David Asscherick - Holy Trinity Doctrine Explained in The Bible - Triune God- SecondComing.org

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well we are studying the unknown god this is our I almost said third but this is our fourth installment of five is that correct this is our fourth of five and I'm not going to spend a lot of time on review but I will just simply say that we have spent most of our time up to this point sort of laying the groundwork and setting the table for the reality of God as both a singularity and also as a one plurality we have seen that God is one if I were to ask you the question how many gods are there true gods are there you would say one that's that's the word monotheistic or monotheism one God right many of the great mono through many of the great religions of the world are monotheistic Islam is monotheistic Christianity is monotheistic Judaism is monotheistic but but Christianity goes beyond a rigid monotheism to a monotheism in which God is one but he is comprised of what three persons now this is a mystery I want to ask you a question is this mystery fully and completely explained in Scripture no it's declared but it's not completely explained and as we mentioned last night somebody who says well I can't believe in that because I can't explain it you're going to have a great number of things in the Bible that you're not going to be able to believe or proclaim because how do we explain that God becomes a man how do we explain that God dies on a cross etc so the reality is is that the Bible proclaims that God is one and yet God is father and one son and one Holy Spirit so do we see God as a singularity the answer is do we also see God as a plurality the answer is now I want to be very very very sensitive here to my Bible believing brothers and sisters who don't see it exactly like I see it III don't want to say if you don't believe what I believe you're not a Christian we never want to establish these sort of Creed's where we can color people in the lines and therefore color other people out of the lines I'm trying to present to you over the course of this time together what I think is a very compelling case from Scripture are you with me on that but I am NOT suggesting that if you don't believe just like I believe that you're not a Christian what I want to try to do is to appeal especially to those who are disinclined to believe this who think this isn't biblical who think that this is just an inheritance from papal ism or from paganism I just want you to be open to the evidence that we're presenting and can you say can you not say with me yeah there's a case there in other words it's not like it's not like I've just been standing up here for the last three sessions saying bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla therefore you should believe the Trinity no no no we've been going to Scripture so I think it would be very unfair and disingenuous of somebody who doesn't believe what I believe to say well there's no biblical basis are we saying that there is a biblical basis for this idea yeah the church didn't just pull this out of thin air the the the early church and the anti Nicene Fathers they didn't just say hey let's come up with something wild and crazy no no no they were trying to affirm the unity of God monotheistic but then they said wait a minute God the Father is God but Jesus is also God the Gospels unanimously declared Jesus is God Paul declares Jesus is God the other epistles declare Jesus is God and so that the early church as you as you learn about the development I'm just spending a moment here on the development of the the doctrine of the Trinity or the the articulation of the doctrine of the Trinity the church was faced with a bit of a conundrum they knew that God was God in the sense of God the Father but they also believed in the full deity of Jesus so what do they have here they have a situation don't they there is God here but there is God here but they know there's only one God and so the church began to wrestle what's the word that I used everyone they began to wrestle with the exact language and the exact way to articulate this basic truth that God is one but the Father and Jesus our God now in the time leading up to the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 and especially the time after the Council of Nicaea AD 325 getting right up to the Council of Constantinople in 83 21 then they began to say what wait a minute it's not just Jesus the Spirit is also God there's evidence that the Spirit is also divine we're going to be looking at that evidence here in just a moment and so what the early church was trying to do was simply wrestle that's our word here with this idea that God is one but he is also Father Son and spirit this is not just some idea that they said hey let's reach into the hat and pull out a rabbit no no no no no there are very good biblical reasons they're very good what did I say everyone very good biblical reason so I want to I just want to appeal to my brothers and sisters out there who are non Trinitarian okay you don't believe exactly like I believe hey hey that's okay you don't have to believe like I believe you don't have to say it just like I say it but do not say there is no biblical basis for this because frankly you insult my intelligence and the intelligence of other people that are here there is a very good reason for believing what we believe amen now we've we've looked in three sessions one two three we've sort of set the table we've affirmed the singularity of God as well as the plurality of God we have noted very carefully that there are limits there are what everyone and what's our illustration that