Darkest Dungeon Mods: How to play The Rightful Heir

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Congrats to Kaxen and Snorlaxxo for a fun, silly, and tasteful specialist class! If you don't yet, definitely check out Kaxen's Tumblr for more comics and character concepts: https://kaxenart.tumblr.com/

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Max_Does_Things 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've been using the heir in my modded play-through file. I really love the the animation on research. I feel the promotion ability is pretty abuse-able though. I got up to like 50% resolve on the entire team on a long apprentice dungeon (might of been able to go higher). I didn't realize about his heirloom trait, I guess that's what I get for not fully reading his description lol.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody welcome to another darkest dungeon mod overview my name is element 5 and today we're taking a quick look at a relatively new mod called the rightful heir by Snorlax oh and Coxson the rightful heir is actually a very straightforward class and I think very tastefully done it feels a lot like playing with an antiquarian it is a specialist class its stats are very comparable to the antiquarians and the kicker is that bringing the air with you to dungeons not only allows you to stack more heirlooms in your inventory but looting curios with the air will also net you more heirlooms so this is definitely the heirloom version of the antiquarian and I think given that this is themed around sort of being in the ancestors family and being the heir to the to the estate it makes sense then that he would be moving through the dungeon being able to sort of pick out and collect more heirlooms than anybody else also similar to the antiquarian the air has a mechanic so that the more of them that you have in your party the more you can stack heirlooms in this case which is kind of cool you also get free laudanum when you take it to the dungeon which I'm assuming is just because it's the closest thing to wine possible but interesting also that there are some sort of stress oriented camping abilities and stress oriented healing stuff so slightly different than the antiquary a little bit of shuffle definitely a lot of wine splashing some stress healing and then we also have a resolve XP buff uses per battle one so that's gonna be kind of interesting to take a look at - but before we get into all of that let's take a look at the backstory for this class as the description on Steam says read on tales of his family's former glory the air sought to reclaim it miscalculating the true extent of the nightmare that awaited him and educated for a life of indolence he is ill-equipped for adventure in both mind and body wracked with guilt and emboldened by wine the heir resolves to share the burden of this arduous quest and we get a nice custom comic strip here beginning at the top here with a picture of the heir Renauld without the mask by the way check out the scruffy-looking Renauld love it Dismas and the abomination looking fairly gloom over what appears to be the Hamlet's graveyard here and in fact I think in the back we can see the Hamlet's bridge which would be next to the stagecoach and then sort of the the statue with the ancestors memories and below this we see the air sitting sort of grimaced sipping wine underneath an affliction mark here built by a bunch of papers pinned to the wall really nice touch a cat called mincemeat sitting on the table as well as some other stuff including what looks to be sort of an antiquarian trophy so there's a first hint that this is sort of an antiquarian style specialist the air now drinking in sipping in the wine thinking deeply suddenly becoming determined looking at the dagger stuck into one of the papers in the desk grabbing his book and papers and the wine of course rushing out the door determined to do something with Dismas in the background kind of going where are you going so there's a side comic here which is a nice touch that helps to explain what's happening here in the backstory of the air which features him sitting at the hamlet bar in between Renauld and isthmus saying if I don't solve the family problem I will run out of savings and antiques to sell and I'll have to get a real job with a bit of an affliction there so obviously he's determined to solve the family's problems and stay unemployed for the most part so he's out to find heirlooms and it makes sense given you know his story and the fact that he's related to the ancestor and is going to be inheriting the estate that he would be able to identify heirlooms and dungeons more easily and even carry them with more efficiency so I kind of like it now the according to cats in the head Canon is that he's actually personal friends with Renauld and Dismas and sort of holds a soft spot for the abomination on a more silly note the air also comes with a cat trinket called mincemeat mincemeat was a stray cat that stole the heirs dinner one night and he vowed to chopper into mincemeat but never got around to it and now is too attached to get rid of her so a lot of kind of silly back story here and that is actually fairly common for the antiquarian style specialist mods that we tend to see that is especially true for the hood of course definitely true I think in the case of librarian this class feels in a lot of cases sort of librarian desk as it does antiquarian desk so lots of fun straightforward class let's get into how it works