David Paulides presents the Missing Arizona 4. Three women and one man vanish and are never found.

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hey dave politisk i'm missing project for our youtube page we're here right on the fringe of glacier national park that's glacier behind you glacier on the other side of the river beautiful beautiful day here fall it's about 40 degrees gorgeous all the mountain tops around glacier have uh are snow capped right now a couple things we're going to do right before we get into the cases today is i'm going to read you a note uh that somebody sent me that's pretty interesting uh one thing about our last youtube that was about washington and specifically uh mount rainier and british columbia both those searches have been termed nobody's been found uh sadly very sadly but uh clouds are going in and out here so gonna have to kind of be patient with the lighting conditions but just look in the background so the first note came from a lady whose husband is a santa clara county sheriff santa clara county is the county where i was a policeman for 20 years and she wrote me a note it says dave i became interested in you a few years back we shared a common city san jose my husband is a retired law enforcement from santa clara county me i'm an insurance broker so no special skills except i'm a great at fishing and i've taught several nieces and nephews in the 1980s until 96 we took the kids and lots of extended family camping in what we considered a safe place dylan's beats beach outside of tomales bay starting from 96 to 2004 we extended our camping without kids to various areas two incidents at lake alpine bear valley in california in 2000 cost us caused us to never return this is the first incident it was my husband and his buddy myself and his wife and a third lady we all agreed nobody would venture off alone my husband and his buddy went off to find a spot to fish for trout after they returned the first evening with some fish they both said they felt they were being watched they both talked about the weird feeling at the time but brushed it off walking back to camp our friend felt like he was going to throw up and headed for a bush my husband refused to let him go by himself but our friend fussed and my hubby still refused to let him go my husband later told us back at camp they both felt like they were being watched and because of walking back they both still felt as if they were being followed and watched our friend said he heard whispers while he was fishing he thought who whispers out there to folks out loud was strange my friends ended up not being able to throw up but he had a bad headache into the night and even refused beer that told me he really wasn't feeling well the next day us ladies decided to hike around the lake and do some fishing the water was crystal clear and you could see trout swimming around us this was lake alpine right on the fringe of yosemite near bear valley california we found a spot about a mile from camp we set up our stuff and just knew we wouldn't get a lot of fish i mean you could see them so thick swimming around it looked like a dark mass you could almost sweep them up with your hands as we sat there one of the ladies pointed out would look like a spotlight we looked and it didn't make sense as it was early in the day i don't recall the exact time but it got up early in the day and at time it was just shady from the trees we ignored it and a short time later we all got creeped out at once we know the chills goosebumps and hair standing on the back of our neck we felt someone was just beyond the tree line maybe 25 yards from us watching what was really weird is that the exact same time all of the fish disappeared we called out to the guys and anybody else and received no answer at this point our single friend said she was going to go to the edge of the tree line and listen myself and the married girlfriend at the same time scream no she said we would still be an eyesight of each other and she was walking towards the trail and the tree line we watched her she came back we packed up and headed back to camp that night our friends said she was not feeling well and was going to go to bed early as two ladies were concerned so both ladies slept in the same tent my married friend's husband said he was going to be turning in early my husband and i sat around the campfire fire talking about the past two days in our weird experiences then out of nowhere there was a downpour i mean it was raining so hard our tents started to slip and leak it was really tied down tight we ended up walking back to our vehicles spending the night in the cars mind you rain snow and cold never bothered us before but this was like a monsoon downpour our second trip to lake alpine that same year we went back again trying to get the last trip in before the season in the snow this time we decided to camp at the top of the lake for the second day and the last day absolutely gorgeous but colder the second evening there was a half moon and the reflection off the water was unreal i'm a sky watcher i love looking at the planets in the sky there were so many stars it was hard to spot anything i then saw a light in the sky it was like somebody shined a shy a flashlight off a cloud it pointed correct that i pointed in our same and our same group from the last trip saw it was well it lasted several seconds long enough for everybody to see it the one thing we all agreed upon it was not a plane as the light was on the cloud was too big as we sat there speculating about the light for a while once again we all felt we were being watched but it was different from the last trip it was intense it actually unnerved us the guys assured us if it was a bear they had brought their guns my husband had one on his hip soon my girlfriend's husband suddenly got sick and got up to head to the shrubs but my husband would not let him go alone he complained of a headache that made him nauseous our other girlfriend said she had been feeling sick for a while light snow began to fall but it was soon too late to maneuver our way down the mountain but they stayed sick until we were back in the valley suddenly as it came it went away nobody thought anything of it now fast forward 10 years october 2000 my girlfriend's husband and our other girlfriend both got a rare cancer i can only remember the name thinking of it as arts a-r-t-s it was a-t-r-t i had to google the initials atypical territoid raboid tumor r-h-a-b-d-o-i-d by april 2012 both died within weeks of each other that's weird my husband and i discussed the weirdness of those two trips