DARK WEB: GUNS, Kidnapping & More - The Disturbing Side of the Internet | ENDEVR Documentary

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today the Department of Justice announces the takeown of the dark web Market Alpha [Music] Bay the website was grossing close to half a billion dollars per year so we're talking about you know 300 to 500 billion do a [Music] year [Music] [Music] is my name is Paul Craig I'm the chief hacking officer at Vantage Point Security so imagine that you have a lot of something that is illegal and you want to sell it uh you can't go on to Carousel and place a listing for your product that you want to sell um so the dark webs really filled that need it's become a Marketplace for where people can sell things that are illegal um so here we can get a diploma from almost any school for 0.1 of a Bitcoin so $1,100 here we go we can buy a UK passport with the name of your choice for ,000 British driver's license ID cards big sale so do you want a driver's license from Norway or Denmark um a Lithuanian ID card uh that's what we're looking for 1 G of uh Colombian cocaine 75% pure uncut $40 us right here on the front page but we see that they've got some actually some quite dangerous things available for sale here cuz we've got weapons available [Music] AK47s $500 this Marketplace actually looks quite quite well designed it's quite new looking it actually looks looks quite legitimate uh but this is all um all [Music] illegal [Music] so think of it as eBay without the auctions or Amazon Marketplace it's exactly the same thing in spirit the only difference is that because the site is anonymous uh people do not are not shy about trading illicit Goods alab Bay very much looked like a uh really simple cut down e-commerce site very very simple um just had categories and lists of products and prices uh you would click on the link of the product and you could see a photo and a brief little description top rated great reviews very strong lab tested and a lot of people had comments about how they uh secretly ship their items so it would be shipped in a CD case or this would be hidden in a a vase or [Music] something the majority of listings on alabe were narcotic or drug related there were like hundreds of pages of listings for different categories you would see a lot of pictures of Narcotics guns and things that are generally [Music] illegal Market places like alphab Bame are interesting in the sense that they bring the local drug dealer to the global scale so if you think about it the total drug Market is huge you're talking trillions of dollars but your local drug dealer is not grossing a lot uh of of money the the revenues are fairly small because you have to have this face-to-face interaction there's also tons of risk associated with selling drugs on the street uh and so those operations tend to be pretty small but by moving them online they take the Amazon model of electronic Commerce and use it for illicit Goods so of course it gives people a much larger uh pool of potential customers on a much larger Outlet you do not just deal with your 10 or 15 regular customers you deal potentially with tens of thousands of or hundreds of thousands of potential customers worldwide these websites don't have much content other than herei legal goods for sale [Laughter] [Music] technology will not only allow legitimate business to thrive but will also allow criminals to use that technology in order to just have a better return on investment if it definitely is a bigger threat to the overall communities and therefore it was a priority for the police to shut it down good morning today some of the most prolific drug suppliers use What's called the dark web uh which is a collection of hidden websites that you can only access if you mask your identity and your [Music] location [Music] during the alab investigation one thing that became pretty clear was that the person who was uh in charge of the marketplace was somebody with a handle Alpha [Music] 02 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what was interesting with Alexander kazus is that he started his Online Career as this essentially somebody who was uh selling illicitly obtained online credentials he was perhaps coming from this hacker mentality and he built his Marketplace based on that this is somebody who was you know technologically inclined he liked to run websites he liked to run an e-commerce platform and he had a business and this business was successful it's quite human nature you have a business that is successful that is something that you like to do you perhaps turn very quickly a blind eye on what's going on in your business or you don't really realize what you're doing some of them start the marketplaces due to I would say ideological reasons they believe that government should not tell people what they can or cannot put in their bodies and they want to provide an online um platform to do that but then when the marketplace starts to work quite well they realize that the money is rolling they basically just get a thrill of operating those markets and that's essentially what leads them to their downfall [Music] I [Music] Ma [Music] [Music] cap [Music] [Music] webs [Music] [Music] Technologies [Music] foree [Music] he used an old Hotmail account so of course it will lead to his history and to his additional digital footprint he also used some other ponm across different platforms the same on the dark web as on the normal web and the visible web when you're running such a market place there's also a risk that some of your previous actions will come back to haunt you at some point so the point is that even before he even dreamed about running alphabe we're talking about something that took place almost a decade prior to his arrest some of those elements were used to actually be able to link different online personels with each other and that's very important to remember whatever is on the Internet it's on the internet forever so if you use an identity somewhere someday it is there and might burst any time with your information nothing that you have put there is completely deleted for [Music] [Music] lamby BM [Music] [Music] aler is [Music] [Music] spee spee spee many country even in Southeast Asia they have a law that government can uh collect the data from the internet for protecting their National Security they call lawful interception [Music] many country in Europe they can do many welldeveloped country Singapore 100% but in Thailand we don't have S law and many hacker in the world know that Thailand don't have a such kind of the law to sniff or collect information from the interet and they can take it is the heaven for [Music] them as so the picture K is a world class big we are the sort of the IP address that attack Sony picture we found