DAVID GOGGINS🔥The untold story about his father. He left this out of his book - Can't Hurt Me

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now i'm really looking forward to having this conversation with you because the last time we were up on stage together was upgrade your life 2020 where you interviewed david goggins and i remember that there was 400 people so it's quite an intimate event by your standards uh 400 people turned up to watch and listen to david goggins but i reckon all 400 walked out talking about tom panos on that note before i introduce tom to the stage who will become your new best friend as well let's take a look purpose is very simple make an impact while i make an income that's my mission statement and it works tom panos is probably australia's best real estate coach tom is one of the most prolific auctioneers in the marketplace congratulations when you are making money you become cocky instead of being client-facing you're sitting at a porsche dealer looking to get a car nothing breeds failure like success ideas without execution are delusion at the end of the day you'll be rewarded for action i'm fearless not much scares me we're dying every day we're coming closer there's nothing to protect you're already going so what do i say come with me play big [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome my friend tom penos pleasure susan those can i get those questions there thank you again brother thank you hey what's going on brother you want to stand or sit we'll sit and then during the session sammy thank you so much and thank you again for putting on an event that people aren't selling things from the stage for two days um and putting quality event being a big round of applause thank you so and by the way can i tell you five three minute conversation so for 32 years my my business by media at news corp or what i do in my online subscription business is interviewing people i've got to tell you roughly 95 audio doesn't match their video five minutes sitting with you yesterday history i said may can i just go over some of the questions he says listen you asked me whatever you want and that was the end of the conversation that's it that was it that was it right yeah that's a bit and i like that because um i'm used to a lot of people giving me uh having 27 meetings to work out their questions right no that so david firstly i want to thank you and it's going to be a short thank you i want to tell you i i wasn't a person that was a follower or a user or consuming your content and when i said yes to the interview from sam um i was at a different stage in my life cut a long story short i just finished cancer for the second time and um [Music] i recovered for the second time and then during the months that i'd recovered my little brother who was age 41 who was my closest friend the only sibling i have died and to top it all off three days before he died i had a cancer relapse again so you could imagine the the diary go forward plan was you know funeral bury your brother keep your mum sane and um and then thinking i've got to go back into chemo to fight for my life for the third time on that first chemo session i for the first time ever i cried because i just thought to myself this is just overwhelming i can't i can't do it again and i had a bunch of chemo nurses come to my station and they sort of got the picture what had happened and what i was really sad about david was i was picturing my brother who'd been in the chemo award himself and he knew he was going to die and i just got i just got really sad thinking to myself he endured this and we knew he was going to die and here i was and all i can say to you is that on the second session i went there because i knew this interview was coming and to be quite honest with you i was keeping my fingers crossed not only to meet you but to actually be alive to actually do it and i remember listening to your audio book and the tears stopped and i listened intently and who i thought you were and who you were were two different people i thought to myself this i'm you are a maniac but this is the main egg that's not smart right and i was listening and i stopped crying and i'll never forget my chemo nurse she came up and she said tom keep listening to what you're listening and i have to tell you that was the moment listening to that three or four hours of the audio book which by the way i think is even better than the written book because what you've done is a world first and you've controlled your content and you've turned off to publishers and you said i'm going to do it the way i'm going to do it so you've got a mate of yours reading it and then you chime in and that's chiming in for some reason david i said to myself my current situation is not my final destination i said to myself here i am right now they're difficult roads but they're going to leave the beautiful destinations and i want to thank you for that well we can all go the home [Applause] i can't say to that man we're done no no but i have to tell you one of the things i'm going to ask you i still pack to this day because the truth is since the early 2000s 2006 it is a little bit like i've got a gun to my back of my head that says at any time i can come back so sometimes my head never thinks about it other times i open up a newspaper and i hear of some actor who's died at 48 and i think to myself so i i do as as as sam says i do on the outside i look like my shit's together but i'm i think i'm pretty up and i'm very up about my