to lake alpine and those getting sick to this day i sometimes talk with my other girlfriend the widow and she even thinks it's weird especially both of them getting sick at the same time with the rare cancer and both dying within weeks of each other we couldn't come up with anything in common except the two of them were the only ones on our only two trips to lake alpine to get sick you see it's human nature to try and make sense about crazy weird things but we never could get about get over this it still bothers me to this day that the three of us all had those same premonitions of being sick even the doctors were perplexed and called it a coincidence have you ran across anything similar to this no thank you for taking the time to read it i never put it in writing before even now the pain of both of their deaths has felt especially since i feel weird about how it came to pass the only thing i could tell you about that was there was a woman that was a a crypto zoology researcher and she was in a tent one night and she claimed that something walked up to her and made her feel real weird in her tent in the middle of the night never came in she heard it walk up and she ended up dying of another strange form of cancer don't remember her name don't remember any of the specifics but she was adamant that that interaction caused the cancer this is unusual because we have aerial phenomena and we have something on the ground that was causing distress they both get sick very strange so something to think about the uh and also the reason i read this to you it's right on the fringe and in the middle of other disappearances in that area yosemite national park is just south of that location a lot of people have disappeared in that area of the sierras today we're going to talk about an area in arizona three disappearances and three women and one man some of you have made some comments go dave you always talk about men okay we're gonna talk about women today one thing i've said in various videos in the past three disappearances within say 10 years in one area everybody in that community is going to know about it is going to remember it the same reporters are probably going to report and write articles about it the same sheriffs are still on duty probably would remember it and write in the same reports but you spread it out 40 or 50 years nobody really remembers and that's the reason we study history is because we want to know an area's past so first case 32 year old carol turner uh disappeared april 3rd 1971 from a location you probably don't even know about some of you obviously do but most of you don't oregon pipes national monument it's actually oregon pipe cactus monument in southern arizona it's about 25 miles south of a place called the y why arizona 517 square miles it was set aside as a preserve in 1937 and the habitat is predominantly sonoran desert cactuses coyotes small animals not a lot a lot of boulders strange place so carol was an extremely smart woman she got her master's degree in education and became a secondary school teacher and she didn't find that that was fulfilling in life and she went on and she went back to school at the university of new mexico albuquerque and she was going to get a master's degree in biology and in zoology a double major she got a job working at the school as a technician and she drove a 68 plymouth station wagon in 1971. now on january 31st 1971 she arrived at the monument playing trip a little time off the school it was an eight hour drive she arrives and she spends that first night in the car sleeps she gets up the next day and she goes to a ranger sponsored trip to a place called dripping springs and she spent a long time with this group with the ranger walking around getting acclimated to the area getting some knowledge the ranger said later on she was super smart asked really good questions was athletic and engaged in trying to understand the area and she left she didn't say anything else and she ends up taking her car and she parks it uh near a place called estes canyon inside the monument and carol was smart for 71 1971. she puts a note on the windshield of her car and she says if i'm not back and if this car is here at 4 30 on february 3rd then call the rangers i'm up bull pasture and bull pasture was a trail well a ranger driving around on the fourth sees this goes wow so he turns around and he hikes two miles up bull pasture doesn't see anybody comes back and calls the troops this is in pima county arizona and later on that day people start arriving national park service which operates that monument calls in for air force support in the name of helicopters and they get it eventually 300 ground troops cover 120 square miles and this is pretty close to the u.s border so they call in border patrol and customs and this is pretty close to some tribal area so they call in tribal searchers which are the best well one of the rangers going up that canyon tells his buddies that he smelled decaying flesh and that bothered a lot of people because it was pretty early in the search from the time carol disappeared for her body to be decaying at that level but they sent multiple teams into this bull pasture area trying to get that same reconciliation on the smell find out where it came from they brought in bloodhounds they brought in everything nothing they were getting nothing now as is typical i filed a freedom of information act request with the national park service i called the monument spoke to the superintendent sent him in an email asking for the report ignored but i also knew that pima county participated in the search and they're a real transparent organization i wrote to them and i got their reports and what was in their reports was some national park service reports which was great so their reports said something stunning they went into the area called ajos ajos and it's a southwest facing mountain up bull pasture and in that area some other rangers days later experienced the same odor now a ranger named royals wrote a report that they had searched her canteen and i mean searched her car and the only thing that they could determine that was missing in conversation with her mom was her hiking boots and her canteen which indicated she was only going on a day hike you can kind of judge based on her ability how far she was going to go now so this is carol now this is a drawing that was done by harvey pratt we had a few pictures of her but the pictures were horrible so harvey took the best parts of each picture and drew the sketch kind of get a feeling for what she was like now in the uh park server or in the