Overcoming Male Mother Need

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you know after i'd made my video on male uh desire for unfreedom i saw a lot of comments relatively speaking uh cropping up questions regarding male mother need and how you overcome it well how do you overcome male mother need it's simple and yet it's complex because it's something that that's biologically hard wired into us now have i overcome male mother need absolutely does it still dwell within me well yes it does look at it in this sense somewhat akin to someone with a genetic predilection towards alcoholism that doesn't engage in drink and never does let's say he has a will of iron well you know he's overcome it but is he does he still have the potential to be an alcoholic does he still have essentially the genetic makeup of an alcoholic yeah he does it's just that he doesn't indulge in it so let me say off the bat that uh banishing male mother need is in my eyes an impossibility it's not going to happen uh barring some sort of neurological invention you know pills that change the whole neurological landscape as well as the physiological that's not going to happen so yeah it's something that we as men have to deal with quite clearly male mother need it's just something that's there and we need to deal with it and it can be dealt with but the key to overcoming male mother need is understanding it now i realize that there are some subscribers of mine as well as barbarossas who happen to be religious and even though i i certainly don't wear my atheism on my sleeve as i said many times in previous videos i think it's it's just a sort of a paltry uh uninteresting fact about my being i also have no qualms about talking about my feelings towards religion in the right context and in this context it serves a purpose now look at male mother need in a similar light to religious delusion you know it's i've never suffered from this problem i've always been someone i think i've just i'm just hardwired this way to accept truth at face value irrespective of how it makes me feel or the consequences uh whether it makes me feel miserable or happy none of this has ever mattered to me i just accept truth that's just the way i am but some people struggle with that and i think this is part of the same problem that people encounter in recovering from religious delusion is a similar problem that men encounter in attempting to at least recover or overcome male mother need because the analogy isn't too far off in in in the religious say the monotheistic religious uh worldview and many others uh you have this this universe inhabited by at least one being or several in this case of polytheism several beings that you know have some sort of concern for you in your life they're involved and detaching yourself and overcoming religious delusion involves you realizing that the universe is not there for you yeah that it's that it is indeed pitiously utterly indifferent to you you're part of the universe you are stardust as opposed to stardust a lot of people confuse that it really irritates me your star dust but so what the universe itself is indifferent to you uh when realizing there is no god or no plurality of gods that we we essentially essentially live in to to the best of our knowledge that the current is the current date of time an empty universe barring life on earth although that's highly unlikely totally different topic that that is difficult for many people to swallow we didn't evolve to entertain these grandiose thoughts about in the billions of stars out there or the multitudes of galaxies and no we evolved on the plains of africa to recognize very simple things and understand very simple things well here's a another sort of off-base analogy you see a snarling large rabbit pitbull most of us including myself are gonna uh take a step back in in fear because you don't wanna be bitten you don't wanna be mauled that's the environment we we evolved in we evolved in this environment to recognize danger uh on a very sort of face-to-face basis and and dangers that are potentially more complex like being lulled into religious delusion which i've never had any affinity for for whatever reason i presume genetic reasons ultimately that um is a separate issue as well as male mother need because male mother need in contrast to religious delusion is something that at some point in time we all have suffered from and perhaps continue to like i said the analogy with the alcoholic it's part of us and always will be how do you overcome it the same way you overcome religious delusion you use your mind you need to be willing and maybe some of you struggle more with that than others to accept just as the universe is indifferent that there are certain biological realities at play that and i've talked about this many many times that the human female views the human male principally as a vehicle of impregnation insemination and as a provider means that he is a tool in her eyes at best the human female loves her genetic progeny so she'll love your children if you have children with her she'll love the children you have with her but you are a tool now and people don't love tools we don't love tools tools can be incredibly useful you might want to keep them around for uh for a very long time but there's no feeling of love involved in that so there's nothing wrong in itself with having the male mother neat feeling the problem is is that it's an impossibility uh in getting it met it's not it'll never be met because the human female doesn't perceive you as anything but a tool in this context you are means to an end um will will she will maybe possibly will a human female accommodate the male mother need uh in an effort to help facilitate uh the utility the further facility the utility you provider absolutely it can happen in fact it has happened to me in the past but once again the analogy is there you know religiously people for example are consistently recorded as being their data their data on their data on this as being happier than atheists now this has nothing to do with whether or not the content of religion is vertical or not in fact it's completely irrelevant to that a crack addict you can be a happy drunk too it doesn't mean that the state of your drunken delusion isn't is is the most accurate perception of reality if you're looking uh at the world through the eyes of being a complete sot so once again you you