David Asscherick THE GREAT CONTROVERSY 01- SecondComing.org

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okay so our second lesson is on the great controversy so that's what you're going to write in there at the top of your sheet where it says study you're going to write in the great controversy or as they would say in Australia the great controversy no controversy controversy that must be English controversies that English okay controversy oh he's he's going to add several syllables where there are none we can make fun of Marty later he makes it too easy let's um so what you want to do is you want to write down at the top there the great controversy this is the second study that you will give and the purpose of the study is to show that there is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan to show that there is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan that planet Earth is its theatre and worship is its center okay to show that there is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan that planet Earth is its theatre and worship is its center and so if I was studying the Bible with our good friend Ron here we've now progressed to our second study I would have had our opening prayer and how is that prayer everyone that prayer is short and then I would simply say to Ron Ron today the purpose of our study our second study is our the subject is the great controversy we're gonna see there's a great conflict going on behind the scenes and the purpose of our study is to show that there is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan that planet Earth is its theater and that worship is its center ok so that's what we're going to be looking at and Ron today in examining this question of this great conflict between God and Satan we're going to look at three main points oh there you go another Bible study with three points okay and the first of those points is the origin of evil okay the what everyone the origin of evil now I've purposefully used the word evil and not sin because sin is a patently religious term if I say okay word picture in your mind sin okay you can come up with that but if I say word picture in your mind evil is it easier to get a word picture with evil than with sin yeah it is and it will be much much easier for people who are not religiously inclined or religiously familiar you can say sin and they're like I mean you might as well be talking another language but everyone has a word picture everyone understands the concept of evil are you with me and so we're trying to as much as possible avoid unnecessary religious language and so rather than the origin of sin and now I've got to explain sin etc we will get into that just the origin of evil okay that's the first part of our study the origin of evil the second part of our study is the out working of evil or if you prefer and I think I'm beginning to prefer the operations no this I'm just telling you the three parts of the study this is very similar to the Bible's claim content and consistency okay and so out working or the operations and then finally is the obsolescence okay and someone says whoa what does that word mean well it means end okay so if you want to if you want to keep with the O's origin of evil the operations of evil the obsolescence of evil I'm just wired that way I'm wired for things to have a meter to have a rhyme to have an alliteration if you're not wired that way you can just go with the origin out working and end end of evil okay so as I'm speaking to Ron there I'm saying Ron the purpose of our Bible study today is to show that there is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan that planet Earth is it's theater and that worship is its center and in looking at our Bibles today today we're gonna be examining three points very much like the last study that we have are we looked at three points the claims content and consistency of Scripture we're going to be looking at the origin of evil the operations of evil and the obsolescence of evil or the end of evil okay so now I've given him the lay of the land okay what have I done everyone lay of the land because remember to keep it simple keep it simple st. method and that is tell them what you're going to tell them and then what tell them and then what tell them what you told them okay and we did that in our first study this is what I'm going to tell you and then we told them and then at the end we said this is what we've learned and here we're saying this is what we're going to be covering where did evil come from how does it work itself out and will it ever end and if so how and then we're actually going to cover that information and then we'll quickly review it and make the appeal okay makes sense everyone and so we want to start by talking about the origin of evil the origin of evil and so we're going to begin in the beginning Genesis chapter 1 so let's go there together and our first text is actually a whole lot of texts our first text is Genesis 1 1 2 4 plus all good texts ok now somebody saying what does that mean what does that mean all good texts well let me read it to you Genesis chapter 1 beginning in verse 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters then God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness God saw the light that it was what good now that that phrase comes up over and over again here in Genesis chapter 1 for example look at verse 9 then God said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear and it was so and God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters he called seas and God saw that it was good verse 12 and the earth brought forth grass the herb that yields seed according to its kind in the