Dart 2.15: What's new

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Hey there, Filip here. This time around, I want to talk about what's new  in Dart 2.15 which was released a few days ago. And again, I love the fact that I'm now no  longer at Google, so I can talk about stuff   very freely. It's very liberating. I really  enjoyed the last video about Flutter 2.8.   If you have missed it, it's over there  or in the description below or whatever. Now, let's talk about what's new in Dart 2.15.  It's the best kind of update, in my opinion,   because there's not much new to learn but   your apps will become faster and better  almost for free. Which is fantastic. Okay, so let's have a look at the official   blog post by Michael. The biggest  news is making isolates faster. What I really like about isolates in Dart  is that they make things much more sane than   if you're using threads and mutex (and  stuff like this) in, for example, Java. The problem with isolates was that they were  pretty heavy and therefore pretty slow, right?   In the past, that just meant that you used them  a bit less often. Or, you kind of knew that it's   probably not worth it to create an isolate for  this or that. Well, not anymore. Because now...   just look: 100 times faster to  start an additional isolate. And you get this for free. When you create, spawn  new isolate, like what you would normally do,   it's in an isolate group with the main isolate.   And so you get 100 times faster startup,  10 to 100 times less memory. Just amazing. So that's what you get for free.  Also, the isolate doesn't need to   deep copy everything. When it sends stuff from  one side to the other, now they've optimized it,   and now it's just fast. It's just like, you  know, switching from one isolate to another. This also means that the compute() utility  function... If you're using Flutter, you may   know that with compute(), you can very easily  create a new isolate, send it some function,   and then make it work on the different  thread. And then just reap the benefits later. Now, compute() is really fast. Before,  when I was at Google, I was like, uh,   please don't use compute() a lot because  even if it kind of makes sense at some point,   semantically, you just want  to compute something, well,   if you're computing something small, then there's  this huge overhead of the isolate. Not anymore! So, yeah, go ahead. I think this is not just making things faster,  it's unlocking new ways to program in Dart.   Because things that you were kind of afraid to  use before, and for a good reason (performance),   now you can just create 10 new isolates and make  them work. Or create an isolate every second.   Why not! Because it's almost free. Also, they're like, in passing, saying: "Oh,  and by the way, just sending medium to small   size messages (which is what most isolates  do most of the time) is now 8 times faster."   So, yeah. I'm very happy about this. Oh, and you can now send function  types, closures, and stacktrace objects. I actually had a look here. I don't know if  this was possible before. I don't think so.   You can just basically... Here, I'm just  sending a function and the data that the   function should work on, and then I receive.  And I say what's received, right? And it works. To an extent, this was possible before,   I think, because the compute()  function wouldn't work otherwise.   But just, like, it's a closure here! It's not  some top-level function. So, this is fantastic. Constructor tear-offs. If you don't know  what tear-offs are, it's just, basically,   you tear off the... Let's say, you have  a class, and you have a method in it,   and you tear it off. As in, you are just  using the method itself, as an object.   One way that I remember it is: you *tear off* the  parens at the end. And then you can just do, like,   g(), and run it as a separate function.  So, you're tearing off the method. Well, now you can tear off a constructor. This is  a new syntax that you can use. I don't think that,   in this case, this is like the best  use of the new language feature but... I'm pretty sure that especially people building   packages and libraries will find this very nice.  I'm not so sure if I want to use it all over   the place. But, yeah, it's now possible. Which  also leads to a lot of other stuff like... um,   I'll get to this later. I'm going to look at the  CHANGELOG as well, and they go into more details. Enums are now nicer. For one, you can just  do enum.something.name, and it just gives   you the String of the enum. In this case, "one".  This was possible before with a terrible hack,   because you could do enum.one.toString()...  umm, just terrible. So now, you can do this. You can find a value by name. You can  create a name map, which goes from   a string to the enum. So: nice. Nice.  