How I Changed Careers to Become a Data Analyst | Alex The Analyst Show | Episode 2

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hello i'm your host alex freeberg and this is the alex the analyst show thank you guys so much for joining me today we're going to be discussing how i was able to change careers completely to become a data analyst and i think that this is a really good topic because i get asked this question all the time it's from people who are teachers or nurses or accountants who want to pivot their careers or completely change their careers to become a data analyst and you know they asked me for tips and they asked me for advice on what they should do and so i thought that you know this is a good time a good place to really go in depth into how i was able to make that change the things that i did the time frames and so hopefully along this uh in this video you're able to pick up some tips or some things that you can apply to your own journey to becoming a data analyst you know we're going to start at the very very beginning back in 19 i'm just kidding we're going to start you know right after i graduated college and we're going to talk about the first the degree that i had the first job that i had and talk about how i progressed all the way up to the job that i have now so i hope that is helpful i hope that this is going to be a good useful video that you know people can actually learn something from and apply to their own journeys and careers as well so let's start at the very beginning of my um you know career which was i have a degree in recreational therapy if you don't know what that is don't be surprised i had no idea what it was when i first got into college you know i wanted to go into occupational therapy and then potentially physical therapy um you know i really liked working with people and so that's the kind of degree that i got and recreational therapy was a stepping stone to get to the the master's degree in occupational therapy where i went to school that was kind of a natural stepping stone and so that's why i got that degree so i moved to dallas texas right after college for an internship and then i had plans to work a little bit and then get into a master's program so you know just to set the stage that's kind of where i was and so i get here i'm doing my internship and uh you know lo and behold i decided to you know go out and i meet a girl and that's kind of how this story completely pivots um because i had this whole idea of what i wanted to do with my life and my career and in that single moment of of meeting my now wife um my whole life changed and so i i basically threw everything that i had planned out the window i married her um and you know we uh started figuring out how i was going to earn money right because i had at that time basically no income um and i just started applying to completely random jobs right i was i was applying for just jobs that i was just please hire me i just want to make any money so i can stay here i don't have to move back to north carolina um i eventually got a job at a non-profit as kind of like a caretaker i think it was called like um a res not a resident advocate something like that i believe that there's an acronym called ra and basically what i did was i was helping take care of people who were in our shelter it was an abuse shelter so people primarily women and men who had been abused in relationships could come there and i would help take care of them i would cook them food i would um you know basically do paperwork and lots of other things just to make sure that they were taken care of so that was the very first real job that i had out of college um and so i'm working there for like six months i'm getting to know a lot of the people who worked at the nonprofit you know i'm making i'm building relationships even though i'm in basically the lowest position at the entire nonprofit and and so you know i'm building relationships and getting to know people and a a job comes up which was a data collection specialist and analyst now my girlfriend at the time my now wife said hey you should apply for that job and i was like i don't know what that means at all i have no idea what any of those words are i i don't i guess i kind of know what data is have no idea what this job would entail but i looked at the job description and um you know it was basically just working in excel it was collecting numbers from different apartments and putting them together and it seemed really easy so you know i completely reformatted my resume i applied and lo and behold i was the only applicant and i got the job and so this is where the whole story of how i became who i am today career-wise uh that's how it all happened it was me desperately needing more money because i wanted to marry this girl um and she kind of pushed me to just apply even though i thought there was no way i was going to get this job and so you know at that time i really had no career aspirations i kind of put that off to the side to push down the road maybe three to five years i had no idea really um you know i kind of i would portray myself as kind of like um steve carell and 40 year old virgin where he just has no career plans he doesn't really have anything going for him he plays video games all the time that was basically me except i had a girlfriend um and and that's about it and i kind of it was serious and so um that's really the only difference you know we it was very much very much the same um and so i took that job and then for the next six months i'm learning um all about uh excel data collection um submitting grants um submitting the data for the grants that we get money for our actual organization to run and i'm learning all about these things and we decide that as a company to get a new database to start you know collecting the data better because we had a sql server which i found out basically when i was leaving i had no idea we even had sql server to be honest and i didn't know i didn't even know what sql was right uh the funny part was is as we were implementing the new uh database which was salesforce which i'm sure a lot of people are aware of the guy the consultant that we had hired to basically teach me how to implement and use uh he had asked me he's like oh well you're the data guy i'm guessing you guys use sql and i said i was like what is sql and it was like it was it was he basically like it was like he facepalmed himself he just was like like what