Smart Drugs: Unlocking Your Brain's Potential - One Pill at a Time | ENDEVR Documentary

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foreign if you could take a pill that would make you smarter and live longer would you that's the promise of smart drugs a part of the biohacking trend that's blowing up around the world I'm a futurist I fly all over the world most weeks as a keynote speaker a media personality I've got to start with futurist this is the thing this is a profession this is your first so um the world of technology and since the age of 10 I've been on computers but really worrying about how technology changes the Dynamics of how we interact I spend many hours every day producing podcasts doing conferences speaking at places this is one of the coolest things I think that I've read about most recently there's this new trend that's gaining popularity right now it's called biohacking and it's changing how we operate in the world we can think of our bodies as computer systems so why not make every possible effort to optimize our inputs so biohacking is a combination of supplements treatments and smart drugs that make you smarter stronger and hopes to make you live longer used to be the stuff of Science Fiction depicted in films like Limitless but this is real it's a reality which fuels some of the most successful and creative people in San Francisco I wanted to find out if they work for me [Music] [Music] I travel for work and it gets stressful especially because I work a lot but then so does everyone else these days it's The New Normal [Music] year of 2017. I've done 50 Keynotes over 40 flights I had no time for relationships I was single for over two years it was week in week out bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce and I never stopped it's like you've been like holding your breath for eight hours and then suddenly you relax but your body's completely shattered huh what oh man I was just about getting going off then it was really really tough and you get to a point I like to call it Peak stress I burnt out really bad before like to the point of thinking that like things were gonna go very negatively like health-wise so I'm not gonna let that happen again hello hey Douglas hey how's it going yeah it's been busy I've been uh been flying around I really need to use new thinking if I want to survive the upcoming speaking season I decided to look into nootropics or smart drugs as they're known designed to improve cognitive thinking it would be cool to think that I could maintain an edge on demand a lot of white collar workers like developers designers and Engineers use this the global cognitive supplement Market was 2.3 billion dollars in 2015 and that's going to rise to 11 billion by 2025. I thought maybe there's an opportunity maybe the smart drugs can help me work faster do more and not be so tired and that sort of really started getting me to ask the questions around what can smart drugs do for me [Music] so I went down to San Francisco and Silicon Valley to the heart of the biohacking scene to check out what's really going on it's like going to the mecca of technology and new thinking right the West Coast you know this is where the Counter Culture really kicked in there's a birthplace of the personal computer if you just feel that there's a free sort of collective energy around Innovation people are willing to take big chances funding technologies that are going to change the world and that's bled through into this this cognitive supplement or nootropic market and I think that that's really exciting the range of nootropic and smart drug companies out there one of the most talked about is a company called human it's gotten a bunch of venture capital funding for some very well-known investors I felt like there's definitely potential there hey Welcome to our San Francisco office thank you um feel the place your bag down thanks you can see our different Suite of products from go cubes or chewable coffee a nickname for this is like coffee that you can't spill and then you have our Mainstay entry into the nootropic space the neutral box full stack which consists of two chronic daily nootropic Stacks which are rising Cato and then what do we call it acute nootropic Sprint and yawn right Sprint uh kind of a more intellectualized version of go cubes and then yawn optimizing sleep you know let's go for it cool okay so so just take one of these two of those two of these yes and these uh these just like help give me that edge right yeah okay I got some trepidation about taking these um but like I'm going to trust you on this yeah no everything that we sell and manufactures FDA General regard is safe so very low side effects nothing bad's gonna happen to me you're in good hands just just positive effects right yes okay step one okay that's done and then we get into the the kado as well the Kayla three yes okay here goes nothing cheers yeah cheers [Music] you know in a short while and I want to open first date yeah slow State get get through some work um do a bunch of research that I need to get done for the presentations I've got this week so yeah this is where I get into Sprint right yes [Music] okay ready Cheers Cheers so okay so that's that's the full stack right [Music] I see the future of bow hacking as having just