Dating The Asian Way - A BBC2 Documentary

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sponge hunting I'm young I'm single and I'm definitely available and I'm not just with people boyfriend I'm looking for my husband and I'm getting out there and tracking him down a regular bars I've checked out the clubs the family of surgery the friends are recommending of their position matchmaker and got a modern matchmaker the hunt for a bride is on [Music] I'm Nagina and I'm budget we're on a quest in search of our perfect partners traditional arranged marriages are not for us there's something that parents have seemed here but having turned our backs on tradition perhaps our parents are right is there something we're missing out on after all we're still single so we'll be trying everything from speed dating through internet dating to the dreaded Asian most rare as default our love lives back into the hands of others see from mix of modern day and the more traditional Asian way of matchmaking we'll find us our Oziel mate I want a real man it supposes presence how or about him live you that I am going to find them and I'll cross the world I really will I'll walk but I'll find him an hour I think I'm ready to begin the road to marriage I'm looking to meet your word yeah a pleasure to develop into lovers marriage yeah I'm looking for as they say the one you're the one I have there yes now just a name but everyone calls me vouch of 28 from the Kent town of Gravesend I'm still live there with mum dad my sister jazz and my grandparents I think I'm a pretty good catch confident funny not a bit cocky a work hard and play hard always on the move always on the road I spent three years getting a degree in chemistry and business but our work for a company you make yourself a G light switches we get a light switch and then you get the switch that's what we sell the switch yeah I'm pretty [ __ ] turn like we're going to get soused my first client of the day this should be a cinch oh I didn't take 25 and I'll give you three free so you've got 28 25 a fire sale and it's like a more bang dad you say oh you're not gonna go are you trying to tell me you're gonna have a problem saying this week no I'm not sure you ask that man they're what he prefers got it but if you had your customer that or that don't want the grape of cheap Japanese parts rather than something like that I know it's going to work really guys all right fair enough I mean yeah you get a little bit knocked because you're like you know you invite me down here and to do a deal and now you saying you don't want to do it fair enough players just pilot Aeryn you because of the job but work isn't my main priority right now climb on the hunt for my perfect ruling the criteria is she would have to be firstly jut seek and seek being my religion okay um and judge being my caste marrying into the right cast is so important in my parents generation jut means farmer back in India so to please my secrets I've got to find a girl who's not just seek but also judge mum and dad has your typical arranged marriage not setting eyes on each other until their wedding day I want to please the parents but an arranged marriage is out of the question times have moved on apart from the usual good looks fit body and great sense of humor I would say that all I look for is intelligence attraction obviously has to be there if you take that aside intelligence is the main impact all my mates are gunning for me finally one of my dreams they all understand the pressure I'm under from the family to hurry up and get now the impression I get is back in the old days he wouldn't have been allowed to be seen I think his parents have obviously adapted to what's going on in this country this country allows people like us just keep that ages never an event like analyse it when we're about 335 something like that makes it magic place loves a bit of cheek is really a bit back chapter vet checked he's had a few seven actions before that's quite and then quite minder ticking my agent Curtin accent I can't stop downloading something how do you meet it does it go on a similar age or hover this particular age group where you go no you can you going to sitting at night you know you gain a droopy you got out for a few drinks and you might sink in removing a single girls out but like you don't know if they ducked eek so the alternative is for audio jacks he goes out there and we were looking to get married is to put a stamp on there for it so I know salt is that the only one trying to please his parents I'm Medina and I'm sensible I was brought up with my four brothers and sisters in Birmingham by my Muslim parents but I'm now living and working in London after long battled mom and dad to get myself educated I went to the lentil Tiger passion and I'm now nothing coming fashion designer with loan label given I - I'm on the hunt for mr. right but in my case please my parents he has to be a Muslim it's not just the fact that you know he's got to have the car was going to lavish life is that the apartment is bachelor away from you - no - broken memories what I like about a good eye my videos and real hard I don't want pride and our ego I don't any of that I want someone who's just got clean heart and good understand why so for the ourselves meet and that's more important to me than anything else it's not amazing Halloween I get to do put together and arrange my working it