David Hogan - Jak jsem se dostal ke kříšení mrtvých

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let's let's get to know each other my name is David let me tell you what I do for a living I heal the sick i cleanse the lepers I cast out demons and I raise the dead nothing else I've tried lots of other things in turn they don't have the same value I'm an eighth generation preacher so you know what you can do if you're a religious twit and it don't include me my family has been abused by religion my whole life and I just am absolutely a defender of the faith not politics we get to know each other yet I was a preacher's son I had an awesome family I was blessed of the Lord I loved my parents they were really good people and then I grew up enough to bump a little bit on the outside of the church and I found out that most of the church was worldly they were lying to me and it disappointed me so I got angry and left I joined a gang and decided to persecute the church it was fun Jesus came and talked to me on a jet one day audibly and told me these words you must be born again and I spoke out loud because you see I'm not inhibited I just don't have natural fear of you I thought the pilot was preaching to us y'all on that jet so I got up out of my seat and was woken up there to curse this guy out for preaching to me and the stewardess put her hand up in front of me and said where are you going well I got to talk to this captain because I don't want anybody preaching to me this is a public environment I'm going to shut him up from preaching the gospel she said to me I know this guy he's anything but a preacher it's not him preaching to you and that perplexed to me well then who is it she said that there no one's using their PA on their plane so I went to sit down I'm trying to think who is it and it spoke to me again this voice then you must be born again so I spoke back to him I will not now I don't know what you know about this life on these jets but take back 38 40 years ago and you got a guy like me I was a roughneck do you understand roughneck old Phil Han and I speak out loud I'm not getting bored again the whole jet was just looking at me but as you can see that doesn't faze me much and I told heaven I won't I won't do it and this is what I told God y'all know you can't negotiate with him he thinks he's in charge but we all know that me and our I said to him if you showed me one one man one not a dozen not 40 I want one guy that's doing what Jesus did show me that one person I'll believe your word God spoke to me again I'm going to make you that man and I said to him that's a deal so unbuckled my seat belt got out in the middle of aisle knelt down and I led myself to Jesus I'd watch my daddy do it my whole life I knew how I did believe Jesus was the son of God I just didn't like the church part of things so I got born again and when we landed in Anchorage Alaska I called my wife on the phone I said miss Hogan I'm born again she fell on the floor food she dropped I thought she died she didn't die she was so excited she fell down then a little while later I heard about this missionary from Nigeria gonna be in our area I didn't know what that was a missionary never heard that word in my life so I told my wife let's go see what that is over at this charismatic church I asked him when I got there what does charismatic church what does that mean they said it's where the Holy Ghost comes in people speaks in tongues I said what's a Holy Ghost and what's a speak in tongues they say come and see so when in that church building there's his skinny guy you know Larry Stockstill y'all know him Larry Stockstill that's who it was he's a good friend now but at the moment was gonna fight because he gets up there and starts talking about Jesus right this Larry Stockstill fellow this missionary from Nigeria that goes out in these villages and fights these witch doctors and weird stuff happens I've never heard these words in my life and then he said it we were in a village and this lady was bewitched she had a big sore on her leg they laid their hands on her and a big giant frog jumped out of it and she was healed and when he said that I don't know why but that bothered me the most I told my wife I never read a verse like that my Bible I've been reading this thing a long time I said somebody needs to go up there and slap that Joker I guess it'll be me so I threw my Bible down and I started up there and I'm gonna hit this fella right in the face for thinking he had the right to make light of me in such a way a frog jumping out of a human are you serious and he's up there talking he come down off the platform he never he never eh you should have seen his skinny fella cuz I'm rolling up on him I'm gonna put him out I doesn't drop my shoulder this is going to happen he just raised his finger up but he never took his eyes off of me Jesus that's the last thing I remember listen to me three days I couldn't eat I couldn't talk I couldn't work I could just sit there and look at my wife the fire of God hit me and it's not diminishing it's growing not long after that I'm in a rocking chair on my way to unfix oligo to work in a few minutes in that voice that spoke to me on the jet said to me Mexico I told my wife what in the cat hair is a Mexico she said I don't know so I wrote it down on a piece of paper and went to work probably five days later I'm sitting in the same chair I'm fixing to go to work again that same voice spoke to me again Mexico so I told my wife we got to go to the library nowadays you just hit Google I had to actually go study found out it's a nation they speak Spanish they eat chilies and black beans for some reason God had it all planned out once I studied the thing my phone rings and it's a fellow on the other end says look here I'm a missionary from Mexico I said okay hold on what what do you mean missionary what does that mean I left houses homes mamas and daddies and I went to the mission field I went to Mexico I said Mexico there's a voice been speaking to me about that nation he said I'm