on earth are you talking about how do you not know a sequel is so that very night i go home i start looking at what sequel is i still don't really understand it but i decide to look up um like a free course i think it was like khan academy or something like that and just start learning kind of what a database is um how it works what sql is how to how you kind of pull data i didn't really understand that um and that is the first time i learned what sql was it was six months into my data collection specialist and analyst job and that completely changed all my aspirations that i had right is this guy just mentioning what sql was so um you know i start doing a ton of research on sql what it is what it's marketable for what kind of jobs you can get with it because i just for whatever reason really liked it i don't even remember why i liked it so much but i became almost obsessed with it i was working on it excuse me i would say almost every single night maybe for three to four hours i just became i genuinely did become obsessed um and my my wife remembers like i would just be up late at night until like 1am every single night just building databases um you know building things out trying to understand it looking at websites watching youtube videos um you know i went through a very very big phase where i was almost obsessed with learning about data analytics um that was my future i had kind of decided in that moment i was like i need to get a job as a data analyst so you know i'm in that job for six months i started learning about it over the next two or three months things start going downhill in that job the people i'm working with start to change starts get a little bit toxic i would even say and um you know i'm talking to my wife about this and she's like you know we you know you should try to find another job to be honest she's like you need to find another job um and you know there wasn't many options out there for me i had a degree in recreational therapy i didn't have many skills but you know i was able to over the course of about two months three months really feel like i had gotten this whole sequel thing down and so um you know i i decided to reformat my resume i really revamped it i i didn't even have a portfolio what i did was i actually created basically a one sheet or it was a two sheet with just sql scripts on there so it was sql scripts and i remember one of them specifically was um taking a phone number like it was phone numbers that were in different um uh different formats and i used uh regular expression and sql to standardize all of them that was one of my scripts right so so kind of simple stuff but you know that was all i knew all i knew was sql um and so i was really banking on the fact that i knew sql because i had no other skills i didn't know any data visualization i didn't know any python i didn't have really any domain knowledge or understanding of how the process worked at all and so i felt looking back i basically knew nothing i knew sql and that's about it i didn't even know how to use it in a production environment i didn't understand how to use it in a team or work with it in a team i just knew the syntax right so that's kind of where i was um and and my job starts taking a really big downhill turn and i'm like i need to find another job i cannot stay here longer and so i start applying and applying and applying i probably applied to hundreds i'm talking like probably two to three hundred jobs on linkedin glassdoor um indeed anything that was like entry level i was applying for it and so uh give me one sec and so i was applying for it and i finally got message from this guy on um linkedin and he was like hey i'm a recruiter in the dallas area you know i i so it shows on your linkedin profile that you are looking for a job as a data analyst let's connect let you know give me a call so um once i found out that recruiters were a thing which again i don't come from the tech world i don't come from really any kind of uh field where recruiters are needed so i didn't know how to work with a recruiter so i just kind of called them told him what i wanted and he walked me through the entire process of how i'm gonna you know work with my resume how i'm going to um you know get in contact with employers how this whole process works and it was awesome right he basically told me that they're gonna help me find a job and all my dreams are gonna come true um which was everything i wanted to hear but genuinely i worked with about five or six recruiters and he was the first one who reached out to me um and he was the first one i got i accepted my next job with um but i'm working with the recruiters and you know i'm basically telling them like look the data collection specialist is mostly excel i have some sql experience that's real i'm trying to get a job that's just sql um and i express that to them very honestly because i don't want to get into a job where i have to know like python or data visualization because i don't know it at all so um i'm applying to a few different jobs i get i do get a few phone interviews but these the the the phone interviews were so beyond anything that i knew and they were offering a lot of money right they were offering like eighty thousand ninety thousand dollars and they were expecting like machine learning and things that i didn't even know existed basically and so uh you know i kept turning them down because i was you know they they weren't jobs that i was gonna get and if i got it i would just get fired right away because i was not intelligent enough or or i didn't have enough experience to understand it so i finally got in contact with a um a healthcare analytics company and this healthcare analytics company was very new small small company under like 50 people and i have a healthcare background and so i was really able to leverage that and say you know i actually used to use the hr's i know how they work um you know i know sql i know excel this would be a good fit for me and so i got the the phone interview that went really well got the in-person interview that kind of didn't go so great to be honest um the boss that uh i ended up having he was the the hiring person in the interview and i remember you know he asked me some really simple questions that now looking back i 100 should have known and been prepared for but i wasn't it was on like joins and um you know creating views things that i absolutely 100 should have known uh but i didn't and so i