brother as well but i want to ask you are mentally tough people born or do they become it i think it i think it's both i think some are actually born with some genetic freakishness i was not and what people do so well with me is that they forget the first four chapters of that book and all they do you know as you read you start to forget and then you start to hit by running on broken legs and all that stuff he's must be oh my god pull up records and this and that don't forget the first three four chapters when i couldn't read as a junior in high school when i hit out where i got called where i got beat so badly that i became afraid of every that ever lived on the planet earth everybody people for i had to reinvent a human being i sat at home so for so many nights by myself broken broken not just physically mentally spiritually like that chart we have up here with the charity and the family and all that i was looking at yesterday like this i never eat that mental toughness strength power if i'm like man i was up but now i sat back and said to myself i invented a i actually sat back when i was fat nasty out of shape miserable and created a human being in my mind that didn't even exist and said that's what i want to be i want to be that guy i want to be a guy that's capable of doing exactly what i'm doing today and you have to if you weren't born that guy that mentally strong guy he can be made woman man whatever whatever the hell you are it can be made but in making that person you have to turn be able to turn down book deals you have to be you have to be who the you are every day of your life and never care about anybody who gets in your way that says you're not doing something the proper way i was always afraid of people not wanting to like when when you get beat as bad as i did i lied all the time i wanted to be accepted and loved and all that that i created about 50 people whatever you like i like just if you would be my friend just be my friend and that's where we get lost in life okay so what do you say to the girl or guy sitting in this audience that has got a bit of a predisposition to want to be liked by many almost if you don't get over that you're doomed because what happens is this you start to create a whole bunch of people that aren't even yourself you you never figure out who you are you you never live up to your dreams your ambition you you live up to what whoever is around you that you like so much that you want to emulate and be like so much you live their dreams you you so it's you you lose your power you you lose your power the ultimate power is owning yourself david i'm trying to work out this so there's a point that there's a point that there's this just change that happens right there's this point where you've you've burned the boats and you're saying that that i'm trying to work out can change happen can change happen if you don't have total darkness because you've had like because i you were for those of you for nearly everyone here would know terrible upbringing a father that assaulted mother your your first half of your life sounds extremely challenging you had a disadvantage to start off with right but what if there's people that haven't had darkness can they actually do a change they can and i get that question a lot while it helps you it also hurts you to come from darkness because why it's easy for me to sit back and say you know what poopy pants mentality i want to sit back and let the world take care of me now and we that's what's talking about don't play sick too long while my childhood was so messed up i played sick way too long and i almost lost tons of opportunities by playing sick because it feels good to play sick my dad beat the out of him man i i couldn't read i can't read you know when i was a junior in high school i couldn't even if you live that life yeah it feels good for people to oh man no that's just david man he's just not real smart and he had a bad life and you get to get out of jail free card that's nice it sucks doing what i had to do to get here today that was not fun that darkness is there's nothing that dark to drive me the places i had to go to become successful on the flip side of that if you come from a silver spoon family you have to realize that you have to realize there's people out there like david goggins who had nothing nothing and i've had all this opportunity in front of me and i'm a loser i'm not so what's that say about me the conversations are very similar you have all this opportunity and you've gone nowhere with it i'm at the bottom of the barrel and it could take me a lot longer just to get where you're at for the for the starting line to be fair so yeah it's just how you look at that can i ask you you um there are people sitting in this room that have had similar backgrounds their parents in many their parents in many ways didn't do they could have been better in the way that they they went about the job as a parent do you what do you say to the people that have that belief which it i mean there is a like would you agree that there is a bit of a a birth lottery right like you can be born in in ethiopia as a girl right and and and the lottery ticket is quite different to the lottery yeah i didn't win that i lost big time um so what do you say to those persons can i get a show of hands who's had would you say a challenging upbringing got a show of hands so there's maybe about thirty percent twenty percent right what do you say to them about their challenge in the upbringing yeah letting go are