Dark Souls 3 - The Ringed City Critique

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the first video on my channel or as hopefully we'll all come to know it another shitty Joseph Anderson globe it's funny how I start my channel by critiquing of franchises n Dark Souls epilogue the Ring City the Ring City can either be started from Frida's box room in the painted world from the path leading up to the soul of cinder both these locations work within the law we know from ashes that slave night Gale is going after the Dark Soul these as a pigment to paint another world we also know the Dark Soul is probably going to be in the ring city at World's End so we can assume the girl left the bonfire and Frida's room for us to follow after the loading screen you'll spawn in a room reminiscent of lothric castle and upon stepping out we're granted with one of many spectacular views that confirm we're right in the middle of World's End or as it's called here the Drake Inc the Drake heap as a whole music setting in every way it can both visually and mechanically in fact I think well then the best application of setting in the level design in the entire series I would be astounded if from ever top of the crafter tier and despite me thinking this I don't think I've ever seen poorer item placement from any other area in souls born is even worse in the ring city itself you'll see what I mean as we go there'll be an old pilgrim near the ledge she tells us she's only here for the view and that she has nothing for us you get to dialogue options I had business with you and I have no business with you I chose the first and it turns out the cheeky [ __ ] does have something for us she sells as a few consumable then this bitly great sort of result so alike and it's actually a halberd the rest of her dialogue is very interesting she tell you the legend of the Ring City after a bit of course foreshadowing apparently the Ring City lies of World's End and it was worth first pygmies who found the Dark Soul were exiled to exiled seems to conflict with word gifted that we see in the description of the in void banner we get from the demon Prince one of the line or just different interpretations of Gwyn sanctions of these on chatting the third the only way to go is down there's a message saying take the plunge relate to find out this is Gale trying to help us though so it's okay in the law thankfully Gale is an energy prick like every other message tempting you off cliffs and you don't die which axes of the lesson for all the other times we end up diving up cliffs in the Drake II apparently gravity is bugs because of the whole world ending thing this is only a fraction of what I meant when I said the world end is one of the best applications of setting a level design it's a little friendly thematically appropriate after the drop there's a bridge and two paths wave good luck getting across the bridge though because you're about to be swamped with human dregs there are three type of drugs but we only see two here the most common type is the one that crawls towards you on the floor getting surrounded by these is a death sentence but the game gives the player a small advantage since they have to cross the bridge to get to you you're able to choke them into a small space which is great for any build if you run across the bridge you will probably die but you weren't entirely safe on the other end either the second type of drag the caster sheets tracking deep souls which dealt about half my health when here this effectively means you have to keep your eyes on two things at once which is actually preparing you for the boss almost every encounter in the drag deep is at least a 2v1 so by the time your 2v1 boss comes around you're well-prepared after all those of which there are a damn lot you've got two parts left leave up some stairs right made of the [ __ ] click so of course most players go left where you'll encounter the faster Isles night they're incredibly aggressive in Russia relentlessly so you're dodging needs to be on point again this is preparing me for the bread and butter attack of the upcoming boss their Dark Soul head along with the fact that there's a staircase here left and indicates the special plunging attack you can do on these guys for me only ended up doing about half of its health but is enough to turn the tide of the fight in my favor it was the observant player and I think that's great but after having seen it once and kind of made every other her all night and annoyance still live rather than the top fight they'll kill you if you let them live so you have to deal with them the best way to do that is by dropping your sword into their heads over and over and over and over with him dead you can go get the aquamarine dagger which is one of the coolest weapons in Dark Souls 3 down the other part you dive off a cliff smash through the glass walls of Cathedral which angle is called 2/5 of the time when you don't sort of slide off the walls down here is a sneaky Drake who pops out the floor right where you land and if you don't react immediately it grabs you there's no reason the player Steve is coming so I think it's kind of cheap especially since it does such a large amount of damage if you live past that the third type of drag the giant deep soul thing rushes you these are very easy to dodge but will completely destroy you if you get hit so there are only really a threatened group fights this is just a well-placed warning there's a bunch of hidden items stuffed in the nooks of this room for those who didn't see the angel outside and immediately have a heart attack yeah as soon as you step outside to look for the next part a massive zombified butterfly turns around cause your wanker inserts a barrage of light spear that you clink every player run down the ramparts there and immediately