Dark Souls Lore - Primordial Serpents

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you are the righteous successor to win the new Great Lord and I am king seeker no more I must admit I am fond of you humans may you enjoy serendipity and may the age of fire perpetuate hey there my name is Alex I am the super mode and in this video we're going to cover two entities from Dark Souls 2 primordial serpents who make few appearances throughout the trilogy and yet play two of the most important roles throughout the series they've played at our imagination making us wonder at their true nature let's see if we can't unravel at least some of that mystery as we cover the pair King ciggy frampt and dark stalker car as usual we'll start with their names and titles King Sica is self-explanatory in a way but do you take that to mean that ramp is seeking the king or is he the Kings seeker seeking on behalf of the king his role in the game is to seek out and guide those who would take after Gwyn in linking the fire and perpetuating the age of fire an amateur translation of the original Japanese puts it as King's Explorer dark stalker Qarth on the other hand plays a very similar role only he seeks those who had championed the cause of dark concerning their actual names it is hard to find any meaning behind cramped and Qarth one thing I found that isn't entirely relevant but did amuse me remember the Jungle Book there's a snake in that called car one of Mowgli's close friends and if you do a search for Qarth you will be suggested the word low with which is rather appropriate but if there is any other meaning behind [ __ ] and Qarth I've been unable to find it and it could well be something in language I only speak English after all so how about their roles in the game if not for the online community Qarth is a character most players would never stumble across tramped meanwhile shows up after ringing the bells of awakening which trigger both the Jade incense fortress to open the gates and for frampt to arrive at Firelink shrine draining the water as he opens up a door that leads to the fire link altar it seems the Bell itself could be what awakens him either that or the Bell opens the door and all that water falling on him causes him to awaken when spoken to he remarks that the player must be the chosen undead and notes that it can be only one and how it is the fate of the undead to succeed Gwyn offering their souls as tribute to link the fire and continue the age of fire Qarth on the other hand can be found when defeating the four kings before associating with frampt if you start siding with rammed cough will abandon you and vice versa and whilst he certainly provides interesting information goths side of things are quite different to France Lord Gwyn trembled at the dark clinging to his age of fire and in dire fear of humans and the Dark Lord who would one day be born amongst them Lord Gwyn resisted the course of nature by sacrificing himself to link the fire and commanding his children to shepherd the humans Gwyn has blurred your past to prevent the birth of the Dark Lord how much of that is true we can't say for sure but it seems the majority of it is true but then he claims that he seeks to right the wrongs of the past and that frampt has lost his senses in siding with Gwyn both serpents wish for you to kill Gwyn tramps logic stands up a little more kil grin and succeed him in linking the fire that being the main objective killing greenest you know mostly digging him out the way Carthon the other hand wants you to kill grin and then not link the fire but there's no real reason to indeed if he wanted the age of fire to end the smarter choice would be to manipulate the chosen undead whom he calls Dark Lord or simply Undead a warrior into gathering the Lord Souls and then perhaps sealing them in the abyss if you took these four powerful Souls and put them in the abyss who is going to find them only people who can walk the abyss of which that is a very limited number and then nobody would be able to find them nobody would be able to use them for the Lord vessel both serpents are lying in some form or another and both are manipulating the player and their manipulations do not end there either if the undead chooses the Dark Lord ending both frampt and Qarth who claim to serve along with a number of other primordial serpents so what is going on here and what exactly are they primordial means in a nutshell existing from the beginning which would imply they were they during the age of ancients as for serpents the covered a serpent rings remark that servants are imperfect dragons and symbol of the undead and represent greed for devouring prey larger than itself are we to take from that the serpent is a symbol of the undead because they devour larger prey is that a jab at how the undead what fought against dragons even though that was primarily the books of Gwyn is it how humans and under are greedy and have eyes bigger than their stomachs so to speak or has it something to do with the fact that some humans choose to follow the path of dragons and become them either way it seems doubtful that a human could become a primordial serpent considering they've been around since the start Dark Souls 3 tells us that the gold serpent ring depicts a snake that could have been but never was a dragon and that if one's shackles are cause for discontent perhaps it is time for some good old-fashioned greed less comparisons with the undead or humans there in fact it rather makes it sound like the primordial serpents were dragons that