Datzilla QnA - Ultimate Datsun P510/1600 - Build Secrets

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome to the next vlog sorry it's been a while since we've had any content but you know living in victoria australia we keep going in and out of lockdowns all the time so the victorian government if anyone has a sneeze puts us in lockdown so this is about our lockdown number seven so we can't wait to get back out and rally but until we can i've got that zilla here behind me so we've doing a lot of work getting the car ready it's now done four rallies uh that was the alpine two years ago we're prepping the car for alpine this year but it's been postponed to next year so we did the alpine three rounds of victorian rally championship and now we're just sitting waiting so we're sitting around the car's just gonna get slower and i'm gonna get fat and overweight so we didn't want that to happen we've been working hard on the car the car's been on a diet so have i and we decided to do a q a vlog so we've had a lot of questions over the time about datzilla but we've kept it all pretty secret so now's our chance to let you all know what the car's really about so yeah so what is that sill away it's been a little bit of a secret what your rally car weighs but in full rally trim a bit of fuel uh new tyres that varies as well uh jack spare wheel which sits on the back seat helmets cars about a thousand and fifty kilos the weight is so important to rally car because it's how the car stops how it feels in the corners how it goes on the straights so we're always trying to get weight out of the car um dad sealer has been on a bit of a diet in the last five months because we've actually had time during lockdowns to get it lighter you can see things like this carbon fiber bonnet top stage composites made that for me a couple of years ago when we first built the car it saves a lot of weight i think the original bonnet was 11 or 12 kilos this one's about four so things like that help the car a lot the braid wheels they're about 7.2 kilos everything adds up if you can save weight all around the car especially rotating weight that's going to make you faster on the rally stages how expensive is it to rally in the vrc entries are generally around 700 i try and get the early bird entry fee in that gives us our rally safe which tracks where we are on the stages all the time all our timing the safety people out on stages all the officials volunteers and the people running the rallies are generally volunteers as well there's no prize money for most around anything like that it's just the bragging rights who's the winner tyres i run the rally ties go through between six to eight of them an event if it was a really dry event two days use more but most vrcs are root chartered pace noted only one day tires vary from two to three hundred dollars a tire for a new tyre um and then your accommodation and your fuel in your traveling i use uh power plus fuel it's about four dollars a liter i think the top of my head um so between five to ten thousand dollars depending on how competitive you want to be um and how expensive your car is to run and and then sometimes you have a high re-prep fee but generally you only do that halfway through the season or a few rallies in you might have to change some brake pads or some brake discs as well which adds to the cost of the event why did you choose a sequential gearbox instead of a manual so instead of a h pattern i'm guessing so i've got the hollinger sg3 gearbox in datzilla and it's pretty simple because sequential gearboxes are so fast and so good we've got the electronic shifter knob here so you can flat shift and we can auto blip also on the down change because i've got a drive by motor set up so it's just really cool super efficient i've used whole engine gearboxes in heaps of my cars over the years and they're just so good and the reliability because the gears are going straight in you're not missing gears going you know first to third or first or fourth or missing gears or more on the down change you know you might go fifth down to second and you might break something it's not going to happen with your sequential so your maintenance is basically check it once a year also with this gearbox there's drop gears so it's like changing a diff ratio so when we first built datzilla the gearing was too tall so we just changed the drop gears to bring the gearing back down and there's something you can change quite easily in the back of the gearbox so it's a really really cool part and one of the fastest parts of the car and the gearbox is pretty lightweight as well it's only 33 kilos without the oil if you were to start again what would you change uh well to build that zilla again far out what a mission it was building the car probably start with a much cleaner body um the car was so rusted we'd put the cage in done the parcel shelf pedal box mounts heaps of things and then got the car sand blasted and when we got the car sand blasted we could see the extent of the rust in the car so it was quite crazy and i've never been through the process of building a car before i've just driven different cars so yeah that'd be the biggest thing get a cleaner um body so you don't have to do all the panel work um when are you going to rally in new zealand in datzilla well i'd love to do otago in datzilla that'd be unreal in the all-comers class the car wouldn't comply to the classic regs just with the sequential and the modern engine uh so i'd have to do the all-cameras but i think that's the best rally ever went and did it couple years ago in a modern ap four car and just had a dream run so i'd love to take this car there again and we've rallied in new zealand so many times over the years it's just we can't get there at the minute with the coronavirus and america when am i going to go to america with datzilla well as you know we won the 2013 american tool drive championship and my sister rhiannon lives over there brother-in-law alex so have really good connections in america want to get back there whether i never take that zilla there i'm not sure but hey we can only dream what engine and power are you putting out well the engine's a modern sr-20 with a va head so it's not what you usually see in a datsun 1600 but with that club rally class you can put any four-cylinder engine in the car when we were choosing this engine you could only put a nissan engine in the car or that's an engine but since then the rules change to allow you to put any other manufacture engine in but to be honest this engine's going good we're happy with the power output people are starting for ponders and different things in them even toyota engines we've gone down this track and we're stuck with it now we've bought way too many parts [Music] the gearbox yeah the give offs the hollinger are the diff the ratio of runnings four six it's a standard datsun ratio uh but it's in a subaru r180 housing a lot of people go to the r200s but they're just too heavy there's something like 14 kilos heavier but when you go the r180 they're strong enough for this sort of power um and also we've got a extended housing cousco housing on the back gets an extra 300 ml oil we really needed that because we sort of cooked the diff in the first rally we did and the suspension is suspension you can see here the remote canisters uh it's mca gold built by murray coot up in queensland basically every car in australia now runs mca uh it's the best it's still quite affordable uh it's really adjustable and it's easy to get service murray's great to talk to i've just had the shock sent up to him and resurfaced re-serviced yeah we were basically at full soft in the car so