Dark Souls 1: Ranking Bosses Strength Based on Lore

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Dark Souls at face value is a game with little context at its face it's a fight till you die to fight again and win simulator however at its core behind the small passages of narration item description and environmental details is one of the most comprehensively built worlds in gaming history as we Traverse through the various boss battles seldom do we ask ourselves who did we just fight the truth is in the first installment of the game we fight through some of the most legendary foes in the entirety of the trilogy from Gods to demigods legendary Warriors to Primal demons so what happens when we use all of the World building materials such as item descriptions and environmental details to find out which one of these bosses is the most legendary in this video I'll talk you through my opinion on which boss in Dark Souls is the most powerful welcome to law wise a series where I go through each game of the trilogy answering the question who is the strongest boss in Dark Souls but of course we are saving the strongest for last which means we begin with the weakest calling the Moonlight Butterfly the weakest of the boss's law wise is less of an indictment on the beauty and complexity of the creature and more so a statement on its ability or should I say inability to pose a threat to us a natural byproduct of seats experimentations with crystals and immortality the Moonlight Butterfly is less like a weapon and more like a natural inhabitant of an unstable ecosystem seeds spent much of his time after the war of ancients experimenting with crystals to re-imagine the immortality that he lacked by his kin the archdragons possessed Crystal experimentation would become the Bedrock for Crystal sorcery sorcery which at its core was unstable enough to drive its participants mad and breed new forms of life into the world one of such forms of life was the Moonlight Butterfly unfortunately the Moonlight Butterfly has little in the way of strength boasting sorcery-based defense mechanisms and a slow and mostly pacifistic lifestyle foreign however a passive lifestyle is something completely alien to our next boss the Taurus demon has little context in terms of in-game descriptions the demon greatax tells us that the Taurus demons are known as the Lesser Demons of the chaos flame being absent of any specifically imbued power they are likely the Lesser beings of war that fought on the ground on behalf of the Bed of Chaos regardless they are a warrior class of beings that have enough strength to utilize their bullish characteristics and the ability to swing around the most monstrous demon great acts giving them the power Edge over the mostly passive Moonlight Butterfly thank you not too far ahead of the Taurus demon are the Capra Demons Capra Demons much like the Taurus demon is a being born from the Bed of Chaos and the Flames of chaos the Demon's great machete tells us that their sword is just like the Taurus demons ax not imbued by any special form of magic however they're prowess and swinging around the blade so effortlessly lend the same credit the Taurus demons have unlike the Taurus demons however the Capra Demons has a specially larger sphere of influence Capra Demons have the ability to command smaller beings such as wild dogs as shown in the Lower Undead Burke although they do not boast the size of the Taurus demon they compensate with a much Slimmer design and the intelligence to commandeer other beings into tactical Warfare these give the Capra Demons The Edge over the less intelligent Taurus demons however they too suffer from the mundineity of their ability to utilize the chaos flame in which they are born from fortunately mundaneity isn't an issue for our next boss entry the belga girls are born from the gods with the sole purpose to act as a defense mechanism against those who seek to enter Anor Londo built for strength the belga girls combined gwyn's lightning and the fires of the Lord's souls in combination with their versatile Armament to pose a threat worthy of the ages being handcrafted by the gods it's likely their strength surpasses much of the lower ranking demons mentioned earlier especially as the ability to use fire and lightning gives them that special Edge unfortunately as per the description of their items they're made mostly of very standard bronze slightly offset by the fact that much of their Weaponry is built into their body such as a tail ax creator of Dark Souls Miyazaki during the design Works interview placed the Gargoyles at the same level as gwyn's silver notes speaking on their rudimentary design being intentional and the ability to fight being mostly Orthodox unbefitting of legendary status the belgar girls were built to fight and by combining fire and lightning alongside this they remain a tough foe thank you while on the topic of toughness let's roll around back to the Flames of chaos most likely the being with the highest kill count we have discussed yet the Asylum Demon is the rite of passage for any chosen Undead Brazen enough to seek to fulfill gwyn's prophecy a being born from the beds of chaos and recruited by Gwen as The Spoils of War during the war against the chaos flame what makes the Asylum Demon so different is twofold firstly its size boasting the largest of any of the Demons we've mentioned it also matches its size with its strength leading to its second specific characteristic its ability to wield the demon great hammer a weapon likely carved by gwyn's greatest blacksmith it's made of the bark of the ancient Stone Arch trees an archetype of Weaponry we seldom see anywhere else in lordran the Asylum Demon is able to make full use of this special weapon and it's unsurprising as to why Gwen would assign such a being to look over the Undead Asylum from the beginning of the game the Asylum Demon demonstrates its monstrous Power by killing the first NPC we come into contact with Oscar of astora slamming him so viciously that he would be thrown across the entire Undead Asylum and eventually succumb to his injuries several meters away from their silent demon station likely not the Demon's only victim as the entire Asylum shows signs of Undead who sought to challenge this demon thank you arguably another demon born from the early