in announcing way these people have to get like now and then live their life and find each other for this marriage I want to get to melt a man before I get my since I know that I make an electrician know if you don't if you can't find anything in anybody room in there you know in England it shall I take in focus now away easily yes to do the same inquiry gives the [ __ ] bountiful impossible I'm not married anyone but a few years ago life is very different for me my parents had an arranged marriage - and they believed that their daughters should get married as soon as possible so at the age of 20 I was married off it's really hard for young Asian girls like me to please everybody because our parents still hold such traditional views about marriage Maya's life is about cooking cleaning taking care of your husband and making babies that was my upbringing that's what I was taught and education was that the question there's no way that an Asian girl and go to college or university because she's going to go splitting a wild she didn't get out of hand he won't give to control her she'll stop having it having an opinion and that's what they were afraid of that you know they'll stop making my own decisions and then start rebelling and everybody Asian parent is afraid of that and I certainly did we bow talked about my charter is quite painful to me because it's so straight and it was wrong to talk about boys it was wrong to mix with them is wrong to be in the same group as them at school was wrong to going trips because boys are going to be there is wrong to go to swimming because boys are going to be there they're going to your leg so your arms and it's wrong I was allowed to talk about it speak about it because it's so wrong I said that a fasting mix of boys but I want their let's go to school or college or uni so I didn't tell them I chose not to by the age of 20 I did start dating that secretly and my family found out all I was saying was Jason guy but because it's the first guy that I've dated or seems that I have to marry him and that makes me angry was arranged within three days and I had to get mounted in there three days whether I knew who's the right one for me or not and I remember the day before I got married he came to the house and he said that he said that the only way my parents have been except she is if you were staff and they've become traditional and we're the hostile Alchemy's I thought I can't do that I said but you accepted me for being me and you know I thought that's how it's going to be even at now then I got married but in those three days the invitations were sent out and I got my makeup done I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt like one of those goddesses oh my God look awful really felt that I shouldn't be doing this it's such a good get into things I couldn't get out of it is to me I was mine for just 2 months and only now four years later do I feel ready to settle down again I'm looking for wasn't going to marry but no harm should have all the talent for ever I guess in a few days I'll be meeting the matchmakers because find me the man of my dreams but I start my quest with my two friends Fabia and Sophie okay so for 5cfr my two boys in the shot choice no no not my side all right Josslyn picking down to you about the guy though the shade from Agena other side okay now impossible game thanks judge yeah I know I usually see that sexy that is really sexy Nate doesn't like too soon every single time all right I'll go to a club I will be heading for the dance floor and then a man in a suit ah with a business card I'm first one that's work that's it you just said it can't see the men for the fashion clothes once is important to me but I don't see Houseman bowls are there's already you know no and you shouldn't ever drop it what you need to then I'll be signed as a man whose work is equally as important but means lacking that thing that you are what you've each I love love I really like it - Nina have a child not just yet on earth and a few years soliciting my business I want a man who can understand that not many Asian men do they don't understand the fact that you know an Asian woman can and will be independent hundred mrs. Wright is powering sabath takeoff where am I going to find out probably the most unlikely is place I try to looking everywhere very top consider internet bars ratings outside the box definitely takes over to keep your eyes peeled see madam so my journey through the world of matchmaking begins I've heard about a single debate in London I thought let's give it a try emotionally looking for Jub seats go but I'm not going to stop checking out all the other time now am i how many on these didn't come with tonight and go and sit with them I think you can go as I thought no junkies girlfriend lovely girls all the same but no one that'll meet the approval of mummy day everyone's on my case it's all my dad and cousins seem to think about get Baljit married I have this dreadful feeling that they're about to send me off to a traditional matchmaker help it be quite happy with ugly and very rich and only daughter now wouldn't yeah the fact you would go you know let's do the trick I don't even know remote Ellen you know physically attract you and then like I'll going to come and I look at every other but except my machines now that's not a good sign for a successful partnership aims the day order if you find it rotate