we're using we're standing here where where am i standing on the seashore and there is an expansive and vast ocean out in front of me that expansive advanced ocean is who God is in his essence right this here is what human language and human intellect can can help to understand and describe but even if we said the very best words in the very best way even if even if our intellect was as vast as as can possibly be in a human sense and our language was perfect there would still be an infinity beyond that is God amen so we have to ever remind ourselves of that that we are just children playing in the sandbox groping in the dark doing our best but even Paul said we see through a glass how do we see darkly but then not now but then we will see how face to face so what is not perfectly clear to us here what we just see glimpses of here we will see even more clearly when when we see him face to face so far so good everyone okay so what I want to start with now is somebody is bound to say appropriately enough and I think this is a great question for all theology who cares who cares big deal at the arize class that the arize school that i have the privilege of directing and teaching at one of the things when we teach a class is is we'll teach them what that's the the data of what we're learning what but then the next question that follows from the what is so what right and then after we figured out the so what then you have the now what right so many of our preachers give us just the what's but we not only need the what we need the so what right what's the how does it matter what does it mean to me so we've got the what that's the data then we have the so what and then we have the appeal the now what you with me on that so what so what now what I want to start our presentation here dealing with some of the so what so you say that God is three and one you say that scripture teaches that God is both singularity and plurality what's the big deal what are some of those practical applications I like to tell burgeoning young preachers and and people who give Bible studies at the end of the study make sure that you put some feet on your face you with me on that you need some feet on your faith and you need some legs on your lessons in other words if what we teach doesn't touch the ground who cares we're not just out to change the way that people believe we want to change the way that people live and act and treat one another amen so what so what and then eventually now what okay well I came up with just a couple twelve twelve very quick things I want to go over with you and I mean very quick cuz this is just the beginning here twelve reasons why it matters we'll spend maybe five minutes on this twelve reasons why it matters the first one is for the obvious reason that error is never harmless you with me on that it's never harmless to believe something that's not biblical about God never harmless our picture of God forms how we see who he is and then by necessity impacts how we behave and how we treat one another error is never harmless now to this effect I want to read a great little statement here going back to the book that I mentioned yesterday from Millard Erickson making sense of the Trinity page 72 listen to this in a sense the question is not whether this doctrine of the Trinity is relevant to me it is whether I am relevant to it and to God if God truly is almighty then his purposes in the world will be accomplished can he say Amen and it is I who must decide whether I want to be a part of that and since God is a triune God part of what I must must decide to align myself with is his character if however I decide not to it is not God who will be the loser but I the question is not what does this doctrine do for me as I am but rather how should I be and how should I conduct myself in the light of this doctrine are you with me on that so it's not it's not our place what Erickson is saying is is not our place to say hey what does that have to do with me the question is not what does the doctor have to do with you what do you have to do with the doctrine once something has been revealed in Scripture that's like somebody's saying okay so Saturday is the Sabbath what does that have to do with me it has nothing to do with me oh yeah it does has a lot to do with you because it's not for scripture to come and be relevant for you it's for you to be relevant to Scripture because Scripture is God's holy word so the first point is that error is never harmless what we believe about God radically in fundament fundamentally impacts how we behave and how we think number two it's important because salvation biblical salvation is built around the tri-unity of God I want to say that again salvation is built around the tri-unity of God I've got a great quotation here that communicates this in very succinct fashion this is from a book by Bruce we're not a member of my church theologian Bruce where Father Son and Holy Spirit relationships roles in relevance page 17 listen what he says tell me if you agree with this to illustrate the significance of the Trinity to our faith there it is so what consider just briefly the relation of the doctrine of the Trinity to the Christian understanding of salvation the Christian understanding of what everyone salvation now here's what he says and I completely agree in order for sinners to be saved one must see God at one in the same time as the one judging our sin the Father the one making the payment of infinite value for our sin the divine son and the one empowering and directing the Incarnate son so that he lives and obeys the father going to the cross as a substitute for us the Holy Spirit the Christian God to be Savior must