that we has been hacked by the foreign hacker all the IP address of the attacker originate from USD and the hotel in Bangkok they compromise the server and they use that computer server to hack into the Sony picture we have many kid not only Sony picture we we have care that we have into the the other government in Asia in Europe in United States they come to our country and they compromise hack the server and we call this the attack [Music] attribution [Music] [Music] the breaking bed syndrome so breaking bed is this very popular TV series and you see the evolution of the character uh over the series um to change from a very nice you know um upstanding citizen to an absolutely horrible criminal even more than money there is kind of the thrill of doing this business and realizing how powerful you are they get addicted to their own product and that product is not drugs it's the thrill of running an elicit website I fact is an online Anonymous Marketplace that is running anonymously on the internet anonymous browsing works at a high level using the following principle instead of me talking directly to the website that I want to visit I'm going to talk to an intermediary who going to talk to an intermediary who is going to talk to an inter intermediary and so [Music] forth it allows people to sell uh illegal products or illegal services without any fear of being caught without any fear of being identified you could be in any country in the world and it would be quite challenging to prove that you were the one selling something on the dark web first link would be download tour you can download tour for free online um it's very simple very very straightforwards to download and install and within seconds you can be running the tour browser so on the typical internet the general internet that people know um you'll see.net do org on the tour Network we only see the string of random characters do onion so there's no even where to track the domain name there just just a string of random characters um so you can quite clearly tell uh that that is on the tour Network originally tour uh was a byproduct of the um office for Naval Research to provide a mechanism for intelligence agents and spies to communicate back to the US government anonymously over time the use cases have expanded so journalists would be a great example journalists researching a topic inside a country that might be considered politically sensitive we need to be able to do things that might be censored by their government [Music] so the Tor Network by itself um is really not that harmful um you can share information that may be unregulated and uncontrolled um but there's no way of buying products or Services through tour itself directly but when you add in cryptocurrency which has the same level of anonymity uh and privacy all of a sudden these two things together really do create The Perfect Storm um so you can list products and receive money for products all anonymous [Music] when I was working uh on the sort of great project of my life back in in 2013 uh and trying to figure out things like how could I get uh this Archive of material to journalists how could they see things in a safe way that's uncontrolled there's a question well do I need server infrastructure of my own maybe the answer is yes okay how do I pay for that anonymously maybe maybe someone like me may have used Bitcoin for something like that this is um 0.4 of a Bitcoin um for a Dutch passport that would be about 4,500 given today's rate of Bitcoin which is about 10,000 for one Bitcoin yeah we accept all cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency is definitely the payment choice so there's my Bitcoin wallet and this gives me the QR code if someone else wants to send me Bitcoin they just scan this QR code and then it goes to my Bitcoin address and then the Bitcoin will come into my account Bitcoin can be used for many legitimate things uh many legitimate reasons uh it just happens to also be uh the number one choice for people selling things on the dark web there's no way of tracking it um or there's no way of tying a cryptocurrency wallet or address to a person traditionally a lot of uh crime has been caught um by busting the trail of money because money was leaves quite a trail would been so you can send millions of dollars to someone else in the other end of the world um and receive Goods in return without anyone in between actually seeing or knowing the growth of cryptocurrencies um it's been very much pitched directly um on the growth of the dark web and financial services on the dark [Music] web people have been selling drugs and other ilicit Goods on the web pretty much since the 1990s so what was different with silkroad well what was different with silkroad is that it tried to provide what I would call an endtoend anonymity platform it combines Network anonymity through the use of tool so that an observer cannot tell which machine is connecting to which server to do those transactions you might have thought well the police has shown that they can arrest those people and so you'd be foolish to enter this line of business because you're going to get caught uh this is the exact opposite of what happened people were convinced that there was demand from customers and that there was a viable business ID in there supp okay so for this one we need to register an account you can see they they use pgp authentication so quite privacy focused let's see if we can find another Marketplace okay we need username password for that one I think the alphab bay was quite unique um that it was so quick and easy to um to get on board and to get in definitely contributed to its success initially it was not the largest uh website it was a very small website they were primarily selling uh credit cards and uh other digital Goods so in 2015 alphab B really got into the spotlight for selling stolen Uber and talk talk information now this is just a great example of um an illegal product data in this case uh being sold online and uh I imagine very cheaply because this information uh there would be a lot of it so people be selling person Byers a few dollars um but there are a lot of accounts that were being sold on alphabay not just things like uber uh also Netflix Hulu U these are the things I think people would buy quite frequently uh because it's considered not so illegal but something that they want but reasonably quickly they became dominated by uh by drugs the first vendor on alpab Bay was probably Alpha Z2 selling credit card numbers he had access to and then as the business picked up and other vendors joined he didn't you know say no when people started to sell drugs [Music] it's very interesting to ask yourself how many people does it take to run a dark web Marketplace and the answer is surprisingly