Dante's Purgatorio & The 9 Levels of Purgatory Explained

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hello everybody today we're going to be breaking down the second part of divine comedy also known as dante's purgatorio as well as breaking down the seven levels of purgatory within the story if you've seen what is technically the first part of this series my video about dante's inferno then this picks up immediately where that left off but if you haven't seen it then this video will still work as it's an explanation of dante and virgil's journey through purgatory as well as explaining what purgatory is within the catholic canon at the time of dante's writing as well as a look at the souls that dante says are there and the symbolism of the story itself and what happens to the sinners on each level of purgatory etc i'll be honest i think i like purgatorio more than i like inferno everyone talks about inferno because it has the horror elements and it's scary and has cool illustrations of people being tortured but as far as a story and what happens to the characters in the story and the symbolism and all that i think purgatory is a better word i mean technically they're both sections of the same book so you know it's all one work but that's not important you know what is important huh huh huh look at that huh that's pretty neat it's way bigger than the silver one uh and i'm kind of afraid it's gonna fall and take out everything beneath it including two little me's but that's okay if it does because you all put that up there and you're the reason that that's there and you're the reason this channel's here and i really do appreciate it so thank you and thank you for that so if you're interested stick around as we're gonna break down the story of penance and redemption in dante's purgatorio but before we get into that if you like this video then you probably like the concept of someone sitting here and explaining something to you and a very interested and exciting manner hopefully but personally i have trouble watching youtube sometimes even as someone who makes youtube 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hemisphere called mount purgatory and that is exactly where this story begins so let's get into it now in this story since mount purgatory is on the other side of the earth the stars move a bit differently than they do for everyone else basically from their position they can see the stars at all points during the day and during the day dante makes note that there are four stars appearing in the daylight sky now i'm not going to be able to cover all of the symbolism because believe me there is a ton and i'm sure i missed some of it but i am going to talk about the things that i noticed or also things that people on the internet who are smarter than me noticed as well during the time of dante's writing there was an important idea within the catholic church known as the seven virtues now these virtues have changed and morphed over time to be completely different for what they were at the time of dante's writing but at the time it was believed that four of the virtues known as the cardinal virtues were achievable by anyone regardless if they were a believer or not while there were three spiritual virtues that could only be achieved if someone was a follower of god the four cardinal virtues were those of justice prudence temperance and fortitude while the three spiritual virtues were faith hope and love or instead of love charity in some cases as we're going to see mount purgatory is for sinners who committed an action on earth and are now trying to receive forgiveness for it in the afterlife so the significance of four stars in the daylight hours is to symbolize that this is change that they themselves as people can obtain without having to look to a higher power because that comes later as dante is looking at the stars and pondering this a man comes up to dante and virgil and asks what they're doing there virgil tells dante to kneel in reverence as the man identifies himself as cato virgil says to cato that they were sent by beatrice who was sent from god to continue along this path and as in every case before cato lets them pass however before they begin their ascent up the mountain virgil takes dante to a riverside where he literally washes hell from his face and also yada yada baptism symbolism moving on as dante is standing up a very bright ship is seen coming onto the shore with an angel standing at the front of it with its wings pointed up towards heaven this ship is transporting souls to the afterlife and from the ship virgil and dante can hear people singing hymns and choruses think about the stark contrast between this an angel leading a bright glowing ship and everyone singing versus the river styx that was seen in inferno where everyone's crying and freaking out and the guys yelling at them and hitting people with a paddle one figure a man by the name of casella recognizes dante as they were friends from back home in florence and the two of them begin singing songs together before cato tells them not to squander their time and to get moving up the mountain it's here that i have to start and i hate to say this reeling back on some of the criticisms that i said in inferno and to be completely honest i didn't really mean a lot of those criticisms like i really loved the story and thought it was cool and i was saying a lot of stuff to be funny and don't worry i'm gonna keep doing that but in purgatorio specifically there were so many moments that i just kind of had to sit there and be like all right that's pretty cool one of which being in this scene when virgil and dante are beginning their first trek up the mountain something i didn't really point out as much as i should have in inferno is how dark everything was and i mean like quite literally it was hard for them to see all of the time as a matter of fact one of the only reasons that dante is able to see anything throughout the story is because they come across so many instances of things being on fire so now that he's standing out in the daylight for the first time since the forest at the beginning of inferno he looks down and notices that virgil doesn't have a shadow as a matter of fact no one has a shadow besides him virgil explains to dante that this is because things like light and shadows are aspects of the physical body whereas the spiritual body or the soul is not limited to the affairs of man and while yes the soul does have the physical appearance of the body that's only because whenever the two are joined together at the beginning they take on characteristics of each other the soul taking on the physical appearance of the body and the body taking on the spiritual attributes of the soul and throughout the rest of the story the way that souls identify dante as not being dead yet is because he has a shadow that's like an insanely creative concept by today's standards much less the 1300s when this was written during the course of this discussion dante is confused and says he's having trouble grasping what that means to which virgil remarks that that tends to be the nature of man they simply ask questions over and over and can never truly know what it is they should just accept even making the note that the philosophers who were mentioned in limbo at the beginning of inferno are forever trapped to never know the true nature of the punishment that befalls them which that in itself is such a crazy concept the idea that these people chase the exact answers for what things mean instead of working towards a more better version of themselves and for it they're forever forced to be stuck in this limbo where they won't know what it means all right i'm being too nice to the story i need to hurry up so we can find something to make fun of maybe he'll mention florence that's always funny as they begin to work their way up the mountain they come across several people who are laying around the rocks at the base of the mountain and after speaking to them dante realizes that these are all people who have been excommunicated from the church specifically one man by the name of manfred says that however long you were excommunicated you are forced to be on this layer of purgatory for 30 times that length of time so if you were kicked out of the church for the last two years of your life well that's 60 years on the rocks of mount purgatory now while there are seven layers of purgatory and they are a clearly defined seven layers there's kind of nine because this beginning part is like two starter or sub layers so with that being the case this first sub layer is kind of that for stubbornness in other words people who were slow or lackadaisical with their means of salvation for example one person they meet there by the name of bellequa believed and repented for his sins on his death bed and according to him he has to spend the length of his life on earth here on the shores of purgatory which seems