Dating In Your 30's | Standup Comedy by Ravi Rao

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has this happened to you where you date someone and then after you start dating them you realize [ __ ] this person's kind of dumb yeah it's happened to you is it him is it ad ageny guys see this sentiment usually I'm on the receiving end okay which is which is fine I am prepared to be the dummer person in the relationship that I can deal with if you make me the smarter person in the relationship that's out of syllabus for me I'm like I'm like we are doomed first of all dating how many of youall are in your 30s and single over here yeah dude going on first dates in your 30s sucks right it's terrible cuz you know we are both [ __ ] up they just why are we pretending here's how it feels dude have you you watch imagine watching a movie with your closest friends all right and two hours are done there's just 20 minutes left in the movie then one other friend comes and he's like bro what did I miss oh where do I even begin now like [ __ ] it don't watch this movie that's how it feels right like when I go on a date now girls like tell me about yourself I'm like 32 years of trauma [ __ ] it you date someone else now why yeah I went on a date recently it was our second date actually second date you just trying to make small talk right it's weird so I saw her writing something and I was like oh you write with your right hand this is how I'm hitting on women at this point right and she's like yeah it's how I remember which side is [Music] right I was like what do you mean she's like sometimes I get confused between what is right and left so I remember I write with this hand so this hand is right I was like what do you do for left she's like first I do right after right what's left that's it's like you have found an a really genius solution to a really dumb problem how are you doing this right I dated her for 3 months that whole 3mon relationship I couldn't let her drive I'm not even being sexist can you imagine her in Bangalore traffic like take left in 30 m and she's like [Music] oh God Dam it dude [ __ ] here's when I knew I had to end it okay 3 months into our relationship she came to me and she's like RI I need help filing my taxes which is good you should ask for help it's tough filing taxes but you should ask for help from someone who's within tax bracket at least I don't even know what the website looks like dude I'm like [ __ ] I've never done this [ __ ] but I did it for her I know true love you have to make sacrifices compromise I filed her taxes for her and then I broke up with her cuz I'm like this will not work so I'm single now but she's bankrupt so who's really losing right am I right how many of yall over here are 25 years old or below anyone how cool you guys are gen Z you know that I like how every generation has its own fancy name now if you're the younger generation you're jenzy if you're the older generation you are a boomer and if you're My Generation you are depressed most probably right we're called Millennials and we are the most hilariously pessimistic generation of all time for no reason no reason we just like to be depressed for fun just text your friend tomorrow hey bro how's life going it be like surviving bro LOL we had LOL to keep the depression chill you know me and my best friends uh we have a WhatsApp group it's called Uh therap boys boys is spelled with a z at the it's like the world's saddest boy band at this point you know we don't even go to therapy the only thing we do on that group is we share old' 70s Tamil sad songs in Modi G's AI generated voice they're like this will heal us bro we don't need therapy at all it's great I have anxiety I know right who doesn't every day I get on stage and say I have anxiety and the audience is like yeah quit bragging bro we all do all right sometimes my anxiety gets triggered by things that are not even real like a couple of months ago I saw this headline on the news it said 10th and 12th cbsc board exams and results have been announced my first reaction was to panic my heart started beating fast my [ __ ] started sweating I'm like [ __ ] I hope I passed dude then I have to look in the mirror and be like dude dude you're 32 years old you have failed way more after board exams also I made some changes in my life to avoid anxiety like 2024 my New Year's resolution is to only order underwear online exclusive rights from my underwear shopping have gone to Amazon at this point dude buying underwear physically in a shop is one of the most traumatic experiences you can experience as a human I went last time I went to the Jockey store I told the guy sir I need boxers EXL he switched on his x-ray vision and looked down I'm like bro my eyes are up here he's like I don't care so I could see he's staring at my crotch he's doing some complex calculations in his head and then he loudly said in front of everyone in the shop sir for you l enough no sir I find it difficult to disagree with people I don't know if it's anxiety or I'm a cover but I just think that if you disagree with someone they will keep talking does that make sense just agree and move on disagree on your own time like some people like if you go to a restaurant and they give you the wrong order some people have the mental strength to argue I'm not one of those dude I'm like if I order Dosa and he gives me idly I'm like God wants me to eat idly today bro you have done nothing wrong sir I ordered the wrong thing it's my problem at this point I read an article recently it said uh top 10 things to avoid if you have anxiety and one of the points in the top 10 was watching horror movies and I was like this doesn't make sense Millennials we don't watch horror movies we live life like we're the protagonist in one you know I can't get scared by horror movie tropes ghost zombie serial killer no our anxieties are day-to-day you know like I'll ask you bro what would scare you more okay running into a zombie or running into your ex when you're with your current girlfriend yeah you're a millennial I know you ma'am would you rather be trapped in a haunted graveyard next to an abandoned mansion or would you be strapped in that outering road traffic on a Wednesday evening right day to-day day-to-day Horrors our life is you know getting a phone call filing your taxes losing your charger this is the [ __ ] that scares us a ghost can't scare me if a ghost was in my house I will haunt him before he gets can you imagine the world's most frustrated ghost he's like Bro 4 months I've been in your house trying to scare you I you I'll be like dude four months you have been here okay I'll add you to split TSE now cylinder is 1,200 bucks now bro I'm sorry it is what it [Music] is
Channel: Ravi Rao
Views: 42,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stand up comedy, stand up comedian, indian comedy, funny video, bengaluru, bangalore, indian stand up comedy, clean comedy, kanan gill comedy, comedy, rahul subramaniam comedy, saikiran comedy, Abhishek Upamanyu Comedy, Vir das comedy, Indian Stand up comedy, bengaluru comedy, parents comedy, family comedy, relationships, girlfriend, single, modiji, AI, ravi rao, millennials, boomers, gen z, amazon, horror, ravi gupta comedy, azeem comedy, rajasekhar mamidanna, jaspreet singh
Id: OWh6E02Ufc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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