then be Father Son and Holy Spirit I love this point where he basically says this is not just some esoteric belief pie-in-the-sky by and by he's basically saying the Trinity radically fundamentally impacts how we view salvation because God at one in the same time is judging our sin he is paying the price for our sin and he's the one that is communicating what the world's Redeemer has done that is the person of the Spirit we see the father we see the son we see the spirit number two now number three what the Trinity does what this understanding of the Trinity and again remember I'm using this word in in the sense in which the Bible defines it not the sense in which any other person or any internet site etcetera I'm just for ease of communication and and linguistic simplicity here I'm using the word the Trinity helps us to appreciate listen very carefully hear the enormity and the reality of divine risk and sacrifice divine risk and sacrifice one of my favorite authors Ellen White had this to say she says that in the Incarnation when Jesus became a man she says heaven itself was imperiled now I want you to just let that sink in heaven itself was imperiled in another place we're told that when Jesus became a man that God took an infinite risk whoa whoa whoa took what kind of a risk an infinite risk I have a question for you how many infinite things are there in the universe one God okay so if if you have an infinite risk who is at risk God is at risk heaven itself wasn't peril now follow this with me very carefully there's a text you're gonna have to put your thinking caps on here for a minute I'm gonna do my best to do what what Danny and Jim said that I sometimes do I want to try to teach you something you didn't already know the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 you don't have to go there you'll just know it Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 it says for it is not possible that the blood of does anyone know this bulls and goats can take away sin okay it is not what's the word it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats can take away sin now with that in mind I have to introduce to you a very simple philosophical distinction in entities okay a very simple philosophical distinction it goes like this there are only two possible kinds of entities created and uncreated that's it now every single entity falls into one of those two categories for example what category do I fall into created or uncreated I'm a created entity how about you create it how about this thing create how about this piano okay so you have two kinds of things those things that have a beginning and thus have a creation and those things that have no beginning okay every single thing that you see or have ever seen comes in this category things that have been created only one being in all of the universe comes in this category uncreated self existence and what is that one being God by the way what's the phrase in the Old Testament that's used to communicate this self existence I am that's exactly right hi-yaa I am so when Moses is standing there at the burning bush who shall I say sent me I am I am him that was and is and who is to come so two kinds of beings in the universe everything can be divided into this simple bipartite structure created or uncreated and all God is an uncreated self existent being Amen the fact that the term here is that these beings the created beings are what are called contingent beings our existence is contingent on having been made and God is called a necessary being contingent beings don't have to exist your non-existence is possible right I didn't exist before August 16th 1972 right but God's non-existence is not possible he is a necessary being are you with me yes or no now keep that for just a second and listen to this very interesting vision that that Ellen White's on I'm going to give you the quick version of this in the book early writings in this vision she said that the announcement was made to the universe that the plan of salvation would in would it would result in the saving of man to which the angel said yes great good awesome and then the means of that salvation plan was communicated to them Jesus will become a man and the angel said mm-hmm and he will die he will be betrayed he will be and the Angels could not hardly believe it right so they liked the idea of the salvation of man but the means by which he was saved was hard for them well in this vision it's an awesome thing that happens because the angels begin to present themselves to Jesus and they say we'll go we'll go we will go we will be humiliated we will be rejected we will be betrayed we will die we will go we'll go to which Jesus responds in the vision Jesus responds by saying thank you but not even the life of an angel can pay the debts now hang on to that not even the life of an angel can pay the debt I won't ask you a simple question what do bulls and goats and angels have in common you got they're in this category they're created beings right not even the life of an angel compare that no wonder the author of Hebrews said it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats can take away sin why Cannot the blood of bulls and goats take away sin simple they're created beings right they're created beings wait a minute the Trinity now this triune nature of God helps us to really appreciate the hugeness the enormity of divine risk and sacrifice and salvation because it's not a created being that's hanging on that cross that's God on the cross friends that's God himself the Incarnate God hanging on the question to just imagine this with with as some of my friends like to say they they believe that at some