button that's good luck yeah if you don't and carry your goal running around and it coming home and start shouting in fighting fighting whose fault is useful you carry on so if you get a patola a match my carrier to find someone then please pose it when we the fighter patrols are right it is not forcing you not right with those time is gone future lies only they give you the introduction of Education those of me yeah I think it's okay table then white a little bit to give cookies digging trying to traffic is 28 soon is going to be 29 then is going to be served come [ __ ] he's still single oh my god it's a plague station what's going on so what is a traditional matchmaker otherwise known as virtually where she could be an RTG or uncle-ji or a professional matchmaker what they do is to use their homes to introduce suitable people to each other but your this heads are crammed full of suitable girls and boys they know someone who knows someone who knows someone you get the disc a lucky couple well then hooked up with each other in the luxury surroundings of the pejorative front room and hopefully true love blossoms today's Moses a lot of people have the preconception that is back in the Dark Ages where the parents arranged the marriage without the children known and what we do is we're much makers we match people's psyches and their natures together we match in for a perfect fit it's not forcibly nowadays it's just you like it a date like a blind date these days people are getting more and more suicide fussy about what they're looking for in a partner a good look eight hide flashy car the house education hair styled bang-bang successful so this is taking longer along its point a potential partner today I'm gauging meat art was indeed a perfect example of a professional paternity she prides herself as a bit of a DJ 16 OPM okay the spare time she's trying to find matches made in heaven she wants to meet up at home to find out a bit about me and hopefully come up with an idea Jessie go go scoffs it was everything I very serious girlfriend up until now but only one of them has been judged seek so I'm prepared to give Andy to go miss clam you have a sort of personality you are an extrovert the eye full of life positive fun I don't suffer mood swings you know my last quite balanced anagram going and you know I've got a very good social circle what sort of girl are you I can't go that I'm looking for would have to be intelligent great sense of humor I need to be nobody has to be element of attraction between the two of us well husband attracted me this flashy car well I borrowed somebody else yeah I've done my personal Jesus yes [Laughter] are you joking oh okay you're a tall boy how come you driver not quite your job in a poufy a starry night thank you you know you're not doing likewise relax mmm yeah you don't kxx when you go to the girl and the guy was going to ask you why do you like what are you gonna say smart good-looking you know like a street control you think that you are tall you are well-educated good personality very the next boy good sense of your work good luck I mean important can love it for anything other than alright so I see you these nice talking to you is quite positive optimistic lovely boy yeah he need another even nice girls then he is a lovely woman but seems a little too traditional for me it's a bit like going back in time and feels like those awkward moments for my parents another go at matchmaking many a time I've been introduced to the suitable girl had a samosa party in our parents front rooms Paul go call me let's see what and beer comes up with Joey you never know what traditional matchmakers to one side for a moment speed-dating is the latest social side which is just hit London by still and we young agents have really jumped at the idea there's more and more events happening all over the country and specifically Atta could this be the modern-day version of arranged marriages there's an event happening tonight in London called Asian flat for Muslims Sikhs Hindus and Buddhists you name it they'll be there chances are I'll meet someone I find these but he won't be Muslim I have never done this before at 30 or 20 or however many thousands and I'm going to see 3 minutes of each one on I think it's like this and walk on here's what you have to do everyone single and we all have to tackle 20 people for three minutes each we then take who we fancy and at the end of the evening the organisers twice too much everyone up here it goes hi welcome to super event hope you have a great time - three minutes start now what's the defense date with my deepest are can I tell you three minutes rush I see you get our peruse one along please guys move on along Thank You angel yeah you've got one month to live by eating well that is awesome I coming okay more than I ever have in my life one time I was trying always ruining our testicles out and how it affects me second [Applause] you get per second everyone thanks for your application ideas great time I picked hazel because hey I said that here is intriguing although she was to be honest complete him out but this bus request basil like it used to sign up members dill he can forget it don't just Indra question that he asked a very very intriguing and you think like maybe pastor beautiful so I thought oh my god the guy blew my mind I really really has got me going I'm gonna walk down the street if things