few in general a lot of the people who start those marketplaces they are not drug syndicates they are not CER criminals they are people with a very strong it background this is really white color crime which makes sense for the operator of the platform after all operating a website is an IT job but what is interesting is that you see the same marketing techniques that are being used by legitimate uh businesses social networks like Twitter uh Reddit and they have some quote unquote social media consultants that are essentially promoting their brands on those social networks you have a certain ego present within the [Music] community the knowledge that the general public lacks understanding about cyber security that makes some of the cyber security hackers thinking that they might have almost like superpowers and they are so good that no one will find them it's got to be a little bit exhilarating for those people it's got to be something that provides a thrill a high so to speak n [Music] intended in the particular case of alphab Bay MarketPlace and the reach and the amount of users that that particular Marketplace reached probably the owner had a feeling of um success a feeling of being Untouchable because he reached a certain level that they didn't find me until now I don't think they will catch me [Music] for cyber CL for for seeing someone's laptop logged in the marketplace also shows that intent it shows that you are actually the person who's admin this Marketplace so people that are using uh to uh cryptocurrencies will almost certainly be using extra security precautions on their laptop so if law enforcement came you just close your laptop it's a giant encrypted brick there is nothing more water type than being logged in as an admin to an illegal Marketplace you're clearly involved fail [Music] forer Le website [Music] Al computer notebook password most people use very simple pass Wheels like best world or I love you or baseball or things like that people will run those marketplaces use hard to break best worlds if you think about a past phrase not a past word but say a phrase that's a paragraph from a book all of a sudden becomes very very challenging to try and guess that trying to break one of those bestw would take an enormous amount of resources it's not even clear that it's possible and breaking the encryption itself is basically invisible uh with today's technology C operation like admin [Music] for people thought that alphab had committed an exit scan the platform was still there but you really couldn't take money out of it the reason why the police did this was to lead people who were on alphabe to go someplace else to go to a different [Music] Market this is a landmark operation Alpha Bay was roughly 10 times the size of the Silk Road so we're talking about multiple servers different countries hundreds of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency and a darket drug trade that span and the [Music] [Music] globe [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hello this [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] 300,000 to 500,000 once online Reserve in 5050 for example 50,000 25,000 nakikita through online [Music] [Music] Lang [Music] [Music] [Music] talaga as inang mid talag Pam Nila sa Maya or ano [Music] pita [Music] I had no idea what what this crime was or how it could possibly work until I started looking into it the first thing we knew about sextortion was a case in Scotland involving a 17-year-old lad called Daniel Perry who apparently received messages through Facebook had some money extorted from him received sums of about £3,000 from him before he ran out of money they then carried on threatening him uh threatening to release these video recordings of uh of him and um and they started saying to him why don't you kill yourself and taunting him even and um the last message he sent to them said I haven't got any more money bye-bye and he then took his own life when the PNP anti-cyber crime group was created and there was a lot of report of uh extortion happening in the Philippines victimizing foreign Nationals because of course International pressure started to build especially after the death of Daniel Perry in 2013 and Interpol got involved there was one I suppose a typical victim um a guy in Hong Kong who was working in an office who was approached on Facebook and who went off into the um office toilets and had this exchange with somebody he thought was a woman in the uh in the Philippines 2 hours later they were demanding money from [Music] [Music] him we had to rush out of the office at the end of the day and try and find a Western Union branch and send over you know one sum of money and the next day another demand came he eventually sent about two to 3,000 or about $3,000 before plucking up the courage to go to the police and and report it [Music] usually you'll find these crimes might originate in Nigeria or some African countries and then get copied overseas but here this was the first that anyone had ever heard of these crimes being perpetrated in about 2013 2014 they suddenly started spining up this crime didn't exist until Maria kaas invented it the ring leader of a group of young people who were carrying out the these crimes of extortion and extorting money from people uh through Facebook and getting large sums of money out of it per Syndicate is thought to have rap in millions of pounds huge sums of untraceable money all of which will be sent to Western Union accounts some of the Western Union branches in the area around where she lived recorded the biggest takings of any Western Union branches in the world for a period in 2014 201 15 there was so much money coming in at this [Music] time so this operation was named uh DD operations Strike Back which resulted to the Crackdown of this uh syndic syndicated Group which uh involves in extortion cases it's quite big because uh back then the uh cyber sex extortion or crime were uh new to us it was not that uh popular yet so the the uh impact of the story is uh alarming nice got it got it down [Music] down nice nice nice got it got it down [Music] [Music] down they uh were able to track the movements of money and uh all the uh proceeds were going through the uh two Western Union accounts o owned by uh the Karas and her Liv in part I think they were able to cease uh couple of uh laptops hard disk sex toys several uh Motor Vehicles including [Music] wig I was told that she was still active on social media in prison and sent her a message in Hope rather than expectation saying I'd like to hear your side of the story will you let me come and see you in prison um insisting she was innocent insisting that uh another woman in the village was was the real king pin and she was just being scapegoated she almost convinced me