Data Center Infrastructure Design Webinar l IEEE LAU Student Branch

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thank you carla and thank you for the ieee lebanese lau student branch for uh inviting me and hosting this event um first little bit about myself i'm shahir shaban i graduated in computer and communications in 2004 and then i worked in the field mainly in the uae in dubai for 14 years almost and then recently i relocated to canada mainly my expertise you know you study something and when you go to the field you will work in a more specific if you want field or environment so i mostly work with structured cabling and when i when i say structured cabling it means copper data communications and fiber data communications and also data centers as well because you see a lot of communications at data center so in the last five years i was also highly involved with data centers today our presentation is about data centers or data centers infrastructure and i will be talking about uh components of in data center other than data and it because people who hear about data center they think it's only i.t and data but now there is a lot beyond data and i t that keeps the id equipment running in a data center uh before i start i have my uh contact details on the screen if you would like to connect with me on linkedin and give me your feedback about this presentation or if you have any questions i have my email or on linkedin i would be happy to connect with you all and i also have a youtube channel where i put some technical videos purely technical videos there so if you're interested you can also check my videos there so for today we will be talking mainly about data center types at the beginning so we'll discuss different types of data centers um we'll talk about the main components in the data center and the systems and solutions in the data centers and then we'll touch a little bit on the standards just to see what are the standards related to the data center and then we'll discuss the different tier levels of data centers and this is important to understand if anybody talking about data center it's it's the global classification of data centers and then we'll talk about some interesting aspects of data center just an overview so enough to cover the one hour for that we have for today now if you have any questions you can write them down in the chat or somewhere and we'll try to answer them at the end or we'll see how much we have time okay so coming on to data center types we have four main types of data center you see five on the screen but there are four main types and we will talk a little bit so that we have the enterprise data center we have managed services data centers and we have collocation data centers cloud data centers and the edge data center we'll talk about each one in detail and see what what does it mean and what is the definition of each of these types of data centers an enterprise data center as the name denotes it's a private facility built for one client or for the owner so if you're a company and you need to host your data and id equipment you could build your own data center and manage it and run it and in this case this is an enterprise data center that is privately used by the owner in managed services data centers which is another type and here the data center is managed by a third party or a service provider let's say who rents out uh the equipment in the data center so instead of for small companies instead of building their own data center they can go to a managed services data center and rent out equipment one server two servers and then use them while they are hosted and managed by the data center operator in a co-location data center what you rent is not just the equipment you rent space inside the data center so somebody will build a co-location data center and this will be a huge white space we call it and then inside this data center they can divide it using cages or individual racks and grant these spaces to different users so you can go there you can put all your hardware equipment and use it and then of course you need to depend on the owner of the data center to give you the telecom services and the internet services the fourth type is the cloud data center we hear a lot about cloud and it's the same meaning of the cloud that we hear about so a cloud data center is an off-premises data center same as the managed services and the white space but here you rent virtual assets you don't actually rent a hardware or space you rent the storage so you you want 10 gigabits per second 10 gigabits of storage you can run it's similar to when you buy storage on one drive for your personal use you are using a cloud data center you can also buy applications with it and and software and things to manage it but for you you get only the service you get the storage and everything else is managed by the data center owner so google microsoft amazon they do a lot of cloud data center as well as managed services data centers as well now edge data centers doesn't fall in the same type category of the other form but i i put it here so just to explain the concept or the of an edge data center because recently edge data centers are seen more and uh there is more require requirement for edge data centers so what does it mean an edge data center is a data center that's placed the close to the application um closer to the user and this is required a lot in iot applications internet of things where you have a lot of devices connected to the network and you don't want these devices to be connected directly to a to an enterprise data center that is way far from the application so you bring the data center to the edge close to this equipment what is the benefit of a data center two main things one it reduces the latency so you have faster communication between the components and the data center and in case of you have a disconnection from the main data center your edge data center can continue to operate and manage the the terminals connected to it now let's go and look at the main components of a data center and as we all know data center is mainly about i t so when we talk about data center the main purpose