Dark and Darker BARD NEW META in SOLOS??? | Zero to Hero HIGHROLLER

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but YY Bard is only good in trios we're here to prove Bard is op in solos and can win any One V one as long as they're buff here's three raw uncut Zero to Hero High Roller solos just to prove that bar can be fun and powerful thank you guys so much for watching and come by uh if you guys want to say hi I stream every day at 6 p.m. EST and uh yeah I'll see you guys then hey guys this yamy here and um today we're going to try to do um Zero to Hero Bard take take off everything here oh wait these instruments do I have to buy them okay for you guys I will buy my instruments H this hurts spending money to buy instruments what liar okay okay and then take away this and then we need to buy a Rapier Rapier and then that's it right I'm pretty sure I don't have a torch I go by torch okay so none of these heals or anything so we're L just going in naked all right and then for the third skill wand's luck I'll do wers luck because we're we're going to try to find like really good items in the the dungeon but if you guys didn't know I when I play Crips with my friends I play Bard so I'm very like I play Bard all the time so very experienced at it but for solos I'm not much of you know uh how do I say I'm not very experienced in solos so we're going we're going to see today if Bard will be good in solos which I do think he will be because he when he's fully buffed he's so good he does so much damage and he's kind of tanky with harmonic Shield so who knows maybe this is this is a this is a new meta going to do my spells [Music] here um see got a short sword uh I do want to go to my left here to go to that tile hello hello this is the best tile if you guys want Loot and not many people notice people people don't notice at all just want to run around in a circle basically a very tight Circle uh when he's the sun is doing that you want to reu and then R [Music] debu you want to do the most damage to the send de cuz that's uh the main problem have to red debuff again the mommy is helping me what the [ __ ] not me bro wrong guy we debuff again there we [Music] go whoa whoa whoa there we go I'm going to show you guys why this is the best spot has a golden chest sorry golden chest and then it has a centipede and then you could have another golden chest below the stairs when you go out we got really good pendant I think a purple pendant so just a jewelry in this little spot here is just too good of course I need unchain Harmony for this [Music] one oh not the best stuff to be honest not the best stuff all right let's see the pendant holy I'm [Music] fast wait dexterity speeds up um how how fast you play your your instruments I didn't know that and we got leather chases really good leather chce so we could play what we play here anything new Val courage just need armor now we're kind of bare oh got a hat going on a straw hat some leather leggings Shadow mask try to break everything here we got we find a fion and some gloves terbly let's get this hell shine and go upper this upper corner over here need a rebuff again dexterity is so good on um on Barn Barn new ATT doing a good amount of jewelry as well Blue Lantern oh nice it's important to not get hit so I don't think anyone's here knock on wood it's not cleared yet but someone usually uh oo upgrades after upgrades and we got flute too a purple flute that's my dream [Music] wow regular interaction speed is like opening doors and stuff I guess right is what I'm guessing a survival bow here don't have any arrows though but now we have a we have a long range weapon those am I right of course why not yep someone was here there he is a cleric is that waral I'm so fast another guy yep there's another guy it's a fighter re buff [Music] here [Music] what get what a guy dude what a guy they have some shoes for me death yeah I want to pick up white stuff ah get rid of this hello okay um let's see get rid of all white stuff okay okay okay okay okay okay I think that's [Music] it someone's right here [ __ ] oh this guy kind of hurts damn okay well I think I have to leave you got to pick and choose your fights there's no way I'm win that especially when I have no armor good for him though he he was half Health damn I wish I could have fought him I literally have no armor or gloves unfortunately but next run we're going to have a cross no we're going just buy arrows 267 285 all right 285 294 okay we need we need bu purses okay so I don't know if this is ASMR for you guys but this is ASMR for me putting all my gold into perses I think we need to buy more though definitely do okay okay almost there I think we need to buy a few more like three more okay we got it all right so now we're just going to go with the regular wander attire this gray one and then gloves uh I don't want to really take it from my stash so I think the only thing we're going to buy is arrows here want to stay true to my