I mean she told me that um she'd been set up she was crying and and I asked her what did you think about the men who fall for this she said they're stupid they're just stupid I told them I I told one or two of them don't do it again because you've learned your lesson there so she she could switch quite quickly and it's clearly a quite a persuasive and um highly confident um person probably associate PA You' probably describe her as but for whatever reasons and we can only suspect what those reasons might be uh no case ever came to court and it appears to have simply dissolved and caparas is free and she's got her cars back [Music] too Maria kras first started working in um chat centers where Filipino women sort of strip off and talk to [Music] foreigners let's face it a it's a pretty it's pretty degrading line of work to find yourself in um and I imagine that's perhaps where her cynicism about the victims comes in she's seeing men who are behaving in a very exploitative manner um and presumably working with other people who are being similarly exploited like a Telemark telemarketing office call centers you know they are selling porns they're selling porn sites and once they they saw an opportunity someone asking for more and uh at some stage we don't know when but clearly a light bulb went on and she realized how she could turn this to her Advantage it's an evil scan but it's a very clever scan at the same time and um it plays on the fact that people were so ready to strike up conversations with complete [Music] strangers an AK Gina nil AK NG ano NG face Facebook ano May May talaga everyday post everyday selfie Facebook Facebook Kore Chinese they will they will use use a Persona of a pretty young woman the Persona use will be a younger female funloving a bit silly uh a bit more fun in games kind of approach in social media platforms uh most of the information is available easily they can go to your profile uh go through this information go through your hobbies go through your habits go through the m messages go through the image videos and all the comments knows who is your friend the main goal for them is to make the account as real as possible okay and why because they want the victim to trust them easily updated po 20 years back you never publish your private image you hang it outside your door and everybody could easily see it because that time was something like that was private information we are freely posting information about oursel and just give it away give it to the public giving to the scammers and we just inviting them to just say this is my life you want to know anything about my life here it is and then you can just have any information about me on my social media I believe today there is um popular Trend where popularity is above privacy so the more popular you are the better it is but again it's a choice with popularity and having a public profile comes everything that relates to that and the risk associated and that's where so social platforms as are in general a great platform for criminals in general to perform their crimes it's an easy way and they can hide behind a different um just fake identity basically they use social media a lot so uh they would uh troll these social media websites and then uh interact with people and they they're fishing for potential C Facebook ano engineer lives in Malaysia engineer lives in Singapore Hong Kong relationship Facebook the way extortion works is that somebody will send you a friend request on Facebook somebody you've never met before well if you respond to that chat okay then you can easily be hooked to the chat you know a typical legitimate account you have around 200 300 400 Facebook friends you know and statistically when we're trying to analyze the Facebook account of criminals you see just around 10 friends foreign friends coming from everywhere us ganun Bak Mo Wala Lang ganun ganun to make friends ganun ganun and it's a script a narrative that they use that almost always works and and they have a Mastery over uh the script the words to use the emotions to show uh the little attentive messages every day that that you can send that that makes somebody feel good it is in this climate of trust that they take advantage of the [Music] victim we always assume like those movies like those Hollywood movies somebody extremely skillful running some script and run running some codes however that's I can say is a 15% of what happening in a cyber crime okay the other 85% of the cyber crime practically is nothing to do with the technical things what we call it social engineering social engineering is based on manipulating people and it is very effective when you create a certain connection with your victim and try to use that in order to achieve your [Music] crime they um and these were mostly teenage boys some of whom were transitioning to be women you I 17 years old 17 18 which is that's the age uh bracket that normally that we were able to arrest extortion because they they they know a lot about computers can just pay this uh jobless uh teenagers give them uh 300 to 500 a day and it will suffice for them they you you can easily lure them attract them to this kind of uh sex activities good Chatters would get um bonuses and extra rewards she shower them with gifts like iPhones and Samsung phones all the uh uh arrested individuals were [Music] minors Bund nhb the surrounding is much safe safe for them because there are inadequate police authorities who operate in the area North Hills still looks like a very ordinary uh Village um but somebody pointed out to me have you noticed what's different about this Village and I said I can't it looks like another Filipino Village to me but they said look at the kids they're all wearing designer t-shirts you don't get that in a normal Philippine Village she owned a large property in the center of the village it was like an entertainment center for the mostly young people who would work for her and when we were there there was always crowds of kids sort of gathering around them and of course those are the demographic that would be working for her or being primed to work for her as soon as they were a little [Music] [Music] [Music] older [Music] p walang k Karas Sab Kasi Yun SI Karas Kasi powerful Kasi ano [Music] re if you ask anybody about Maria Capas they suddenly suffer from Amnesia and um I'm reluctant to talk about it one shopkeeper who lives near her house says everybody knows about what's going on but nobody will talk to you about it people are terrified to talk about what's going on not only terrified but probably invested as well because everybody has a son or a daughter or a brother or a sister somehow involved in um one side of the scam or the [Music] other EV [Music] ananan [Music] Ganan with money you can you can