HourOfSalvation The Law Of Focus

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if you have too many or calluses you will also see Oh and Samantha was a surfeit what have a one-track mind I saw sleep on top there the last value of your life good luck [Applause] everything about life with big success in the name of Jesus [Music] the law of what focus is going to be successful for calls this anything that consumes your time Energy Finance and attention for calls anything that consumes your time consumes of in us consume citation life is about focus I'll let you focused will succeed focus proceed success now hear the truth many Mustafa's Burano good finishes if us that are not a finish are not focused the Unison is only focused people there good finishes status never get anything finished finishes love taking projects to completion and that can only be done by focus finishes our focus people when a man has a goal as a finisher not take and destructive do you know there is a gold mine in every gold mined name is Lola they sound alike the medicine there is a gold mine in every one gold mine every man with the goal as a gold in him and that is a function of focus the goal you are looking for is not on banette is in the mind is where in a mind and Matthew chapter 6 and verse 22 Martin Saxena to the light of the body is the eye is the Apple the eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light if your eye be single you are focus your entire life would add it light and from this day with that distinguish you wherever you're found the only reason men fail is because of broken focus lot of focus will make you live like a low-cost life can only be dynamic if it is specific why are you through--the Satan's main target and so break your focus of your assignment on earth your enemy is anyone that breaks your focus over any god-given assignment your friend is anyone that helps you to focus on the surface of God for your life Jesus speaking in Matthew chapter 5 to deny teddy MIDI statement is there and if the right hand of faith deep locked it out not over the physical eyes and cast it from thee that one of thy members should perish another the whole quadrant should be canceled to hell if the right hand offensive cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that the whole body should be cast in to hell shelter delusion Jesus and courage is disciples of the scripture to keep your focus on the kingdom of God is that all the provisions will come to absolute focus on his kingdom seek you first the kingdom of God is like I said if you put your focus on my kingdom everything you're looking for shall be added unto you shout hallelujah do you know that easiest way to destroy any man's goal or dream is to give him another one I come again the easiest way to destroy a man's goal is to give him and that dream another good as destruction let me come again now somebody's who is the preacher is video quality one to be a world-class preacher they're easiest way to make another succeed is to make him go to polities goodman that dream as if you play politics you all know you you're given that you would be useless as a Britain as a businessman there is yes sir to make you fail it just tell you now can do something else as I do business you don't say the easiest way to make a man feel it so give me a dream as Ida which is called to a you get up say now you know I broken focus creates instability and insecurity you can also be broken in your mind any work now look at what the Bible says in felt in James chapter 1 verse 8 so your mind you can also be broken countable James 1:8 look at it a double minded man is unstable in all his ways it's all four constants that I hear not that today you see me so what I want to do is I want to go to international business I want to MU trauma from China to America you wait for him the nester you asked you said I want open designer shop every day he's so stupid so what he has no focus yo and Manuel are not yet they want to succeed yes down still gone that's ready they wanted Nutella day I know what did I tell him to sit down open for my second shop Nazi oh person I want to put a tree shop they don't defend what is his problem it can succeed like that you can succeed you must be Sahir wanna succeed for us but time faced one assignment if you're careful able to sweep sweep that time very well don't go wash clothes that's lack of focus then they 8 to 9 sweep this place 10 to 12 mail phone calls don't 8 or 9 go to hang clothes you're still our it's not that you what love doll is good but what you have done is all right you don't goodness boy you're gone right focus people don't do pooty they do the lighting but rain and you can focus a here a wise man said I go at what I do as if dia we are nothing else in the world to to focus if I go out at what I - as if we are we are nothing as in the world - to keep your face on the sunshine and you can lo see the shadows a wise man said focus and it's broken focus and live destiny broken obstacles are seen by people when they take the eyes of their goals in focus mentors yourself so does he when is the only amount because focus on the tip get that go the mouth focus it is a bigger bigger is the loot in strategy and focus on agility focus people you can't is Runyan now tell you keys to protect your focus keys to protect your focus setting keys to protect your because you have to protest for Consuela so our focus to support a to focus I don't get off course