tree that yields fruit whose seed is in itself according to its kind and God saw that it was good 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good so 2 in verse 21 so God created every or part of me so God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves with which the waters abounded according to their kind in every winged advert according to its kind and God saw that it was good very good and then verse 25 and God made the beasts of the earth according to its kind cattle according to its kind and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind and God saw that it was good and then finally verse 31 and God saw everything that he had made and indeed it was how very good so the evening in the morning were the sixth day so let me show you what I've done in my Bible I've gone to every one of those occurrences of good and I've just circled it in such a way so that when I look down I immediately see it the goods are all marked like that good good good good good you can do it however you want but I just looked down and I instantly see all of those goods good good good good good good okay see that you can do the mark however you want I've just chosen to use a little circle so when I look down I quickly easily see it okay ladies you want to see that so just something that quickly grabs your attention I've used a little circle here you can use a squiggly line or an arrow whatever just something that when you look down you you see those Goods okay and there are several of them there are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 times 7 times in Genesis 1 good and so the first thing that you're going to do in this Bible study is begin in Genesis chapter 1 and show that when God makes something he makes it how does he make it good in fact when God looked over the whole composite creation that he had made it was what it was very good very good ok so our first passage is Genesis 1 all of the good texts ok and you're establishing a very simple principle here and that is that when God makes something he makes it good yay very good ok so now we transition from the first book of the Old Testament Genesis to the first book of the New Testament what book is that that's the book of Matthew and that's our next verse Matthew chapter 13 beginning in verse 24 so let's do that Matthew let me change that color there Matthew chapter 13 beginning in verse 24 there it is okay and here we encounter one of Jesus many parables so let's go read this parable Matthew chapter 13 beginning in verse 24 another parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed hmm what kind of seed in his field good seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way but when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop then the tares also appeared so the servants of the owner came and said to him sir did you not so what kind of seed good seed in your field how then does it have tares or where did the weeds come from and he said to them an enemy has done this the servant said to him do you want us then to go and gather them up but he said no lest while you gather them up gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them let both grow together until the harvest and at the time of the harvest I will say to the Reapers first gathered together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn now jump down to verse 37 Jesus here gives the interpretation of the parable so we don't have to guess he who sews the good seed - what kind of seed good seed is the son of man the field is the world the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom but the tares are the sons of the wicked one the enemy who sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the age and the Reapers are the Angels okay so we want 24 to 30 and then 37 to 39 so 24 to 30 and 37 to 39 okay very simple parable here what you're going to do is just quickly and easily explain the parable a man was sowing what kind of seed in his field good seed in his field but when the seeds begin to sprout and come up some of the assistants some of the helpers begin to notice that something didn't look quite right and they went out and they noticed that in addition to the wheat there was also weeds and so they go to the owner they go to the landowner and they ask him a question let's look at that question there in verse 27 so the servants of the owner came to him and said sir did you not sow good seed in your field how then does it have tears okay so the question they're asking on the surface is where did the bad stuff come from right now let me ask you this do you see a question behind the question do you see a question behind the question what are they really asking okay yeah well that is what they're asking on the surface where did the weeds come from but do you think that there's maybe another question implied here yeah that's exactly right Monique are you somehow responsible did you so the bad stuff with the good you know that that's the question behind the question because look at Jesus five word answer okay an enemy has done this so you know that there's a question behind the question there they don't just say hey where did the bad stuff come from the question is where did the bad stuff come from did you have anything to do with this and you know that's the implication because Jesus answer is no I didn't have anything to do with this an enemy has done this and that's what you want to underline there that's exactly what you want to underline there in verse 28 an enemy has done this okay an enemy has done this now according to Jesus own interpretation who is this enemy who did he tell us this enemy was he called him the devil now I want you to think about that word there for