days of the Bed of Chaos the sanctuary Guardian shares the characteristics of demons and its Soul even States it was closer to a demon than a wild beast likely much like the Asylum Demon the sanctuary Guardian may have been a spoil of war from the early days of the war against the chaos flame and much like the Asylum Demon the sanctuary Guardian is likely to have been appropriated by Gwen as a means of exerting his influence the influence in question here is gwyn's attempt at subduing the abyss at the awake of Manus in ulasil we know Gwen had sent various missionaries to subdue sad Abyss the sanctuary Guardian is likely to be an addition to this very campaign Gwen's influence on the demon is seen through its proficiency with lightning spells however unlike the belgars the sanctuary demon is able to utilize this lightning proficiency and alongside its chimeric design to Grace effect the sanctuary Guardian ranks this far up as its clear Gwyn had sent much of his greatest subjects to ulacil as it's clear he knew the threat was linked closely to the first of pygmy the 30 pygmy was one of the greatest Lords during the age of ancients and in later installments of the game we learned the sheer influence of the furtive pygmy and what effect it had in defeating the Everlasting dragons foreign while still on the topic of beans born from the chaos flame let's talk about the infamous centipede demon birthed as a result of the power of the orange charred ring it's thus far the closest being to resemble the strength of the Bed of Chaos closely linked to the witch of izalith's only son the ceaseless discharge the centipede demon is complex in its design and has the distinct ability to sit amongst the lava of the demon ruins and utilize its environmental land devastating attacks boasting a variety of Limbs and a non-rudimentary design the centipede demon is able to take full advantage of the cavernous environment able to climb walls and leap swiftly around the arena it's unsurprising to see the centipede demon as the last obstacle on our way to the home of the Bed of Chaos lost izalith under virtue of its close affiliations to the Monumental strength of the Bed of Chaos and therefore the Witch of izalith the centipede demon overtakes much of its lesser demon counterparts and firmly Stands Tall in the hierarchy of demons in Dark Souls another demon on the list and a much more complex entry is the stray demon found under the Undead Asylum the reason the stray demon remains a difficult entry to place is due to its close affiliations with the fire Sage demon a being linked closely to the first ever created by the Bed of Chaos unlike the fire Sage demon however the stray demon does not utilize the ancient and forgotten sorceries of the witch of izalith fire sorcery however the stray demon does boast another form of sorcery projected through its Catalyst giving it all the power related benefits of the Asylum Demon but with a magical Edge the stray demon much like the Asylum Demon is a being subdued by Gwen and enslaved to act out the task of overlooking the Undead Asylum which again is just another reason as to why it falls so behind its close relative the fire Sage demon foreign s mentioned earlier were birthed intentionally by the Bed of Chaos pinwheel found a very different way of utilizing the strength of a lord little is truly known about pinwheel but theories are Rife one thing we do know from the description of the Mask items is that pinwheel was able to steal the power of gravelord Nito and utilize this strength to single-handedly Reign Over the entirety of the Catacombs one prominent theory is that pinwheel was able to use the power of gravelord Nito to resurrect his family but necromancy is never that simple and in a cruel twist of fate he resurrected them in a way that saw each member of his family malformed into his own body birthing his now ghastly form this form allowed him to utilize various facets of dark sorcery and uses these abilities to protect his domain going by law alone the battle with pinwheel is not only likely to be one of the hardest we face but likely an encounter to write stories about for future Generations as pinwheel's story is truly one of the strangest bravest and ultimately saddest in the timeline foreign dragon is the first entry on this list that is a direct descendant of the Everlasting dragons of the age of ancients The Dragon King greatax gives us two crucial insights into its nature firstly it tells us that the gaping dragon is a distant deformed descendant of the Everlasting dragons secondly due to its tale being the source of the great ax we can assume from the name of the weapon the gaping dragon was a king amongst other direct descendants of the Everlasting dragons ultimately painting the picture of a being that not only bore the design of his ancestors but also that he rose amongst his peers to a place of royalty unfortunately it's likely the gaping dragon is less than in his prime at the point we meet him we find the dragon way below lordran in the depths neighboring Blighttown a place filled with Decay and disease it's likely this Decay and disease malformed the dragon turning it now now into its ghastly shadow of its former self rendered fireless albeit incredibly powerful and monstrous in size his size also tells us he may be a closer descendant to the Everlasting dragons than we had originally thought as in late installments of the game we learn of other descendants of ancient dragons and they are much smaller in size foreign yet another byproduct of the Everlasting dragons the Iron Golem is as interesting an invention as it is a colossal being the Iron Golem was befitting a very important duty the last line of defense to the land of the Gods Anor Londo the key bits of information we get about the Iron Golem is that he is the direct result of the bones of an everlasting Dragon it's described by its core as a being that Finds Its Life Force Through the essence of an everlasting dragon's bones alongside this we learn from the Golem Helm that the Golem was a Slayer of countless Heroes that would seek Anor Londo likely the creation of the Gods it positions this high on the list to say the belga girls as unlike the other creations of the Gods the Golem has a clear means of accounting for its strength through what we already know of the