to be inhabited by people who were stubborn or in other words died without giving a final repentance or confession for example one of the people on this lair say that they died a very bloody battle in war but before the battle did not think to confess their sins the souls of this lair realize that dante has a shadow and they immediately begin pleading with him that if he goes back to earth to ask people to pray for them he then meets a man by the name of sordello who was a 13th century poet in italy who begins to talk about italian politics and how florence is going to crumble at the hands of their current leaders and i told you he'd go back to talking about florence all right so at this point it would probably help to make sure we're all on the same page if i explained what the purpose of purgatory is and i want to emphasize yes i know purgatory is a thing in most catholic beliefs however this was written in the 1300s so don't apply things i'm saying then to mean how it really is especially with dante's interpretation of it being like a literal mountain during inferno the people who were mentioned to be in hell were people who had done horrific acts in their life to others or people who didn't believe in god purgatory is for people who did believe in god and just had sin in their life that they need to overcome and the sins of purgatory are more based on ideas of character flaws rather than open violence and harm for others because of that the layers of mount purgatory are based on the seven deadly sins because each of those sins are about things people feel within themselves that cause them to do wrong which leads to the core difference between purgatory and hell in hell there is no escape and you are doomed to suffer there forever whereas in purgatory there is a way out at the entrance of hell it said abandon all hope ye who enter here because once you're punished there the purpose of your punishment is just that suffering whereas in purgatory the punishments that we're going to see are temporary because if someone can get through it and their soul be cleansed they are then deemed worthy of traveling into heaven we'll get more into the weeds of it as we get to the different levels of purgatory but whenever you hear about different people either having some form of contentment or talking about how they need to get through this suffering it's because once they're done with that they're then allowed to cross into heaven with the people in these two pre-levels that i talked about earlier having to endure a waiting time before they can even be judged and even though the story doesn't specifically go into detail about what happens to the people on these two pre-levels from my understanding once that one character spends his entire lifetime on earth in purgatory he can then either go into heaven if he had a pure soul or begin his penance on one of the seven tiers regardless dante and virgil continue on their path and are nearly to the entrance of the first layer of purgatory however as they're almost there night begins to set in and virgil says it's a rule that no one is allowed to climb the mountain without the presence of the sun now this is obviously symbolic of the son of god because as in the story no one is allowed to climb the mountain without it being daylight no one is able to climb the mountain at all if it wasn't for jesus dying on the cross also cool side note because they're on the southern hemisphere and they thought the earth was tilted differently than it is the sun always stays in the north and simply goes up and then goes back down as the night comes dante also realizes that the four stars in the sky have disappeared and now there are three stars if you'll remember earlier this is a mention of the three spiritual virtues during the day the sinners work to achieve what they can with their own merit which is the cardinal virtues and now that it's nighttime the spiritual virtues watch over them during the night all of the souls begin singing songs and hymns dante noticed that the only two people he can see that are not is that of king henry and emperor rudolph both as virgil says two people who were too focused on earthly matters and therefore lost out on spiritual goods and this is the next point where i have to just take a moment to say this is really cool every night in purgatory the snake from the garden of eden comes out and tries to tempt more sinners to turn their backs on god however here in purgatory every night two angels descend from heaven to fight off the serpent dante notices that the swords of these angels are broken at the tip and seem very blunt virgil says this is because the battle has been going on for thousands of years and whenever the swords are finally destroyed it will be time for judgment day to come that's just like such a really cool detail to say that the serpent is to this day trying to trick sinners to fall away from the path of god but now angels are fighting him and when the swords break it's the end times and that's just like that's just neat moving on like i'll be honest some of the stuff in this story made me feel bad for being harsh in the first one and like even then it was a joke i loved inferno and i was just having fun but especially near the end of this story i felt guilty so dante decides to go to sleep and during his sleep he has his first of three dreams throughout the story in the first stream he sees a golden eagle pick him up and begin to soar him high above the clouds however once it gets too close to the sun he begins to burn up before he wakes up keep that in mind i'll talk about dream symbolism at the end but just hold on to that for now when dante wakes up he is lying in front of a large gate to which virgil says he was carried by saint lucy in front of the gate of purgatory there stands an angel holding a sword and in front of that angel are three steps the steps are in order from dante to the door a marble stair a stone stair and a red gemstone stair and my personal interpretation or at least the interpretation i agree with is that it's that of salvation the marble stare being man's original condition as a beautiful untouched thing the stone stare being what happens to man whenever sin comes into it and makes it into an ugly stone and the red gemstone being the idea of the blood covering it and making it into something beautiful again the angel asks the men what they are doing there and especially dante considering that he's not even dead yet to which virgil says they have been sent by beatrice on a path from god and the angel carves seven of the letter p's into dante's forehead this p stands for pectum which is an old latin word essentially meaning sin in order to get to the top of mount purgatory dante will have to pass through every one of the seven layers at the end of each layer one of these peas or pecans will be removed from dante's forehead with that dante and virgil cross through the gates where they can hear hymns being sang and they make their way into the first level of purgatory pride now if you'll remember the entire purpose of purgatory is so that sinners can remove whatever sin besets them so that they can be worthy of entering heaven so because of that wherever we see one of the seven deadly sins there is the counter to that sin placed everywhere on that level either through physical images or visions that the characters have or just people quoting lines from the bible so on the first level for pride the trait being praised is humility so upon entering the path through the level of pride which is a sort of zigzag narrow strait that works its way up the mountain there are several depictions of humility such as mary being told by gabriel that she will be having the son of god as well as david who was told that he is going to become king as they're walking along the path dante sees several people who it seems are bowed down to the ground and staring at the floor upon getting closer dante realizes that the reason for this is because everyone on this level is forced to carry massive stones that are equal to the pride they carried in life and while passing by dante can hear the people carrying these stones reciting the lord's prayer for those still on earth this is already a very dramatic shift from the souls of hell in hell people were either cursing their livelihood or simply afraid of the torment they're experiencing while here in purgatory people are trying to better themselves or at the very least sorry for the lies that they had some of the most interesting characters that they made on this level is that of king saul and arachne arachne being the character from greek mythology and this is again another example of dante mixing greek mythology with biblical teachings and on the flip side of the carvings that were mentioned before of those who showed humility we also have several carvings of cases of pride one of these massive marble carvings being that of satan being kicked out