Dark Angels Legion Guide - Horus Heresy 2.0

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welcome back to the barefoot studio and i'm joined by ben you actually have your own youtube channel ish yeah i've got a little channel very little um called heresy junkie where i just talk randomly about heresy and put little painting videos and things on that one so yeah and or you might actually be watching this video on that on the channel yeah maybe one of my my 500 rushing bots yeah and in that case i have a youtube channel in which so like we'll link button yeah there we go it's all started so yeah ben does you do a lot of painting videos i do yeah yeah painting and sort of like it's pretty much all dark ages at the moment but it'll be mac focused going forward because what is it all the month after this august it's out this month excitement yeah phil will be happy yeah because he can finally start winning and we're gonna go over the dark angels legion rule today of which ben is an expert i am not because this is like the educating max yeah it's kind of a i'd say experts in i've read the pages which is one step up from where you are yeah how many games did you win at the the five yeah five so ben recently won five out of five games at the not thrown our schools yeah we're going to go over the dark angels and we're going to do the legion traits first yeah so and you say traits because we don't have one like everyone else we have six yeah so you choose how the hell does that work then actually this is we're about to play a game yeah so ben's going to educate me basically to be able to play games and i've written my list so i can use all six as well so the dark angels in their background stuff like that they've a big core to their thing is the hexagrammaton and like all the orders and things that run within them which is why the lodges never got founded within the dark angels because they were just like we've already got lodges we don't need extra ones so um so the six the six hexagrammaton the stormwing deathwing dreadwing ironwing firewing and ravenwing which are they're they all specialize in an area of warfare so that because they were the first legion we were the first legion well they're also the first legion as well they're still the first leader the first legion they're still the first legion but they did everything first so they had and that they when the line joined them he condensed the 19 down to six and said this is the hexagrammaton i want to know i actually want to know now what those 18 were there is there's another youtube channel where a guy goes through as many as they know through there but i really don't have different things in there yeah because they're but they were like some of them were like ridiculously specific and then so it's just like no the iron wing can handle like no we don't want a wing to specifically take on dreadnoughts they're never going to be good so um yeah so we've got the storm wing so stormwind storming are like your base tactical marines so they're all about sort of like um that's your line infantry and sort of controlling the battlefield through that so the whole idea of the stormwheel is flooding the area with with bodies and and controlling the area um and that's supposed to want to hit so they get plus once they hit with the ball yeah bolter can be bolted and bolt pistols so basically tacticals terminators and assault marines if they had storm wing or hit on twos yeah would be specifically not plus one ballistic skills so when you're snap firing you're hitting on fives not sixes and when you react firing you're hitting them oh i wasn't going to say that i'd say not nemesis bolters yes yes yeah as well yeah well there's a reason why because you wouldn't make your nemesis belters storm wing you would make them fire wing which will come on too why don't we do that now they still kind of don't work is the um i think they're called the ending artist cabal and it's a unit of three guys in power armor so it's quite easy to kill them um but yeah firewing get plus one to wound against a unit that contains at least one model with the independent character my tv is apparently destroying giving up yeah so that's why my recon squad are firing because it makes sense for their sniper rifles with their nemesis bolt is that they're trying to kill they got plus one to wound so right okay and then with your precision shots from the sniper rifles you just pick out that you just pick out yeah pick out the independent character or a unit that contains it yeah so literally as soon as you've got an independent character joining a unit then you get plus one to hit that right so it's that preferred enemy which confers to the yeah except onto the wound you're supposed to hit yeah so that's where i got it wrong at the event it's not possible to hit plus one to wind so you get plus one to win against a unit that contains an independent character and it's important to note that literally any model you take in your army any unit could be one of these wings so you could have a fireworks if you yeah do you see that at the start of the game selected army selection so when the army's written that's when it's got that wing right so you've got to have decided what yeah so so it's not like a warlord too much no and actually when we get onto them as well the the heck and easter abilities as well they used to be that you chose pre-game now they're chosen at this creation so okay um so yeah so then we've got deathwing yeah deathwing so deathwing obviously because deathwing are a wing that still exists in the 41st millennium as well um but deathwing they are the they're the veterans so they've got the the first legion has the largest veteran core of any legion so despite the fact they took like 90 casualties during the rangerzina side they still have the largest they still got 10 left yeah which were all veterans so no they so they've got that's all your terminators and your vet squads and things like that um and they're much more about like their martial prowess and the ability to to just smack people around the head right so this is where you see this is where they get their old ability so the old ability used to get used for army wide was plus one to hit with a sword when fighting something that was equal to um or less weapon skill than you now daphne just get flat plus one to hit the sword so anything that's a sword um and there's a massive long list of swords in there and then there's other swords in the book that are also again this counts as it so we can get you to that really coveted basically two plus two yeah yeah guys like normally everyone's hitting on threes yeah you can get hitting on two hitting on twos yeah um and then because vehicles can't harry saw so some of these have a vehicle ability as well because it doesn't apply so like stormwing and firewing that would still apply to vehicles because their guns can still have plus one twin or plus one here but you can still fire it yeah yeah um deathwing because vehicles can't have swords um vehicles get plus one to the strength of a ram attack which is not something i've even looked at in version two so and i don't have any i know i do i do have a deathwing vehicle in this so if i get the opportunity i'm going to ram it to see what it does do your va say i'd take a dedicated transfer yeah does that have to be the same yeah so yeah dedicated transports and things like apothecaries and tech marines have to have the same wing of the unit they're joining so that's why you've got a different unit so yeah so i've got i've got two deathwing land raiders because the units that have taken them as dedicated transports are deathwing so they have to be deathing themselves yeah fair enough um because otherwise i would always make them dreadwing because dreadwing is better well what does the dreadling do this seems like it follows yeah it does i like they've done this before dreadwing are my favorite wing because they're the ones that so they're not about winning a battle or winning a world they're about destroying it right so the whole thing about the dark angels at the start of the the great crusade is that for every one world that they brought into compliance they obliterated right so they they destroyed and it's why sort of this speaks to the ironwork yeah but it's also why um during the start exciting phase of the siege of terror they were just going around blowing up trade home worlds because why not um so the dreadwind they they've got vaults of weaponry that not even the custodies are allowed so as the first legion they were given lots of dark age of technology things and every ship the dark angels has has a dreadwing vault on it that they can open to get a specific weapon to deal with a specific person and they've been really kind in the game by only putting like the really sort of like soft versions of those guns because there's one that literally deletes you from time right okay isn't it mentioned in the law but um so yeah so they they because of the defensive button yeah this is all about defense because they're exposed to really nasty weapons all the time so they're kind of used to it for some reason um so they you minus i've had micro doses of plasma yeah so i built up a resistance yeah i've got resistance my favorite one's flame i spend a lot of time in fires and therefore i'm flies are less effective to me so yeah so flame plasma volcanite and fostex uh reduce their strength at one um but i don't quite get that with frost effects because frostfx doesn't move on its strength yes but then that comes under and it comes in here so any attached with the poison special rule increase their role when roll to one so if it's a poison three plus it's poison four plus against them which then covers the back of the fossa so if you imagine that combined like dread wing dreadnaughts or vehicles where plasma all of a sudden drops to strength six against them it becomes quite good so so yeah then you get iron