you still pissed off with your parents with your dad not at all so my dad's dead when did he know i didn't talk about he died about four or five years ago i didn't go to the funeral i don't i didn't talk about it and can't hurt me and everybody asked me what happened to your dad what happened to your dad i'm going to tell you what happened to my dad so as you know from can't hurt me he beat the living out of me my brother my mom horribly he was not did you fight back against your dad when you yes and that's what knocked the courage out of me so this is where the voice got real loud for me i would sit back and watch so one episode my mom got knocked out top of stairs my dad got her hair drug her down the stairs by her hair and this is after she took me to the hospital so i had a really bad ear rake ears were bleeding i was about seven or eight years old and how this came to be was my dad would always play these mental warfare games and this is the worst weapon i've ever got in my life even talk about it kind of me up a little bit so what he would do is the staircase goes up and off to your left was his room off to the right was my room in my brother's room you wrap on the staircase and you go in this room he was a up dude really crazy guy he had uh mirrors on the ceiling for sexual acts what the he was doing in there but it's crazy dude everything about him was wired wrong so what he would do is he would make sure that his bed was was here and the door would be behind us so we would have to take our clothes off and this after i went to the hospital to get my ears checked out and lay over the bed lay over the bed butt naked and i hear in the hallway this stuff going on my mom and dad are arguing fighting because my mom broke the rules we're not going to hospital we had no insurance so my mom said david is going to go deaf so she took me broke the rule i had to go upstairs and get away from my weapon for having up ears so this is where you don't know what the is going on in life where you get in trouble for having something happen to you so your mind's all wired up so my mom was getting her ass beat outside the door is shut the lights in the room are down like off that's how you wanted it my back's facing the door i hear this going on he walks in drunk takes his belt off and don't know if it was on purpose or accident he beat me with the belt buckle so the next morning we wake up i wake up or i'm in the bed my mom it's time to go to school and i hardly went to school because we worked at skateland the skating rink and this is what this is when i started fighting back my mom pulls the covers off me and she looks at my body from the beating she know how bad it was i was black and blue from my neck down to my ankles and she had to write a letter to school saying that david could not participate in pe today cause you know you gotta wear shorts and a t-shirt and also bruised up and the look on her face me up so bad if you look at the vfw orders on that video when i'm broken down crying and haven't cried in 30 years and for some reason i get this award i turned around to look at her it wasn't like she was the best mom in the world when i looked back at her i saw that face i went right back to when she pulled the covers off me to look on your mama's face when you see your that up it stayed it haunts you so the next time my mom got in the scuffle with my dad i fought back and i fought back it was game on for me i got beat the down and he beat me so bad every time i fought because his voice would say go cower my brother would go coward in the room and shut the door i started staying there and fighting and but what happened was the fear grew more and more because this voice said help your mom like that man i'm scared help your mom i'm scared and then you go into the war zone because that voice is so strong saying get in the fight and you get in the fight and you get up but over a period of time what happened was my father got scared of me it was weird the beating i never got whipped again the beating stopped and then we moved to brazil indiana and that's where another war happened for me so the the more the story do you hate your father do i hate him no so when he died i'm getting to your question now i was at a really bad time in my life 300 pounds praying for cockroach ecolab thousand dollars a month scared of the water scared of life my demons are just flying around my head every day so i realized that whenever times would get hard for me i would quit and i would work my ass off i taught myself how to read and write i taught myself how to swim but whenever something would get we would crest just high enough to where i just couldn't mentally handle it i would always just punch out and this right here is you pulling your parachute and pulling a reserve is why i'm doing this so basically you always just punch out and you quit and go back to where you started i'm not good enough and i wonder why is my mind so up and i started i i think a lot and i said you know what man this started in buffalo with my father i haven't seen him now for 12 years so i drove from indiana to buffalo new york to visit my father and while we didn't say anything to each other you know we he he tried to you know do whatever he does and he didn't say sorry but only went back there to study the demon i never studied him before and come to find out years later i found out that he's afraid of the dark he died at 79 years old he was afraid of dark i know this he had a whole bunch of demons himself while