you keen on what's happening in the world because it's a worldwide newsletter now obviously I've written about other things in this world besides what we're talking about today I think it's good to have a variety of interests in life because that'll play it well with you as you get older and it doesn't keep you that tunnel focused individual so keep a broad perspective keep your eyes open again the bird ice station very close to water Reinhardt disappeared essentially next to the river that flows through the Colorado Canyon so Leo Gaspard disappeared kid link again water and I think that's important point here I certainly appreciate you guys listening and paying attention and there's many many different sites to this investigation that constantly are rolling through my mind I'll bring these up to you more in the future and I'll talk to you about more cases but the thing to remember is these aren't isolated incidents that we talked about here today I've written about probably close to 1400 of these cases that all match this similar profile and not one case is more important than the other with you're thinking about Reinhard or Karl or the Palmer's you mentioned being the Palmer family and missing two boys never seen them again especially under this strange circumstances that they vanished it eats at my heart a lot thanks again one last note before I forget somebody who's very keen on YouTube I'm not from another of great knowledgeable source on the topic but they said Dave you have so many views on your channel Thanks but the strange thing Dave you know way way more views than you have subscribers so to get a chance subscribe I'd appreciate it I think this guy appreciated and stay tuned I'll try to stay on top of this as I as I'm doing right now sometimes life gets chaotic and I I might miss a few days here or there but I'll try to get back to you and we'll try to keep this consistent be safe out there walk in pairs carry a lighter extra water extra food a map and if you're comfortable a firearm thanks a lot have a great week
Channel: Canam Missing Project
Views: 641,086
Rating: 4.9320564 out of 5
Keywords: UFO's, Bigfoot, David Paulides, Missing People, Yosemite, Search and Rescue, Sasquatch, Aliens, Skinwalker, Missing 411, Dogman, John Walsh, Abduction, Coast to Coast AM, Hoopa
Id: dji6EekRz0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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