David Letterman's list of ideas to improve the NBA 🍿 | EJ's Neat-O Stat

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it's time for EJ presented by no one was at a bar uh with a friend of mine we walk into the car and some guy's trying to be tough had too much to drink follows me two blocks talking about how tough he is so you ignore him you ignore him but he's getting closer before I know it he's right behind me and he challenges me to a fight and I said listen I can't fight you he says I'm going to see how tough you are and he walks up to me puts his fist up and I hit him [Applause] these the kind of people I need on the jur one of the Chucksters many visits um David Letterman and how about this one Shaq that was a better that was a better time for Mr Letterman look at this he finally got somebody entertaining on his show that's right that is that is crazy [Music] that's I'm so sorry M thanks wow and what an honor it is for us here on inside to have David joining us inside stud suit coat is what I'm doing here what did you say when you saw that old clip of you and the chuckster well he looks dangerous he he looks like trouble up and down and and I just looked like uh the youth minister at the church I think it was the mustache Chuck ad then oh my God that was scary something about your countenance was frightening but I didn't know this was Studio J yes who named after Ernie no it's not noing Jim Reeves the late Jim Reeves who was a great uh video guy for us it's named for him oh that's that's lovely so a guy who actually put in time in this building actually yeah worked tirelessly and make the show look as as good as it does on on some nights and and the other thing I'm thrilled about is I think I heard one of you invoke the phrase mofo which you know around the house I don't get to use that much hey you know you worked with us on uh on Allstar Weekend you and Reggie Miller was one of ourie Miller what a sweet guy uh it was a real thrill for me and and the production crew that I worked with with or worked with me or vice versa they did all the work they were tremendous just and everybody here uh when I was at CBS everybody was it was like a minimum security prison uh and nobody was guilty and everybody wanted to go home here everyone is is happy and carefree and and they say they leave the middle of the night you guys will be here till the sun comes up and everybody be happy and laughing no what is going on fun hey but I wondered when I saw you um wondering as a as an Indianapolis born kid were you the Prototype like everybody in Indiana grows up with a hoop in the backyard always that's exactly right and I'm concerned that over the years that Legend the myth of that has been usurped uh and I'm pointing the finger at my good friends the Indiana Pacers who by the way Chuck has now picked to go all the way this year and he's saying it's golden state is that D you ask a question no no ER excuse me un un soled by sponsorship since 199 thank you broke Rich no okay I have to he he did everything in his power to get me to pick the Pacers to win championship today Jack no and he said the key to it was and this is a quote something about LeBron being old because I only said it because he is yeah but it looks like it's going to be the Pacers year and I couldn't be happier but every city he goes to he says that's the team is going to win and then he leaves the city no I don't I don't believe that I believe was being quite honest with me mrman so is is this what retirement is like for you cuz you know well this this are you kidding me first of all I'm out of the house that's great and I just love being on TV so this is this is the the jewel in the crown my friend uh hey come on back you know what I what I did not realize is that for the past two years you have been in cahoots or you have been working alongside the NBA trying to improve this I'm glad brought that up and by the way you don't hear the word Cahoots much no you don't um yes and it's no secret that Adam Silver came to me a couple of years ago and he knew I'm from Indiana and knew I played some High School uh ball and he said Dave we want you to head up a focus group he said we want to keep the ball rolling to employ a little basketball term there uh said a basketball term uh so anyway we're looking at ways to improve the to improve the product do you have any ideas of what that going to look like so far yeah we have now this is a list of things now some of these have are on the fast track some of these will go right to next season others are still being developed so this is not a complete list and I would hate it if anybody held us to this some of these things are in flux it's Dynamic does everybody understand I got okay we all know what that are you ready to go and and I'm hoping this will generate some uh serious conversation okay sure is this anything like the top 10 list uh why do you say that was a baby it used to be a thing let him get to his improvements the game it would it be bad if it was no I'm just asking cuz I like I used to I used to enjoy the top 10 list oh you did yes I did this is nothing like the top 10 list this is this is solid okay okay so uh it was as you know I'm the chairman of the competition committee and all of these things have been reviewed we sent a carbon copy of what I'm looking at here or cced rather uh to Adam Silver and he's looking them over now uh the first category is the team and the players and I think we'll all agree that now is the time you have to strike while the iron is hot and if we don't do it now somebody's going to do it uh each team players consist of equal number of men and women game time mandatory for all players un L injured what do you think huh I'm not I'm not mad at k card play yeah tell you that much well so you divide the team up everybody gets to play okay all right we good we're got to go with that that's that's a good one thumbs up you like that I do as a player sha every team has men and women what did I just say equal equal number each team ask him about the San Antonio team what about the San Antonio team we've got we've got to move on here what is he talking about he's right in the midst of some great ideas okay we we constantly looking for ways to make the game more interesting and it's an intellectual sport you know that well look at these guys um scoring any missed shot inside the three-point line deduct two points from the shooting team score do you understand