full-time continuous control and understanding of your system so that to me means that you have a dashboard of all your key biomarkers glucose ketones things like cortisol hormones Etc and having a toolkit of different interventions that can manipulate those biomarkers for a human Ketone for example I like to tell people to actually do finger sticks to measure blood glucose and blood Ketone levels and you actually measure that the military has always had a very keen interest enhanced Human Performance our Ketone Master drink that technology originated from a DARPA program to develop super fuels to enhance Warfighter performance especially physically and cognitively demanding missions nootropics to me really are an extension of what I think is a core human instinct I think what distinguishes us with other animals on this planet is our desire to manipulate our environment in more Broad and general ways I mean we're a species that you know started off as a little more than Advanced monkeys and were in you know these concrete forests now so I think nootropics extending our ability to conquer and manipulate things with our mind is caught Being Human in the 70s and 80s there was the home brew Computing Club in Silicon Valley with weird computer hackers tinkering on Silicon Parts I really see biohackers as the intellectual descendants of The Homebrew Computing Club where instead of hacking on Silicon Parts we're now hacking on our own biology and I think we do our jobs right everyone will incorporate parts of bile having their life foreign so I'm going to try these Rising cato3 pills let's see if I get smarter [Music] I doubled down on on the rise in the kato3 that didn't really give me anything you know I think a little bit of a like you know more awareness didn't feel super strong and then uh a little later I actually uh delved into the Sprint and it was pretty different it's got a lot of caffeine in it it felt super uncomfortable for the first sort of 30 minutes for me anyway I've got a quite a big reaction to caffeine it didn't feel so comfortable for me I wanted to find something that had an immediate effect without making me feel jittery I knew there were other kinds of supplements that didn't actually include caffeine I read about Eric Matson this Rebel old thinking San Francisco guy he didn't want to be associated with other nootropics companies he's out there running his own race and flying his own flag so my office is in the mission in San Francisco it is the world's first nootropic store and it's world's first newsropic store inside a bikini store Nutro is my own company um founder CEO I like to be hands on with it and kind of see who's ordering what they're doing I like to answer the customer service emails and things and because I can type 150 words a minute I can just fire off a response you know three times the normal speed of a customer service agent probably types about 50 words a minute the nootropics power me to run it and are something that I take every day as I work on it so this is a game called type racer and I can measure my typing and I have like an actual score from when I first started you can see I went from like 85 to like 140 on here where I've increased my typing speed to what is considered the 99.9 percentile and this is what biohacking is about is taking that thing measuring it so you can track your improvement over time I gravitate towards the fastest cities in the world about five or six years ago I was living in New York I was working on a startup and when I started back then there was really nothing but like mylar bags of powder from China and you didn't know what you're getting and if it's dangerous it's been tested and so I started making my own pill but when you have a scale and you're sitting in the office weighing out powders or something it doesn't necessarily look uh good and also had friends who are seeing my own performance game saying how can I get access to what you have this is kind of unfair so I started making it for my friends and then kind of branched out from there and have come a long way since on the fourth and fifth version of it hey Eric how's it going man how you doing yeah good okay so this is this is it welcome to my uh supplements uh regiment area my day starts with the neutral every day I mean honestly that's the beauty of a Nutro is that you don't have to think about it I could go for a goal now coenzyme Q10 is a part of the mitochondrial uh biogenesis chain this will turn into something called ubiquinol which will then give off an electron to start the electron transport chain I like acetylol carnitine worked with the mitochondria I like creatine a lot this thing will make your skin tingle wow look at this color see how dark it is yeah so it's going to oxidize really quickly quercetin is a really nice one it's like every flower and plant has quercetin in it this is really nice Synergy with bromelain and these are like enzymes now this is pretty experimental and was shipped to me off of somebody on the internet these are peptides for the eye these are from Russia straight up it rush in this one has some properties with the male sexual reproductive uh benefits as well yeah because some media I have to do like big handfuls whoa seriously so that's something those are like 12 13 pills right this