feel really stupid looking back because i really should have been more prepared um i just didn't know what i even needed to know i didn't even know that i needed to know about joins uh in an interview didn't even think that i didn't even know what a technical question was and that's that's you know let me look that's four years ago right so that's not that long ago um so you know the interview goes okay but they end up offering me the job and i think what what they told me later on you know i had been at the job for six months seven months they did tell me um you know they talked about me and they basically said that i had just a really good attitude i was very outspoken that they that i seemed like someone they wanted to work with and although i didn't i didn't necessarily have all the technical experience that i i needed i had a huge drive um and they could tell that i was someone who's gonna pick it up quickly and really push myself and be a good employee so that's what they told me and i and i i agree in my interview that's how i kind of tried to portray myself which was i don't know a lot but man i'm going to work super hard if you hire me and so please hire me because i need i need um i want to get out of my current job i didn't say that in my interview but i wanted to get out of my current job so that i could get this new job and you know they gave me the job and i'm working in there and i think that was one of the best jobs that i could have possibly gotten at the time because it was it started off very simple a lot of excel work very basic sql work and i had my boss who was i think the director of oh i can't remember his title um but he was a huge mentor to me and he really took me under my wing under his wing and he taught me sql he taught me a lot of really advanced things in excel and these are things that inevitably not inevitably but eventually became huge for me to know became extremely important and i didn't even know i didn't know these things and so he just really i want to say he took me on his way but he really babied me at the beginning of my job for the first like month um and i picked it up super quickly because once i realized they used sql server i went home and that night you know once i learned i got the job starting studying studying everything about sql server like every single thing i could find i took i by the time in two weeks when i got my new job i had already taken like four courses on sql server and so once i got into it i was a little bit comfortable but i was still very novice very much beginner level and so i stayed at that job for a whole year and i say a whole year because i had no intention of leaving that job in fact they had talked about promoting me because i i really had picked it up so fast that in and i'm not trying to brag in any way this is just what they tell they told me is i really picked it up so fast that they wanted to uh give me a promotion keep me there longer make you know make sure that i was happy and satisfied in my job um but i had really high by that time once i started really getting into that job i started realizing kind of the job market i started realizing how much i probably could be worth um which at that time i was making 63 000 right um at the nonprofit i was making 47 000 as the data collection specialist and analyst um i was making like 32 or something like that um maybe 36 as the uh caretaker so you know i'm making a steady steady progression in my salary which is amazing because at that time when i got into kp uh when i got in the healthcare analytics job i had just gotten married so i was a newlywed um we just you know we had a we found out my wife was pregnant not but what three months after we got married so i mean my life is like fast tracking right now and i'm under i i had put myself under an immense amount of pressure to really provide for my family because i knew we were about to add a child um we were about to enter a whole new stage of our lives and i felt a huge amount of pressure to really start making more money and so i started reaching around and eventually i got reached out to um by another recruiter who basically said you have all the skills that we're looking for for this position um excuse me it's a big fortune 500 company lots of great perks benefits but it's a junior data analyst position um but it paid more than what i was currently making right it was the i believe it was 76 000 but it was um an hourly job it was a contract to hire um and i was really really nervous right and i i basically told my wife i was like what what do you i ask my wife what do you want me to do right do you want me to stay at my current job and then in a year or two i get um a promotion make a little bit more money or do i try to make it up into what i would consider like the big leagues is how i remember phrasing it i feel kind of stupid saying that um but i remember telling her i was like i was like this is the big leagues i was like this is a big company this is a um you know a global company i was like i was like if i got that job i mean that could be huge for my career and it turns out it really was but you know at the time it was very much um very much scary it was very scary to um to try to switch jobs right um to back it up just real quick before i tell you what i did there to back that up during you know while i was at this healthcare analytics company i was also learning a ton um in my spare time i was learning python tableau power bi um and we we use tableau at the job and so i finally at near near maybe like the six month mark at that at that job i started to use it but we didn't use any python um at least from my position we didn't use any power bi and so i was just learning those things 100 of my own figuring out how to automate things data visualization and python those kinds of things and i did that for months i mean probably like six months um and python to me was just another language it was like it was like i had been dropped in another country and they were expecting me to speak their language or else they would not understand me i had no idea what i was doing i had no idea what an ide was a terminal like the beginner stuff that you just start out with didn't understand it in the slightest and it took me months to just understand the very basics because i was just so new new to the to that idea i didn't know what a programming language was like i was really i was very beginner guys i was very very very beginner