of a data center is to have and storage and processing facilities someone is talking was not mute so please if you can just go to mute thank you so as i was saying in the data center the main purpose is it so the main component is the basic it infrastructure which is the racks the fiber and copper connectivity and the servers in the data center and this will occupy the biggest area of a data center and this is the purpose of a data center now when you have id equipment you need to power them so the other main component is the power where you will have the transformers the power panels the ups's the fueling system for the powering system and the generators so this is another main component or system of a data center now because you have power and you have a consumption of power you have heat generated and then you need to control the heat then you need cooling so cooling with the chiller plants pumps different types of cooling we will talk about the different types of cooling uh later but cooling itself is the third main component of a data center so these three main components are the basic or the main pillars of a data center and then to complement the data center we have also other systems that come along my first is the physical equipments and solution and here you have your raised floors your walls the building itself the type of containment you have the grounding and bonding of the so all the supporting physical systems for the power cooling and id and you have the security and it's very important because everybody is always cautious and worried about the security of their data about their personal information so we we we have two things to protect data first one is security from a software perspective or from a network perspective so we have the network security that is not our discussion today that is part of the data and id but what we're talking about is the physical security where you how can you secure the parameter of your data center and access to your data center and usually we have four levels of security we have the parameter security where you monitor the surrounding of a data center for any suspicious movement you monitor the facility itself and you control access to it and then the computer room itself and then the cabinet each cabinet is controlled by itself so not everyone going into the facility can enter into the control into the computer rooms and in the computer room also the access is given for specific people so if you're somebody responsible for the network you will have only access to the network rack if you are responsible for the servers you will have access to the server racks and all this is controlled in a data center of course safety is also another major thing in a data center and that's why fire detection and fire suppression systems take a major part in a data center design so we have different types of safety requirements in data centers starting from fire alarms that would detect a fire or smoke we have very early smoke detection systems that come like tube types will be going all over the data center and sensing for any smoke similar to auxiliary duct see the auxiliary duct is also an oxygen sensor that also have ducts going all over the data center and it's continuously sampling the air for oxygen and if it detects a reduced oxygen at one location this means there's a fire or there's something wrong it initiates an alarm of course the fm 200 and novik 1230 systems are fire suppression system that work on [Music] spreading a gas so in case of fire is detected these are suppression system that will release a gas that will absorb the oxygen from the air and then suppress the fire and fire stopping is mainly in the doors and on the openings coming in and out of the data center so we have fire stopping between connecting areas between areas of a data center so if you have a data center with different areas you will have fire stopping between these areas so when we in case we have fire in zone one the fire stopping will prevent this fire to go to zone two and we have cables going between these two zones then we have to make sure that all these cable openings or the cables themselves are designed with firestopping in mind now the final main component is the dcim the data center infrastructure management because you have all these systems in the data center you need to manage them and control them and the dci amp provides an overall control system for the data center now data center like everything today is also governed by standards by international and national standards and if you look at the standards that talk and define the requirements in a data center you will find we have iso the international standard of organization we have the itu the ieee big c and ctia and uptime institute actually uptime institute is not a standard body like the others but it's it's an institute that develops guidelines and services for the data center so uptime is one of the main organizations in the data center industry that defines these standards along with iso and tia and other standards buddies so today in our discussion i will be mostly referring to uptime institute and most of the things that i would refer now note that there is no contradiction between the different standard bodies they complement each other so if you look at the tia they will find or or iso iec or tia you will find they talk about more details they talk about more specific requirements in cabling and classifications of a data center uptime talks more on a practical approach on on when you go to the practical life to build a data center and to manage and operate a data center then uptime gives you a more tangible approach to the standards or the information that you're looking for now so as we said standards are important and why they are important because our goal and data center is to reduce our downtime now based on a study published by uptime instituted journal you can see that the different causes of outage and downtime in the data center are ups failures ups human errors water and heat cooling generator failures i.t equipments and other and we have 12 percent from weather related and you cannot control the weather however