wings iron wings iron wing are unsurprisingly all the vehicles so they're like the masked armored armored assaults but it's not it's also infantry with heavy weapons or iron wings so anything to do with vehicles or destroying vehicles of the iron wing right um they also the dread winger cut the the dreadnoughts most of the dreadnoughts are actually in the dread wing not in the iron wing but um the iron wing actually the iron wouldn't have all the the iron we have the automata so all the amateur or thompson has looked after by the way and most of the like tech rings and stuff right wing and that one is all there's i don't know if they get to re-roll a hit roll of one when targeting a vehicle so that's like the anti-tank yeah it's in-game yeah but they also yeah and then um vehicles themselves can snap shoot at bs2 instead of bs1 so they actually get an additional benefit for being a vehicle because you still get that base benefit yeah yeah so i mean and obviously vehicles if they're shaking and stuff like that they're going to snap firing so it's just i don't know it makes them slightly better in that respect um and then finally the ravenwing which is we've saved this to last because it's both last on the page yeah and also from what you've been saying the worst i don't understand it like a raven are one of my favorites but they're rules i don't really understand so they um so infantry ravenwing get plus one to move move when they run cavalry get to re-roll shrouded damage mitigation roles so then you'd have to spend your your reaction yeah yeah to gain that yeah and then um although maybe something to look i think ravenwing right of war might always make them shrouded so i've just just popped into my head which means actually that's really good but we'll see when we get there yeah and then uh vehicles add two to their movement characteristic of moving at cruising speed so so that's actually quite that's quite good yeah um well it is it means that they can move further but it doesn't it yeah it allows them to be positioned better because like tanks can now go half and finally yeah yeah it doesn't affect their combat it doesn't affect their combat speed unfortunately but it does affect their cruiser speed because when they're moving at cruising speed so right like a rhino can move 16 um but it couldn't move eight and then cat is moving half because that's not moving cruising speed so yeah i like that and what i like about it is that now you can have units throughout you used to play 25 points per squad to choose one of these rules and they were all garbage and now it's built in so everyone gets it well i think it's much better it compartmentalizes your list even though he's picked a creation yeah you get a unit and you just go right what yeah you've got some natural things so i've got a last cannon squad on building at the moment and they should be fluff wise should be iron wing well last cannons that get to reroll one two and targeting vehicles make them really useful yeah um so uh dreadwing being able to reduce strength is just works on the dragon well works well on the infantry as well so you think they've themed these rules yeah i think they're thinking really i think they've themed him really well i think it sounds really and a lot of the situational and none of them are particularly like they're not particularly powerful i think you could probably overload it if you went like i'm doing an entire dreadwing army and it's all going to be dreadnoughts like a fury the legion army if you're the ancient army with all dreadling dreadlocks well they've got a few things that you notice in other legions yeah and these i suppose it's like a lightning yeah yeah for all the legions but i think when you get to select it based on the unit that light version becomes much more used yeah yeah better because it's applied yeah and it just adds a little bit more flavor to the army as well when you're doing it it's just like oh these are like stop it makes a big difference like tactical squads hitting on twos that's a really big thing so yeah that i've all my tacticals want to stormwind for that reason because why not why not yeah it's narrative and better yeah so the fluff combines with the glass it does so yeah we'll go on to the advanced reaction the angels of death yeah which i thought was terrible until i reread it and then thought actually no it's really good because it's it's it's when you're being charged so the angels of death that goes straight back to their law that they got that nickname from the like the imperial army during the um what's it called the the the fight on terror when they took unification wars yeah so when the dark angels went around there they they had a bit of a scary reputation that that a lot of people died nearby as well just by being there like wiping things out and they got the nickname the angels of death which they really liked as a as well so they were the angels of death and they kept that name until they finally got the name dark angel so that's kind of where the dark angel name came from so it's an advanced reaction made when you're being charged by another unit so when you're the reactive player you can choose to do this and i thought it was rubbish until i realized what these rules do and as a lot of things are like when you just read a book and you don't play a game yeah so just very quickly if the leadership basically you take a leadership test on the lowest leadership in the unit that's making it do you say if he successfully seven yeah if it's a deathwing squad it's probably nine yeah yeah um if the leadership test is passed you gain fearless and fear too yeah until the end of the controlling players next turn yeah so you get two rounds of combat with it where you're causing yeah fear two and you're fearless and then also if you fail it you still get the bonus you get stubborn and fear one which is still really good and it stacks doesn't it so if the unit have to have a herald in it then you're causing fear three um so it starts to have a bigger impact i i didn't realize what fear did at that point because i'm i'm used to like units just they either die or they don't but now obviously with leadership being a much morale being a huge part of the game now yeah much like which is such a crazy thing for the fact that the the real big difference of this edition was that they dropped leadership by one yeah by a lot of things and that makes some massive difference yeah um and then you've got the warlord traits which are and you only get two we only get two and this is interesting as well so this will figure into the inevitable comments of dark angels it should be in the twitter book all our characters are loyalists yeah um and that you're getting this one in earlier i've gotta get it in now because it's someone's gonna put it and i'm gonna have to go nice one um when you've had it for 30 years of people saying dark angels are traitors you just have to get in so the reason the dread wing have all those weapons and all that extra tech and no one else got it it's because the emperor knew they were loyal he was like i trust you completely and the emperor never does anything wrong as we know that is a very important thing to say but we do know that some of the dark angels may have got a bit bored and decided to look elsewhere for their loyalties at some point not during the heresy minds after the heresy um not sure allegedly um so all our rights of war and all our warlords traits are neutral so they can be taken by traitor or loyalist you can't have any of the characters if you want to be a traitor dark angel but you can literally play every right of war and every every warlord trait so you know how some of the armies have got a loyalist one on the training one those are just neutral so you've got the marshal of the crown which is neutral and that gives a while with this straight me select one of the hexagrammaton subtypes yeah all units that include one model basically and plus one leadership to a maximum of ten yeah you make an additional reaction and it depends on which phase which you're in so yeah so like dreadwing and death and get assault because that's where they're usually doing their stuff yeah and so on and so forth so um and so and this is picked at the start of the battle yeah so that's that's the trait i took that reaction where the reactions go in we'll know because no it's determined by the hexagrammaton of the warlord so if the warlord's deathwing that's when you get it if the warlord's draven that's where you get it so you do know where you get in the army creation um and that's the that's the warlord trait i took to warhammer world because the next one wouldn't work as you'll see in a minute so that's essential of the keys yeah and you select one faction for example mechanical dark mechanical demons legion of starters x one and you're gonna obviously always get a selection whoever you're playing against yeah yeah yeah one for battle the warlords controlling player may start at the start their turn declare on their turn to be decisive you're going to be very decisive this is this is a really this is a really important part yeah during the decisive turn the warlord and all models in the unit he's joined may increase their weapon skill and ballistic score by one we're making attacks against basically plus one yeah yeah yeah it's plus one that's good all weapons are all ballistics not both right only but just in the tradition of fantasy two this is very wordy yeah it's a very very way you said they could have just had that for one turn but yeah um and i didn't take that one because my warlord was a dreadnought so i was like he's never going to be in a unit and i would rather have that in the effect and notice it doesn't grant an extra reaction that one and i want an extra reaction and that doesn't give an extra reaction so so if your warlord was going to be say i don't think i'd ever take senator i still would never take it because i