David Attenborough's Wild City | Episode 3: Islands | Free Documentary Nature

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one degree north of the equator there is a small island nation a thriving Tropical Paradise [Music] and on this land has risen one of the fastest growing cities in the world [Music] this is Singapore one of the most densely populated countries on Earth even with 5.5 million people still a wild side beyond the city almost 60 smaller islands make up Singapore's surprising archipelago some have been shaped by a man transformed into brand new worlds full of challenges and opportunities others are natural Havens sanctuaries for the rare and unusual of deaf home to surprising residents who've learned to make the best of their opportunities adapting to change and fighting to survive on the islands beyond the wild City Singapore is home to the world's second busiest port 500 million tons of cargo and over 100 000 ships pass through it every year it's a natural Harbor but despite the maritime traffic above it also houses hidden underwater worlds that support an astonishing variety of life below the waves hawksbill Turtles are attracted by the feasts of algae and sponges on offer they are frequent visitors to these waters on that migration to nesting grounds in the North more permanent residents are the hundreds of types of coral including over a quarter of the world's total number of hard coral species hundreds of years of coral growth has transformed the waters here every corner of the reef is a natural shelter a diverse array of animals take full advantage [Music] the most common are the damsel fish Master maneuveras their small flat bodies help them to dive easily in and out of branching Coral one Reef resident has found a more unusual home with his family of clownfish they shelter together in the lethal tentacles of an anemone their elaborate dance moves helped their bodies build immunity to the anemone's sting the clownfish's colorful scales are also coated in thick mucus an additional layer of protection the cost of living here is worth it the threat of the anemone is toxic touch keeps the clownfish's Predators at Bay fish aren't the only beneficiaries of Singapore's remaining reefs here sea slugs of all shapes and colors can be found sending a clear message that their soft bodies contain deadly toxins foreign sponges totally blind they smell and feel their way to their next meal they've got plenty to choose from around 200 species of sponge live in Singapore's Waters this sponge is not just lunch but also home to one very strange fish oh [Music] foreign plates for scales [Music] a long muscular tail a tube for teeth [Music] a Tiger Tail a rare species of seahorse threatened with Extinction it's still found in Singaporean Waters a poor swimmer he uses his strong tail to Anchor onto the sponge foreign for lunch barely moving the seahorse remains hidden against the background he's almost indistinguishable from his surroundings whilst his eyes do the searching he rotates each eye independently following passing prey without giving the game away his long tube-like snout sucks up unsuspecting microscopic Crustaceans swallowing them whole seahorses have no stomachs and must eat almost constantly to stay alive they can consume up to 3 000 shrimp in a single day foreign [Music] but he's not just eating for one he's got babies on board [Music] unusually it's the seahorse male that carries the young in a special pouch on his abdomen two weeks from now he will give birth to hundreds of little ones born into the shelter of Singapore's reefs some will have a good chance of survival this young seahorse and many others living here will with luck ensure a future for this species in local Waters up above the seahorse's Reef gives way to the edges of islands at Big Sister Island 10 kilometers south of the city an early morning low tide reveals a world caught between land and a sea a good opportunity to explore a unique ecosystem The Reef Rubble of these shallow Flats is home for unusual creatures toadfish that croaks like its namesake and a teddy bear crab a hairy body helps it hide in plain sight [Music] they are exposed to air and sunlight every few hours to avoid drying out some shelter in Burrows or protect themselves with hard shells only the toughest survive here life is no easier for other residents the island plays host to a tribe of crab eating macaques isolated from the city by unrelenting ocean currents [Music] competition for females and food is fierce on the mainland male macaques leave home at around five years of age searching for a troop of their own to lead here on big sister the males are stuck with no possible Escape in sight the dominant males have almost exclusive access to all the females young ones find it hard to get all the food they need if they are to grow big enough to challenge their elders the island has a limited ladder seeds and grasses are no substitute for sugary tropical fruits [Music] so when an opportunity arises for a decent feed like when Treasures are left behind by visiting tourists it's all on he who rules the rubbish tin May Rule The Troop one would be usurper a scene an opening it's game on at the edge of the island it's a sharp drop to treacherous Waters there's nowhere