time in eternity past Jesus was begotten of the Father right they they they they they mean that by that to imply that there was a time when when it was only the father and then Jesus was begotten he proceeded forth at some time in eternity past well you can call it begotten you can call it born you can call it created call it made whatever language you want to use at some point you have to concede that Jesus had a beginning if you believe that I don't believe that but if you believe that Jesus had a beginning he is a created being he is what kind of a being now watch this if a created being is hanging on that cross if a created being is hanging on that cross then what did God risk nothing not only that let's take it a step further the accusations of Satan against God in the great controversy were God is self-interested God is not interested in helping others God is self-centered all he wants is our worship all he wants is our adoration etc God is only looking out for himself God is only looking out for himself right this is the charge in the great controversy of Satan against God I won't ask you a simple question if God takes a created being a begotten being and allows a created begotten being to go to a cross how does that in any way answer the charge against God that God is self-serving no no no no no no it comes here's God about ready to make a great sacrifice and he comes one step short of actually making the sacrifice how is it sacrifice for God to let a created being hang on the cross no no no no no friends the beauty and glory and grandeur and enormity of not only risk but sacrificing the plan of salvation is that it's not some bull or goat or begotten being or angel hanging on that cross it's God in the flesh in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God friends this helps us to appreciate that God Himself huge sacrifice infinite risk she says infinite risk heaven itself was imperiled well heaven itself is not imperiled when you have the death of a bull or the death of a goat or the death of any created being but if you have God Himself making the sacrifice God himself taking the risk of becoming a man and meeting Satan on his ground at infinite risk potentially to himself that now that is a God who laid everything down for the salvation of the undeserving are you with me Amen and so this is huge absolutely huge number three it helps us to appreciate the enormity of divine risk and sacrifice number four and five I'll put these two together number four worship is enhanced and better understood and number five prayer is enhanced and better understood when we meet for worship we are worshiping God can you say Amen jesus said no man comes to the Father except by me so we worship God watch this through the son in the spirit right isn't that John for God is seeking for those to worship Him in spirit and in what seat so rather than meeting and as pagans and others did you know for centuries not knowing exactly who were worshipping is that the volcano God do we throw the Virgin in the volcano is it the god of the force of the gada that way ah who is this God no no no we are worshipping God the Father through his son in the spirit when I pray Who am i praying to you what am i I don't know how to how do I address God I addressed Jesus taught us to pray we pray to the Father in Jesus name by the Spirit we're gonna deal with that more in our fifth point so prayer and worship are significantly enhanced when we come in we know we are addressing God but through the Sun and in the spirit four and five number six seven eight and nine I listen to these love is found to be a fundamental value in life number number six number seven unity is found to be a fundamental value in life number eight diversity is found to be a fundamental value in life and number nine humility is found to be a fundamental value in life now I want you to think about that for just a moment love unity diversity humility these are not things that God just took the dice and said hey what how should we make life let's make it and rolled the dice instead let's go with love and what's what else let's go with yeah let's go with unity and let's go with diversity and let's go with humility no no no no no no these are not arbitrary what word did I say everyone these are not arbitrary things that God just chose to make significant in life no no what makes love fundamental to life is that God is love it's not something he decided it's something he is at its most basic rudimentary level life is about love because God is love but but take it to the next level not only is God love God is unified this tells us that unity whether between man and woman or black and white or younger and older that unity is a fundamental value in the kingdom of heaven I want to say that again unity is a fundamental value in the kingdom of heaven I have the privilege of traveling all over the world I've preached in the Philippines I've preached in Africa I've preached in Europe I've preached in Asia and beloved it is awesome to walk into a church where you see a whole lot of people who don't look anything like you and you know that they are your brothers and sisters as verily as anyone as your brother and sister why because fundamental to the way the universe is constructed is that God is unified Father Son and Holy Spirit unity is not just dr. Martin Luther King Junior's idea right we just had MLK J day it's not his idea it's foundational to life unity we should strive to be unified with those around us in all of these diversities and and things which we're going to get to that in just a second are not is designed to keep us apart they're designed to help us better appreciate someone who