failed in some sense dragons were immortal and presumably genderless so we have no real understanding of how creatures such as sea could exist how can they be a genetic defect in a species that does not so far as we know reproduce don't forget the abominations featured in Dark Souls 3 you dicks candy and the hollows that transform into atrocities that seemed a very abyss oriented and in some ways snake-like why almost similar in appearance to the father of the abyss and on that note man use was awakened by the people of oolacile and driven mad man who's referred to as primeval man primeval as it happens bears a very similar meaning to primordial Gulf comments seduced by a dark serpent or no they awoke that thing themselves and drove it mad which stinks of the primordial serpents but which one calf or friend if you ask me Thoth is the obvious choice some will say that's a red herring low and that obviously means tramped because it's a sub version which is true it would be a sub version but it also doesn't make much sense so far as we know tramped a genuinely is fond of humans to some extent and somewhat loyal to Gwyn as well else why would he be subject to casts scorn then again you could say it was frowned and opted he saw what happened in Allah so he changed his mind but that would also suggest that unisol was a thousand years ago because frampt suggests that he has been waiting for a thousand years as for calf it makes perfect sense whether you think of it as him trying to spread the abyss which I should point out he's perfectly at home in or revive the furtive pygmy who some people believe is the true identity of manis and whilst I'm not entirely convinced on the matter I could see it being fair and logical man news is a primeval human he's probably one of the pygmies he could be the furtive pygmy and it makes sense to me the first man being hood manis being so dreadfully powerful why not but this is where Dark Souls 3 comes into play these abominations the pus of man are so far as I'm aware never brought up in Dark Souls 3 nobody ever mentions them no item describes or explains them it is my belief they are leftovers from an earlier draft of Dark Souls 3 wherein the Serpent's played a much larger role as I do believe they are caused somehow by Qarth tramped or some other serpent before Dark Souls 3 was announced there was a leak of several screenshots and many of these featured things not seen in the final game which is fair enough all games undergo changes in development but one of the screenshots was fascinating a hellish landscape akin to the Drake heap featuring a low-hanging Sun that is either leaking a black humanity like substance or absorbing it below the Sun is an immense pile of is something bodies and in this land we also see huge snake-like entities that span the horizon along with the winged serpents filling the skies I don't know what the concept here was but it's fascinating I feel as if the original intent for Dark Souls 3 was to feature an ending heavily involving the Serpent's in some capacity if we're talking about the actual release though we can find statues of a primordial serpent in the late game spread around the lothric archives it's worth pointing out that these statues have wings and what we're serpents again they all dragons and I think one could argue the main thing that makes a dragon a dragon is the fact they can fly and breathe fire so here we have a statue of an imperfect serpent which happens to have wings wouldn't that be like finding a statue of seif with scales ah but who does the statue represent Qarth or frampt well it's worth pointing out the cloth is referenced by name when urea of LA noire is killed she utters earth ah I recall reading somewhere from a player who had played the game in Japanese and translated aspects of it that the way her line is written in Japanese suggests that she is referring to calf in such a way that he is no longer there as in I have failed your last wish your dying wish something to that effect I suppose by the way it hints the Qarth is known inland or how very typical considering their motives you may think you are usurping the fire for your own means but in the end he was still being manipulated by Qarth if you wish for a true Dark Lord ending or as near as you can get then simply slay the fire keeper and take the fire for your own back to lothric if you ask me this was France work and France statues of course this is all very muddled up the statues are found largely by the archives but here is my thinking [ __ ] showed up in the form of an angel and told one fell off trick Kings they must link the fire in essence I believe he changed his tale over time and figured if I can establish a Schumann dynasty who will keep on linking the fire throughout the ages it will make my job a lot easier it was lothric supposed destiny and yet one that he scorned there is evidence in Norfolk of a skirmish between the fat winged Knights and the slimmer lothric Knights perhaps one faction was loyal to the Angels teachings and the other shoe prints lothric keep in mind this is all speculation as for why lothric turned away from linking the fire some say this was Cotts work and the statues represented him sure that could make sense considering the presence near the archives others think it was the work of pontiff Sullivan which is largely explained by nonsensical coincidences such as a statue of lothric bearing the pontiff's great sword why the statue of lothric has the pontiff's great sword I don't know it's probably just a reused asset or the fact