to run a band of dominant males joined together [Music] pushing this young upstart to the very Brink [Applause] but he's not going down without a fight [Music] the final Face-Off and it's over the threat of deep water seems to have been enough to make the underling color into submission the dominant males maintain their control but the fight has left its marks foreign other battles on these wild islands are waged underwater in the open ocean danger is nowhere far away [Music] Singapore is one of the most densely populated cities on Earth the need for space has driven the nation upwards and outwards even the mainland's closest neighbors are being taken over keppel Island at the edge of the city center has been transformed the area has become a marina a playground for super yachts and millionaires [Music] but some determined creatures have claimed this exclusive location as their own despite the constant boat traffic underwater a coral reef has unexpectedly established itself the Marina's sturdy floating pontoons have given corals and seaweeds a new place to attach and grow [Music] as well as shelter there's plenty of food here attracting schools of butterfly fish [Music] the Marina has encouraged The Reef with a uniquely open design it allows currents to flow through the pontoons bringing fresh nutrients from the ocean daily nearly 50 types of encrusting marine animals live here in a community structure similar to Singapore's wild coral reefs Cardinal fish hover near pylons waiting for the cover of Darkness to feed on Tiny crustaceans [Music] during the day fan worms here catch an easy meal tiny beating hairs on each of their feathery branches collect food from the incoming current it's a natural born ecosystem thriving in a man-made Marina right on the edge of the city beyond the urban Coastline lies Pulau samachau one of Singapore's outermost Islands here other recently installed man-made structures have also created a new underwater world as at Capital Island the oxygen-rich currents provide the perfect environment for growing fish this is one of more than a hundred Fish Farms operating off the nation's Coastline and that number is set to grow [Music] here thousands of barramundi are kept in enclosures formed by Nets suspended in the water foreign for the city's dinner tables but it's not just Urban residents these fish farms are feeding the Nets have attracted wild fish and ocean Drifters to an artificial bounty algae growing on the cages make an easy grazing field for round-faced batfish often found in small groups there's enough food here to support larger numbers [Music] the Nets boy ropes have also become home for a blenny mimic this is a first record of the species in Singaporean Waters but soon there may be more to come one male has made a nest inside the ropes encrusting growth he's hoping to lure a mate here comes a potential willing customer [Music] after a quick assessment she displays her rounded belly towards the nest a sign she is impressed time to seal the deal [Music] she enters the nest to lay her eggs and the lucky male quickly follows suit to fertilize them [Music] tiny opportunists their advantage [Music] foreign out here in the open water finding food and shelter is no easy task without man-made structures or the shelter of a coral reef there are a few places to hide and hungry mouths are lurking [Music] foreign [Music] shrimps have solved the problem by digging a burrow for shelter knowing when to hide in it is more difficult they're almost completely blind thankfully they have a housemate with perfect vision to keep a lookout for them the yellow Watchman Gobi foreign with the shrimp for free rent and board he acts as a sentinel nothing will stop his vigil even while eating he's got both eyes open for approaching Danger in this underwater desert strong currents wash over the household the burrow takes the brunt of it risking collapse under the shifting Sands so the shrimp are in permanent renovation mode despite the shrimp's short-sightedness the trio is in constant communication using touch [Music] rest their antennae on the gobi's tail waiting for a signal in case a hungry mouth comes too close [Music] shrimp make an excellent lunch the flick of the gobi's tale is a signal to return to the borough hidden underground the three remain safely out of sight the coast is clear as soon as the threat passes it's back to business as usual by working and living together the Gobi and shrimp have found safety in these dangerous open Waters the Cuttlefish heads to the nearby Reef [Music] here this Master of Disguise can hide from its own predators cuttlefish are among the most intelligent of marine animals with an unusually large Brain they can't see color yet their sophisticated eyes scan their surroundings and transform their bodies to match thousands of pigment cells underneath the skin can change color and texture in seconds hidden in plain sight amongst the surrounding weeds the dark Wild Island creatures emerge and they're on the hunt for dinner [Music] morning on big sister Island the maroon macaques are awake ready to begin the business of the day the ritual grooming [Music] after the recent infighting the general behavior is a chance to restore calm within this isolated group the higher ranking troop