took color after a [ __ ] will stop firing and you have a chance to run down to the next platform the Angels become the area defining mechanic here you need to time your movements to progress similar to the jailers and they fail dungeon but with the added pressure of having to check every room you enter the holes that might give our line of sight holder either just there or form as you go along once again using well then to its potential from the platform is a wooden scaffold and the door strays on obviously Nathalie over in the door if you don't want to get fried too lot for the night stand at the other end of the room one has a sword and shield one has a new sphere this goes the way of all the others or through tonight's encounter during the beta game backstab and kick if you're a melee build black famous pyro and so on the new speed doesn't change the overall strategy of the fight but it does make something dynamic not only can he poke you for a huge amount of damage but he can also use the weapon art to summon some kind of light banner - barking party it will sprint towards even the spear guy only walks that keeps him split and teachers used to make sure to never take on Lord one I'll give you three guesses as to what this is growing the spare guy drops the lothric war banner when he dies I don't think an item really channels the meaning of Dark Souls better than this one don't even have to read the item description to see that it's a tatted withering banner of little light but it still capable of bringing out the strength and its followers after countless ages past really appropriate from the setting and the fact that the series is ending moving through the next door we find ourselves in a courtyard with two paths right leads to a few rooms of infinitely spawning dregs and an item at the end and left triggers at outfall smashing through the front wall of the broom we were just in you can go either left or back to the room regardless this is the best way the game uses World's End in the level design from start to finish back in the room we can use the tower as a bridge over to a new area with few enemies and items find an NPC in a bonfire the NPC is called lap and here's a hollow much like Luke tail from Dark Souls 2 though he doesn't seem too particularly bothered by his hollowing back down to where the path split underneath the tower lead you to but kind of routed Undead turns out these are the sources of the Angels which you'll find out when you kill it and the angel dies as we keep moving we come across more drops and more drags and another Horrell night but this time would know it to choose him there's a home wood bone at the ledge after the fight which is a cheeky way of tricking the play into thinking it's a dead end so they backtrack and see the bridge formed from the collapsing Tower simple but effective you and I know this is no dead-end jumping off leads us to a bonfire and lack if you talk to him previously he has a bunch of dialogue about the legends of the ring city and solemn duty it turns out the area we found ourselves in is the earthen peak ruins which is the World's End remnant to the earthen peak from Dark Souls 2 there's a lot of references to in the drakey which is great to see as I feel like it was ignored to a ridiculous extent in the base game especially since Dark Souls 2 is entirely responsible for the events 3 though I do have to question earthen peak being the area they decided to bring back to be frank Dark Souls very heady not [ __ ] swaps and ourselves to add a lot more interesting areas it's good then the other and Pete ruins is one of the best areas in the game you can imagine it is two small areas a shooting gallery and the swampy shooting gallery split by a fallen earthen peak windmill I call them the shooting gallery because once again we have to deal with the Angels and once again they used to force the player into making quick decisions rather than taking levels slowly this is one of few mechanics the series has used to ramp up the pace of the game outside of bosses and I think there was no better place to use it than Wallsend apart from the bonfire leads you into a big road in looking open area with a bunch of color which is of course very important as you've got about five seconds to get your ass behind something before the Angels kill you interestingly the little slave [ __ ] from the grand archives make a return here and they seem to be in the same situation we are you can see two of them running for the crack in the mill but usually only one will make it before the angel kills the other of course we can use this opportunity to run into the mill ourselves a fun mechanic we've only seen before in the undead settlement when you can use the giant Archer being occupied with shooting the Roman hollows to get across unharmed inside the mill you can jump down to the swamp this area works almost the same as the one for but this time you've got the added threat of a poisonous swamp mushroom Prix and the angels new cursing pixie dust which imposes a strict limit on the amount of time you can spend behind cover oh yeah and now there's two angels The Shack like buildings and the broken mill combined to hide a lot of items both on top and within this is another masterful application of the creative freedom granted by the setting of World's End that allows the designers to weave two entirely different types of areas into one it's like Faron woods but not [ __ ] but the other end of the swamp is a cave and a route if you follow the route you get the ring of favor plus 3 okay the best ring of the game interesting I completely it turns out this is just the tip of the iceberg of all sea in marine City you might think the cave is the most reliable source of color here but there's also a row of my son lest you can end the fight quickly