is not exactly like us amen unity is a wonderful beautiful thing and it is fundamental to reality love unity diversity in the tri unity of God we see Father Son and Holy Spirit who are all God but who are not identical persons the father is a unique person distinct from the son who is a unique person distinct from the Spirit who is a unique person this helps us to appreciate diversity and I've been giving this a lot of thought lately and I wish I had time to develop this but the way that God has constructed the human genetic situation he obviously loves diversity right have we heard a as the spice of bright it's God loves God is not boring he loves diversity in fact I've just been thinking about this lately think of the human face it's small you know relatively it's about the size of a plate a human face and all human faces have the same feature in the same orientation the same features they have two eyes up here they have one nose in the middle they have a mouth they have two ears so it's not like if you're an artist you have a lot to work with right you've just you've got us you've got a prescribed area I mean nobody has a face this big all right so I mean at the smallest maybe this and the biggest maybe this so you have a prescribed area and you have a certain number of features and they have to be in the same orientation but I don't look anything like you and you don't look anything like me for which you can be thankful right now you think about that here God what is he showing he's showing that he values diversity in the way that two human beings come together and another is created totally distinct and different but equally valuable to every other human being who's ever been created and what is true of the face is truer of the heart I'm not the same person as you but I'm not less of a person and I'm not more of a person God loves me uniquely God loves you uniquely I'm the only available David ashram on the if something happens to David Charles asterik he's gone God values me in fact I was just reading a statement this morning as if I was the only person ever created and God values you as if you were the only person ever created but you and I are different God values as a fundamental value in life diversity amen so love is valued Kamilah unity is valued diversity is valued and here humility this is awesome in the book I showed you yesterday from dr. Parfitt who wrote the 900-page book twelve years preparing this book on the Trinity what has God revealed he was interviewed and he was asked dr. Parfitt you've been studying this topic for 12 years you've written a 900-page book what is the one thing more than any other thing that you've learned about God his answer was awesome he said more than any other thing what I have learned is the humility of God now follow this the humility of God they said well the humility of God explained here it is the father shines all the light on the son no no it's my son it's my son but this is my son in whom I am well pleased the father defers to the son hey you represent me you go down to earth men will come to me through you so the father defers to the son but who does the son defer to the son to first his father he says it's not me that my father I it's about my father don't think it's it's my father and who does the Spirit defer to we're gonna get to this in just a second the Spirit defers to the son Jesus even said when the Spirit comes he won't talk about himself he's gonna bring to your remembrance all things that I command him and that I told him so what do you have here it's like everybody saying no no no no no huuu by all means you know no no no by all means you no no by all means you and so you have this this humility within the Trinity where no one's saying it's about me and here's something very interesting every one of us has known or knows what I call a me monster you know someone who had a conversation if so me me me me me me and me and I did this and I was and I and III me monster right how do we feel about me monster so we like to spend time around them I call I just love hanging out with that me monster I love the way he talks about himself right now we feel that there's just something broken with a person when all they can talk about it we know that's not the way that reality is supposed to be we see somebody who defers somebody who's humble somebody who's gracious somebody who's deferential and we say ah that's a good person the reason that that that's true is is because God didn't just roll the dice and prescribe this arbitrary meaning to life because God in His very nature and essence at the rock-bottom reality of of what makes this the universe and life up is this value of humility the Father deferring to the son the son deferring to the father and the spirit deferring to the son who defers to the father you have constant deference to one another beautiful amen I love this this give lives this gives life such a rich tapestry and texture and beauty because it's not just these arbitrary capricious values that God thrust upon life in fact I wish I had time to develop that but I just don't what you have is you love fundamental to life unity fundamental to life humility fundamental to life and diversity fundamental to life does the Trinity have anything to say about how we live in fact it does it's not just some pie-in-the-sky by and by no no no no we got something there's a whole lot of legs on this lesson and there's a whole lot of feet on this face okay I got three more for you by the way you're lucky that I'm timed or you would be here for the next three hours you just praise the Lord that there's such a thing as a clock number ten in the Trinity we learned the appropriate