Dark stories behind Picasso's best paintings

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the rebellious genius the defined 20th century the godfather of cubism the man behind creative force of resistance in the second world war the author of guernica the artist who had it all accolades that nobody can strip away from the name of pablo picasso but there's a lingering notion every time when we speak about the artist was the painter misogynist a man who feared but also desired women who use their beauty and the pain to paint his masterpieces hi there my name is vladislav vradek i'm writer and mathematician and it's dangerous combination that allows me to ask questions that were never asked before and for answers i need to go and look deeper into science art and maybe combine those together to find the answers that will maybe shine a light on our everyday life ver the story is true was one of the greatest artist narcissists and a bully whose twisted style was rudimentary representation of all relationship he had with women using them and bleeding them as his muses putting them on pedestal only to knock them down and who are the women that caused so much pain to picasso and painted the giant black hole in his heart for all the answers we need to go to dove germany where we're going to visit one of the most complete exhibitions of picasso yet to date let me take you on an adventure [Music] [Music] we could say that picasso's polarizing relationship with opposite sex started at a very young age according to some sources following steps of his father his old man don jose ruiz an artist and art teacher was frequenting famous malaga brothels after sunday mass the young pablo would lose his virginity at the age of 13 or 14 in such an establishment during his life fidelity was not written in his cards the vast spectrum of his artwork that counts some 25 000 original works more than any artist in the history can be topped only by his obsession towards women he was man of many contradictions his muses would often treat kindly insensitive but many of the witnesses describe him as selfish tyrannical and domineering mr jackie and dr hyde in his own egoistic manner he would have almost schizophrenic attitude out of eight of his long-term lovers and muses two had mental breakdowns and two committed suicide their pain was valuable paint for his masterpieces the string of lovers was including a passionate relationship with marcel jumbea to whom picasso was so possessively attached then he insisted on renaming her eva her original birth name that she later changed to marcel in the fashion of these times according to gareth ruth stein she was delicate and gentle eyes open for ultimate romance ready to be swept off her feet by renaming her eva picasso was not only giving her back her original name but was also sealing her place in his life as the first woman that he truly loved yes we are in love together and i'm very happy was all he was ready to admit to his closest friends but don't say anything to anyone he insisted [Music] yet the ideally crowmance didn't last for long eva would be often left home alone while picasso was on hunt for the next muse that included russian baroness that he was practicing russian language with at the same time eva contracted tuberculosis now their home would be plastered in bloody handkerchiefs by the december of that dark 1915 eva was deceased picasso would spend every day next to her bed my poor eva is dead he wrote to gertrude's time it was a great sorrow she was always so good to me [Music] by that moment pablo picasso had a feeling that death was always one step ahead in his life and to really understand that we need to go all the way back to his childhood it is the year 1895 and then 13 year old picasso was watching his beloved sister conchita slowly dying in front of him a smiling little girl with the blonde curls was mercilessly gripped by diptria then mysterious disease while parents and famous doctors hopelessly struggled already done painting prodigy he isolated in his room and prayed to god offered him what might seem a sensible sacrifice he presented to hand his precious talent to him and never pick up a brush again if the lord would save conchita his sister didn't make it until next christmas and young pablo was torn apart and his guilt was enormous he decided that god was evil and destiny is an enemy and his brush was the only weapon given back to his arms and somehow his sister's death gave him magical powers to unleash onto the cruel world some 25 years later the endless string of lovers led him to olga kolkova russian ballerina who picasso's friend described being so conventional and cared little about his art in bohemia and that as a performer her narcissism matched his on february 4th 1921 olga gave birth to a sunday called paolo the pride and delight of being a father pushed picasso's anguish into the background and inspired a series of tender sketches recording paulo's first months yet olga's preoccupation with little paolo because of schizophrenic artist struggles made them more distant olga's need for his attention drove him angrier and even more distant while she felt betrayed anger caused rage and rage violence and in spring of 1925 three dancers was born it was beginning of savage decomposition of the human body and evocation of the crucifixion compounded the sense of doom and destruction that pervaded the picture masterpiece conceived on a notion of a broken family married replaced discarded russian ballerina