Dante's Inferno - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis

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Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, wasup playas? Let me holla at you for a second. If you want to keep your stacks fat, my boys over at Ting.com save you money on your cell bill and putting that cash back in yo pocket. So if your cellphone company doin you straight dirty and yo mama ain't got no ends to lend you head over to thugnotes.ting.com and got $25 off your initial sign up. So show some love brah, its righteous cats like ting that keep a brother off the streets and in the library. Ya heard? Whaddap whaddap? This week on Thug Notes, it’s gettin hella hot with Dante’s Inferno. Dante must have blacked out or something cuz dis fool lost in the woods and don’t even know how he got there. He keeps truckin along til three gnarly beasties start mad doggin him. Sh*t’s bout to get real til the poet Virgil saves his ass and tell him he been sent by his old biddy Beatrice who boppin up in heaven. Dante starts trippin when he hears the screams of da Uncommitted, peeps who didn’t do sh*t with their lives. But his guide, Virgil, tells him to stop being a bitch and start their journey through the 9 circles of Hell. After gettin straight clocked out, Dante wakes up in Limbo- the first circle. Now this hood filled with all da righteous souls who lived before Christianity or never got themselves baptized. The second circle be full of lustful peeps who just couldn’t keep it in their pants. Up in here, Minos sorts all dem sinners in to the right circles. Up in the third circle be all the gluttons. Whether it be sippin too much drank, blowin too much dank, or grubbin too hard, all deez fools gettin served by Cerberus. The fourth circle packed with all dem greedy shysters who don’t do nothin but chase paper. And the fifth got all da wrathful souls scrappin on the surface of the Styx river. Then our hero rolls up to the city of Dis. Behind these walls lie homies who dun REALLY f**ked up. In the sixth circle, Dante peeps all the heretics get lit up in red-hot sepulchres. The seventh circle spillin over with homies who been violent towards others, themselves, and God. Then Dante and Virgil hop on a monster called Geryon, who takes em to Malebolge- the eighth circle. This crib sportin all dem fakers who been frontin with magic, astrology and otha sh*t. Then our boys swang over to the ice- cold 9th circle of Hell; where Satan himself be torturin all them snitch traitors of history. Virgil and Dante decide they gonna peace out and slide down The Beast’s body to Purgatory. This poem be the first part of Dante’s three-part Divine Comedy. But it ain’t called a comedy cuz Dante got jokes. You see me laughin? Most scholarly hoods point out that literary comedy starts out with some real twisted sh*t but ends up all good in the hood. And Dante’s whole shebang starts off in Hell and ends in Paradise. Listen up blood cuz Dante layin all sorts of allegory on yo bitch ass. On one level, The Inferno representin all the temptation mankind gotta rough through in order to find salvation. Dante trying to find God thinkin it ain’t no thang, but the true path, blocked by three slobberin beasts. And dem haters symbolize all the sins Dante gotta overcome before he can smoke and sip with the big G. But dat ain’t the only allegory Dante pimpin. Not only is he talkin spiritual, but he also talkin political. See in 1302, Dante got stright exiled outta Florene during a coup. And as a result, fool was just sliding aimlessly from spot to spot for the rest of his days. So the dark wood that Dante gets lost in not only representin his spirit searching for God, but also his wandering days after gettin exiled. But of all historical poets, why did Dante choose Virgil to guide him through the underworld? Wellback in the day, Virgil wrote bout how Troy’s fall led to the establishment of Rome. And just as the beginning of the Trojan’s journey to Rome was a raw grind, Dante had to man the f**k up and roll through Hell and Purgatory before getting to Heaven. Hey thanks for kickin it with your boy. Don’t stop reading and check me out next week. Peace!
Channel: Wisecrack
Views: 1,127,439
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Keywords: Inferno (Book), Dante Alighieri (Author), Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic (Film), Dante's Inferno Animated (Film), Dante's Inferno, Thug Notes, Book Review (Award Discipline), Literary Criticism (Field Of Study), Book Report, Classic Literature, Wisecrack, Humanities (Field Of Study), Education (TV Genre), Literature (Media Genre), Poetry (Literary Genre)
Id: 4LYC7Huhp7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2013
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