members are groomed most of in macaque Society Junior individuals by regularly attending to their superiors can gain protection and greater standing within the group but the Young upstart Who dared challenge his leaders is still being given the cold shoulder for now you'll have to look after himself morning routine done it's time for breakfast [Applause] now the City visitors have left the island it's back to Bare Basics a hopeful search that wave washed treasure proves fruitless this is a thirsty work with no lakes or streams on the island it seems all they can do is hope and wait for the Rams water water everywhere but not a dropped drink and yet on other Islands Mangrove forests thrive in these same Coastal Waters their salt tolerant Roots form dense networks holding the plants upright in sulky ground they provide a unique habitat for tree climbing crabs and mud skippers and a feeding ground for migratory Birds [Music] once much of Singapore's Coastline looked like this but less than 10 percent of the country's mangroves now remain [Music] what's left is an Irreplaceable home for countless local species these green fringes though aren't always safe havens on the northern islands the mangroves are Rife with killers [Music] female golden old spiders are among the largest web spinning species in the world and in the spider Community size does matter the male of this species is so small compared to his female that she may not even know he exists unless she's in need of a little Top-Up snack it's going to be difficult to win her affections while she's busy eating an unlucky fly he makes his approach a little seduction is in order in the form of a massage [Music] his legs gently rub her body and wrap it in silk is an attempt to calm her aggression if she's receptive she will stay still while he mates with her no such luck here a kick of the legs is a sign she's not in the mood but at least this time he's not been turned into lunch in the waters below the web another eight-legged creature is on the hunt [Music] an octopus straying from its ocean home but uneven more unexpected danger is lurking in the murky Waters bullseye [Music] the archerfish has developed a unique ability to shoot a high pressure jet of water from its mouth at its victim foreign carefully judging distances and weight and even adjusting for the way the light bends when Crossing from air to water Target acquired fine [Music] collecting the meal can hold its own challenges here in the mangroves freeloaders are always on the lookout for an easy lunch sometimes a more direct approach to put a safer bed [Applause] foreign Darkness brings other Mangrove residents to life some try and get some rest but it pays to be vigilant here I'll be monsters on the prowl a dog-faced water snake prickly adapted to this dark muddy environment it has the ability to keep most of its body up off the sticky sludge and so move efficiently across the mangrove mud [Music] is no barrier but a welcome second home here it's fast when it needs to be and then it stops enormous vanishes its long thin body is easily mistaken for a stray root but this camouflage is not just for hiding snake is on a mission tiny fish and tadpoles are trapped in these shallow tidal pools catching them requires stealth and patience foreign placed at the top of its head earn the snake its name and allow it to see and breathe above water while its body remains hidden in the murky depths he can stay poised like this for hours the snake's senses are tuned not to sight but movement foreign comes to those who wait [Music] beyond the mangroves the coral reefs are also stirring [Music] a shy Reef Octopus has been hiding in its den all day Nothing Like An Evening stroll to stretch the tentacles this is a master of rough Terrain its tentacle is covered in two rows of strong and sensitive suckers helping the octopus crawl across the reef Rubble and move any tarsome obstacles out of the way with a body devoid of Bones it can transform itself into a net totally enveloping Coral colonies while its suckers Scar the undersides for well-hidden snacks [Music] foreign [Music] is too small for this contortionist useful when it has to disappear Predator can become prey over the past few weeks the waters here has slowly warmed combined with an April full moon it's an annual signal for New Life to begin as if On Cue the Reef's corals and anemones release trillions of sperm and eggs into the water they float to the surface to mix and fertilize the resulting larvae will drift with the tides surrounding the islands over the next few weeks eventually they will grow heavy enough to sink and settle a newborn insurance policy for the future of Singapore's reefs and the countless species that call this place home other Island newborns have only just learned but they are about to take the plunge [Music] [Applause] [Music] Beyond Singapore's busy Port lie the southern Islands dazzling white sand beaches are rarely crowded a pleasant change from the bustling Metropolis [Music] welcome to Singapore's tropical beach ital surrounding nature often goes unnoticed when playtime is the top priority [Music] while relaxed urbanites enjoy the day off wild Beach dwellers are just beginning their working day foreign crabs the size of a thumbnail living in Burrows