what I'm saying yes sir I like that because we're just waiting for that two-point shot to go away no see I would like it to be any Miss three-point shot you deduct two I like that idea too all right can you come to a meeting I'm busy I'm actually busy we can join you by Zoom okay uh okay so now the three-point he brings up the three-point line uh nobody shoots anything but three-pointers um so you have the three-point line you leave that where it is you invoke something I like to call the fivepoint line you know what I'm say okay and the the center line from midcourt is 10 10 points all right who's got a problem with that we kind of play that way anyway yeah but but ched the rule yet we assigning True Value but just imagine the lines around every arena in North America waiting to get in to see this okay I'm more on board with the first one than the second and the third go ahead no one cares Ernie I know um why didn't you come out with a tie he stole my tie earlier mofo that mofo did steal my can't say that that mofo stole it all right now here's something that Adam Silver asked us to spend quite a lot of time on fouls fouls listen to me player committing a foul is benched depending on foul for two three or five minutes team plays short-handed for the duration that's like hockey it's exactly like hockey what do you think uh I I like the power play in hockey yeah could you imagine playing five4 in NBA yeah what's the matter with that that would be funny I mean would be funny but that's from hockey okay that would be hilarious we weren't we weren't asked to design comedic moments for the game I would weigh in on that but nobody cares go ahead okay uh and by the way no substitution if a player fouls out offending team uh plays short-handed Shack Shaq likes that one no foul out rule hacker shacking no you do foul out oh you do F and then you're not replaced oh you're not replaced oh that is even funnier it's even more comedic I love that I love that to take this seriously okay now let's get to the court I recently attended a game in Indianapolis to see the Spurs and the Pacers and I was lucky enough to sit under one basket and it was great uh for two quarters for the other two quarters it wasn't that great so this is what they've come up with uh the team uh on offense this is way we used to play in high school Court ball uh playground ball team on offense retains possession until they don't score player resumes at opposite end you know what I'm talking about yeah make it take it make it take make it take it that's what we do that make you play defense yes that make you play know they should Implement that in the allstar game yeah are they still going to have the All-Star Game did you hear anything about that I I wouldn't be surprised if you're consulted about how to improve it uh oh and by the way here's the new court uh Adam Silver says we need to sell more courtside tickets so here's the solution you play the first quarter up there then you rotate it clockwise second quarter goes there but look at the increase look at the number of fans who get the courtside seats did you do that freehand is that is that your artwork that's all computer stuff oh yeah who's R yeah it's pretty good what do you think so what's Adam Silver's uh reaction been oh he loves it he he's all in uh and then finally oh no we're not we're not there yet wishful thinking this one is they said what can we do with the rim the rim so here we go first quarter stays at 10 get two points second quarter goes to third goes to 11 ft you get three points third quarter goes to 12T you get four points fourth quarter 13 ft you get Five Points what you to be an awful lot of math in this system I I think you'll get I think you'll get accustomed to it the half somebody hits a halfcourt shot in the fourth quarter on a 13t uh yeah it's got to be 14 point for one shot but you see the way I look at it we are making money we are printing our own money with this and salaries are not going away gentlemen they definitely hope they definit they're definitely not going away see so he's he's all in all right and now finally let me know when the Uber's here uh this is for the kids so we all know you get the kid thank you Kenny uh fourth quarter all foul shots at attempted by the team mascot I go with Rocky winning that one in Denver there you go what do you think guys and by the way you're welcome I agree thank you everything you said I agree there you go this is exactly what I'm I me that's for the kids yeah definely for the kids my kids would enjoy that so I'd be happy to help cover the uh the finals we we we'll be in the west the Western Conference finals this year so you you have an open invitation by the way you know one of our Traditions here on the show um is when makes a guarantee I heard about this this is so exciting we we like to we like to Let's see we can just drop things out of the ceiling on him so sometimes before this happens let me say one thing I was watching last week and I got very excited because Shaquille and Chuck were very close to engaging in a slap fight and I was sitting at home praying to God it would happen do you remember that why so was I both at you want to see jaqu get beat up no I just thought well here's something you don't see May 19th I'm doing it we both were praying at the same time Dave May 19th let's we're going to dve tonight could be hammers let's take it away go wait wait you a got to make a GU a little bit of everything in that load that hurt actually got got some of the rubber duckies he didn't even make a addiction else show y'all messing up my D Coke man oh god oh I didn't get any oh yeah back down also rub duckies we got any Shack bucks in here Dave thanks man it's a pleasure thank you so much pleas all my thank you very much it's great to be here with this institution Kenny thank you very much Legend Chuck Charles thank you so much a r for inside presented by KIA don't be surprised if one of these days you see a Charles Barkley story on David Letterman show just just never know good night from Atlanta thank you very much that hurt that hurt truck always gives that a little hop oh there a couple things in that I hurt
Channel: NBA on TNT
Views: 343,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBA on TNT, NBA, Inside the NBA, Charles Barkley, Shaq, Kenny Smith, Ernie Johnson
Id: 4lRNeCIfffU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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