just a moment the devil if you drop the D from the word devil what word do you have evil and what we're talking about is the origin of what evil and here we see bad coming up among the good the people in the parable rush and say hey Jesus did you have anything to do with the appearance of the bat and he said no an enemy has done this an enemy is responsible for this question how much responsibility did the sower of good seed accept how much responsibility was he willing to accept for the presence of the weeds none his response is unequivocal I had nothing to do with this an enemy has done this okay and we're told right there in the interpretation that this enemy is the devil now we're going to be talking about this guy this character this figure the devil but you're going to have to try and disabuse your mind of what you might think of when you think of the word devil I remember when I was a little boy if if someone would have said to me word picture devil I would have seen a creature and almost kind of red leotards with perhaps you know cloven feet and cloven hooves and a tail with a point and a pitchfork and two horns I mean this was sort of I remember my my grandmother used to buy for us Red Devil ham and on that little red devil ham container there was this picture of this Red Devil with a pitchfork and the the little ears and all of that just remember it as plain as can be and so if you would have said to me devil that's what would have come to my mind we're going to have to try and disabuse our mind of what we think the devil is and we're gonna have to allow the Bible to tell us hey what is this what do we mean by devil what did Jesus mean by that now the other thing I want you to do here is is circle or underline or in some other way demarcate all of those occurrences of good okay which you may have already done verse 24 verse 27 verse 37 and verse 38 24 27 37 and 38 and obviously we are playing here off of all of the goods that we came from in Genesis 1 right so God saw that it was good God saw that it was good God saw that it was good God saw that it was good God saw that it was very good ok and then here when we come to the New Testament here's a man sewing what kind of seed in his field good seed and the parable tells us that this man is Jesus the Son of God and so what kind of seed would we expect him to be sowing based on what we learned in Genesis 1 good seed but what has happened has some bad stuff come up among the good ok and so the question is hey where did the bad stuff come from that's what we're talking about the origin of evil and the answer is what was the five word answer and enemy has done this and really that's the phrase you're after okay that's the phrase that we're after there that is the crucial phrase there in verse 28 okay an enemy has done this okay an enemy has done this and according to Jesus what is this enemy called what's his name okay devil now let's go look at an instance let's go look at an instance of how this works in the real world Luke chapter 13 so from Matthew 13 to our next passage Luke 13 I keep grabbing the wrong color there Luke 13 beginning in verse 10 I love this Bible study because it flows so easily so nicely I mean this is the kind of Bible study that I give to you one time and you could just literally go right out the door and give it it's just such an easy linear sequential smooth Bible study it's just very easy to to see the points to see the connections and to deliver it okay so we go to Luke chapter 13 Matthew Mark Luke and here we find a story an account of Jesus healing a woman we pick it up in verse 10 now he was teaching in one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath that's Jesus and behold there was a woman there who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up but when Jesus saw her he called her to him and he said to her woman you are loosed from your infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God but the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath and he said to the crowd there are six days on which men ought to labor therefore come and be healed on them and not on the Sabbath day and the Lord answered and said to him hypocrite does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it away to water it now verse 16 is the verse we're really after verse 16 is the verse we're really after and Jesus says so ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound think of it for 18 years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath okay notice the four the four word phrase there what forward phrase do you think we're after there in verse 16 yeah that's exactly right in verse 18 we're after that forward phrase there whom Satan has bound okay whom Satan has bound now we're introduced to another name for this character this figure we've been introduced to the term devil which you just lop the D off and you have evil that's really the etymology of the word and then now we're introduced to this guy Satan Satan Satan comes from the Hebrew word Satan it's just a transliteration of the hebrew word soutane and it means adversary enemy opponent someone who's against okay so he says who the enemy has bound whom Satan has bound okay hey wait a minute that sounds just like what we saw there in Matthew chapter 13 when the tears were sown among the wheat What did he say an enemy has done this ok beloved this word here and this word here are the same word this is the English word I mean they're they've functionally the same word this is the English word and this is a transliteration of the hebrew word soutane and enemy they mean the same thing whom an enemy has bound whom Satan has bound and so the English word the Hebrew word they mean the