Everlasting dragons anybody being that is built on the back of these legendary beings command a prestigious position on this list however this is further embellished by the idea that the gods likely Gwen saw it fit to put the Iron Golem at the gates of Anor Londo foreign while on the note of descendants of great beings we move on to our next entry deceaseless discharge is the malformed only son of the witch of izalith probably the most unfortunate child of the witch of izalith upon the creation of the chaos flame he saw the brunt of the mutating force taking on the form of a giant with tendrils of fire and sores so deep that he was given a ring by his sisters to ease the pain even still the ceaseless discharge remains invisible Agony referred to by eingy as the molten giant the ceaseless discharge settled in the top layer of the demon ruins and vigilantly watches over the corpse of one of his sister's supposed bodies if provoked the ceaseless discharge can swing his tendrils of fire to destroy anyone who disturbs his sister's resting place given his size direct descendants to the witch of izalith and presence alone being the source of a large portion of the lava that surrounds the demon ruins it's unsurprising the ceaseless discharge ranks so highly amongst his demon kin however due to his chronic disabilities as a result of the mutation of the chaos flame his movement is greatly hindered and his position is significantly lowered it is therefore not surprising to see another of the witch of izalith's children come next in the list the chaos which quelagh was lucky enough to only be partly mutated by the chaos flame becoming fused with a spider-ish body she unlike her brother retains much of her sanity and pledges her life to fighting explorers off from the demon ruins and bringing their souls to her heavily disabled sister the fair lady Duty bound and fiercely loyal to their unfortunate circumstances of her siblings this child of chaos is of the most physically capable offspring of the witch of izalith boasting Proficiency in pyromancy and likely the art of fire sorcery a very exclusive and Incredibly powerful form of magic that comes directly from the Fiery Soul of the witch of izalith all this combined with her complete control over a half arachnid form she is able to take advantage of Mobility a powerful moveset and a fury sword all in all placing her higher than her more heavily disabled brother the ceaseless discharge and near the very top of the chaos flame hierarchy however there is another very mysterious entity that holds the title of being the most powerful entity created by the chaos flame as per the description of the Demon's Catalyst the fire Sage demon was the first of the demons and this position offered him the ability to be close with the witch of isilid so close that he would become a master of the art of fire sorcery the fire Sage was so skilled at its likely he even surpassed The Witch of izalith's own children and a second only to the witch herself fire sorcery was an incredibly pivotal force in the war against the age of ancients we learned that the art of fire sorcery was able to create firestorms that ravaged the Everlasting dragons setting a flame even the mostly impenetrable Stone Arch trees it is the fire Sage's ability to Foster fire sorcery that makes it such a daunting Foe and it's unsurprising that the demon fire Sage is the boss found close to the Bed of Chaos the art of fire sorcerer would become lost to time after the demise of izalith and the demon fire Sage is likely to go down in history as one of the greatest demons to ever live a mantle that would hold weight for the majority of the Dark Souls timeline truly a faux befitting such a high placement thank you from one Legend to another the great gray wolf Sif is as the name suggests a huge wolf Sif is marked in history as the ever loyal companion to the legendary Knight artorius but in truth there is so much more than that to this amazing wolf in her infancy Sith with an undying loyalty followed her master artorius to ulasil to take on the largest threat to their way of life up to that point dredging through the deepest excesses of the ever-growing Abyss Sif aided artorius into the belly of the Beast however artorius as loving as Sif was loyal lay Sith safely in a cavern and gave his shield away to protect her while he faced off Manus the father of the Abyss unfortunately that was the last time Sif would see artorius in his uncorrupted form as Manus would bring artorius down and corrupt him from within casting a maddening shroud in his mind as the aimlessly roamed Ula sils Gates all the wild siths it's waiting in a cavern for her master to return a certain chosen Undead would find Sif and defeat the surrounding enemies to rescue the wolf to eventually join forces and take on Manus Sif proves to be a Monumental force in bringing Manus down and would return to our Taurus's resting place to watch over his old Master for years to come and in the original timeline Sith has grown large and even takes arturus's holy sword as her own sif's strength is clear to be of the greatest in the entire series having been chosen and trained alongside the series most Fable hero Sif is up there as one of the greatest heroes the game will ever see and her strength has been proven through some of the greatest tests any being in lordran will ever have the chance to face the next entry on this list is likely the series most infamous Duo boasting one of the hardest challenges in the entirety of the franchise from a gameplay standpoint where do dragon slayer Ornstein and executioner smile land on this list both were Knights of gwyn's most exclusive order famed to their specific attributes they were one of four Knights entrusted by Gwen to be vanguards to his Cadre alongside GAO and Artorias onstina smell are found together holding down the last line of defense to the Lord vessel in Anor Londo as this battle is fought against both legendary knights in order to best understand the gravity of how powerful they are we have to first assess both Knights as individuals and what then they have to offer strategically to one another all Knights of Gwen were handed rings imbued with what is likely a portion of gwyn's Own Strength Ornstein received the Leo ring granting an increased proficiency with a spear it's likely