you need to be in an hour and a flash the next step covers a giant fibrous root thing that twists throughout the area you can follow one of them to another world night in a two-part split one leads to the root for the swamp angel the other leads to a fight with desert pyramids as Owen he's being backed up with a few slaves obviously the trick is to kill the slaves think of her but that's not the only trick up her sleeve she's got the pyromancy pyro fan which is effectively a close-range bitch-slapped pyromancers however this doesn't really help her because as long as you can get close enough once or twice stun looking her down is simple assure [ __ ] wasn't simple for me as her health bar was longer than an original curly wurly but it just boiled down to get close stun lock until out stamina recharge stamina repeat she drops a pyro fan for us which actually fits into the current pyromancy roster very well it doesn't do as much damage the black flame or combustion but it does have far more range so it balances out a great addition from here the part legs back out into the open but you'll be on the same level as the angels this time so you can employ your dodge and weave strategy to get to the end of the route jump off onto the farthest section of broken mill and then roll down onto the final bonfire at the Drake heat where you need to go next is obvious this is probably one of the coolest boss fly introductions in the entire series only perhaps behind the ivory King upon smashing into the crazy I'll immediately notice that we're in a 2v1 there's the demon in pain and the demon from below but their names only matter at the end for now they're functionally the same there are two roles either demon can occupy and they will routinely switch but they can only have the same rule for about 15 seconds to time the first is the fire empowered aggressor this demon Mura sort of Russia with smashes swipes and flurries the moves that were paid for by the Royal Knights the second demon will stay back shooting an explosive trail of death at you which will be lethal if the aggressor gets a is him too you also need to be ready to switch focus when the demons begin their 15-second rolls wad I was a New Game+ floss Pyromancer so you can imagine how [ __ ] long it took me to kill them hope despite their time investment I took them down on my second try when I learned how to dodge every move the aggressor had I thought the fight was a great idea and pretty awesome execution but it was a tad too easy of course that run didn't last long as soon as I realized that there was a second phase the demon Prince visually his moveset is only rivaled by the nameless King and someone else will fight later on the power behind every attack he has can be felt by the glare both from the earth-shattering explosions swoops and smashes and also from the fact that you can blow you back from just a single snap of his wings and the power of his laser attack actually knocks you back even if you aren't hit is it the coolness demon fighting on a video gaming yes it is does it make the demon king look bounce training as a rainbow-colored koala bear yes it does it may look utterly [ __ ] astounding but it does have a few problems first one is simple his health is too big for new game it's barely acceptable for long fight but an awesome one on New Game+ class it was simply shocking it moves set is incredibly strong and I ended up being in two Dodgers attacks by a hair if at all of course this all comes down to skill but it was the fact that I had to stay alive longer than the [ __ ] Stone Age choosing my moments for a black flame or for a tiny amount of damage that gave the fights difficulty of course you could argue that it's supposed to be ridiculous from plus plus that's what mode is full and then I would say why did every other boss on fast blood scales were reasonable degree coming the demon Prince get serious soul and small Android banner which allows you to travel to the ring city if you've ever played on charted you know exactly able to expect from the visuals around here as you go down the staircase you'll find a rambling NPC your only shows up here they'll see whether or not you serve the gods if you say yes he called you a prick if you say nice he says me too the outcome remains the same though he says he knows you're after the Dark Soul we know gale is and we know we're following Gale so sure continuing down the stairs you'll find a bridge with one of the most visually impressive encounters in the game a giant in the distance continually sun's ghostly ruin archers who fire in the Legion a barrage of arrows that will kill you even quicker than the Angels the gravestones along the bridge x is your color but they'll only get you so far eventually you'll have to roll onto a platform down to the right the only clue from Lees slightly weathered brick at the edge which I don't think is going to be enough for a lot of players especially those in offline mode you can't see the messengers or bloodstains from the platform you walk to the edge of the bridge where you can cut up talk and kill the Summoner a new game you can rush them down fairly quick but on plus or plus plus it's highly unlikely you'll have the damage potential so you have to dodge his personal AeroGarden his melee summon this has the opposite problem a demon Prince has if you aren't playing on New Game+ you won't get to see the summoners move sir he's an interesting enemy by himself in the fact that he has actually planned for someone getting close to him is a nice cherry on top may have looked amazing with the flower bed bridge and the beautiful red arches contrasting against the grey yellow of the stone but we've had a lot of encounters like this in the series before the dragon in Dark Souls 1 for example every time getting passed it boils down