you know um Zero to Hero stuff um do I buy heals I'll just take uh some bandages and uh buy two more pots and then we should be good for the next run Rogue wizard Rogue Barbarian some water there is wait I have no water um also thank you so much for the comments yesterday um yeah let me know if you guys want a certain class that you want me to do know from Zero to Hero or like rank to uh Pathfinder cuz I honestly have a lot of Joy playing um and trying new classes to be honest I've been getting a lot of tips on warlock which I really do appreciate cuz I really don't play warlock like that so you guys are really nice and very patient with me giving me tips and stuff which is nice y I'm actually really grateful for my community because um I um is this everyone just so nice I started this um channel from scratch and um I didn't expect to get this much wreck I would say so I appreciate you guys even like you know taking a time out of your day and watching me cuz there's like you know tons of other content creators and you guys watching me is [Music] like is [Music] like oh this is bad actually oh guys lucky I didn't reload what the [ __ ] lag he's dead I play that really bad I think it cuz I was talking to you guys but um yeah thank you guys so much for uh choosing me to watch I really appreciate it and I also do have the funniest uh comment section too um this one guy I was talking about McDonald's yesterday right and I was talking about to the um talking about like oh what kind of um orders you guys get this gu comment is like hey like instead of ordering the Big M you could just do like a double um a double cheeseburger or something like that double hamburger cheeseburger and just uh get some mac sauce and it's basically um a Big Mac just without the middle bun I was like wait he's right so I'm going to try to do that next time instead of uh getting a whole big mag like he he saved me some money which is [Music] nice I really do appreciate you guys you guys are the [Music] silliest hello I'm getting cornered by a bat help all right let's go to our favorite spot here I think this is should be everyone's favorite spot it's just so good where's the CED there he is again you want to do this as like uh like a very tight Circle and uh you might die doing this like a few times but you know just all [Music] practice kill all the mummies really quick oh really quickly we still have a great rap here by the way we need to find a better melee and the [Music] gloves while he's doing his little dance he was [Music] reove there you go why is my dog barking there we go till we get here and sometimes they just give you the most dumb [ __ ] all good oh I messed up there we go oh we got a blue loot nice strength ring there's two goblins here that we have to take care of then we get the help shrine me find gloves please if you guys want more tips on bar just let me know I feel like most people don't play Bard to be honest like whenever when whenever I look at a trade um the trade at Merchants sorry the trade trade trade market um there's no there's no bars there's only like 40 bars in the tradem market so from my guess like no one plays Bard but basically um the perk I have on right now is charismatic performance and it basically just like upgrades your performance from um like normal to good and um so it allows [Music] you I don't know which one better to be honest it allows you to cut down on on your um allows you skip allows you to skip some notes so you can play the music faster if you can understand that and it's just really really helpful in order to like play your songs as fast as possible you see how I skip two notes oh my God I forgot you can open up doors I scared the [ __ ] out of me I like wait someone opened my door I got actually jump scared okay we should clear this up um upper room over here feel like no one's been here he missing that he's just out of range all we need is a melee and like better armor I [Music] guess need to rebuff [Music] again I think once you play B enough like muscle memory kind of kicks in and you kind of just play the notes like you can play notes with like closing your eyes it's that easy wait have that one anyways [Music] um someone's been here who has been [Music] here wait why is that Archer all the way here what did someone die and like all the all the monsters ago onto me confused man this is just a very um slow [Music] game still need to find a better melee weapon we have not found one yet zombie trador outfit [Music] interesting if someone finds me here I'm dead but that is the risk I'm I'm willing to take hello move them shits bro try to get those gloves all right this is [Music] better oh the Zone's moving no one's here why fuing next next game I'm going to go try to find people it sick and tired of it anyone here hello anyone think at the last one left guys I'm sorry this is such a boring game this sucks let's see if anyone's left no it's just me 451 okay well let's see how much we get 209 