so let's just take a moment to snapshot the stats of this class real quick max HP 19 that is really pretty fragile 7 dodge 0 prot 7 speed nice and high speed here zero accuracy 5 crits so decently high crit and damage 3 to 6 if we just compare this to the stats of a seeker antiquarian for example max HP 17 dodge 10 pretty high dodge here 0 prot 5 speed decent speed 0 accuracy 1 crit and 3 to 5 damage so really quite similar in many cases in terms of resistances low stun resist decent blight resist regular deathblow resist and that for the most part is about it low move resist but that's okay given the fact that we have a little bit of shuffle in this kit so let's go ahead and jump into how this works starting with the letter opener usable in any position is a melee attack that targets enemies in any position except for the last row moves the air forward one accuracy base 90 damage modifier - 30% crit modifier plus 3% and armor-piercing which means it negates prot so the the letter opener functioning like a very small and very sharp dagger also coming with some movement really reliable in the fact that you can use it from any position and you can hit the backline I'm devastating blow next in the air skit is panic panic is a random target melee which can be used in position 1 or 2 and because it's a random target melee means you don't actually choose who it attacks it moves the air back to with an accuracy base 80-grit modifier 6% and buffs self for eight more dodge so it's a nice little defensive cooldown that's gonna shuffle the air from the front line to the back and hit a nice random melee target cleansed from our lands next then is have a taste have it taste is a ranged attack usable in position two three or four it focuses enemies in position two three or four it has an accuracy based ninety damage modifier - eighty percent not meant to do a lot of damage three percent crit and a 100% blight chance at the apprentice level to do two over to sort of have a taste of my rancid wine blight attack again a lot of flexibility in the fact that you can use it from position 2 to 4 and target 2 to 4 so now we've come to the first healing ability of the air which is called a snifter to share usable in rank 3 or 4 is a heal one to two and a stress heal of minus 5 and then self stress +5 and heal 3 HP so not only does it heal somebody else by sort of sharing a sip of wine with them and stress heal them but it heals himself just a little bit more and stresses himself out +5 ostensibly because he's got to share his wine [Music] so the next healing ability then in the air skit is drown my sorrows usable in any rank it heals three to three and has a self stress heal of minus five so real straightforward tons of flexibility and really awesome if you just need to bring yourself off a desk door if you need to be chipping away at your overall stress meter and especially if you're just kind of calming things down at the end of a battle so that then brings us to research a ranged attack usable in the backline three or four targets any enemy in any position it is accuracy base 120 minus a hundred percent damage modifier it's not meant to do any damage but it is a phenomenal debuff as it debuffs at targets accuracy by minus twelve at level one and plus twelve percent damage received so that twelve percent damage received here really harkening over to the librarian class who famously marks a target and then also increases damage taken it's a really significant marks energy in this case we get no mark but we still get that minus accuracy and that extra damage received which is quite powerful and finally the last ability in the air skit is maybe his most interesting promotion is a use for battle one can only use it one time in any combat you can use this in any position except one it stress heals your target 4-6 and buffs that target for 10% resolve XP until the end of the quest so the promotion you know the s ostensibly the idea being that the air is sort of learned a bit of an educator similar to the librarian so the idea then that you can buff the resolve XP of another character is quite powerful right so if you really want to catch somebody up in terms of experience that's an easy way to do it especially the longer the dungeon again only using this once per battle though I find that the air fits in well with any sort of dancing or shuffling composition since he can move himself around with the letter opener moving back move himself back with panic for example I think it's it sort of depends on what you want to do and that's usually the mark of a decent mod is that it's sort of flexible depending on the situation we obviously have some blight some healing some stress healing we have some resolve XP gain we have some armor piercing and melee damage I kind of like to at least have letter opener because it's so flexible in any position however if you're gonna be going into a dungeon where you need to do some blight damage then think about positioning for have a taste and throwing some extra blight damage down just need to be not in position one in this case he also works well with other classes that have self sustaining abilities things like you know the are bolused with her backup heal the flag so he's just not a healer for the most part that you can use like a vestal because he/she because he hates sharing his wine according to Caxton so again every time you use the heal he's gonna be stressed out even though he's trading that stress for somebody else well let's jump into the