coming to your church on this day here I said fine he came the place was full more full than this and we had never seen that many people I let who's in the the Mississippi Delta in a cotton field and Louisiana that's where I'm from just in the edge of a big swamp that's where I ate I got my food from that swamp cuz it's crawling eat it that man stood up there he said something I don't even remember the Bible verse he said there are hundreds of thousands of villages with no gospel I stood straight up I said to him that cannot be true this is modern times L was 1974 how could there be places on the planet that the gospel hasn't reached he said that is the right question he said because my people God says my people won't humble themselves and call on God I said I don't believe you he said they told me about you come and see for yourself I said I'll do it I didn't have a clue what I was saying that's a long ways I've never left the state further Stein went was Anchorage Alaska when I got born again that was the very first time I ever left Louisiana they tried to get me to go to Texas once I wouldn't do it didn't I couldn't carry enough bullets y'all I went down there I saw it for myself far as you can see get on top of these huge mountains you can see 200 kilometers not one Christian there's a hundred and ten million people live there I just couldn't believe what I was seeing and I sat down on a log in one of those villages and the Holy Ghost said these words to me start here start what do what never I never would answer me so I said fine I'll come back I don't know what I'm posed to do but I'll do whatever I'm po2 I'll figure it out I went back quit my job so we sold all of our junk I went to language school I learned Spanish got down there no money went out to my first village got these sick people in front of me I lay hands on them and they all died I went back and I sit down with my Bible and I read my Bible to God I said listen to me this is not what your word says your word says they're supposed to be healed why do they die nothing so I went back out there again so more people died I come back and I told my wife this thing's not working it can't be my fault I said I love Jesus I have left houses and homes I have left my job I have you we're suffering without money we we don't even have food why won't this work see without food all that obedience I did it still didn't work and you're sitting here with food and all this stuff and you can't get it to work and you think you're brighter than I am well at least I can raise the dead so I decided to seek the holy God I decided to try to find him and please him no matter what the cost because I've already paid a big cost I was making right around five thousand take-home US dollars a month and I was a kid so I was already paying a price for his finances and family goes to us it was a steel price and then I got there to do my job and it didn't work and I'm not good at my job and I hate that you have no idea I like to be good at what I do now I'm one of the best alive so how did we get there how do we come from a zero to a champion what is it to cut us out of the herd don't you think that's the right question because I know what you want I know why you're here anybody in this room can do the things I do you don't have enough reason or logic to avoid the mercy of God the goodness of God overrides everything I took my Bible not not this electronic thing but the paper one this before all this came out but I took my Volvo took it apart y'all I've studied my Bible my whole life I left the church for a while if you know because I was angry but my mama taught me the Bible before I went to school the first day I could quote you every story in the Bible perfectly knowing them is different than doing them so how do you get to know the God that does these things is why we're here right I took my Bible apart I had these notebooks these spiral notebooks that will tell colum I don't know if that's what you call them or not I wrote down everybody in the Bible all of them starting in Genesis went straight through the revelations took me six months I took the whole thing apart then I categorized everybody how much did they pray how much did they fast what was their family life like what were their kids like what were the results of their prayer life and I had the whole thing and I mulled over it for months and months because I couldn't do the job and then one day I told my wife I've come to a conclusion this is impossible she said then what are we going to do I said we're going to bow every one of these men that have results at what I think we should be doing we're men of Prayer we're men of fasting were men of responsibility men of duty men of success faithful dedicated diligent human beings I can do those things I can fast I can pray God will teach me he loves me so I did I started doing all that stuff modern church don't like to talk about prayer and fasting anymore hence you get the results that you want nothing but you see there's people like me traipsing around the planet looking for an army and we're going to win this thing with the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost we're not going to be ashamed we're not going to be afraid when I don't worry with me and we're gonna worry with pleasing God for years I lost nearly everybody I prayed for that's very disappointing I mean he got the word I go into a village and they'd say there's coal here but don't you pray for and then one day see this this is where it starts it's a suddenly event Acts chapter 2 what's the first word suddenly so are we ends were we Psalms or axe sauce number 3 verse 1 y'all there Psalms 3:1 Lord how they are increased who trouble me so trouble was what was going on around me I'm supposed to be part of solution but I cannot make it work many are they who rise up against me these witch doctors were having a field day with me I come there preaching Jesus can do anything and we saw nothing verse 2 many are saying of me there is no help for him in God that's exactly what it looked