kind of disappointing not going to lie plus uh so [Music] 235 235 you buy more pures okay we're just going to hop in this this next game can I just get the arming sword I want to buy arming sword guys I'm tired of I'm tired of the I'm tired of rap here to be honest I'm sorry that I can't I can't break any crates and anything but um yeah we're going to go into the next game we're going to try to find people this time hope get some action I don't want you guys just watching me like destroy like pots and vases and stuff like that but this is the build so far we're primarily just naked pretty much except for the boots independent okay well not naked but you know what I mean I'm not that stacked I don't even have a cape but we're just going to go around uh each tile and just trying to find people so we could get a good third game but so far Bart is just kind of op I started off with just naked was just a Rapier in my instruments and now we're kind of Ked so I hope to show you guys that bar is actually really good in solos he he actually might be just like op like I don't I I I do I dare say those words like op I'm not going to loot so we can just find [Music] people okay not this way sorry we're going this way okay maybe we're going to break some of these crates though these crates are really good I can't resist the crates see what I mean wow surge kit too okay open one open one chest and then we'll go ahead and try to oh my right we can do Har shield now no what no harmonic Shield play our music super fast though mining an invis he's under us or what 20 seconds until his invis comes up until his invis runs out he's mining again might under oh man I just trying to get a CL damn that kind of [ __ ] hurts he's going to die today this guy's a porcupine how did he die I didn't think I'd kill him he stepped on a trap just didn't make a noise do I feel bad for that guy kind of I mean this game isn't isn't always peaceful someone's above me no [Music] whoa a green bandage here he has to heal up he use second can win a protection Shrine too po buff here jiggle this he's trying to come up fell down where' he go well I don't want to go down [Music] there [Music] well I think this is damn I kind of C the [ __ ] out of him not going to lie at least like a million arrows though green crossbow wait the fion what we can do here we can drink some pots get a bandage going another gray one perhaps and then uh uh this two Fizz power too much War they're good I think survival B is actually like training us well so let's go keep that get to rebuff everything [Music] though then put a pot here in case we get into trouble someone's here it's going to take a while for me to kill him though it's a Clark someone to my right too I heal I'm going I heal reload the holy strike he tried to surrender but I'm not letting him okay it's so stupid that he's onto me and now he's on to him he worried about the guy behind me too the holy strike he's dead this might be a survivable show off not a bar show [Music] off [Music] all right what's I got us Cape plus one agility blah blah blah damage bonus right out that this blah blah blah W Tire 10 arrows we need the arrows and uh I think that's pretty much it right pression pot sure jump up hardest jump in the game is that jump right there did hear someone here so let's go find out let's go [ __ ] around and find out unless he died don't hear him anymore though he died whoa pretty sure they I'm pretty sure he died think he died huh damn nothing too great on this guy H that's pretty much it let's see if we any gray stuff on us uh guess Ruby is better than uh Cobalt no [Music] where is the portal I need clear under us in case the portal spawns underneath us we could try go for static as well but who knows [Music] oh there is a port right there we have fast portal interaction magic Direction so nice really good raid for our was this a second raid I don't really remember I think this our third ra um yeah that was really good I uh got into two really good fights that time so I promise you guys that um I get into some fights and Rush people so I gave you that that was for you guys oh forgot to sell that okay I think we got around like 200 I think I going to lie that was so fun the survival is actually busted not going to lie but this is the final build after three games we have Falin Lantern survival bow monkey pendant which is I think would sell for a lot feather Hat real gamon the reinforc gloves is really good too Cape is eh it's whatever uh ring of finesse pretty good other chassis really good eh rug boots eh but this is what we ended up with so um yeah B is really good in solos oh just pick up wait there's a Rog on you oh [ __ ] Sherlock
Channel: Y4mi - Dark and Darker
Views: 19,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, dnd, yami, y4mi, highroller, new meta, new, meta, zero to hero, bard
Id: 5b0l24kahT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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