we never said sorry i was able to understand a little bit more about the enemy and when you understand the enemy more it makes sense to why you if nothing makes sense to you you always wonder why so those demons keep on flying around i knew why his dad beat the out of him bad the stories i heard were so horrible my brother got the stories and relaying to me so it was i did my research so never fear something until you do your research on it so so david it's you've got you went back there with a curiosity mindset you didn't you went there to study right study that and i'm curious now so what you're saying is did did it help you have you have you forgiven him yeah i don't give a seriously seriously i i i don't know if i forgave him i understand why do i understand because so many people look at me now as who i am like man it's hard when your dad when your mom when you get beat and you don't fix yourself and then you get a family when when you don't fix yourself if you're 20 years old you get a girl pray you're not ready for that when you're a young kid four or five six i'm not like giving him a get out of jail free card the man needed help and never got it so therefore me my mom my brother got demonized we got up so i understand where the demon came from so there's a possibility this may have been generation after generation after generation right and what you said is there's a strong possibility i'm going to stop this this this this link and you talk you you you talk about he never fixed himself you decided to fix yourself right two most defining moments in your life that drive there because it's a eight-hour drive terrified i had to become a man on that drive because i was every hour i got closer to buffalo i lost five years in age i went from 24 to 19. and then from 19 down am i walking that door i was eight again and my mind was like it was this and that's but when i left i got 10 years back i became an old man in my mind to the 30 of the room that indicated that their upbringing has somehow impacted their life right now what do you say to them 100 100 with everybody in this room i'm not a shrink i don't know all that but i know one thing i'm not a practitioner well i am a practitioner most people study i actually got a chance to live it feel it sense it be in it feel the emotion of it all and that's why i can talk about the way i do because i know how most people feel who are up we live in a world where you can go on to youtube or audible or you can go to a seminar like now the answers are out there people know generally speaking in life business and health what they need to do the information is out there right what are your best tips to people that have come to this great event to move to a step of action to to if they've been procrastinators if they've been people that sometimes there's people that are course junkies they go to a lot of events right and what happens is they know the information but somewhere along the line the execution doesn't take place what do you say to them well the most important thing about all that is you have to go there's always a blockade there's a barrier in your brain there's a barrier you got to find out what kind of removes that barrier from your brain my biggest barrier was my father and once i removed that barrier i was free to think and once i felt good about myself i was free to put action in i never felt good about myself i never felt good by myself whenever i would get somewhere the demon would come back put me right back in the cage if you don't go back like i'm a runner left knee hurts a lot of people focus on that left knee a lot of times it's your right hip and that's about life you got to figure out what has messed you up mentally go to the sauce go to the source go to the origin of the source like killing an onion strip it down and that's what i did to myself so that you know that whole accountability mirror did you do it on your own did you do it with any help every single thing i've ever done that's in that book or anywhere else was on my own everything every my mom worked three jobs my i i was raised in a town of 10 000 people with a kkk marched in the fourth of july parade in 1995. there wasn't a lot of help my first car got spray painted all over it and i was and i i was so dumb at that time because i don't call yourself dumb i was dumb at that time that they spilled niger y'all know folks can laugh i'm there's a lot of white people in here it's okay and i went to the principal and the principal said it's all you can tell me and my mom knew about none of this because i felt so sorry for her and how she grew up or kind of grew up because she was 19 which meant her father and i saw this young woman just become a shell of herself she's 72 now and still she has everything everything and she still lives back there cannot live in the present where she has everything all the money she wants she's healthier than me everything but the demon brings her back in the cage so um yeah man it's just uh it's like your view is life suffering there's a part of it that has to be about suffering and people hate it we're not technical when i post about suffering this whole new kindler general or soft ass world they just oh god this is horrible we talk about no suffering if you know how to do it without making it out to be like oh i'm not talking about you have to go through cancer but i guarantee one thing man i bet you're a better mentally if you look at it the right way everything i went through my life every bad thing i went