Data Analysis with Python Course - Numpy, Pandas, Data Visualization

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Data analysis with Python Zero to Pandas   is a practical beginner friendly and coding  focused introduction to data analysis. This is a live online course and  you can earn a verified certificate   of accomplishment by completing this course   if you are interested in learning data science  with python but don't know where to start   then this course is designed just for you you  can learn more and register at By the end of this course you will be able to  confidently use the python programming language   and its amazing ecosystem of data science  libraries like numpy for mathematical and   statistical computing pandas for data processing  and analysis matplotlib for creating beautiful   visualizations and much more you will get a  chance to practice and improve your skills   with weekly assignments and you will also work  on an end-to-end course project where you will   perform data analysis on a large real-world  dataset this is a beginner-friendly course   so you don't need to have any prior  knowledge of python or data science   some basic programming knowledge will  be helpful. But don't worry if you don't   know programming you can learn these  concepts with a little extra effort.
Views: 572,883
Rating: 4.9670329 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 596min 22sec (35782 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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