keys to protect your focus number one key look at your future look at your future when you are focused don't look at today look at where you're going when they say only a much no man in the rest look at that point he looks a little nobody running ever senses even when the belly eyes on a mosque the dude I discussed that it's not see we're studying is seen the future way we hid ative are you can say in Philippians chapter 3 netherland 14 is a parent I can go myself apprehended but this one's in I do for Teddy doses which are behind and reaching forth analysis would have before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus Paul here focused on this future you focus on is is I forget it is now I am looking to the future so I don't get distracted sorry savor the bo ba boom arrive back [Music] get any of these days of divine encounter series and enjoy divine presence of births miracles succeeding without limits living in abundance wonders of praise enjoying supernatural abundance and miracle explosions these series are available on DVD and mp3 grab your copy that our knowledge center satellite churches and any leading bookstores around you to order online you can visit our website at www.tanahoy.com number on your screen [Music] number two mastery is a functional focus master is a portion of focus the kiss mastery two masses from the patron of focus whatever keeps you at tension as master do whatever keeps your attention has mastered is what we focus masters of the masses my three four calls determines strength focus as well demonstrate never kind of what I remember that assuming you are sleeping and then you've made up your mind to sleep then they just woke you up wake up wake up wake up wake up the president is in the city room everything in you we wake up towards the president through a double my sleep will vanish if amy is around everything in sight you will want to attend to the best the welcome to visit you sleep with clear from your eyes double it f threat even if you are tired straight will come up all of a sudden say you said with us come on the answer can I offer you a drink everything you would be energy will go from blowing you don't want to sleep true because at that time your focus is to please the pleasures of your country that is our focuses when you are focused you don't get tired anyone who get is retired the no focus the rod and crash your enema to accomplish limit you're all through you see man who wrong after the little last tip do not falter observe a sinner they'll use every strength in terms of cross dedica now all this return on us you see them the wrong instead amassed you see western colorful rather he will cross the light and they will now go down the dinar can't give him small energy drink and you say I'm I said kid because I'm focus may what is in you Nevada may your inner man come alive that image is strong in the name of Jesus number four how to ever watch what you hear see and meditate watch what you hear what you see and what you meditate if you want to protect your focus you are the gatekeeper of your life a focus man you watch what you see what would you you watch what you hear you watch what you meditate upon that lets people can misunderstand you it's not your business when they get to that level they can understand you I've not heard you say you can't do business without buoy boy if you want to be a businessman consciously dividuals black man is pouring from banks condition that is a lie is a lie because you are the gatekeeper of your life you are going to shortly as I don't want to hear this type Y words are powerful I had something I changed my life if you want to earn a living you can walk eight hours but if you want to make impact you gonna work eight hours this in order just earn a living you work eight hours but no man of impact works eight hours not in the world all men of in fact work beyond it us to an eleven just wants to walk you can work eight hours it closed at four o clock what all men of impact not one of the walks eight I was not one that rule keep the right people around you keep the right people around you keep the right people around you permit only relationship that increases your focus on the assignment wrong people destroy focus wrong people destroy focus now yet is for essence the man Samson in the Bible did not have to get everyone to get his hair cut it was just one wrong relationship that destroyed this future so if you want to be focused keep the right people around you when wrong people live your life wrong teens will stop happening and I discovered something just very recently because I learn from every situation whether no matter what happens there are people who can reduce your speed set I will now come and fight you we're going to do the wrong person I reduce your speed they just come into your life and the speed with which you are running you would on like that again now that's to break your focus it doesn't reduce they have even into your business instead of working every day they come to tell you story so you find that I you talk for hours and walk two hours and they don't tell you till they will droop they walk over the communal have you had that woman in our church which so I'm telling you which that's what I want who open the gate so it moves with his toe so don't move it is legs for our Davide our daddy they just let us introduce into your life to destroy you go for gold online the wrong person every rock better life go to the