through in my life the two heart surgeries all the name calling being everything i went through if you learn how to flip that on top of his head and say hang on hang on there's so much power in this thing and if you look at life as it is a trial ground a testing ground for where you need to belong where you need to go suffering is a fact of life if you look at suffering the right word it is a great tool to callous your mind if you look at it as suffering woe is me this is god kicking rocks if you look at like okay you're testing me now i get it whenever i'm being like depressed i go through depressed moments oh hang on i'm getting i'm getting tested so you have to be aware of all the signals and signs that are that are being given to you from the world one of them is if you feel bad you're being tested how are you going to perform under that and that's suffering is a part of life yeah look very needed i i use a term some of the best gifts in life come badly wrapped you know and for some people it's uh it's an upbringing it's what you went through uh for others it's illness the death of a child um yeah look i'll be honest with you david i i i resonate you know the person that goes into a storm is a different person that comes out of the storm but i wish it wasn't with chemo you know yeah i can't even relate dude i can't even really can i can i ask you the question of when you're running you run for hours what days [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so near my house there's a thing called the bay rum rbc is not uh very far it's it's ten minutes from here it's it's seven kilometers and that's cute [Applause] and at the six kilometer mark don't do it don't so what the what the you think of for days what do you think of like are you listening to audio books hell no no there's no music in these ears no music in these ears what's going through your mind honestly so many things but i'm able man you know how stephen hawking's brilliant mind right in the wheelchair most smartest men ever live i have a mind that's very different than most people and i have about what i'm saying don't take us oh my god david said like four personalities i'm able to realize i'm gonna be out here for 70 hours i'm able to go to a place that's so gone i become a robot an actual robot seriously i know it's like you're nuts no i become a robot i don't think i don't nothing i just move and then i'll let time go okay it's six kilometers right and i'm no robot right is there a hack is there something at six kilometers where i just be go from top panels to robot is this something the time is too short there's no robot in there man it's just sucking the up like there's no robot mode at six o'clock you know saying like like a 7k it's like you just gotta go out there and get it there's no magic trick to that one sorry man you know what dude but this is what i would do i caught my cookie jar and you got some big ass cookies dude what that means is this i invented this thing called the cookie jar when i was growing up you know how your mom well my mom we were real poor and she would go by and get these cheap ass cookies from aldi's which is like a generic grocery store and like 50 cent cookies and she would just dump him in this cookie jar so sometimes you're reaching the cookie jar and you pull out a mint cookie maybe a chocolate chip maybe a peanut butter so my cookie jar is we forget how badass we are in hard times and that cookie jar look as a fortune cookie you're reaching that you pull out a fortune cooking you read it what we do in life is we've all gone through suffering we've all gone through hard times and we've made it but when you're in the midst of suffering what our mind does is this you think about the now and there's no strength in it god i'm going through cancer i'm going through this i'm going through that what i've learned to do in hard times is take a step back give myself it's called my one second decision i take a step back before i want to quit something before something gets hard to hang on there you were one of five kids in an all-white school and got caught every day you taught yourself how to swim how to read and write you went through three navy steel hell weeks you went through ranger school you went to delta four selection twice you've run 200 miles you run 256 miles you've done four thousand those are cookies when you're running a 7k while we laugh about it it's all relative and you're hurting you've had cancer three times and you're here it's a big cookie man so you're reaching your mental cookie jar you pull that out and you read it lost my brother cancer well not once not twice three times i'm still here and i know the rest of your life that's just a snippet of what i know so that's what i do when times get hard is i remind myself i'm a bad let's go for a run um you wake up some days wake up better than other days yeah a day that you don't wake up that's not great may foggy brain you want clear your mind any tips yeah this is what happens man this happens to me on most mornings i was 300 pounds twice in my life so every day i have my shoes laid out because i hate running people don't believe it you i hate it so that's what happens every day i wake up out of my bed and there's my shoes my shirt my shorts depending on the weather there's some days i wake up i just look at the for hours and then i started walking around the house and i said i ain't running today i'm not doing today nothing i don't have to did all that i need all this i've been through all