the other things you can have control or influence on them and that's why we can know that 88 of the outages could be avoided okay or we can take procedures or considerations in our design to reduce the outages coming out from these 88 and we will see how is this done in the tier level categories of a data center so data centers are defined by categories by tiers sorry so we have four tier levels or classes so in uptime we they call them tier levels tier one two three and four and they're called the classes in uh the ia uh or in iso now so we have 40 levels we have no fractional tier so if a component is or a part of the system is tier 2 and the other parts are tier 3 then it's a tier 2 system and always the classification is based on the lowest system now this classification or the topology categories are defined in two types of redundancies one is the component redundancy the capacity component redundancy so measuring how much you have of the load if you have and if you have unload and is the need so if you need let's say uh one megawatt and then your redundancy could be having 2 megawatt supply then this is redundancy in the capacity components the other redundancy is in the distribution path how you deliver this component or this capacity to the ide equipment because if your power supply fails or the cable supporting or connecting the power supply to your it equipment fails you will have the same result you will have you will lose power and you will shut down so redundancy is seen as two parts one on the capacity components and one on the distribution paths let's have a quick look at the tier levels from tier 1 to tier 4. so tier 4 is a fault tolerant design and it gives you 99.9995 availability so in tier 4 of course when we will look at the design later you will see that it costs much more if you want to go from tier 3 to t4 it's not cheap it's very expensive but it gives you almost full time availability and this is based on having redundancy on the distribution paths and on the capacity components tier 3 data centers are called concurrently maintainable that means you can maintain the data center or you can uh work on the equipment or on the capacity components or the paths while the data center is running you don't need to shut down any part of the data center if you want to do any maintenance work and this is tier 3 and it also provides a 99.9 availability okay see i have a additional nine here it's only 99.982 so uh and tier two it is a redundant system it only have redundancy on the capacity component it also gives 99.7 availability and tier 1 is an unredundant solution so it's just a normal data center i will give an example only on one component on the power path for the tier levels to try to understand what the different tier levels mean from a perspective of only one system and i'm taking here the power or ups system so if you look at this diagram here this is a diagram of the power system of a data center you see you have two power sources you have utility and generator you have ats and automatic transfer switch and then you have ups's and going to the data rack now in data center we use and a lot like n equal to ups modules and and means the need or the needed power or the needed energy for your data center so if we have n equal to ups modules and i have only two ups's then i have node redundancy and they have a single distribution path then this is a tier one there is no redundancy whatsoever now looking at tier two we said we have redundant components and here also n is two passes so we have the same need we have a single path distribution you see there is only one path here and here now on the path even if you have like here you have three path and from here we have one so at any point you have a single point of failure in the path and then this is considered as a single path so we have redundancy if you look it's two and we have three ups's while the requirement is for two ups so here we have a redundancy of n plus one okay so in case we have the data center just to give you more realistic understanding of what i mean here if n is 100 watts okay let's take it very simple if n is 100 watt the need we need two ups then each ups is 50 watt to support the system so instead of having 100 plus 100 or i can have a 100 watt ups only one unit or two ups's each is 50 watt then i have 100 watt now why i go for 2 ups is of 50 watt because when i want to make a redundancy system i don't ma need to make 200 i can make n plus 1 in this case i can have 50 plus 50 plus 50 100 is the need so i have two ups's serving 100 plus one additional ups in case of a failure in any of the ups's this one will support the system now if you notice here that in case of any failure in this distribution path i cannot maintain it without shutting off the data center and this is an advantage in tier three where i have a concurrently maintainable system okay and here we have one active path if you see this is alone is a redundant path same as we had in tier 2 and i have an alternative path that is supporting my system now in case i still have here the same three ups that are n plus one however if i have any failure i have two distribution paths like if i want to replace a ups i can turn the power off because in the previous case if i want to replace a ups and i turn the power off then the power goes from the i cannot maintain the data center operation anymore so this is a tier 3 and it's called also concurrently maintainable data center now tier four it's a fault tolerant data center and what's meant by fault tolerant is that no matter what fails in the system so if you look at this system no matter what fails here i will still have an capacity component supplying my data center after any failure and this is so of course you can you can totally disconnect this side and run with this side so these both distribution uh paths with their components are fully redundant and can be active anytime okay plus if you notice always we have two power supplies or two sources of power and usually in the data center you always have more than power supply source so here in this case we consider that the need is three ups modules so we have three ups equal