Ornstein was handed this after he demonstrated his ability to use piercing weapons to tear down the scales of everlasting dragons hence being named a dragon slayer on this Merit alone Ornstein Stands Tall even amongst his peers as any individual crowned for their efforts against the Everlasting dragons must be of great power it is therefore unsurprising too that the dragon slayer would include the art of lightning miracles in his repertoire a combination of these elements make him a mighty obstacle for any chosen Undead however the issue with Ornstein is that it's unclear as to the one we meet in Anor Londo is even the one we are told of in the Legends as in later installments of the game we can find what appears to be ornstein's corpse at the archdragon's peak his armor set in later installments indicate in this dragonless age this Knight who long guarded the ruined Cathedral La the land in search of the nameless King it's unclear as to when Ornstein had left Anor Londo was it before or after our encounter how did he survive our very clear finishing blows regardless for the sake of Simplicity we can assume in this case the onstein we meet in Anor Londo is in fact the onstein of Legend rather than a very talented imitator fortunately no such mystery exists for Executioner's smell formally regarded as the Royal executioner smile was specifically great at his job we know this as his hammer description States smile loved his work and ground the bones of his victims into his own feed this act would inflate the size of his soul and henceforth his physical size too the largest of all of gwyn's night smile would Eclipse most beings in all of lordran utilizing a heavy plate of armor that as his armor description States offers extremely high defense and a hammer to match the density of his armor smell was even feared by his peers and would be shunned by Gwyn himself due to his insatiable rituals regardless his strength was so great he remained a knight of the Kingdom fighting either of these Knights would be an undertaking on their own any Knight of Gwyn just on the Merit of their position could land them a position this high on the list however when we place both Ornstein and smile together we truly are looking at one of the universe's most powerful Duos combining Smiles sheer size and strength alongside ornstein's versatile moveset it's unsurprising as to why Gwen would entrust the duo to be the last line of defense for the bed chamber to his Palace thank you it's likely you've already expected who comes next artorius is the greatest Knight of Gwen without question so great I can say with ease that altorius ranks even above the combined strength of Ornstein and smell where Ornstein and smile were duty to look over on Orlando artorius was given a much grander task he was positioned to be the first line of defense against the growing threat of the Abyss artorius was so successful during his early campaign against the dark rates of New Londo that he would be granted a silver pendant by Gwyn as a means of repelling the dark this pendant would become the Bedrock of his final mission to stop Madness the father of the Abyss once ulysil came under the threat of a newly awoken Abyss Gwyn tasked the Knight with preemptively attacking it at its core and defeating Manus artorius would come to ulassil With His companion Sith by his side and would be so successful that he would find a way to Venture directly into manus's domain artorius would put up an incredibly Valiant effort in bringing Manus down and would eventually find a very temporary stalemate with mammoths however Manus was able to corrupt Artorias forcing him to concede and driving him to a place of Eternal confusion artorius plagued by the corrupting force of his own humanity and his loyalty to Gwyn would aimlessly wander UL assil killing both gwyn's subjects and manus's corrupted citizens by the time we find Artorias he is already in this phase of confusion perched at the entrance of ulassil his Humanity much like his former opponent is beginning to run wild and we Face a shieldless artorius bearing much of his proficiency with the blade alongside the immensity of his corrupted core on his ability to go toe-to-toe with what is likely the most prominent aspect of the Dark Soul aka the furtive pygmy and his accomplishments in defeating the dark rates are Taurus's Legacy would Echo throughout history all the way to the end of the universe and prominent covenants such as the Legion of farron would build a society of men who would continue his fight against the abyss to Major successes artorius is by far the strongest of gwyn's knights and is most deserving of this position this high on the list foreign 's most competent night to gwyn's youngest born gwyndolin although feminine in appearance was Gwen's youngest son and is referred to as gwyn's last born and legitimate God by the Darkmoon Catalyst much like Gwen and his prime gwyndolin during the age of the first Dark Soul boasts some of the most intense influence in the game his influence is so strong he's put in charge of the kingdom of gods and Orlando and is solely responsible for its influence in lordran as elusive as he is powerful gwyndolin preferred to stay in the shadows of the Kingdom using his affinity for the moon and allusions to keep its image in the absence of the other gods maintaining a sunny complexion over the entirety of the kingdom and is responsible for the creation of the illusion of gwenevere gwyndolin's presence as a direct descendants of Gwyn and power alone in this endeavor could secure him a spot this high on the list on top of all of this gwyndolin had also become the de facto leader of the blades of the Darkmoon a covenant that acted as the age of Fire's Special Forces the presence of the blades of the Dark Moon hold Credence throughout the entire timeline and gwyndolin's influence remains present eons after his physical form had dwindled gwyndolin armed with the power of the elusive Moon sorcery and the Darkmoon Beau combines his influence over lordran with the physical capabilities of moon sorcery pushing gwyndolin to rank as one of lordran's most capable beings foreign and from child to Father many of you might be confused as to why Gwen ranks this low in this list and the truth is as much as I'd love to put Gwen higher here it's unlikely