between here and kick machine machine I took a couple of people floor I'm and what Nagina was one of them I'm the common I rotate camera hello baby neguin is doing all right but who's my matchmaker come up with on the gut seek front alright how are you mmm-hmm all right you got the photo hmm he's 28 and jakszyk the family is nice very very down-to-earth people okay pants were ringing okay okay bye nothing seems to be happening on a matchmaker front I get more joy out of making contacts myself you know from the inside cover is quite good I'm trying to just like emailing a few goals at the moment that seems to be going quite well but the only problem with that is is quite slow internet dating is really happening now all over the world two years ago I thought I'd give it a go so I logged on to one of the top Asian internet dating sites I'm looking for a partner here in the UK for this dating agency covers the state and Canada to all those thousands of it's in the past year and I've flirted with a handful of them online and going on to meet them in the flesh but no one's really taken my fancy yet still looking right okay all matrimony profiles and if a bride 24 to 29 never married children no high five three five three it's quite a nice light I think for a [ __ ] I'll go for fine fine I think complexion her British reaches medium wheatish Brown look love it doesn't matter for me right such well my search is here I've got one page right yo no no not that one either side look then Kent United Kingdom 26 5 foot 5 / 5 line up today fresh meat let's see what she's got to say for herself I'm a true traveler I backpacked around the world and I trained to professional chef and I've worked as a chef an Australian worked in USA she can cook mad she's halfway there but she has not told us her cast which probably begs a question that he's probably not done okay so denied right about to another young measurement limit met this brilliant girl and she cut seek but this jut criteria of mine Susan's getting in the way of my datin weight about the jumpsuit adjacent okie dokie what do you understand about jump seat come on your sink is wobbly dude you got to [ __ ] off ya good lads over 20 all right it's not something that like your shoes all about however I would you look for justice Eko I feel quite similar analysis if I leave someone spontaneously and I just clicked with them yeah I did I judge see well Dave tough [ __ ] all right you know go out there just acquire an issue it should be like Jesus I memorized it out there and you're thinking you should jaw if she sees she talks she's all fancy over could she be Joker should we think don't waste your life waiting it's worth it is it yeah and that is the bottom line but the real bottom line is I don't fancy you sometimes you think yourself how can I write it so hard to me just fit girl you can met every single other type of woman apart from me just equal a lot connect with so it's a case of allowing writing circles do you see standards too high you know like you're not looking in the right places a leading to the wrong type of woman you know these questions fling it out from time to time lake your wonder so it's back to my matchmaker oh hello again new personal address and can't reach it hmm all right so that's why you don't want to go ahead head all right okay yes okay but I say the other girl the pp respond girl got job in Birmingham she thinks Gravesend is very far for her that's the reason soldiers aren't having much luck so far but what about me it's been two weeks since my experience at the speed dating event and I've got mail it's C okay it says hi Nagina nice to meet you the other night I hope you remember who I am okay I do and we'd like to mix up outside of all this predation pull over sometime suggest next Saturday night okay I'm going to apply gained high speed baby lovely to hear from you hope you're well and the wait for me has not killed you yet picking up full drink sounds like a good idea look forward to hearing for me you know I'll tell them is now okay that's gone now specific cool I must cut nervous now hello speaking oh I'll have a supe ye I'm fine I'm fine and so enjoy myself that even yellow I did had a good time at a very good time I'm G I'm good sign so I was hoping see that maybe we can meet during the weed Friday next learn a next slide I'm finding Fighting's not good you next Thursday sounds good that sounds actually but that's quite perfect yeah all right okay all right can you see flipper calling but they say bye that was Steve Oh what would thing before we be after Ulrika business militancy hmm wonder if there's any much material in here there's a guy there tonight that I caught my eye on very attractive it's only decent looking guy there look very mature with mop and pipe modern in his ways and then I brought my courage and I thought I've really got to go over to this guy and what's a good disguise and I won't get number three okay likewise I guess right and it gave me his number hopefully good give them a call smart see what happens and if you use interested and I'm so stoned if it's not that you know I don't have high expectations of you know what's going to happen because he knows I don't intelligence Muslim but I don't want to be asking a types of men if they're Muslim all the time now do i I'm determined to have fun dating and if they aren't Muslim maybe I can convert them neguin is lining them up