to completely evading the obstacles on our I wish the first of the final two encounters like this will ever have it changed up a bit perhaps there's a magical shear that lets you push through them for a bit longer allowing you to get to the end without being killed perhaps there's a secret path you can take along the bridge in which the artist can't hit you or won't buy that you have to decide from the npcs dialog regardless it's still the best encounter of its kind and a mesmerizing a beautiful introduction to the ring city behind the summoner is the next path as you walk along the scariest NPC and souls born just starts reading your [ __ ] bedtime story in a haltingly calm voice the cryptically references the story of a bunch of characters from souls lawn and finishes everything has to say but fear not the dark my friend and let the beasts begin he's probably referencing the fact that the age of fires due to end next Tuesday at this point in the game but I haven't got a clue what he means by the feast by the way I think his disturbing nature serves as the introduction to the more poisoned and twisted background behind the ring city his heart attack using jump-scare prepares you for the more aggressive enemies hiding along this part they could shoot you with lightning Spears jump in the air into a plunging attack starve and push there are only dangerous when you have to take your focus away from them but for now they're just fodder through the door is the next bonfire in a room with three doors and an interesting statue I described the other door is the gateway to hell for a reason because as soon as we step through that door the dlc goes from slightly challenging to sadistic the staircase itself isn't too bad there's a bunch of fodder enemy is one of whom will ambush shoes and new cursing guys stay close to long you die so really only acts d8u moving at the bottom of the staircase we step out into the midst of the Ring City the first free night gates are frankly epic entrances he slowly walks up the stairs to face you in a generously large arena you've got a basic sword and shield it's completely impractical to try and break throughs defenseless or close ups on the sort of cinder all over again you can break your block in about two hits as much as massive sword he's got an even longer health bar but his moves are very bad at roll catching so you can get behind it for a few hits every time he attacks they aren't the only new enemy type introduced in this area though when you approach the room following the ring light stairways strange cleric tortoise crossbreed things scrambles out these are the most annoying enemies in Dark Souls 3 their primary attack is to summon a damaging rune of light in the exact spot you're standing so when you hear the audio cue you've got to roll away immediately this completely ruins the rhythm of any fight you get into so of course they need to be your first target thing is when you hit them for enough damage they retreat into their shells and heal themselves back to full so if you don't have enough DPS to take them out of their shell onto their backs killing them is going to be entirely dependent on how much damage you can get in when the fight starts it's a bit of a [ __ ] when you rank road more than one which to be honest isn't enjoyable I died to these guys no times yeah every time I saw them I sighed and I never side harder than the encounter with the second ring night downstairs in the room which is centered this ring 9 is unlike first in that a the stasi outfight name is significantly smaller than the last time being he has a spear and a great shield rather than the sword and shield far more to deal with in the first and seeing he now is one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja clerics back in mark you can learn I'm out of range of the total which is fine and you'll even get a slightly larger arena so this guy's moves that makes him the most difficult non boss enemy in Dark Souls 3 and a lot of that is down to how fast he raises the shield after an attack which means getting in a significant damage difficult task of course you could just use great sword and completely cheese in but if you want a strength build bringing him down is going to take a frankly annoying amount of time the three her old Knights down here but thankfully Fromm showed a little bit of mercy in allowing you to run past them fairly easily you can run up a ledge to the right which leads to a bridge you cross the bridge to explore a small area or wait until the Knights passed plunging attack the final one on one field [ __ ] life once you pass the patrol you find a corridor with a bunch of cursed guys which there are so many it's probably easier to just run new better keep running as a ring Knight and a bunch of lightnings their pricks just around the corner I generally don't know how Fromm expects anyone who is in the high skill strength they'll fight through them I get the hucking corridors filled with enemies there's a good ways for attention I don't really understand what purpose it serves here your character might be safe on this ledge but you sure as [ __ ] won't be because creepy locust guy makes a return this time reading it's another random story as if we were mid conversation from the ledge you can jump into the fifth [ __ ] swamp of darts or screen the ring [ __ ] opens up a little here but I don't know if that's at the best there's a bonfire 100 meters from the start swamp it's not particularly hard to get to and it acts as an excellent table for stuff around it but the city opens up before we get to that bonfire so there's no reason to assume there would be one where it is over the other numerous paths we have available to us this is problematic because the run back from the first safe room is seriously long and you will very likely