same thing same concept ok now here's a question for you how much responsibility did Jesus take for this woman's infirmed condition none the answer is he took as much responsibility for the woman's infirmed condition as he took for the tares among the wheat right in both cases he places the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of some enemy who is this enemy who is this Satan who is this devil well we'll stay right in Luke and go to chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 verse 1 and then 17 to 20 so Luke 10 verses 1 and then 17 to 20 and in verse 1 we have Jesus sending out the 70 it says in these things the Lord after these things the Lord appointed 70 others also and sent them two by two before his face in every city where he himself was about to go okay verse 17 describes the return of those that Jesus had sent out then the 70 returned with joy saying Lord even the who are subject to us in your name even the demons even the Devils are subject to us in your name and he said verse 18 I saw Satan there it is certain I saw the enemy fall like lightning from where from heaven behold I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy there it is again the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven okay and as we brought out in our first day of class there what Jesus is saying is don't rejoice that they are out but rather rejoice what that you are in okay so what we have here in Luke chapter 10 is Jesus giving us a little picture into where this seat on where this enemy came from and according to these verses where did he come from that's exactly right I saw him fall verse 18 from where heaven well that is interesting what we are going to discover is that this power that originates evil that brought pain suffering sickness death disease despair into the world is actually a fallen angel a fallen angel turned into a devil and there are two primary passages in the Old Testament that describe this rebellion that describe this revolt against the government of God two primary passages in the Old Testament and we will look at both of them and the first is in is zekiel 28 the second is in Isaiah 14 so let's go so we have two primary passages Ezekiel 28 and we'll begin there in verse 12 so let's turn to Ezekiel 28 son of man take up a lamentation for the king of tyre and say to him thus says the Lord your God now this next bit describes the fall the rebellion of Satan the rebellion of this angel against the governments of God you are the seal of perfection full of wisdom perfect and beauty you were in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was your covering the sardius topaz and diamond the Beryl onyx and jasper sapphire turquoise and emerald with gold the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created you were the anointed cherub or angel who covers I established you you were on the holy mountain of God you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in you by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within and you sinned therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God and I destroyed you a covering angel cherub from the midst of the fiery stones your heart was lifted up because of your beauty your corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor like cast you to the ground I laid you before Kings that they might gaze at you you defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities by the iniquity of your trading therefore I brought forth fire from your midst it devoured you and it turned you to ashes upon the earth and the sight of all those who look on you all who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you you have become a horror and shall be no more forever okay that's all the way through to verse 19 now there's rich imagery here and we're going to try and draw some of the major lessons okay several things you want to draw out first of all notice how many times the word perfect or perfection is used okay verse 12 you were the seal of perfection full of wisdom perfect in beauty verse 15 you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created okay now that's New King James New King James has perfect or perfection three times King James has it just twice and I'm not sure about the ESV okay blameless so perfection are perfect twice and blameless ones that's the first thing you want to note is that this being was created good created what which we would expect right because when God made something in Genesis 1 it was one good when he sowed the seeds in the parable it was what kind of seed good seed so we would expect that when God made this being this angel that he would have been good and it goes even beyond that it says you were perfect you were perfect you were perfect okay now there are three things in verse 14 that we need to sort of get our fingers wrapped around three things in verse 14 so the first thing is perfect perfect perfect second thing is verse 14 there are three separate imageries here that are used to describe this angels proximity to God okay there are three separate phrases here imageries here that are used to describe this angel proximity to God and the first is you are the anointed cherub who covers okay you were the anointed cherub who covers now that is sanctuary language and it means you are the one that dwelt in the immediate presence of God's throne okay yep that you are the anointed cherub who covers is sanctuary language now they might say what does that mean sanctuary language say it had to do with the Israelite sanctuary and we'll have a whole future lesson on it but for now just trust me on this one it means to the people who originally read this the people to whom Ezekiel was writing it