of heaven which you could argue as the original sin or at least original sin of pride as well as nimrod the giant who built the tower of babel and depictions of the battle of troy again biblical theology mixed with greek mythology furthermore as dante and virgil reach the end of this first tier the souls that are near the end are more penitent or more experienced with their circumstance and they can hear them singing in unison blessed are the poor in spirit which is one of the beatitudes from matthew it seems that the souls near the exit are closer to achieving their purification or at the very least their hearts more in the right place dante remarks that as soon as the pea was removed from his forehead he felt a little bit lighter and the path of the mountain seemed a lot easier virgil says that dante's entire life he has been weighed down with the sins of the world and he didn't even know it and whenever dante was talking to the people who were carrying the stones dante himself had to bend over and mimic their posture and in his own way even if as not as extreme he is doing penance for those same sins so now that he has done his penance for pride and had the p removed from his forehead he literally feels better because there is less sin burdening his spirit which is another pretty cool note from the story the idea that he had always been experiencing this burden but now that he was literally mimicking the posture of those who are suffering because of their pride he lost his pride and therefore is getting closer to becoming a clean spirit that is capable of entering heaven and continuing on this path dante and virgil reached the second level of purgatory envy dante remarks that the path they're walking on gets more narrow the further they go up the mountain and this continues throughout the rest of the story the idea being that the closer you are to perfection the lesser able to walk the path in this level of envy they begin hearing voices that are expressing the opposite of envy generosity among the voices they hear someone speak of orestes a character who was generous in greek mythology as well as quotes of the virgin mary from the book of john mary has been mentioned before and she's going to be mentioned a lot more because in catholic tradition especially at the time she was considered the most virtuous human who ever lived other than jesus and jesus was also the son of god so that's kind of cheating so many consider mary to be the most perfect person and because of that she embodies generosity as well as several of the other virtues that we're going to talk about dante sees several people who seem as if they're leaning on each other after getting closer dante realizes that the reason for this is because they're all blind as their eyes are wired shut the idea being because these people were envious of possessions that they saw others having in life they are now forced to walk blind without the eyes that troubled them dante speaks to one woman from italy by the name of sapia who said that she is there because she used to get more joy out of others misfortune than her own fortune to which dante promises to pray for her as well as tell people back home to pray for her as well see in inferno the core concept behind the piousness that dante had is that for one these people are sinners and are getting what they deserve but also because there is no hope for them so why cry over spilt milk whereas the souls here in purgatory do have a chance and opportunity to get better because of the mercy of christ so therefore dante agrees to pray for them and it's shown in the story to be a good thing to pray for the dead because this is the point where piousness is put away and pity is accepted and also if any of this sounds brutal like the people on the pride chair have to carry big rocks and the people on envy are blind i want you to remember that there were multiple occasions in hell of people literally boiling forever and that's the ones who were lucky enough to be allowed to move around there were like remember the pope tube where they were in like these stone coffins and on fire forever or the tenth tier which is just being conscious and freezing to death forever there is a scene on this tier where two blind men approach dante and there is a very long section talking about italian politics and i do want to make a slight pardon on my first part i made fun a lot about how dante kept asking about florence and what's going on in florence which again don't worry i'll still do that but there is an honor to it because you have to remember in real life this book was written as a political hit piece because he was banned from his homeland and in that book when he's trying to emphasize how much he misses his city and how much he loves it there is a beauty to him walking through hell and only caring to ask people of what's happening back home alright now that that serious moment's out of the way i'm gonna go back to making fun of it so haha dante talks about italy for a little while and then they keep walking as with the previous tier to contrast the examples of generosity mentioned earlier they begin hearing voices that speak of cases of envy such as people speaking of cain's envy the original envy that led to the first murder and another beatitude is heard being sung as they leave the tear that being blessed be the merciful virgil has a moment here where he explains to dante the reason envy is an issue and the reason that it's so prominent on earth is because humans view everything in earthly matters so if a human gives something to someone else they view that form of charity as a loss or as losing something when in actuality all physical things on earth can be lost but spiritual goodness cannot so in reality if they give away an item to achieve essentially spiritual points that is the real gain and the reason people are so poor and envious on earth is because they can't think of things in spiritual manners again really cool ideas of faith and charity mentioned in the same breath as people with copper wire closing up their eyes and as they make their way out of this layer the angel of generosity appears and wipes another p from dante's forehead the two then make their way into the third level of purgatory wrath and as with the previous tiers as they enter they are shown examples of the opposite of wrath that being meekness the examples being mary finding young jesus in the temple speaking to the pharisees as well as stephen stoning both examples of times people could have reacted with wrath but instead chose to react with humility and meekness throughout this lair there is a deep and dark smoke everywhere that makes it near impossible to see anything and throughout the smoke dante can hear people singing of the lamb of god again people trying to serve their sentence in order to become a better person dante and virgil come across a man on this lair by the name of marco who explains that just as in life rage and wrath blinded them to the true workings of the world here in the afterlife they are forced to suffer by being blinded perpetually not blinded like the envy people blinded blinded like big smoke cloud blinded there's a very interesting conversation here where dante asks if the problem with humanity is in the stars itself or in other words are people who do bad things just part of a system that makes them do bad things to which marco replies that if that were the case then free will would not exist and the very nature of free will is the capability to do right and wrong this conversation then shifts into how leaders have led entire countries and civilizations to the path of wrong throughout history and there's this part i really like where marco's talking about kingships and how entire countries have been led wrong where he says quote the sword and the shepherd's crook are now joined talking about the sword of man which is things like power and conquest are joined to the shepherd's crook which is religion and spiritualism and he's talking about the church and how they've mixed the two and it's not working see this is what i wanted out of inferno and one of the reasons that i like purgatorio more than inferno there were so many instances in inferno where dante would walk up to someone and they'd say where they're from and he'd be like huh isn't that an awful city to live you know why because their politicians aren't good people whereas here he goes up to people and he asks some question about free will to which the person will say something like well the issue with empires is that the sword is joined to the shepherd's crook and that's such a more cool and effective way to say it and i like it a lot more and i can't really say dante's writing improved for one it's been about a thousand years and i don't think it matters but also because this was all part of the same book so maybe this was always in the back of his head and he was leading to it maybe i'm an idiot who doesn't