and I still not found a one all right okay I say or I know it okay then thanks willingly fine I don't know what's wrong with this family another rejection boy you don't like nothing only the boy is handsome speak over job is good boy not good more much makers turn out to be not hurtful that all the girls are live too far away or don't like the Stata me but on the internet dating front success is good it got an email poor girl she's about going to your stat she's 26 27 5 3 ok she's hilarious she's got a very very funny person a she's got a lot to say about herself yeah which is good quite surprising she said no she asked for a photo most of the girls make it a point of finding out exactly what the guy looks like yeah I think I want to send a reply let's see let's see where it goes things are looking up about and things are getting complicated for me I don't know what the hell's going on because I've got to stay with Steve I think 7 8 o'clock tomorrow and evening and our chance tone saying that she wants me open it's not how it 11:13 evening I'm in such a huge that live I don't go looking to oh god what I going to do I don't think that's right mix two guys in one I've never done that I've gone for the Steve option it seems a safer bet even though I can't remember what he looks like very good in business other been good so - PJ I mean I don't know about you and what you do you know yeah we're working the time around it for a few months so okay I'm so sorry mister I am what is l4d now the film is well you know why I'm here - okay get my glad you [Laughter] know I don't really do day as much by you turning drink you don't really quite know how many ideas for you as well no I just given up I think eventually given up I was actually married well I used to me I mean horrible month to month really not at all a bombshell for Steve and a bombshell for me when at the age of plenty I was made of growing up in the seventies and eighties was really hard for young gauging girls like me as we still had to live by our family's rules the day before she was supposed to get married you know and she cried and cried the moment I want to go meditating but I said he can't stop now and that's the mistake I made I should have listened to her funded suffering since now why we have I make your life in has nobody easy to make it though because it will NASA put the pressure on you and he listened to them and that's like you're probably thinking that I should have listened to them it's not your fault so now I'm not going to shock you it's very anybody reload so I think everyone else knows I was gonna do the wrinkles that's the cousins analyst do it yeah they're welcome to fear now my relatives I think my god she's cut her hair my gotta believe that she was jeans just blown jeans is a huge you know scenario are you trying to say because of the way I dress that I'm no more better than within than you are I stick out like a sore thumb in my family as I'm the only one who's rebelled and I refused to wear traditional dress girl for my younger sister alia this is a huge problem maybe why should I have to kill myself on head to toe in black say I belong to a certain group why can I not do that inside me and say you know I know who I am and I have a connection with Al and that's all that I need new but still you should like dress and career self just because I'm not all sentiment for online trainings on that I'm oh no obviously but you have to like believing in yourself when you do believe in you then you should start wearing it I mean not wearing the hijab means old this is my daily not religious doesn't mean that you normally just because you can typically just not ready table you know too many job is obviously I clean it the way I've handled alia I would decor and more times than you can imagine why am I now but you have to have to see you have to inspire a pilot I have to beta five times a day you can post up on me I'm not forcing upon young today understand me you're very good but you have to do your fun and don't preach me and I am NOT everyone you are I want to give you Shinhwa oh sorry I'm a meeting younger they admit do not vary in you may not understand me you can walk away because you can treat I'm not walking away because the birther thing is just to walk away from it the walk away from the others walk with me when I went bowling upon pissing me off does it make you more superior to me but you performing in Amar's and doing everything opening that successfully after this every day I am soon as this dinner within my community that doesn't bother me whatsoever it really doesn't because they don't have the slightest idea or what's within myself so there than whatever they want lucky for me I don't get quite so much hassle from my family but they are on my case the dads are giving you think that 28th I'm on the Shelf what you have memories without living the holidays well like the two families go by okay we happy with your son the other factors are we happy with your doors I think they're going to get married that's done I don't do it I gotta spend first - you know Matt you're trying to work out on my wife's about I need to know that they're for the 100 fit person screw something wrong everyone know you worked or destroyed you like you hate - yeah there were too many choices and it won't get by everything that you want yeah no what are you going to get is the world everything Oh Charlie alkamag