literally buy people and that's technically what she was um what she was doing Maria capras came from an extremely poor background she was living in the slums in Manila when she first arrived in the village the neighbors told me she was so poor she'd have to beg for a bowl of rice to feed her and her two children she had nothing at all she's a Slum Dog Millionaire s effectively she's come from nothing and become extremely rich in an extremely dark way um I got a random Facebook request uh one night would look like an attractive [Music] female at first I was resistant because I didn't know this person at all at the time I didn't think nothing of it like I said so we started chatting uh the second that we got onto the webcam this person was already removing their clothing I did not anticipate this it wasn't that kind of conversation prior to that I just thought they wanted to talk um they started removing their clothing started doing some vulgar things with toys and stuff like that and then started asking me to remove my clothing I um I was resisted for a long time for maybe about 15 minutes I didn't really know this person I didn't want to do that um I'm not really into that whole thing either you know what I mean but eventually I uh I did and I showed them um my private [Music] area this person proceeded to stop the video chat and the screen went completely blank and once that happened I kind of realized something wasn't right through Facebook a start AK Sky I so Maria caparas in prison she explained to me actually how it all works she says that within 20 minutes uh the chat gets so [Music] intimate [Music] May [Music] application AAS ano videoita Nila Ain yoite there are pre-recorded videos you know key point Kasi iiab Magan if you not video ano wave your hands May wave click ano SI wave NASA 2 minutes 2 minutes Click 2 minutes para [Music] wave yam like MO talaga foreign combination of keys to have that uh pre-recorded video play as if you are really doing it for him which [Music] is once after like facebookam or like Asawa anak LOL Lola or and G well they don't need to be it expert or hackers because all this private information is already shared in your social media platform uh for example the if you have a working experience somewhere you already entered where which locations you work which company you work they don't want only you be a Target because all those friends all those members which they in your social media okay it can be a valuable Target to them together with a video and if you can record something and you can play it over again then the traumatization just happens each time you see [Music] it [Music] an sell your things sell your an appliances when you are threatened that these things will be released publicly you literally Panic right and and you get very upset and many of these young people become very anxious very depressed I know I know you can do this to me ah okay this is your wife I send your ano actually anoop anes f after for example through or text Mar she had the teams of young people running the sextortion racket she had another team of people helping her produce fake ID cards with which she go she or her lieutenants would go and collect the money from uh the Western Union branches through ID the way it worked is that to collect these transfers you just need an ID card that matches the name uh on the transfer from overseas and in parallel to her extortion business it appears that Maria Capas had a cottage industry producing fake ID cards from a money shop that is part of The Syndicate is much easier than withdrawing the money from a money shop that is not owned or part of the city Syndicate so the the The Syndicate can manipulate the transaction and the release of money but when you trace the money uh the uh details about the ID it's all fictitious it's a fake ID it's a fake ID [Music] definitely so for the last decade or so uh we've been focusing on making the world more open and connected and we're done with this yet we're always going to do this uh but I used to think that if we just gave people a voice and and helped some people connect that that would make the world a lot better all by itself and in a lot of ways it [Music] has [Music] [Music] it's probably the tip of the iceberg guest uh we find that about 50 to 60% of the scammers do most of their scamming on Facebook [Music] Facebook Facebook is a perfect platform for the scammers because everything they need is in the one place they're able to meet the people there they're able to do video chat with them there they have their life there their photographs the list of their friends and their family so it's just all encapsulated in the one place for them [Music] I'd say we get around 500 reports a month which is about 15 a [Music] day when we originally started doing this we were getting around 40% of people coming to us saying that the scam was from the Philippines today we get around 55 to 60% of them will come from the Philippines the number one requirement for a person to involve him or her self in a extortion is the [Music] internet so it can be anywhere in the Philippines there is no really specific location they just need a very basic things okay uh definitely they need some device is pocket Wii WI Simard these syndicates can be anywhere okay they don't need to be in the certain location to find the victim in that particular location they can sit anywhere and the victim can be Far Far Away there is a continuous increase of the numbers of recorded sex torsion [Music] cases you could see from the statistic that there is an increase of 100% per [Music] year behind 80% of our recorded extortion cases uses social media there's a huge difference in investigating a traditional crime like a simple robbery a case of homicide or a case of murder there is a a a a gap there's a huge gap on the procedure of how you will investigate cyber crime the people do not know they do not understand that we cannot just hack into someone's system and determine who is the person behind those who is victimizing them another thing the the social media administrators they're outside the Philippines they're not here not they not weeks tooks months several months for us to acquire the information that we we sought no we have we we need we need a lot of information to be able to identify who's the people behind the cyber crime so how do we know who we are in reality talking to we are not able to verify that identity in a way like we have that possibility in a physical world there's no need for verification due to the fact that social media priority is users adoption they want more users on their platform platform we do not have a worldwide legislation that can cover those cyber crimes and criminals know that in some countries they do not even need to hide because