be making this run is every way we can go from the swamp has some challenging fight if we go to our left and up the ladder there's a drop onto a stone path leading us into a room where you'll be invaded by silver Knight leader unfortunately this fight plays out like the ring Knight if you have a great sword you won't be able to point us through your attacks and the fight comes down to timing if you use any other melee weapon you'll trade and unsurprisingly is big arse hammer does a huge amount of damage so it becomes an endurance fight which is boring killing m-net series hammer which requires 60 strength I think that's the highest requirement in the entire game possibly the series if you do have that much strength you will get a fittingly cool moveset I don't think the fight was worth it the players who aren't running around with high strength especially since those who are probably had far easier time other than Naruto and an item it's a dead end he was originally supposed to drop his armor and I honestly have no clue why he doesn't it's a shame really heading back to the ladder we can go right past where local locust sits over a bridge with two spear wheels in room Knights fighting wise the challenges at all I have to say is good [ __ ] luck this is not only incredibly difficult but also pointless once again that leaves the swamp for us to explore and let me preface I am disappointed that they use another swamp this is one of the best ones in the game but myself and anyone in their right mind would have probably preferred an actual city rather than just an open space with things in it first thing you'll find the swamp will be the locusts they will die stick things which they used to skewer you in a variety of different ways their move se is wide but heavily telegraphed it's actually difficult to get hit by these things for any other reason the camera [ __ ] about when they prepare their air attack this would be fine wearing not for their health bars a [ __ ] insects come on from this isn't even artificial difficulty it's just wasted time thankfully we'll only have to fight one alone wants to get to the bonfire room from that was a suntan building they come in packs and that makes them a much more interesting fight speaking of locusts bedtime story Bob makes a return here and this time the point he's trying to make becomes a lot clearer he tells us of a girl scared of abyssal creatures knowing a flesh probably miracle a different filing the story begins to make sense when he says that no such creature existed this point is that the abyss isn't as bad as a troll makes out to be this is what he means by fear not the dark and we also get some closure on the meaning of let the feast begin from aft nearby the bonfire apparently these are locusts and meant to conduct sermons pulling men to the dark but few can think past their own stomachs the swamp from here is pretty much only completely unlinked individual fights there's the second summoner who works the exact same way the first one did the Dragon Slayer armor who has apparently been fired from Roth direct artery always asked cakes bite you and came here on vacation I'm not even kidding that's literally the law there works just fine since the DLTS at thousands of year after the events of Dark Souls 3 he drops his armor which is nice but I think his placement is questionable it's just hanging out at the far end of the swamp and one less fine in the law and the game it's just a bit lazy final random fight is the ring Knights over at the building you don't have to fight all five but the more you do fight the molder you'll get there's no interior the only purpose it serves as a ramp up to the valley where we'll have our first encounter [ __ ] in m'dear this guy makes the drink from Dark Souls 1 was like the [ __ ] kitten with a cigarette lighter strapped to his head he repeats the usual bathe the bridge in fire routine which has never looked better before challenging with their weakened goes for a right to find a room as a shortcut back to the bonfire and a puzzle I think most people didn't get this shortcut simply through trying to find a way past my deer so we'll assume we all had an equal footing going to the next area as for the puzzle calling the suppose on the defensive the puzzle this [ __ ] puzzle appropriation the script on the wall reads show your humanity so use a number right known to be fair don't be far too easy some broken statues around the script so perhaps you need to restore the third one in the sequence how do you do that at a stretch we can guess that some players thought that using chameleons or a white branch would do the trick you have to cast the spell enough time so the RNG to give you the statue so if you don't have enough branches or you killed Magic Mike for the hollow quest go [ __ ] yourselves button it turns out not even that's the solution you can stand here for as long as you [ __ ] like nothing happens know the correct solution is to head out into the swamp use the branches lock into getting a humanity sprite and then return [Music] cousins need to tell you their solutions in some way or another or they're not puzzles this one doesn't so it can stick its branches of your it's ass what's even more offensive is what lies behind it the clergy monument you know that thing that hollows have come from all ages to access the second most important thing about the ring city that it allows you to join the coven the EVP invasions of the next boss so yeah it's pretty important the game actually relies on people getting to this how could they possibly hide such an important thing behind censorship buzzer presenting that didn't happen how do we get past the bridge well after observing for a while I think most players will figure out there's a safe period to rush across while media circles background