the need plus we have another three on the other side as redundant and we have two similar distribution paths supporting the data center okay so that's about the tiers now when designing a data center i will talk about some interesting aspects first i will start by the approach of a designer on designing a data center how should we approach the design and then we'll talk about some components designs and options we have for the design so the design approach in a data center is starts with understanding the business so what the business need is from this data center what is their requirements today and what are their plans for the future and then based on the business requirements we start the design from that point understanding the business requirements we can understand what type of application they need in the data center how many users will be using this data center what's the bandwidth the speed requirements and so on and then we go to design or understand what would be the it equipment requirements understanding the i.t equipment requirements we can understand what's the physical requirement in the data center how many racks they need what's the space they want to occupy based on the bandwidth they need what are the cabling infrastructures required to support these it equipment and now once we have the id equipment we can know that okay with this amount of power used in i.t we can know that we need to maintain a temperature at that stage so we need these environmental requirements from safety from bms from cooling from dcim and then we go and design an energy system or a power system that can support these requirements and once we have all this then we look at the site where can we occupy all this material and how can we manage it can we put it in an existing building do we need to build a new data center and also inside in selecting the site and location of a data center there is a lot of requirements from the standards from uptime institute and from uh the standards now if you if you're building your own data center you're the owner of the company or you have a huge house you want to build your own data center nobody forces you to follow the standards or to avoid by any of the uptime institute requirement or iso iec requirements however if you're building a data center to serve a client or to sell services then these have great value and then you need to follow the standards step by step and make sure that your data center can be certified later to be to the tier level that you are designing to so yeah just a point on the site location and it's important so that the requirements state that you cannot build a data center let's say close to an area where there is floods because if there is a flood and the water comes inside you will have an issue if you're building a data center it's always recommended to put it in the second floor let's say of the building so there is many requirements depending on the location and the site and also the temperature of the location or the area you're building data center plays an important role in the data center efficiency and operation so my recommendations for a data center design are to follow first comply with the standards as i said because this is something that will classify your data center internationally use modularity and as i showed you in the ups we used two modules and then we added the third one modularity will give you flexibility in your design and it will give you um easy maintenance later in the future and easy upgrades so always it's recommended to use modular systems where possible in data center design and to consider an affordable capital and minimize the life cycle of cost of your data center because when you this is always you know when you when you want to buy a car let's say you think how much is the fuel consumption of the car if if you're buying an electric car you are willing to pay more but then you save a lot on your operation cost and in data center this is more critical because you would think that your capital cost is the biggest cost but if you design your data center in a non-efficient way you will find out that your operation cost is the biggest portion of your capital investment so it's always important to find a a balance between your capex and opex from a design perspective because the way you design your data center reflects on the efficiency of the operation even selecting the location where you so if you design a data center and place it in the desert where it's 50 degrees outside or you place it in a place in switzerland let's say where the temperatures outside are the zero range the the one in switzerland will be more efficient because you can use air from outside to call your data center so but many things are considered okay so it's but these things are some of the things that can play an important role in the operation of a data center and we always target a compact and efficient footprint and layout in a data center because in a data center each space inside or each small space costs money and you want to make the best use of the space inside your data center one note on the side of the efficiency efficiency of using the space and data center so as you know in data centers we have it racks itracks are usually 42 units where we fit our equipment or 48. now traditionally these racks used to host equipment that is three kilowatt or six kilowatt of power now we see racks of 20 kilowatt of power and why we see this because now the footprint or the size of the equipment is coming smaller previously 10 years back if you want to store the hard disk off of a computer or the hard disk any hard disk was the same size as the hard disk today but the capacity of the hard disk 10 years back was maybe 1 over 100 of the capacity of the hard disk today so on the same footprint now instead of storing 10 gigabits you can store 100 or 300 gigabits and of course if you have more storage you have more data access you have more reading from the equipment then you need more power so the power density in the data center in the past 10 years let's say or even more it was always increasing so we have seen an increase power density inside data centers [Music] okay