they know that no one will come and search for [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Music] Sur [Music] Lango Mar Maria caparas um was quite Brazen about the way she operated she also posted pictures of her 13-year-old son lying down covered in Thousand peso notes and and um lots of other quite overt um pictures she was very open about the money they were making celebrating Christmas and wearing t-shirts uh with her name on it calling them the all stars North Hills Village and with a logo printed on the back showing a thumb with a cross which is the sign you get if you're blocked on Facebook and saying we hate this I don't see she personally sees any reason to stop so long as she can continue getting away with it and the signs are that she's going to carry on getting away with it she's the queen of sextortion and North Hills Village is her fom her her kingdom if you like [Music] [Music] ser up feel and [Music] [Music] normal [Music] s nor yeah [Music] share [Music] Facebook it [Music] for [Music] then [Music] schal [Music] [Music] inter [Music] fore uh [Music] cyber Patrol [Music] [Music] Facebook [Music] GR [Music] Facebook facea [Music] Facebook WhatsApp group [Music] [Music] whatsa these apps such as WhatsApp and legram provide the user this ability to communicate in a private and secure [Music] environment that's why in this case for instance they can build a chat groups which is point too encrypted and easily share the information in a private and secure environment the evidence remain on your own device on a client device and obviously the moment you delete the evidence uh the evidence can be permanently deleted and destroyed and there's no way you can recover it [Music] back [Music] spe [Music] [Music] ohy spoiler game animee ongo [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] video how Facebook [Music] for [Music] [Music] IND an [Music] official holy candy 18 plus for [Music] for [Music] video face yeah [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] now step [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] for fore [Music] for [Music] video for then penetra IND [Music] aess [Music] [Music] IND [Music] when you meet them they are usually very pleasant quite eloquent so you you wouldn't know that they have been molesting children and abusing children if nobody told you that's EX exactly the kind of qualities that will make a child warm up to such a person because they don't appear threatening at all and this is the whole modest operand you know because by being so friendly and warm and approachable and trustworthy in in birth of Commerce parents would leave their children with these uh individuals and then these individuals take advantage of the children so there is a certain Persona there's a certain presentation that these individuals devel veloped that is work to their advantage this whole process is a process of grooming where the person uh connects with you with the view of exploiting you totally [Music] pH [Music] for p [Music] EXP complex foreign [Music] foreign this group they use uh social media for uh exact purposes this social media built they need to communicate with people that's why they use the same strategy they create a profile they create a groups and invite other like-minded people to join them share information uh many of tools is easily accessible is publicly available but obviously uh most of the people who run this syndicates they do have it knowledge and they know these platforms and they can misuse these platforms and conduct the [Music] crime child pornograph fore [Music] c.com [Music] fake news India [Music] GR group [Music] groupy [Music] for [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] um for [Music] video Facebook fter l link LGA NZ Mega let's take an example of [Music] URL if that you uh will contain a keyword that will be flagged by the software for example however if the URL is shorten it the keyword is not anymore present in the URL and that particular software might not detect it what we see on the internet currently the search engine and the information that has been indexed by the search engine represents only 5% of the overall internet so afterwards you have what we call the Deep Web and the dark web dark web is a hidden part of [Music] Internet obviously they must have uh social media platform why because they need to inform other members what information is uh available on the dark [Music] net [Music] video for [Music] [Music] m [Music] Facebook real [Music] [Music] for for bra for [Music] Facebook update [Music] face [Music] SE [Music] [Music] FBI USB uh child [Music] pornography [Music] I who doesn't like a book but inside you've got a a gecko doesn't set off any metal detectors this is an example of how toises are frequently smuggled and they all taped to prevent them from moving I think this is illegal way they are coming here illegal Traders themselves have got very savy they are selling their products through cyberspace Carousel yeah okay like I took a picture of the snake just now yeah just put in a caption very rare species good deal no no hassle donate license and that's it and D good you buy buy back some more from [Music] [Music] me [Music] this [Music] [Music] for [Music] for there's a huge boom in social media where wild life trade was concerned we started seeing an increase in the number of people that were actively participating on social media forums they were interested in buying and selling animals they were interested in asking about animals they wanted to know prices and we realized that it was really becoming quite popular we identified 14 Facebook groups and we spent 30 minutes a day just 30 minutes a day to figure out just what level of activity was taking place on these 14 Facebook groups more than 300 animals were being offered for sale um and we can say that they were being offered for sale because prices were mentioned prices were specifically mentioned in at least 30 posts and for just these 30 animals the cumulative value was about 184,000 ring at that time I think this really boils down to a um demand and Supply issue as long as there is going to be a demand the supply will consistently be there the wildlife department has got a senseful we have been doing the best we can in trying to to curb this uh illegal [Music] trade but now uh the uh illegal Traders themselves have got very savy uh they have gone into cyber space and they are selling their products through cyberspace and of course with the invent of Facebook and uh advertisement on on internet uh they are allowed to spread the information and they are always when there are buyers there will be people who will break the law in order to try and uh gain uh profit by selling this animal parts and species that are quite uh precious to [Music] us