that he is much of a show of force at the stage of the game that we actually meet Gwyn don't get me wrong Prime Gwen the Lord of lords and the only Lord who had such a powerful soul that he was able to give portions of his own Essence to others while retaining his influence is likely the most powerful entity in the entire game but we do not meet Prime Gwen in fact we meet a Gwen who is likely right at the end of his life aguin whose life force has been burned to this core as kindling to the first flame hollowed out by the burning of his own soul he is a husk of his former self the story of Gwyn is the story of Dark Souls original narration a being that existed during the age of ancients a being that was there to find the first fiery Lord Soul this Lord sold the soul of sunlight would allow Gwyn to utilize its power to become the most powerful amongst his peers who would also find other very immensely powerful Lord Souls acknowledging the strength of the soul of sunlight Nito the founder of the soul of death and The Witch of izalith the founder of the soul of fire would bow to Gwyn and Gwyn would assume the title of the Lord of Cinder a king to usher in a new era with this newfound power Gwyn was able to manipulate light itself commanding bolts of lightning Gwyn followed on by Nito izalith and the Knights who had become enamored by gwyn's Mission would rise above the ground and challenge the Everlasting dragons through the use of lightning Gwyn was able to be the driving force Bringing Down the Everlasting dragons piercing through their scales he motivated the other beings to fight a previously unwinnable battle against an enemy so far assumed to be immortal and when they did on the corpses of the Everlasting dragon's Gwen armed with the power of sunlight ushered in a new age the age of fire the architect of the entire setting of Dark Souls Gwen built Lord ran and devised the very bureaucracies that rule over this new age so strong was gwyn's Soul he even offered parts of his soul to his most noble Warriors that Stood Beside him during the age of ancients and even gave them places of authority even when Gwen was lacking parts of his own soul he remained the most powerful force in this age Gwen would eventually go on to develop a less noble deed however under the threats of the furtive pygmy and the humanity inherent to his only equal Gwyn would create the dark sign to encapsulate the humanity of beings derived from the Dark Soul selfishly sealing the fate of humanity to the age of Fire gwyn's Final Act would come when the threat of the age of the dark reared its head in the form of the first flame that fueled the age of fire beginning to dwindle and once again obscuring the course of history he would sacrifice his own soul as kindling to the first Flame reigniting the age of fire in an immense fashion by the time we meet him he has been burned to his Wick and the fight with Gwyn although an immense feat is likely to be a shallow experience of his former self and this is why Gwen ranks so low on the list foreign gwyn's triumph over the Everlasting Dragon saw the creation of the age of fire there were however less expected results of this Crusade too it's very likely that during the age of ancients Gwyn and his company were unable to bring all the ancient dragons down examples of their persistence in the world is best seen in their descendants it's likely there were Everlasting dragons that avoided the fate of their kin for long enough to influence a lineage of beings that would share many characteristics related to theirs from Drake's to serpents this lineage can be seen best throughout lordran even by the time we arrive into the scene the notability of each of their descendants are how close their ties were to the original dragons black dragon calamit who is the next entry on this list is one of such beings that share these close characteristics remarked through the game as an ancient dragon it's easy to get caught in the colloquialism and presume calamute is an everlasting Dragon it's much more likely that calamit is a close descendant of the Colossal beings sharing distinct features such as its size ability to breed swathes of fire and an undying presence it's likely calamit was referred to as an ancient dragon due to how long it was able to last amongst the lasting Crusade against the dragons after the age of fire was established avoiding the eye of gwyn's greatest Dragon Slayers calamit did what a lot of everlasting dragons couldn't calamita persevered in plain sight and even utilized much of its time terrorizing the denizens of this new age especially those found in Ola silasil's residents are very aware of calamit and it is likely calamis is the force that brought sill into the grasp of the Abyss as calamates looming threat forced the citizens to seek out strength in the face of its threat being such a close relative alone could put calamis very high on this list but the true distinction for Calamity to say irregular helkite Drake is that calamit retains some distinct features of its own too Calumet was unusual in the way it only had a single eye placed in the middle of its forehead calamit's eye held a unique power named The Mark of Calamity an ability that allowed the dragon to utilize levitation and the unique curse that forces his opponents to suffer increased damage all of these things combined with this Proficiency in Flight meant that calamita was one of the greatest dragons to ever live boldly facing off against the forces of Gwyn and building a reputation akin to its full fathers the Everlasting dragons calamit retains its title as a Titan throughout the series the strength of this being is further embellished as Hawkeye goth the leader of gwyn's Dragon Slayers will even congratulate the player as a legend for bringing calorie meat down from a direct descendant of the Everlasting dragons to an everlasting Dragon himself Seth existed alongside his primordial kin however he was born with one glaring difference absent of the feature that made the dragon's most distinct in the universe Seth was born scaleless lacking the scales of his peers he subsequently lacked their perceived immortality during the war against the age of ancient Seath out of bitterness or opportunity would betray his kin to side with the Lords and bringing the Everlasting dragons down