This makes enums a lot more valuable. A new pub retraction feature. Which,  again, is good if you are a developer   of a package. But it also is important for  you if you are just using libraries. Now   it's possible for you to be using a package  and then, when you update your dependencies,   it can tell you, "hey, this package version  has been retracted". This is important   because sometimes you have a new version  and this maybe they published the version   in error, or there's a big bug there and there  is no resolution yet. So you want to have that   [retraction feature]. I'm glad that they added  this feature. But also, it's still the case that   if something is published to pub.dev, it stays  there. There's no way to just delete a package   from pub.dev. Maybe you followed what happened in,  like, npm and other package managers, where it was   possible for someone to just delete something that  everyone else depended on. It's not a good look. And that's it for the blog post  and I also have the changelog. And this is the tear-offs, right? So, if you've  ever seen, or if you've ever had to use a closure   that just creates a new instance of something,  then now you just have A.new. Instead of all that. Similar to this, if you have this in  your code, typeOf<something something>,   to get a type literal of a generic type, then now  you can just do that. Not a big deal, I think. This one is pretty nice because they basically  found a bug in the null propagation (or whatever   they call it). If you check for null, and then  you put it in a variable, and then you check the   variable, and then like... for you, of course, now  `i` is not null. Until now, Dart wasn't as clever   and it would still throw a compile-time error.  It would tell you that, hey, `i` can be null. Well, it can't, because you just checked  for it [and put it in] a variable. Well now,   [Dart]'s clever enough to know it. It's just that you have to have your...  Because this is basically a breaking change,   you have to set your minimum SDK to 2.15, and not  lower. So, just do it if that's what you can do. If you have a class and you want the class  to be const, basically, but you still want   to keep it kind of open, what's going on, you  can do that now. Before, it wasn't impossible. Async library. Now, unawaited() can get a  null. [The argument] can be nullable. And   if it's nullable, obviously, it doesn't  do anything. You can now do foo?.bar(). js_util now has in some cases zero overhead,   in calling things and reading properties and  writing them. Which might be really nice for   Flutter web projects, and web projects in general.  So, that's just calling from Dart to JavaScript. They removed dart2native, so if you're still  using it, just start using `dart compile exe`   or `dart compile aot-snapshot`. Same with  `dartfmt`, which is now `dart format`. There are new fixes and new lint rules  which is always fantastic. We don't talk   about it too much, as a community,  but I think lints are fantastic. There's a new flag for if you do pub get, pub  upgrade, pub downgrade, for your `example/`   folder. Again, if you have a library,  and you have an example there,   then this might make your life easier. So, that is it. Again, I want to say that this is a fantastic  version update of Dart. Because it doesn't add   very many new features. I actually think  that's a really really good thing. Because,   you don't want a language that adds a new feature  every few months, just because it's cool and   someone wants it. Because what you end up with is  a language where there are hundreds of features   and it's harder to read. It's harder for  you to understand what other developers   are trying to express with their code.  It's just like, sooner or later, things   will get messy, you know? I'm looking at  you, C++. (But other languages as well.) Just keeping a balance between, okay, some  new features, but mostly let's keep it   boring and let's keep it smooth. That's super  important. And not everyone understands this. I want you, the next time you're thinking,  "oh, this would be so cool, that language has   it and Dart doesn't have it", [I want you] to  think about, like, okay, so what about the 99   other things that that language also has, that  would also be cool, but wouldn't that make Dart   less fun to use, and less robust, and  everything? One thing that happens a lot   in language development, I think, is that the  people who want new features, they will almost   always be more vocal than the people who are  just satisfied with what they have currently. The people who are kind of  satisfied are in the majority.   But the minority of people who love their  new features will always be more vocal,   and for the language designer it then  means that they have to either succumb   to this, and add new features, or they have to  be strong enough to be like, "okay, no no no,   I know that there are people out there who  are not that vocal about a new feature". So, I want you to be more vocal about this, and be  like: "Hey, do we really need this feature? Do we   really like want to throw away simplicity, for the  sake of, you know, maybe saving a few keystrokes?"   I don't know. I'm on the side of  the more boring, more predictable,   more simple rules for the programming language.  Which make me, I think, more productive in the   long run, than a few new features that make  my life a little bit easier here and there.   That's it. That was a little rant at the end.  But yes, I'm very happy with the new version   of Dart. I hope others are as boring and as  incremental as this one. And see you next time.
Channel: Filip Hráček
Views: 10,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dart, Flutter, Dart 2.15, Dart programming language, flutter 2.8
Id: UKH9ulkribk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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