Dating Made Easy

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I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be dating made easy well I've got two different stories two different emails I'm gonna go through with you today both of them from guys the first one guy dated this particular girl for about three months and the longer he dated her the more she became flaky disrespectful and her behavior became kind of squirrely he since cut her loose but what's interesting is he brings up some things that he later discovered about her that really contributed to making things kind of a pain in the ass to date her and if you're gonna date if you're single and you're looking to meet somebody I'm gonna go through some things that you should be aware of that you may encounter out there the idea is to use what's in my book to help you do a good job of pre-screening or pre-qualifying if you will the people that you date because quite frankly there's a lot of Froot Loops out there and the more you apply the things in my book the better quality of person and the better quality of a person of value you're going to become and therefore your standards are going to grow and as your standards grow and as you become better yourself you're going to be able to attract better and better quality people and the key is you want to find out right away as soon as possible what you're dealing with so if you got somebody that's not an ideal candidate you can discard them and move on and for those of you that have it read my book yet you can go to my website right now and on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen you can click the book icon you can read it completely for free if you're one of those people are sitting or watching us and you're skeptical and you think I'm totally full of [ __ ] I don't know what I'm talking about you can subscribe to my email newsletter and read my book for free on my website and then if you're so inclined you can download the eye book version you could download the Amazon Kindle version to any type of electronic device or you can get a paperback version if you're so inclined but the bare minimum don't just be sitting here watching videos read the book as what you'll know if you can follow me for a while the best success stories are always the guys and the girls that read the book 10 to 15 times because it gives you such a tremendous amount of wisdom that it's going to help you make the right choice for yourself and all of the different situations you're going to encounter in the second email and I'm going to go through is a success story from a guy who has been falling networking for about six months he's read the book three times so far and he met a gal where he gets his hair cut and he's already had two dates or there have gone really well and it's just a nice easy effortless experience versus what the first guy is going to encounter and the idea is that the better you get you'd like to have all your dating experiences be like the second guy his email so I have a quote that I wrote and then we're going to go through both the emails so the quote says our beliefs that we hold of ourselves and how we view ourselves will determine how we act when we have a positive and healthy view of our capabilities and ourselves we tend to take action to get what we want in life that is consistent with our self perception when we have a negative view of our capabilities and ourselves we tend to avoid taking action that will move us closer to what we want therefore we must always be aware of our own self-talk and self perception so we focus our minds and our hearts on our highest ideals and possibilities we should always focus on doing what we would do if we knew we could not fail instead of focusing on what may or may not work out or settling for what may appear to be the safe choice progress always involves risk as the old quote I think was thickens Frederick Wilcox said this he says you can't progress always involves risk you can't steal second base and still keep your foot on first base really great quote one of the first ones I learned many years ago when I started writing down success quotes and so for those of you may have noticed if you follow me on Instagram is that I mentioned this a couple months ago I've got like 40 50 pages just really great success quote some have to do with politics and government in the Constitution and those are the ones that were my assistant is releasing first and we've got great quotes by Lao Zhu Buddha just all kinds of really awesome self-help self-reliance quotes so if you haven't subscribed to my Instagram go do that now as well so you can follow along and get those because there's some really great great wisdom in there some great wisdom from some Saints just some really well-known people Plato Aristotle just just brilliant quotes just brilliant wisdom even though maybe two or three thousand years old in some cases it's really good stuff so go to my Instagram account just google Cory Wayne Instagram coach Cory Wayne Instagram and you'll be able to find it and follow me there so you can check those out so let's go through the first guy's email he says hey coach I've been dating this girl now for going on three months I'm 31 and she's 20 I've read your book and I've stuck to it I would say 99% of the time however she will sometimes seem like she's playing games and I call her on out on the BS we became exclusive early on she had mentioned to me that she told her grandparents I was her boyfriend so that when we got to their house she didn't have to explain anything well keep - girls 20 in your 31 so think about that for a second you're 31 years old how fun is it to worry about what somebody's twenty years old with their grandparents are gonna think I mean that's that's the kind of thing that