so um you know just wanted to kind of step back and tell you that because i i never saw i still don't i have never stopped learning since i became a data analyst i didn't get my first job and just stopped learning tried to learn on the job as i was learning on the job i was always taking tons of courses and again semi-obsessively just continuing to grow my skill set because i knew the more skills that i knew if i knew python i knew it would increase my value in the market i just knew that and that's how i thought of these things is the more i'm studying the more i'm increasing my value and the more money i can make that is 100 where my head was at um and so back to the to the actual job is i got the interview i went through three levels of interviews um and you know they they extended an offer and i had to choose do i want to be a junior data analyst at a very large company or do i want to be a data analyst right now but most likely get promoted to senior level data analysts and you know they were they i remember them when i was one second sorry i thought i heard something uh i thought uh i remember them talking you know we were looking for somebody to take your boss's role eventually which he was a director level and i was like whoa whoa whoa whoa like it's too early to talk about and eventually here's why i made the decision to go to the larger company i felt that at the time they wanted me at the small company to progress to a really high level quickly they wanted someone to come in and probably within a year or two to come to that director level and i would have been making a lot of money right when i left when i eventually took the other job and i left before i left they were offering me a hundred thousand dollars to stay they said we will give you a salary of a hundred thousand dollars and it was near i mean it took everything in me to have to turn that down but the reason i turned that down is because the you know i discussed all this with my wife in depth for hours because it was such a difficult decision but i eventually said i want to go to the large company because i want not only the brand name but i want the experience and i felt like if i took the higher role at the small company i would eventually with my education with my skill level i would eventually if that company had ever gone under or they went out of business or those are the same thing but if they got sold out and i had to look for another job and i have director level on my on my resume and i have a degree in recreational therapy i have three years of experience who is going to hire me that was a huge fear for me um and i told them that i said look i was like i'm thinking long term i'm thinking five ten fifteen years down the road that to me does not look good um and i understand you know they their their thinking was well you'll have a director level role very young and i was like i get it but i don't see how that is going to be beneficial to me in the long run of my career and so i made a very difficult decision to take 76 000 hourly with the opportunity to um you know get promoted or the opportunity to go full time that was the fear the you know i that i would get the part-time work and i wouldn't get the full-time work and i would have missed out on this huge opportunity to make a hundred thousand dollars right away but i took the other job because i wanted the stability i wanted to be a very large company to grow at that company to have that brand name and um i made the right decision i really did i i really think in retrospect looking back i made the right decision so um i start the job i am a junior data analyst i took a a level down in title so i went from data analyst to junior data analyst so um you know that was kind of interesting um i'm making 76 000 and that's hourly i think it's like 35 an hour um in the us and so um it's a it's a amazing salary i you know to be honest i i don't come from money i don't come from people who made a lot of money nobody in my family is super wealthy um you know to say to to you know put it nicely we're just not are we that's not how i grew up and so to call my family and tell them that how much i was making which my family is very open about that stuff you know we would just talk about it and you know i knew how much you know my parents were making to tell them how much i was making it just it was um i was i had an extreme amount of pride to provide that for my family and to be able to tell my family that i'm i'm successful and that i even though i had changed careers i am successful and just meant everything to them um and so i just continued to push myself during that time um i got into the job i got did all the onboarding all the trainings and all that stuff and you know we are using sql server that's my bread and butter that is my that is my one thing that if anything fails if anyone asks me you know what's the best thing you're at sql server that is my thing um i love it i think it's amazing i still stand by it to this day that it is fantastic and you should learn it um and i had been learning python so i knew i knew quite a bit of python as well so i get into my role and um you know i think i had a little bit of anxiety that i was going to after i think it was a six-month contract to hire no no it was a four-month contract to hire so i had a real a very very healthy i feel healthy amount of anxiety that after four months they were not going to hire me on and so i worked extremely hard like extremely extremely hard to pick up all the work that my boss needed me to pick up to do extra work to volunteer for projects that people probably did not want to be on um and it eventually paid off for me right i was i was doing things almost beyond my skill level at the time i was building things for that were saving my department lots of time i'm saving my team lots of time and like just for example um because i've talked about this in another video um but two things that when i got into this position i was in my mind i was trying to do was how can i make myself very important and how can i make the biggest impact on the company right or my in my team because i want to optimize my value here to make sure i get hired on i don't want i don't want any doubt in their minds that they should not hire me and and just bring me on full time so that i have a stable career um again that is my mindset the whole time i'm there uh and maybe not the best mindset to have um maybe i should have been