David Ibiyeomie- Plan Your life

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my son recently Oh Hey the hour of salvation with David me plan your life what is it plan your life as a message please go planning is the key to success because he will face a plan as planned to fail as a planning is the key to success because he will first to plan as actually planned to fail planning is deciding in advance what should be done why it should be done where it should be done when it should be done and we should do it and how it should be done planning is deciding in advance what should be done why it should be long we are it should be done when it should be done whew should do it and how it should be done that's planning that's what simply I want to build a house what I'm saying is you decided advance what should be done to a beauty house why should i beauty's house where should I build a house when do I want to build the house and we will Beauty house and how do I want it build that's planning that's what Luke 14 lick forth in Luke 14 look forth in verse twenty eighth phrase Lahore hallelujah are you there for which of you intending to build a tower see they're not done first encounter the cost whether you have sufficient to do up finish it let's do tonight together have after he had laid the foundation and is not able to finish it all that behold it began to mock him that will not be a portion saying this man began to build and was not one to finish it that has dual planets which are intending to build a tower we not sit and fast toward the plan learn it to go without proper planning and preparation failure is almost granted now here is an hear me very well can I tell you one truth I know in quote God will provide is the highest level of irresponsibility without proper planning I come again you're doing nothing and I know my God God will provide without planning without work is the highest level of what irresponsibility fate is not you not doing something that is not transferring your responsibility to God no there's no faith that's just was really many of fasting fate is absolute trust fairness possibility to go fate is partnering with God fit is what faith is not transferring what I supposed to do to God and believing God to do all this that is an irresponsible faith without plan and believe it Oh God I know you will do it is the highest level of stupidity am i telling us over here if you look at creation and Genesis chapter 1 you will find out the almighty God believes in planet bliss in what God believes in order and he took time to plan before God created efficiency measure that was water am i talking so here he did not said lady I be fish let every water know you mention what I was there fast before you brought the fishes artificial have a place to stay hello before the animals came he measured I was Bush fest it was obvious kinetic glasses and Bush before us then inoculate what the animals are they can have a place to say am i talking us over here hello God measure before a created man that was a garden you can see order and God's life and creation now many of you want to marry you are you are not walking you do if you have a house inside believe in God that is no faith that is stupidity God said to Adam dill this land this garden and then give him a wife so by responsibility in planning a man should not look for a wife when he has no job hello shy I believe God you believe stupidity am i talking us aware we have used torch to cover planning a woman carries pregnancy farm animals for amon tobin looking for hospital bill is a stupid man because there was nine months notice there was no mattress no mantle Abaza medicine and a man is not running around to pay the wives delivery bill is a foolish man God gave him nine months to do walk to apply and then our deed of delivery he said I'm looking for bill my wife hospital bill I mean it's a stupid man because nine months was enough for him to prepare that donor he has to pay the doctors with the developer was not free glory to God planning brings order plan brings what God believes in planning God bliss in what now hear this and hear me very well people fail not because they plan to fail but because they fail to plan people fail not because what they Plateau but because they fail to apply planning is simply bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now as a planning is simply bringing what their future into the present so that you can do something about it now you are looking at where you are going and you sit down now to walk it out it pays to plan ahead depressor dwop it wasn't raining when we built the ark they say planning it wasn't what when you I did what that was planning am i talking us on here it wasn't raining then but he built the app to tell us or planning is boy your children we've got our school very soon you want to do Christmas then in January you now wrong you are stupid you are very what you're stupid there's no devil after you what is that truth glory to God mmm they don't use a new dress to pay school fees this money your Christmas dress the headmaster the principal will not tell the Christmas dress you say well you pay my school fees hello now can I tell you something most of you doubt burrow and put yourself on our stresses lack of planning most of you are in debt that today you check how you become indebted was luck of Genesis II I bind the principalities in my village because I bind your lack of plan planning is the application of logical rational analytical thinking to your objective planning is the application of logical rational analytical thinking to your objective now here is an help you very well you will never know the worth of what you have want you become it committed planner I said you will never know the water what is in your hands until you are committed to planning many of you what you have is enough to make your Lunia but because you are not a planner you don't have value for it am I talking us over here most of you who are now saying I have no job what you have is enough to start the job am i talking but because there's no plan for he does know what am I talking to someone here sit down apply your life sit down what now you went to read education in school and you a teacher I eliminate two bedroom flat looking for a job it's enough to start your school just bring ten children teach them every day and if they paid 2,000 per month you I show up to the thousand for the ten children just lesson of two 2012 US and David EPO me we'll be right back but you have not planned you have no what you say she she I don't know is have little may know I can't tell you what's happening on you what's happening to you that you have no come on sir here whoo-hoo to a non-planar not in his enough nothing is what nothing sufficient not is adequate to a non-planar everything is energy enough inside that not enough deter that not enough this one but no this one not enough to a planner everything is well enough you got d'etre not enough to small too small camasta here and I want to be planning planners are always resourceful and creative planners always worth and to a plan now whatever I ain't I designed it because you think what to do with it planners are resourceful and creative to a planner the little income by disease or her hand should begin to think of what to do to a non planner it is never enough hello day planner whatever enters in hand the best to think of what to do with it am I talking us on here to a non planner it is never to a planner whatsoever he or she has is made to be sufficient it's meant to be let me show some electricity chapter 5 verse 9 he said a prophet of the earth is for all the problem it is all the profit of the earth is for all praise God hallelujah mmm Ackley's us is five nine so our plan from today I will not live my life to chance amen I mean it will stop running their lives tell your never plan your life let's