understand writing and i'm being dumb and as a youtuber and judging the divine comedy as the literary work so i'm just gonna move on and as with the previous layers as they're leaving dante begins having visions of instances of wrath one being lavinia from one of virgil stories as well as the hanging of haman from the story of esther with another beatitude being saying this one being blessed be the peacemakers see what happened with all of the previous three tiers is that upon entering they see the thing that the sinners are supposed to do they then see the sinner's punishment leave with the notion of what the sinners did or examples of wrath and pride and envy and then hear the sinners chanting about wanting to be better it's at this point that the sun is beginning to set again and as mentioned earlier no one is allowed to climb at night so as they set down virgil begins to explain to dante similar to how he did at inferno how these tears are separated and what it all means and what is potentially my favorite conversation of the whole story as dante sets down to sleep for the night virgil explains to him that there are two kinds of love there is the natural love which every human has which is the drawing towards god and things that are true good and then there is the love of the mind this love of mind is different from every person to person and is their perception of what love means in other words whatever vice or thing they want to chase with their time is what their mind convinces them that they do love and this can lead to good or bad therefore every good or bad action that people commit comes from a place of love for example if your mind convinces you that you love yourself and you act on it that's pride if your mind convinces you that you love what someone else has that's envy and so on and so forth he explains that purgatory is separated into two sections lower purgatory and upper purgatory lower purgatory is the three tiers that they just passed all of these are examples of misplaced love in other words pride envy and wrath are all examples of placing your love and affection on either yourself or things meaning that this perverted love is actually considered worst than the other kind and the other kind are the four sins that inhabit upper purgatory these four sins are broken love or in other words love that was heading the right direction but by some means or the other stray too far so rather than completely just saying well i'm going to love myself and hurt others to do that these as we're going to see are heading the right way but either doing bad things in the process or taking that love too far virgil describes all of this by saying that whenever the mind has a thing that it wants it bends the thoughts of the human towards that thing and that's what love is once love has existed for a long enough time on one specific thing that is where desire comes from and when something of desire is achieved or taken that is where joy comes from virgil explains this as being the reason that not all forms of desire and joy are good because the mind could theoretically bend itself towards whatever the user wished dante then asked the question well if humans have desire for something in particular then are they just doomed to chase that forever because what if someone has a desire for something that's wrong is that wrong for them to deny themselves joy virgil says that this in itself is the essence of righteousness and character because free will the unique characteristic of humanity is not only to turn away from god and follow their own paths but also to turn away from one's own desire therefore free will also means free will from your own mind and in order to chase what is right and what is pure instead of what is not is what righteousness is and if it wasn't for those impure desires then there would be no merit for by which humans could be judged this is like the there's this really dumb thing in like modern science and academia and whatever where they're like man all those guys who came before us they were just stupid weren't they and and i know i realized in the first part of the series i slightly contributed to that and i apologize but there's this weird thing where they're like oh i guess those guys didn't know better or man it's cool that we have all this information from books and textbooks that we know what we're talking about what i just said reading it is one of the craziest most interesting concepts in all of christian theology and it came from a guy in the 1300s who was talking about climbing a mountain because his ghost girlfriend told him to the idea that righteousness and character itself comes from the constant balance of free will and how well people can balance that free will is amazing and i love it and i love this stuff so it's here after leaving lower purgatory that they begin on their first layer of upper purgatory with layer 4 sloth they technically got just into the layer of sloth before this conversation started i just really wanted to talk about that conversation and after this dante goes to sleep in which he has his second dream the short version of this stream is that he sees a beautiful woman approach him and begin to try to entice him to come closer but while that woman is speaking another beautiful woman appears and tells the first woman to stop to which dante realizes that it's actually a very ugly and scary looking woman to which virgil then runs up and guts the ugly woman because dante realizes this is actually a siren trying to trick him and then he wakes up again symbolism after the third one moving on the actual images and signs of penance in these final four layers isn't as intense as the first three because as mentioned the first three were all about people who entirely misplaced what love was and that led them to wrong paths whereas these are people who kind of had their heart in the right place they just either went too far or not far enough sloth being the prime example for that with the counter of it being zeal and on this layer the souls who inhabit it are forced to run all the time non-stop symbolically because they were so lazy and slow in life here they are forced to be the complete opposite and they are shouting examples of zealous people in history such as mary who ran to tell elizabeth that she was pregnant with jesus that's really it for this it's not mentioned that much that huge conversation that i did happened on this tier but it didn't have to do with this tier and they just see a bunch of people running and talking about being zealous and dante and virgil just keep walking so we're gonna keep walking also i keep being bad to mention this because it's just a point in my notes and i roll over it at the end of every one of these tears the angel of that virtue appears and wipes a pee off of dante's forehead so in this one it's the angel of zeal wipes the p off he keeps going it's here that they come to the fifth layer greed it's technically avarice avarice is doing things to achieve and maintain wealth whereas greed is just more broadly wanting wealth so greed can lead to avarice but not vice versa however i'm going to leave it as greed because that fits the seven deadly sins thing across this layer the souls are laid across the ground and quoting psalm 119 which literally says my soul cleaves to the dust the hands and feet of these people are bound so that they can't get up and they're essentially forced to lie there on their stomach until their penance is over one of the people that dante meets there is pope adrian who in real life was known for amassing wealth and whenever dante tries to bow himself before him in reverence adrian tells him to stop because here they are both equal servants of the same god which is a cool touch they continue walking and hearing someone weeping about mary after the birth of christ specifically her living situation and her content nature of her poverty poverty or more specifically being content with poverty being the opposite virtue of avarice or pretty much charity as we would say kinda i mean the virtue that's mentioned here is poverty but as we understand it in the modern age that's not like a virtue just being poor but you get the point the man that is weeping about mary is someone by the name of hugh capette capisce being the founder of the capetian dynasty in france which is a series of kings that were alive during dante's age and more specifically a dynasty that florence had just made an allegiance with so hugh in this scene talks about how the rulers of france are plotting to betray those in florence again if you're going to make a political hit piece set in hell do not just talk about why florence is being stupid have someone who has a historical relation to florence talk about how florence is being stupid they then continue walking up the mountain when the mountain begins violently shaking to which angels appear and begin seeing gloria annex chelsea's deu which is