that the scholars in the archives where Rhodes and Sullivan also wears robes having compared the textures ripped directly from the game files they aren't the same at all they have completely different patterns and designs the appearance of the boreal Knights in Norfolk is the only thing that I see linking Sullivan and lothric but these outriders are specifically nice that he banished with the intent on driving the mad so if you had a purpose for them other than to cause chaos it doesn't really make sense Sullivan's goals are muddled and unclear at any rate audio on the other hand fits him much more nicely known as Andy you in the original translation Oda was a scholar who sought to understand and defeat the curse odious legacy the sorcery known as soul stream is found in the archives and it is said the first of the scholars doubted the linking of the fire and was alleged to be a mentor to the Royal Prince it is also said that his sorcery was imparted when lothric and the grand archives were young this would somewhat imply that the Royal archives were a recent addition to lothric when it says when lothric was young does it mean lothric the character or lothric the kingdom I'm under the assumption it means lothric the character this would explain Lorex sudden denial of his destiny when lothric was young he commissioned the grand archives and Oda was one of the scholars there perhaps the founding one and he helped lothric to this conclusion it might also explain the statues of frampt maybe they were there before the archives maybe the archives were originally some sort of Cathedral place of worship to frampt and Prince lovak had them converted into archives built over what was there before aldia's doubts concerning the linking of the fire a somewhat well found it as his ending in Dark Souls 2 is found when one does not link the fire and yet his doubts are more concerning as to the cycle as a whole we see tramped once Undead to link the fire Qarth wishes for them to not link the fire Odia sought a third option and although he seemed to believe there was none he thought it the fate of humans to forever seek it and is worth pointing out that the bearer of the curse achieved an imperfect method of escaping the cycle tramped and calf are both serpents both seemingly immortal and we know there are more of their number are they two heads of some monolithic Hydra just how damn long are they and what could they possibly want both of them can survive perfectly well in the abyss throughout the franchise only managed two can survive in the abyss but was he truly the father of the abyss did he shape the abyss or was he shaped by it some time ago I had the theory in mind the calf wished the age of dark simply because he wished for the return of the Dragons I thought that if the gods defeated the Dragons and the humans defeated the gods that left dragons as the natural winners in some ways they could come back it was my understanding that the abyss was a perfect environment for a mortal stone dragons anything with a soul could not survive the abyss but dragons by all accounts - the first game had no souls dark eater Medea somewhat messed with this idea because not only does he have a soul but he also doesn't fare too well in the obits now granted he resists it for perhaps thousands of years as he consumes it the best reasoning I can put up there is that Medea was granted a soul by Gwyn and this is the reason he was corrupted by the abyss as for Manus well when we look at you'd expand there and all those enemies that mutate are we seeing something similar to what happened with man who's is this what happens when a human for example is corrupted by the abyss do they eventually turn into one of these snake-like abyss monsters is that what happened to man use who knows God seems to think the abyss emanates from manners but we don't know if the giant is right or not in thinking that but that is my belief cramped genuinely believes in the cause of going he believes that the age of fire is the best option for all on this world and he is the strayed from cars path even if the age of fire is somewhat a fake well as Audia said a construction of the Father you a wonderful rooms scandalous but Qarth I believe he seeks a world suited for the Dragons or the Serpent's their imperfect cousins by spreading dark spreading the abyss and to this end he seats mortals to end the fire in dark souls he requests that the player gather humanity and if you believe that humanity items are fragments of the dark soul perhaps he does wish to claim that soul and its power the paint ago in Dark Souls 3 uses the blood of the Dark Soul to create a painting that ostensibly has no cycle could that be what Ari Armas intended even if the first painted world seemed to be no more than a place to store items offensive to the gods and in regards to the ending of Dark Souls 3 and the franchise the unexplained path of man and the role of the Serpent's that might bear looking into in another video real soon stick around and find out now go undead warrior show the world that the truth becomes you [Music]
Channel: Silver Mont
Views: 66,863
Rating: 4.8765311 out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III, Kaathe, Frampt, Kingseeker Frampt, Darkstalker Kaathe, Primordial Serpent, Manus, Manus Father of the Abyss, Father of the Abyss, Scholar of the First Sin, Aldia, Dark Souls Lore, Kaathe Lore, Frampt Lore, Primordial Serpents Lore
Id: Jt2YRQa_iTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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