feels pretty extreme um who is the target audience for this we have a lot of customers here in Silicon Valley from all the different major companies you know they're working on things that can save people tons of time that can help connect you with a charity that can help put you in autonomous car so you don't risk your life everybody that's working on something that can affect the greater Society is kind of what I hope to help them achieve so that they're having a greater impact at the beginning I was originally skeptical of Eric and neutral he wants to live forever he wants to live as long as he can right so some of these people crazy well you know here's to The Crazy Ones right that's the Mantra of of the past like three or four years it's like we need to prevent you know the onset of Aging some very famous futurists like Ray Kurzweil have got a huge regime around supplements we're talking like over 100 pills a day now these guys are onto something these are some of the smartest men and women in the world so yeah let's pay some attention to that right [Music] just like a true bar hacker I started my own spreadsheet entered all my information to see how I was progressing [Music] okay I feel pretty pretty hyped up I need I I get to do some stuff now I'm just [ __ ] buzzing my ass off over here right I can't sit down even I'm like this one I need a way to be able to like run around and use a laptop at the same time so maybe that's it maybe I need to go to the gym and put my laptop on it and go running yeah but what yeah actually the way that I liken it too is you take all the energy that you've got available to you and you burn it in a very very short amount of time so your physicality your your focus kind of felt like I could really go bigger [Music] that's really interesting I normally suck at press-ups as well caffeine and some vinyl piracetam makes me feel sassy [Music] ladies and Gentlemen please join me in welcoming Nicholas Batman very much thank you okay ah okay people can hear me how's it going so far it's pretty good so far today right three people are ready are we ready okay I actually chose to do a keynote my friend introduced me on stage in about an hour before we both did a gold pill from neutro and I don't think I can use it when I'm speaking on stage you know people were saying like oh you know you've got like two minutes left and I had at least 15 minutes left on my keynote because I was talking and talking and talking um I think that's part of like the the focused in because you do you go you go into yourself and then you get into the work but you've got to have a broader perspective when you're speaking on stage you need to be a little bit more aware I need to have that outward looking Vision a little bit more the Nutro gold is a big nootropic you know like a big bold red wine it is quite powerful so I don't always want that every single day I've been mixing different pills on my own and all my doctor could tell me was to be careful nootropics are like the wild wild west of supplements a lot of this is unregulated maybe I should try something else apart from these pills there's other ways to buy a hack aside from taking those things I'm gonna go back and see Jeff and his team at human they fast regularly and I think I'm gonna try it too fasting has been a huge anchor of our company and really the community of biohackers in San Francisco abroad uh when we first started fasting two years ago it was just a few of us at the company and now we have tens of thousands of people in our online communities fasting with us every single week yeah so fasting meaning not eating for for a specified amount of time like say 24 hours or 36 hours in some cases even longer yeah so no calories just water just water yeah right okay so I've never done that before so I'm sort of keen to try the fasting as well and I think what can I expect from that because I don't do so well when I don't eat no [ __ ] it's gonna suck when you first do it I mean I think when I first started fasting was hard our bodies are addicted to constantly eating something every couple hours and that's based on being driven by carbohydrate and Insulin on a roller coaster up and down up and down the reason why we fast is not for weight management or weight loss we fast because we want to live as long as possible hopefully forever not and not just live forever but also be very productive and cuddly Focus while we live longer especially in our neck of the woods in Silicon Valley getting that cognitive Edge is huge I think nootropics and fasting are a couple very very compelling ways to activate those pathways right now in San Francisco it's 57 degrees with mostly cloudy skies start a seven minute workout welcome to seven minute workout just say start workout start workout I am fairly driven especially since I've been taking nootropics and specifically working to optimize myself I've kind of built a daily routine that enhances my motivation and kind of lines me up so that I become task oriented so that I can accomplish more an average reading speed is about three to four hundred words a minute College professors at 500 I can read Around 800 casually and I can skim over a thousand sometimes I worried maybe that I'm too task focused that I don't hang enough uh you know I made a