David Goggins on Beating the Odds: A Must Watch

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at the other day I asked myself one question can I take one more step [Music] and usually the answer is yes so if you can answer that question and not take another step that is real failure that is real quitting so a lot of people can take one more step but they choose not to I don't know if you can take two steps you gotta answer that question after you take the first step but I can always take one more step so if I choose not to that's on me and I gotta live with that most people think I'm just some good animal who runs and yells and just says all the time and that's nowhere near the truth that's maybe what they see in a one minute video unless we believe but there's a lot of thought behind a person being a born loser becoming who I am today you'll just wake up and just rock Edition you gotta wake up and think about you know there's a process to getting better for me like I built Goggins from the ground up I was born David Goggins David Goggins wasn't good enough he was a scared bullied abuse kid that kid whenever something got tough no matter how hard I trained no matter how ready I was whenever something got tough for me David Goggins the real David Goggins would come out and he would quit so I realized this over a period of time so I had to build Goggins and in that process I have to go back to that mental lab in that mental lab is at scratch that mental lab isn't that trained humility and so that's where I get better I get better when I'm digging holes in the ground when I'm waking up early knowing I don't have to do these things [Music] that's where I get better what do you think most people get wrong about motivation they think it's a permanent fix they think it's something that that is are constant they think that maybe once I get it I'm gonna hold on to it nothing is permanent nothing is permanent and a lot of times you have to learn to perform without motivation you have to learn before without purpose you have to learn to perform a lot of different things and that's what people think they think I need to have this motivation to work out to study to be better so if they don't have it they just don't do it and that's where you fail you have to learn to train your mind well beyond motivation if you have motivation that's great that's them can lean to the fire all it takes is a little bit of a Sparky you can burn a whole Force up but motivation you get to learn to exist without it you have to be your best self and your least motivated and that's the tricky part about all that motivation is just a word you have to have these different things in your mind on where you want to go and know that motivation is not going to get me there because I'm not going to always be motivated in order to pick yourself up on your own you gotta be your own coach I'm trying to build people up I'm trying to armor their mind I'm trying to get them the belief because this war we live in is tough it's tough it will beat you down the world and the life that we live in is the ultimate competitor it will find your weakness and it will just Hammer you so if I can help you build confidence to the point where nothing can hurt you because you know exactly who you are being ashamed is one of the biggest things that kill people nowadays in their minds kill them from moving forward I'm ashamed of myself don't ever be ashamed of anything you've done in your life face it fix it make it better build a person that can withstand the pressures of whatever they're going to be dealing with in life I'm not trying to send a message of run 200 miles be the best mother in the world but be tough better have a part about you that's tough a part about you that can break down situations and get better and breakdown situations very quickly within some trauma in your life some Devastation in your life because it's going to come the devastation the trauma is going to come and you can't allow that to become a jersey barrier it can't be a jersey bear it has to be something that you can maneuver through very quickly and move forward that takes a lot of toughness unchosen suffering is going to happen right so the only thing that you can do is have some shows and suffering to prepare for it it's the only thing you can do that's the only thing you can practice for the unchosen suffering is that chosen suffering do something that sucks every day I know there's so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch refuse to study a few more hours refuse to go deeper to go further and that's where I gained the advantage it's so easy to be great nowadays my friend because most people are weak most people don't want to go to that extra mile most people don't want to find that extra because it sucks it's miserable it's lonely you become very very powerful when you overcome yourself you have to want it you have to want to be better and it starts off with you have to have pride in yourself you have to have pride in yourself you have to have there's something about you whether it's your last name whether it's just the smallest thing have to be proud of yourself if you have no prior to yourself I can't give it to you because you're always going to compromise you're always going to fold always I'm very proud of myself now I'm talking about bad Pride the detention the detail for the human being I want to do I call this thing like I want to be the standard I want to be that guy like every place I went in the military there was this ethos about how this place is how we're going to live how we're going to represent ourselves and I walked around and I saw that most people didn't live up to that ethos like if you go to whatever whatever company they they had this mission statement on how we want to run our company I made one for myself on how I want to be and that is why if people can make up a mission statement in ethos in which they want to live by and every morning you wake up you hold yourself accountable to that mission not a company is your own make up your own mission statement what do you want to be in life and once you do that now you can work with somebody to get better you can work with yourself to get better but until you know what you want to stand for you will always just be sitting down you'll never stand for anything your mind takes control you you have to save you I run this mother and that's what that's all about getting ready in the morning when you're working or when you're simply looking to open your mind download mindset and listen to your favorite inspirational speeches of all time your brain is the most powerful weapon in the world
Channel: Motivation Madness
Views: 694,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, motivation for 2019, motivation, motivational speech, speech, motivational, success, motivational video compilation 2019, inspirational video, motivational speeches, motivational speech for success, be inspired, motivation madness, david goggins, david goggins interview, london real david goggins, david goggins story, david goggins motivation, eye opening, eye opening 10 minutes, of your life, life advice
Id: OoP0UqsX6E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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