want an extra reaction it is yeah but yeah i don't think it's i don't think choosing that for one turn to get plus one weapon skill on plus one or plus one ballistic skill against a particular faction for one turn outweighs having an extra reaction well not only that and the better leadership yeah the plus one leadership is massive yeah and it's if you have a majority of those you like even if you was strong so mine was dreadwing so and most of my army was dreadwing there so yeah everyone was getting like all my interrupters were getting plus one and it's not hard to see a dreadnought on the table yeah so yeah they're they're okay the whole point of the match of the crown is like he's supposed to be a high up in that order and sanjay the keys just happens to be you're someone who has to be at this point at this time because someone's told you so right okay so he's just a time keeper yeah yeah so that's marshall the crown i think the better one as well yeah so on to the dark angels right of war and you've got six rights of war to choose from this you were just actually giving me a little anecdote yeah of do you want to give that again so that you can definitely be the one that's happy rather than i just said they don't they don't all they do is they they change the army from sort of like they're very narrative in the sense that they make the army fight in the style of that particular wing but they don't all they do is they they move units around they don't actually give you anything particularly with the exception of the the one that we both looked at earlier and went yeah actually storming is quite cool um the so you start yeah the first one's steel fist which is the ironwing one and it's like um it's an armored breakthrough light in the sense that it doesn't it doesn't when you say light i'd say usable yeah yeah it's it's better than armored breakthrough because you don't lose all your troops on turn one yeah so anyone that doesn't know what our breakthrough does is the downside to it is anything that is not in a transport it's important as well that nothing is lying in there unless it's things it doesn't make anything line i would break through so it used to make predators troops and then that meant that we're scoring now it makes predictive troops but they're not scoring yeah so you still need to take you you you still need your tactical squads in rhinos and things like that and then if they're out of the rhino at the start and one and they yeah so that has a rule that if anything that is if any infantry model is not embarked on a transport at the start of the controlling players first turn it is destroyed so if you don't go first and your rhinos get blown up or your sparta i think whatever was in it is dead yeah just automatically yeah so this is better because it doesn't have so it makes it makes predator squadrons as troops it moves kratos to elites and my friend is planning on doing an army with eight kratos in just because he can uh so yeah um on all models that 10 models off you were all you mixed 10 years if you may take a rhino anymore land raider proteus carrier or more than 10 models are sparta yeah so it's it's like it's combining our breakthrough number to be here head like it has done with the new one breakthrough so yeah it's land raiders and none of the limitations they're not that bad are they yeah you can't you can't have flyers oh no no sorry um they've got they've got to be embarked on a transport which is yeah no real money not a problem um you'd want them to be anyway um all units like to do is troop choices must have the iron wings wish you'd give vehicles anywhere because they said yeah the plus one to hit against vehicles and the snap shooting um you can't have anything that can deep strike flank or subterranean assault and the warlord must have the ironwing subtype or be lionel johnson because he has all of them yes and i i don't think that we need to give our thoughts more than that we've demonstrated why it's better it's better than i'm a breakthrough but it's still not very good yeah because they because crucially it doesn't give lines and none of these do none of these rights of war give line to the units that it moves into the troop slot yeah which is my disappointment because if i want to play it like the next one eskaton imperative which is actually it's the most flavoursome and worst in the whole book in my opinion so the eschaton imperative destroy your squads mortalis destroyer squad so with jump packs yeah i know the other way around yeah inter-empty squads can be taken as troops but don't gain line all units with the dreadwing sub-type automatically pass any dangerous terrain tests which comes into it later yeah all open terrain areas of the battlefield outside of any place design deployment zone counts as difficult terrain those previously defined as difficult become dangerous so i actually think that's really good yeah well i've only used it once and i used it against death guards so it wasn't great right but taking two off every movement anyone does ever but it also takes two movement off me and my guys around with flamers yeah yeah when you put it like that so yes you get the essence on my case you take loads of destroy uh destroy your assault squads and then you just jump over the deck difficulty because it's all difficult terrain but you automatically pass the danger so maybe it's it would be good if you don't take interrupt as you actually take yourself and just move through it yeah because the vehicles in it ignore difficult terrain as well i believe yeah against any model in any area terrain or terrain piece yeah it counts as dangerous train which is all of them yeah and also the actual this one's good that's really good because because of its limitation so especially against death guard if they make their dangerous terrain in their own deployment zone yeah well i get plus one to wound in your deployments that's true but they're quite fast aren't they death guard because they're an oral trainer um but that limitation there the third bullet point there if at the end of the battle there are any units in the opposing deploys deployment zone that are not pinned or falling back you get that opposing player gains plus d3 victory points so they didn't learn from the drawback last last time they've just given it to that right of war yeah so the reason why i was taking this and then right up until the point when i realized that when my guys disembarked from the land raiders they could only get out five inches and that made it quite hard to get all the flames to fire so i was like no i'm done with that right first that's terrible this one's good though it's always much this one's good i think storm of war is great the storming right of war so this is any legion tactical squads to spoil the squads are assault squads containing at least 20 so full squad may contain a legion centurion and this and he no longer gets the orders that they got last time no um he's considered because he what he does because he gets it for free because we don't pay for the orders anymore in the old one he got it but now you get it anyway where are the orders well no it's not the order it's the order you could you could do like a guard style oh i didn't know about that all right okay i've never had enough tactical squads to make it to be able to do it well i think there's a glaring hole in your yeah and i have a lot of mark sixes waiting to be painted there you go so yeah that centurion is considered part of the squad um all models with both character and storm wing get the stubborn rule so that's huge yeah all the time rather and then if you combine that with a warlord trait that makes you plus one leadership you're then looking at leadership 10 stubborn tactical squads yeah all the time not just new objectives tactical squads may be selected as choices for people that are really masochistic and yeah do you really want to fill out your troops choices and then fill out all your elites choices with tactical squads well this is the right of war for you assault squads can be selected as fast attack so if you want even more 20. it's basically going i want to have all the scoring units in the world because if you look at it there right you could take because i reckon points wise you could easily get it into 3k as well well it's like 220 points for a normal tactical squad maxed out is it 220 or is it 200 because there are 100 points for 100 points for 10 now oh so it might be less than that 200 points then yeah so 200 points you give them the sanctuary you can have six states so you can have six of those and then you can also have your elite slots which is four more so you can have ten two thousand points and the centurions if you take the century you don't have to but you want the stubborn you do so because you get the stubborn regardless to it i know because you have to be no no it's character not independent character oh no way so you don't even need the century you take two thousand points so you have two thousand points of tactical marines and then your assault squads fill up your fast attack slots which you could easily get into the remaining thousand points and then everything in your army's scoring leadership 10 stubborn i mean you wouldn't be able to kill anything and as the internet tells me scoring is the only thing yeah the only thing that matters but assault squads can no longer take all melted bombs suddenly no you need some anti-tank in there but that's true if you yeah as i say if you're really masochistic yeah this is the right of what you've gone paint yeah because you can't you can't have you can't have any dedicated transports with it either yeah i'm going to do this i'm going to make it work i'm going to come back on here and show you how it works i will see you in four years oh you'll knock it out in two weeks so the unbroken vow yeah so that's the deathwing right of war so this make this is pride of the legion and essentially dark angel's