read verse nine of classifying moreover the profit of the air is what the king himself is out by the field the profit of the eight is four so we are all men of equal what opportunity we all have equal what to make the most of life every one of us an equal opportunity is simply a function of planning for what we all have you could have put it listen everybody has equal what is simple a function of what planet one person knows ATO plant one refused to plan am I talking now they give to a few twenty thousand but in dollars when Ana equality one we decide to set is to the done as you start business one we buy one handset because he has no plan for life and a spare somebody has to give another twenty it's not enough he has bought one hand said and somebody else has use it desaad business am I talking to someone Laurie to God no plan can I tell you one throat you don't have the future if you're not committed plumber you don't have a watch you don't have to commit to add on to you're committed to planet NOW planning is good because and whatever planning is that it is in non-transferable responsibilities a non-work planning is a non-transferable response it gives you victory over lack not living out of our size life is like off planning hello I have to teach you because people other body walls don't plan their lives am I talking us over here Oliver the way we don't plan Oliver people don't plan their lives why must you give yourself stress who most stress many people are happy nice lock off you're walking is you know where you want to return social plan versus not overnight you know that you are getting to the time of retirement issues stop having children I said we are very reaching say a very what if you ever attempt assess planet some people have trained the way that you bring them to suffer Gaza don't apply why will a man of 60 BC we harvest was fortunate as Sept is very rich it was well eat well the wife from his world government in response as since this you know not before it's on would be gone to it is already 80 so I can't walk again so vanish immaculate ask why did you stop have aged he said it careful I did Devon I used to have money now at 80 you can't go to walk on a like that is it a devil okay plan your I say planet simply protecting the future I'm bringing it toward in now I'm put it in reality come on say here am I talking us over here even a young get plan do what playa life Playa Playa I apply your life sad you can't be useful am I talking Plus everybody sit down as its analytical rational you sit down where am I going you can reduce is he required 20 but a baby if you get to 39 subjects is he ago my community see a go at 48 20 our gal simmer him I tell you the truth if not 15 22 yoga still man but a woman hey 40 if you juice the edge arrow pancake a to show you got do are the plasma surgery why did you lie you know all people they can't do this president plus on yeah so when they do to the neck we still dinkle to shoot at them and then yeah if you like ever like it try you should plan your life to snow today do I'm going I should plan my life do I want to live like this at forty will fizzle at 32 unofficially to know you can you do the 832 when we already 40 it doesn't matter your body to show waning while you guess to what the teacher a we do you not be able to do it how my treasure praise Allah plan your plan your plan yah Sahir I know preparation for the future starts with the little steps of today through planning pressure for the world starts with the little steps of today drew planet it pays to plan I had it wasted work yet is truth no tangible progress can be made in life without thinking and planning don't leave your life to me I wish is turning your life to my wishes plan have plans set goals for your future achievement have what said what set goals what the planning does is this it gives meaning to life and it enables you to take charge and order in your life walk your life out in line with your plan anywhere you see order one of the proofs is planning well Chris is worth anywhere you see this order if you prove that there's no when I say my wake up running blue blue blue in the office no it doesn't plan one I call in walk out with me I said come you are so busy but you know you are not effective that's how as you run from one office to another but check the day you did achieve anything so now don't do that again write out all the things you want to do the following day and then go through the referral at two hours you are finished all but if you don't do that for a record you can get up you be so disorganized and some of us are like that no planet know what so they can come to your shop since is that very I'll do you say Adam but I close my shop because you have no come on Sahir write down your priorities right I go what write them down think about your priorities for the future now what am I saying think about your ideas for the future and write them down right don't say we're gonna plan right there down let me show you something proverbs 24 verse 3 proverbs 24 verse 3 glory to God hmm provodnikov a stream through wisdom is a house Beulah and what a standing it's established and by knowledge shall the Chamber's be filled with all pressures and present riches want to become a great vessel sit down and plan as a true wisdom is a house walk and plan is is an auto of wisdom can I tell you please about two for planning the principle tool for planning is thinking is worth their principal tool for planning is worth thinking every time you want to plan sit down to think and brother every stress is lack of planning everyone slack off come on say here because good planning prevents small problems from becoming big problems good planning prevents what from becoming big problems proverbs 27 verse 12 proverbs 27 verse 12 proverbs 27 and verse 12 say a here how many will plan your life will you plan your life stop looking for someone to give you a house when to plan your life plan what am I talking to so I hear vast wealth are you there shout it was 12 together a provides 27 verse 12 a prove that man for CFD evil and high dead himself stabia a prudent man does what and as what now let me read the New Living Translation I put it is that a prudent person for sees danger and takes precautions a prudent person forces what and takes what precaution let me tell you something plan your life does your message do what tell it was it plan your life also every prayer requests of witches are with us its lack of me know which is what most of you white give yourself stress hmm you can plan your life and live your size you can do it everyone accepted Jesus as is our Lord and Savior therefore the Lord Jesus I'm a sinner forgive me my sins wash me with your precious blood I believe in my heart that you died arose from dead to save me today I declare you by local personal silver Jesus name hey thank you for watching our of salvation for more information about solution ministries how you can become a member and how you can get any of our materials visit salvation ministries HS that forum you can also watch David video me in our live services every Sunday from 6:30 a.m. and Thursday from 4:30 p.m. GMT what's warm let us know what God is doing in your life sending your testimonies in prayer requests see info at salvation ministries HSB org field box one three six seven zero for Hartford Nigeria or call the number you see on your screen God has not given up on you you can't give up on yourself Jesus is Lord forever
Channel: Salvation Ministries
Views: 108,587
Rating: 4.7235985 out of 5
Keywords: David, Ibiyeomie, teaching, Healing, Power, of, the, Holy, Ghost, prophetic, miraculous, wisdom, Truth, Salvation, church, Gospel, Word, Prophecy, Prophet, Spirit, Christianity (Religion), Preaching, talk, Study
Id: CFoOviXgKeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2012
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