one sec maybe i should have been a little bit more concentrated on i don't know other things maybe people the people there or my family or i don't know i was of course concentrated on my family the whole time but when i was at work i was very much focused um and and i just worked and worked and worked the two projects i was referencing were in sql server um something my team was doing was doing gap analysis on d on different databases because we would take a database we'd get some new data you know we would want to do another um a comparison to the new database the new data see what's changed and my team they didn't have any tools or anything that was doing that so people were doing this manually and when i first got there i had to do it manually and it took forever it was taking hours i'm like like a whole day worth just to do one gap analysis on a database i was like there has got to be a better way and so i uh without even asking my boss i took the time out of my time at home so i you know i said how can i make this quicker so i did tons of research played around with tons of different scripts and i wrote a script that would take a whole database compared to another database it would it would compare every view every table every column the counts of the columns everything and it would give us the output and it would take like five minutes to run and i i said hey boss um you know i made this thing it might really be helpful for the team mind if i pitched you so i showed it to her and um one thing about my boss now that i know is she's not super technical she is extremely smart on um she's extremely smart on the domain side so we work on pharmaceuticals so she knows oncology hematology all those things like the back of her hand you know she knows how to build an emr system she's it she's extremely smart but when it came to the technical stuff you know she just didn't have she wasn't a technical person but that's why she was in a manager's role and she had me underneath as the data analyst um and before that she had another data analyst who had to leave um and so she really needed somebody who had technical skills and she was just floored she thought it was the best thing that has ever happened um and she made me feel that way she made me feel like it was the best thing ever so i really you know she was just a she is a really good boss um and you know we started using it i showed other people it i gave the script to other people they modified it use it for their own uses so that was the first big project where i felt extremely validated that you know i could hang with these people that that i could you know really be successful here and i say that because when i first got there i felt a little bit of imposter syndrome very much like everyone else was smarter than me which i still think they are in a lot of different aspects but there were some aspects that i started to hold on to and i started to say well you know i i really can hold my own in this area and so i started to gain a lot of confidence and then eventually i built a python script that another thing that we were you know i saw i was trying to solve business business issues um things that were taking us a lot of manual time and something that we were doing was we were getting flat files from customers where we needed to look into it kind of analyze it um a little bit get some basic information and what my team was originally doing was taking it converting it to an excel running counts on the on the columns and all these things and a few different other things and i was like wait a second i was like this is a perfect opportunity to use my python skills that i've been working on for the past four months um so i build a script that uh when when the file was put into uh this folder it would ingest it spit out um all the things that we were looking for um so it would spit out counts nulls all these things and then it would uh create a file and it would send us an email and say it's done and again i i think that one was probably one of the most challenging um things that i had basically ever done or projects i've ever done to date but to me that was that was the really big project that i think put it over the edge for what came next so you know my my four months are up there they're wondering um they're looking into one second sorry about that they're looking to hire me again um one sec i i need to show you guys something really quick and i'm completely cutting myself off mid sentence because i'm getting distracted by it so if i don't show you now um i'm just gonna completely forget everything else i'm gonna say so one second we just got a puppy and his name is max this is a perfect time near the end of the podcast to say or near the end of the show to say that um today's sponsor is all of you guys over at patreon and if you want to see more pictures of max um you know you need to go to patreon and support the channel and if you uh if you really care about max if you really care about feeding him taking care of him making sure that he is loved the only way i'm going to do that is if you go over to patreon and support me so thank you cute dog he is um a doxy poo very cute dog um for the family i wanted uh a golden lab didn't happen i'm not surprised i have little little kids and so i was outvoted um where was i uh so i'm just gonna pick off where i think i was but i may not be exactly where i actually was you know they were contemplating uh how they were gonna hire me uh if they wanted to hire me i basically got the go ahead for my boss like yes we're gonna offer you the job so you know we get into talks about promotions or hiring me on full-time and my boss basically springs this on me as like hey you know i i talk to the higher-ups i talk to our internal team who does the hiring and we want to offer you a data analyst 2 position which was two pay positions higher than you i was already at um and so i just remember being absolutely floored like i was absolutely just floored um that they were going to do that because they could easily just offer me the junior data analyst position for like 75 000 full-time or set mid 70s full time and i would have accepted it no question but they you know just said that i went above and beyond my people skills were really good i was connecting with everyone on the team um you know my technical skills were really good and so they offered me a a promotion basically and um to say the least i was it just it made me feel