like some of you sitting right here right now you're at that point you feel like you've given your best shot you've done your best you have tried to love Jesus you have tried to submit your family and your success to God and people are abusing you and criticizing you and you feel overwhelmed with failure here's what RW schambach told us to do tie knot in the end of the rope and hang on in hush God's coming directly he'll be along he's coming I went out to a village I've been doing this with some medium tools to no results a man met me at my truck fancy American food dry nice integrity music playing in there but I can't do anything I got the best civilian truck known to humans I got the best music known to humans I got the best wife in the world but yet it doesn't seem to faze hell at all me having an awesome life didn't impress the demons there's something else we need it's called the mercy of the holy God I got out of that truck nurse this Indian standing there no shoes clothes full of holes people I work with her in the top five forest in the world he looked at me they necesita wit Amano Davi I need you brother Dave I said we'll check Hinton Menezes ether a lot so people need me he said my boys almost dead now I need you to come Healy I said you know I'm not very good at my job yet his response was awesome he said you're better than what I've got and I told him thank you so I said you got to wait you got to wait because if you know your Bible you know this first I believe it psalm 107:20 maybe God sent His Word - he'll say I'm not the healer the healers name is Jesus okay so I said we got to go over here and preach the word the word is what heals you you all know I can't heal you you've seen that but this word is true somehow it's going to start working I don't know how but we're going to stay with it till it does so we went in a small group rode 40 people I told him how awesome Jesus was I said even though I have not seen it I know him to be really awesome I got through some people got saved I was happy about that thank you God at least something's working I was packing up my stuff and that guy says to me you going to my house pray for my son sure I forgot so we started hiking through the woods through the jungle where I live it's tropical well I can't tell you how awesome it is those Indians have converted me I'm a jungle fella I can live indefinitely out there now they're right those people you and this mole you're not right that stuff's going to fail you in these days Jesus won't and I started hearing this woman screaming she was quite loud I didn't know what was wrong with her sounded like she was having a fit we went straight to that house where the woman was screaming our houses are made out of grass the roofs come down pretty low you have to bend down to go in them the walls are made out of sticks out of bamboo he goes in that room a few minutes he comes out but his countenance changed something was in that room that made him different and then just like meeting Larry Stockstill that day just like meeting God in the jet that day my world was fixed to change again and I have not a clue I don't know these I don't go looking for change I go looking for Jesus and he brings me to destiny and purpose he suits me he armors me in God's character so that when I meet destiny destiny recognizes me and he put his finger in my face well I believe every born-again person needs this experience and he said these words to me my little boy is dead and you're going to do something about it and I'm looking at it I didn't bring any spare life with me I don't know how to do this neither do you but you have to make a decision when you meet destiny and purpose you have to decide to walk with them or they'll pass you by and I told him show me what you got so he goes in I go in behind him now listen I apologize to you about this what I'm fixing to say to you I always more caught off guard than you're going to be right now I'll raise up and there's just these five candles burning in there and I look and there are six men standing there they are my enemies three black magic warlocks they hate me and I return the favor I hate them back there demons I owe them but one thing repent or burned and there are three spiritus healers standing there they hate me and I looked over there and there's the mom of the screamer person holding a nine year old steel boy I was in a bind the understand what I just said to you my enemies death I've never seen this before everybody I touch dies at least he's not going to die so I made a decision now if you would have been there because you're such an awesome teacher if you if you'd have been there you could have taken my young youthful impetuous aggressive self and taught me not to do what I did next but you weren't there I rolled up on this black magic warlock the first one we're this close and I'm looking at him he's cursing me spitting on me and I'm looking him right in the eyes and I leaned over pray listen you have no idea how bright hail can get I step to the second guy and I'm looking at it how's it going play play oh these guys were lit up and I'm sitting there we're just looking at each other I mean we're seething mm-hmm who's locked all blacks and then I heard I was I was distracted for a minute by these bad guys and then I heard the mama again you understand she's not interested in what we're doing her loss is the value to her do you understand that I heard her again it's all back over I'm looking at these guys I'm backing away from him looking at him now turned to get to her I had to put my enemy at my back did you understand the statement it's not tactically smart to put your enemy on your back but when you're walking with destiny and purpose it don't matter what the enemy is doing it matters what God's doing and so I ease over there and mom's you know she's looking at because see when she saw me you should have seen hope fill her eyes but I don't have a track record of success if you was to put it on paper I should have went home months ago but she quietly backed up