these hell weeks and got my ass kicked all the time and made it what am i doing this for that's what i think i got 2.3 million followers on instagram this ain't about you anymore saying about your ranger schools and getting beat as a kid and you have an obligation not to yourself but to everybody out there that is touched by what you do as a human being while nobody knows what i'm doing no one is videoing me and i am a virtual trainer mentally because there's a lot of people out there saying man david goggins is getting after today and if i wake up one morning and don't do that i go back to that david goggins who lied about being who we wanted to be so my thing that keeps me going every day is my mission in life wow i did not choose it i'm an introvert and i hate what we're doing even right now is to always stay the course you man the up every day of your life because you know exactly what it is to not man up i've done that too many times in my life so that's what keeps me going because the truth because the truth is david the truth is that from a financial point of view you probably don't have to do this so why why do you turn around and and and take that responsibility on because you're saying that hey i don't want to get off and run but i know i've got 2.3 million people i've got a bunch of people that are looking at it you don't need you could walk away from it why do you do it because i know that's the only place where growth happens that's the only place man i never forget when i was younger and i lived in a seven dollar month place and it up everything was jacked up i would for i had a pair of jeans and every i'm going to forget this as long as i live you know first day of school people go through school shopping right week out two weeks out maybe a month out we have anybody do that so this pair of jeans that the inside of the pocket was green the inside of the pocket was green and i wore them almost every day so what i did for the next year of school was i cut that pocket out so the green would show so look at a new pair of jeans all i wanted was money all i wanted was a nice car was a nice home the second i got the money to do it realized this is that's why i don't own a car i don't want a place i don't own you will see me wearing the same every day i don't hi why no that nothing nothing what i realized is all i wanted in my life was look at that in that accountability mirror and be proud of and everything else went away while you need money to be successful you need money to live you need money money does buy a form of happiness because without it you're miserable but once i realized it doesn't mean it doesn't mean for me what makes you happy achievement reaching goals accomplishing things i thought were impossible to accomplish because while i don't smile all the time there's this feeling inside of me that no one very few people have very few people have because when you come from where i came from nothing and you make something out of nothing the feeling it stays with you all day long and it allows you to be who you want to be in front of anybody so that's listen adam by the way can i just say last night when i um i i left here and i went home and um i spent an hour or so watching a joe rogan um podcast with you yeah and then you've done two with him right and i noticed that on the second one you definitely smile a lot more than the first one right um did you notice that i noticed that with joe me and joe were decent friends and for me it takes a long time to get there so i don't trust a lot of people you trust joe i trust joe huge huge because we've had the real conversations a lot of people live on the surface man they tell you all this like instagram it's a lot of people are just full of man i couldn't stop laughing as i was falling asleep last night i was listening to it you asked him how much do you weigh he responded 200 pounds and i think he said 200 yeah and he said you're a thick dude mate you thick big um listen um and by the way i'm gonna come to an end in this because i'd love to uh get sam to facilitate a bit of stuff here um i will just say this yesterday on youtube there's comments underneath people comment on the video i cannot get over i cannot get over the amount of people david that didn't just say great interview best ever on joe rogan what i went through was people saying i lost 37 pounds i lost 48 pounds i went and got a job thank you so much david i was about to commit suicide there is one after the other after the other and you're thinking to yourself most people on youtube there's a lot of people that are a little bit you know sarcastic trollers but there is just one i on behalf of our audience and you may or may not be aware of it the impact the ability to get into people's brains you seem to do it in a better way than any than than any phd professor than any academic um and maybe i don't know maybe god has given you that path but the one thing for sure is that you're meeting every one of those tests that you've been given and i can tell you the world is a far better place with david goggins you
Channel: Tom Panos Real Estate Training
Views: 244,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate training, real estate trainer, real estate coaching, real estate gym, real estate training, tom panos rant, million dollar agent, real estate sales strategies, how to succeed in real estate, attraction agent
Id: KlWEjVauqWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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