Dave Grohl (aka Jonesy) & Taylor Hawkins Takeover Jonesy's Jukebox
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Channel: 955KLOS
Views: 92,303
Rating: 4.9079137 out of 5
Keywords: dave grohl, taylor hawkins, steve jones, jonesy's jukebox, jonesys jukebox, foo fighters, rock, 95.5 klos, 955 klos, the rock of southern california
Id: zoijBqgYyrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I might have witnessed the greatest thing in rock history
Thin and wispy
Guys...I live like 10 minutes from the station. How is it I'm always missing this.
I thought Dave was gonna break about 5 different times. This is incredible.
"You're listenin' to Jonesy's Jukebox live on KROQ. Right now for the first time ever anywhere on this football that's called planet earth, is a brand new song by the Arctic Monkeys. It's called 'R U Mine.' take it away honey."
The first time dave did the laugh i nearly spit out my drink! Someone should give the foos their own radio program or podcast. I could listen to them talk about nothing for hours!