what the angel sang whenever christ's birth was announced it's at this point a man by the name of stadius runs up to them and introduces himself stadius was a roman poet who was alive in the first century a.d stadius explains that the mountain violently shakes every time a sinner has gone through with their penance in other words that means someone else is now ready to enter heaven and this time it was stadius himself stadius said that he had been on this layer of greed for 500 years and he later mentions that he was also doing time in one of the earlier stages for 500 years which means that you can have multiple sentences on multiple layers of this purgatory because i want to remind you that earlier the characters of arachne and saul who were seen way down on the pride one sought to be in there for like over 4 000 years is that math right at least like three and theoretically that's like just the end for his pride one then he's gonna have to go to like the wrath and everything else which i mean to be fair is better than like the hell for everything but still so stadius is very excited because he essentially got his ticket punched to walk up the golden staircase and he is very excited to tell dante and virgil everything about himself and then there is a fantastic moment where stadia says that he is obsessed with the ancient poet virgil because he doesn't know that it's virgil he's talking to and even says that his work the aynid inspired everything that stadius had ever done and he wishes so badly he could have lived at the time of virgil so that he could meet the great poet virgil to which dante says laughter and tears follow so closely on the passion prompts them they wait not for the motions of the will in nature's most sincere i did but smile as one who winks and there upon the shade broke off and peered into mine eyes where best our looks interpret in other words dante started smiling and crying because he was trying to hold it in and just turn to look at virgil to which stadia says so too good event mayest thou conduct such great imprise he cried say why a cross thy visage beamed but now the lightning of a smile so now dante is crying and trying to hold in a laugh looking at virgil and this stadius guy who just got done with a thousand years of purgatory is like hey come on buddy why are you smiling right now to which it says about the stoic virgil wins a sigh i utter and the sigh is heard speak on the teacher cried and do not fear to speak but tell him what so earnestly he asks to which dante immediately tells stadius that this is virgil and stadius drops to the ground and tries to hug his legs and virgil has to tell him to stop it's so fantastic to be reading about penitent sinners and concepts of free will and then get that moment where dante's giggling like a schoolgirl because he knows he's about to embarrass virgil and it literally says that virgil sighs and is like go ahead tell him i'm the guy and then he tries to hug his legs virgil's like stop don't touch me and since daunching and virgil were walking up mount purgatory to heaven stadius simply joins them and from here on out the three men begin their track up to the next layer to which they reach the sixth layer of purgatory gluttony now remember with tiers four five six and seven it has to do with not having the right temperance when it comes to good love in other words slot meant not doing the good thing enough greed meant wanting to be too successful or do too well that you hurt others and gluttony being you know things like food which are important indulging in them too much also gluttony as it's written here and in most traditions includes things like alcoholism and being a drunkard these concepts of the sins are elaborated more when virgil asked stadius how such a great poet of renown could be guilty for something like greed sadia says that what he was actually there for is wild expense or in other words being too frivolous and wasting all of his money which lands you on the same tier as greed because even though they're opposites it both has to do with like love of material possessions and wealth it's here that he said he was a christian but he was afraid to make it public and he hid his faith which is what got him another sentence on the layer of sloth going back to the whole you can do multiple sentences on multiple tears for multiple sins there's another interesting dialogue piece where stadius talks about all of the poets that he grew up learning of and those who inspired him and virgil says that he knows most of them personally because they're all in limbo together they then come into the main part of the gluttony layer and see what the punishment is there are these sweet smelling trees that are all over the layer of gluttony and from the trees voices can be heard these voices speak of the opposite of gluttony that being temperance and its examples like daniel and john the baptist in the bible both characters who fasted these trees have a very delicious looking fruit on them and they let out a very sweet aroma that makes everyone who smells it incredibly hungry dante even falls victim to this talking about how he wants to go check out the tree before virgil stops him and says that he's better than them dante sees a man that he knew from florence by the name of foresee and foresee explains that every day they try to eat the fruit from the tree and get a little bit closer but they're never actually allowed to grab it and they are cursed for the length of their penance to smell the fruit and be hungry for it while never reaching it or in other words perpetual hunger and desire they also hear some voices from the tree talking about other examples of gluttons in biblical history such as gideon's army who left the army because they were too concerned with filling themselves foresee explains that he can't eat or drink anything despite being hungry however his penance will not be that long because his wife has prayed for him it still is a belief and was especially a belief at the time that you can pray for sinners who are in purgatory in order for them to have a more speedy access to heaven so i guess as dante saying it here people who pray for you in the real world quite literally net you a shorter sentence here in purgatory this would explain by foresee who only died a few months ago as dante said is near his end of penance where as someone like stadius who never told anyone he was a christian and therefore wouldn't have anyone to pray for him in the real world was down there for a thousand years virgil also says here that the trees everyone are trying to reach are from the fruit of the tree in the garden of eden meaning that these trees hold the fruit for which man committed the original sin and this is the final penance for those who indulge with food too much in their lives stuff like that again so cool i love it moving on this concept of food gets dante thinking about how most of the souls they come across are very skinny and decrepid dante asked atheists if souls don't need to eat then why are some of them so skinny but those like stadius are very strong and buff stadius explains that the bodies are now separated from the spirit so what dante is viewing is the spiritual power or fulfillment of that soul itself those who are still serving their penance are very skinny and decrepid because they don't have any power or value built up in their soul whereas stadius who has completed his penance and is now ready for heaven looks like a very adonis buff man because that is his soul fully refreshed it is on this note that our trio then enters the final layer of purgatory with layer 7 lust remember how i said the path keeps getting more and more narrow as they travel up while at this point the path is a very skinny trail that they have to shimmy their way across one at a time as they walk along this rim there is a fire in all of these pits around him with souls running back and forth through the flames however it's important to denote while this fire is hot it is not burning but is instead purifying if it sounds like the punishments have been getting less extreme throughout purgatory that's because they have pride had to carry a giant boulder for potentially hundreds of years and the people of envy had their eyes sewn shut whereas the last couple be you have to lay down and you're hungry and that's really it and as we're going to find out in a second everyone regardless of what their penance is has to walk through these flames in order to make it into heaven these flames being the final purification of the human soul so yes while those guilty of lust have to walk through these flames a few more times they essentially serve no extra punishment than something that every other soul is already receiving the reason being according to dante lust is the sin that it is most easy to commit if you'll remember in hell the lightest tier next to limbo because that was technically like non-hell was that