camping abilities for this class then there are four unique camping abilities star with supplies time-cost one self only produces a random supply item and I believe that is virtually the same as the antiquarians so again sort of a specialist class default camping ability here but we also get this right next to it which is motivational speech the time cost for self only sixty six percent chance to add twenty five stress but the party has plus ten percent damage for the next four battles a 75 percent chance to add ten accuracy for the next four battles another 75 percent chance to get plus ten dodge for four battles and yet another 75 percent chance to gain minus 15 percent stress damage received for four battles so this seems to me to be quite powerful I have seen some pretty decent rolls come off of this during the camp it's only a time cost for I could see this push to a time cost five myself because these buffs are so strong and the chance to roll them decently high I think the fact that this is plus 25% is a two-thirds chance to gain 25 stress on the air is interesting but maybe not totally punishing enough unless your stress is already high in part because we have drowned my sorrows from any position and we can kind of chip away at that stress right at 25 stress means you're only gonna need to use drown my sorrows five times to get that back down whereas over the next four battles you're gonna be getting a lot of buffs out of this so this feels really powerful to me and sort of specific to this class and I think it's kind of a mandatory take along so the next is fine wine this on the other hand E is time cost five the party getting minus 15 stress so there's some of the stress healing themed into this class and minus 10% stress damage received for the next four battle so time costs five here seems expensive and it is but I guess if you're gonna do a party wide- stress and - stress damage received that is quite nice I could actually I don't know why but I feel like the ton of the time cost for either of these could be swapped this just feels across-the-board better to me than this for some reason but I do like that this character is themed around you know just sort of being attached to the family to the estate to his friends and the fact that he's drinking you know he's drinking and bringing wine into the dungeon and of course we're serving fine wine means why not everybody take a load off and so finally that brings us to patched maps these are ostensibly what we saw in the comic strip pinned to the wall above his head a time cost three-self only 25% scouting chance for the next four battles scouting chance obviously very valuable and darkest dungeon it allows you to maintain control of your group moving through a dungeon and it will also help you in a just a ton of other ways so for a time cost three I see this as being very valuable and in my mind I kind of feel like these two these two camping abilities in particular are kind of where the power comes from these are sort of filler for the most part and then if you're really having a hard time with stress everybody drinks someone for a very expensive time cost 5 now in terms of drinking the air unfortunately it's just not too much to say because again this is sort of like thinking about how you might shrink it an antiquarian the antiquarian obviously having very low heals in this class also having low heals so to buff the healing output and making this a more of a support class early on is not gonna pay off very well later game that's gonna make a bigger difference of course you could think about going for ranged accuracy in blight here because have a taste seems like it's gonna play well in the ruins as well as The Cove I think ultimately Caxton would suggest that you take a look for the cat trinket for a more offense err anything that's gonna increase the damage output of this class can make it more offensive obviously especially with the letter opener they also suggest you take a look for tasting wine and the university textbook for a more support version of this class big congratulations to Caxton and Snorlax Oh for producing a fun and very tasteful silly antiquarian alternative specialist we've had a lot of fun with these especially thinking about the librarian community project and I love the idea that we have an heirloom version of this now that makes sense given that the backstory is that this is somebody who's supposed to understand the family and the estate's valuables make sure you don't miss out on the standalone rightful heir DLC trinkets pack as well which contains all of the brand-new custom trinkets for crimson court and the color of madness don't forget that they are also developing a female skin for the heiress that will be attached to this with new animations and barks as well thank you guys so much for watching this video make sure to subscribe to the channel for more overviews like this one and everything else darkest dungeon and make sure to join us here on Twitch at twitch TV / element 5 as we continue to jump into all the new modern content to the last couple months have thrown at us I cannot wait to hang out with you guys thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: ElementFive
Views: 150,806
Rating: 4.9239597 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Darkest Dungeon, DD, Mods, Rightful Heir, Heir, How to, Guide, E5, ElementFive, Twitch
Id: xP__RZv2fN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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