happens when you date somebody that's younger a little less immature doesn't have their life together yet doesn't have life experience and so for those you older dudes that like to date younger women that's just one of the things you're gonna get to me that's a [ __ ] annoyance I wouldn't at this point in my life I wouldn't want to put up with that but I'm just I'm just pointing that out the younger they are the more they're not on their own and they're not paying their own bills and they don't have their own goals their mission their purpose in life or a career that they're happy and it's like they just they're not growing up yet and you're gonna get flaky and Incans the behavior cuz I mean she's 20 years old what kind of life experience can she possibly have at this point so just keep that in mind cuz you're 11 years older than her now if you were 41 and dating somebody was 31 it'd be different it's just so when you're dating something like this you're gonna have to take that into consideration I sealed the deal with her when we left and we were officially together so that's pretty quick and if your woman wants you to be exclusive after a first or a second date like that I mean typically that's the kind of thing that your spidey sense should say well she's kind of a little needy a little clingy to lock you down and that quick I mean it's possible also that you're the ultimate man for her but that's just really highly unusual so proceed with caution is all I'm trying to say and as far as her being 20 I mad met women that are 18 years old that talk and have the maturity of somebody who's 30 so it doesn't mean that they're all like that all I'm saying is that when somebody's 20 and she's worried about what her grandparents think you're gonna have to deal with things that if you were dating a girl was a little older you just wouldn't have to deal with this stuff it's kind of like dating somebody when when you're in high school on into our relationship she started acting shady and started behaving flaky I called her out on it and explained that I didn't like her behavior that's good that you did that it's important you speak from your heart in a loving way hey I don't like this is now I don't I would appreciate if you would do this for me or if you would treat me this way or treat me that way you gotta ask and then see what the other person does and if the other person takes what you asked her to do or him to do and then they just ignore and then continue on well then you pretty much are left with a choice I'm either gonna have to put up with this or tolerate the fact that they're rude and disrespectful and they don't care about my needs wants and desires or I leave this and go find somebody who would never treat me that way or we never talked to me that way this is part of we're having self-respect and self love comes in where you see somebody I mean again this girl's 20 obviously is gonna be a little immature you're gonna have to deal with things that typically you wouldn't be dealing with if you're dating somebody a little older or a little closer to your particular age I find being flaky and shady disrespectful and that I would I would not be disrespected she's straighten up for about a week and then started doing it again well it also could be because maybe you're acting weak when you're together but if she's continually doing it in other words she does things to placate you but at the end of the day she just goes back to rut doing what she was doing before and just like I was saying a few minutes ago that's that's the kind of thing that makes you say okay the dating hair is gonna be this way is this acceptable acceptable to me or not and if it's not you can cut somebody like this loose in the beginning I personally already have seen enough to know check please but this your life you make your own decisions we talked about how she was feeling and she explained that she was depressed she takes paxil an SSRI so what's interesting I was having this conversation with a doctor friend of mine he's probably about six eight months ago he was telling me and one of his medical journals that he reads is that as it stands right now one out of every three women who are over the age of 35 are on some kind of opiates or antidepressants when you think about that so if you're dating women that are in their mid 30s or beyond there's a 33% chance that you're going to encounter somebody it's on some kind of antidepressants it's just like the way our society has become oh I don't feel well hey here's a [ __ ] pill that'll help you out it's just amazing what you gotta understand is like my mother was a psychotic schizophrenic and so I'm very familiar with people who have meant mental illness and psychotic schizophrenics tend to think there's nothing wrong with them and everybody else is nuts and they don't like taking their medication people that suffer from depression tend to take their medication but you know my father had a hex girl ex-fiance is actually that he didn't notice when he first started dating her but she had been on and off antidepressants her whole life and she tried committing suicide four different times before she even met him from the time she was 21 up until the fifth time that she tried she was like fifty four I think it was and it's like these are things that you don't know when you start dating somebody and so she stopped taking her she started weaning herself offering and I depressant and sure enough she tried committing suicide was unsuccessful and then a few weeks later while she was back on the medication was waiting for things normalized she tried to commit suicide for it was the fifth and final time and she ended up hanging herself successfully so I mean that's so you're gonna see weird mood swings from people like that not the meaning