Nikki colic I connect all right on next year what whether they have died trying to give up way he'll keep asking me until I'm married off ah it's the girl I've been chained to over the net that was quick telling you send home a number she must have been waiting maybe this could be my missus right she's witty and jut seek keys man she's definitely a live one you've got a got a good one here good for boughs despite my sisters reservations about my Regis commitments I am still committed to finding my mr. right nothing's come my virgin because I've discovered that it's got a girlfriend and he's not Muslim and Steve wants to meet up again but also isn't Muslim so in desperation as decides to give a marriage Brio again sounds a bit old-fashioned and it's not what I'm used to but here goes anyway oh yeah I'm heat registers say the Cape you take a seat Aquafarm summon maj bureau's been going for 31 years and it's arranged over seven and a half thousand weddings that's about two hundred and fifty a year I used to please that you know most viewers of people who are like desperate and they can't find a woman or a guy and this is the last resort and that's happening right now for like if this is my last resort they've got client from every religious background and they've also got a number of white men and women and their books too so this should be able to find me a suitable match then shoot me so you're 24 years old but you married before you - oh snap you're divorced okay five-foot-ten energy core quite tall basically above average for no I can be disappointing well let's see I mean we do have tall gentleman as well okay you're a graduate so that's asking a favor I'm and you're looking strictly a Muslim partner yeah okay would you consider somebody who's English but Howard yeah I'm gonna say that because the fact that you are divorced at your young age can be an issue I'm obviously a guy who is 28 29 year old single preferably meet want to meet a single partner okay isn't that kind of stern it is unfortunately but the Asia Society it just puts this sort of it's like you're not wearing this label but yeah and the back y-you know then you are you've got this little label that issues been married before okay don't want that kind of guy that doesn't understand at all okay well I mean looking at the details that you've given me I'm sure we should be able to introduce you to a few gentlemen so if you just like to hold on and then I'll just go have a quick chat with my mother that's fine okay this feels so old-fashioned what on earth am I doing here hello Kay got a young girl in the last room she's joining the bureau we she is Muslim June 2014 very well educated first class honours degree only thing is she's 5 foot 10 tall oh ok and she is divorced I think hey I'm brings immense pressure now it's just marriage marriage marriage everywhere has a range my original I kinda hunted over that we will ask them if they really like it if she divorce it's just funny she haven't any children you know but it's to the fact that Asian guys and then with cleaners or whatever I say I like really care they are now can't accept an asian girl who's divorced and that's such a student typical creation aren't really honoring me and I'm angry and upset and missing meal all right Sophie wait I'm sorry okay well um I've had a quick word with my mother actually and looks like we probably have got four or five possible straightaway for you right so it's definitely the 36 year old gentlemen I don't have a photo of him in that moment it's actually six foot one tall right okay and he's done his BSC honours and applied chemistry MSC NIT and MBA right he's earning extremely well in six figures and he's actually locally based in the economy RIA so we should be able to arrange a meeting with him quite soon for you okay we have another gentleman who's based in Lancashire okay all these guys don't mind you know weeping for so uh now what are they I why is the opportunity um because on the book yeah three of them I know they won't mind okay this gentleman here I have to ask him okay we have a photograph of him he's there's 28 years old okay 29 look up to that what would you find and receding hairline yes provides I mean obviously the older they start to lose their hair so should we just leave okay come on can you put that down as well but I want to go hair or bold or I don't mind a guy being pretty bold but I'm not specifically in there I don't let the patch thing going right so good head of hair or bald yeah yeah but not in between the other thing that I would just recommend do dress a little bit conservatively on the first meeting not very low-cut tops and no Sheila's or skirts or anything of that nature I know you don't want to show yourself to be somebody or not okay however I will say I rather become annoyed because hair should be allowed to wear whatever they want to wear because if we're comfortable with the rain you know absolutely make the paper guy absolutely what you got now is is probably okay probably yeah don't go anything more than well I mean I can change myself I got I'm going to come on the date I am and if he's not happy with the way I'm dressed then you know I'm really not interested like to ever know that's what end of the day person has to marry you for who you like that's not for you know why I'm going to wear what I want to wear that day right and to you know to say no hard feeling on