after attacking I bigger builds can actually tank straight through the flames they heal immediately afterwards but most people have to duck into a crisis to the right before making it to the door I like this timing mechanic far more than evading the problem entirely it's a lot more fun even if we have seen it before in lothric the door leads into a spiral correct lack of their words it's literally a spiral staircase but there's offshoots into other rooms though traversing it isn't as simple as one would think it's starting as a bit of stair that collapses underneath you and then there's a Ledge you need to jump down to later this isn't any less tense than running across the bridge though because all while you do this he'll be invaded by the mountain knight he's using more incessant hammer with a moaning shield having fought lido this guy wasn't nearly as tough because he never uses his weapon art but to balance that you need to account for the much more restrictive space I think this area might have been too hard to contrast against the huge open spaces we were just in but the restriction is by no means wasted after he's dead and you make it to the top there's a bonfire in a way out the quality of this bonfires placement all comes down to how much trouble the moaning like gave you on one hand if you didn't know a shortcut you would have had to fight through any number of locusts at least one ring light and get past my dear only to have to fight him on the other hand with the shortcut there's nowhere near enough space between the two bonfires and as I said before I think the vast majority of players will have unlocked it the strange thing is there's an infinitely better place they could have had the second bonfire up ahead after our second encounter with m'dear this guy doesn't give up his first move is going to be to fry the entire path but after that he'll charge up a sweeping attack obviously this is your time to run into the cover just in front of them from here we'll be able to fight back by popping out over opportunity we get and getting a few hits in the deal will respond to this by flaming the ground or later by doing a Godzilla beam at around 50% health they'll have a fear of aggression and use everything it's got in a few seconds as long as you dodge this you'll win the fight by stabbing him in the face which will send him down into the caverns definitely the coolest dragon encounter in the soul series finally we can actually fight back rather than just shooting from afar with 150 arrows anyway we can now head across the bridge the first room has [ __ ] all in it except for an invisible wall with another cleric and a half shell then it's old and lightning arrow which is a more reliable but less damaging lightning spear I don't have to feel about this I'd rather the room be more interesting over an illusion wall this might have been because the second bonfire was originally supposed to go here but perhaps got moved back because they thought the deer might have been too tough well they sure as [ __ ] didn't keep that in mind for his boss fight up the stairs we come across an interesting statue of Wynn and a few parts I have three problems with this room which is probably a record given its size number one as an elevator right next to the staircase we came up on that blends into the walls so well it's hard to notice I know for a fact I'm not the only one who missed this and given its importance I think it's just [ __ ] annoying whether it is attention or not the elevator leads up to a shortcut door all the way back at the start of the Ring City the best holy [ __ ] moments in the soul series when the level design surprises you and this is the first time I didn't see a link back in Dark Souls for you coming it felt just like the chapel elevates from Dark Souls 1 but not quite as good that's not the only thing the elevator has for us though like so many other elevators in lothric and round lengths the engineers we've got to build a break people who want to get off on any floor that isn't the top of the ground I thought these were gimmicky enough the first time this all series did it the 59th time we've seen since then takes [ __ ] cake remember that item that Gwyn was holding back down ground floor this is how you get to it remember that [ __ ] awesome dragon we just want this is how we access our final flight with him who the [ __ ] thought this was a good idea who in their right minds thought putting two of the most anticipated thing the rumor city behind one of these shitty elevator puzzles was good design being a from soft apparent drug abuse I'll give you all three guesses to what Gwynn's holding is it the Dark Soul is it some kind of key that changes something in Anor Londo is it [ __ ] Guinevere's iCloud password no it's a plus three ring that is negligibly superior to its plus two variant go away from soft they could have had any of the other awesome weapons like the room knight straight sword here instead of on some [ __ ] mound and it would have been so much less disappointing the +3 ring what the [ __ ] did the pygmy Lord need a Florentine ring for anyway he's clearly still low on stamina we haven't even gone to the third problem yet or they're the least important Muffy's before that let's have a look at madea's fight I'll start by saying this dragon has a neat coolness moveset of any boss not only in souls born in my opinion ever if I could visualize the meanings of the words be steel sorrel aggressive and desperate it would look something like Medea as you approach the winds dragon it gets up extends its wings and roars like a cornered cat then it rushes you and a burst of aggression in the fight begins with air and capable of shooting explosive laser beams from its mouth bathing entire areas of the arena inflame snapping is jaws like something