that everybody is that Ana's gonna do that I had a girlfriend that I dated for several months before I found out that she was on an antidepressant I had no idea she never told me never revealed this and she told me this after she knew about two three days after she had stopped taking them and about a week or two later it's like her come her behavior completely changed she went from being nice and sweet all the time to being unhappy moody just not fun to be around at all and it was like it was like where's my girlfriend what happened to my girlfriend made it just completely changed who she was and if you're going to date there's a potential that you're going to encounter a woman who is on one of these type of medications and it would behoove you to spend some time reading about it I mean there's all kinds of things out there's borderline personality disorders all kinds of things that you really should take some time just to read about and educate yourself on what's out there so you can potentially spot those behaviors and go whoa I don't really want I mean great person but you know I don't want to get involved with somebody that's going through a lot of struggles I'm just saying to be aware of it to make your own decisions I'm all about teaching self-reliance I'm just saying that these are some things you may encounter out there and there's the best and the worst of it here's how good things can go and here's how bad things can go and I've seen how things when they go really bad long story short I found out about the baby's daddy and that he had come back into the picture and I broke it off with her I've been reading up on SSRIs and I have found that antidepressants can greatly inhibit a person's ability to feel and build a deep attraction well she was obviously going through a difficult time already and she had mentioned that she had been depressed when you were together doesn't mean you just kicked somebody to the curb but I mean if they're not taking their medication or if they're on and off their medication being around them is gonna be impossible because it's you don't know what they're like and their behaviors not gonna be predictable I did everything by the book and I had her in a relationship within a month or so she was extremely happy we spent spuntz tons of time together remember it's not your job to fix her if it's better that she goes and she sorts out her issues with her therapist or psychologist whoever and it sounds like her her baby daddy as well it's just a messy situation the idea is easy and effortless I want you to have it easy and effortless dating life and you can't just can't have it with somebody like this who's she's 20 years old she's trying to figure herself out she's got issues that most people just are not gonna have doesn't mean she's a bad person just means she really needs to focus on herself first for a while before she's really going to be a good candidate however I was wondering if it's possible that the SSRI antidepressant is what caused her to not really feel a deep emotional connection well I mean she's 20 years old and she has a child with this guy so more than likely it's probably not been very long since they haven't been together and he if he's been in and out of her life she never was really single and available when you met her and as I've talked about in my book you date somebody like this you're ninety-nine percent time you're gonna get squirrely behavior meaning you date somebody that's out of her recent relationship especially in this case she's got a kid with the guy any input you have in this from your clients or personal experience will be greatly appreciated well there's my two cents like I said it sounds like she's got some [ __ ] she needs to go through but the end of the day you want somebody who's single available ready to date ready willing able and open today and this girl's not the obviously she's got unresolved issues with the ex she's got personal problems she needs to take care of and you being 31 it's just better I mean you've already walked away from this situation and plus the fact that you know she allowed this guy to come in when you're in an exclusive relationship and make a mess of things it's like thanks but no thanks check please we can just give her the friend let's just be friends speech or just say you know what no it's not what I'm looking for thanks but no thanks I wish all the best so let's go to the second guy's email this guy has a much easier go of things there's just a couple things that I would help him tweak as far as seducing this particular woman he says hey Corey I've been watching your YouTube videos for about six months and I just finished your book for the first time although I haven't yet mastered the material it has already helped me a great deal I've always been somewhat of a natural with women and I would consider myself charismatic good-looking and I stay in very good shape but as you know even a natural with women can screw up by over pursuing being needy and not being emotionally centered yep he taught me that I just want to give you a short success story on how I used your method my girlfriend and I were together for eight months before she got sick of my behavior that I am now working on I believe that over time I drove over her attraction level to under a five by putting her into a somewhat masculine state well it's great you obviously read the book you've been able to self diagnose where you went wrong and that's the whole point to learn from your mistakes correct your behavior so you don't make those same mistakes anymore I was going through some [ __ ] taking it out on her complaining to her being needy etc so it sounds like you were kind of making your ex-girlfriend your mommy or your therapist that always in the end I mean women will put