so i'll talk about the cooling in the data center and uh how to control the environment in the data center and why do we need to control the environment now as per uh ashley and ashley is the american society of heating refrigerating and air conditioning they recommend that the temperature inside the data center of the equipment to be between 18 to 27 degrees centigrade and this is the inlet temperature so this is the air going inside your equipment to cool it and i don't know but in my career i've seen many data centers you go inside the data center and it's chilly it's like 18 or 17 degrees centigrade inside the data center and the the owner or the operator would be happy that he has a data center that is okay freezing when you go inside you need to put a jacket if you stay for a long time well this is not efficient because as per the recommendation of actually the incoming air to your equipment can be 27 degrees centigrade and if you are in [Music] saudi arabia or in uae or in the gulf where the heat outside is 40 degrees and you're bringing your internal temperature to 18 degrees well you can keep it at 25 and comply with the recommendations and the standards then you are using your efficiency in the data center and this is one thing a small thing that always improves the efficiency of a data center tremendously if you look at the equipment the equipment can operate from 10 degrees to 35 degrees so in the range that ashley is giving it's fine for them so as a designer you should always design a data center with an optimum temperature control to give the highest efficiency of the equipment because the equipment also will be more efficient if operating at normal room temperature rather than operating at 35 degrees or 10 degrees and a more efficient design from the cost of cooling now in cooling we have different design or different tools or technologies let's say of cooling so we have a chilled water system and then chilled water system you have a chiller plant outside the data center could be shared for other buildings as well but mainly if it's a big data center it will be only for the data center and it will supply chilled water to the data center that cools the air inside or can be directly to the equipment we'll see in the next slide we have the direct expansion the x system and this is similar to the ac units that you see at the home the split units they work with the same technology or your refrigerators at the home they work all by direct expansion system we have free cooling so if you are in a country where the temperature outside is less than 20 degrees or 15 degrees then you can use free cooling to cool your data center of course if using free cooling you cannot bring the air from outside into the data center there's special equipment that will filter the air or will transfer the heat from the outside air with the inner air and transfer only the cooling inside not the air itself and we have the evaporation of operative cooling also evaporative cooling is it's efficient but it's not very effective so if you have a big if you have a hot weather outside evaporative cooling is cheap but it's not very uh very efficient so you cannot reduce the temperature a lot inside but it works if you have moderate temperatures outside you have low power data centers then it could be an option now to bring this cooling system into the data center and supply it inside the data center we have different ways of doing so first one is cold or hot aisle containment and when we say hot and cold aisle so it could be hot or cold aisle containment and here what we do inside the data center we separate the zones into hot zone and call zone so if you see in this picture these are the cabinets the server racks and we have a cold area outside and we have a closed containment between the rags with the exhaust from the top of the hot aisle that takes the hot air back to the crack unit or the cooling unit so this is this cooling unit could be connected to a chilled water supply or to a dx system it could be both options and this is one way now we could we also have uh in-role cooling enroll cooling our in-row racks so these equipment are similar to the crack unit that see here same functionality but they fit inside the row and they release the cold air directly in front of the racks so then it has better performance so in such a system that we see here the maximum cooling capacity that you can deliver per rack is 10 kilowatts so you cannot have more than 10 kilowatt tracks however in the in row cooling you can go up to 20 kilowatt of cooling capacity per rack so this this increases the capacity of your data center because if you have even if you have space here in your racks and you don't have enough cooling then you cannot use the space the downflow up floor same so this is a downflow you can also have an up flow where the air will be going opposite ways and you use the area under the raised floor for the return air in that case and we have direct to the chip cooling it's not widely used however in some specific application you have a refrigerant liquid coming directly to the processor of of the active equipment that cools it directly this is the most efficient because you are only targeting you have targeted cooling only on the equipment itself however it is more complicated and more expensive to implement so it's rarely implemented but it's more efficient cooling so it's used in maybe a specific data centers not in most data centers another interesting thing in the design of a data center is how we manage the clean area inside the data center with that because we don't want dust to come into the it equipment these are very sensitive equipment and we want as much as possible to keep the dust outside so from the concept of pressure and air always runs from a low pressure air from a high pressure area to a low pressure area when we design our data center we try to keep the pressure inside the data center hole bigger than the pressure in the supporting areas and in the supporting areas the pressure is higher than the pressure outside the data center so in case you open a door between area 1 and area 2 the air will flow from inside the data hole