David E. Taylor - The Backstory

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all right good morning everybody and welcome back to true Arab loser I hope you're doing well today so this week we are gonna talk about David E Taylor he calls himself apostle David E Taylor okay not just a pastor that's pathetic okay not a bishop embarrassing David E Taylor was told by Jesus Christ himself that he's an apostle and David E Taylor became infamous in 2014 where a when a seven-hour deposition came out of him answering questions about his finances and it went viral because he really tanks bad most of the seven hours consists of him chewing his lip and suggesting that he doesn't know anything about the company in which he's a CEO of and suggesting that the lawyer acts Michelle he probably says it just acts Michelle she handles that if you just want to axe Michelle and I'm amazed that he didn't chew his bottom lip off and just swallow it because the whole times going yeah I don't really handle that if you could just ask Michelle she would know it's more of a residential center than a house so just ax Michelle and the deposition is totally insane and I think the reason it went so viral is it just feels like justice because David E Taylor is one of these guys that has just made a career off long career of pretending to be spiritually superior and just tricking the easily tricked and the scared and the sick to giving them their money yeah he did they just give him their money and he is kind of like a Jim Jones type where they give him the money and then he puts them to work and he keep he works them so hard and they're so tired and they're broke because they don't have any money and they're tired from working for this ministry calling on the phones to get more people to donate money or to get people to come to the next big show where he puts his hand on someone with cancer and everybody falls down and they're cured and so as recently as April of 2019 news stories are coming out David E Taylor running a cult-like organization all these people are giving them their money and so I think this deposition that came out in 2014 for the first time a guy who has just done nothing but lie and cheat and pretend to be higher than everybody else for the first time he was just sitting in a good old fashioned manmade chair and he had to tell the truth so for years saying things like oh I don't handle that the board handles that oh yes the board handles that so for the first time someone could say alright who's on the board well if you could just ask Michele and so he just eats it for seven hours so hard that the deposition really has become part of just YouTube folklore while people are commenting I wish this was longer it's seven hours I wish this was longer I watched this continuously and so right I had never watched it I had watched some of the highlights that are out there like there's one highlight clip where he talks about how he used people's hard-earned money he used 50 thousand dollars to cut a murse era ya Mercedes in half and turn it into a limo it's like what's the best way to spend this money that we have do you guys want to cut that car in half and make it a limo it could be good I don't know but we're gonna go through the whole deposition bus but let me set this up first so I had never watched the whole seven-hour deposition before and I had a horrible head cold over the weekend and I watched the whole thing and watching the deposition is pretty much you stare at this guy's face for seven out or a lot of it you stare at his and I have a theory that I haven't tested it but I have a theory that if you turn this guy's face upside down it looks the exact same you know when a word is the same in both directions they call it a palindrome I think he has palindrome face I'm not sure what that means or but I was trying to like look at it upside down and so like I said he's running like a people's temple Jonestown esque type cult and but I wanted to see one why did he do this deposition right what caused him in 2014 to have to come and finally after all these years have to tell the truth and it was a harder question to answer than I figured it would be and the possibilities are one right after it came out his people made us or put out a statement on Facebook that he that it's a third party divorce trial and he was called for that and I think there's a woman named Deborah Frazier that cashed out her 401k of like six hundred and forty thousand dollars and gave it to him but when she cashed it out that created a huge IRS bill that she didn't have the ability to pay so she cashes out her 401k gives it to him cash is in the equity on her house and gives it to him and then a year later is homeless and so I think that's possible that this deposition was maybe part of her divorce case and the fact that she just gave this guy they made a judge made it to a point at a certain point where she can was not legally able to give him any more money so this just shows you the type of people that he goes after like in the last video I did I told a story about Bert who was mentally ill and easily taken advantage of and this is the type of people that David eat Apostle I'm gonna parcel this is that that's the type of people that he goes after and so this woman cashes in her 401 K cash is in the equity of her house and a year later is homeless and so there's a lot of questions about David or Deborah Frazier in the deposition so I think maybe it could be like she still had to get a divorce and since all of her money was given they made they subpoenaed him to come in or I read a really crappy source I think called the black Christian dot pathos dot org or something I already have really low standards on what's a source and a lot of them for this one or even I was like Jesus what is this but I think it could be he was it being investigated for fraud for not spending the money correctly or there's one part like seven or five hours into this deposition of the seven hours where the his lawyer is objecting and he says something to the effect of what does this have to do with custody divorce or custody so it maybe it's his own custody divorce custody type battle and something that comes up in the deposition is at one point his daughter and I think she was a teenager at the time so or just you know not totally young but was skipping school and he disciplined her with a belt so severely that it had to go to Family Court and from my stint in grand jury anything that goes to Family Court is pretty depressing so those are the three possibilities that I could find of why after all these years of lying and just being pretty much a garbage human being he finally had to answer and tell the truth under oath and just he just failed and chewed his bottom lip off in the process and so he does this deposition right and like I said his people came out and was like this wasn't a fraud case it he was a third party witness in a divorce all this thing but put yourself in David E Taylor shoes he makes a living off of scamming the mentally ill and the scared and the way he does that is he says I'm an apostle and Jesus talks to me and I can take your cancer and all this stuff and so a deposition where he is sitting there chewing his lower lip going well if you could just ask Michelle I don't actually know that and talking about how he just blows all this money and he just doesn't look special at all for someone that