it's really quite sad because you hear a baby crying and somebody's obviously sort of videoing this whole experience the Box arrived the box is opened this little baby in the box is just wailing all you hear is a whale it's about a baby animal that is stolen from the wild it doesn't belong in a box it doesn't belong in a small box it would have been shipped by post it had no right to be in that position you see the problem is there there will be a lot of uh uh rich guy or what say I want I fancy this uh clouded leopard or something like like that world will get around okay this person wants this You' be surprised that most of these animals are owned by rich people not the poor will not be able to afford because they are all in thousands and all that when you look at history it was the Rich and Famous and the royalty that used to Showcase their animals and it was always linked with Prestige state and being somebody if I can show that I own this animal then I become now a person of prestige status acquisition is part of my wealth part of my trophy right now the royalties and the kings and queens would then uh feature these animals because everybody was curious to see these animals it's probably one of the the the early uh precursors of zoos and they used to to feature these animals and people used to come and and watch and observe these animals and people have this uh process where they actually show these animals their friends and they publicize in the social media World it means I'm going to get more likes especially if you have a a cute fuzzy little animal that everybody is uh very excited about you're going to get a lot of your friends coming around to your to your page liking it and it goes viral this is is one of the ways that people are making themselves more famous uh by linkings up to exotic animals to the buyer that somehow is appealing and that gets posted online it gets a lot of likes it gets a lot of comments of course there are a lot of angry people who say look this is not right um but clearly that's not what matters to the [Music] buyer course as a pet inter has a hobby is we always try to you know get something different special the interest that Sparks us to like I want this I want that I had two pet shops then eventually I was doing uh some exhibitions and all that around Malaysia I've own numerous so I mean I mean have regretted selling [Music] some they did a hit count they said there's probably only not more than 700 or so hits left in China and Vietnam this is where this lizard comes from like this is very uh sought after in the European countries or in the states eventually most of the Hobbies they will go something higher and they want something more rare CU it will look cool in the Exotic Community when I was younger of course Al we jump to it just the excitement be able to get one but as you grow on grow on this hobby then you will realize that it's actually uh dising to see the animal just dying like that you know that if you know the know how you have the husbandry then the animal could survive but most of the Traders are just interested in making money they always want to sell just to make a quick bu and that's it and not die good you buy back some more from me [Music] [Music] then tell [Music] you [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] Facebook other Facebook other insta uh social media and online platform obviously made it really easy because uh Now by using this technology they can easily Target the mass Market they can publish a product and everybody can get to know it in a split of second [Music] close upload status drop [Music] sh then app [Music] message [Music] [Music] [Music] bus so [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] po the account on his side probably is fake on I mean not his name probably to use a foreigner or something like [Music] that [Music] account [Music] active all these platforms right uh they do have a term and conditions it's said in the term and condition which you can't have any illegal activities okay so this is very clear to the public however obviously these people they misuse the platform and in the same time you can communicate with them and all these platforms provide a facility to have a secure and private chat okay and that's makes it more difficult for investigator to have access to these chats and identify the right person who is behind this animal trafficking for instance by using encryption you can easily make a private chat and uh as you know it's impossible to break the encryption the biggest challenges is data privacy and how the platforms makes the data or makes the communication [Music] private everybody's operating under the cover of uh behind the computers on their phone it's not always easy to ident identify where these individuals are I'm sted business from [Music] 208 I have some big size albino iguana yeah it's very tame next one I recommend uh monkeys is Mamet white ear [Music] Mamet this is Egyptian Fox this is from Sudan this is albino teu I do all the legal way I get the my license from Pilan this is my import document so export import or we throw here this my every view you see how many every view is a lot this is a lot of paperwork [Music] feeding cost per month 3,000 to 5,000 and for one years my Import and Export other charges is around 40,000 to 50,000 ring fit like 10,000 ring or below 10,000 or 15,000 each reptiles and each animals they need the microchips microchip we pay about 10 to 15 ring for each animals we have to pay the Box charges and handling fees it's about 2,000 to $3,000 us is this illegal or illegal of course B hu owl this owl I think it's a white face it's no mistake which one is legal and illegal no legal no legal ah no legal all the all no legal uh Kang slow Lis no no legal UT no legal all of this illegal L Le D monkey not suitable to keep you see all the people people they catch and they are try to make a money I think this is illegal way they are coming in how are the illegal usual illegal ways that they come in that you know the first thing is if a legal way they have a proper box for the shipping uh because this is we can't see anything inside so we don't know the inside is what animal is is it so this is I'm sure the illegal they are [Music] doing [Music] Carousel yeah okay like I took picture of the snake just now yeah just put in the caption snake for sale you can just put something to attract people like very rare species uh good for beginners you can say good deal no no hassle donate license you know something like that then it's easy then you get people who want exotic pets they will go through it probably you know by tomorrow or so somebody might just pick it up or anything like that now it's in a way it's easy because you don't need you don't need a shop you won't get