teaching Gwyn of the techniques to remove their perceived immortality Seath joined forces with Gwyn to bring about the age of fire ever grateful Gwyn offered a portion of his own soul to seeth and gifted him a crucial piece of land neighboring the city of the Gods to govern a sea saw fit Sith would go on to turn the grounds into an archive a place of study research and most importantly experimentation but what exactly was this research well Seath utilized his abundance of resources to develop a means to Grant him the Everlasting scales he originally lacked still envious of his now vanquished Brethren he would find Solace and crystals and saw their potential in developing scales to compensate for the albinoism that caused him to be scaleless Seth would use his influence to experiment with crystals and even expanded much of these experiments to the denizens of gwyn's Kingdom unethical as they were mostly unsuccessful sith's experiments would spur on the creation of an art that would become one of Dark Souls most prominent forms of warfare seeth is ascribed through item descriptions as the grandfather of sorcery and his likely responsible for the creation of the art of Soul sorcery so potent was Seth's influence in the world of sorcery that Scholars from Vinheim would build an institution named the Dragon School to further study the art and would become proficient in its use birthing a discipline that would outlive Seth himself and give rise to Legendary figures such as Big Hat Logan his archives would become a Treasure Cove for this new form of element manipulation and would house some of the most powerful spells the game will ever see unfortunately Seth's Endeavors into this research would also cause a state of Madness to himself and anyone associated with him or his research however Testament to the sheer immensity of the art many would come to seeth's domain to have a chance to learn the art specifically the specialized version of it Crystal sorcery only only few would be able to learn these spells and even few could do so without being maddened to the point of crippling disability even worldly figures such as Big Hat Logan would succumb to the maddening Aura of seats Crystal sorcery Seth would eventually learn of a means of gaining immortality just not the way he originally intended unable to manifest scales that mimic the scales of the Everlasting dragons he would find an artifact within the rubble of the war against his Brethren this artifact would become grounds for Seth's new form of immortality the primordial crystal-bound seats soul in a way that allowed his physical form to be invulnerable to all forms of damage however much like his kin it retained one single fatal flaw if one was able to locate the primordial Crystal you could destroy the crystal to bring Cita back to his much more vulnerable self however the immensity of this task alone was a feat only few could endure as it is located at the heart of the archives guarded by a treacherous terrain and Servants of sea combining what is essentially a horcrux alongside the use of Crystal sorcery and the immensity of gwyn's Soul alongside his own Seth remains one of the greatest beings of all of lordran and it is likely that if seat did not suffer from The Madness of his work he would be an almost impossible challenge for any chosen Undead inspiring a universe-wide movement of Scholars Watchmen and historians seeth easily assumes a position this high on the list much like see the Four Kings of New Londo were at a time one of gwyn's most entrusted confidants showing the immensity of their strength during the age of ancients and their equal ability to govern Gwen acknowledged the Four Kings as an incredible force in the governance of the age of fire in this trust he granted them a portion of his own soul likely to empower them as they looked over the growing Kingdom of New Londo for the longest time New Londo was ruled within the confines of the age of fire developing a culture of its own and a population to match that of New Londo however in time a serpent named carth would come to the city and Converse with the Four Kings teaching them of their nature as beings of the dark enlightening them to the nuances of humanity and the Dark Souls inherent to all men the Four Kings landed an ear to the serpent carth would eventually also teach them of gwyn's treachery against humanity and how he sealed their fate by creating the dark sign and thwarting the natural course of nature where all humans would rise above the Lords and bring about an age of dark an age that put Humanity Above All Else susceptible to cart's words the Four Kings would become distasteful of Gwyn this distaste would lead the Four Kings in developing a rebellion Against The Gods of the age of fire in time 2 cast would teach the Four Kings of a means to challenge those very Gods Kath would teach the Four Kings the fabled art of Life train the ability to utilize the magnetic force of their Humanity to challenge the Gods with their Newfound power and the knowledge of gwyn's Oppression the Four Kings would teach the art of Life train to the Warriors loyal to them in New Londo this would lead to the development of the dark wraith Covenant a society of men equipped with the power of Life drain to challenge the Agents of fire Gwyn would eventually learn of the Four Kings treachery and impure brutality drown New Londo killing millions and sealing away the Four Kings the Four Kings however would find Refuge deep below New Londo in the abyss and lay dormant waiting for their time to challenge the Gods combining the strength of a portion of prime Gwen Soul the art of Life train and the influence of developing a covenant that would eventually become one of the greatest forces in the final segment of the timeline the Four Kings are notable in history as such a Monumental force that Gwyn feared facing them head-on even during his Prime and instead would force the entirety of New Londo into ruin in order to subdue the Four Kings there is only one other instance in history in which Gwyn has acted in such a measure to preserve himself against another Force but we will get into that later a truly Dynamic Force to behold the Four Kings remain to be one of Dark Souls most impressive shows of influence and force it's No Illusion as to why carth's first campaign against