um so validated that my decision was correct not take the other job but to take this one because eventually the the pay was comparable to what they wrote for me at the other job but now i have um this really uh good company brand name uh giant company on my resume and that will do me wonders down the road i i know it will um and i and that's because now i'm in on the hiring side um because now i work on the hiring team for our team i know that that will pay dividends down the road and so i'm super happy that i made that decision um it just you know it took uh it took a while to put everything into perspective but all that to say is um you know i think that for everyone out there who is trying to change careers there are a few main tips that i that i will give you which is make sure that you know the skills really well the ones that you really need to know sql python tableau power bi excel the basics make sure you know those really well make sure that you have a really good resume and you can speak to your skills very well in an interview work with a recruiter make sure that you know the recruiter knows what you're looking for that you're working with many recruiters and that you know when you get into that interview that you sell yourself hard you sell yourself you make sure you get that job because you need that experience you need an experience underneath your belt uh to progress and go higher and make more money you you have to have it and so that is in a nutshell in a very quick nutshell that is you know that is the that is the take away from all of this it is possible to change careers it is difficult and i had a very tough time getting that first job but once i got that first job um once i got that first real job not the data analytics analyst collection and analyst whatever that job was not that job my very first real one at a healthcare analytics company once you get that real experience with with the skills and you actually are using it it is invaluable it will make it 10 times easier to get your next job i promise and so for all of you who are who are in that spot where i was just a few years ago there is hope it may be a little bit more difficult now that there is covid but i promise you there are jobs out there you just have to keep um keep focused know what you need to do and just do it consistently all the time so if you're studying con consistently study you don't have to study it all in one month right make sure you're just doing it consistently and it will pay off um we have a segment at the end of the show which is the question of the week and let me pull that one up uh is from nick um on youtube and he says hello alex how are you and that meant a lot i don't get questions asking how i am very often on youtube it's all it's always alex help me out with this alex how do i do this alex my code isn't working what do i do you know it's all the time it's just um it's nice to hear that nick cares about me i gotta be honest and to answer the question i i'm doing really good all things considered um you know my family is healthy uh i have a dog who's sleeping right here i'm doing good um and i have this youtube channel where i get to talk to all of you guys every week makes me super happy so nick thank you i'm i'm doing well how are you i hope you're doing well i hope you and your family are healthy and safe um comment below message me we'll get in touch uh that is all i have for today i hope this has been useful right i will say that when i was starting out i did not have anybody not one person on youtube or in real life or anybody to guide me or mentor me in any way i was doing this all completely by myself um the videos that i watched on youtube i didn't feel like there was anyone that really i resonated with um and so i didn't i just completely went blind 100 blind and that's why i'm making this channel i'm sure a lot of you know that is like that's why i started this channel is because i didn't want other people who were trying to get into this field to go through what i went through which was i felt like i did it all by myself i wanted i created this channel so that i can help you guys so i could give advice um share my story help you um you know however you want to say that uh you know create your dream make your dreams come true help you become a data analyst that's what this is all about i said that terribly i said that really really i feel stupid that i said however i said that i feel really silly that i said it that way but that's that's what this channel is all about um and so i hope that this has been helpful i genuinely do think that i got lucky um although i think that it was you know maybe 50 luck 50 extreme extremely hard work because it was very difficult um and just picking up those skills so all that to say thank you guys for watching and for sticking with me this long i think this is a really long video i think it's like 40 some minutes probably um but have you stuck with me to now i mean that's impressive you guys are my you guys are my real my real fans are the real dedicated people you guys the people who are sticking around right now listening to my rant at the very end of my show you guys are the people who are gonna be successful data analyst everyone who dropped off 10 15 minutes ago they don't got it they don't got it like you got it and so if you made it this far put a comment below that you made it this far uh maybe we'll have like um i don't know i'm making stuff up at this point but like a passcode a keyword um jalapenos if you post jalapenos below i will know that you guys are gonna be successful data analysts that's the end of the show thank you guys i appreciate it i hope this is a good one you guys have a great night i will talk to you guys next week have a good one and goodbye
Channel: Alex The Analyst
Views: 202,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Data Analyst, How to become a data analyst, Data Analyst job, Data Analyst Career, Data Analytics, Data Analyst with no experience, Switching Careers to Become a Data Analyst, How I became a Data Analyst, Switch Careers to Data Analyst, How to Become Data Analyst from Different Job, Entry Level Data Analyst, Career Change to Data Analyst, how to switch careers to become a data analyst, changing careers to data analyst, data analyst career change, becoming a data analyst
Id: Z2AachB309o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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