to the supporting areas and when you come from outside the facility when the door opens the air will flow from inside to outside so you always have air supply units that push air inside the data center and you have air outlets that are running extracting the air outside and it's always required to have air circulation in the data center so this this serves two purposes one is having air circulation in the data center or air change plus increasing the pressure inside the room so when you come from outside the dust or the air from inside is pushed outside not vice versa next we have a quick look at the power and we have seen this before in a power system and this is a simple representation of the data center power system you have power supply you could have only one if you are tier one but from tier three and above you are required to have a utility power plus a generator ready and you will ask why we have a ups and the generator because the ups is not an alternative power supply the ups is only to support you if there is an interruption of the power supply however the generator should be there and it should have also a diesel tank that supports the operation of the generator for a specific time so the ups and here many i've seen this in my career that a lot of clients would come and ask you we need ups that would support our data center for two hours you don't need it and you will never use it the requirement and the recommendation by the standards is for 15 minutes and this is more than enough more than enough because in 15 minutes your generator will turn on and it will start supplying power and the ups will be off so in a data center the ups is only to support you during an interruption of power the backup power is from a generator system not from the ups so you have a power supply for and usually another thing that the ups if you have it for 30 minutes or one hour it's useless because your cooling system is not running on your ups your cooling system is running on the utility power so if you're using a ups and you're ignoring the generator and you have two hours after 30 minutes of the it equipment operation the heat inside the data center will go above 55 degrees and by default the i.t equipment will shut down or you will have a fire or whatever so ups more than 15 minutes in the data center is not required it's not recommended however in some special applications still you see that ups requirements are for one hour or more and some designs but very rarely so the power from the utility will supply the ups that supports the id equipment and the other building services and the coding system now when we talk about the ups there is another option for ups for two options one is the battery powered ups that we all know and we all talk about we have a battery and we have if the power is off then the battery will supply an oscillator and it will generate a sign signal that will feed your data center now there's another type of ups and it's done dynamic rotary ups the difference so what we are trying to do in ups if you think if you look from a theoretical point of view we're trying to store the energy we want to store energy so when we have the main source of energy off then we can maintain our data center for some time in a power in a battery powered ups we are using chemical energy inside the power we're using we're storing the power as chemical energy inside the batteries and in a dynamic rotary ups we store the power as mechanical energy and how is that we have we have the usually a dynamic rotary utps is always connected with a generator so if you look at the previous slide the generator will be the ups we will move it from here and we will link it to the generator so we have the generator and we have a shaft connected to the generator with a big with a big flywheel around the shaft that is always rotating so we have a flywheel that is always rotating it's maintaining its speed by the power of the utility and in case you have a power shutoff or power disconnection this rotation of the flywheel turns on the generator that is already connected to the system so it the power in the or if you want the power in the data center is always coming from the generator okay so you have no interruption so there is two types one is storing the energy as mechanical energy or as kinetic energy in a flywheel that is connected to a power generator and connected to a diesel motor so in case of the power is off the shaft will keep turning the generator and it will supply power for at least one minute till the diesel power will kick in and then turn the flywheel and electric generator so this is another type of ups usually a dynamic rotary ups is only used in huge data centers megawatt or multi-megawatt data centers because of it's very efficient but because of the cost it doesn't make sense to put it for or to use it for small data centers so we only use it in very large data centers finally i want to talk about the pue or the power usage efficiency of a data center and this is like a benchmark of data centers and when you look at the data center you you always try to evaluate it by its pue power usage efficiency what is apue it's the total facility power over your id equipment power so if you have a data center where you have 100 watt equipment inside i.t equipment then you measure how much your total power supply if you have 150 watt so you have 150 over 100 you have 1.5 pue so uh for every 100 watts used for ite you have an additional 50 watt that is used to support these systems in cooling lightning security system software applications anything that's running in your data center so this is the poe so if you have a poe of one then this is a perfect data center you are not using any additional power for cooling or lightning or anything all the power that is coming to your data center is used for but this is not not achievable of course so also according to a study by uptime on the data center existing data center markets you see that the data center power usage efficiency before 2008 was around 2.5 so for every 100 watt of ip power you were using 1.150 so you need 250 watt to power your data center it went down in 2013 to 1.65 in 2018 it