uh pima county reports was a report written by one of the rangers i got to read it to you because if you saw it you wouldn't believe it says one additional clue was turned up on monday february 15th at two limited locations about 400 yards apart on the southwest facing of the ajos ajos a very strong and distinct human odor was found but at no other locations supervisory ranger hal koss of saguaro and one of the other searchers who were recently involved in the recovery of a body had very strong and positive feelings on the identification of the utter odor the following day ranger coss after flying the area in a border patrol plane led an eight-man search party back over this area again the odor was observed in the same location but only occasionally and not as distinct other members of the team described it as a very weird and scary area all efforts were negative and search activities have been reduced to intermittent patrols as time permits never in the history of any report i've read have i heard search and rescue or the national park service described as an area as very weird and scary [Applause] now let's think about this this is a ranger that worked in the area had been there hundreds of times what happened in the area to all of a sudden make it very weird and scary what was the sixth sense that was going off in his mind it was strange very very odd so three weeks of searching thousands of people have gone through that area by now nothing of carol's has ever been found i can guarantee that her boots are still going to be there today and surprisingly even with the indicators the rangers had she wasn't found so think about that as case number one and uh this is kind of the center piece of two more cases i'm going to tell you case number two shannon shell s-c-h-e-l-l a young german lady of german heritage 34 years old missing october 12 94 saguaro national park just east of tucson arizona it's about 70 miles or less east of oregon pipes where carol disappeared so shannon was smart carol was brilliant shannon was smart shannon graduated university of arizona in business she ran her dad's electronics company for 15 20 years um she loved the outdoors liked to hike a lot she drove a gold camaro she told everybody that she was going to go to the park national park and hike this uh trail loop and it was 30 miles and everyone kind of thought she was going to do 30 miles one day and she wasn't going to spend overnight so she was probably going to walk in six miles back out six miles she was described as very strong-willed and she was super tight with her parents well when she didn't come back that night her parents were all over it called the park they went out they find founder camaro at the trail head immediately they put 50 searchers on it equestrian teams they call the air force they have the air force sends two helicopters the pima county sheriff sent a helicopter with flair and they believed at the time that she was somewhere around six to eight miles from that trailhead and they covered it shoulder to shoulder for days and the interesting part is that there's not a lot of ground cover there that's going to conceal the body at all and it was the same thing on carroll's case that's why uh routes from air should have been productive so the the military department of public services everyone's throwing everything at it seven days they called a search and the parents were upset and the mom and the dad went and they tried to politically move this needle and get more searchers time and time again department of public safety from arizona said okay we'll fly another two more rangers for another day and look again that went into day nine nothing now what is very strange about this is toward the sixth day of the search the searchers are in an area where it's real steep and it's the hardest part of this one trail near where she was going and they've been over this area every day and they find a rolled up newspaper let me stop that is shannon you get a look at her and on this day they find this rolled up newspaper with some lozenge wrappers and a few cigarette butts of the time the type that she smoked and they found this just off the trail where they've gone dozens of times and the comments were uh these weren't here the last five days what are they doing here and people knew that shannon liked to follow sports he was out athletic and it was an oddity and the newspaper papers made it a point to say that it made no sense they had indian trackers professional indian trackers native american tractors that came in there and they couldn't find tracks canines couldn't pick up a cent it's been 36 years and nothing from shannon has been found let me say something about these two cases shannon only child carol only child and that to me is odd folks because carol disappeared many years later there's nobody doing any follow-up nobody cares both shannon's and carol's parents are both deceased there's nobody that cares anymore except you and me and both of the incidents i just explained to you occurred on national park service property and why is that important because the national park service has this classification called missing and presumed deceased what does that mean that means that they don't care anymore and they're not searching and it's not an active file and it's over they're not going to be found on any databases it's a sickening rendition of how to handle missing people but it's that that's their way to clean the slate now third case third case involves a man and a woman this is the case of klaus martens german and june walker class is 27 june was 23. very fascinating case and i wrote this book called missing 4-1-1 law land aaron water for a reason everybody thinks oh a plane disappears and no big deal this is a big deal because there's a lot more to this case so klaus spent time in the military in the u.s and spent 400 hours as a combat ace and a combat intelligence officer and after world war ii he came back and he got a job in california selling cars great he was in really good shape and he met june walker which was a brand she was a brand new nurse and obviously he was a great pilot and so part of a date he said hey let's go to pasadena airport i'll rent a car or a rental rent a plane a cessna and we'll fly to a city called blyth for a date she goes great so if you go if this was in uh july 15 of 1951 it was very hot in southern california and blight during this time of the year very hot so martin's rents the plane files a flight plan for blyth and they take off perfect weather no issues so june walker doesn't return that night and her friends