of lust in which people were just blown around and then here on the mirror side of it it is the one closest to the top or final destination of purgatory because again it is seen as the least severe as mentioned with sloth greed and gluttony it is placing love in the correct direction it's just with lust taking an excess of it this is exemplified when a group of people walk by around the side of the flames and they are kissing each other however whenever they begin to take it further than kissing everyone begins yelling and ridiculing them and talking about examples of lust in greek literature and the reason they are in this stage is because they have to purify themselves from that want of excess during this stage they can hear the soul singing about the god of supreme climacy as well as speaking quotes from examples of chastity the opposite of lust such as the virgin mary and the goddess diana everyone begins singing blessed are the pure in heart the final beatitude that's mentioned as the trio makes their way to a giant wall of fire and the angel of chastity appears this is normally the point where the angel would just swipe the letter p off of his forehead however this is the last ring and the angel explains to them that they are going to have to cross to the fire if they want to make it to heaven dante immediately begins shaking and becomes terrified to which virgil reaffirms him that beatrice is just on the other side and they just have to make it a little bit longer and virgil says no matter what he won't leave him in these flames so all three of them step into the flames to which dante remarks that it's so hot he would step into a glass boiling vat to cool down as they're walking through the fire virgil maintains his composure and says that he can still remember the beauty in beatrice's eyes and dante just needs to go a bit further to see them they step out of the fire and dante has had the final letter p removed from his forehead as he has now been cleansed of his earthly sins they see a path before them however it is night once again so they decide to sleep for the night or at least dante sleeps and stadius and virgil stand there because as it's mentioned souls don't need rest it's here that dante dreams of leah and rachel abraham's wives mentioned in the old testament in this stream leah is in a field working and she remarks that she enjoys working but her sister rachel seems to enjoy being by herself and leah doesn't know what's the better option so now that we have the three dreams here's my very short interpretation which could be totally wrong but like i said it's my interpretation with the first stream we had a golden eagle soar down pick up dante and take him into the clouds to which he burned up the eagle as it's mentioned here and will be mentioned in the future is a representative of god and it shows that god in his divine power cannot take man straight to the clouds as they will not be able to handle the power because of that dante's forced to continue his journey to which he has the second dream of a siren tempting him to which a woman which women are used several times to show acts of virtues later on in the story so we have the symbol of virtue stopping temptation and his guide virgil literally destroying and killing that temptation to which finally we see leah talking about how there are two options to live your life that of work and that of meditation so my interpretation god wants to bring humanity or dante specifically up to his presence but dante cannot handle it so therefore he must travel through life while facing temptations and thanks to things like virtues and his guides like virgil he is able to quite literally destroy them and continue on his path while living a life as leah says in combination with spiritual meditation and earthly practices and practice of your meditation in other words it's the entire tribulation and circumstance of the christian life or at least as dante sees it and it's fitting that he has this final dream of himself and of what he's lived his life like on earth before he gets to the steps of heaven so they make their way to the top of the stairs and are now standing before the gates of the garden of eden at the top of mount purgatory is the birthplace of humanity itself with the mountain later made around it so that sinners could earn their way back to the paradise that was originally intended for them the garden of eden also serves as the gateway to heaven and is their final stop here on earth however as virgil points out this is only intended for believers and those who can make their way into heaven itself which means the virgil can no longer accompany dante on his journey dante is immediately and afraid of this he's terrified by the idea that virgil can't walk with him anymore but virgil tells him that he's had all of his sins absconded and he is now a believer who is not held back by earthly means or in other words dante is a better leader now than virgil ever could be to which in his goodbye and his final line in the divine comedy virgil says to secure thee thou mayest or seat thee down or wonder where thou wilt expect no more sanction of warning voice or sign for me free of thy own arbiter meant to choose discreet judicious to distrust thy sense were henceforth error i invest thee then with crown of mitre sovereign or thyself in other words i've been with you up until this point so that you could be better than me so that you could have that servity over yourself and now i crowned you with that blessing as your teacher that you're now ready to carry on by yourself why is this story getting to me a little bit i just realized studying here that virgil didn't have to walk through that fire at the end uh the final step before they took the rest because the purpose of the fire is to purify the soul so that it can enter heaven virgil walked through the fire just so dante wouldn't have to do it alone and i didn't oh boy i wanted to make fun of florence and i wanted to talk about haha look at this stupid pope who's in the tube because he's in hell forever and that's what i started this doing and now i'm attached to some roman poet who accompanied this dumb guy who's talked about dreams three times now and i realized that this entire time he was preparing dante to go to a place that virgil himself could not go and every step of the like i knew it from the beginning but every step of the way virgil has suffered with dante so that dante could be more than virgil could anyway and with that dante says goodbye to virgil and dante and stadius cross the threshold into the garden of eden it's there that dante says the air of eden is filled with a peace and stillness he can't really describe and while the air is filled with some birds and the river rushes nearby everything feels perfectly still it's there that dante sees a beautiful woman who is singing by the river this woman will later be identified as matilda to which matilda says this garden exists as an endless pledge of peace and that its very existence from the flowers that are in it to the birds that are in it and the water that flows are all directly made and continued by the will of god and that despite humanity leaving it dang it i'll tell you what i don't talk about in videos a lot but there are a few things that um get to me more than stuff about like mercy and uh forgiveness and all that i'm just give me a minute i take it back i don't like purgatory more it makes me feel gross things like emotions and stuff she says that god maintains and takes care of the garden every day in case humanity ever decides that it wants to come back home she says that not only is this garden the birthplace of humanity but that its very existence is in the core memory of every person to the degree that whenever the poets would talk about the perfect age or the golden age that came so many years ago they were misremembering and it's actually visions of eden according to her man's intent was always this a perfect area where nothing goes wrong and people can live eternally but once free will allowed sin to corrupt the hearts of men everything that i've explained from hell to purgatory and so on is people trying to take off the burden or the layers of sin that is wrapped around them so that they can be allowed more perfect to enter the garden once again it's then that matilda tells the two to look through the tree line to which dante can see what looks to be seven glowing candlesticks getting closer and the description that follows is long and a lot so i'm gonna give like an abridged version of it there is essentially a parade of people in white robes as well as seven women dancing dressed by their color in groups of four and three relating back to the virtues there are several cherubim or the four winged angels with many animal faces and a chariot that is being pulled by a griffin again we have another intense mixture of a lot of symbolism but also mythology stuff like the