mountain and the name of Jesus all set I would user to do the wrong jumpers into your life the master key to a standard successes what focus now any assignment what am i doing out Bridget what am i doing now if I live what I'm doing that to kinda macro photos think am i doing a routine yes buys it right II know what I did time for this that is odd but I thought you are not to think no call miracle local authorities are just good and I leave my message assist and oh stand OH Fuji zuzia so everyone will be surprised true you don't give this service I get angry it is a pass or left Bridget I just think for us true that's how many of you are doing what you're doing is look good what is not writing you will have shop you did you polish off-key level see no I like to pray the money what prayer you pray that you know push up get a bit at a prison hope if you wrote yell shock cope with 9x9 you oppress you sob so I like to play warfare player to Castle it amaz the most luck the ones were lost due to a shot of you put all the boosters in the world ahead of them aptly should be focused now we're not know where to pray I went to a boon job you wrote an idea so by 10 minutes on I already in the shop I did everything that o'clock the men are out but it's in I had to know Priya like brain like trains I three five hours so I like to open eleven o'clock I reduced it in back to 3:00 a.m. a pretty those time and open shop I've read all the devil TT will live with you successively what no doubles worry anybody know whatever Zoram you know devil is does not have one already take personal responsibility personal it is focus that make the difference your life greatest of future your life is in your hand if your focus have your future right you've it shout hallelujah say I will remain focus say one more time say like a child of God and I will refocus say it again not happy to maintain my focus on my assignment pattern power Pat time lord help me to maintain focus on my god-given assignment pad PHA because you can be focused and Ibiza determine C you say Lord I have me Tibetan focus part time on my god-given as I do to oppose our positionally lord help me to mental focus on my salmon my time in the name of Jesus open your mother Braille help me to mental focus Thank You law and the name of Jesus second prayer Lord take every wrong person out of my way I pray that my ears will hear the writings my eyes will see the writings my heart already did writers anything that will distract me from my focus tick it off how we put up a name of Jesus whatever will distract me of my focus take it off let my eyes see right is my ear hear the right is my heart we see I pray the name of Jesus my ears hear the writings my eyes see the right is my heart many didn't write it whatever now distract me from my focus take it off in the name of Jesus let it be taking off in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus each one will succeed I say you will succeed go will not allow anything take you of course in Jesus mighty name [Music] it's time for outstanding miracles [Music] pastor dr. she started a program with chest pain and tooth ache on the top day and now you gave the world of knowledge concerning to take everyone with the to take she said the power of Resurrection his heart the hole in the tooth supernaturally filled up the pain suddenly again now hear me those who have had tooth problem will tell you when you go to a dentist if you have the whole do feel it and I thought imagine you could keep going for the field if God feels your tooth you don't go for you feel that's creativity because if a dentist fill it you still go back after some time to fill it again but you are you had and that place was supernatural if you are not excited and what again I saw that is not all she said she also came to sell it today win the big day of this program with a chest pain but I forget the one of knowledge the pain suddenly stops everything is gone shut the record how are you God lost you she heal you go enjoy your lives Jesus a higher gear pants off Lorna Pillai College it is furniture Ettore my studies my heart here for a part is quite well laughing whoa not many of us because we are used to miracles the end somebody who is also go to surgery oh yeah you know waiting - Amy I study conniving and do you know the size and everything went a little clumpy for the king of how are you happy your loss you got into your life [Music] the word is full of unrest money has failed human intellect is not working you need Jesus in him you will find penis and rest for your soul Jesus said come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest if you're not going to get anywhere you are the world say Lord Jesus come into my life I declare you my fentanyl on our city I believe in my heart that you died and rose from the dead to say thank you Jesus for making me yours amen thank you for watching to watch our life services visit our website at www.flcfs.org what are the pray for myself please call any of the numbers displayed on the screen you can also say Franco any old is also show me your account our salvation has brought you back substation illustrative success
Channel: undefined
Views: 38,707
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Keywords: David, Ibiyeomie, teaching, Healing, Power, of, the, Holy, Ghost, prophetic, miraculous, wisdom
Id: -lPh8jnr-MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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