busted say so you have you can do a lot fake accounts and all that there's a lot of ways you can what that escape the the law the seller requires that you have three hit four hits before he comes normally the Trappers are based away from the city yeah so for the seller must be feasible for him to travel there to collect for example a monkey for maybe 100 ring he will probably be selling to the the buyer the potential buyer at about 2,000 or 3,000 for 100 ring product he can make so much see that's why he will take the risk because it's like more than 10 full of the profits and for some of the illegal trade they're really pretty expensive the value is equivalent to a down payment for a small house in Malaysia so we're not talking about 10 ring or 20 ring we're really talking about hundreds and thousands of ring the Millan tiger is very specific in the sense that is only found in Peninsula Mia we are putting a large effort in order to conserve the Tigers in Malaya we only have about less than 200 of them but you know tiger parts now is a worldwide Market uh and people come in here just just looking for tigers in order to put the snares and catch them because one tiger can be sold for anywhere between 150,000 us to 200,000 us and every part of the Tigers used in order to to to sell and make profit so there are people in our jungles who have come from Vietnam who have come from Cambodia and Laos and including locals uh who are hunting them the total of confiscated ivories consist of 3,692 kg of whole and partial task and 228 kg of semi-finish products this Tusk is heavy of course these are Beats made of the Tusk not that very heavy but this is this tasks are heavy this is machine cut [Music] [Music] Bic [Music] for [Music] G Mal most people were were actually able to find everything so we have to do a better job of hiding Stu yeah maybe create more secret Pockets inside so what we're going to show you is how Smugglers commonly smuggle things on their person most common when they are traveling by air for example this is an egg vest people have been caught trying to smuggle eggs on themselves sometimes it's on their body sometimes it's strapped on their legs keeps them nice and warm and doesn't set off any metal detectors so everything goes through quite smoothly sometimes you also have these specially modified um vests or jackets and here fake of course Ivory additional Pockets you can carry pretty much anything as long as it is not metal it doesn't set off metal detectors and if you add more clothes you get a little bit puffy you don't set any Alum Bells off and this is an example of how tortoises are frequently smuggled and they're all tipped to prevent them from moving every single one of them uh alive because it's for the pet train another example birds in a bottle and if you go online and Google you'll find many many pictures of birds being smuggled like this you've got holes to let them breathe but one of the easiest and fastest ways to smuggle Birds and the the great book with a surprise in it who doesn't like a book but inside you've got a a gecko and these are all actual examples of how Smugglers have been arrested we are seeing a lot of our native animals being exported for sale elsewhere in the world we are also seeing non-native animals coming into the country and so you've you've got these Dynamics as a source and as a consumer as well as a Transit country for things that aren't really targeted to local demand we're not saying that this is a problem here in Malaysia this is a global [Music] [Music] problem [Music] most hunters go out at night or early hours in the morning definitely they have Mercedes and homemade guns mostly two or 3% cuz if you get a big animal you cannot handle alone you cannot carry it alone pores there's two two type I mean for pores is like it's either for food or for the pet everything is worth money any one life can be sold [Music] we found baby Gibbons we found baby sunbears it's really quite shocking they were animals that were considered totally protected under the wildlife conservation Act of peninsula Malaysia a number of these individuals are actually offering animals that you cannot [Music] sell the more woring question was how did these individuals SC these animals a vast majority of them were native animals which means people were going into the forest they were trapping them and what's really surprising even more shocking about this was that almost all of them were juvenile animals um and particularly for mammals it's a it's a pretty serious problem when you take a baby away from its mother from its family you don't know how long they will survive their own support system in the world has been essentially taken away [Music] [Music] Str [Music] [Music] speee [Music] case heart by they had no respect for protecting species in the wild they had no respect for law enforcement in the authorities it was a it was a crime pure and simple because they knew for a fact that they were offering animals that they were not supposed to offer for sale [Music] why har ex wildlife rescue center [Music] [Music] [Music] sty individ primate [Music] [Music] directly [Music] for [Music] for AG [Music] World Wildlife day I'm declaring war against the Poes the time has come Toop the killing of the million tigers and the other Wildlife by these ruthless poaches we we have continuous programs uh whereby a special committee has been set up and whatever information that we have that we we pick up and uh our our our cyber crime unit whereby they know how uh goods are being transferred from one area to another um that is when we call in all these people who are involved [Music] [Music] so we also help have help on from International agencies who have experiences in this and they are also advising [Music] us [Music] Poli Bo on the ground [Music] that will deter them from coming in and trying to uh poach our animals in in from the from the forest [Music] social we need to change these laws and to make it um in line with what is happening today and to and to have make sure that the deteran uh for those who break the law uh the punishment is equal equally severe and they won't attempt to do it so these laws are in place are being there and I think uh by 2020 we would see a lot of amendments taking place uh as far as the ministry is concern so my message to them is we are coming uh be prepared and we have given orders what to do and if you're caught you will pay heavily uh for the crime that you have committed [Music]
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 414,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary
Id: Yj9jHJX7nXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 30sec (11070 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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