would have meant you are the one that dwelt in the immediate presence of God's throne okay so the first phrase there you were the anointed cherub who covers you dwelt in the immediate presence of God's throne now notice the next one here you were on the holy mountain of God this is simply another way of saying that you were in God's immediate presence often in Scripture God reveals himself from mountains Mount Sinai Mount Moriah Mount Carmel Mount Calvary God reveals himself from mountains and and not always but often and so when the author of of Ezekiel here says when Ezekiel says you were on the holy mountain of God that's just another way of saying you were in God's immediate presence okay you are in God's immediate presence and then the third one here you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones and this is quite a fascinating one because when God's throne was seen both by Moses and Ezekiel it was surrounded by a pavement work of sapphire stone there's this sapphire stone and we'll look at that in a future lesson but a sapphire stone and so apparently what happens here when we get to the book of Revelation there's this sapphire sea of laughs have you ever heard that term before a sea of glass that sea of glass that we always talk about is this pavement of sapphire work that's around the throne of God now listen revelation 15 says that it was mingled with fire okay so you have a sapphire stone mingled with fire what do you have fiery stones so when Ezekiel says that you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones what he's saying is you were in the immediate presence of God you tracking with me so three phrases that are all saying the same thing this is say a pretty classic it's we communicate this way too I might say he was so close he was right there he was immediately next to me well I've just said three things he was so close that's one he was right there two he was immediately next to me okay so so what Ezekiel is doing here is he's sort of building it up he's saying you were the anointed cherub who covers translation you were in God's immediate presence you were on the holy mountain of God translation you are in God's immediate presence you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones translation you are in God's immediate presence okay now this is very interesting look at this verse 16 says by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within and you sin sinned now watch this therefore I cast you out of the mountain of God I destroyed you Oh covering cherub from the midst of the fiery stones so all three of those closeness --is that you had in verse 14 are undone in verse 16 does everyone see that if you want to draw little arrows it might not be a bad idea so you would draw an arrow from anointed cherub who covers down to verse 16 I destroyed you O covering cherub and you are on the holy mountain of God in verse 14 draw that down to verse 16 therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God and verse 14 you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones you draw an arrow down to I destroyed you a covering cherub from the midst of the firing stuff fiery stones does everyone see the three in both places so it's fascinating here what what what's being communicated here is you are the anointed cherub you were close you are on the holy mountain of God you were close you walk back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones you were close and then what God says to the prophet Ezekiel is I destroyed you from the fiery stones of covering cherub I cast you out of the holy mountain of God you are no longer the covering cherub okay so one two three in one two three out okay if this is too fast or too slow or too complex you let me know because I'll get fired up about this and I'll just start moving like a hundred miles an hour okay Monique okay great question verse 12 it says take up a lamentation Oh king of Tyre and Monique is saying why is he called the king of Tyre that's a great question now if that question is just asked in a context like you're asking now then I'll just quickly answer it if it's raised as an objection like hey this isn't talking about Satan at all this is talking about the king of Charles say hey that's a good just just stay with me through the lesson and we'll come back to that objection so if it's a quick question of clarification I will say something very simple like this Adolphe think of an ease an evil man okay you got a picture of an evil man okay 50 cent okay think even eviler okay so in my mind okay I've got Adolf Hitler in my mind okay there's Joseph Stalin there's Pol Pot there's Mao as they dung you have all of these this this cadre of very evil men now were these men the originators of evil no no not at all they were pawns in a much larger battle that it's taking place and so too was the king of tyre the king of tyre was an evil man that oppressed the people of God and so like a Hitler like a Mussolini like a Stalin he was simply a pawn and what happens here in Ezekiel 28 is that that the prophet begins with the king of tyre but then as it were he draws back the curtain to help us see that the king of tyre is not the originator of evil but where did all of this come from in the first place and it takes us into the heart behind the curtain of the originator of evil and that is this character who was the covering cherub that was in the very Garden of God that rebelled against God's government and and you know for fact that it couldn't possibly be talking about the actual king of Tyre because the king of Tyre wasn't an angel he didn't walk back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones he wasn't in the Garden of Eden and