Gwyn was with the Four Kings of New Londo thank you but what is the notion of rebellion without the mention of Nito although Nito held strong allegiance to Gwyn and the age of fire throughout the entirety of his life he held the power to bring all the other Lords to the ground Nito is best known as one of the three beings that found the fiery Lord Souls taking on the power of death Nito would become renowned as the first of the Dead one of the most Monumental forces against the war against the age of ancients Nito utilized the power of disease and Decay to bring down the Everlasting dragons we likely see many of the consequences of his actions in the form of various remnants of everlasting dragons in lordran even when we arrive there are certain dragons that seem to be so heavily decayed that All That Remains of their being are portions of their body with only ounces of remaining strength from the offset it seems the power of Nito was to only be comparable to gwyn's very own like manipulation and bringing down the dragons however Nito also bore a very distinct set of qualities alongside this if you look deep enough into certain aspects of lordran you will find remnants and clues as to a rebellion that came so close to toppling the very gods that Gwen himself had to turn his back on some of his dearest friends to quell this rebellion in certain corners of lordran we learn of a story of a certain pact of gwyn's own loyal soldiers looking to harvest the power of the occult dissatisfied by gwyn's choice to allow sea political immunity in carrying out unethical experiments Havel The Rock a friend and Commander of Gwen's Army begins harboring a hatred for the albino Dragon Havel would form a rebellion of an unknown assortment of men to bring Sita down crucial to his plan was to steal feel an aspect of Nito that was understood to be the Crux of gods themselves Seth having been granted a portion of gwyn's Soul required such a feat though the rebellion was quietly quelled by Gwyn before it took any impactful shape what we learned from this is that Nito retained such a mighty aspect of power that even Gwen feared the consequences of allowing such a power to be held by a potential adversary Nito unlike Gwyn himself The Witch of izalith and in some aspects the furtive pygmy was the only primordial Lord to retain full strength by the time we get to lordran with no indication that Nito had abdicated any of his formal strength and knowledge of the sheer strength Nito had during pivotal moments of history it's very likely that Nito was at the time of arriving at lordran the only primordial law board as strong as the original narration from the beginning of the game dictates this alone could command Nito to be extremely high on this list however when we embellish this with the context that Nito held the power of the occult and likely the source of pinwheels necromancy it makes Nito arguably the greatest enemy in Dark Souls relative to when we join the timeline thank you in truth the next entry is something of a wild card likely somewhat controversial cross-breed Priscilla is presumed the crossbreed of both Dragon maybe thief and God maybe Guinevere in truth this only matters to a symbolic degree however ambiguous Priscilla's Origins are the subtlety is spared when discussing her strength openly referred to as the antithesis of all life and the only one that was feared by gods in her item descriptions a major aspect of Priscilla's threat was to be found within her exclusive ability to utilize what is referred to as life hunt in truth we are not given much context as to why lifehunt itself was so dearly feared by the gods but we do know that this ability was so threatening that the gods preemptively imprisoned Priscilla in the painted world of ariyamis a plane of existence to exist outside the framework of the main Universe a place where beings unwanted by the original Universe would go to find Solace though we learned Priscilla did not have any intention of overthrowing the Gods we can take her Exile as a testament to how deadly of a threat her potential power was perceived by the gods even Nito the being that harbored the power of the occult was left to his own devices in lordran so we can only assume the true nature of Priscilla's strength and the power of lifehunt we eventually learned that Priscilla was never really held down in aryamis he retained the ability to leave whenever she wanted however chosen said to stay and look over the residents who found solace in the painted world the trickiness of this entry is depth we have very openly stated information about Priscilla and her strength in the context of some of the greatest beings in the game however we do not have a fleshed out understanding of the nature of the strength and it's in this lack of depth that difficulty arises on where to place Priscilla but on the virtue that even Gwen and the City of Anor Londo during its primes saw Priscilla as an existential threat even in all her passivity leaves us to believe she even dwarfed the power of beings such as Nito who also held such existential threats to the gods but remained unexiled foreign Priscilla only posed a threat to the age of fire the Bed of Chaos realized this threat in the form of demons and what is likely to be the foundation for the longest war in the history of the game before I go on to tell you why the Bed of Chaos is second to only one let's address the elephant in the room the Bed of Chaos in the game is an awful fight it poses little threats outside of an annoying platforming challenge it's not a good fight but in the truth of it if we take the Bed of Chaos in context to where it meets Us in Dark Souls 1 our encounter to the Bedrock of all demon kind should have been something of much greater magnitude as in truth the Bed of Chaos is more than just one of the Lords who found the fiery Lord swords below the Earth the Bed of Chaos is the foundation to a race of beings so powerful that even Gwyn during the height of his power was unable to stop them this conflict was so prolonged that many of the demon kind are still found at the end of the world at the ringed City continuing to pose a Monumental threat and when we draw back the curtain behind all of the greatest demons to ever live a civilization that had culture distinct architecture the birthplace of