David Dobrik Does the Grossest Thing With Gum | Expensive Taste Test | Cosmopolitan

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- I have some good gum tricks I can show you. Oh (bleep). No don't touch it! Mm, that one came with a little bit of hair. (upbeat string music) Hey guys, I'm David Dobrik, I'm here with Cosmo today and I'm doing an expensive taste test. I have two products that are the same and I have to decide which one's more expensive and which one's cheaper. I have really bad taste buds, I hate expensive foods. I'm gonna mess this up. (upbeat jazz music) These are a lot different than the ones I have in my closet. Not gonna know this at all. Okay, there's more padding on this one, but do you want more padding? I feel like it would just get hotter. Ooh this is a cute bow here, like you're like some kind of a gift. I will try it on. I need a little bit of privacy, and I need about two hours. I think I'm a size bigger. I don't even know how you... Yep, this is the more expensive one. You wanna put it on me? - You're gonna need a bigger size. - I told you this wasn't my size. This is my first time actually putting on a bra. Totally get why girls say at the end of the day when you take your bra off it's the best feeling. If you were to match this with like a full on lingerie piece, I feel like this would be more expensive. Just by this cute bow here that's holding this all together, I think this, and the edges here. I don't know. I think this is the more expensive one. This is the more expensive one. It is? (ding) Right on. It feels like a pillow. I can have this? Can I take this back on my flight? Yes. (upbeat jazz music) This looks delicious. This one looks like a Hubba Bubba. Right, Hubba Bubba? Hubba Bubba. It's tough to say. This is like basic gum. I have some good gum tricks I can show you. Can I move this table real quick? This usually takes me a couple tries. Here we go. Oh (bleep). No don't touch it. Hold on, hold on. I got it, I got it. (bleep) - [Female] Ew. - Come on. It's for their video. (bleep) One more, one more, one more. Mm, that one came with a little bit of hair. I just can't blow bubbles. Bring the bras back. I got it! Sorry about this. People probably thought this was a wall. Let me try the more expensive one. Oh no, I had it all wrong, this is gross. The other one was Hubba Bubba, high quality stuff. This is the cheap one. Right? Why are you looking at me like that? The second one is the cheaper one. (buzzer) They're both bad. You guys really screwed me on this one. They're both the same price, aren't they? What was the other one, like 1.99? (upbeat jazz music) I'm gonna be so bad at this. My biggest income is merchandise, which is clothing, so I should know which one is better material. This one feels cheap. This is something I would get at like a school bookstore. I can try it on? This is definitely cheaper. Everything in my closet feels like this. Oh, wait. I've seen this logo. My manager got me a t-shirt from this company and he's like, "That's a nice t-shirt." And I'm like, "How much was it?" And he's like, "$75." And I was like, "Are you kidding me? "For a t-shirt?" this is the most expensive one, right? (ding) How much do I think this is? I would pay $30. 115? No thank you. I'll just buy 30 of these instead. (upbeat jazz music) You wanna see me catch these in my mouth too? This is eyelashes. They both look pretty awful. Is this a trick? Are they both cheap? Is there a tape I take off, like a layer of tape? These are more bushy and I feel like people like bushy eyebrows. Right? Eyelashes. Okay these are eyelashes. These are more furry and these are like, these are gross. You can tell these are cheaper. You can tell. These are the cheaper ones. Correct? (ding) I'm learning how to blow bubbles, I'm learning about the human body. (upbeat jazz music) I'm trying the salsa? Listen, I'm the biggest Chipotle fan. So I know this is Chipotle salsa. You put a little bit more greens on top though. Wait. Oh yeah, that's Chipotle. This is Chipotle for sure, which in my taste is the more expensive one no matter where you go. This is a nice burrito, well done. Was this Chipotle? What's in it? What is this meat? That's not steak is it? No, no, I can eat steak. It's new one? Oh. Okay, that's why I've never had it. I was like what? Urgh. This like helps