that the list goes on and on and he wasn't perfect on the day he was created okay so what's being communicated here is very simple here's an evil figure but let's step behind the evil figure and see what's taking place behind the scenes as we draw back the curtain okay for 99% of people that will be satisfactory for the ones that it isn't satisfactory say okay you you still have questions about that great hold on to those questions and we'll come back to it at the end of the study but just let me continue my line of reasoning here okay does that make sense the evil men and the drawing back of the curtain Monique are we good okay great now here's something else very interesting that you'll want to draw out of verses 16 and 18 this is a very interesting little insight look at verse 16 my Bible says by the abundance of your trading what does your Bible say trade anyone else what does King James say there by the multitude of your merchandise guy sounds like a Salesman doesn't he okay and then look also at verse 18 you defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities by the iniquity of your trading merchandise okay very interesting you almost get the idea the guy's a Salesman and he was he was a kind of salesman and here's something very interesting the same root word here the same root word in the original Hebrew language for trading and merch and ice is the very same root word in the Hebrew for gossip and telling tall tales that's very interesting so he was selling something but he wasn't selling watches or CD players or Apple computers he was selling lies lies about who lies about what that's right that's right God in his government absolutely the root word there is identical to the root word for gossiping telling tall tales okay so so a picture's beginning to emerge here isn't it you have an angel who's very close to God who all of the sudden begins to rebel and revolt and apparently start persuading others to go along with him as he is peddling his lies about God okay so the picture is starting to come together but there's another passage that brings the picture even more full brings the picture even closer to hand and that's our next passage and it's from isaiah 14 isaiah 14 beginning in verse 12 how are you fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer okay before we read even one second more what does that sound like does that sound like something we've already read what does it sound like what verse have we already read that sounds likely which book which book Luke what chapter 10 and which verse 18 yeah What did he say I beheld Satan fall like lightning from heaven and look at Isaiah's question how are you fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer yeah oh Daystar that's literally what it means Oh Oh Daystar bright shining star son of the morning how are you cut down to the ground who weakened the nation's okay what's going on here how did this rebellion take place look at the questions that Isaiah is asking how did that happen isn't that what he's asking how are you how are you fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer how are you cut down to the ground who weak in the nations question have you ever asked that very same question how does a perfect angel and a perfect environment created perfect by a perfect God become the author of rebellion sin and revolt you've ever asked that question join the club so did Isaiah he's asking the same question how are you fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer I mean how are you cut down to the ground the one who's weakening that how did that happen so you're in good company if you want to know how that happened by the way do you know what the answer is there is no answer there is no answer it's totally inexplicable that's why the Bible calls it the mystery of iniquity or the mystery of lawlessness if sin could be explained it could be excused okay we'll talk about that in just a moment okay so look at verse 13 now we get a little picture into what's taking place here for you have said in your heart whose this is something that took place internally I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also on the Mount of the congregation and the farthest eyes of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like them tie yet you shall be brought down to shale to the lowest depths of the pit now this is very interesting I want you to notice several things several things from verses thirteen and fourteen three lessons you can get them all first lesson is there are five phrases here that all begin with what words what words I will okay so instantaneously you know this is a battle of the will it's a battle of this beings will versus God's will right because look at the look at look at the assertions I will I will I will I will I will the first lesson is this is obviously a battle of wills a battle of perspectives okay are we together on that that makes sense okay that's the first thing we want to notice this is a a war of wills apparently a high ranking angel revolting rebelling against the government of God that's the first thing the second thing I want you to notice all of the references to upward motion upward motion okay that which is high that which is up okay depending on your translation there are as many as 12 of them let's go through them you might want to mark them down I would recommend you just put a little number one by one to three very small in in your Bible itself but here we go I will ascend one because the send is to go up what does ascend to go so I will ascend one into heaven where's heaven up to I will exalt three my throne above for the stars I will set yet just then don't worry about it ESV just just take the ones