version of pride the legion where it's all about these units that now become troops but don't gain the line thing gain all these benefits when they're within 12 inches of an objective that they can't hold i'm really bitter about the line thing you're just really annoying well back to playing where he's venue so he's you get veteran squads tartarus terminator squads and cataphracts as troops why you don't get your special terminators as troops but i suppose that you're not gonna have it doesn't matter because troops now if they don't get line it doesn't matter where they go does it i suppose so that you then also get plus one attack within 12 an objective which you just said and you also gain heart of the legion special which is the feel no pain when you're at all times is it yeah okay it's good again how did you win five games actually no heart of the mirror because heart that reason gives you feeling of pain when you're within objective and yeah yeah you're an objective yeah so um if you at the end of the game i love how you introduced me to the dark age likes but i'm going oh no you're right max that's what it is it comes with reading the rules so at the end of the battle if the controlling player does not control the objective yeah so you place a led objective if you don't control this objective you gain d3 that's quite good gains dethrone or d3 oh if i don't control it they get d3 ah i don't like it you see there's too many downsides to these rights of world give away victory points yeah it just makes it unattractive to take um i just take pride of the league you just take pride in that case yeah although pride comes with a massive drawback of your only loud one have you seen one yeah fast attack yeah but just dude that's a much smaller downside than this the seekers arrow that's the raven wing right of war so this one i need to actually read those troops don't get if you've got the ravenwing subtype you gain the round page two special rule and that's just for you independent characters yeah well that's cavalry yeah yeah so your bikes and your jet bike independent characters came round page two so independent character models in this detachment using this right of war that have characters that have cavalry so type gain rampage two yeah and that's if you're outnumbered yeah which you probably are gonna be if you're in a jet bike unit yeah yeah all models all units made up why do i keep saying models instead of the units i've done it like four times all bikes and jet bikes going out flank thank you ben there we go that was quite good over there it's quite good well it isn't it isn't so i'm i'm with james on this like i don't like anything where it's off the board yeah i don't mind things where it's auto in turn one or auto in turn two but outflank just means i might not have until turn four and then you're only fighting the proportion of my armor so otherwise you need that master of signals to re-roll with it yes so because what it did is they started on the board i went into one going reserve straight away which means they also come in turn two without flank which is and also it wasn't piecemeal yeah yeah one thing that's a downside of outflank this edition yeah is you know where that marker is yeah so i can just move away from it or move on to it so i can't come in by the way yeah the marker yeah so he's no no more need saying i i take it if you want the jet bikes and stuff because it's not got a downside of the victory points but it doesn't make you lying so you still need those troops yeah but still if you want to spam jet bikes you only get one heavy support choice and i'm like unless i really want those and if i want loads of jet bikes i'll just paint them white if you just play my point is if you're i suppose you know there will be a lot of dark angel players with a lot of jet bikes because heavy bolters were broken in the last edition and the old raving right award was brilliant so this is the one basically those people that's gone right you spent your 400 now buy some tactical squads and tactical squads because you can play it but it's it's not great i don't think yeah so the suit but it's very well is i suppose this is the thing it's whether you look at what these have been written for because actually if you approach this game purely from i want to play campaigns and narrative then these are great because that's what they do um because if you're playing it that way you can just agree with your friends that okay we've decided that they have got line they have if you play narrative because if you agree you can agree anything can't you yeah yeah so the serpent's bane and this is the firework yeah seeker squad see i'm learning at the start of the battle the controlling player must select three enemy primarch hq elites or lords of war as priority targets and declare the chosen units of the opponents or models in this detachment that include at least one fire wing subtype i'd plus one to hit against these priority targets which they would also get plus one to win if it was an independent character as well because of the firing ability there we go i'm liking this yeah and it's and also that confers to stuff that the target priority is is john i know i've just read the limitations so no i don't oh i've just seen it models with both the character and firing unit subtypes in a detachment game plus one attack when locked in combat with a priority target so he's really the yeah yeah it's like we have to kill these three things we have to kill them and actually this one doesn't well i think it's also got the greatest benefits yeah up to three units selected as troops in the detachment using this right of war gaining power yeah yeah which is so that's really good and i'm going to make an argument that this is actually worth it yeah because it's select three yeah it doesn't compel you to pick that primark that's hard to kill yeah right you have to have something as long as they've got hq well no so it's it's assuming that if they've got three hq and elites or primer and you probably would pick the primark because if a primer is on the table you're going to need to try and kill it anyway so i tend to just avoid like we'll so the downside is if you don't take out all those priority targets yeah or pin off or make them fall back at the end of the game yeah it would be very hard against like yeah marks because you can't do that yeah your opponent scores plus three victory yeah not d3 three so they've got potential nine victory points on the table a question of how hard is it to take out three units and that could be the primer i mean the other thing is you could actually use it to force your opponent to basically keep stuff out of the game to hide stuff away and just go right well the rest of the army's going to go and grab all these objectives and do things whilst that really important thing that you needed was now hiding you could also just go right so what do people do with primary 10 or 10 too yeah they put their primark with a character in a death star and they're running in a spartan orlando yeah right even if they don't yeah but the the bodyguard unit the character in the primark that's your three priority targets or even if you just pry market bodyguard yeah in a in a raider or a spartan that's three everything is killed bam seen a bit let's pack up and that's the thing as well three minutes selected as troops because obviously if you if you've got um uh you you you've got your secret squads as you may and the whole thing as well is it secret squads may be taken as troops choices so you don't even need to have secrets especially when they're infiltrating it as well well they get infiltrated anyway well then which case then you couldn't have like support squads and melters infiltrating things like that would be brilliant yes i i actually because how hard is it i think out that one unit this is especially i agree with you on this one even though this one has the biggest drawback in terms of points i think it's the one that would be a really fun challenge as well because you you either say right you're going to get nine victory points if they survive so you keep them out of my way or and slay the warlord as well yeah yeah and plus one for selena prime market yeah yeah so if you do that i what i would say in this one is i would have liked it if like it had some sort of thing that those priority targets you've got like a victory point for each one if you get three for keeping them alive i think maybe one because it's one if you take all three just to do something yeah just to give something because you have to kill them at that point well you make it plus one yeah so why don't you they get well if you take the what's the head head the one where they you have to kill no the the they have to kill someone they get like two victory points or three cards yeah yeah these so i think you should get something it's a bit weird that you don't but i don't think it's too hard to gain those benefits no no even just the infiltrate the plus one attack is great yeah the first one to hit is great yeah infiltrate to three troops of your church it's really good yeah yeah yeah as you say melt upon multiple support squads at the end of these rites of war ception you were actually saying before you tend not to take writers not really no i tend not to like drawbacks so i i like to i'd rather not have the benefits and just take whatever i want especially and even more so making something yeah more so now like i'd only so the only right of war i've taken two point at the moment has been furious ancients and not as a full dreadnought force is just to get more line units because it's a rite of war that gives me line units to your yeah you're taking anywhere so you're taking the money dreadnought's really good if you can give them line that just it's a force multiplier it's brilliant so if i can get a benefit like that like it gives me line then fine i would take each and every one of those rights