resolution to hang out more this year to help the biohacker movement I run a nootropics and Optimal Performance Meetup we also have just launched a meditation battle League which I'm really excited about I signed up for this meditation death match and I really can't get my brain straight since I've been fasting my brain goes in 500 different directions and then someone walks by with a cheeseburger Georgie did you want to sign up for the meditation battle yes I'm gonna kick your ass man we'll put you in the bracket as for the end of the year party when you go to people it's like I'm so [ __ ] relaxed man at the meditation battle I met startup Tech entrepreneur and biohacker named George he's also a user of Eric's neutral pills George is experimenting with other optimizing techniques like LSD micro dosing and that's becoming popular in biohacking culture as well in Silicon Valley this is a place filled with people who are unafraid to experiment they will test things on themselves it's kind of a biohacking capital of the world really a nootropics is something that I've experimented with when I'm not using that I will use Adderall and when I'm not using Adderall shockingly I'll be using LSD tiny tiny small doses of LSD they call it micronism microdosing is taking one-tenth of what is considered a party dose of either psilocybin from mushrooms it can be LSD in order to get a tiny tiny benefit of the drug without going into full trip mode the way to describe it it does almost nothing for you you can't even tell that you're on it the irony is that you're able to get more done and feel more connected to your work and you're like wait how did this even happen hey George hello how you doing man just wanted to let you know that on on Saturday at 11 we're going to be doing our monthly Wim Hof Meetup uh excellent yeah and that's when we're going to freeze our asses off yeah exactly yeah yeah cool see you then George recommended I come down to the beach and meet a couple of his friends at another Meetup we're gonna try out the Wim Hof method another way of buyer hacking that uses breath work and freezing cold water immersion you guys doing beautiful day what's up buddy how are you seeing George how are you all right so we're doing the Wim Hof breathing technique and to start we're gonna have four sessions of about 40 breaths each so each breath should be fully in and then you've let out about 70 percent in the end we're all going to jump into the ocean together and we'll sit there for about five to ten minutes and soak in and if at some point when you're entering to the water you feel like you're gonna shiver just try to consciously block that all right so just to begin take one breath fully in and let go not all the way let go just fully in 70 out keep going you might start realizing if you get light-headed It's Perfectly Normal we'll get some tingling Sensations it's all very normal just stay relaxed so last one fully in fully let go [Music] the most fun part is jumping into the water into the cold water yeah right fine and then just you just breathe through it and it works out a lot of the work continues inside of the water [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna do it every single week [Applause] it's exhilarating [Applause] oh it feels so energetic right now [Music] I got a real Buzz from the Wim Hof method so I decided to stay away from the pills I'd agreed to meet Jeff and his team down in the Embarcadero I didn't realize they wanted me to go jogging I hate jogging on the best of days and I really hate it now that I'm so so hungry [Music] nothing will help me with jogging nothing someone could put a million dollars on that bed and said you have to jog to earn this million dollars and I'll be like I'm going to be over here like chilling out whatever have you heard the phrase jog on it's an English phrase jog on means just get out of the way morning team how's it going good hey how you doing what's your name Justin Justin yeah let's go okay I don't feel good I didn't feel good yesterday I was really busy let's run it up who goes first let's go so we've all not eaten for 36 hours at this point right yeah I haven't uh solidarity I'm not sure how these guys do this all the time I don't run and this feels like absolute torture if this is the kind of thing you have to do starve yourself and then run around and exercise to live forever I don't know I think you can count me out of that finish yay [Music] another article about fasting clearly with a picture of someone that probably has never fastered in their life and never needs to I felt awful at the end of the fuss it felt too long and it just felt that it didn't really do much for my body it made my mind really foggy it's tough It's mentally tough and when things are mentally tough and you're trying to use your brain to do mental activities it's it seems counter-intuitive I'll sinking it in the car is like where the [ __ ] am I doing this it doesn't make any sense it seems like it's a gimmick like it's a it's a story I tell my friends to be part of a gang doing it for the sake of being part of a technocracy an ultimate Society trying to improve themselves I don't know it seems it seems to be disingenuous I don't feel happier I don't feel more productive I don't feel more enlightened it's not