makes all their money by seeming like an apostle he I was curious what did this guy do as damage control and the thing that I found his the one reaction that I found to it is totally insane so the first chunk of the deposition was in November of 2014 and then the second chunk was in February and so the first chunk had to have come out because his reaction to it on Christmas Day of 2014 which is I think the first time he was seen publicly since this nightmare of a deposition came out on him and I'll post it in the description but it's a bizarre video so it's a sitting he looks horrible he looks like he's either on pills or he just hasn't slept because of this deposition that came out and he thinks it's ruining his apostle reputation so it looks like he's got these huge dark circles under his eyes and so the video is packaged up like a Christmas video like hey I'm an apostle that runs a church and I'm just telling everyone Merry Christmas so he's sitting in front of a Christmas tree and there's this like Christmas music or I don't know but it's just looped so it's very kind of it's not relaxing at all it's just like it's like oh wow and it's just looped over and over again and also there's an effect on the video where like gold I know it looks like a crappy cheap Instagram like filter effect that you could put on a video so I mean you got to think he's an apostle so you can't just have a normal video with no effects you got to think tears you know his editors got to think okay this guy is talked to Jesus Christ over a thousand times so what effect would he have on his video and what they go with is just is it like gold the runs from like one side of the screen to the other and just like the audio of like a it just is on loop which makes the whole thing just look stupid so he's sitting in front of a Christmas tree all either pilled out or just haven't slept and there's jarring non relaxing Christmas music looped in the background and this gold effect and he is just like almost like manic he's like hello everybody it almost looks like either an SNL parody of someone that is going through what he's going through or like a pro-wrestler promo he's like hello everyone I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and this is gonna be and so the videos two minutes and so for the first 40 seconds of this video is him being like what you would think of a cult leader apostle that runs a church that you know scares people out of their money he says what you would think they would say it's a lot of like okay so this is a special time of year and he looked just look spilled to the max and you know Jesus is all this stuff and so he does that for 40 seconds and then it gets to the damage control portion and he just goes so most of you may many of you maybe have seen that video that they put out on me and it's spliced and it's diced to attack my character and that's the first thing it's like no David it's not it wasn't splice in diced it was actually seven hours of not spliced and diced it's in two hour chunks but I mean you think you could get a pretty good read on someone if you watch them unedited for two hours straight okay he's like it was spliced and it was diced to attack my character and then he goes because there he goes I do I have received a bunch of support this so he's saying like all these people reached out and maybe they did and so he after this deposition but I can't imagine really anyone did I can't imagine anyone really that he's tricking even watched it but he you got he's he's thinking that is that maybe the whole gig is up so he's trying to paint it like all these people are supporting him going yeah the support has just been overwhelming and he says over whamming and it's just a two-minute video you think you would stop it and be like alright I said over whamming on accident let's just take the whole thing again and and he's just yeah so he's going they attacked my character and you know it's not true and all this stuff and so that was his reaction to it and these days so I also wanted to see and you know building up to go over the whole deposition I also wanted to see what is he doing these days and it seems like what he does these days is and this goes for a lot of cult leaders is you got to keep upping the ante year after year or people will feel like they don't need you and so I was on his youtube channel which is called miracles in America and what he does these days is he does these Chris Crusades where it's these giant mega stadium things with like 25,000 people and the light show looks like the you you know looks like a u2 concert and the the music is blaring and he's up there and people that have people that are crippled with walkers they'll come up to him and he'll go you're gonna walk today and he's yelling and he'll take their walker and he'll pick it up over his head and slam it on the stage his whole show is basically him picking up and throwing walkers and canes and stuff his profile picture on his youtube channel is just holding a bunch of crutches and canes being like everybody walked again and he makes a big show of like throwing them and he'll pick up two walkers at the same time and be like he can walk again and he'll slam them down and they'll bounce and it's this big thing and he'll walk over to the choir that's been singing and he'll go like this and they'll all fall down and there was and he'll have palm trees all behind them so when he goes this and they fall down then they knock over the palm trees which makes the whole thing bigger and then he'll go over and he'll do this to the crowd and everyone in the crowd will fall down and he says that he's talked to Jesus and he said that he's come out with a book that says that he's met with Jesus face-to-face over a thousand times and that was in 2014 so god only knows how many face to face Jesus encounters he's had since 2014 over a thousand that seems like if you met with Jesus over a thousand times it would even kind of lose its luster you know just like a that I've probably haven't even hung out with a lot of my friends a thousand times let alone God like with that many times you'd probably even have to cancel on like Jesus I can't meet again today you know I got to work you you made life really hard you know I got a it's it's kind of a [ __ ] to do this whole thing so I can't meet today I'm sorry we're gonna have to take a rain check Jesus but he's met with Jesus over a thousand times and and his big thing now cuz you got to keep upping the ante his big thing is he is he's prophesizing Russia China Iran Nicaragua are all coming together to nuke America are you scared of being nuked is your family scared of being nuked well the only Savior at this point from being nuked by all of these countries is coming to Orlando July 10th and 11th for David E Taylor the apostle tour why that's how cheap and shitty and sleazy and slimy the whole thing comes off its truthfully like are you scared of getting nukes look book your tickets now to Orlando and he's just a piece of and the deposition is legendary and we're gonna go over the whole thing it's gonna be a David E Taylor marathon week join me right here on true Khurram loser I will see you next time why Steve and why
Channel: TRUE CRIME Loser
Views: 29,466
Rating: 4.8872809 out of 5
Keywords: David E. Taylor
Id: Ru71t6q0J2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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