can have this need temporarily met in an illusionary illusory and delusional manner but i'm telling you that it's not legitimate because that's not how the woman views the man you are a vehicle a tool a means to an end and understanding that that's the key what you are to her you can understand your need in relation to her as i said there's nothing wrong with having male mother need we all have it to varying degrees just as there's just as there's nothing wrong with having a strong genetic inclination towards being an alcoholic there's absolutely nothing wrong with that really the problem arises if you indulge say as a genetically inclined potential alcoholic in your in drink in an consumption that you might that might have implications uh on your life negative consequences just as indulging excessively or really to any extent in the male mother need will have similar consequences because it can get you into all kinds of pickles uh be it in the simple quote-unquote relationship arena or proper marriage uh that where you have the state involved and all and gods know how often we've talked about this but as you know that that that is where ultimately male mother need leads uh men i mean i ultimately also believe that uh the sex is a minimal part of it i think the male mother natives is far far stronger and it might be due obviously it's due to biological wiring but i think it's it's a confluence of factors social factors i mean men we don't receive a lot of attention i said once many moons ago that as men were there to be alone and in my most recent i mean that's what we do as a man we're alone we have no borg consensus we have no sisterhood there is no such thing as a brotherhood unless unless we choose to uh create individual kinship and brotherhood between individual males but there's not no such thing as an automatic brotherhood among men and uh i think this exacerbates this already present uh male mother need in the in the human male but just as your desire for comfort and your desire for happiness or feeling good in an utterly pitiously indifferent universe is not in of itself illegitimate and your desire so choose your desire as your male mother need not illegitimate either it's just the dangers that are involved in attempting to shape that desire just as the alpha potential alcoholic desires to state his his desire for alcoholism it's it's the consequences of indulging in that and it's very easy to overcome if you are wired such or have the ability to process the relationship between the man and the woman that's been talked about many times that you are a vehicle a tool maybe i'm a dictator maybe you're content simply simply being that tool many men are that vehicle at in exchange for uh counterfeit uh counterfeit uh feelings of of male mother need being met but ultimately it's a question of of acknowledging what what a delusion is this delusion is the delusion you project upon upon the woman unto the woman the woman when you break down all the illusions and all the veils that we as men have woven around her and it's been talked about many times is a pretty simple creature she exists for the purposes of procreation to extract resources from men and you are means towards that end you provide her with sperm and you provide her with resources of varying kinds physical monetary etc etc in exchange she might be willing to temporarily save your male mother need but she's not there to do that just as the universe is not there to make you happy the human female is not there to save your male mother need and although you can seek it out in her it is ultimately a delusion just as when you seek to attribute uh some sort of anthropomorph anthropomorphous or uh caring factor to an indifferent universe it's the same thing the woman does not exist the human woman does not exist to save your male mother need and in understanding that and truly grasping that i think uh well therein lies the key to overcoming it it's pretty simple at the end of the day it's just that aspect of willingness to accept what is true and or unwillingness to accept what is true there are some people who are who bizarrely enough are perfectly fine living a deluded life in a complete delusion people who are willing to deceive themselves and and and do it very easily uh i suspect the majority of men have have an inkling of what's going on even if they don't know the biological details but they'd rather partake of the delusion and they're religionists of of similar men so ultimately it's going to be come down to you as an individual and how you deal with this specific male mother need but it make make no mistake it is a question of you having a a pre-existing pre-existing condition that can be artificially met just as like i said you can attribute all sorts of things to the universe that aren't there to make you feel good but the human female does not exist to sate your desire for comfort and does not exist to satisfy your male mother need for me at least realizing that as someone who's never had an issue accepting unpleasant truth for me at least that that that kind of nails the coffin shot it's kind of a non-issue specifically once you realize all the things i've been talking about the entire enterprise is a foregone conclusion and in being a foregone conclusion you do what you do with this foregone conclusion what you do with all foregone conclusions you don't even dwell on anymore i never think about things of that nature that is oh if only if because that would be a foregone conclusion and i don't bother with foregone conclusions anyway uh hope that was a bit helpful uh and yes the work on the major video continues and scripting is ongoing until then may the gods be with you take care
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Views: 13,058
Rating: 4.9305019 out of 5
Keywords: Stardusk, Hypergamy, Briffault's law, Briffault, Feminism, Masculinity, Femininity, Male disposability, Male expendability, Women and Children first, Alimony, Child Support, Vaginamony, Gold diggers, Gold digging, Gold digging whores, Whores, Prostitutes, Legal prostitution, marriage, Divorce, Separation, women initiate divorce, Traditionalism, Gynocentrism, Parasitic women, Alpha fucks beta bucks, Biology, White knight, Mangina, Evolution, Evolutionary psychology, Apotheosis of Vagina
Id: I5uWs4o6TBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2013
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