giving me some breakthrough moment #Hashtag life hashtag fasting [ __ ] [Music] I came down here to find out more about smart drugs not to starve myself foreign [Music] a big way and now it's time to hit the road busy season is back on hey how's it going yeah okay Paris yeah I can I can make Paris on the 12th who am I going to be speaking to [Music] I've got a bunch of new engagements I'm gonna need some of these New Tropics to help me stay on top of my game [Music] in the next month I'm gonna go from Paris to China to San Francisco and from Montreal to Toronto [Music] my life feels like is like it feels like I'm on a on a conveyor going from place to place most of the time [Music] the nootropics are helping me stay on top of my schedule but I'm feeling super strung out and I'm certainly not getting the sleep that I need foreign I'm running an event later today just traveled six hours from Montreal uh yeah I was up at 3am this morning for some reason working and I gotta keep going now I'm a bit anxious about my talk tonight I need to get a lot prepared for this one With a Little Help from My nootropic Friends so I've been tracking what I've been taking on a pretty much a daily basis when I've had tons of work to do really needed to focus I've always reached for the smart drugs as you can see here I've got like the rise Cato and Sprint from the neutral box people Silver's the final paracetam and the gold is the is the new pep so every time I've done these I started off with the Sprints I mean it was really rushy lots of caffeine uh ripped into a Nutro silver amazing focus it felt really really good but then about four or five days later I decided to get into the new pet booster and this was the one that just made me think better everyone's different with smart drugs and this was the one that's like oh wow this I'm feeling creative you know I'm coming up with new ideas but on this trip I wouldn't mind an extra boost I've heard about an even more powerful smart drug modafinil it's prescription it's something that's engineered a little bit more it's it's definitely a focused you know uh drug versus a smart drug but it sort of falls into that category [Music] everyone's been talking about modafinil everyone one of my friends is like if I want to get work done and just be left alone for two days they just do modafinil if they need to code and code and code and code that's it that's everything else just doesn't give them the urgency and the focus that they've had before modafno is a prescription drug and rightly so but people have been going online and ordering it for themselves for off-label use it was amazing really a half hour after taking it I was intensely zoned in on my presentation I had new ideas and I was completing it a way faster rate than I'd expected foreign I'm just writing out the introduction to my presentation um really I don't really want to like talk to anyone right now yeah that's it with hardly any sleep in the last two days modafinil's still working I hope it continues through to this evening [Music] I met another futurist called Dre LeBron he was like me came from advertising and data and whatever and now he's a futurist and he goes I love doing what you're doing we should do your events here let's have some fun uh talking about the dark future thank you very much good evening is that how you say good evening in Toronto I'm being followed by a documentary crew at the moment doing smart drugs and I took modafinil earlier today so I'm going to talk really quickly okay the kids are right and you know what the kids are not all right and this whole presentation is around what we should be really aware of this is the world that we've created and it's a happy-go-lucky Place social media and networks and selfies if you are sharing any information about your children from any point in their life especially pictures you're stealing your child's right to privacy are the kids all right well I think it's a countdown and I think it's a countdown to somewhere pretty dark [Applause] well that was an Illuminating evening my talk went off bed and expected I was focused I was sharp I've been up for 20 hours and the modafinas still kicking ass I don't know I was running around doing stuff did you take it around about midday yeah you'll be up for a while it really promotes come to think about it I don't feel tired at all yeah and at this time last night you were yeah we're out until nine we're we're at dinner and I was like oh and I literally went home foreign [Music] thank you [Music] next so what's uh how are you doing there it's late I just want to go to sleep oh kind of kind of restless though but definitely definitely keeps you awake that's for sure yeah yeah more than anything else that I've tried it hits you sideways it hits you it doesn't you know life feels a little off-kilter and a little bit Tweaky so if I'm awake at three I'll be awake at like 9am and if I'm awake at 9am I'm awake for the rest of the day and then by about three to four o'clock tomorrow afternoon I'll be in quite a tough place I'm probably going to sit down and do a bunch of writing now um but it's probably going to be shitty writing because I'm I'm really tired this is what biohacking is all about which is like yeah you push yourself in into situations and places where you