of war if it made the units that moved into troops line and it really annoys me that it doesn't it annoys me that it doesn't because so many legions have ones that well so many loyalist legends have ones that that do and i don't understand why your guys get lying and mine don't well let's not go into that because yeah you know what i mean we've addressed that at the start of the warlord trade section yeah of why the loyalist ones get blind yeah sorry ben i had to do it so on to the uh you brought it up so the armory of the dark angels yeah so you've got weapons of old night yeah so they've got the big key from this one so from version one is we had our what we call [ __ ] bolters oh right the [ __ ] yeah the um the molecular acid bolters which were poisonous why do i know these things because they were horrible poison two plus a p d six i think they were yeah i got bent over by that yeah and then and then there were like 11 different ways of working out how you'd work out what the ap was and it was all sat on one people that weren't mental yeah yeah yeah yeah so you don't have those anymore yeah they got rid of those because to be fair they were clunky as hell and they were really broken yeah and it's why lots of dark energy blows on lots of jet bikes because heavy bolts were really good but they were like our one thing that we had so yeah now you get calibrated wall blades again yeah so that's the same thing yeah they used to be free and so used to be free but um now it's a plus one strength thing and it it costs um five points five points yeah and basically anything with character keywords um if i've got five points spare then they've got a caliber wall blade i would just put a fist uh i know i would and i wouldn't put a fist i'd just put a tonic great sword on him so there we go right so any model with independent character may exchange a power fist for a tyrannic greatsword for your additional cast yeah plus two strength ap3 two-handed rending five murderer strike five yeah i love that mode of strength so on a five to wound your ap2 and and instantaneously is not a separate role so yeah and it's strength six which is great anyway so we need things on two but only independent characters or units that already have them as options can take to run increase which i imagine you have a couple yeah i i used to always put caliber like wall blades on my sergeants because they're free so if you're paying for a power weapon you might as well have a better power open for free so yeah but i think that plus five points yeah you do have to pay a little bit yeah yeah i'd prefer a power ax i like power axes anyway because they're ap2 all the time but if i'm paying five if i'm paying for a power ax i just get a power fist because i'd rather have the double strength if i've got a guy well that's one that's usually my logic yeah yeah yeah i prefer the power axes but i always take the fist so we've got the plasma repeater and the plasma burner are our plasma so the plasma repeater we had in the old edition and it was terrible and you know what it's still terrible it's a 12 inch range strength six assault three plasma gun with gets hot and twin linked which is better it's two link there and breaching more so he's just a normal plasma it's got an extra shot in the plasma with half the range yeah um with twin link though does gain well he's got yeah yeah yeah so that's good so you can avoid to get top so you've got more chance of getting it actually the it's five points over the cost of a plasma gun and i don't and when you think right well i've got a squad of plasma guns that's that's 50 points for that extra 10 shots but you've halved your range um you might do it you might do if you're in the if you can infiltrate that unit through some form of right of war but and get fourth one to here yeah and we roll to wounds yeah yeah so plus one just want to end yeah so oh yeah i possibly it's also important point isn't it isn't it plasma strength seven whichever way yeah yeah wounded on twos anyway but key is that it pales in insignificance to the mighty plasma burner which was awful in the last edition and is amazing now yeah so it's game template basically yeah so it used to be 12 inches two shot strength four ap2 flat so it was ap2 all the time but it's straightforward yeah so it was a it was a bolt plasma basically a two shot bolt plasma but now with template now it's a template i've spent six ap4 breaching four plus so we will get one wall of death wall of death on it yeah breaching four plus is exactly the same as strength for ap2 because you always needed force to wound anyway so it's not lost and it's gained massively because a template is short range but you can hit so many more things with it yeah well he's eight inch range but as soon as you're in a transport it doesn't matter as much no it does for a flamer squad which still allows armor saves yeah but it doesn't when you just wipe out the opponent by getting in that range so that's what you do with these weapons yeah no and anyone so you can have a 10-man plasma squad with those but it costs 100 points to take plasma bonus and you wouldn't take those you take interrupters which we'll get into yeah so then you get stasis missiles on anything that can take a missile launcher and i don't see the point i know they've got concussive strength for last three inches concussive one we'll just move on from that one and we'll go into the legion consolarius so we've got our own console do you know how to say this one though yeah it's a paladin of a heck of an easter egg well actually it's a made-up word so yeah it's however you want to say i think it's happening this runs up against my favorite thing all words are made that is true actually do you know what i mean when i say heck in easter so if i say that word you know i'm referring to this unit that's all that matters no because it sounds too much like the heck of gramaton and well it's supposed to be from hacking easter the heck i never mind it's a paladin of of all the vowels uh consonants sorry um it's a centurion or a tartarus centurion or a cata factory centurion can be upgraded to a paladin for 30 points uh he gains it yet he gains atranic greatsword for free so that's what whatever power fist costs so yeah i think 20 20 points for a centurion yeah um six weapon skills 16 ship 10 and adamantium will three plus and stubborn so really good really good really good like you basically become a prayer with two wounds yeah yeah so i like that one i like that one if you need a cheap a cheap hq that can smack things that's good well he's not that much cheap it's the fact that he gains that war gear in addition and there's not much to go through with this it's not got something crazy special [Music] yeah and they're good yeah it's simple and i like it yeah do you know that he's not like if you've taken a centurion why not have this guy yeah yeah exactly so yeah on to this skit we'll skip over this light we won't yeah we're gonna finish we want people to watch till the end of the video ben and he's the best one yeah so inner circle night scenobium and they are weapons girl five terminators six on the sergeant yeah which is really good yeah you're getting your plus one to here yeah so you'll be hitting well no only if you take him as deathwing you're going to take you're dead yeah you take him as death spoiler for halfway through this unit yeah and the weapons go five is big on i know a lot of other specialties weapons feel five but you're now hitting with deathwing all normal terminators on twos and other people's special terminators which they would normally hit normal terminators yeah they uh so there's there's loads to pick up firstly like if you're a dark angel playing you don't own a unit these are something wrong with you because they're gorgeous models yeah and they're just i just think they're really good for what they are 275 which is about right for a for a specialist terminator unit especially if that yeah what can they stacked on to these so they've got stubborn and adamant in will three plus yeah um order examples which we'll come on to so the order example is this is the bit that i was saying at the start of the video you used to choose this pre-battle now you choose it army selection so the so the you've got the six wings the hexagrammaton but with inside the dark angels there's loads and loads of orders which are really specific for different things um and this is to make make it to us make it as obscure to your opponent yeah as possible so you actually use it so you can there's six to choose from and actually there's a there's a a thingy unit especially specialist unit pdf legendary unit which are don't get this they have one decided which is all about killing dreadnoughts and and mac because that's a new thing yeah so they are really good at killing dreadnoughts by the way if there is one that's particularly good should we just go through that yeah yeah yeah so which one is particular so essentially everyone's going to take um uh reaper hosts so that's plus one attacking any fight sub phase in which you base contact with more than one anymore most of them because their attacks are quite low and they're on with two-handed weapons so you can get more attacks with them you want to tissue for those five players yeah yeah however you find found oh and they've also got the plasma caster yeah so they've got a weaker version of the plasma burner so it's a template strength for ap4 breaching six plus that used to be strength that used to be exactly the same gun as the other guys sorry that used to be strength for ap2 all the time so breaching six plus is not as good but no it's still a good weapon to have on terminator well the tyrannic greatsword arguably got a load better by gaining the breaching how do you find these stuff up against all the people's terms yes well these people yeah because usb ap3 yeah you used to be ap3 just all the time you couldn't do anything yeah they would