use of authority amen the appropriate use of authority the father is supreme within the Trinity not in terms of essence but in terms of hierarchy the Father is supreme Jesus says so my father is greater than I the Spirit defers to the son the son defers to the father what we see here is that authority and headship is not in and of itself a bad thing what is a bad thing is the way that human beings abuse authority and headship but what we have in the Trinity is a model for the appropriate use of authority and the appropriate submission to someone who is in a position of genuine Authority amen and there's some of us fathers in this room and some of us mothers in this room that could learn this lesson also as we look at government's it helps us to say that's an inappropriate use of authority as we observe some governments and perhaps others we can say that's an appropriate use of authority but we have modeled for us how authority and how submission is to take place in the human sphere our final two here eleven and twelve are a part of me eleven is we learn what true fatherhood and sonship looks like we see what true fatherhood and true sonship looks like Jesus was the son of God and I wish I had time to develop this that son is not primarily a chronological term it's a relational term I deal with this quite extensively in my book and I don't have time to go into it right now but I'll give you the literally the 30-second version when my son is 0 and I'm 20 if I have a boy when I'm 20 the difference between us is vast my son is perfectly dependent on me and his mother right but as soon as my son becomes 10 and I become 30 dependence decreases is a ten-year-old dependent on his parents yes or no is the ten-year-old as dependent on his parents as a zero year old no so 10 now watch this when my when I become 40 and my son is now 20 is dependence decreasing now the reason dependence is decreasing is that even though the difference in age between us remains fixed at 20 years the percentage of difference between us is getting lesser and lesser and lesser and lesser so that when I'm 80 and my son is 60 I'm now dependent on him are you with me on that now let's take this to its logical conclusion God made Adam and Eve not to die but to live forever amen God said to them be fruitful and multiply so let's imagine that Adams son lives to be a million years old a million let's say that Cain hadn't sinned and Adam hadn't sinned and Cain is now or at Cain is now a million years old and let's say that Adam had Cain when he was 20 so how old is Adam he's a million twenty so what's the difference between them the number of years between them 20 years but I want to ask you a question is that a large difference or a small difference relative to the total number of years they've they're alive it's it's a it's a totally insignificant difference you see twenty20 is a huge difference but sixty to eighty are the same generation right and a million twenty to a million you're virtually so here's the point what this teaches us is that sonship and daughter ship is not primarily chronological its relational when Jesus said I'm the son of God he was not making a chronological statement he was making a statement of relationship and the Jews totally understood this because they said in John chapter five wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you call yourself the son you are making yourself what equal with God you're tracking on that absolutely awesome sonship is not about chronology it's not about years sonship is about equality and relationship amen okay and I think that was number eleven our final one here is that we learn the value of delegation and deference we learn the value of delegation the father sends the son there is a work that the son can do that the father cannot do the son says it is expedient for you that I go away because if I don't go away the comforter will not come the son delegates to the spirit and so we learned that it's not all about me right it's not all about I'm the one it's no no the buck stops here no no no all great men and great women recognize their strengths and their limitations the greatest men and the greatest women that have ever lived are always delegate errs they they recognize what they can do and by extension what they can't do and they bring somebody else in and you can and you and you and you in other words teamwork now these are just twelve things twelve simple things that impact how we view God and and rather how we view God impacts our lives there's some legs on this and there's some feet on this amen you with me on that so no because they are doesn't make any difference just pie in the sky by-and-by it's just a serial theology flying up at 35,000 feet above the ground and never actually lands anywhere no no these things that I've just communicated there can land right in the living room and it lands right in the bedroom and it lands right in the workplace and it lands right in the church this is practical and I'll say this all good theology is intensely practical okay now with that in mind open your Bible to John chapter 14 what about the spirit particularly we're gonna spend the rest of our time here in John 14 15 and 16 to set the table for our final message on the divinity and personhood of the Spirit but here we go in John chapter 14 Jesus says in verse 15 a familiar verse to many seventh-day adventists if you love me what keep my Commandments we all know okay I'm gonna do it I'm gonna buckle down and I'm gonna keep these Commandments yeah yeah yeah but don't forget to read the next verse this is how you keep the commandment not by your own strength and your own intestinal fortitude you keep it