fire sorcery and the essence of all pyromancy we have the Bed of Chaos the unintended consequence of the witch of isolate's ambition a malformed lord who birthed a kingdom to rival both the dragons and the gods when we speak about the strength of the Bed of Chaos there are more factors to attribute than any other entry on this list for one we know the Bed of Chaos is what remained of the witch of izalith once she attempted to recreate the dwindling first flame subsequently creating the Flames of chaos a crude mockery of the first flame but nonetheless overwhelmingly powerful the wit of isilith would be confused with this flame of chaos and turn into the physical manifestation known as the Bed of Chaos the power of the Bed of Chaos would become the source of energy all pyromancy would henceforth channel from considering the influence pyromancy has in the game world with entire cultures and individuals dedicating themselves to the craft it's yet another Testament to the core strengths the Flames of chaos and subsequently the Bed of Chaos had alongside this Monumental and history defining source of power the Bed of Chaos is also responsible for the creation of all demon kind this includes but is not limited to the Lesser demons such as Capra and Taurus demons to the demons in later games such as the demon Prince the Bed of Chaos here is the same Bed of Chaos that is responsible for every demon in the rest of the franchise the same race of being so powerful and extensive that Gwen's combined forces could not challenge them to eradication and in many cases we are talking about the same Gwen that was able to bring down all of the Everlasting dragons for this reason the Bed of Chaos lands itself a penultimate rank on this list foreign likely the most predictable position on this list of course the most powerful enemy we encounter in Dark Souls 1 is Manus the father of the Abyss the closest being we get to the first is pygmy in his entirety he is the antithesis to what is likely the most powerful being in Dark Souls history Prime Gwen the being that held the Dark Soul the antithesis to gwyn's Soul of sunlight the furtive pygmy but can we say for certain that Manus is a full representation of the furtive pygmy we are introduced to in the beginning of the game in honesty we can assume it is at least the closest thing we see to a primordial Lord on par with the tales of prime Gwen much like Gwyn the furtive pygmy held such an immense soul that he likely gifted major aspects of his soul to other beings loyal to him during the age of ancients in the final segment of the entire Trilogy we learned that the first if pygmy was pivotal in the fight against the Everlasting dragons his kin the pygmies were granted portions of his own soul this Soul would go on to become the Bedrock of humanity Humanity however became an antithetical Force towards gwyn's New Age of fire and in this dialectic the furtive pygmy and the pygmies were set to overtake Gwen however Gwen manipulated many of the pygmies into accepting the dark sign a curse that held down their humanity and blurred their inherent connection to the dark once the first of pygmy who at this point has already delegated a lot of his own soul to the pygmies who were tricked by Gwen is taught of gwyn's actions by carth he then assumes the form of Manus a malformed enraged form of deferative pygmy Manus holds so much power hour that his presence alone begins creating a whole new ecosystem under UL assil Humanity Sprites are found and the residents of all assail just by proximity begin malforming and taking on a form more closely resembling their Humanity AKA The Dark Soul that the furtive pygmy has gifted his children the humans everything human in the entire game has their entire existence owed to the furtive pygmy all aspects of dark from the abyss to dark sorcery to dark Miracles included although Manus is not exactly the third of pygmy that bore the whole immensity of the Dark Soul we know that Manus alone did hold such a significant portion of the original Dark Soul that upon his death shards of his being would go on to create some of the most powerful beings in the entire series such as the various Queens of Dark Souls 2 and the dark sigils that allow beings from londor to overthrow the age of fire in the final installment of the game in many cases the Bed of Chaos shares a story not too dissimilar to manaces both are forces that forced a prolonged conflict against gwyn's age of fire the only difference here is that we know Manus and the source of his power actually Triumph at the end of the game where the Flames of chaos become recurring echoes in the history of the timeline the abyss and the consequences of Manus are a persistent revolutionary Force something that even has the final Triumph at the end of the world Manus is the greatest being we are able to go face to face with in the entirety of Dark Souls 1. it's helped by the fact that Manus is the only Lord we get to Face by traveling back in time a time most closest to their Prime when we accumulate manus's strength and influence from how little fragments of his being go on to create Monumental forces and history to his influence over humanity and the power of dark related spells being sourced from his being to how his presence alone corrupted an entire city and even Artorias our face-to-face encounter with this boss is in the perspective of the law the grandest challenge in Dark Souls 1. a challenge we should never have been able to overcome alone thank you and just like that we come to the end of the video in the coming weeks I will be releasing a similar video surrounding Dark Souls 2 this will be a much greater challenge though as Dark Souls 2 has so many damn bosses if you enjoyed the video go ahead and help the algorithm know by liking and subscribing small channels See Much Greater impact from these little gestures I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: The Bestiary
Views: 444,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Ranked, Every Boss, Lore, Explained, Dark Souls explained, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Souls Series, Vaatividya, Iron Pineapple, Dark Souls Bosses Ranked, Bosses, Every Boss Ranked
Id: UhDPytPmH6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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