Dating, Courtship, and Marriage - Paul Washer (Excerpt) / Romanian subtitles

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okay let me let me give you a few examples even in marriage a young guy will walk into my office and he'll say you know for the Paul I'm in love I have a two before I usually keep behind my desk whenever someone walks in like that I just smack them with it right upside their head kind of clear their mind a little bit I say so you're in love they say yeah I'm in love I go well what you mean why do you want to marry this girl well man she's just beautiful okay and I just love being around her great we can talk and I just feel like she completes me she just fills me I mean I just just want to be with her and I go WOW okay said you know but let me just throw that back at you make sure I'm understanding you you want to be with this girl because she meets all your selfish self-centered passions and desires is that what you're telling me no that's not what I mean but son that's what you're telling me you want to be with her because she's beautiful fine what happens when she's not beautiful anymore secondly what happens when someone else comes along who is more beautiful than she is and that person will come along you want to be with her because you can talk with her okay what happens when you can't talk with her anymore what happens when someone else comes into your life that you can talk with you leaving her you want to be with her because she's lovely what happens when she's not lovely do the unlovely not need love - tell me son I'm confused help me out here do you see so much of what we participate in is not true the whole idea of love have you ever heard people say well almost every song you've ever heard we fell in love you ever heard that can you go to scripture for me on that one it's not even a biblical concept you fell in love like fell through a manhole what did you I mean what does that mean you fell in love I'll tell you what it means or man we it was just bigger than the both of us he overpowered us was bigger than the both of us you know what that kind of language does it allows you to get involved in a relationship you shouldn't be in and consider yourself a victim it was too big for me it just it just took ahold of us both over it what did what chemistry oh okay what do you mean by that what what do you mean by chemists well I'll tell you what it is my friend the Word of God has a word for it it's lust lust which at its root is just selfishness she had what I wanted I fell in love no love is not something you fall into it's not this power that controls the universe it is a thing it is a commitment I love my wife and I think my wife is beautiful my fact I love my wife now more than then when we met but but here's what I want you to see the difference in Christian love I believe God called me into the ministry and if I don't fulfill that ministry I will be outside the will of God I also believe that ministry is an irrevocable calling now my marriage is much of the same thing what do I mean by that oh I think my wife is beautiful I love being with her but the basis of my marriage is this God has called me with an irrevocable inexcusable calling to lay down my life for one specific woman all the days of her life and to serve her unconditionally whether she deserves it or not do you see that he said well that's just intrepid I mean you could throw your whole life away doing that what did Jesus say what was it those who lose their life for my sake well I don't think he meant that well then what did he mean because what you where you're going at has no cost my friend listen I have walked with him for over 30 years nearly 30 years and what I can tell you is this I've never lamented one sacrifice or one thing I've had to give up in serving him I have lamented many times when I have kept me for myself
Channel: 5inging4Jesus
Views: 9,098
Rating: 4.9705882 out of 5
Keywords: paul, washer, dating, courtship, relantionship, god, jesus, christ, bible, marriage, Paul Washer (Person), intalniri, curte, relatii, relatie, Dumnezeu, Iisus, Hristos, Cristos, Isus, Biblia, biblic, mariaj, casatorie
Id: tZUtm1cHhwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2011
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