by the spirit verse 16 very next verse I will pray the Father there it is deference to the father and he will give you another now what does your Bible say there some Bibles say comforter some Bible say helper some Bibles say advocate some Bibles say counselor some Bibles say friend now whenever you see that kind of bread of of language comforter counselor advocate friend helper what it lets you know is that that word is not easily translated the Greek word here is Parakletos Parakletos and literally what the word means is someone to stand by you does a friend stand by us yes does a counselor stand by us does it help her stand by us does an advocate stand by us and so literally what Jesus is saying here is I will send another person to stand by you I will send you another he will send you another helper that he may abide with you forever here it is who is it the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be and this is fascinating in you that's what we're gonna spend all of our time well some of our time with on our last session in you verse 18 I will not leave you orphans I will come to you now I just want to read the rest of these passages and then we'll go unpack the significance stay in John chapter 14 look at verse 26 John 14:26 but the helper there it is again Parakletos the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said so notice that he he's not the Holy Spirit's not not showing I'm saying I got a lot of stuff I want to tell you no no Jesus says when the Holy Spirit comes he'll tell you what I said he'll be my voice he'll be my words here on earth to you stay in John look at chapter 15 verse 26 John 15:26 but when the helper comes Parakletos whom I will send to you from the father the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will testify of one of me so notice is he blowing his own horn ha ha whose horn is the Holy Spirit blowing who's who's who sues Jesus question whose horn was Jesus blowing now I'm gonna come back to that that's an awesome point that'll be another one of those things that you might not have known before and I'm gonna say it in a way that I think you'll really like final passage here though John 16 verse 8 and when he noticed the plural masculine masculine pronoun when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment of sin because they do not believe in me of righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no moral judgment because the rule of this world that is Satan is judged verse 12 I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now however when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come he will glorify who whose whose horn is he blowing me for he will take of what is mine and will declare it to you fascinating so first of all let's just note several things Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as a person and so what everyone as a person he doesn't refer to the Spirit as a power as an energy as an effervescence he refers to the Holy Spirit as a person and notice the the acts that the Spirit will do he says the Spirit will guide the spirit will speak the spirit will reveal or disclose and the spirit will glorify now question can a force or an eminence or an effervescence guide speak reveal and glorify yes or no no no a person speaks and a person guides and a person discloses and a person glorifies so two things right out of the gate first of all Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as a heat and it's that way in the Greek by the way he refers to it not as an it but as a heat and the significance here is that the word for spirit is Numa which is actually neuter in the Greek it's actually neuter so the appropriate thing would be it and so there are sometimes grammatically where it says spirit it's but Jesus here intentionally in John 14 15 and 16 actually uses the plural masculine pronoun he he will do this he will do this the comforter will do this so Jesus refers to the spirit as a person as oa and he attributes activities to the Spirit that only a person can do guide speak reveal etc now let's take it a step further he said I will pray the father and he will send you another Parakletos another comforter there's only one other person in the Bible that's called the comforter or called the Parakletos it's actually in first John chapter 2 verse 1 he can write that down first John chapter 2 verse 1 I'll just quote it for you here it says little children these things I write unto you that you sin not and if any man sins we have an advocate guess what word that is Parakletos we have an advocate with the father comma Jesus Christ the righteous so question who was the first Parakletos Jesus no wonder Jesus said I will send you another Parakletos I'll send you another comforter think about this if I'm sitting across the table say from JD JD and Shelley and I are having lunch and you come over and you sit down and you hear me say to to Shelley are you here Shelley say to me David would you like another sandwich okay which chances are I'm gonna say yes to that by the way would you like another sandwich if you just walked up and that's all you know about the conversation what do you know if she offers me another sandwich I've already had a sandwich I can only have another sandwich if there was a first sandwich so when Jesus says I will send you another comforter that lets us know that there was a first comforter and we know exactly who that was who was the one who was walking and talking and living and breathing beside the disciples for three and a half years who was that Jesus and Jesus is leaving and the disciples like no and they don't understand they don't understand the crucifixion the death the resurrection