it okay that's fair enough all right so we'll leave it at that and we'll see in a few days time frames okay fantastic the corset let me out of hair this is so not me it feels like the Dark Ages whatever all the guys I've got lined up for me be like glad that's Nagaina about me I still haven't had any luck on my quest for the one but this weekend I think the family will start to come on strong three weddings coming up there probably a whole lot of pressure follow the kill especially on a young said leave them here hey Dean must be going on when they doesn't have to meet group for single agents eligible age to get married I'm all for my family and friends keeping a lookout for me but sometimes the pressure does get a bit much weddings are a great place to meet eligible just seed goals but I've had no luck so far [Music] today is a frame of a family's wedding the true love marriage when anyone tried to marry me off today I wonder [Music] [Music] [Music] the masses of jump seat goes here but none that I fancy I've met most of them before and in any case I'm too busy boozing to be coherent enough to chain you and up [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] all good things come to those who don't merit I only work on weddings suddenly we spread after my service disaster and now I'm trying to get myself mowed off again I'm meeting the guys that the simin marriage bureau has lined up for me oh my god this is so not me and I'm really nervous feels like I need to be traditionally dressed it feels like I should wearing the scarf on my head you know yes like that like this and that's just don't be doing it I really don't want to be doing it I don't feel that there's an Asian guide compatible enough for me because I'm divorced and because it means I'm yeah I'm not a virgin and basically I in the epic in the Asian whole mentality and the girl that your parents would warn you about that's how I feel there's no mr. Tarek result hi okay I always say I'm looking and hopefully I'll be magic director okay and mr. Giller crime 24 she's a fashion designer all right okay so I'll leave you from the top now so I'm sure each other okay okay Gerber's hey be nervous and slightly yeah hence tell me but by disasters all I know you're Tarek and you have your own company and that's where oh really right no I'm originally from Yorkshire and I went to university in Leicester end up working up in Scotland for a number years and I came down to London set my own businesses and I've been kind of going reasonably strong so much ideal woman then we nailed I want somebody who has hurdled aspirations want some make her own way in life and I want to support her but I want somebody intellectual I can sit down with I have a conversation so why haven't you met you miss right yet then the reason I think there's been a couple of couple aspects I think one is I previously be married and divorced and when you've already been married and divorced once you're always on edge firstly secondly what I come across is a lot of people think I'm too English and when Parag mentioned yourself to me I thought well she seems like not the ordinary sort of label [ __ ] funny girl I thought that was fascinating to us I did have concerns in the sense I have previously married I do have children for service yeah without finger shall we mad for 10 years because I did it for my mum and dad the good thing for me at this point in time is that my children old enough now they're independent enough to get on with our lives which is one of the reasons why I'm looking to settle down again do they know that you're looking to get yeah yeah they're being they've been encouraging me thank you they've been encouraging me yeah okay oh my work is my work I love doing it yeah as on anyone commits my life and take that away from me move Imogen socialising with a lot of people and it's not Asian went out there that can exceptional men doing that I don't in on controlling wind that's my biggest fear no no you won't find that with me I've tried this Alchemy's approach as well having a lady having a wife at home has my dinner ready my slippers are there I walked through the door my slippers on the food ready on the table and then I know my lifestyle somewhat different from that it's interesting okay this one fun all right all right so had a good chat with each other here yet yeah so if you want to have a sort of think about this and then let us know in a few days time if you're interesting or or otherwise have a case maybe okay yeah this was also blood sugar trick if you must go back new okay I should laugh or cry now that wasn't my mr. right my mr. right is not a guy with children who's a single swim independent man and he says that doesn't come in the way whatsoever but I'm not sure physics he didn't do for me but mentally he did now which one do you go for mental Nargis so what about me I'm in luck today I meet my photo less internet liaison in though I'll be speaking with all week this can be going fantastically well just sounds like a really fun girl it's going wicked personality everything about her you know is higher in life cushioning the one all ingredients are there all the ingredients except that is rereading yourself to the world she's not sure about all this filming business I'm the one who gets to see what she looks like sorry a quick stroll around Birmingham then it's try to impress time over dinner for two we're off