up with that for a short period of time but if it just goes on month after month year after year eventually they're going to get tired of you not being a man and then they're gonna they're gonna resent being in their masculine all the time if you're always making them the leader just the way it is if you don't like it then don't date just have one hookup after another that's what you're looking for the breakup the idea is to save your problems for your therapists and your beer drinking buddies hang out have fun hook up the key is have fun the breakup was what made me finally read your book but that's neither here nor there since I basically told her let me know if you change your mind when we saw each other for the last time she will be back but this email is about a new girl if you put this email in a newsletter it could really show some guys how important it is to read your book great idea read the book 10 to 15 times definitely the more you read it the more it becomes instinctual and you don't have to think about it anymore and even this guy as well as he does because he hasn't read at 10 to 15 times there's some things he could have done differently and he should have already seduced this girl by now but we'll get into that into a second I'm very active busy guy and I found time to read it in less than a week I went in to get my usual haircut and the girl I usually get wasn't there so by chance co-inky-dink the girl I had been checking out for months when I was there with my ex said come on back uh-huh at that point I knew I had to get my inner James Bond going and I set a date be direct decisive get right to the point just like James Bond would do she's a gorgeous tall blonde with this awesome body a woman that most men would be nervous to approach she started asking me what I was doing that night since it was Saturday women help you when they like you she said she wanted to go out for a drink but her friends were boring what is she telling you right there I'm really hoping that you will ask me out for a date cuz I really don't want to go out my friends I'd much rather spend time with you she asked him what he was doing and then she said this is what I would like to do this is how women are they're not gonna come right out and directly ask you out even though this woman will later on in the email but this is a really hot of high attraction I would say a seven or an eight attraction on a scale of one to ten that's where this woman happens to be right now this is this is easy and effortless this is why you prepare this is why you go out on those dates that don't go anywhere this is why you make those approaches that don't go anywhere because when you do that and you're used to it and you know the book and you know the signs to look for I mean this woman is making it so obvious she's totally putting herself in at this guy's orbit and this is what happens he's put himself in that vibe he centered himself I mean remember his last girlfriend just ditched him for being a mangina and he's completely changed his behavior and now he's showing up and this woman is in essence in a roundabout way cuz women are never direct like this and a roundabout ways she's saying hey I'm available hopefully you'll are smart enough to figure out that I want you to take me out cuz I don't want to hang out with my boring friends I said why don't you come out for a drink with me what a novel idea I set a date at a popular bar right near her house got her number and said I would see her there I was actually nervous she wasn't going to show up a woman who has an attraction of a 7 or 8 and behaves this way she's going to keep the date she's going to show up it's her idea women don't dump guys they're chasing there it is there's more evidence of the same [ __ ] I talk about my book sure enough a few hours later there she was within a half-hour of letting her talk about herself while I asked her questions I noticed her looking at my lips as I was looking at hers so this guy took an opportunity he said an instant date for later that night perfectly acceptable a trick you also taught me without saying anything I leaned over and gave her a short but passionate kiss oh I bet she liked that she loved it and actually went on to say how I had been mysterious and confident and my approach I wonder where you got that I she said the way I went about setting a place in time there's no way she could have said no how could she say no when she encounters a real [ __ ] man cuz it hardly ever happens it was like all the stuff I was reading was working like a charm I was smooth on the outside but inside I was so excited that this bombshell was into me so much we went back to my place for wine where we kissed a lot and touched each other but didn't have sex two steps forward one step back two steps forward one step back talk about that extensively in the book when you get really good at it you'll be able to subdue it of it if a woman comes back to your place on a first date bottom mind it's especially when you invite her to come have some wine or whatever she knows what's going to happen she in other words it means I'll have sex with you as long as you don't rush it make me feel uncomfortable or talk me out of it so the idea is when you encounter resistance don't let it bother you back off chill out for a few minutes talk have some more wine start making out with the hands one of the ideas each time you get the idea the whole purpose of seduction is to get closer and closer to a woman until you altima lee end up inside of her a lot of guys as soon as they encounter resistance they just stop when a woman says stop it just means some in most cases it means slow down and you're rushing a little too fast I'm not comfortable and you have to always respect that when a woman says no when she says