griffin with biblical stuff like the cherubim and what we're essentially seeing is a giant heavenly parade there's also 100 angels above the parade singing but that's kind of standard fair at this point and out of the chariot steps a lady wearing a green robe a red dress with a veil over her face and when dante sees this he panics and turns to speak to virgil who isn't there anymore to which the woman wearing the veil reveals herself as beatrice finally the one who began this entire story has met with dante in person dante begins to cry as he misses the comfort and presence of his friend to which beatrice says that everyone here is happy what right does he have to climb up this mountain and begin weeping in front of all of them and like i'm going to maintain myself try to and not look like a little wimp getting through this but i am saying and i've mentioned this before i am a christian and while i don't believe in all of the hoopla about you know the angels or characters he runs into and all that a lot of these ideas are really personal and really powerful to me so i'm going to try to be a big boy but no promises whenever dante looks at beatrice he says that he awakens the primal or original love now it's no secret that throughout this story beatrice has been used as a stand-in for christ or holiness in general from the beginning she is said to be the one who called for dante directly and essentially serve as his savior throughout the story and whenever he uses that phrase there of primal love that is used historically to denote the original love or the love that christ had on the cross so with beatrice here being a representation of christ dante immediately breaks down and begins to ask for dang it and begins to ask for her forgiveness saying that since she left or died on earth he has instead followed things in life that didn't really matter and now standing before her he can't think of any excuses of why he didn't just keep doing as she asked and pursuing a good life beatrice says that after she died dante lost his way of life and was becoming distracted on the path so she herself went to god and begged him to allow dante to walk through hell and purgatory so that he could come here and have his sins forgiven again beatrice symbolically being the stand-in for christ making the intercession to god for man and eventually sending himself so that dante could return to the garden that is the catalyst to this entire story beatrice wanted dante to be able to make it to heaven and she felt that he wasn't living the lifestyle that would have got him there so she requested and god allowed her to specifically go and have virgil carry dante all the way up that mountain to which beatrice asked if i've done all of that for you then what reason do you have to follow the sins that you did on earth to which dante confesses that he did chase sins and earthly desires in his lifetime but now standing before the garden of eden and in front of an infinite love that dragged him back there he said his desires don't seem that important anymore you know it also kind of recontextualizes inferno right because throughout inferno dante was coming across these sinners who were suffering and they were in the depths of despair and misery for the sins that they had committed and dante would come to them and they would talk about uh the position of suffering they're in and dante would just kind of be like why why did you chase that why in life did you hurt people or chase after greed or whatever and they would always say i don't know i'm sorry and now here at the top of the mountain while maybe not as severe as those people in hell here in the garden of eden a symbol to the story a symbol of perfection asks him but what of your sins and he is in the exact same position as those sinners from before to where he can't answer and he just collapses not really like he got his comeuppance or anything although he did in a way but more so a call out of a false righteousness the river that separates them is known as the river leith and matilda mentioned earlier that any sinner who steps into the river will forget all of their sins so dante who has just collapsed from being so overwhelmed by his sins while in a place of perfection matilda comes to him and drags him through the river and when bringing him out on the other side dante has forgotten his sins there is an ensuing dance that follows and i know that sounds weird but the four virtuous women who i spoke of earlier they represent the virtues they come and they dance with him and bring him closer to beatrice to which whenever dante looks in beatrice eyes he can see that the griffin on the cart is reflected as an eagle and a lion to which whenever that happens the three other virtuous women finish the rest of the way and get him all the way to beatrice this is again a show of salvation the cardinal virtues the ones anyone can maintain of just being good got him to the point that he could see the reflection of the lion and the eagle both representations of god throughout the bible so once he sees god the faith which is faith hope and love can bring him the rest of the way to the side of god so now that he's there alongside the procession they begin to travel off to which dante and stadius follow yeah stadius is still there remember him the guy who freaked out and grabbed virgil's legs yeah he's not sad or emotional let's think about him there is a lot of symbolism that happens in these last couple cantos so i'm going to give brief descriptions of them although if you're interested i encourage you to read them for yourself because it's a lot the short version is as the is moving by there is a barren tree in the middle of this garden and everyone begins murmuring to themself the name adam the griffin that is leading the chariot connects a pole from the chariot to the bear tree to which the tree immediately blossoms into a beautiful creature again there is a belief in some old catholic semi-catholic tradition that the tree that jesus was crucified on was made of the wood from the tree of knowledge in the garden of eden or at the very least maybe not literally but more metaphorically so so to that metaphor adam committed the first sin and destroyed the tree to which the griffin which we established earlier is the representation of god connects the pole to it which is the cross and it blossoms into new life the angels begin singing a beautiful song when this happens to which dante falls asleep as he's now sitting in the back of a chariot and when he wakes up things get even weirder when he wakes up it is just beatrice and the virtues setting underneath a tree and again this is the very abridged version an eagle flies down and begins attacking the tree to which a vixen that is laying in the now empty chariot begins spinning around and freaking out and a serpent or dragon or scorpion thing comes up from underground and begins stinging the chariot now this is the one point in purgatory where i feel like dante gets into a little bit of the super symbolism not too much plot relevant stuff but that's okay he's earned it at this point the eagle represents governments or more specifically rome attacking the church from above the vixen lane in the chariot represents turmoil within the church freaking out and spinning around and then the serpent or dragon from underneath represents the devil quite literally physically attacking the chariot the chariot being a representation of the church itself because moments later the chariot that is now partially destroyed is covered in feathers to try to repair itself the idea being the state tried to destroy the church so the church just tried to make nice with the state and it's a pathetic excuse of what it used to be and then the vixen and a giant giant start like making out i'm not kidding in the chariot the vixen being representative of like corruption or greed in the church and the giant being representative of that greed or power within governments and i know it's representative because as soon as the vixen looks at dante the giant begins violently attacking them um so that being you know if like members of the church think they can just play nice and get in bed with the state uh the state will beat them to death and throughout this entire time beatrice and the virtues are quoting psalms and the book of john and beatrice says that one day this chariot will have a true air and this is the wildest craziest part are you ready for this there's a part where beatrice says that in the future one will come to slay the vixen and the giant and they will be known by 510 and 5 or in other words 515. to this day no one has any clue what that means in the middle of this massive symbolism of the chariot being the church and them getting in bed with the state and the state trying to kill him as eagle and satan stabbing the church and all of that beatrice goes five one five like it's a sleeper cell code and literally no one has any idea