because that's why thunderhammer is a free upgrade on these yeah because it's a carryover from when three yeah yeah and i would put a thunderhammer in the unit so i do i put one in just the numbers i've got one in there the grenade harness you need that yeah he's five points you do because you're you've got the majority of your weapons are fighting an initiative with terminators normally i wouldn't bother because my terminators are they're efficient numbers that's what they're for i'm going last anyway so why waste the points but with these you need it yeah so how yeah how do you find they do against other people's terminators so because they'll mint any other squad right so yeah they they and like normal terminators they absolutely flatten yeah um they sh it's it's about 50 50 trade off with the anything with a storm shield is the difficulty so if the invon savers improve to a three up so if you if you're against imperial fists or fire drakes that's difficult um they're great against things like um uh typhon's bodyguard you know the death route because they've got the whole we can't be instant we we count as toughness five for instance death so fists don't do it but murder strikes by passes yeah so and they're also really good against dreadnoughts i suppose yeah or if you can get charged by your dreadnought yeah so they're they're um they're um with their instant death they've got instant death of d3 wounds the problem is they tend to trade out because a dreadnought would would double up on them so this is what i say you need to get charged by that dreadnought yeah to not get yeah you want to be in cover to try and go before the type thing yeah yeah um i i took the order exemplar version of them which is there they get plus one two wound against dreadnoughts as well so it basically makes them strength seven and they were with a guy with rad grenades so they were wounding dreadnoughts on fours but you're looking for the fives anyway it doesn't really matter about that but they would you take that legendary unit over the reaper of hosts for plus one attack uh you did i did but only because did come out uh no i think i'd rather have the attacks i think i'd rather have the neutral hosts when you break it down like that and the thing is as well is is also i would take these because this at the moment it's legion on legion but a lot of these are about like anti-mech or anti-demon and things like that so that becomes a a change doesn't it when you if when when those armies get their rules and start coming out then i want to make sure these armies have got you've got something to do with i just them so a good unit for the price i like them but that reaper of host will always with the plus one attack yeah well plus one attack is better than reroll of wants to hit yeah because you've got more like he's rerolling is only if the enemy model is toughness five or greater oh yeah yeah yeah so um and you don't really need the plus one leadership you don't need auger of weakness the anti-tank one they're not an anti-tank unit there's better things if you're trying to kill a vehicle then you're not sending terminators with swords and flames after them are you so yeah so we'll go on to the next unit which is the dreadwink interemptous one which need they need a big boost because i think they really really struggle i love them they are absolutely insane the thing is they were prohibitively expensive in the old edition they've got 100 points cheaper for the five yeah well 100 points for 10. it was uh there were 355 for 10 and there's now 255. so they're essentially a destroyer squad with plasma burns yeah is they've got stubborn counter attack which is great um straight away especially combined with your wall of death yeah yeah your template weapon so the other thing as well is um they it's not just the fact that they've got that they also get access to the um incinerator which is the heavy version and that's exactly the same stats but it has torrent nine inch so it can fire over the top of the rest of the squad and then change the rotation unless i can deal with them in some way yeah hopefully hopefully they'll see it in the battle report on the back so they they um one squad of these against a death card player that had a 20-man tactical squad got 96 hits and 63 of them were breaching horrendous horrendous world yeah they are the most mental unit in the i love them i think that's great yeah he's we're trying to be succinct about all this because we're about to play a game we need time for that yeah but these are go-to unit and it also they're really pretty yeah they're really good they're lovely models like the the kits are really yeah i like the helmets i like the plasma look deathwing components next i think yeah deathwing companions are i i've i've used them once and i think they're amazing uh because they're cheap for what they are um 150 points for five guys that are basically a veteran stat line artificer armor and a caliber knight wall blade for five points they can all have a tyranic greatsword which mine all have can i just say this first yeah do not take bayonets or chain bayonets no this unit no they have the option they've got a veteran stat line yeah there's a very quick they come here come with the bolter bolt pistol artifacer armor refractor field on the oath breaker who's the sergeant yeah um death swarm companions which we'll go through yeah chosen warriors which is really good for accepting challenges if you have a character in there you have a challenge with this guy so your character can move yeah yeah relentless like a veteran yeah so how do you equip these so i've equipped mine wrong they they've all got caliber knight wall blades and i've swapped the calibrated wall blades for toronto great swords and all of them caliber night war blades so the cabinet look great yeah no yeah have i just said they swapped the canon light wall weights four caliber light wall blades i mean yeah calibrate wall blades for tronic great swords so they've all swapped toronto great swords which means essentially they've all lost an attack because they were now fighting with two-handed weapons but they've gained instant death and extra strength so and a better breaching so um ren sorry not breach but yeah they that they're right i'm not bothering with combi weapons or anything for it they can take a jump pack if the character they're attached to has a jump pack as well so that's important which is fairly good like if you want to put me in fire wing and go for the light yeah so you can have up to 10 of them they can take a land raider as a dedicated transport um that's really cool that's fine they've got a special shield called a cytherin patent aegis which is dare i say it even more broken than the ultramarine shield because so what does that do well for starters i just want to point out just in case one specific person's listening at no point in this does it say boarding shield so at no point does it obey any form of boarding shield rule it's not written down in the description or anything it's a special shield they carry and i didn't initially have them because i thought that it's a shield so you can't use a two-handed weapon yeah you absolutely can so it gives them a four-pin against shooting and a five-up inventing combat and they're things which is good as a boarding shield without being a boarded shield it's except it's got a better and vulnerable to shooting it's got a better inventory to shoot in yeah and then tartarus no i know it gets even better so if they want to uh know they're going to receive a charge from a unit yeah they don't they deploy them all which is basically they dig them all into the ground and that now gives everyone in the unit so the guys they're protecting if they haven't already an invent save and reduces the um initiative by one of the units that are charging them oh no no that's mental so coming soon my deathwing companions unit will all have shields on their backs ready to go because i've got the shields for them i just i just didn't paint them up so you just want basically you want you have to yeah you have to have two well i give them all shields because it gives them all a four-pin than them and i think for ten points a guy you only need two to don't need to deploy it yeah but i but if you you lose that if you move so you keep that in place that's if you're going to stay still and you want to protect someone that's staying still and ordering people around but if you're taking combat character and you want to be running into the combat you want all to have shields because you're basically buying them all a 4-pin against shooting in a 5-pin bun which is really for 10 points i think for 10 points isn't as much of a thing because there's only six or five vocal ruins four up invulnerable to shooting yeah is humongous yeah it will be and i think we'll probably see it in this game as well is that they'll just get dropped like that yeah um so they need because they'll get doubled out easily enough and because they don't have the infant save in there but the best thing the reason you buy them is for the death one companion rule absolutely so they ignore the effects of precision strikes and shots and sniper specials and snipers yeah so they ignore all that casualties from shooting and melee attacks are always allocated to a model of the controlling player's choice they bypass primarks so primarks can't even put wounds on where they want to because the death and companions can say no we're putting it where we wanted to go and for 150 points a unit i know obviously not once you've tapped everything on but they're well worth it yeah do not take command squad take these guys every time yeah but the the one thing that they've not got is stubborn no but the unit that they're with usually has so because obviously they're going to be with a character and there's lots of ways of characters in the dark angels from getting things so that is the deathwing companions we've