out of Jurassic Park and all manners of other basic attacks would expect from a dragon Medea may look amazing but that alone and keep you impressed for as long as it takes you for you to be utterly destroyed by the aim botted laser attack or the snap that has no [ __ ] Telegraph at all unreasonably difficult moves to evade coupled with a health bar longer than every original [ __ ] curly wurly ever produced make this fight a perfect exemplar of an endurance fight got 15 plus so nastas good dont [ __ ] you do you even have enough health to survive a single hit from is ridiculous attacks no well it was always sin imagine the health bar was meant to combat the fact this boss is insanely easy to exploit is how you do it run up to him attack head when he perches up to firebomb the space underneath them run to tail hawk tail 20 turns around till prevent his head tak head repeat they some sort of pestle and Marjorie destroys this boss that doesn't make it easy you'll still have to keep this up for huge amount of time but boring and long Fromm needs to decrease the Hellfire usually damaged by a bit and he needs an answer to be explained back upstairs as we eggs in the room the first thing we'll notice is the skybox yes by climbing some stairs the sky has gone from date and night this isn't broken up by entire dungeons like the transition from Ferren keep the aerosol it's just a staircase and a hole of pain it can look down and see the swamp isn't spewing some kind of sunscreening gas what's the excuse I actually didn't notice the transition from day to night as we walked from the city into the swamp because I was more focused on running away from things as long as the player doesn't notice the change you can get away with it but no steps to take in to ensure that this time Dark Souls 1 did this perfectly Anna Londo was sunny because a gwendolyn's illusion Darkroot garden looks like it's night because we're actually underground this wasn't at the sacrifice of immersion in fact it made the blog feel real and that's something the series has progressively got worse at doing at least the arena looks nice really nice actually and that makes the another awesome backdrop for our site with the fourth and final type over at night this one has very great sword arguably even cooler than the street sword and he is half as [ __ ] nails in these few opportunities to attack and does huge amounts of damage but there's enough space available and known as to [ __ ] with you which makes it a far fairy jewel despite this I ended up wasting about 10 Estus on this guy which left me with one I assumed is going to be the next boss and sure enough it was the spear at the church the fight is one of the most unique bosses in the game the spikes premier mechanic being victims of Demon Souls and Dark Souls to judicata I'll go one of the towering summoners calls you a wanker for ignoring the no entries and some of the painting guardians take you down obviously this isn't the box the real deal spawns in some time later and as either controlled by an NPC or or online at the time a player the player gets Bartels then a tools bear attack whatever lastest other than that it's just a normal build I think it's fair to say you're meant to take a summon with you - even at the playing field especially since the difficulty of the fight can be wildly different based on the scale of the spear who gets summoned thing is the fight also varies based on the skill of your summon I had zero estes going into this fight I wish I still had the gameplay to show you guys I didn't want to go back to a bonfire because I'd have to fight the ring knight again so I just summoned the guy with the biggest sword and went in I fought the Guardian my summon fought the boss I don't think we should have come out on top with those odds but we ended up destroying them both not easily but not as challenging as I felt a boss should have been while I was glad to be in the boss first try couldn't help but feel underwhelmed what about other people they get a good summon did they get a bad one this fight is more like base than any other boss in the entire series and though I had my fun I would have had a lot more the fight was built around my skills solely not the skill of me my summon and the boss itself I think this should have been the optional boss honestly and m'dear should have gone the extra development times help him become fight he should have been moving on we can go up some stairs and then up some more cooler stairs to find ourselves in princess Lenore's chamber which has to be one of the most beautiful rooms and souls born there Xindi Mouse's next video top ten dogs ors rooms she holds a broken egg on our lap pottery sleet perhaps a 1000 we touch it because of course we do and it rates and links into the future it's one of the coolest cutscenes and sold Fillion or is now a corpse and everything around our chamber is dust we can see lot Rick and I know Londo in the distance but everything else has gone this is the place from the trailers and the box art this is the end of the Dark Soul as well we step out trying to pygmy Lord crawling towards us begging Fillion off for help he says the Red Hood has come to eat our Dark Souls you can watch as he crawls all the way back but he dies no matter what you do perhaps if we didn't take the chlorin fearing he could escape would have an amazing the aimed at that the space were given to explore is absolutely and appropriately huge it's a long walk over to the ruins in the distance and there we find all the other Lords all dead and Gayle he asked you for your dark soul but you say no he gets pissed and so we have the final boss of souls areas despite this fight being incredible and I'm saying it's a lot one of the best in souls born I do wish we got something a bit more spectacular than a man with