know yeah that's it are you guys gonna leave or do I have to kick you out well I'm done I'm done I don't need this anymore um [Music] avoir if I have time in my life to reflect too much you know sometimes you want to avoid the hard questions you're working on personally [Music] you know it's like there's pressure you know when you're in your 40s and you're single and you know you hope to have a family and whatever you put a lot of pressure on yourself keep yourself busy then you don't think about those things right foreign [Music] really made me think about the short-term gains of smart drugs I'm feeling pretty stressed and close to burnout again I gotta go and find a doctor that can tell me what I'm doing wrong thank you [Music] I spoke to some of my friends in San Francisco and they told me about a medical doctor that also knows about nootropics and biohacking called Molly Maloof she looks at the balance of everything from normal functions of the body through to supplement and nootropic regimes that can help me [Music] I really want to go and get some advice from her I can think of plenty of ways that people can get biohacking wrong one of the first things is with fasting a lot of people fast when they're really stressed out and I'm just not convinced that that's great overall for cortisol balance because it puts your body under a state of fight or flight #fasting #bullshit another thing that people get wrong is they they stack too many supplements all at the same time and have no idea which one is working and a lot of people don't test before they take things they just take things willy-nilly they get they have problems just like when you're trying to diagnose disease and treat disease you want to know what the problem is you don't want to just think you know what the problem is you want to definitely know what you're trying to work on and then work towards that rather than just trying to take things because you think you need them what I've learned over the last few years and through medical school was that there's actually a science to Wellness and optimizing health and that it's just as measurable as diseases and in fact you can use a lot of the same tools and techniques that you use to interrogate for disease to understand how to optimize a person's body a lot of people in San Francisco come to me and they already have spreadsheets of supplements that they're already taking and what they come to me for is to help tweak that list figure out what they're doing right what they're doing wrong and to sort of offload some of the management of their health Molly made me fill out about 23 separate questionnaires about you know my lifestyle the shape and style of my uh of my stools um a whole bunch of different things just really trying to ascertain what's happening to my body She also asked me to go and get around about 50 different tests like blood tests urine tests and whatever pretty scary to like suddenly walk in and they're taking like 10 vials of blood and whatever and you're suddenly looking at things you never looked at before so you know the Wonder of of is there something wrong here you know so um but like she covers the bases hey Molly hi how's it going yeah good to see you so guys for test results I was just reviewing your questionnaires okay great and we have plenty to talk about today perfect um and what are you most concerned about I'm most concerned of burning out I I fly 40 50 times a year I change time zones all the time sometimes multiple times in a week my insomnia is bad I've been trying everything you know different kinds of things like fasting I've been trying New Tropics yeah no Tropics are interesting the problem with some no Tropics is that we don't always know exactly where they're made a lot of these companies are online companies that are ordering research chemicals off the internet when you take nootropics always ask the person you're getting them from even their websites where do they where do they make them you know when do they expire what are the risks what are the benefits one of the things that I should be concerned about I think that no Truck Works are great but I also think that a lot of people don't have the basics down they're not doing the things they need to do like the Sleep the nutrition the exercise the stress management and they're trying to take a shortcut unfortunately the shortcuts they don't always work as well as the basics so you have to have both you've got a couple markers of oxidative stress and inflammation your CRP is 2.1 I'd like to see it 0.5 your homocysteine is uh 11 and I'd like to see it five to seven so we need to cut these in half at least you have a history of smoking right yeah yeah that ended a couple of years ago right but like casual smoking that's still not an excuse right well that's the thing that's still smoking and thing is that your body still has that toxic burden that you had from quitting two years ago you also have elevated liver enzymes so that's also possible that like with this constellation it just tells me that like your body your liver is doing working overtime right now getting the right kind of exercise for you is going to be key you want to make sure you get a decent amount of yoga in because as we get older we become less flexible weight lifting is important