we've got him to move um the adjusters so i've sort of got 14 clicks all the way to go with the rebound because you adjust that on the run in the rallies quite often so it's good to have that adjustability and there's three different adjusters a high and low speed bump and the rebound compression as well um why are you chasing more power so the car's been on the dyno recently [Music] [Applause] we are chasing more power but not really the power you think you'd think are you up top power figures that's not we're after we're after talk mid-range talk that's why we have the short ratio gearbox the diff the car being lightweight it's all about getting the torque in the middle of the corners getting the drive out are the first three rallies we've done and even the alpine root chartered rallies so you don't know the road you're just going off a few instructions the code driver has and you're really driving blind and trying to read these roads it's quite tricky so you are on and off the throttle a little bit so you might be you know 4 000 rpm grab another gear get up get on the throttle and you need that instant torque so we haven't had a lot of that so that's what we've been chasing is that talk what made me go for the sr20 i didn't really know a lot about modern uh nissan engines when we chose this engine uh but jeff fear who i work with at hyundai m performance uh he had one of these engines with the v head set up on it uh in a i think it was a nissan pulsar a front wheel drive in improved production in the new south wales championship on circuit championship and he said how good a parrot made and how they've rev so hard and as you can you can hear in the forest godzilla when we first built it was revving over 9000 rpm so it sounds pretty awesome and that's probably one of the biggest things i wanted with this car is revs and make it sound because it's all about the spectators getting out and watching us and we get more spectators get more people there we get more sponsors and we can interact with everyone a lot more so it is a really really cool package and also it's a aluminium block so that's a bit lighter as well than the old l series that would have been in this car what's the most damage you've done to datzilla well this year you might have seen on one of my vlogs i actually hit a kangaroo skippy [Music] it was pretty crazy i just caught it out of the corner of my eye we're testing before the minimiter rally the first rally of the year was about 5 30 at night the rally was starting the next day were pressured for time but i think the head actually hit here in this co-driver's door the body hit the back door this was all pushed in and the tail hit the rear quarter so we've actually just finished fixing that in this lockdown period because we're able to still use the doors um so we put another door on for the second two rallies and then we fixed the quarter and the front door so dan lane did a lot of panel beating for me up a child and straighten the car out that's why it looks so clean so that's the worst damage we've probably had visually and then the worst mechanical damage we had was when the drive-by wire motor fell off at ada river so that meant we couldn't do any more stages in the second heat and got no points so yeah that's those two drive by motor actually fell off um so yeah i've got it back on but it's a bit loose and now it's trying to go full revs just when you touch the throttle and we've ran out of late running time so that's rally bit of a shame because we had a good run in the first heat so how many spare tires do you usually run well if you look in the back here currently we've only got one sparing but we designed the car so we can sit this down flat and the second spare goes on top i would take it through the driver's side because we've got the dry sump oil lines here that are in the boot and the battery is in there this is a fire bomb we've also got another fire extinguisher in the in the front but yeah the spare tyres there but there's no jack or anything in here so if you come to the back in the boot i'll show you where the rest of the stuff sits so this goes up there so in the back here i've got a quick high lift jack so the co-driver usually grabs that um and there's a tool kit i've also got our triangles if we break down we've got to put the triangles up so yeah there's pieces there and then we have a rattle gun as well that we use to um undo the wheels but the rattle gun's not in the car at the minute so it's all pretty close and easy accessible because you try and change the tire as quick as you can on the stage if you can get through with driving with a flat tire you try to as well uh but you wouldn't want to drive probably over 10ks with a flat tire you're just going to do way too much damage and you're going to lose more time anyway so you're probably better off stopping and changing it what's the most expensive part on the car it's probably the diamond ring i had to buy my wife because i've got this car um probably for this car the most expensive part would be the engine because we've rebuilt it probably three times now trying to get it right but the the car itself the shell now is getting quite hard to get and so datsun's a really popular rally car in australia not so much around the world most people rally mark to escorts because of their uh live rear end the datsun 1600 has an independent rear end there was a lot of them around five ten years ago not so much now this car's a 1972 model so it's over 50 years old and they're getting a lot of rust in them and in australia it's a big thing now to do them up and put them on the road as a road car and the shelves are just getting more expensive especially with covered tax now it's really hard to get a clean shell at a decent price i've got a little road car as well they got quite cheap a few years ago but yeah even getting parts for that now it's getting harder all the time but like with this car it's got a lot of custom parts that we can make ourselves or source from other teams and people um and that's probably yeah the unique part about the car that i like as well is this your favorite car you've rallied it's pretty awesome to build a car and then rally it and see the results that's my favorite rear wheel drive car rally that's for sure i've driven a fair few rear wheel drive cars over the years and i've started railing out in real draft cars and my brother's 1600 then 240z dazzle is sort of the ultimate um they were more classic cars and more like they were back in the day but yeah it's an unreal car but there is other cars i've driven that i really did enjoy [Music] but i'll probably answer them in another vlog if you do want to see about that we've had heaps of general rally questions some about driving tips young people that want to get into rallying as well if you like this style of vlog just let us know in the comments below i'm happy to do another vlog more in depth about rallying and answer all the other questions we've had too so hope you've enjoyed it that's just a little snippet on datzilla we'll get out and test it soon and we'll bring you a heap more footage hi this is the new cool merch that we've been selling uh so remember drive like brendo uh send us a message on instagram we've got t-shirts as well we've got new caps we've got sticker sheets for the kids so just let us know stay safe and enjoy
Channel: Brendo Reeves Rally
Views: 29,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rally, rallying, racing, racecar, datsun, rallyamerica, rallyaustralia, motorsport, sr20, P510, drifting
Id: zLTX_oTAvL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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