was 1.58 so it's now in the range of 1.6 so currently these days our average data center operation or power usage efficiency is 1.6 and that means for every 100 watt we we use as i t we have an additional 60 watt used for supporting this idea equipment which is which is good because of a lot of losses you have many things in the facility so that is it okay that's it for me thank you very much i hope i did not uh broaden you and this presentation and you enjoy it if you have any questions or so guys if you have any questions please feel free to uh on youtube um hello how are you yes i'm good uh i have a question with regards to powering the data centers we now saw that the entire powering system is pretty complicated uh is it possible that a data center is powered through renewable energies such as solar energy wind energy or all those technologies are still not uh able to carry like that much can't provide that much reliable power so is that an is that an option no it is an option and you can see some data centers now they have their their roof fully filled with solar panels however till now i don't know but from my experience i did not see it as a main power supply for a data center the reason is in the data center you always need 100 reliability as we mentioned you need 99.99 availability in the data center so it's used as a secondary power supply i haven't seen it as a main power supply till now okay great thank you welcome i see some questions in the chat chat box [Music] the data center provide internet no and yes internet is a bigger thing so the data center needs internet to run so what's internet let's define internet first internet is the connectivity between all the data centers and yourself and me now so now we're using the internet everybody connected together this is the internet so a data center without internet is useless and means nothing and the same thing and internet without a data center cannot do us any good because if you search anything on google now or on anything on the web all the information is in data centers so they complement each other the data center is part of the internet it's where all the data is stored so everything you see when you go open a website when you go when you go online when you open your facebook when you open any application on your mobile all the data is in a data center so there is the data center is like the big storage for the internet so anything you request from the internet comes from a data center but to access it you need the internet okay all right so the second question is there a physical recycle bin in a data center or is it simply dumped physical recycle bin for what you mean for the data or for the equipment you can i think it means data mario if you would like to unmute yourself and ask or just provide me with more details about your question okay i mean i think you mean you mean for the data that that we delete or we put aside no it's it's not physical the data is not uh moved to a separate place usually okay i'm not an expert in the data part i'm an i.t infrastructure expert but i know that one when when there is a data that is move deleted the only thing that's changed is that there is a flag that this is okay deleted it's noted as in the recycle bin and in one month it will be permanently deleted but it will stay in the same location the only thing with that will change is the sign or the label for the software not for us so there will be a small flag there it will tell that this is deleted and it will be permanently deleted after some time okay so there's a question that basically and data center conserves everything deleted from people's devices i get this question you know like if you delete your facebook account then they will keep the information of course they will keep it it's not the data center you know it's who is operating the data center and the big companies who operate the data center like uh or the the big giant like amazon google and facebook they make money from our data and from your data they want to know how you think how you how you what's your style in life what do you like what so they monitor everything everything even your emails you think they don't know i send an email to somebody private and then the second day i open my uh facebook or some website and they get an advertisement for the same thing that i sent in private and this is this is there's no privacy you think it's there is no there is a privacy because maybe no one knows what you are looking at but the machines that are running the artificial intelligence that are in the data centers running and searching your data they can see everything you do and usually they will not delete any data they will keep it they will they have a profile for you and it will always be there for you so it's not deleted i don't even if you cannot access it or you don't see it but but this is not related to the data center this is the related to who is operating the data center and how they deal with this data perfect thank you so much are there any other questions guys welcome okay so i want to thank you again shaheer for this very detailed and very realistic and specific presentation um of course i will share with everyone the recorded lecture including you and i will always also send the presentation uh thank you for all the attendance and we'll see you in a future event thank you carla thank you very much thank you everyone i hope i hope i i delivered something that is valuable for you and uh i don't know i i i wish that i can have your feedback your honest feedback you can you can contact me on linkedin i really like the feedback just to understand how people perceive these presentations because you know i'm i talk this like i understand every word i say i know it's common knowledge for me but some words you know could be difficult for someone who is not in the field to understand or so if you have any comments or any recommendations or any feedback please i would be more than happy to hear it from you and thank you very much have a nice evening
Channel: Knowledge Base
Views: 11,681
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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