for muscle growth and muscle density and cardiovascular exercise for our heart and then I'd like to get you to if at least a serving two servings of vegetables per meal if you can do that I mean that's going to be probably over like six to six to eight servings of fruits and vegetables a day but for you to just bump those up that's going to help with that detoxification because it's gonna the fiber is just gonna be super helpful for your for your um your gut function Molly basically told me to ease off on the nootropics until I got some proper sleep she maybe changed my diet and start exercising home for a couple of weeks I had time to try out this new Health Region I started eating healthier and even started cooking for myself good nice good rip the floor apart come on Rick I'll work out twice a week with my trainer tight tight yeah a little bit better last one which is really hard to fit in with my travel let me tell you last one let's try [Music] [Applause] I was taking supplements as per Molly's suggestion as well as adding some that Eric recommended one for my liver detoxification a myriad of vitamins some magnesium trying to boost my immune system and increase my energy I also hooked up with nootropics when I needed to double down on work and when the schedule was getting tight hi Hi how are you and but to be honest about it this extra Health raising was just adding to my work my stress levels were just not reducing in fact I was getting more stressed trying to attract my health on top of the busy work schedule and I'd exhausted all the buyer hacking options out there I mean no doubt I was getting more physically fit but I was still pretty worn out [Music] I called Dr Molly for some advice and she recommended that I take a break and talk to a life coach down in San Francisco the very West Coast indeed going on when you come into these types of situations when you've tried everything it often helps to take a step back and slow down and think about or just not think and have a practice of just being you and it might be hard to know what that is at first tell me if there was a time when you haven't experienced this this kind of state of burnout or this feeling that you're getting close to right now do you remember a time yeah I mean it's pretty tough it was quite a long time ago there are a couple of periods in my life where I just quit work just to write music for six months or a year so there you go so on music yeah yeah maybe maybe I go back to that but I don't want to stop right you know just being a workaholic and working so hard it's um I'm trying to avoid the situation I had when I was growing up which I didn't have any money I and people around me would say oh you don't have anything and I I just work really hard to ensure that I have more than I need getting vulnerable yeah getting vulnerable like getting vulnerable with it yeah it it feels very emotional when I when I talk about you know tapping into that you know you work so hard because you know it is it's it's a direct visceral reaction to you know not having money when I was at University not having money when I was growing up never like having the abundance I saw people around me having they were getting bought did anyone make fun of you for it oh all the time there's a few things that that um I would recommend slow down we are like going faster and faster and using these New Tropics or supplements and and psychedelics for example to accelerate and to to improve and optimize it seems uh mutually exclusive or at odds when we think about going back to the basics and reconnecting with ourselves [Music] for the last eight months I've been chasing my own tail taking no Tropics to do more work but I've never really stopped to question why I'm working so hard [Music] maybe I need to stop more often and listen to my body instead of trying to bulldoze my way through foreign [Music] traveling around North America and I've been getting involved in a scene called biohacking I've met people that have encouraged me to get involved with everything from eutropics and smart drugs sitting in hyperbaric chambers putting cranial stimulation devices on my head to try and optimize who I am more focus more attention more ability and through all of this experimentation it's made me realize something [Music] and if we come back and focus in on who we are that means that we can put into Focus what we need to do with our culture and how that's changing with technology we used to work with our hands building things and then we're in the knowledge economy right now we're working with our heads going forward we're going to work with our hearts that's how the world is going to change and that's the wisdom that we need to take us into the future [Applause] [Music] we're headed into a Brave New World people expect us to do more and to be more and to achieve more but we can't lose sight of who you really are we're humans we're mothers and fathers we're family members and that's what's really important in life [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 696,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary, smart drugs documentary, science documentaries, nootropics documentary
Id: wpHmu6DOzUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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