us as chaps but that's not a valid criticism this fight is separated into three phases like Frida but unlike her the health bar stays the same for the entire fight phase one is a series of wild but very voidable swings the key to this phase is learning the correct directions dodge for each move and to always try to dodge late from again to say is to the music changes it's something like far more powerful to match girls new moves that now he's got a much longer range follow-ups in almost every attack he does and [ __ ] crossbow which he uses on both the ground and in the air like a class a badass the new strategy is strafing to its side and making damn choice combo is over before you go in for an attack as long as you stay close and learn to run away when he charges up his spin attack phase to the easiest of the three as a third health scale will charge up a giant blood explosion shooting out souls of weekly track you wherever they land lightning will strike so make sure you draw Gale away from them before trying to attack again if he hits you at the same time as a lightning strike it's game over phase three Gail is ravenously aggressive and leaves far fewer opportunities for an attack the best advice I can give for this part is to make sure you don't get greedy and with the final hit we win Dark Souls an excellently designed fight which at no point felt aren't fair the hitboxes are as perfect as the theatrics there's no cuts in just his soul which explains everything we know Gail wanted the dark souls of the painter in our round and could create a new world with it we know the dark soul is in the ring city which is obviously why gave us here but we now know the Gail knew the dark soul would corrupt him because he isn't the champion which is why he's been leaving you this trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow so we could get the blood of the Dark Soul from him and give it to the paint and that's what we're going to do that is what I call storytelling once again from soft knocks out of the park returning to Marion down we find everything to be on fire perhaps because we showed the painter flame the giver the dark soul and she thanks us asking us if we want the world to be named after us and that's it part of me wishes she called the world yharnam part me doesn't need away with the cycle ended this painting represents hope perseverance of life we see so often in Dark Souls I always thought the meaning of these games was just this keep on going stay determined and you can overcome anything and even with the world ending we find the way to that something new I thought of Dark Souls 3 had strayed too far from these themes especially with the ignoring the incredibly important events of dances - but now the ring city provides the ending to our beloved cycle that we all deserve and I think as for the game itself it stands as one of the best PLC's we've ever gone to new excellently designed areas certainly far from perfect but excellent nonetheless the drakey paneled its setting and level design better than the ring city which suffered greatly from the placement of its areas in items but the ring city was probably the most visually stunning area I've seen from a game in a long time I'm not going to do a comparison of the DLCs to the other three games but I do feel like ashes in the Ring City combined is absolutely the best stuff you've ever gone even better than the old hunters which i think is an apt comparison because it was meant to be two separate packs initially perhaps that's unfair because the Ring City ended in the entire series well the old hunters had to exist within such a bizarre Lovecraftian world which I know can be a [ __ ] to deal with regardless we don't know for sure that the Ring City might be the final piece of souls born we ever get and if so it ended on a high note now it's time for a tactical retrospective I think I found it far more critical than I intended to be a slightly symptom of my life experience in the whole audio recording thing I love this DLC and even though the item placement in the ring city was comically done I don't hate it as much as my best school and Ramsey impression but later on I have to apologize for the mistakes I made while reading the script again I'm new at this and I've always had trouble reading out loud without sounding mike tyson having to fit that problem should be exclusive to this video only there was a big learning experience the final thing I'd like to mention is the gameplay I deleted all mine while recording scripts which to be fair was only half my fault I contacted Scirocco a great gameplay in Sam Trent youtuber and he gave me permission to use his gameplay all the things with Artorias Rammstein in them was him while the black knight was me oh yeah this is the actual final thing I swear special thanks to Joseph Anderson for a inspiring me to do this stuff and be for giving me some great advice along the way I'll see you guys in the next video which could be on anything Darksiders 2 is a big project of mine will hopefully put this video to shame prototype of the first script Iver wrote for this channel but I haven't gotten around to recording for it if I do go with that it'll be a very long video I have another script on minecraft racing in which I tear the game to shreds that should be very easy to record for so maybe it'll be out sooner I can't say for sure what's up next but stay tuned and with that it's time to end [Music] you
Channel: Whitelight
Views: 103,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Ringed City, Critique, Analysis, from software, dlc, video game, review, ashes of ariandel, dark souls 3, dark souls ii, ringed city, dark souls, gaming, game, difficult, chloranthy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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