in the sand they emerge in their hundreds at low tide to feed the ocean is Left Behind microscopic animals and algae on the surface of the sand the crabs scoop up mouthfuls and use their special sieve-like mouth parts to sift out a meal the process sand is methodically discarded as neat balls [Music] these tidy leftovers are a sign of what's been eaten and what's still up for grabs the perfect system until a pushy Neighbor comes along [Music] without distractions the crabs work at Breakneck speed spitting out up to 10 balls of sand a minute All Too Soon the tide comes in and the crabs return to their Burrows to wait it out [Music] on big sister Island the macaques wait for the rain is over [Music] foreign monsoons bring daily rainstorms relief at last and the mechanics know how to take full advantage Hollows in the Island's trees have filled with rain water a chance to drink and for the islands young to learn a trick essential for survival but others don't always want to wait their time thankfully the rain has also brought a more abundant bonus [Music] flying ants the heavy downpour and warm temperatures have triggered them to swarm in search of a new home foreign filled banquet for the hungry macaques it's full at last [Music] the rains have turned sister Island into a place of bounty a true Tropical Paradise just beyond the city and off its Shores stretching 40 hectares across the southern Islands foreign [Music] first ever Marine Park [Music] buffer against the ever encroaching port and a safe haven for an astonishing array of creatures [Music] even the incredibly rare has found a safe place here this Neptune's cup sponge is one of the only two known to exist in the whole world they became victims of over collection and then were thought extinct these survivors have only recently been found alive and well right here in the waters of Singapore rare as they are they're not the only VIP guests here John hams were lost to land reclamation projects and vanished from the area a breeding and monitoring program is working to reintroduce the Colossal shellfish to these Waters but to thrive they need to be left in peace finally possible here in the sister Islands protected Marine Park [Applause] in a busy City like Singapore Wildlife often takes refuge in the few hidden Pockets undisturbed by humans in the north lies one such rare place Coney Island unlike the Marine Park this is an accidental sanctuary it was once destined to become Singapore's very own theme park but plans were abandoned and it was closed to the public for 20 years leaving it free to become a Haven for plants and animals alike the ideal place to raise a young family three new smooth coated otter pups have in making the best of this quiet spot they're the latest arrivals in this large family a good roll around is the perfect way for everyone to dry and clean their fur before heading out on another morning's Adventure at around two months old the pups are joining the family on a serious mission surrounded by mum dad and their older brothers and sisters the pups make a beeline for the islands surrounding Reservoir they're on the hunt for a fresh fish breakfast mum and dad won't provide forever so it's essential that the pups learn to fend for themselves but they've only just learned to swim so far sticking to the safety of the island shallows [Music] time to take the plunge into deeper unfamiliar Waters the family travels in tandem adults surrounding the pubs for safety in this fish-filled Reservoir it's not long before the hunt begins the pups are watching learning the tricks of their trade the aim is to confuse the fish to make them easier to catch their siblings are expert Hunters if the pups want to succeed they will need to get right in there too the fish are fast and slippery but with a little help a catch the fish may be small this time but the adults will share their spoils after they've had their own fill Ed fully grown otters can hold themselves upright and deep water to eat [Music] a technique this young pup hasn't quite mastered yet a steady Rock though does the trick with the help of their large family their three pups are slowly gaining skills and confidence but for now there's still time to enjoy mum's attention at least for a little while [Music] Coney Island has recently reopened its doors to visitors so the future of this quiet Sanctuary is set to change [Music] Singapore's Wildlife has surprisingly [Music] from natural mangrove forest to Tropical reefs the islands and Waters here are rich and diverse the animals face challenges yet Embrace opportunities with a helping hand all kinds of creatures can still Thrive colorful rare unusual a unique natural heritage on the islands beyond the wild City [Music] foreign
Channel: Free Documentary - Nature
Views: 350,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), nature documentary, Free Documentary Nature, Nature, Wildlife Documentary, Wildlife, Animal Documentary, Animals, Wild City, Singapore, Singapore Wildlife, Wildlife in Singapore, David Attenborough's Wild City, David Attenborough, David Attenborough Documentary, Sir David Attenborough, BBC Documentary, National Geographic
Id: fse321holhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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