he simply grabbed me by the arm she recalled looking back on the moment that transformed her life and said i'm picasso you and i are going to do great things together during that foggy morning when she was leaving the metro crowds where the artist who she knew nothing about approached her she was 17 and he 30 years her senior was looking for an inspiration and just like that she was in his brush painted spiderweb during the later years he would often house mariteresa just across the street where olga and young powell were living not only eliminating wasteful travel time but enjoying the perverse pleasure that he derived from knowing that he could get away with anything when mariteresa found herself pregnant pablo moved on the baby girl was given name of painter's dead sister maria de la concepcion but on a birth certificate the father's identity was left unknown during the second world war in occupation of paris don amar was the one who would become the face of isolation and his lover in his studio in paris hidden away from marie teresa and her young daughter though she might be best remembered as romantic partner in muse of pablo picasso she was a highly skilled artist photographer and poet in their turbulent nine-year relationship she was major inspiration and collaborator in a lot of his works mar was the only person allowed to capture stages of guernica as picasso painted it and she even have worked on elements of the painting together the pair made a series of portraits combining experimental photographic and printmaking techniques but the relationship with mar was the pinnacle of pablo's abuse and schizophrenic behavior towards women he made sure that mar understands that no matter how much love and care she is willing to give she will never be the one but always the mistress taking her of family vacations in secret and accommodating her in houses nearby picasso who saw himself as absolute master of situation recollected the incident with relish it was a hard decision to make i liked them both for different reasons marita because she was sweet and gentle and did whatever i wanted her to do in dora because she was intelligent i decided i had no interest in making a decision i was satisfied with things as they were i told them they have to fight it out themselves so they began to wrestle it was one of my choosiest memories he concluded laughing in june the german army marched into roian and picasso painted one of his most brutal and vengeful images of womanhood dora is nude dressing her hair the brutality was no less present in his life he often beat dora and there were many times when he left her lying unconscious on the floor the transformation of the princess into a toad and of sensuality into horror was complete and in dark face portraits he painted of dora he completed the transformation of a woman into several animal this female figure bears little resembles to the human body geometric planes sharp outlines in a symmetrical structure define the forms in which we can hardly identify limbs or body parts only the eyes teeth and nose are prominent the colors are limited to grey and a few brown hues picasso had used this color palette before in his famous painting ethnica from [Music] 1937. to make this famous painting picasso combined doramar's face with the head of kasper his beloved afghan hound did the painter see his lovers blending with his dogs faithful to their last breath loyal no matter how he treated [Music] them [Music] the relationship ended ruinously in 1945 as mark couldn't stand abuse any longer she was left broken and in care of controversial psychiatrist jacqueline khan who treated her illegally with electroshock therapy mar then stopped her photography practice and turned to painting she painted mainly in private creating works that were both personal emotionally poignant and it was only after her death that these were ever exhibited for all his adoration of women and his inability to live without them picasso had brought misery to those who loved him lurking in a shadow over memories of long-lost sister a good friend who committed suicide and resentment of his son paulo who developed alcoholism fueled by depression [Music] seeing his magnum opus one can only wonder can we truly appreciate the art of a dreadful man without being suffocated by dripping pain of people they hurt who were punished for loving them more then we love their art hi vladis radek once again here i hope you liked this last episode of fabric of life if you want to support uh this channel please uh leave a comment down below subscribe and like this video on youtube every week i'm taking you on new adventures next week we're going to travel to italy to discover unknown facts about life of one and only leonardo da vinci until then stay tuned and curious and don't forget libraries still exist
Channel: Vladislav Radak
Views: 9,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: picassso, guernica, guernica picasso, picassos women, metoo, me too, art, basque, spain, antiwar, protest, paintings, art explained, history of art, art history, paintings explained, painting, art techniques, arte, onlineart, creative, artnews, fine art, genius, oil painting, portrait, portrait painting, paris, science, reinasofia, madrid, spanish civil war, great art explained, cubism, collage, symbolism, surrealism, modern art, prado, moma, protest art, pablo picasso
Id: LP4i67R-YIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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