covered them basically in as much detail as they need yeah everyone needs to take them if you've got a character which everyone should have one yeah you can take them yes definitely and with obviously the deathwing right do they have to take deathwing is that actually they yeah they have to take deathwing and they get to ah i should have mentioned this earlier so when you pick the that they so independent characters can join whatever you the rules for selecting your rule is everyone in the unit must have the same thing at the point that they're a unit so yeah a command squad has to have the same thing as the character they join because they have to choose it whereas these can go with anyone because they don't have to choose it it's already built in that they are deathwing right so they are deathwing but they could go with a dreadwing leader because these guys literally they do go around so do you gain both you choose so you choose each you can choose at the start of each turn if you've got mixed ones which one they're going to be going off which is always going to be deathwing if you've got those swords you might tempted to go i'll go dreadwing up until the point i'm into combat and then i'll switch to death yeah we're not going to go back yeah that's possibly the best the best combination yeah yeah but the thing is right there fire wing might be useful sometimes like not the plus one to hit oh well it's the same isn't it plus one to hit independent characters so actually that's pointless no you'd always have plus one to hit with swords because yeah good definitely yeah so we'll go on to special characters and you've got courseway yep who is a death ring special character he is he's the champion of the legion so he's the he's he's sort of in the same sort of realms as sigismund and [Music] um lucious he's he's not i mean none of them is good at ziggy because they don't have eternal warrior that's literally the yes so he's weapon skill seven yeah four attacks he's in terminator so he's no no he's in oh so he's got more more wounds than a standard yes yeah more wings in the center we've got armor of the forest and mantle of the champion yeah and the blade yeah so the blade the blade is plus two strands like it's around a great sword ap one yeah unlike it's around a great sword and that is really good must craft this julius edge two so he's initiative six in a challenge initially seven in a challenge yeah a murderous strike four-plus which is really good against everyone but sigismund yeah and a prime article yeah um so he's really good against dreadnoughts because he can potentially work at dreadnought yeah and he's got a is his armor of the forest mantle of champion gives him a two-up armor save for a pinvon which is three up against close combat which is incredible yeah so he's he's a dualist he's he's got a better invent than a lot of primarks yeah he also has precision strikes four plus as well so when he's fighting as a unit he doesn't necessarily have to take the challenges unless they have the lettering companions yeah of course he is warlord martial of the crown he automatically has martial of the crown death wing warlord trait and may not select any other world lord train yeah so he automatically has that and we'll tell you that he can't select another one in addition to the one that he automatically has yeah so he gains the shooting the sorry the assault phase the good one the action yeah he has the good one of the team gains plus one leadership to anyone that can see him it's a really good yeah and 200 points good good character for 200 points i think yeah oh really good for a budget character yeah i mean he's no sigismund but who is yeah like who is you can't really compare to the imperative i think he would give savitar and and uh lucious who run for they'd probably kill each other but that murder strike four plus is a big thing yeah well he's as well he's going to be two higher initiatives than sigismund yeah so we will at least be striking first yeah he has a better invent yeah because sigismund is only got nine halo yeah so he pretend like he's ins sigismund's always instant there yeah so he's engine death just gets one through and he's killed him so yeah and he doesn't have it only singersman does eternal warrior so he's still incredibly good he's very good he's like 30 points and that's a nice touch as well i always have to mention this every time anyone talks about coursework so his sword's called the blade now in in 40k in the last time i played it in the dark ender codex there was a relic that you could get for the raven wing yeah called the blade of course wayne and it's called the blade of course and here it's just called the blade you're thinking oh what was it called it was called the blade that's actually a really good tidbit yeah i like that madrik he's 220 points of awesome is what he is so he's got a plasma burner so the flamethrower of doom yeah he's got the strength six five he's got three phosphates bombs a grenade harness the regalia of the shattered spear which is um is his cataphract uh terminator plate and the death of world we'll get to the death of worlds that's the reason why you pay 220 points i know it's not that's not ancient of war is why you pay pay 220 points for him right so we just go through all of him they still don't want to trade so warlord he basically gets a unit of those terminators his own unit that terminates as a retinue squad okay so he doesn't have to have them but he can have those um so it's just getting another one in there and then you get an additional reaction in the assault phase the good one yeah the good one farthest yeah yeah um yeah he's a good thing yeah he's good he's good uh ancient of war well let's cover that last because that's just you show what people say you're saying a few different things that it's covered last we've got to do something no that's the bit we've got to cover last night right so you're of the shattered that's that's his terminator for this last um but he automatically passes any dangerous train test he's called to make because he's dreadwing and that links him with their right of war type thing so solid he's just intermittent army really yeah the death of worlds is uh like plus five yeah it's an unwieldy last cannon um strength plus five that's such a ridiculous plush in vulnerable saves and minus one against it which that's really that's huge well if he ever gets to swing to be fair he's with a squad of those terminators they've usually killed everything he's fighting so uh and he doesn't have eternal warrior and i don't like anything that if you don't have eternal warrior and then you've got a sword that means you're striking last yeah and he didn't even get plus one to hit with his sword no he doesn't because he's not deathwing but he is an ancient of orc he's the oldest living member of the dark angels right so he's goes right back to the very beginning he's an eschaton which means you get the eschaton rank in the dark angels when you have personally destroyed a planet yeah um he's destroyed six and he's got a mark on each of those that about his sword gets longer each time he destroys them yeah so um surely that makes his sword really weird yeah yeah i don't think that's how to work but anyway it sounds good so he's but ancient of war and i took sedris at this event so you were saying how did i win five games i won five games because i had mad etc that is literally the reason why i managed to win five games all right so let me like so six inches i've just seen it but this is the one that gives preferred enemy to anyone that deploys within six inches and anyone that's in a transporter it's anyone that deploys within six inches of marks address or a transport he's embarked upon that six inch and footprint when measured off a land radar is quite big um and yeah does would provide it to anyone that's in a dedicated transport it wouldn't get you wouldn't get it if you would have just embarked on a yeah on a random spot yeah yeah yeah you know yeah but if it's dedicated transport because it's part of that union preferred enemy chosen faction for all models and you choose that so what the way it is is you have to deploy as a block with that so you deploy your whole army within six inches of mud et cetera because it's done at deployment yeah so anything between the situations at deployment then gets preferred enemy and then they can move off and they keep that whether he's alive or not because he's basically got them all together and gone guys this is who we've got to kill and it's preferred enemy x so he literally just goes who are we fighting right we've got preferred enemy u um and that's just these so when you factor that in that i was fighting an army that was dreadnoughts land raiders and interempters yeah strength six flamers with preferred enemy auto hit wounding on twos re-rolling ones last cannons hitting on twos winning on twos re-rolling ones yeah so he's i think it's massive just for that like 220 point if you take that rule away from him he's not very good like for 200 points he's a lot of points for for a guy that doesn't bring a huge amount to the fight do you know what i'm going to say what this and this is the biggest compliment i can possibly give to any character yeah he's second only to the imperial fist [Laughter] like in this edition yeah he's the best character we've covered that isn't imperial yeah and that is the highest compliment that i can give i know i know like that is such an incredible rule it's it's mega and it's why he's not in the list for our game later because it just it makes well so people don't screech at you online well no it's not screeching online it's just so like last cannons like i really like land raiders anyway and i think gravity lies cannons better i'd rather have two shots than twin link but two shots with preferred enemy yeah he's like a little bit of trouble so so yeah he's really really good yeah really really good and