David Harbour Breaks Down Stranger Things Fan Theories from Reddit | Vanity Fair

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hi I'm David Harbor I played chief Jim hopper on stranger things and today I've been asked to do stranger things fan theories on reddit to discuss your fan theories it is an open-ended show some of these theories may be close to the truth they may be where far away from the truth I will offer my insight what I think so these are not spoilers these will just be hypotheticals from my point of view [Music] at who @t says the upside-down is actually the future the upside-down is actually the future when will is taken there he's impregnated by an alien creature impregnated is interesting when will returns to our time he births the slug which in turn develops into the demo Gorgon which in turn is aware of how powerful eleven is because it inherits that knowledge from will or reads his mind sometime later the these'll Hydra emerges and the United States government is forced to drop a nuclear weapon on Hawkins Hawkins is destroyed but the demo Gorgon survives eleven accidentally uses her remote viewing abilities to see into this future thereby causing the demo go get to travel back in time and hunter down it instead takes will thereby restarting the events we see in the show wow I love this theory this is crazy and insane you know this could be true I mean I like the idea of the upside down actually being the future I do think I personally don't know I think that the upside down will be revealed to be a specific place or time I don't know about the US government dropping a nuclear weapon on Hawkins because oh because of the vessel Hydra emerges I guess we would jump a nuclear weapon I guess that would be like the weapon of choice if you're gonna fight some intergalactic monster I like the idea that this character actually births the events and then restarts the events this is kind of I think it's kind of like a time loop element that I think is very interesting but I don't know I don't know how much of this is true I mean the one thing that you have hit on is that the upside down is something specific it may be the future it may be something else it exists as a reflection of Hawkins and so it has certain things like the library I mean it has certain things in it that are Hawkins yeah it's a very interesting theory at game demon 24 asks what is a demo Gorgon my theory on it comes from a scientific and evolutionary perspective I believe that somewhere thousands of one thousands of years ago humans did inhabit the upside-down in a very similar incarnation to whatever human human 'ti looked like at the time until that is some natural disaster occurred in the upside down to make the atmosphere toxic the demo Gorgon is a descendant of human beings that evolved according to the toxic conditions of the upside down we have Homo Neanderthal as' in both realms then we turn to Homo sapiens in our realm and homo demo Gorgas in the upside down realm I love this I think it's amazing I don't I don't have any knowledge of this and I think you're probably very far off I think the time one is probably a little more apropos or something like that the idea that this this realm has existed and that beings have actually evolved over at least a hundred thousand years I feel like why would it have emerged in 1983 in Indiana I think that the upside down is more related to the specific events of this particular town of this particular area I don't think it's its own entity that has existed for a long I think he coincides with the idea of Elevens powers opening this gate but I think it's a really interesting theory and I love it and you should write in your own show at convex thinks the source of the upside down is Terry Ives if L a powerful psychic was strong enough to open the gates the upside down it seems plausible that if her mama is also a psychic the intense grief of losing her baby could have caused her to unknowingly create a distorted reality of despair Wow one of the things I think makes Star Wars so epic is not that there's just good and evil and lights on a dark side but the fact that Darth Vader says to Luke I am your father so that it becomes like a soap opera everyone's kind of interconnected and I think that if the upside down is an entity in itself that's born of emotional content that's born of despair or pain or loss that could link it to a specific reason for all of this to have been occurring in Hawkins in 1983 I think that in some sense the show can be a monster show or it can be a show that wraps up where the events of the show are actually directly related and couldn't have happened to any other characters but these characters as a result of whatever they went through I like the idea of it being explicitly referenced as some kind of manifestation of a subconscious in the town there's something dark in Hawkins but we'll see I have no idea so again I'm the most useless person to do these things but thank you for having me at Nellie know a nagy ten if Steve is John jean-ralphio's from parks and recs real father then Billy changed his name and became Chris Traeger from Parks and Rec I haven't watched Parks and Rec I'm sorry I know it's hilarious it's hilarious but I haven't seen it so I do know that these two guys look alike Steve a gene Rafi oh I also when I was 20 years old looked a lot like Steve Harrington and I'm not related to the character at our Ahmed's thinks hoppers daughter is still alive when it's showing the flashback of copper's daughter playing and she had her first cancer episode does it look like she's freaking out like maybe she's seeing a creature from the upside down so is it possible the government got her sick and faked her death and she's being held at the facility they did a good job faking wills death I do not think that this is true if we were to introduce the idea of some sort of time loop concept the idea that hoppers daughter could exist in some way would be very interesting the upside-down brings with it a lot of elements which will start to see that our we haven't even seen about what the upside-down can view but I don't think that in the physical world she's still alive and that the government has faked her death I think that that pretty much was what it was that we've seen where she does die of cancer she does live on with hopper and we'll sort of see more about her relationship with hopper which i think is a little more complicated maybe but I don't think she's still alive at skala Brunell z-- God