call the sheriff and report her and klaus is missing now the sheriffs look and they look at the flight plan and they call the international guard the civil air patrol and they start searching between pasadena and blyth makes sense and they search this for two and a half weeks this air corridor and they keep going out wider and wider and wider and they don't you know not finding anything and they're getting very frustrated because they know this guy's a good pilot and he's not going to get lost so time goes on three weeks after this couple disappear an arizona department of fish and game inspector is 10 miles northwest of oregon pipes national park where carroll disappeared and he comes across a cessna airplane parked in the middle of the desert intact in one piece bizarre so he gets in the plane still has gas in it thanks that's bizarre so they run the airframe number and it comes back as missing from pasadena and they do some some analysis and some talking to the sheriff and they figure out wow two people are missing so they call in the troops and ace kempton was his name and they searched that area for three weeks and i gotta read you the article because it's unbelievable what they say they found this is an article in the yuma daily sun dated july 16 1953. klaus martens and june walker disappeared in the desert east of here two years ago yesterday and the disappearance remains a strange mystery martin's then 27 and miss walker then 23 flew from an airport near pasadena with destination given his blyth their plan their plane was found unmangled but nearly out of gas june 30th days after the flight the plane radio was in working harder but they don't think it had been used a huge arrow was found in the sand beside the plane pointing west and there was a note on the instrument panel stating heading due west on foot apparently they got out of the plane drew a big arrow on the ground brilliant and said they were going west sheriff jim washington and and posses tracked the pair 15 miles their footprints abruptly ended for no explained reason catch that their footprints abruptly disappeared for no explained reason the girl dressed only in schwartz and a halter was a student new student nurse and was a former and martins was a former counterintelligence coordinate officer and member of the california air national guard martins was no slaps slouch a lot of rumors about this case the vast majority completely untrue they were saying there was bad weather during this search that forced them to end early in july they had heavy rain in the desert normally in july in the desert it's about 105 110 and they had heavy rain that they had to stop searching now the sheriff stated in the articles there was no reason for these tracks to end where'd they go a lot of rumors about what happened there they searched 120 air miles uh the mart klaus was over a hundred miles off course and had flown 50 percent further than what he was supposed to fly nobody believed he was that bad of a pilot nobody did so there's there's a yuma army test facility about a hundred miles away from the site and they brought in 90 soldiers and they searched the desert even after the rains ended didn't find anything they were never found the rumors about the incident were that the pair eloped and went to germany other rumors are that smugglers took and killed them the other rumors was aliens the uh the part about going to germany and eloping the family said there was no way she was dedicated to her nursing loved her family immensely they said there's absolutely no way and now it's been you know 60 plus years and they were never found so what happened but another german case so let's think about this shell and martins were german so three women and one man disappear four people they vanished on these cases from 1951 to 1994. 43-year span i'm going to have you look at this this is a map hopefully the light's good enough that you can see but shell and martin's oregon pipes saguaro national park almost in a straight line and the pink are women the blue is men now this is phoenix up here tucson over here very odd very very odd now think about it that if this happened if this happened within a 5-10 year time span someone someone would be all over this they'd be talking about it in the news and nobody's talking about it folks and nobody cares and these people are gone most of their parents are all dead nps says they're presumed deceased so two of the victims disappeared national park service jurisdiction very remote locations no witnesses high intellect poss was described as very smart guy just because he was working in a selling cars don't don't let that fool you and this was in a cluster of disappearances identified on the map so some of you may say well why are we even talking about missing people that happened in 1950 in the 50s it's because it's important to understand that this stuff has been going on for decades some people like to think oh you know it's a serial killer or something yeah not over the time span that we've studied i want you to think about all this i want you to pass this video along to friends again right below the screen you're looking at where it says description of the video there's going to be a location there where it shows you where you can watch your movies where you can go to our store where you can go to our missing person website and learn more about this my email is going to be there if you want to send me a note about this but uh before you give up on missing planes there's a lot more to these stories about planes vanishing than you think and this is one example that i wanted to bring forth from missing 4-1-1 law to exemplify that statement so thanks a million for watching keep involved please post this video everywhere so people can understand really what's happening and become involved the issue with the national parks and my filming it's still ongoing there's still not an attorney that's engaged with me that's not surprising because i know it's going to be a big endeavor it's going to take a lot of time on their part so if you have a personal friend that's an attorney that understands this please tell them about it we need the help and let's stay informed hike in pairs and always carry a personal locator beacon thanks for watching
Channel: Canam Missing Project
Views: 208,468
Rating: 4.9620161 out of 5
Keywords: David Paulides, Yosemite, National Park Service, Yellowstone, Missing People, UFO's, Aliens, Paranormal, Skinwalker Ranch, Mr. Ballen
Id: lpSF8FODw_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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