then we'll go on to or the big back to the lion the lion in version one had two sword options yeah he still has those two options and in the previous edition you would always take the wolf plate so there is actually two options now yeah there were two options before but you would only know one question no no you'd still only take it no this time it's flipped you would only take the line sword i think they've currently written this to go let's make everyone buy a second lion noah magnetized because there was only one option i didn't magnetise it i cut his arms off and put the sword back on because i kept the sword right so the lion weapon skill eight so he's on the higher end of primark he's the same as horus and all the combat private max like horus being the big boy yeah is russ the highest online or is it is is ross on nine right you go through the lion cup so he's he's weapons killer movement eight ballistic seal six strength seven toughness six six wounds initiative seven that's a big thing because that's high for a prime mark russ is eight yeah and also initially probably because they might have played off yeah there's the rivalry he's got seven attacks um and then so he's he's very similar to satellite he's higher in his weapon skin in his initiative than than most primarks i think so they're hitting him but he is he is the combat he is a combat prime mark at the end of the day so um he comes with the leonine panoply which is his i never know i'd say that word monopoly he's that's his armor the lion sword he's very somebody's go through that yeah to a palmer save same four up in front and the first failed invulnerable save of each turn may be re-rolled which is really really good really useful um so the first failed one is rerolled um the only thing that's clunky about that is that key thing saying the first one because it now means that if you wound the line four times i've got roll them one at a time i can't roll all four because i don't know which one yeah james you do it one at a time for some reason anyway because you like wasting people so the lion sword so the lion sword uh so the lion soul disease is is i come with a sword but i can swap it for the wolf blade but you never would the line sword is strength as user strength seven yeah ap one yeah uh mela uh harmabane flesh fleshbane mastercrafted instant death so he's hitting nearly everything oh and also let's just put in there that when he's he has all six of the uh hexagrammatic so when he's choosing to be deathwing he gets plus one to hit with that sword as well so he's hitting all the prime marks main on two threes and twos yeah wounding them on twos with him well the instant death does nothing to them but still see what he does to dreadnoughts yeah um that's crazy that's absolutely crazy yeah that's it's madness and i've just so we'll do the wolf blade now and it's really quick it's a p3 don't take it away three breaching four plus reaping blow two with fears from ruin but why well it's ap it's ap3 why you would never willingly choose an ap3 weapon on a primark no ever no no even like it basically harms your attacks yeah because you need that breaching for yeah so even though you're getting re-people if it was republican what reaping blow does it need to be because i reckon it needs to be reaping block seven to make that worthwhile yeah he's like double his attacks to make it worth yeah he's halving them and it's not instant death so it's strength nine which means toughness uh toughness five stuff don't instant die to it yeah but he's not stay on the negative he's very like the lion sword isn't the line sort of looks prettier as well it's a nice looking sword so yeah and it's it's what it's all about yeah so so he's got defusal acts inaudible yeah it's a plasma weapon um 18 inch range gen 7 ap 3 assault 2 twin linked blind running three plus so he's already ap3 so he's got a better weapon than perturbo i know he's he's less shots than peter the rending plus makes it yeah yeah perturbo is a p3 yeah i like comparing things to perturbo because he always comes off worse nice rending three plus is good yeah brent is he's really good yeah yeah um so then we've got stacy's grenade and i like this also notice there it's a plasma weapon but no this weapon benefits from the plus one to hit if he chooses to use the storming unit subtype why he would need that when he's ballistic skills six and never fires snapshots i have no idea yeah hey it's a rule that doesn't need to be there yeah also if you're not running the line in deathwing you're wrong yeah yeah yeah a hundred percent so you get stacy's grenades once per battle these used be brutal so in version one this man you you're always initiative one against it yeah yeah now it's almost irrelevant because these grenades could go in every company grenade launcher right so that's why you all you dark angels players have loads of copper grenades yeah so you'd fire a status grenade to reduce someone's initiative by one whereas the stasis grenades that he had the actual ones that use in combat are the ones that go your initiative one against me so you've got to take an initiative test if the test is failed all models in that unit get minus one for the drainage unless you're a primark of course you've got and that's reported yeah but crucially they've got to fail an initiative test yeah for that to happen and he's once a battle it's a nice little pip on him so it's not brilliant yeah it's it's a situational i need to try and go before something i will try try it because it's once for battle but it's still i mean that's not that he's worth it without that like that's just an extra rule that he's against that's that's he's just a little people yeah and then you've also got point of the blade which i think is huge he's kept this from version one which is that he can always choose to charge eight inches instead of having to roll for it so if he's within eight inches he's getting in combat with you because he doesn't get slowed by terrain or anything which is great so he's less good now that he gets plus two on a plus one to his charge range which would be movement eight yeah but it ignores the effects of difficult and dangerous terrain so you don't you get the minus two for charging it to train with it yeah there's so many times when you're just like eight inches away from one seven so yeah whatever it is just not having to roll dice and getting permanent yeah you just know i'm in he's just so good yeah yeah yeah um and then on the side of the dark angels we missed that bit first lion's collar so when he gets when he gets wounded he gets cross oh so he gains attacks the more attack the more more wins he takes the more attacks he gets so four wins against plus one plus two when he yeah really good so these then like eight attacks nine attacks yeah which is really scary i mean as well yeah if you have people of seven yeah yeah but he doesn't do he's so we'll go on we'll do the sire in the dark angels um anyone that could draw line of sight to him plus one leadership yeah extra reaction in the shooting phase rather than the assault phase so it's like the good warlord yeah and everyone gains crusader what does that do i'm not quite sure is it one of those crusaders plus one for the plus one on the combat resolution so not brilliant like he's to be fair if he's in combat with you you're not running away you're dead it's not it's the cruiser but it helps everyone else out i guess yeah yeah yeah it's it's good the the main thing of that is the plus one leadership yeah well the simple fact is it's a wall it's a world trade on a primark which we didn't have in version one so yeah it's good enough rules they've just made the same rule the warlord yeah and yeah these plus one to leadership is good um that's all that's always good especially and extra reaction is good yeah so how have you found the like because this is why i have you i've used him once on monday it's the first time because i've never had a lion painted to the level that i wanted to use him in a game so i took him he played against your first love imperial fists on monday night where he went into combat and killed three contemporary dreadnoughts like that you didn't just run into a block of failings world wars and balance there weren't any flanks what is this army oh so it was the mythical yeah yeah he killed he killed three contempters and a leviathan in two rounds of combat and i think if you've played heresy two yet you know how good that is 24 wounds he caused across three dread dogs so what are you telling me is for our game don't put a dreadnought near him don't put a dragon on your room yeah that is our thoughts on the dark angels legion i think yeah if you want to see the lion in action watch the game that we're just about to play or already have watched it yeah before you watch this now this will make more sense was what happened in that book yeah exactly so don't forget to check out ben's channel if you were on my channel and if you're on my channel check out max's channel it's like we've rehearsed it so it's perfect it's gonna be so professional it's very professional seamless and don't forget to like comment and subscribe to the videos that you are watching and subscribe to the other persons as well yeah it does help us both out it tells us that you want more content like this and we will catch you guys in the battle report where you go i needed to click the like button down near the crotches click the subscribe icon next to ben's crotch and we'll see you in the game you
Channel: Bearfoot Miniatures
Views: 8,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Angels, Deathwing, Ravenwing, Dark Angles, 30k, Sons of Horus, Age of Darkness, Wargaming, Battle report, Batrep, Iron Warriors, IV legion, Horus Heresy, Heresy 2
Id: FUtwQ-lqjDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 29sec (4529 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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