Dustin was playing the long game to get Nancy this entire time Dustin obviously has a big crush on Nancy but it particularly predictably doesn't go anywhere and she's definitely in the second season when max is introduced we are led to believe that he likes her this is just a trick to distract us Dustin knew what he was doing when he and Steve formed their seemingly unlikely duo despite all the chaos and around him he was able to get key information out of Steve that key information being like how to be suave for the teenage gals I guess that sort of implies that Dustin is extremely sophisticated as an individual of 13 years old not just this dude who's looking for chocolate pudding and running around but that he's a calculated Ladykiller and just needs that little extra judge from Steve about the Farrah Fawcett hairspray and that's gonna take him to the finish line with Nancy the beginning of this was I'm a bit drunk right now sorry if this is already been established and if I don't make sense my memory the first season is pretty spotty because I didn't we watch it we'll rewatch it because Dustin is dumber than you think khalid figs murray is a russian spy he's the one character who frequently mentions russia in the show he drinks Russian vodka in an app called the spy he easily reason manipulates Nance and Jonathan into hooking I was the pullout when Nancy Jonathan telling the truth about barb he advises them to tell the public a watered down version of events to make it more believable almost as if he's experienced at spreading disinformation campaign Murray's goal is ultimately to learn us Intel and cause instability in the community so this is a very interesting theory I don't think that it's true I think that you're gonna see more of Murray in seasons to come I think Murray is a very interesting character I mean it would have to be a big double bluff because he comes to me in the beginning episode and says there's a Russian spy presence in Hawkins and I don't believe him so he would theoretically have to be revealing himself to me at the beginning of the season only two for it to be a subterfuge again that would be giving me a tremendous amount of credit that somehow I was like sort of on to it and then he wanted to align himself with me to pretend that he wasn't it I think that the Russian thing is sort of a funny conspiracy theory that Murray has and he's a real just conspiracy theory not I think he is what he appears to be but we'll see more of murine in the future and we'll get to investigate these things at know thing to see thinks demo Gorgons are more afraid of us than we are of it whenever the gorgon realizes that there's someone behind it it simply turns around opens it shores of Jaws and roars something that will only get them running away as fast as I can so I thought maybe that's the idea the most damning evidence is that when Nancy's about to escape the portal is to her right but she can't go for it because the Gorgon is also to a right until it moves to her left positioning itself so that Nancy is in between the portal and it and it doesn't close the portal until Nancy is outside this makes me think that it is afraid and if disturbed in the upside down it will do its best to chase the offender out however it seems to disregard any sort of caution when attacking the bleeding victim even attacking three very pissed teens armed with a spiked club yes and one minor league bleeding barb on a diving board I mean I love this theory because it's it's the real like animal conservation environmentalists theory the idea that like you know we all are afraid of sharks but they're just afraid of us I was in it Arctica pretty recently and the interesting thing about the animals down there is that they have no interaction with humans or very little interaction with humans and they were very unafraid so I think the reaction to being afraid of humans is a learned reaction from animals so I don't think that it it would exist for this demagogue and being and even as we see in in season two the demo dogs they again are pretty self interested in just terms of eating and in terms of existing as animals and the only thing that does transcend that is when the host is attacked like when we are closing the actual gate and the these'll Hydra monster is threatened in some way they all will forego food like Stephen and Dustin and will run to help the hive mind sort of place to stop whatever's attacking it so that seems to be the only consciousness of higher thought would be the fingers of the these'll Hydra has at Peter's 45 thinks the demagogue and is a manifestation of Elevens trauma I think the monster is actually an extension of 11 herself and a physical manifestation of her troubled psyche after saving Mike from jumping off the cliff 11 carefully tells Mike I'm sorry the gate I opened it I'm the monster what if she knew probably her mind and was admitting that she had accidentally let it out and I love this theory I actually believe in this theory and I pretty much know that it's not true I thought that from the first season from watching the first season that 11 when she says I am the monster that that was some sort of weird foresight thing where she actually was the monster and I talked to the duffer's about that like no she just feels upset about opening the gate and opening up his monster she's not actually that monster and especially as we see in the second season there's so many more monsters that it isn't just a manifestation of Elevens consciousness this is a world that is full of monsters I thought it was literal as well but the fact that 11 feels like she herself is a monster is very powerful and made me cry so I love this no you're not the monster so that's it fan theories on reddit they're all very interesting you guys very creative thank you very much for having me and thanks for being fans of the show
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 5,248,559
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Keywords: david harbour, stranger things, fan theories, stranger things fan theories, david harbour interview, david harbour stranger things, stranger things upside down, stranger things 2018, stranger things theories, david harbour 2018, david harbour theories, stranger things theory, stranger things fans, stranger things david harbour, fan theories on reddit, stranger things the upside down, fan theories from reddit, vanity fair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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