that are there just take the ones that are there okay so I will ascend one into heaven too I will exalt three my throne above for the stars five of God I will sit also on the mountain six mountains are high of the congregation on the farthest sides of the North seven I will ascend eight above nine the heights ten of the clouds eleven I will be like the Most High twelve okay so go back through them take take a look at them in your own translation find all of those references any questions there you just want to write small just little numbers there with a very dexterous little hand do your best if you want to do it later okay does everyone see them so what's the obvious what's the obvious emphasis here what does he want yeah he wants to go high high high all the way up to the very position of who apparently even if God himself so the first thing we've noticed is it's a war of what it's a war of wills and the second thing is I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up by the way you know that that's the desire because look at the very next verse verse 15 what does it say but you will be what but look at not just down you will be brought down Touche old does anyone know what that means to the grave you will be brought down to the grave but look at this to the lowest depths of the pit okay so he wanted to go up but what we're seeing here is that the end result of personal self aggrandizement and self exaltation is what what's the inevitable end result of this you go all the way down okay so a desire to go all the way up to the very top at the expense of others brings you all the way down okay that will become critical for us when we get to our appeal that will become critical for us when we get to our appeal the desire to go all the way up brings all the way down to the ground to the lowest depths of the pit okay here's the third thing okay or I guess this will be the fourth thing fourth thing you want to get out of this text Isaiah has actually used a stylistic poetic parallelism to communicate the very point that he's making okay so what he has said verbally what he has said with his words he's actually in the Hebrew he has constructed the whole passage stylistically to show this desire to go up on a mountain okay and and I'll show it to you it's what's called a chiasm okay a chiasm how many of us have heard that term before a chiasm okay it don't be confused by the word it just comes from the Greek letter Chi which looks a little bit like an X okay and what you have in a chiasm here is that you have correspondents see how this is why this is similarly wide and then as you come in here this is in and this is in and this is in so you have correspondents sort of building to a center okay and that this the term is simply a chiasm from the Greek letter Chi and and the Bible is full of these when you get the book of Revelation and we have a class on that you'll learn all about various chiasm but let me just show you one it's just a poetic structure and it's right here in the five I wills okay and so what you have is the first I will is an a the last I will corresponds to that as like an A okay this will make sense a little bit more in just a second the second B corresponds to B here and the top of this chiasm is the center C okay so what we're gonna see is this is the first I will statement here this is the last I will statement so first to last make sense because here's your Chi right so here's the first corresponds to the last then we're going to come one step in which is the second which is going to correspond with the fourth correspondence here correspondence here and the center is right here okay now watch the correspondence it'll make sense very clear here in just a moment look at the first I will I will ascend into heaven okay now look at the last one I will be like the most high do you see similarities there sure you do I will ascend into heaven I will be like the Most High Store correspondence a 2a now look at the second one I will exalt my throne above the stars of God okay does anyone know what stars are in the Bible yeah angels at Angel's so look at that I will exalt my throne above the stars of God but look at the fourth one I will ascend above the heights of the clouds does anyone want to tell me what clouds often are in Scripture angels yeah so look I will exalt my throne above the angels of God the stars of God I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will go even above the angels okay so do you see correspondence there between those two and look at what's at the center look at what both of those lead up to I will sit on the mountain of the congregation that is all of God's created beings on the farthest sides of the north ie I will occupy God's own position no one will be higher than me in the congregation okay so do you see that so so it's really quite powerful not only do you have the war of wills I will I will I will I will I will I will that's number one and you have number two all of the I will ascend that will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up I will go up but number three what was the third thing we brought out you'll really be brought down but here you can see how Isaiah has actually constructed the five I wills in in a very common Hebrew poetic structure called a chiasm where correspondence to correspondence to correspondence to correspondence and the main point is the middle thing and here it's I'm gonna sit on God's Mountain no one will be higher than me as I oversee the congregation okay the point is that this angel this creature this high-ranking angel that God but dwelt in God's immediate presence that God allowed into his immediate presence began to rebel against the governments of