David Dobrik and Natalie Noel Take a Friendship Test | Glamour

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my relationship with David my friendship with David I don't really remember how I met Natalie but I remember the first time I saw her my parents were looking for a new house and we were pulling up to the townhouse we were moving into she was getting the mail out of the mailbox and I literally I was like whoa she's so beautiful and how it's so exciting to move in and be this girl's neighbor I met David living back in our hometown we live right next door to each other in the same little town home complex she said one comment in like in math class that was really weird and everyone laughed at her we were talking about how the color black attracts heat she raised her hand and she asked the teacher so let's say there's like a hose and the hose is black what if it lights on fire will the water from the hose put the fire out and everyone in the class it was like what like this is math class that's like my first impression of her life is this girl okay ah the cutest boy ever I'm just kidding no definitely not um my first impression of David we were walking home from school and I was kind of like a loner so I would always walk like as fast as I could to get back home David had his only group of friends and would kind of just take their time and hang out on their walk home and I remember that they would always be like hey like yelling at me from behind why are you walking so fast where are you going I would always ignore them but one day I decided to turn around and the rest was history my relationship with David the best way to describe my relationship with Natalie would be like brother and sister super fun and very very very dynamic that's a good word what has Natalie taught me Wow that's a good question and I love to say nothing David's taught me how to forgive and forget really easily I feel like he's really good at that work something happens you just move on and you move forward and you get through it I think she's taught me how to be um how to be more organized and how to be more respectful I think she's like she's like very what's the word huh oh yeah she's very grounding something we bond over is definitely food I think in general who probably are loved for kebabs whenever it's kebab time Natalie and I perk up like two puppies so I think that's what we bought him for the mobs what is Natalie's friendship minami holy cow these are teeth Natalie's standing right here David means a lot to me hey I'm in a dress I would say it means a lot she's she's one of my closest friends he's my best friend so he means a lot oh that's quick I wrote 15 just some struggling the right - okay okay my first one first a 15 first I think you're very very pretty eyes I know I have amazing eyes my restaurant is David asked me to call him sexy so he's sexy thank you we can just cut out the I asked her to he's sexy I think you have the most beautiful nails [Music] [Laughter] she just brought him out right before she's like I got my nails I was scared you guys gonna zoom in on me writing this compliment and my nails are gonna be like you took a shot at me sana I got with you sexy because I asked you to you have a contagious laugh okay this is this is a really good one you're a really good conversationalist really yeah I've never met anybody that wants to have conversation take it I do like if there's like three friends on the couch and you'll be up to literally 6 a.m. talking like someone has to tell you to go to bat a friend I'm like still trying to hide this hand three this one's oddly kind of specific you have really great taste in living room sofas that is sure I will take that one thank you she says I picked out the right good couch I really appreciate what I what I found out from listening to her say that is I need to find a better strumming what did you say can I see your list as I've already forgotten why don't you read this one it's a good kisser no the contagious laugh that one's nice I don't know I feel a no all of us like I feel like she's like told me whenever I told you you have good taste in sofas we both know I haven't it's tough to pull off brown eyes and you pull out brown eyes they just keep coming well no that was part of the other one that was part two who's saving for that I'm good at this I think we're just like keep complimenting each other back yeah this is crazy I know it's just very like tell them you tell them no nasty to me I think we rarely complement each other and when we do it has to be followed up by like three insults yeah just to make us feel like okay about ourselves we don't mean it [Music] okay that's a long time this is a really long time we should cut it in half it's not that hard it's like it's like a dance it's like one dance oh my god wait I bet you was gonna be you guys have to dance yeah it's just weird I don't even know how to circus okay I'm coming closer wow this is a bad heart okay really I definitely feel like we're on a whole new level of friendship right now I feel like we're not doing it properly it's like an awkward looking stupid I definitely hug someone this long but normally it'd be like exhilarating this is weird it's like it it's like I found something and I'm like it's more like I'm holding out to do it again yeah that was cool that's fun very nice I think we're both horrible at dancing right yes oh it's like this this is bad okay expected box this is rough [Music] who are you Bar Mitzvah I don't know just like oh I'm still I can't even follow this how am I gonna keep me out of here this is literally my go-to move I just like put my hands like flags like I'm holding a pizza and I'm just going yeah what is my go-to move this is all he does this is Mike yes go go through right here and it's not even a move because I can't do it properly but this is what I do I like to Bob my knees like this and pretend like I'm moving but I'm actually not that is good [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey can't get worse than the Harding right how was it you were here I feel like Natalie also calls me out on my dancing like at parties all the time so I'm like really used to just not knowing how to dance Natalie's good when she's drunk when she's drunk you can like actually dance but you get like liquid courage and then you're like all right you know at least [Laughter] [Music] I trust you do you want me to drop her is that the I hope you're ready for this what are you doing go really preparing front drop is gonna be there right there's a little far back well I want you to fall back farm really trust me okay ready Oh No okay go okay just go okay pinky promise you're not gonna drop me [Laughter] three two one trust me look that's pretty good I just went for it crap okay you go do it again don't - I think you just right into my me we trust each other done except we're not good at it we're gonna need some work oh yeah in life yeah yeah maybe not I'm falling yeah following though so we just completed the friendship test it's pretty cool I feel like we're closer yeah yeah waitress is really helped us out I think this would be really great to implement in the workplace right we just don't fall yeah she's dancing start balling some synchronized dance so more team bonding it's always good I feel like our entire job is team bonding you know yeah all we do is just hang out thank you guys for having us glamour Natalie and I are the bestest friends now thank you going
Channel: Glamour
Views: 8,713,020
Rating: 4.9624505 out of 5
Keywords: david dobrik, david dobrik interview, friended, friendship challenge, friendship test, friendship test 2020, youtuber, david dobrik challenge, david dobrik 2020, david dobrik natalie, david dobrik bff, david dobrik best friend, natalie noel, natalie and david, david dobrik assistant, friend challenge, frienship test glamour, natalie and david dobrik, how david dobrik met natalie, natalie noel interview, david dobrik 2020interview, natalie noel david, glamour, glamour magazine
Id: kMLDScu1zD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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