15 Things You Didn't Know About Picasso

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fifteen things you didn't know about Picasso welcome to a lox calm the place where future billionaires come to get inspired hello there a lectures and welcome once again to a fun fact filled video as we're sure you're aware by now here at a luxe our favorite thing in the world is to give you insights into all the biggest and best things in life those modern and classical we love fashion we love exotic destinations we love high-flying billionaires and we also love the individuals throughout history who made an unforgettable contribution to society one such individual is Spanish artist and worldwide legend Pablo Picasso born in Malaga Spain on October 25th 1881 Picasso was a painter sculptor ceramicist paint maker stage designer playwright and poet who is regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century known for co-founding the Cubist movement the co invention of the collage and the invention of the constructed sculpture Picasso's work has continued to influence and inspire artists in all corners of the globe to this day if you think that you don't know and that's about the great man then no need to worry we've got you covered here at a Lex with 15 things you didn't know about Pablo Picasso number one his full first name is 23 words long we all know somebody whose parents gave them two or three middle names but for the man we know as Pablo Picasso the naming process was taken to a completely different level hailing from a god-fearing religious family Pablo was blessed with the names of several different things with the full name pablo diego jose francisco de paola Juan Nepomuceno Maria de Los Remedios seprieono de la Santissima Trinidad Marcia Patricio clitoris eat Picasso who realizing that this mouthful of a name might become difficult in adulthood life Pablo decided to adopt only his mother's maiden name for his everyday title the memorable alliterative public acosta was born we're thankful for this decision as half of his canvases will be taken up with his signature number to his mid life at birth thought he was a stilled one where a man who produced such vibrant works of art the beginning of Picasso's life was a little more muted and lifeless so lifeless in fact that the Midwife attending to a verse actually believed that the newborn had not survived after a difficult labor little Picasso was so weak that it was thought that he had not survived but the doctor who also happened to be Picasso's uncle revived him in an unusual fashion lighting a big cigar uncle Don Salvador blew a big cloud of smoke into the baby's face to which he awoke and reacted with a grimace and a bellow number three his first word was pencil this sounds like kind of an anecdote that almost seems too good to be true considering the future artistic legend that Picasso would become but we are assured that it's true Picasso's father Ruiz was an artist and an art professor himself and it is said that baby Pablo's first understandable word was peas a shortened version of Lapine's which is the Spanish word for pencil Ruiz provided his son with a formal art education from the age of seven but by the time Picasso was 13 his father had given up painting because he felt that his young son had already surpassed him in talent number four he completed his first painting at age nine while most of us are still struggling to put pencil to paper in 1890 aged nine years old Picasso completed his very first painting titled let Picador the painting depicts a traditional Spanish bullfight scene focusing on the pica dog whose job it is to ride on horseback and goad the bull with a lance even at nine years of age Latika daughter gives us an indication of Picasso's artistic style and over the course of six years he fine tuned his skills to the point where in 1896 at the age of 15 he painted what is classed by experts as his first major painting an academic work in la première chameleon number five his lace Sam Dale has version Oh sold for one hundred and seventy nine point four million dollars Picasso's leis fem delhi or women of algiers series was a collection of fifteen paintings with each painting being a tribute to different artists that he greatly admired version o the final painting in a series and a vivid and vibrant example of cubist perfection was painted in 1955 and is the most valuable of them all changing hands several times the painting was bought for thirty-one point nine million dollars in 1997 by an undisclosed london-based Saudi Arabian collector in may 2015 the painting once again reached the auction floor and that Christie's in New York City version o was bought for a staggering one hundred and seventy nine point four million dollars by halle bin Jesse and Jabbar Al Thani the former prime minister of Qatar this sale price puts the painting at number seven on the all-time list of most expensive artworks ever sold at auction number six seven of Picasso's paintings are in the top 50 most expensive paintings in the world we have just mentioned the most expensive Picasso painting the version Oh the next most expensive work is Allah rev painted in 1932 and sold in 2013 for one hundred and fifty five million dollars which is one hundred and fifty nine point four million when adjusted for inflation others are ghusl alleppey pay one hundred thirty two point 1 million nude green leaves and bust for one hundred and sixteen point nine million doraemon wash at one hundred and thirteen point 1 million less noses Dead pas de ninety five point three million dollars and yell Picasso for 92.5 million number seven Picasso had a net worth of five hundred million dollars at his death the value of Picasso's estate in 1973 is an estimate based on his personal collection of his own works and those pieces from other artists Theo that figure comes from a court-appointed auditor who valued the estate at between 100 million dollars and 250 million which when adjusted for inflation equates to five hundred and thirty million to 1.3 billion dollars in today's money he reportedly had a collection of some 16,000 paintings number 8 the family fought a bitter legal battle over the Picasso estate for 6 years between 1973 and 1979 Picasso's children and grandchildren