God and so we conclude the origin of evil this way by saying the origin of according to Scripture you want to write this down pretty close to the way I see it here say it here according to Scripture evil began in an angelic rebellion against the government of God according to Scripture evil began in an angelic rebellion against the government of God okay I need to say it again or did we get it okay is that what we've seen here because when God makes things they are good he sewed what kind of seeds but what happened an enemy did this and then jesus heals the woman and the people are like hey hey hey come heal on another day and he says are you crazy are you crazy I mean this woman's been in this condition for 18 years whom Satan has bound whoa Satan the word means what what does the word mean enemy adversary opponent where did this guy come from yeah he came from heaven I saw him fall like lightning from heaven right and then we went to Ezekiel chapter 28 and we saw that he was made perfect he was made perfect he was made perfect he was on the mountain of God wasn't he he was the anointed cherub in the immediate presence of God and he walked in the back in the midst of the do you remember fiery stones but he's destroyed from the midst of the fiery stones he's no longer the covering cherub and he's cast out of the holy mountain of God okay he had a desire he wanted to be that which God had not appointed him to be and we see that very powerfully there in Isaiah in which he says I will I will I will I will I will it was a war of wills okay and what did he want what did he want I'm gonna go up I'm gonna go up I'm gonna go up I'm gonna go up what's the eventual result of that desire to be brought down and right there within the structure of itself the structure of the the iwill statements themselves we find this chiastic structure I will sit on the very throne of God okay so far so good so then we conclude that according to scripture evil began in an angelic rebellion against the government of God right that's the origin of evil now someone's going to say maybe well why did God create Satan good question we'll answer that at the end of the study ok good question we'll answer that at the end of the study ok but up to this point we should feel very comfortable with scriptures presentation of the origin of evil now before we go to the outworking of evil we need to make one very important point of of biblical clarification and that has to do with the nature of love okay has to do with the nature of love and God's government hinges on voluntary obedience loyalty and love okay God's government hinges on voluntary loyalty obedience and love because love cannot be compelled okay is that true it's absolutely true okay in in in our language we have a very ugly word if someone forces if a man forces a woman into intimacy with her okay what do we call that that's called rape and is that is that a pretty word or an ugly word listen ugly word in other words the woman saying I'm not interested I'm not interested on an interest but the man is saying I will with my strength make you be interested now he can force her to to consent to sexual intercourse but does that mean she loves him no and I like to tell people and it gets a little bit of a shock value but I say it right in my Bible studies I say God is not a divine rapist God cannot force himself upon you and wouldn't because love cannot be compelled okay the governments of God hinges on voluntary love obedience and loyalty does that make sense because love cannot be compelled love cannot be forced it cannot be constrained a good illustration that you might want to use in your Bible studies that I use a lot is is if a man with a handgun came to you and he said stand up or I'll shoot you you'd stand up and if you said turn around or I'll shoot you you'd turn around and if he said bark like a dog or I'll shoot you you'd you'd bark like a dog if he said flap your wings like a chicken and bark like a dog while you're turning around or I'll shoot you'd do whatever you would do whatever you could to avoid being killed probably but if he came to you and he held a gun to you and he said um you better love me with all your heart or I'm gonna shoot you I'm gonna blow your brains out if you don't love me with all your heart right now now you can stand up you can bark like a dog you can act like a chicken you can do all but can you love somebody that's pointing their gun right at your head and saying love me with all your heart could you do that now you could you could love them but that's only because Jesus said to love your enemies but you couldn't love them because they were commanding you to but only because you had chosen to for some other reason does that make sense because love cannot be forced you know you can't I can't make you love me okay and so too with God the governments of God hinges on voluntary loyalty obedience and love love cannot be commanded God is not a divine rapist and God allows all of his free creatures to choose for him or against him you
Channel: SecondComing.org
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Keywords: David Asscherick, The Great Controversy, Second Coming, SecondComing.org, Christian Videos, Religion, asscherick, great, controversy, david asscherick 2017, david asscherick the great controversy, great controversy, david asshrrick great controvrrsy, david assherick, david asscherick great controversy, religious videos, christian, adventist, jesus christ, kingscliff sda church, asscherick david, ty gibson, THE GREAT CONTROVERSY
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Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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