from that little boy she just saw it now she's subdued I didn't know what to do I wish I could spiritual eyes this and make you feel bad but that's not what you need you need to understand that you're not alone in this because you don't have experience don't mean you can't do the job it only means you don't have experience I got down on this little boy he's still tacky colors gone there really dark almost black people he's whiter than me and I'm laid up on top of this kid and I'm looking at him and I'm trying to put my ear down trying to find I don't know just one in 30 seconds to be okay just one heartbeat but there wasn't any so what do you do well you pray brother praise the Lord if that were true then all y'all be dead razors I honestly didn't know what to do with them then even though the place was tense all these enemies are there the environment is harsh for the gospel well for me verses started going through my mind Elijah he rolled in on that kid what'd he do he laid on top of that kid God why'd you hide this for me he said come back here so the kid came back and then when Jesus rolled in on that twelve-year-old she's sleeping they laughed him is scored he threw him out he said to her get up now dear she stood up I said God and I quoted the verses to it I said I don't know how to do this so I'm gonna start in English and we'll go from there I prayed in English didn't work so I prayed in Spanish surely a European language of work didn't work oh my god ah I'll pray in their language since I've learned their Aztec I started praying in their language didn't work oh I know this new language I got I'll speak in tongues that surely will work didn't work so I said heaven I'm absolutely out of fuel I've used every language I got in the ones that I don't even know what they're saying whenever I'm saying it and none of this stuff worked would you please take up some kind of slack for me because I seem to not know what to do and then it happened I'm sitting there it's been way over an hour's kids been dead now close to seven hours I'm sitting there and I look what happened next changed me forever you see how in your face I am you see how aggressive I am you see how I know I'm right you see it you can see it it really puts people on edge because I'm really that away I'm right about this Jesus is king and I'm watch I'll call a believer listen I want all of you in your life to see what I saw next I'm in there nothing worked it's supposed to but it didn't and then the little boys t-shirt I don't know why it was just smooth across his chest I'm just I'm leaning down sweating it's about 43 degrees centigrade in that room I mean I am scalded and then guys are still spitting at me back there but that didn't change a thing God wasn't impressed with him or me that little boy's shirt bounced to do and I saw it I'll go are you serious stick I said no kid I'll raise up I mean I'm bug eyed now what in the dad his eyes are big he goes you saw it - I saw and a little t-shirt bounced Badu it works it works in a about two minutes later I felt the first heartbeat hit the right pulse over here and stop I said No you keep beating I don't know what it took to get you going but work and then it got sporadic where it would beat about ten or fifteen and stop for a few beats inner fifty and then it got the world's to thump thump and I'm and then I watched his color come back in his skin and he got flexible again and I'm just going oh my god oh my god this stuff works and then he opened his eyes now to the Oh a big white fella it scares the fire out of kids in these villages but he didn't he didn't get frightened of me he's just looking at me now pick him up and I didn't know what to do with him whose is he is he mine whose is he but then I reminded how Elijah brought the little boy back to the mom and said give him something to eat Jesus brought the girl to the mom give her something to eat so I'm thinking these guys probably know what's right so I taught this little boy and he's just as calm he's so healthy and alive and I bring him over to his mom yeah and I said to the mom look I don't know why it worked but it did here's her son raised from the dead by the blood of Jesus the righteous and she just took that kid she's looking at me she's just freaking out I mean you got to understand she went from a dead kid to a live kid her emotions are jump I said I don't know why but in the Bible they always told the mom to give him something to eat give him something to eat and if you got any left I want some - I'm hungry also since that day this hand right here this one this hand right here normal chopped off finger hand 33 dead raisins see that right now are we okay on time time okay let me read a verse so we can act spiritual verse three what is it saying verse three read it to me someone you Oh Lord what are you you're my shield what else are you my glory what else what does it feel like to lose so much in a row and then win how high do you think my head was by the time I got home to my wife I don't even remember the ride home do you understand my wife's cooking it's late must be 1 2 o'clock in the morning on she's cooking me a meal I'm sitting there servers go hide servers go oh it was all right she said well if things special happened I said absolutely you gonna tell me about it I said yeah God raised the little boy from the dead huh she picked the skillet up I thought she's going to hit me with I said we won miss Hogan we won we made it in now since that day there's a large number over 500 dead raises in Mexico and our work here me that's a lots of people that's probably what we've got in here just figure if we wouldn't have been there this many people wouldn't be alive think about it but because of Jesus they are
Channel: Nové Stvoření
Views: 106,844
Rating: 4.8087082 out of 5
Keywords: David Hogan, křesťanství, křísení mrtvých, svědectví
Id: 30i2gwM36MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 50sec (2990 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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