stop but she says slow down that's it you put the brakes on you back off for a few minutes you talk and continue communicating then you start out all over start out with the lips then the hands start to wonder and just slowly progress again I go into extensive detail in the book so I'm not gonna do it in the video and I've done it I've talked about it enough videos already besides you should be learning the fundamentals in the book anyways I waited three days to texture and I set another date for Friday which would have been which was six days in between dates I thought about her every day leading up to it and even though everything inside me wanted to talk to her I stay disciplined think about James Bond it's in the [ __ ] bag if you're thinking from the end what happens you and her naked in bed that's what always happens why cuz that's how James Bond [ __ ] rolls therefore that's why he's never never sweats he never worries he never gets upset he never gets fearful because he's mastered this he's Eames bond is a [ __ ] master seducer he knows what the ladies like a few hours before this time a few hours before the time that I said she texted me and said just making sure we're still on for later women who have high interest and a high attraction that's what they do I said of course we are I'm a man of my word and she said okay I can't wait how easy is that this is effortless this is the way it's supposed to be this is all the shitty dates all the things that mistakes you make and things you learn from this is why you do that this is why you go through that [ __ ] so it can be easy like this and when you get used to this being your standard you get [ __ ] spoiled you can't go back to just dating an average mediocre person you can't date somebody when you get really good you really match this you just will not want to waste your time with somebody that doesn't absolutely knock your [ __ ] socks off this is your birthright to be with something that you feel this way you were designed to be this attracted to somebody and vice versa they were designed to be that attracted to you as well it's about aligning yourself fibration lee and getting your [ __ ] together and taking care of your life and exhibiting the natural parts of you that you already have with inside you that make you attractive to members of the opposite sex we went back to my place afterwards and wine turned into kissing heavy petting and I even got our pants halfway down before she pulled them back and said nice try mister means you went a little too fast it means slow your roll slow don't let her put her pants back up and then you talk you poured some more wine and some more champagne you maybe run your hands through her hair a little bit and talk and what else tell me more oh wow really and maybe five or six minutes later you start kissing making out the hands start to wonder and do the pants a little bit just slowly because what happened each time the sexual anticipation builds and a woman gets a little more turned on little by little but she has to feel safe and Calculon know that any point she could say stop wait slow down no in this case nice try mr. and you'll respect it because the worst fear that a woman has is that a guy won't stop and guys that don't stop or [ __ ] [ __ ] odds a real man will stop because he knows he wants the woman feel safe and comfortable and if you do it right she'll eventually drop all resistance and let you have your way with her I think she wants to hold out as she doesn't know if all if I'm all in it for the sex no you just rushed a little too fast you didn't know two steps forward one step back well enough and that's okay it's practice practice makes perfect but this is where reading the book 10 to 15 times really comes into play before she left she said what are you doing Sunday so she's asking you out for dates oh that's acceptable and I said Jessica are you asking me on a date she replied with what a girl is allowed to do that this girl really likes you dude really likes you I'd say probably an eight seven or an eight already attraction wise they said another date for Sunday and I'm going to let her I'm going to take her to an awesome Italian place and try to end it with a session of the indoor Olympics well most women sleep with a guy by the second or third date just keep in mind what can be can help facilitate that is going to two to three different places on your dates because each one become because most guys take a girl out they go to dinner and then they take her home so the more places you go on one night it's it's like each one is an individual date almost it gives her the perception that she's been with been out with you multiple times it drops through it's little subtle things you might not think of but it helps drop the resistance to the seduction I just want to say thank you so much and maybe this can be a lesson for guys that are crushed by a breakup they need to read your book just like you need to read at 10 to 15 times you're doing well but you could be doing better listen to what you teach and who knows maybe the next week they can have a new it totally knocks her socks off like I do PS I haven't thought about my ex much lately if you can't tell well the best medicine for that extra sad and you're missing is a new woman so get out there and participate if you'd like to get my help personally go to my website click the products tab at the top of your screen or the bottom of your screen on any page of my website and follow the instructions for booking whichever option it works best for you and I will talk to you soon
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 36,695
Rating: 4.9304814 out of 5
Id: jJjc0u_ms4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2016
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