Data Analyst Salary | 100k with No Experience

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I'm gonna tell you how I'm for making $20,000 at behavioral health hospital it's over $100,000 as a data analyst at a fortune 500 company what's going on everybody my name is Alex Freiburg and I want to help you become a data analyst if that's something you're interested in be sure to subscribe below let's get into it all right so I'm going to take you back to the very first job that I had at a college and just walk you through the job that I've had up until the one I have now I'm gonna go over salary kind of my job description and then how I transitioned into the next job so right out of college I moved to Dallas Texas I was working on a behavioral health hospital and I was making $10 an hour so to roughly translates to $20,000 a year and the work that I was doing is I was doing group therapies with people who had schizophrenia bipolar disorder who were suicidal basically anybody that needed help in a behavioral health hospital I would do therapies at them and you progress notes and things like that so if you're in that world you know what that is during that time is when I had met my wife I decided to stay in Dallas and so I just started looking for any full-time job so I was just playing to just completely random jobs really trying to get anything I got a job as a caretaker on a nonprofit I was making $36,000 a year now it's actually a pretty big bump I just out of college I was like hey $36,000 it's not that bad inside note that's what I married my wife so I know she didn't marry for my money the work that was doing there was basically I was saying care the day-to-day needs of the people who were in the shelter and the shelter was comprised the people who are like being abused at home we're trying to get away and so I just took care of you know toiletries I cooked food I did basically anything that they needed that's what I did so during that time there was an opening at the nonprofit that I was at for a data collection specialist an analyst I applied I got the job and I was making 47 thousand dollars per year and that one felt like a huge jump to me I was like forty-seven thousand dollars a year back where I'm from in North Carolina that's a pretty good salary and so in that job I was basically collecting data for our grants and so what that means is we would get federal and state grants and we had to submit data in order to get those grants again next year so throughout the course of the year I would collect the data I put it organize it in Excel and then we would submit it so basically I was only working in Excel during that time there was really no database stuff it really wasn't a data analyst position but it had that kind of in the title and so that's why one of my resume at least was that the nonprofit for a whole year six months as the caretaker six months as a data collection specialist analyst when I decided I want to make a little more money for my family and so I tried to get out of the nonprofit world after that I got a job as a data analyst at a healthcare analytics company and I was making around sixty three thousand dollars a year the company was a qcdr which is basically a qualified clinical data registry so we would collect data for MIPS and other programs we would submit it on their behalf so they can make money and get their reimbursements that they were supposed to get I also did a lot of reports I worked with clients to clean their data I did a lot of things in sequel the stored procedures and Excel and learned a lot about how that actually works in a production environment after that I decide to try work for a larger company now the reason I wanted to work for a larger company was stability so next I actually became a junior data analyst and that happened because the company that I was working at I was a data analyst for the healthcare analytics company but when I was transitioning to a larger company I just felt like I didn't have the skills needed to really excel as a data analyst or above so I applied for a lower position because I just wanted to get my foot in the door and then work my way up once I get in so I got hired as a junior data analyst at a fortune 500 company and I was making seventy six thousand dollars hourly so my benefits I was just getting through the recruiting company which weren't that good and they were very expensive so during that time I'm working with the clients for a lot of things I'm working with them to get their data into our systems under our warehouses I'm working them to get them reports and making sure that their data is clean a lot of that kind of work after six months they decide to hire me on full time so instead of a junior data analyst they actually gave me a promotion to a data analyst too so my base salary was ninety two thousand and then I had a yearly bonus of nine percent which is roughly around a hundred thousand dollars obviously I was a bit shocked I didn't think that that was gonna happen I just figured that they would go from 76,000 hourly to maybe like mid-70s yearly it's all I was really surprised and I was extremely happy because I felt like that really validated the fact that you know I am a data analyst I can do this so that's it that's how I got to where I am today I still have a long way to go and I have lots of goals and aspirations for my future I do not want to stay complacent want to progress and excel and be the best data analyst come he's ever seen I hope I described that well and how I transitioned each job I really think that each job played a part in how I became Who I am today in my career at least and so I don't look back and think wow what a waste of time I look back and I think wow I'm so fortunate I don't think my story is uncommon either I think a lot of people have made those transitions and been able to be really successful if that's you or you know somebody who's done that be sure to comment below I'd love to hear how that happened or how they were able to do that it can be really inspiring just to hear someone else who's done it thank you so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you like this type of content be sure to subscribe below thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Alex The Analyst
Views: 38,602
Rating: 4.9465599 out of 5
Keywords: Data Analyst Salary, Data analyst with no experience, how to become a data analyst, Data analyst, Data Analyst fortune 500, Data Analyst how to, Data analyst beginner, Data Analyst Salary | 100k with No Experience, 100k with no experience, data science, data scientist, business analyst, Data analyst salary with no experience, data analyst salary with no degree
Id: ya28cb3zFGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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