what dante was talking about the historical consensus is that this is something that literally only dante knows about i did search i did search i did some research to try to figure out what on earth they're talking about and one of the lead theories is that since it's a palindrome it goes the same way forwards and backwards this is just overall symbolism to say that it will be someone who mimics the walk of christ so maybe a reference to the second coming maybe but that is so fantastic to me that in the divine comedy there is a number code and no one can figure it out that's so cool i will also mention that when reading that part about the entrance to eden and virgil leaving i was an emotional wreck because not a lot gets to me but sacrifice for friends as well as the love of christ always makes me into a blubbering crybaby and as a matter of fact it took like six attempts for me to be able to say that to you guys without crying and the version you got was the toughest version i could manage so it was really nice to do all of that and then read about like dante just tripping out of his head and like stuff stabbing chariots and feathers everywhere and there's a giant and it like beats this vixen thing and that was great i loved it so dante and stadius continue walking with beatrice and the seven virtues until they get to the second river known as you know see the first river the river leith is so that the sinner can forget their sins and continue into the garden until they get to you know whereas leith was for forgetfulness you know is of forgiveness and whoever drinks of it will remember their sin but also recognize that they are now purged for it and ready for so much more because remember the purpose of eden in this story is that souls who are ascending from purgatory can be cleansed and then continue their path onto heaven with the river of you know being the last stop to which dante takes a drink remembering his past sins but now being refreshed and renewed from them the final lines of purgatorio read i returned from the most holy wave regenerate if as a new plant renewed with foliage knew pure and made app for mounting to the stars to which that final message about mounting to the stars refers to climbing his way through heaven which is the final part of divine comedy paradisio to which i will cover that final part in the future maybe probably depends if you want me to if you've got this far into the video i would imagine you do but you know it doesn't hurt to be sure so just let me know but with that we have now covered the entirety of dante's purgatorio and i just want to say thank you for watching that was far and away to me a much better written story than inferno and maybe i'm just biased i get why infernos cooler because there were more layers and it was more focused about like the torture that was going on and who he was running into but as someone who was like on board with all of that seeing like the departure of virgil was fantastic and like i said that garden of eden it hit me the concept of god tilling the garden every day in case his wayward son humanity ever decided to come home so that the table could be set for us as people oh my word you want to talk about powerful concepts that absolutely wrecks me i'm still not over that man anyway okay that's purgatorio um i'm really excited to read paradisio but i'm also excited so like when i got done with inferno i was like okay this was kind of cool or whatever i for one didn't know that purgatory is going to be divided into tears because i think like the tears are the coolest part so i just assumed hell would be like the coolest part i totally didn't have faith in dante alleghery i'm so sorry um i just assumed inferno would be the cool part and the rest would be like subpar but i loved purgatorio and then i did some research for it and sure enough heaven is divided into tears as well and i have no idea who's going to be there or what all that's going to entail but i'm excited for it like oh also side note i think i briefly mentioned this but there's like a mirror if you look at like hell as getting worse as it goes down and then they start at purgatory it like flips and it's the worst ones again and it works its way to less extreme which makes sense that the less bad or less penitent scent or more penitent i should say sinners are closer to the garden of eden that makes sense that you know if your goal is to go up then those who have done the least bad should be the closest to the top so it's kind of like a pyramid on top of a pyramid for your shapes of hell and actually pyramid was espresso there's just like two pyramids stacked i'm absolutely out of my mind it's like one in the morning um i've been recording for four hours but yeah i love this stuff uh i love old literature i want to do paradiso kind of soon mostly because i'm just excited to read it um to know about like what's going on and because like hell was wild that's a good line uh hell and purgatory were wild uh and i'm excited to see what dante said heaven was like um and i did like i didn't expect this story to have emotional beach just be like oh these are cool but like i said after eden i'm hooked like okay tell me what you want me to know about heaven i'm excited um but yeah this was great i loved it i also want to say that people were asking if i would cover other literature like this and i never want to get into a habit see here's the thing right a comment i saw in the dante's inferno videos was like oh well this is cool now people aren't going to go read it they could just go read this which for one thing you could say about literally any media review ever that's besides the point but also i don't want to make it like here's a very modern book that just came out and i'm just going to regurgitate what the text says uh this was written in the 1200s and every translation you find is like older english or at least the poetic ones are and i know most people aren't going to read them and there's so many cool ideas and concepts to run with like the concept of eden and of dreams and a free will being both ways and things like that um and i want to thank focus on things more with that theme and i don't want to say anything specific because i've learned my lesson about promising specific video topics and then taking months to do them um however i do have ideas for content along that line so if you like this there will be more stuff like that in the future um but yeah i'm done raining about purgatory and all that for now i'll save it for the next one but thank you all for sticking around that long if you have i want to say thank you to all of my patrons that you can see uh over here as they know and as some of you may not know now uh the patreon is now shut down um i i had always promised myself that if i ever got to a million subscribers i would not take donations from people anymore because i don't i don't need them and i'm not gonna ask money from people uh who may need that more than i do so i shut down the patreon that being said i am leaving the names of the top tier patrons in the videos for some time to come just as a thank you for giving me the platform that i have now and it means a lot so thank you thank you to all my top tier patrons who got me to this point thank you so much to my subscribers we are at 1.07 million um the one million like that plaque just came in literally as i'm filming it came in today the one mil plaque came in and there's already another 70 000 subscribers um you guys are so kind to me and i don't deserve it but it means the most thank you so much for just the continued support and everything um i'm trying to think if there's anything else uh no that should be good to go oh on the second channel there's an unboxing of that as well it's not up yet but there will be shortly the unboxing of that as well as a q a uh asked me by the members of the now um forgotten or buried patreon there's still the discord where we talk but they asked me questions before the patreon went down so there will be a q a with that at the second channel known as windygang in the description trying to build that up because i have a cool project in the works you'll see whenever it happens um but i think for now that should do it so as always i hope you enjoyed thank you for watching and i will see you in the next one bye
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Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, scary, spooky, horror, creepy, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, redacted, childhood, trauma, Mary Celeste, Flannan Isles, Eilean Mor, Island, Lighthouse, Kaz 2, Kaz II, Leviathan, Kraken, Ocean Monster, conspiracy, theory, mystery, sci fi, true crime, unsolved, panic, crazy, hysteric, hell, heaven, literary
Id: gCUFztOkrEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 15sec (4815 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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