to a flying start then was a good thing or bad thing going on job coming back week knowing my agent we seem to easy to get off if the body language is anything to go by on a Paris night how do they compare with other dates that you've been on so far God Russian are very well how you finding it doesn't doesn't a bit okay okay no it's not all of them in Beijing mean well yes in Pinellas yeah thanks for coming up about two seconds good some snacks yeah I did know you thought a bit hope it's wrong turn of mind yeah well look I'm a Laker whoa hang on say what are you looking for would you mind up kids everyone here I'm gonna body ba da da da ha ha just a little period of the cycle you know she'll give me your Charmander like yet pull-ups Wendy listen with you that yeah all the time in looks like yeah yeah nice girl she does ask a lot of questions like but I won't part well this putt positive had a nice enough had a nice enough meal evening was quite pleasant chat about not about anything and everything really it was fun yeah it's fun do I think I see you again though I think about lime chili cheese now bulge is in a dilemma I resolve mine it's been a week since I met Tara Fitzsimmons I'm not your typical Muslim girl and so it's not the kind of guy I'd usually go for but he's growing on me and he's Muslim when I thought I was getting I was like okay physically he's not really you know what I was expecting but I'm what I do want is someone who I can click with someone who could know and I can understand me someone who can be there for me someone who can you know take care of me sort of sent me happy I think chosen honey one that could do that I mean like she's asked me out on the - hello sorry how are you darling guys no okay John shall be sure though loveable yes I'm done that how you been sighing dokie whatever sauce I'm okay - mind if I play it like Morgan it ends the silence so you took your time with texting me back you know leaving listen my Tamara I'd adjusted the right to take you back because it almost felt like you know it's not natural I just didn't feel natural they will throw up I just wanted to be sure about what I'm doing and that's why I text me when I take two it's because I meant it not because I just thought you know I'll it text I can see how he aids but we're having it was a step one we're another step forward so are you looking forward to going out tonight are you taking me where I can tell me about good it suddenly surprising it i tempted me to learn my daughter so there's a nice restaurant and it's not very talked and everything is really like normal which I would like to turn into this or now well I do like it and that what not I don't dislike it it's not like in love with him on that list you know your name I just like it very good I think it takes much last night and I'm kidding it tastes like he said unless it you know has a five taken last night saying I highly enough I've had a blast and I expect some takes me and I think me and this is something this morning what a minimum I don't know I don't know how to stupid relationship thing work and neither do I say my internet date didn't quite turn out how I typed I'll shower night out we texted each other and chatted over the phone but we didn't really click as well as we would have liked so where do I go from here I'm glad I've tried these pleasantly see I'm sure they work you know for some people and for other people they don't work just the way it goes some people might think get into their day much you know you much makers whatever variety they are and help them find the love of their life unfortunately they haven't luckily so going to go out enjoy yourself oh then I'm filming someone and I'm sure she'll be jut seek and that will make me and my parents very happy so my matchmaking journey is complete and I've discovered another side to me I didn't know I had it's just those a lot more confident it's giving me a lot more strength and it's made me face my fears and you know open up and I've certainly what I thought I'd never do visited an Asian marriage bureau and then stop all the guys that I've met through this whole you know experience so it's the one has really taken me by surprise because I wasn't expecting it very honest very genuine straight to the point even be month which whatsoever and I really like that about it I'm going to get to know him a lot more since I could very really if it says I'm inequalities to him that I really admire and I am going to take this further very slowly and there's a second easy and who knows you know to might just being honest to write three months later and house is still texting and phoning me and once we meet up again we'll have to wait and see what happens and I'm still looking for mrs. right so if you're out there AG just so happen to be dub see here's the edges are going to planning a wedding this Sunday morning from 8:00 on the BBC Asian Network click on BBC doctor at UK / Asian Network [Music]
Channel: Suman Marriage Bureau
Views: 318,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Suman Marriage Bureau, Asian Dating, Speed Dating, Aunty Ji, Indian Marriage, Suman Bhargava, Parag Bhargava, Ashaa Bhargava, Marriage Bureau Southall, Marriage Bureau London, Muslim marriage, Sikh marriage, Hindu marriage, Matchmaker, Matchmaking
Id: Uc9AdslX8Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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