out the burrito, and this feels like it's trying to stand by itself and outshine the burrito. You can tell someone cared about this one. This is more collaborative and that's why I like it. That's the more expensive one. I feel gross. (ding) Chipotle all the way. (upbeat jazz music) Oh, this is my favorite. Oh this is gonna be good. I hope these are paper. I'm very picky when it comes to water. If it tastes like blood I know it's (bleep) water, and it's gross water. If it doesn't taste like blood we're in the clear. Shoot, I have the Chipotle in my mouth. This almost tastes like tap water. That has to be tap. I really hyped myself up to be a water expert so I gotta kill this one. Oh, this is tricky, 'cause I know New York has like the best tap water. Now I'm confused. I don't know. Oh. That's the better water. I don't know how good your tap water is but I'm assuming this is the tap water. Okay great. (ding) (upbeat jazz music) Oh wow. This smells like hotel shampoo. This is like top notch shampoo. Here, let me. It's like I'm baptizing her. You want me to decide which water is what too? This is the more... That's the more expensive shampoo. This is ridiculous. Oh wow. Wow. This smells like every hotel I've ever been to. That could also mean that it's a nice shampoo. I wash my hair with Suave Kids Shampoo. This is the nicer shampoo, yeah? (ding) Oh nice. I'm not that bad at this. Who knew I'm so good at expensive things. (upbeat jazz music) Are these wet wipes? Oh. These are so gross. Like that lotion on your face that you gotta like peal off, but never this. It's weird, it's like you're wearing someone else's face. There's two, is one for a friend? Look at this, this is ridiculous. Smells like pears. And this goes over? Yeah this is good. I've never had one so I don't know what to compare it to. Oh. This smells like a brand new baby. Oh this must be the better one. Whoa, this one looks like an actual monster. I think this is the cheaper one. And if I'm wrong, then the industry's wrong. This is heavy and gross. Yeah I don't know much about face masks. Is this the cheaper one? (buzzer) Cut this one out, I don't wanna seem weak. (upbeat jazz music) Okay, so here we have lipstick. This one seems like it was already used. Let me try it. I'm gonna do half and half. It sets nicely. Wow. I'm actually doing a good job. This one's more liquidy. It looks a little cheap, or maybe I'm just not doing a good job. Not doing a good job. Okay. Ooh. The texture to this is so much smoother. Oh this is 100% the more expensive one. I want this one in my backpack when I travel. This one's good. The other one wasn't applying, but this one, it feels like I'm painting a picture. Yeah, that's it, that's what I'm talking 'bout. (camera shutter clicks) This one I'm having like a fun time applying, that's why I keep doing. This one sucks. This is 100% the more expensive one. (buzzer) This isn't the more expensive one? $90 to $8? You guys don't get it then. You don't get what expensive is. You're buying the wrong products. (upbeat jazz music) Okay I'm deciding which one's more expensive. Oh this is gonna be good. Oh this one feels cheap. You can tell this one's cheap. It's not going the way I want it to go. Let me try this one. Oh wait, no, this one's cheap. How annoying is this? It's like the worst thing to hear in an office. Okay, it's not that bad. If I get it, do I get to keep it? The little one is cheaper. Yeah? (ding) - [Female] Yeah. - They're both mine. (clapping) - We did it. I'll drive it back to the office. Oh we're heading out this way. See you guys, thanks for having me. (upbeat music) Thank you for having me Cosmo, this was a lot of fun. I'm still having a hard time deciding whether or not the panties I have on are the more expensive ones. Make sure to subscribe to Cosmo and I'll see you guys soon. Bye.
Channel: Cosmopolitan
Views: 2,343,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cosmopolitan, Cosmo, Celebrity, america's most musical family, most musical family, david dobrik, youtuber david, casey neistat, david dobrik vlog, david dobrik cars, expensive taste test, cosmo expensive taste, vlog squad, david dobrik too, cheap vs expensive, david dorbik, david dobrik interview
Id: gnsdJqqBmSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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