were locked in court battles to claim their share of his estate they spent 30 million dollars on legal fees when that was settled a later battle ensued in 1989 over the right to use Picasso's name legal sights continued episodically to the present day over which brands and products are allowed to bear the family name increasing their wealth Picasso's eldest daughter Paloma is estimated to have a net worth in excess of six hundred million dollars number nine Picasso's art is subdivided into various periods critics and scholars of Picasso's life in art have categorized his works into various phases called periods the periods are the blue period between 1903 and 1905 the Rose period between 1905 and 1906 cubism from 1907 to 1925 neoclassicism between 1920 and 1930 and surrealism from 1926 onward the period in which his masterpiece Guernica was painted from 1932 his work was reminiscent of stained glass and then from 1938 his style included strong expressionist elements number 10 he is well known for his love of striped shirts Picasso is often associated with the Breton striped shirts that he loved to wear in 1858 this shirt became the official uniform of French seamen based in Brittany in the north of France more than just a simple striped shirt the 21 horizontal lines represent each of Napoleon Bonaparte's military victories and it is said that the continuous design from shirt to sleep made it easier for sailors to spot one another from a distance in 1917 these shirts made their way into mainstream fashion when I clinic designer Coco Chanel introduced them into her collection and they have remained on vogue to this very day if you want to learn more about Coco Chanel check out the top right hand corner for our dedicated video number 11 he was the first living artist to have his work shown at the loos in 1971 Picasso became the first-ever living artist to have his work displayed at the Louvre museum in Paris France a special exhibition was put on in honor of the artists 90th birthday and it made him the first artist in history to still be alive when the Louvre deemed his work prominent enough to grace their walls this is a testament to the incredible impact that Picasso had in the world of art and cemented his place as one of the greatest of all time number 12 he was brought in for questioning when the Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911 Leonardo da Vinci's iconic painting the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre museum in Paris France investigating the theft the French police rotten poet Guillaume Apollinaire a friend of Picasso's for questioning in the past the poet had called for the museum to be burnt down for reasons unknown to both Pablo and art historians today a Polina suggested Picasso as the culprit of the great crime and the Spaniard was apprehended by the police and detained for further investigation both artists were later released without charge and two years later the thief was revealed to be Vincenzo Peruggia an employee of the Louvre and an Italian patriot who believed the rightful place for da Vinci's masterpiece was in an Italian Museum number 13 she had more paintings stolen than any other artist we have already learned that Picasso was questioned over the theft of the Mona Lisa but did you know that he is actually the artist who has seen more theft of his work than any other to date there are more than 1,000 pieces of art accredited to Picasso that are missing without a paper trail many of these pieces will likely be in the homes of buyers who aren't mess fairly aware that they are harboring stolen goods or perhaps don't even realize that they were in possession of a real Picasso work number 14 the Nazis banned him from showing his art during World War two during the Second World War the Nazi Party had many strict rules and regulations when it came to art and culture and the types of things that could be shown publicly deeming Picasso's artwork not fit for their guidelines for art the Nazis forbade the artists from showing his paintings in an official public capacity Hitler was famous for hating any kind of modernism in art declaring the work of Picasso to be degenerate art number 15 he is buried on Monsanto Victoire a lifelong fan of French post-impressionist painter Paul Cezanne in 1958 Picasso purchased a chateau in the South of France after he discovered that it was located on the slopes of month Santa Claus this place was special to him because it was a location that was painted by Cezanne more than 30 times he was quoted as boasting to his agent I have just bought myself Suzanne's mountains and when he passed away on April 8th in 1973 he was interned in those very mountains one iconic artist laid to rest in the inspirational scenery of another a truly artistic ending thank you for joining us today a lectures have you ever been lucky enough to see one of Picasso's pieces in the flesh which is your favorite masterpiece of his let us know down in the comments how about one final bonus fact as a thank you for sticking with us right to the end number 16 his final words were iconic on his deathbed Picasso's final words were said to have been drink to me drink to my health you know I can't drink anymore these final words show us that he still had his famous sense of humor as well as a flair for the dramatic that only a true artist could ever have thank you for spending some time with us a Luxor's make sure to LIKE and subscribe so you never miss another video we also hand-picked these videos which we recommend you watch next thank you for being an a lexer and we'll see you back to more you
Channel: Alux.com
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Keywords: Alux, Alux.com, Alux Youtube, luxury living, luxury lifestyle, luxury homes, luxury cars, fastest cars, alux watches, fine living, most expensive things in the world, new life, most expensive, extravagant things, billionaire lifestyle, pablo picasso, pablo picasso paintings, picasso cubism, pablo picasso documentary, picasso art, luxury art, famous paintings, picasso blue period, picasso rose period, picasso surrealism
Id: KAhKliHimVs
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Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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