but Jesus is saying I'm going away the disciples were like no you're not going away and he turns he says you don't understand it's good for you that I go away because if I go away I'll send the spirit Jesus was was by his humanity bound to a single place a geographical location that you could plot on a GPS but the Spirit could be here and here and here and here and so if Jesus is leaving is Jesus a person I said is Jesus a person so if Jesus is a person who's going to fill that space left vacant by a person can a power do that can a force do that can an energy do that can an effervescence fill the space let vacant by a person what's the answer only a person can fill the space la vacant by a person in fact just imagine that you hire me is a great little illustration to put a in addition on your house which I don't advise by the way if it was made of Legos I could do it so if you you say I David I want you to put an addition on my house I say hey no problems can take a seven months to do it so you we do it and we sign the contract and I get three and a half months through the project halfway through the project and I come and I say man I got good news and I got bad news you say what's the good news I say the good news is the project's coming on great say what's the bad news the bad news is I'm leaving what do you mean you're leaving you're the contractor he can't will he be the contractor and my house is half-finished I got the tarp I got the windows there you can't leave but then I say to you oh don't worry I'm leaving and it's actually for your good because I'm going to send you another contractor I'm gonna send you another what contractor who will finish what I've begun now imagine Monday morning there's a knock at the door right and you open the door and I tell you Monday morning that new contractor get to meet him there is a Honda generator sitting on your front step with a little note on it that says here's your new contractor you say oh great how you doing so you can see the project is happy you got an energy source which is what a generator is cannot supply the space left vacant by a person you with me on that so if Jesus is a person which he is and he leaves a space vacant only a person can fill the space live vacant by a person no wonder jesus said I'll send you another person to stand beside you but it gets even more amazing the word that Jesus used for another I will send you another comforter is the word aloes there are two greek words that could have been used heteros or aloes and heteros is a word that you'll be familiar with for example heterosexual male female difference it heteros means another but different kinds aloes means another but the same the same kind either word could have been chosen here Jesus Jesus could have said or John could have written I will send you heteros Parakletos another different kind nobody says I will send you a Lowe's Parakletos another of just the same kind was Jesus a person yeah so what's this a Lowe's Parakletos going to be uh exactly a person final thing I want to say here and then we'll close this session and set up our final message here this is awesome John chapter one it says in the beginning was the word and the word was one with God one of the names for Jesus is the word of God alright with me on that in Revelation chapter 19 when Jesus returns there is written on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords but it says in that same chapter his name is called the word of God one of the names of Jesus is the logos the word now get this so here's the father right here's the father and his word is the son and the son is a person are you with me on that okay now check this out Jesus says the words I speak to you they are spirit and they are life John chapter 6 Jesus as he was in the upper room with the disciples there right at the end the Bible says he breathed it on his disciples and said receive the spirit and Jesus also said as we've already seen here very interesting jesus said when the Spirit comes he will speak my words he won't be Tooting his own horn he'll be speaking my words so do you see how the son stands in a relationship to the Father as his word and the spirit stands in relationship to the son as his word the word of the father is the son the word of the son is the spirit what we see is absolutely awesome here that each one stands in deferential relationship to the other the Spirit comes down and we're gonna talk about this in our final session and his job is to bring to our remembrance not himself not to blow his own horn but he points us to Jesus and Jesus says oh yes but all the words that I speak and Who I am I have come to glorify the father just as the son is the word of the Father the Spirit is like the word of the Sun each pointing graciously in humility and deferentially to the other one friends this spirit is not a power to be used by me the Spirit is a person who can use me [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SecondComing.org
Views: 1,683
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Keywords: holy spirit, triune god, jesus christ, holy spirit (deity), the trinity explained, holy trinity, david asscherick sermons, trinity explained in bible, david asscherick 2017, triune godhead, triune god vs trinity, son of god, david asscherick, SecondComing.org, Second Coming, trinity explained with reason, ty gibson 2017, david assherick, trinity explained, trinity, salvation, true church, god is love, the trinity, old testament, new testament
Id: _0dWf3mQ_wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 3sec (2883 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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